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Link Posted: 8/21/2012 4:19:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2012 4:26:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2012 4:36:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2012 5:51:06 PM EDT
My jaded views are greener now. Outstanding.
Link Posted: 8/22/2012 2:50:21 AM EDT
should I thank him for his service or not?  

Is there a reason you shouldn't?

As a fellow Marine I would tell him to go jump in a flaming pool of penises but he'd probably enjoy that.

Was he a reservist?  I assume so.

I hope not.

He is

He was.
Second row, middle ribbon is the Selected Marine Corps Reserve Medal


No good cookie from AD time, just the Selected Marine Corps Reserve Medal



Well, I'm proof most reservists are hard-chargers!
Link Posted: 8/22/2012 3:08:16 AM EDT

Fucking Kokesh? Really?

Link Posted: 8/22/2012 7:46:10 PM EDT

Sorry can't think of anything else to say

Derailed thread..wow.
Link Posted: 8/22/2012 7:59:08 PM EDT


He posted statuses about committing treason.

Treason is a big deal, even if you're not serious.

treason is not a big deal, our government officials do it all the time with no repercussions.

Link Posted: 8/23/2012 5:59:22 AM EDT
Yeah, he is a disgusting piece of shit, who for whatever reason the libertarian movement seems to idolize. Anyone who goes around encouraging US Soldiers to become deserters is.

Don't lump me in with that asshole.
Link Posted: 8/23/2012 6:25:56 AM EDT




My experience in life, military experience isn't the only kind of experience there is. The only time I've seen someone go nuts quickly was from drugs.

And, again, I said CAME CLOSE. Saying you are going to stage a revolt and threatening the lives of officers comes close.

Quit being willfully dense.

Best of luck in basic, sounds like you're going to need it. You should ask to have your screen name changed to 'that guy'.

No, I take orders well.

When someone puts words in my mouth I get understandably upset.

What AFSC did you sign up for?
Link Posted: 8/23/2012 10:37:26 AM EDT
Circuit judge has ordered him released, finding no facts to support his detention

Judge also ruled that his rights were violated. Whoever arrested him and sought the TDO (presumably Chesterfield PD) is going to get spanked on this one.
Link Posted: 8/23/2012 12:55:10 PM EDT
Circuit judge has ordered him released, finding no facts to support his detention

Judge also ruled that his rights were violated. Whoever arrested him and sought the TDO (presumably Chesterfield PD) is going to get spanked on this one.

yep 1983 action
Link Posted: 8/23/2012 1:00:10 PM EDT
Circuit judge has ordered him released, finding no facts to support his detention

Judge also ruled that his rights were violated. Whoever arrested him and sought the TDO (presumably Chesterfield PD) is going to get spanked on this one.

yep 1983 action

It's pretty rare for a judge around here to not only say "release him," but to go beyond the immediate controversy and say "you also violated his rights." Does not bode well for the government agents involved in his detention.
Link Posted: 8/23/2012 1:18:15 PM EDT
True here too
Link Posted: 8/23/2012 5:05:02 PM EDT
Circuit judge has ordered him released, finding no facts to support his detention

Judge also ruled that his rights were violated. Whoever arrested him and sought the TDO (presumably Chesterfield PD) is going to get spanked on this one.

yep 1983 action

It's pretty rare for a judge around here to not only say "release him," but to go beyond the immediate controversy and say "you also violated his rights." Does not bode well for the government agents involved in his detention.

That is pretty unusual anywhere.  Judges are generally pretty good at only commenting on the specific legal questions before them.
Link Posted: 8/25/2012 11:36:57 AM EDT
Hold on a minute....

So, now the government, without charges or warrants, can forcibly detain an American Citizen, a decorated marine to boot, in a mental institution....because he posts stuff on facebook? He was not arrested nor charged with any crime...just driven to the booby hatch!

And....nobody here has a problem with that?

How about the 'shrink' who threatened him with forced medication and brainwashing?

I don't subscribe to Raub's 'truther' shit, or share some of his political views....but I'll defend his right to say whatever he wants short of making direct threats against other individuals.

Apparently, the Black Panthers can publicly advocate killing white babies....and not be sent to a mental institution....but let a veteran quote some song lyrics on Facebook.....

One of the guidelines in the 1963 Communist Goals as entered into the Congressional Record reads: Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.


I'm happy that people were able to get him loose....but it begs the question as to how many others have disappeared into this type of clandestine internment. I hear that Virginia alone has over 20 thousand civil commitments each year....and there are comparable statutes on the books in many other states. It is happening across the country...and some veteran's groups are receiving numerous reports of this practice happening.

