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Link Posted: 1/14/2022 3:09:21 AM EDT
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I think you would fit in nicely in Northern Idaho, if you could find property. Property values have shot up as people flee Blue states.
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I've looked, it's so expensive compared to Florida.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 3:25:10 AM EDT
Northern Arizona.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 3:43:45 AM EDT
South Dakota. It gets cold, but I think it meets all of the requirements you listed.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 4:28:29 AM EDT
Think temperate climate    Surviving brutal cold winters is hard.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 7:27:48 AM EDT
Check the taxes for each area.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 7:30:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 7:32:08 AM EDT
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Central or East Tn
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Link Posted: 1/14/2022 7:34:48 AM EDT
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Northern MN. Jobs farm land out of the way lots of area and water
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MN is about as blue as states come....
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 7:42:19 AM EDT
My pick would be somewhere in the area where Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky all come together.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 8:10:45 AM EDT
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Come to Iowa dude. We will welcome your kind here
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Link Posted: 1/14/2022 8:13:43 AM EDT
Hi all,

Old time member, been inactive for a while.  We moved to Europe some years ago but the covid is turning this place into a dictatorial dystopian hell.  We're always worried that someone is going to jam a needle into our kid's arms.

We've decided to move back to the US and I'm looking for some advice on where to move.  While we're not sure that this scenario will play out we do believe that it is a possibility, and if it does occur, we may see some period of worldwide famine.  

Its already too lte for nearly 1.5 billion human beings who may die from covid vaccines

We are concerned about this and we're looking for a way to be able to sustain ourselves in regards to food, ie, a small farm.

If where you live fits these requirements or you know of a place that does, I'd love to hear from you and your views/opinions on this subject.

We're looking for a place to live:

* Has natural rainfall

* Has a natural water supply (pre-industrialization) in the form of a pond, lake, running stream/river and/or access to ground water.  I have a concern that if dams fail and/or there is an energy crunch and no ability to move water under power.

* Is a red state

* The state government respects a citizen's rights to make their own medical decisions and doesn't believe in pushing immoral and illegal mandates

* A pro-gun state that believes in the 2nd amendment

* Has pro-carry laws

* And of course, we're looking for a 'conservative' area

* We would like to be "out of the way" - somewhere that won't get a lot of attention, a bit secluded, can I say rural?  Can't be too far from a big city.

* Looking for lots of nature

I appreciate anyone and everyone's input.

Disclaimer: I'm not looking for a covid debate.  I believe you have a right to your own opinions and to make your own health choices.  I respect your right to make your own decisions and I expect that you will respect mine
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Michigan should be high on your list.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 8:16:49 AM EDT
South Dakota is my vote.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 8:22:07 AM EDT
Louisville Kentucky will be perfect for you OP that's where they make the aluminum foil that appears to be essential to you and your life  after reading your post !
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 8:31:42 AM EDT
Missouri is great, Springfield area is nice, lots of outdoor recreation.
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That's what I thought from OPs description. Somewhere around Cassville if he wants a lake. Potentially NW AR as well.
South Dakota
Black Hills
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Also nice.
Northern MN. Jobs farm land out of the way lots of area and water
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Negative ghost rider. The politics in Minnesota is not what he's describing.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 8:33:42 AM EDT
You described West Virginia to a 'T'!
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 8:40:22 AM EDT
Why did you leave the US?

How will you vote when you get back?
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 8:40:56 AM EDT
Normally its fuck off we're full.....But check out Missouri/Kansas. I'm on both sides of these two states.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 8:42:50 AM EDT
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Just curious, what is the temperature up there tonight?
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Ohio, buddy. We check all the boxes, but we fly under the radar.


