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Link Posted: 11/2/2012 1:44:28 PM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Come on ....... No one is this stupid.  You're trolling, right?

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 1:47:32 PM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Do you understand what the term "scab" even means?

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 2:04:26 PM EDT
that is so stupid

some one comes to help you and you are to stupid to look at the picture.

That is really mind blowing

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 3:57:12 PM EDT
Decisions have consequences
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 4:13:59 PM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Oh yeah because the unions are just so much fucking better at their trades?  It might be a long cold winter for quite a few assholes wont it?
Link Posted: 11/3/2012 5:17:20 AM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Come on ....... No one is this stupid.  You're trolling, right?

This is the argument my lefty coworker made. Facepalm.
Link Posted: 11/3/2012 5:21:00 AM EDT
Cool.  Let 'em sit in the dark then.

Exactly.... FUGG EM
Link Posted: 11/3/2012 5:37:45 AM EDT
Cool.  Let 'em sit in the dark then.

Exactly.... FUGG EM

You wouldn't believe how many assholes on Long Island are already complaining about the "goberment" not doing enough. My family and I were set for 7 days of no power with contingencies for up to 2 weeks. Thankfully we didn't lose power for too long, so instead we played Motel 6 for all the family and friends that were without once everything came back on.

Now these same unprepared assholes who commute 100 miles a day in shit traffic are wondering about gas. Well you stopped the gas terminals from being built, so we need to truck it in so you need to wait.

Ohh and these same fuckheads are going to vote against underground wires, which have been brought up every storm for the past 30 years. Some of the areas around here have so many wires on poles it looks like the shanty towns with the extension cords running everywhere. So instead we;ll have prime commercial real estate sitting idle because no one wants business's aside from store that sell the same mediocre shit, roads that can't hold the population, excessive top-heavy government, and no fucking power.
Link Posted: 11/3/2012 5:42:41 AM EDT
I asked my cousin, who lives in NJ, about this. Here is what he said....
It may be true that this Alabama crew was confused or mislead but there is no such requirement in NJ. Unions constantly complain that non union companies get certain projects but they can't do anything about it.
Link Posted: 11/3/2012 6:16:36 AM EDT
So where is that great fat fuck leader Cristy in all this? If he wasn't sucking obama's dick for some extra cash he might notice something is wrong with this.
Link Posted: 11/3/2012 6:55:28 AM EDT
everyone knows only unions know any trades...the rest of us are just lowley hacks...
Link Posted: 11/3/2012 3:33:14 PM EDT




At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Yeah, those untrained scabs from AL had no problem restoring power to the Huntsville/Madison area in April 2011 after the main transmission line towers were ripped from the ground  about a mile from my house. My power was restored within 5 days and I live in the county. Huntsville was restored a couple of days before my area.    

But they were only scabs, I should expect my house to explode any day now I guess.

After last year's tornado those "scabs" from Madison county (and others) help get us back up and running, and we were grateful for their help. No eggs were thrown!

If they hit the road today they can be plopped down to watch the Alabama-LSU game tomorrow night with their scab-supplied electricity. Let those Yankee sumbitches sip on their cold soup.





Link Posted: 11/3/2012 3:48:02 PM EDT
I asked my cousin, who lives in NJ, about this. Here is what he said....
It may be true that this Alabama crew was confused or mislead but there is no such requirement in NJ. Unions constantly complain that non union companies get certain projects but they can't do anything about it.

A little background on your cousin might be helpful...
Link Posted: 11/3/2012 3:52:16 PM EDT
I'm just stopping in to say fuck Unions...
Link Posted: 11/3/2012 3:55:46 PM EDT



I asked my cousin, who lives in NJ, about this. Here is what he said....

It may be true that this Alabama crew was confused or mislead but there is no such requirement in NJ. Unions constantly complain that non union companies get certain projects but they can't do anything about it.

A little background on your cousin might be helpful...

