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Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:24:25 AM EDT
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Why is that sad?  Surely the congregation knew that before electing to split?
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Our (UMC) church burned down a few years ago. The building was fully insured. Between that, multiple fundraisers, and private donations it was rebuilt bigger than ever. However, it was required that the building be given to the UMC organization, despite them not even providing any legal support dealing with the insurance company. The payments for the building are funded by tithes and local operations; the UMC does not materially support the church whatsoever to my knowledge.

You're right that that's how it is, but it's pretty damn stupid for a congregation which can be dated back to the very early 1800s to give up its church building to an organization when they pay for it. Lots of things need to change with the UMC.

I like and grew up in my congregation, I despise the UMC as an organization. I hope they split just because the UMC is so scummy and political. Many people want to go to church with the congregation they know, they don't want to deal with this shit.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:28:00 AM EDT
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The Local Methodist church had a great Pastor, active in the community, well loved. Well, they have a three year policy for pastors, so off he goes.
Ever since it has been SJW after SJW. Women pastors who are more concerned about vegetable gardens than gospel. This doesn't surprise me in the least.
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This describes my 68 year old parents' church (where I grew up) as well.
They have to hold separate services with "new style" and "old style" songs and sermons.
A parade of women pastors that everyone despise.
My parents are as religious as anyone you can imagine.
They basically stopped going to church, and have been intermittently going to alternate churches.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:28:28 AM EDT
what is the most conservative Christian Denomination now? Methodists are all about gays and open borders now.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:32:08 AM EDT
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what is the most conservative Christian Denomination now? Methodists are all about gays and open borders now.
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Probably independent Baptist and Churches of Christ. I'm COC and our creed is "where the Bible speaks, we speak. Where the Bible is silent, we are silent". You won't get any sugar coated mesaages.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:36:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:37:17 AM EDT
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I know of two churches local to me that split off over this. Sad part is that the UMC owns all land and buildings for all of the UMC churches, so the individual congregations that are dropping out of the association are having to buy the land and church buildings.
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For some churches this may be a problem.  Here in Illinois UMC is closing churches by the bushel and the buildings are worthless in rural areas.  Houses are already setting empty due to the great migration out of Illinois.  My childhood church was sold to the cemetery behind it for $10.  It is the same families so that worked out fine.

UMC has been bleeding congregation members for generations.  They keep getting more and more liberal, and upon seeing their numbers decline, they decide they are not liberal enough!  Talk about doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result.

It is a sad situation that will not get any better.  The funny part is the African contingent will soon exceed the US contingent in numbers and the Africans want nothing to do with this liberal nonsense.  That is why the US is voting now before the Africans out vote them.

I know more former Methodists than I do practicing members.  What a joke!  And they talk about bringing non-believers to Christ as if we live in a atheistic country.  Just bring back the Christians forced to leave because of this liberal hogwash!
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:39:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:43:29 AM EDT
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what is the most conservative Christian Denomination now? Methodists are all about gays and open borders now.
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The traditional wing of the RCC, some of the baptists, and some of the evangelicals.

There's a local pro-life women's shelter for women in crisis pregnancies with kids (most shelters won't take women who already have kids). They provide housing (they own a few houses), supplies, counseling, training, medical care, etc and help these women keep their baby and current kids. And set them on a path to success.

Anyway, out of all the churches, including a bunch of mainlines, in our town only the Catholic churches and Lifepoint support them. The rest support abortion, so I guess it would be a bad look to help out.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:43:46 AM EDT
I have a friend who will be covering the vote (writes for one of the Methodist mags) "live".  She was in Portland at the last conference and the LBGT folks were really militant then. They are not taking NO for an answer and want to change a church rather than go to a "church" that aligns with them.

This is going to be a shit show of the highest order.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:44:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:45:22 AM EDT
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The Local Methodist church had a great Pastor, active in the community, well loved. Well, they have a three year policy for pastors, so off he goes.
Ever since it has been SJW after SJW. Women pastors who are more concerned about vegetable gardens than gospel. This doesn't surprise me in the least.
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I stopped going to the Methodist church about 25 years ago.