Nobody has a problem with people being forced into loony bins for saying something the Government doesn't like?

I never dreamed I'd live to see the US Government 'disappear' it's citizens. I thought that was the practice only in 3rd world central american shitholes. I guess I'm wrong.

Link Posted: 8/25/2012 9:36:26 PM EDT
Hold on a minute....

So, now the government, without charges or warrants, can forcibly detain an American Citizen, a decorated marine to boot

Hardly decorated  

Link Posted: 8/26/2012 10:53:10 PM EDT



Hold on a minute....

So, now the government, without charges or warrants, can forcibly detain an American Citizen, a decorated marine to boot

Hardly decorated

That the best you got?

What do you call the stuff on his chest?

Link Posted: 8/27/2012 6:55:33 AM EDT

My experience in life, military experience isn't the only kind of experience there is. The only time I've seen someone go nuts quickly was from drugs.

And, again, I said CAME CLOSE. Saying you are going to stage a revolt and threatening the lives of officers comes close.

Quit being willfully dense.

Best of luck in basic, sounds like you're going to need it.   You should ask to have your screen name changed to 'that guy'.

No, I take orders well.
When someone puts words in my mouth I get understandably upset.

LOL Good luck in the military then. Im just glad you are not joining the Corps.

Me too, the uniform doesn't do it for me.

The Marine dress is extremely sharp. I only wish my AF dress looked half as good.

Also to add to this whole conversation. When you join the military you no longer have a personal opinion. You represent America's past and future. With that said, MEPS is only the first stage of weeding out the bad eggs out of the military. Also, when an O-5 tells you to shut the up. You shut the up.
Link Posted: 8/27/2012 7:06:52 AM EDT




Hold on a minute....

So, now the government, without charges or warrants, can forcibly detain an American Citizen, a decorated marine to boot

Hardly decorated

That the best you got?

What do you call the stuff on his chest?


The only "decorations" he has are the NAM, CAR , SMRM, the rest are Campaign and Service Medals or Citation Ribbons.
Link Posted: 8/27/2012 7:09:24 AM EDT


Hold on a minute....

So, now the government, without charges or warrants, can forcibly detain an American Citizen, a decorated marine to boot

Hardly decorated

That the best you got?

What do you call the stuff on his chest?


The only "decorations" he has are the NAM, CAR , SMRM, the rest are Campaign and Service Medals or Citation Ribbons.

Who cares. Even if the guy was never in the military at all, he got railroaded. You guys are worrying about which ribbons he has and how good a Marine he may or may not have been, when the point is that a man just got imprisoned for doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment rights.
Link Posted: 8/27/2012 7:29:09 AM EDT


Hold on a minute....

So, now the government, without charges or warrants, can forcibly detain an American Citizen, a decorated marine to boot

Hardly decorated

That the best you got?

What do you call the stuff on his chest?


The only "decorations" he has are the NAM, CAR , SMRM, the rest are Campaign and Service Medals or Citation Ribbons.

Who cares. Even if the guy was never in the military at all, he got railroaded. You guys are worrying about which ribbons he has and how good a Marine he may or may not have been, when the point is that a man just got imprisoned for doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment rights.

Agreed. I really don't give a shit if he was a terrible soldier who got dishonorably discharged... or no soldier at all. It doesn't change anything.

This whole thing was bullshit and a very dangerous precedent.
Link Posted: 8/27/2012 7:37:04 AM EDT
Nutcase:  Who is it?  Is this the RLOVEUTION?  I'm ready to lead!
FBI:  Uh... yeah... come on.  We stole a cop car.  Hop in and we'll take you to headquarters.
Nutcase:  Right on, let's go!
Link Posted: 8/27/2012 7:50:27 AM EDT
GD is a perfect illustration of why the founding principles of this nation were spot on. Here we see that because this guys views are unpopular their is little concern for his individual rights. Thank God for the inspired men who founded this nation knew to protect the individual against the mob.
Link Posted: 8/29/2012 10:08:13 PM EDT
If you manage to make it through basic training, and that is a major "if", I don't think you will last more than 6 months in the service, bad conduct discharge, multiple UCMJ's and countless hours of extra duty are in your future.
Link Posted: 8/29/2012 10:11:04 PM EDT

My experience in life, military experience isn't the only kind of experience there is. The only time I've seen someone go nuts quickly was from drugs.

And, again, I said CAME CLOSE. Saying you are going to stage a revolt and threatening the lives of officers comes close.