Link Posted: 11/3/2012 3:59:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/3/2012 4:09:11 PM EDT
Cutting into the fat overtime hours I would bet.
Link Posted: 11/3/2012 4:16:00 PM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

That's weird.... after Ike we got our power restored using non-union line workers and any other line workers willing to help. The power is still on.
What kind of moron thinks that unions have a lock on knowing how to do shit? Seriously.

It's in their brainwashing. They think they're the highest paid workers too.

I used to be IBEW. I was at top pay, we maxed out at 5 years then just got cost of living adjustments for the rest of forever, usually about 2.5%. Within two years of leaving my hourly pay went up $8/hr. Their's had gone up about $1.40. I represented myself better than any union goon ever could.

The other misconception is that unions actually get along with each other. They spend more time trying to intimidate and extort money from other unions (and other locals within the same union) than they do chasing down non-union workers. Can't bite the hand that feeds you.....where do you think those union goons go when the union doesn't have any work for them? They take non-union work.

Here's a typical scenario........carpenters start installing doors until the glaziers realize those office doors have little windows in them so file a grievance putting it on hold. The carpenters then start installing countertops until the steel workers notice some stainless steel countertops and file a grievance. Meanwhile the laborers notice steel workers cleaning up their own trash and file a grievance. Then carpenters catch laborers assembling office cubes.....but the electricians grieve the carpenters grieving the laborers because the cubes have electrical. And God help the IT guy caught plugging in a server without his hard hat on. Only electricians plug in equipment in a union building. All the while everybody's hoping they don't lay off the $70/hr crane operator because he's the only one allowed to push buttons in the elevators, though its exhausting work because they make such a big deal out of it. Now the whole painters vs. drywall guys is another war unto itself.

So, if those fuckers hate each other how do you think they'll treat union workers from other states? No matter what the disaster there's no way in hell they'll budge an inch.
Link Posted: 11/3/2012 4:26:49 PM EDT
One more reason not to like unions.
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 4:43:03 AM EDT
Years ago, I was a laborer for a pipeline outfit.  When got close to union territory, we would get visits from union goons questioning how long were gonna be in the area and how much farther north we would be working (we were within 10 miles of union only territory).  Once you got that close to union territory, you had to look into private security to monitor job sites at night to prevent sabotage of equipment.

One of our welders was an old union guy that had retired.  He had been convinced to come back non-union.  During one of our morning stops at a Wawa for coffee, two union guys came in to the store because they saw the welding rig.  The welder and I had to trade hats and truck keys to keep the union guys from catching him working non-union.

In some areas, Union loyalty was greater than family.  My grandfather was a union coal miner (UMWA).  He told a story about him and some of his brothers and cousins beating another cousin almost to the point of putting him in the hospital.  The union was on strike, and the cousin had been sneaking out at night to work as a "scab".  He would slip out after dinner and sneak across the tiples to avoid the union guys at the gates.  Eventually, my grandpa and the others caught on and ambushed him.
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 4:52:19 AM EDT
Cool.  Let 'em sit in the dark then.

Link Posted: 11/4/2012 5:52:30 AM EDT

At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

The "scabs" from Decatur Utilities have a huge amount of experience getting the power back up, lots of tornado practice down here.

Getting power back to a trailer and getting power back to a skyscraper is NOT the same thing...
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 6:03:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 6:08:36 AM EDT
Liberalism and the progressives self-destructing right before your eyes...

Most will be too stupid to know who to blame.
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 7:13:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 7:29:06 AM EDT
Fuck the unions.

Every one of them no matter where they are or what they do.  

They once helped build America and secured appropriate working conditions for millions.

Now they are playing a part in the downfall of this country.

Fuck the unions.
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 7:37:39 AM EDT
You guys realize that the utility companies have said that they weren't turned away, right?  I dislike unions but the claim that non-union workers were turned away doesn't appear to be true.
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 7:37:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 7:44:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 7:47:48 AM EDT
You guys realize that the utility companies have said that they weren't turned away, right?  I dislike unions but the claim that non-union workers were turned away doesn't appear to be true.