Several reasons:

1. They support the communist World Council of Churches (WCC).  I do not want 1 red cent of my money going to the WCC.
2. They brought in a woman preacher who preached women's lib crap from the pulpit.
3. Even the male preachers don't seem to have a copy of the Bible---or if they do, they are not taking sermons from them.  Sermons come from some talking points that the Methodist headquarters sends out to the preachers.
4. They accepted openly gay members a few years ago.
5. They will soon accept openly gay preachers.
6. I had belonged to and supported an adult couples Sunday School class for years and the Church for years, and when I got hit with a divorce, NOBODY (zero, none) ever called me or talked to me to ask if I was OK.  (I wasn't, but I am now.)  I figured out that they are not Christians.

There is an independent Methodist Church association that tends to adhere to the Bible:

Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:48:29 AM EDT
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I have a friend who will be covering the vote (writes for one of the Methodist mags) "live".  She was in Portland at the last conference and the LBGT folks were really militant then. They are not taking NO for an answer and want to change a church rather than go to a "church" that aligns with them.

This is going to be a shit show of the highest order.
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It's what happened to the Anglicans.

You hold a vote, because voting on the issue shows you care about people's opinions. They lose. Then they have another vote. and another. And another. Until they win. Then you're never allowed to vote on the issue again.

Father Dwight Longenecker talks about it.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:51:02 AM EDT
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Typical Protestants.  Give them enough time and there won't be any churches left.. Everyone will have split off and started their own church.  Church of Mike and Church of Gwen and Church of......

ETA: And many left in disappointment because what Jesus said was too difficult to accept.
 (Real Presence)
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Well, I mean, they were who started things here and everything.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:51:10 AM EDT
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When I moved to this area we attended a church with a pastor that said, "that might not be popular preaching, but it is Biblical preaching".

He also went to the original texts in order to translate them himself
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Jerry Falwell was one that spoke the truth and did not mince words. It pissed a lot of people off, but the man never waivered or waffled on what he believed. I really miss him.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:52:17 AM EDT
It's always amazing to me how cyclical history is, all aspects of history.

So a major religious denomination is having some internal disagreements and is going to "splinter" because of it ..... neva ben dun befo
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:52:40 AM EDT
I find it highly amusing that Christianity, a faith based upon "follow these rules or you are a sinner," has multiple sects splitting up because a militant wing is all "we don't want to be judgmental."

That's not a slam on Christianity, just an observation that the "love everyone no matter what" has completely swallowed up the whole concept of "God has standards of behavior that you're expected to meet."
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 9:57:59 AM EDT
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I hate to say it, but church is a business. If they want more contributions they just allow everything and everybody to be more inclusive and not say boo. I am appalled by the way parishioners attend Church and how parents let their kids wear tramp clothes. (Would you let your 15 year old daughter walk up to take communion wearing a T-Shirt that says "Who says money can't buy you love?" ) Society has no standards, because we are now taught that standards are judgmental. So this is the shit you have. Enjoy.
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^^ This in a nutshell.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:00:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:03:20 AM EDT
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I find it highly amusing that Christianity, a faith based upon "follow these rules or you are a sinner," has multiple sects splitting up because a militant wing is all "we don't want to be judgmental."

That's not a slam on Christianity, just an observation that the "love everyone no matter what" has completely swallowed up the whole concept of "God has standards of behavior that you're expected to meet."
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Apparently you don't know much about Christianity.  If you follow the rules, you are still a sinner, everyone of us. That's why we need God's saving grace.

You want supreme court justices that follow the Constition, don't you? That's what most Christians want, is for the church to follow the Bible. You see, the Bible has never changed, man has. That is the problem. Just like a court that has strayed from the Constitution, a church that has conformed to the world is a church that has outlived its usefulness.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:04:52 AM EDT
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Our family left one of the largest UMC's in Oklahoma last year due to a liberal flameout from LGBTQwhatever along with the massive onslaught of female clergy and a new female Pastor.

the bible specifically says that a female cannot be head of a church.
females are the back bone of the church in function but not in those roles.

it got too bizarre.
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Our local UMC church got a lady pastor last year.

I hear she gives a real fire and brimstone message once a month.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:13:02 AM EDT
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Apparently you don't know much about Christianity.  If you follow the rules, you are still a sinner, everyone of us. That's why we need God's saving grace.