Quit being willfully dense.

Best of luck in basic, sounds like you're going to need it.   You should ask to have your screen name changed to 'that guy'.

No, I take orders well.
When someone puts words in my mouth I get understandably upset.

LOL Good luck in the military then. Im just glad you are not joining the Corps.

Me too, the uniform doesn't do it for me.

I really think this might might be better served in the BEAR PIT, anyone else second this?

Link Posted: 8/30/2012 8:01:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/30/2012 9:43:14 AM EDT
anyone else creeped out by the fact he looks like the CO shooter?
Link Posted: 8/30/2012 10:02:29 AM EDT


Hold on a minute....

So, now the government, without charges or warrants, can forcibly detain an American Citizen, a decorated marine to boot

Hardly decorated

That the best you got?

What do you call the stuff on his chest?


The only "decorations" he has are the NAM, CAR , SMRM, the rest are Campaign and Service Medals or Citation Ribbons.

Hey Jarhead––check your condescension. There are a lot of Marines who did some pretty heroic shit and only got a NAM with a V.
Link Posted: 8/30/2012 10:07:46 AM EDT






Hold on a minute....

So, now the government, without charges or warrants, can forcibly detain an American Citizen, a decorated marine to boot

Hardly decorated

That the best you got?

What do you call the stuff on his chest?


The only "decorations" he has are the NAM, CAR , SMRM, the rest are Campaign and Service Medals or Citation Ribbons.

Hey Jarhead––check your condescension. There are a lot of Marines who did some pretty heroic shit and only got a NAM with a V.

Hey I'm not being condescending! I'm pointing something out. And decorations don't necessarily make someone an uberfuckin patriotic, good person. Plenty of shitbags have been decorated, so all in all the fact he has a NAM and a CAR has no fucking bearing on the present situation.

Link Posted: 8/30/2012 10:15:26 AM EDT



Hold on a minute....

So, now the government, without charges or warrants, can forcibly detain an American Citizen, a decorated marine to boot

Hardly decorated

That the best you got?

What do you call the stuff on his chest?


The only "decorations" he has are the NAM, CAR , SMRM, the rest are Campaign and Service Medals or Citation Ribbons.

Hey Jarhead––check your condescension. There are a lot of Marines who did some pretty heroic shit and only got a NAM with a V.
Hey I'm not being condescending! I'm pointing something out. And decorations don't necessarily make someone an uberfuckin patriotic, good person. Plenty of shitbags have been decorated, so all in all the fact he has a NAM and a CAR has no fucking bearing on the present situation.


Well he did something right to get that NAM. Talking down on it (the NAM) degrades the acts of other Marines––not just this guy. Give credit where credit is due. Sometimes the award matched the rank and not the deed, and I think you know this. There are some officers out there getting bronze stars for less.

I'm not sure how I feel about this guy. He sounds pretty out there, but I met some Marines who hated GWB on equal footing and never seemed to get in any trouble for it.
Link Posted: 9/2/2012 8:51:53 AM EDT

My experience in life, military experience isn't the only kind of experience there is. The only time I've seen someone go nuts quickly was from drugs.

And, again, I said CAME CLOSE. Saying you are going to stage a revolt and threatening the lives of officers comes close.

Quit being willfully dense.

Best of luck in basic, sounds like you're going to need it.   You should ask to have your screen name changed to 'that guy'.

No, I take orders well.
When someone puts words in my mouth I get understandably upset.

Christ, I hope you don't end up in a future squadron of mine. I've gotten rid of enough Gen-X entitled snowflakes.
Link Posted: 9/2/2012 9:01:54 AM EDT
I don't think "patriotic" facebook posts had anything to do with this.

The guy is clearly a conspiracy theorist nutjob truther.

Items of possible concern:
Sharpen up my axe; I'm here to sever heads.

and this:
The Revolution will come for me. Men will be at my door soon to pick me up to lead it. ;)

and these:
The Revolution is here. And I will lead it.

I'm starting the Revolution. I'm done waiting.

This is the part where I tell the Federal Government to go fuck itself. This is the part where I tell Generals, training our young men to fight Americans, I am coming for you. The Veterans will be with me.

Dude is a douche of the highest order. Anyone down with adam Kokesh should shove their heads in a oven.

Link Posted: 9/2/2012 9:49:15 AM EDT

My experience in life, military experience isn't the only kind of experience there is. The only time I've seen someone go nuts quickly was from drugs.