Just curious, what is the temperature up there tonight?
A good freeze helps keep the riffraff away.
OP I am living on basically what you described. NW Ohio Rural 12 acres with ~1000' of creek bordering one side of my property.  Like minded neighbors not too close, and farmland all around. About 20 minutes to the grocery store. I would like more acreage,  but other than that, it's about ideal. Paid $168k for the property 6 years ago. The sad part is that it is worth 3 times that now, and the taxes have increased to reflect that. I don't care what it's worth, because I'm not leaving. Good luck with your search
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 8:46:02 AM EDT
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Pretty good description of Missouri outside of St. Louis or Kansas City
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Beat me to it.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 8:46:50 AM EDT
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The free state of Florida.
You can live here year-round with no heat or air conditioning if you had to. Electric rates are lower than national average.
You can get water anywhere and pump it with a traditional pitcher pump the groundwater is so high. We have the largest cow calf operation in the United States at the Deseret Ranch and the county I live in has more cows than people.
Gardens grow year round.
No state income tax.
Recently announced that there are now more registered Republicans in Florida than Democrats. Trump won here both elections.
Concealed Carry Permits are easy to get here and open carry is kind of a mixed bag, but you can carry one in your car with no permit whatsoever.
Pond in front yard is fine for flushing toilets or irrigation etc but with the hand pump I can drink the same water I drink now so I don't really need to worry about purifying upon water.
It's 55° at 11:30 p.m. on January 13th. Compare that to some of the other suggestions, LOL! And Florida has more rain than any other of the lower 48 states. Cisterns and rain barrels work pretty well here too.
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I was going to say NH but FL is better.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 9:18:02 AM EDT
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A good freeze helps keep the riffraff away.
OP I am living on basically what you described. NW Ohio Rural 12 acres with ~1000' of creek bordering one side of my property.  Like minded neighbors not too close, and farmland all around. About 20 minutes to the grocery store. I would like more acreage,  but other than that, it's about ideal. Paid $168k for the property 6 years ago. The sad part is that it is worth 3 times that now, and the taxes have increased to reflect that. I don't care what it's worth, because I'm not leaving. Good luck with your search
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The thing about Ohio that gets to me is the cloud cover can go on for months.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 9:24:37 AM EDT
conservative compared to liberal countries in europe like spain? pick any state, CA and NY even check that box.

based on your red requirement i'd look at certain areas of UT, ND, SD, WY, MT, NC, TN, KY possibly areas of ME. FL sort of fits if you like hurricanes.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 9:35:02 AM EDT
East Tennessee.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 9:39:23 AM EDT
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Central or East Tn
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Link Posted: 1/14/2022 9:45:34 AM EDT
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Around Crystal River. Apparently this area almost never gets hit by hurricanes.
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Wrong.  The armpit of FL is the hurricane magnet for storms in the Gulf. Cedar Key frequently gets hit, Apalachicola, Mexico Beach.

Hudson FL is on the West below Crystal River North of Tampa, as you get 10 miles or so inland, there is a good bit of rural property, along Hwy 52. HOI is a bitch in FL so be sure you look into the flood map for any property.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 9:48:31 AM EDT
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Missouri is great, Springfield area is nice, lots of outdoor recreation.
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I would love a place along the Missouri River near Herman or Washington.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 9:50:15 AM EDT
SC ain’t too bad near Charleston.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 9:56:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 9:59:37 AM EDT
Missouri fills them requirements too.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 9:59:58 AM EDT
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Pretty good description of Missouri outside of St. Louis or Kansas City
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Link Posted: 1/14/2022 10:05:18 AM EDT
Missouri's pretty good.  Even comes with free ticks.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 10:13:57 AM EDT
Not GA.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 10:26:59 AM EDT
Florida is what you really want!!  Here's a video of the local Police patrolling a Florida town on any weekend.

Link Posted: 1/14/2022 10:33:04 AM EDT
Don't sleep on Arkansas. We have constitutional Carry, Red State, Lots of Guns, Mild Winter, Many Lakes and River, Plenty of elevation change, You can grow things year-round, Fruit trees grow, plenty of cattle/pigs/etc. The largest watershed in the country.

Eastern Oklahoma isn't bad either.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 10:40:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 10:45:24 AM EDT
Mississippi has everything you're looking for.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 10:55:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 11:02:50 AM EDT
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Good question, I'm guessing he's mistaken me for some newb-troll and didn't realize my account is older by twice the 10 years he's been here.  Who knows, maybe he's been on this site for 1/2 his lifetime.

As for us, we're so conservative that we're Orthodox (I mean really, we are).

Its quite late here, I appreciate everyone's replies and I'll check the map tomorrow along with some Zillow searches as recommended.  Seems that most of these are not too far from eastern MO where my (remaining) guns stay with a best friend.
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I don’t care about your account age.  

Lots of red blooded American patriots that love this country leave for Europe.  Rofl.  

So yeah spare me with the I’m a super conservative I promise stuff.  


Link Posted: 1/14/2022 11:04:26 AM EDT
Bonners Ferry Idaho
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 11:04:29 AM EDT
The U.P. is great if you can do the winters.  You have 3 "cities" to consider, from largest to smallest population: Marquette (20K), Sault St. Marie (13K), Escanaba (12K).

Marquette probably has the most stuff like major stores and car dealerships, etc.  It's a college town so it's probably pretty blue in town but it gets rural quickly.  Winters on Lake Superior are rough.  