You want supreme court justices that follow the Constition, don't you? That's what most Christians want, is for the church to follow the Bible. You see, the Bible has never changed, man has. That is the problem. Just like a court that has strayed from the Constitution, a church that has conformed to the world is a church that has outlived its usefulness.
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I find it highly amusing that Christianity, a faith based upon "follow these rules or you are a sinner," has multiple sects splitting up because a militant wing is all "we don't want to be judgmental."

That's not a slam on Christianity, just an observation that the "love everyone no matter what" has completely swallowed up the whole concept of "God has standards of behavior that you're expected to meet."
Apparently you don't know much about Christianity.  If you follow the rules, you are still a sinner, everyone of us. That's why we need God's saving grace.

You want supreme court justices that follow the Constition, don't you? That's what most Christians want, is for the church to follow the Bible. You see, the Bible has never changed, man has. That is the problem. Just like a court that has strayed from the Constitution, a church that has conformed to the world is a church that has outlived its usefulness.
In your zeal to berate me with your supposedly-superior knowledge of Christianity, you utterly and completely missed my point.  But you be you, Hero.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:13:32 AM EDT
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it." Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the alias Lenin.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:14:10 AM EDT
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Our local UMC church got a lady pastor last year.

I hear she gives a real fire and brimstone message once a month.
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Our family left one of the largest UMC's in Oklahoma last year due to a liberal flameout from LGBTQwhatever along with the massive onslaught of female clergy and a new female Pastor.

the bible specifically says that a female cannot be head of a church.
females are the back bone of the church in function but not in those roles.

it got too bizarre.
Our local UMC church got a lady pastor last year.

I hear she gives a real fire and brimstone message once a month.
Maybe, but for every one good one it seems like you get 50 with short grey hair, wearing weird outfits, and being all SJW.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:16:47 AM EDT
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Catholic church will be next. Current Pope is a fucking commie.
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Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:16:51 AM EDT
The Mormon church is the one true way, you fucking heathens.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:16:56 AM EDT
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Maybe, but for every one good one it seems like you get 50 with short grey hair, wearing weird outfits, and being all SJW.
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Our family left one of the largest UMC's in Oklahoma last year due to a liberal flameout from LGBTQwhatever along with the massive onslaught of female clergy and a new female Pastor.

the bible specifically says that a female cannot be head of a church.
females are the back bone of the church in function but not in those roles.

it got too bizarre.
Our local UMC church got a lady pastor last year.

I hear she gives a real fire and brimstone message once a month.
Maybe, but for every one good one it seems like you get 50 with short grey hair, wearing weird outfits, and being all SJW.

Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:16:57 AM EDT
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In your zeal to berate me with your supposedly-superior knowledge of Christianity, you utterly and completely missed my point.  But you be you, Hero.
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What an asinine reply. I was not berating you. I just believe you are I'll informed on why people are fed up with the church's march to the left. It's not people "being judgemntal" in the out of context way that that bit is used all the time.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:17:10 AM EDT
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I find it highly amusing that Christianity, a faith based upon "follow these rules or you are a sinner," has multiple sects splitting up because a militant wing is all "we don't want to be judgmental."

That's not a slam on Christianity, just an observation that the "love everyone no matter what" has completely swallowed up the whole concept of "God has standards of behavior that you're expected to meet."
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I know you are not slamming Christianity so I am not attacking. However, it is not "Follow the rules or you are a sinner". That is actually backward. We are all already sinners. We are already lost. Following rules never can redeem and following rules never brings us to forgiveness.

Laws or rules were and are designed to do one thing. Show us how far we have fallen and how far we are away from the moral standard that God expects. Perfection. Only by the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross are we able to have His righteousness applied to our account. Otherwise, the rules are to push us to seek a way to satisfy the requirements of God's moral standard.

As far as what else you are saying, you are absolutely correct. In our culture the church has moved to a "we are just called to love, love, love". They ignore the dichotomy of God. God is love. Absolutely. God is also Holy and righteous. He will judge and that judgment is not based on what the culture says but what His standards dictate.

I ran across a quote by Bob Deffinbaugh. He says, "God's Righteousness, in relationship to man, is their conformity to a standard...God is not defined by the term Righteous as much as righteous is defined by God. God is not measured by the standard of righteousness; God sets the standard of righteousness."