And, again, I said CAME CLOSE. Saying you are going to stage a revolt and threatening the lives of officers comes close.

Quit being willfully dense.

Best of luck in basic, sounds like you're going to need it.   You should ask to have your screen name changed to 'that guy'.

No, I take orders well.
When someone puts words in my mouth I get understandably upset.

Christ, I hope you don't end up in a future squadron of mine. I've gotten rid of enough Gen-X entitled snowflakes.

Gen X are people born from mid-early 60's to maybe, 1980 or so.  We are all at least in our 30's with some of us in our mid-40's.  We followed the baby boomers and our parents were typically from the silent generation.

You are dealing with Gen Y's and their parents are typically boomers.  Good luck with that.  
Link Posted: 9/2/2012 10:08:24 AM EDT
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
Link Posted: 9/3/2012 6:15:46 AM EDT
I don't think "patriotic" facebook posts had anything to do with this.

The guy is clearly a conspiracy theorist nutjob truther.

Items of possible concern:
Sharpen up my axe; I'm here to sever heads.

and this:
The Revolution will come for me. Men will be at my door soon to pick me up to lead it. ;)

and these:
The Revolution is here. And I will lead it.

I'm starting the Revolution. I'm done waiting.

This is the part where I tell the Federal Government to go fuck itself. This is the part where I tell Generals, training our young men to fight Americans, I am coming for you. The Veterans will be with me.

Dude is a douche of the highest order. Anyone down with adam Kokesh should shove their heads in a oven.

I agree for the most part, but none of that should get him locked up.  Very similar stuff is posted on this site pretty often.  Some sig lines are even pretty close.
Link Posted: 9/3/2012 6:20:02 AM EDT
Dude is a douche of the highest order. Anyone down with adam Kokesh should shove their heads in a oven.

Link Posted: 9/3/2012 6:48:29 AM EDT






Hold on a minute....

So, now the government, without charges or warrants, can forcibly detain an American Citizen, a decorated marine to boot

Hardly decorated

That the best you got?

What do you call the stuff on his chest?


The only "decorations" he has are the NAM, CAR , SMRM, the rest are Campaign and Service Medals or Citation Ribbons.

Who cares. Even if the guy was never in the military at all, he got railroaded. You guys are worrying about which ribbons he has and how good a Marine he may or may not have been, when the point is that a man just got imprisoned for doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment rights.

That was my original point. I'm not really worried about his 'decorations'....I was just called out for mentioning it - as was reported in the media.

Incrementalisim, anybody?

Link Posted: 9/3/2012 6:49:23 AM EDT

My experience in life, military experience isn't the only kind of experience there is. The only time I've seen someone go nuts quickly was from drugs.

And, again, I said CAME CLOSE. Saying you are going to stage a revolt and threatening the lives of officers comes close.

Quit being willfully dense.

Best of luck in basic, sounds like you're going to need it.   You should ask to have your screen name changed to 'that guy'.

No, I take orders well.
When someone puts words in my mouth I get understandably upset.

Christ, I hope you don't end up in a future squadron of mine. I've gotten rid of enough Gen-X entitled snowflakes.

Gen X are people born from mid-early 60's to maybe, 1980 or so.  We are all at least in our 30's with some of us in our mid-40's.  We followed the baby boomers and our parents were typically from the silent generation.

You are dealing with Gen Y's and their parents are typically boomers.  Good luck with that.  

The definition of Generation X has changed so much it's hard to keep track - I agree I've definitely doesn't include anyone in their 20s, though.  For a while, it didn't include many who would now be in their /30s.  I can remember seeing the term in the '80s used to refer only to those born form the late '50s to the early '70s.  Opinions about what defines a generation seem to vary as the years go buy.  It's as if the increasing prominence of the '80s - in particular the events of the late '80s - have helped stretch the definition of the "X" generation to include everyone who experienced it while somewhat young, but old enough to understand.

I definitely wouldn't label anyone who really grew up after the end of the Cold War as part of "X."
Link Posted: 9/3/2012 8:59:06 AM EDT
Circuit judge has ordered him released, finding no facts to support his detention

Judge also ruled that his rights were violated. Whoever arrested him and sought the TDO (presumably Chesterfield PD) is going to get spanked on this one.

yep 1983 action

It's pretty rare for a judge around here to not only say "release him," but to go beyond the immediate controversy and say "you also violated his rights." Does not bode well for the government agents involved in his detention.

there are a shit pot full of idiotic judges just like there are idiots in any other profession. Ive had them tell me all kinds of stupid shit.

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