Escanaba has some good amenities too and isn't far from Green Bay, and in that area northern WI is pretty conservative, I'd say.  The winters in Escanaba are a bit milder being on the leeward side of the bay.

Sault Ste. Marie, MI doesn't have as much stuff as far as cities go, but if you go across to the border to Sault Ste. Marie, Canada they have a ton more stuff.  Border crossing is already limited so it could be risky to bank on that in the future.

The whole U.P. is pretty red.  Despite having Big Gretch as governor, most of the state votes red.  The tri-county Detroit area and Lansing alone skew it.   The U.P. is kind of the last US frontier and relatively unknown.  Hopefully it doesn't start getting taken over like every other good place seems to be lately.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 11:04:49 AM EDT
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Missouri is a terrible recommendation.

Heat and humidity in summer, cold humidity and wind in winter.  Unpredictable weather.  Spring and Fall last about three days each.  Tornadoes.

Ticks, chiggers, behinders, and hoop snakes.  Ghost lights.  Bears.  Armadillos.  Deer as thick as the ticks.  Several varieties of rattlesnakes, plus copperhead snakes and cotton mouth snakes.  Snapping turtles in every damp hole.  Mean ass yellow jackets and hornets.

Trailer houses and double wides scattered across the brushy landscape.  Rocky, rocky soil; good luck setting a fence post.  Heavy red clay soil that will barely raise a hoot.  Speaking of hoots, the owls make a racket every evening starting at sun down.

Several varieties of thorny trees, as in two inch long thorns.  Multi flora rose with tough canes and needles so sharp they will yank you off a tractor.  Prickly pear cactus.

Dangerous rivers that will drown your children.  The Meramec River is a good example.

Sink holes that suck everything into the cave below.  Often hidden by debris and leaves, in wait for innocents.

Flinty gravel roads will wreck the suspension and paint on your vehicles.

The Kansas City and St. Louis regions, and increasingly stained by Columbia and Springfield.

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That's all pretty accurate.


Link Posted: 1/14/2022 2:01:10 PM EDT
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The free state of Florida.
You can live here year-round with no heat or air conditioning if you had to. Electric rates are lower than national average.
You can get water anywhere and pump it with a traditional pitcher pump the groundwater is so high. We have the largest cow calf operation in the United States at the Deseret Ranch and the county I live in has more cows than people.
Gardens grow year round.
No state income tax.
Recently announced that there are now more registered Republicans in Florida than Democrats. Trump won here both elections.
Concealed Carry Permits are easy to get here and open carry is kind of a mixed bag, but you can carry one in your car with no permit whatsoever.
Pond in front yard is fine for flushing toilets or irrigation etc but with the hand pump I can drink the same water I drink now so I don't really need to worry about purifying upon water.
It's 55° at 11:30 p.m. on January 13th. Compare that to some of the other suggestions, LOL! And Florida has more rain than any other of the lower 48 states. Cisterns and rain barrels work pretty well here too.
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Looks brushy AF.

Bet you got alot of critters that bite there .
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 2:04:28 PM EDT
Alaska or Montana.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 2:16:43 PM EDT
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Alaska or Montana.
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Both are colder and more liberal than idaho
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 2:55:27 PM EDT
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Pretty good description of Missouri outside of St. Louis or Kansas City
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No.  Missouri is full.  

But, it is a nice place to live.  
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 5:02:41 PM EDT
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Wrong.  The armpit of FL is the hurricane magnet for storms in the Gulf. Cedar Key frequently gets hit, Apalachicola, Mexico Beach.

Hudson FL is on the West below Crystal River North of Tampa, as you get 10 miles or so inland, there is a good bit of rural property, along Hwy 52. HOI is a bitch in FL so be sure you look into the flood map for any property.
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Around Crystal River. Apparently this area almost never gets hit by hurricanes.

Wrong.  The armpit of FL is the hurricane magnet for storms in the Gulf. Cedar Key frequently gets hit, Apalachicola, Mexico Beach.

Hudson FL is on the West below Crystal River North of Tampa, as you get 10 miles or so inland, there is a good bit of rural property, along Hwy 52. HOI is a bitch in FL so be sure you look into the flood map for any property.
Ok thanks
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 5:04:14 PM EDT
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Alaska or Montana.
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Our state government is a train wreck. But they are like the Founding Fathers compared to the Politburo in Anchorage.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 5:07:39 PM EDT
Come to Texas, everybody else is.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 5:15:31 PM EDT
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East Oklahoma would fit your needs.  It seems like there is a small pond every 100 feet there.
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This.. eastern or southeastern Oklahoma.
Link Posted: 1/14/2022 5:15:36 PM EDT
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