Sadly, God has become our friend or our buddy. The big man upstairs. These statements put into an anemic perspective of who God really is and how and what God expects from us as His creation.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:17:21 AM EDT
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In your zeal to berate me with your supposedly-superior knowledge of Christianity, you utterly and completely missed my point.  But you be you, Hero.
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Actually you spewed a bunch of assumptions about Christianity that are untrue...he didn't miss your point...you didn't have a valid one...no offense...
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:18:14 AM EDT
BLUF:  'Africa wins again.'

The upcoming drama in the United Methodist Church is absolutely delicious in a SJW vs. Racial Minority way.  The African and Asian delegates to the special session General Conference are almost homophobic in their aversion to LGBTQ+ contamination of the Church.  The SJW's will be fighting tooth and nail to advance their agenda.  When the two forces collide, there will be sparks igniting an explosion that leaves the UMC, as we know it today, in tatters.  It's funny how the SJW's in the Church promoted missionairies and church building in Africa and now that decision is coming back to haunt them.  What's even funnier is the apportionments (dues) that the SJW congregations pay to the UMC HQ will be used to purchase airfare from Africa for the delegates who will vote against them!  Ultimately, the Africans bring the force that abolishes the 'United' from the name of the denomination.  Take that you White, wealthy SJW!  LOL

What is sad is delegates probably won't be able to come to a decision or else the plan they vote out will be so amended and changed that it won't be passed at the GC in 2020.  In effect, they will kick the can down the road AGAIN.  Meanwhile, the Church is bleeding out.  It's just a matter of time before the global UMC is unsustainable.  I am praying for a 'generous exit' provision that allows my congregation to leave with the assets WE purchased.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:21:53 AM EDT
I was raised a Methodist. IME with two congregations, Methodists believe in nothing except dogmatic "liberalism."
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:27:23 AM EDT
Ah the long march through the institutions continues. No group is immune.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:30:50 AM EDT
Many Bible based conservative congregations are joining the Wesleyan  Covenant Association in preparation for a split.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:34:36 AM EDT
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Big problem right there as women are not allowed to be pastors or teach men in any spiritual way, according to God not me
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Poor Phoebe.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:40:53 AM EDT
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That's fucking hilarious, given your socialist, near communist Pope.
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Meh, In a few years we'll be rid of him.

Will the Protestants be rid of the homosexuals?
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:50:23 AM EDT
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Meh, In a few years we'll be rid of him.

Will the Protestants be rid of the homosexuals?
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That's fucking hilarious, given your socialist, near communist Pope.
Meh, In a few years we'll be rid of him.

Will the Protestants be rid of the homosexuals?
No they won't

"The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has become the fourth Protestant denomination in the U.S. to allow the ordination of gay and lesbian clergy.

It follows a majority vote by the 173 presbyteries (district governing bodies) on Tuesday to change the body’s constitution in order to allow openly gay people in same-sex relationships to be ordained as ministers, elders and deacons."
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:51:49 AM EDT
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That congregation paid all the money to build, maintain and operate that church. The denomination left them by abandoning it's core beliefs, yet the local church had to pay them just to keep what they built.
Often denominations will take title of properties to help defend the local church against slip and fall lawsuits. Lawyers are less inclined to go up against an international organization with lawyers on retainer than a local congregation. These setups seem great when the denomination is in line with the beliefs of the local church. As we see here though, leftists take over the national organization and it becomes a nightmare.
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As I have noted, this is exactly what happened with the Episcopal church in the 1970s. The leftists came in and bullied their way to the top, then would not allow the old guard to even speak at the conventions. Also... at least once, there were more ballots cast than there were delegates to cast them.
Read "Divided We Stand" for more info on this. It's a poorly-written book but it has lots of the history of the church.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:53:02 AM EDT
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Typical Protestants.  Give them enough time and there won't be any churches left.. Everyone will have split off and started their own church.  Church of Mike and Church of Gwen and Church of......

ETA: And many left in disappointment because what Jesus said was too difficult to accept.
 (Real Presence)
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Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:53:45 AM EDT
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Never heard it put that way, but yes, that's the one.

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What's that one fake church that LARPs as Christian - Episcopalian?
Never heard it put that way, but yes, that's the one.

It's the church from which one priestess stated "Abortion should be treated as a sacrament." Another professed her Christian AND Muslim beliefs, saying that they were compatible. (At least her bishop chastized her.)
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:56:17 AM EDT
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what is the most conservative Christian Denomination now? Methodists are all about gays and open borders now.
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Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:59:19 AM EDT
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Meh, In a few years we'll be rid of him.

Will the Protestants be rid of the homosexuals?
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Doesn't really make for a great dig when your holy men keep fucking little boys... and your church continues to cover for it.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 10:59:46 AM EDT
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I find it highly amusing that Christianity, a faith based upon "follow these rules or you are a sinner," has multiple sects splitting up because a militant wing is all "we don't want to be judgmental."

That's not a slam on Christianity, just an observation that the "love everyone no matter what" has completely swallowed up the whole concept of "God has standards of behavior that you're expected to meet."
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That concept was never New Testament Christianity.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:00:02 AM EDT
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Maybe, but for every one good one it seems like you get 50 with short grey hair, wearing weird outfits, and being all SJW.
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Our family left one of the largest UMC's in Oklahoma last year due to a liberal flameout from LGBTQwhatever along with the massive onslaught of female clergy and a new female Pastor.

the bible specifically says that a female cannot be head of a church.
females are the back bone of the church in function but not in those roles.

it got too bizarre.
Our local UMC church got a lady pastor last year.

I hear she gives a real fire and brimstone message once a month.
Maybe, but for every one good one it seems like you get 50 with short grey hair, wearing weird outfits, and being all SJW.
"SWOOSH"... "What was that..." ???
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:01:55 AM EDT
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Where does covering up massive sexual abuse and protecting offenders figure into that?
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Regardless of what happens in the cabal within the Catholic church, official doctrine has wavered little over centuries.

Many protestant denominations change course every time a committee assembles
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:03:38 AM EDT
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what is the most conservative Christian Denomination now? Methodists are all about gays and open borders now.
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Westboro Baptist or Amish
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:05:34 AM EDT
This thread is full of generalizations and hyperbole.

I married into Methodism. I was reared Southern Baptist. Our church is a small church in a small town with a dozen other churches.

Our congregation is 100% conservative, just like our town. This "split" has been talked about so much over the past few years most people are tired of hearing about it, and just want it done and over.

Our current preacher is an Air Force brat farm boy. One of my previous pastors is a current Army Chaplain. My in-laws Methodist pastor conceal carries while he is in the pulpit.

My in-laws family has/had two methodist pastors, both in more metropolitan areas. One was more libertarian than anything, he passed away recently. My aunt-in-law, the other, is very liberal.

My point is, the views of an individual church will reflect the views of a community. Otherwise, there would be no church.

With all that said, I have served on various committees and have become disillusioned with the UMC as a whole.

The apportionments each church has to pay, or as I call them a franchise fee, are onerous and a burden for a small church.

The publicity that the UMC generates nationwide is not conducive to a vibrant church in a small conservative town, even if the entire congregation and it's preacher share the same views as the baptists across the street.

I've already told my wife we will change churches depending on how things go. We will most likely try the Congregational Methodist church down the street from our church.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:10:03 AM EDT
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Yep. ECUSA had the same situation 10 or 12 years ago. My parents congregation broke off and wound up under I believe the Anglican Diocese of Uganda for a time.
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A friend of mine died about 10 years ago after knee surgery.  A friend of his was a bivocational Episcopal priest.  He had to go under the same Docese in Africa just to find one that agreed with Scripture.

We were warned about this 2000 years ago:  "You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." James 4:4
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:10:53 AM EDT
Paul's letter to Timothy covers this succinctly (2 Ti 4:3 ESV).

I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom  preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:20:16 AM EDT
Look at two numbers:
- About 3% of Americans are gay.  
- About 60% of Americans do not attend church regularly.

The Methodist debate is whether gay Americans should be employed as clergy.  This shows how truly disconnected the church leadership is.  
Instead of arguing about the rights of those 3%, why aren't the Methodists arguing about how to get those 60% of Americans back in church?

The Methodist church doesn't seem to care about the concerns of 97% of the community.  That's why so many people don't attend church.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:27:20 AM EDT
it is a dark day for Christianity in America when the churches are known more for the social causes they support rather than the faith they say they believe.
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