Someone hasn't read the whole thread and clicked on the links...
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 7:50:01 AM EDT
I have lived in Michigan my whole life. Unions have controlled almost everything. Our economy is about as bad as it gets and 99% of the problem is directly related to the unions. On the ballot this year are 6 major proposals just about all of them involve the unions getting more power and control, fucking ridicules.

Ditto.  It absolutely blows my mind that we still have as much union influence here as we do despite the miles and miles of shuttered factories and almost daily news of auto companies opening new factories anywhere but here.

What's sad is that Michigan has what it takes to quite literally be the wealthiest state in the country.  There's still a ton of manufacturing and engineering talent left in this state which would make this place a top candidate for new investment if not for the unions.  There is no good reason short of government and unions that Michigan hasn't retained the bulk of new auto industry investment.  

Just once I'd like a union goober to answer me this:  If unions are so great, why is Michigan so fucked?

Link Posted: 11/4/2012 7:50:18 AM EDT



You guys realize that the utility companies have said that they weren't turned away, right?  I dislike unions but the claim that non-union workers were turned away doesn't appear to be true.

Read my above post- it now looks like the IBEW was going around staging areas making false claims that they were required to affiliate with the union before getting to work, causing confusion and making some crews think that they would not be able to work.

This.  I am in the Staten Island/Brooklyn area.  When these posts first turned up I was trying to find out if anyone knew anyone personally that was turned away.  No takers.  Later news reports say the claims were false.  Again, if anyone has a good source that this is true PLEASE IM me as I want to get this info out on the ground here.

Link Posted: 11/4/2012 7:54:30 AM EDT
This just in, the purpose of a cartel is to increase the profit of members of the cartel. In a related story, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

This.  Anyone who thinks unions are looking out for anyone but unions are seriously mistaken.

Anyone who thinks anyone is looking out for anyone but themselves are seriously mistaken.

At least most of what you typed was correct.

It's all 100% correct just like what you said is 100% correct.  The difference is that I don't go around telling other people I'm looking out for their best interests while asking them to vote for laws that exclusively increase my power.

Unions piss on non-union folks and tell them it's raining with shit like "Thank unions for the 40 hour work week" and "You'd be working for $0.10 an hour if it wasn't for unions".

Link Posted: 11/4/2012 7:55:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 7:59:30 AM EDT
Price gouging on relief supplies: bad

Price gouging on relief labor: good
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 8:16:34 AM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Scabs are a necessary part of the natural healing process.  Keeping wounds open by preventing scabs just prolongs the healing time.

Link Posted: 11/4/2012 8:25:02 AM EDT





You guys realize that the utility companies have said that they weren't turned away, right?  I dislike unions but the claim that non-union workers were turned away doesn't appear to be true.

Read my above post- it now looks like the IBEW was going around staging areas making false claims that they were required to affiliate with the union before getting to work, causing confusion and making some crews think that they would not be able to work.

This.  I am in the Staten Island/Brooklyn area.  When these posts first turned up I was trying to find out if anyone knew anyone personally that was turned away.  No takers.  Later news reports say the claims were false.  Again, if anyone has a good source that this is true PLEASE IM me as I want to get this info out on the ground here.  

Lots of details and the statements are backed up with names and places in this article.

Link Posted: 11/4/2012 9:35:24 AM EDT
Price gouging on relief supplies: bad

Price gouging on relief labor: good

How is something negotiated well before any storm price gouging? They are NOT charging any more or less for the labor... It's a living wage. Linemen have one of the most dangerous jobs in the country.
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 9:43:15 AM EDT
This just in, the purpose of a cartel is to increase the profit of members of the cartel. In a related story, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

This.  Anyone who thinks unions are looking out for anyone but unions are seriously mistaken.

It is the union business managers who are running around carding people and pulling this shit, they only care about the money being brought into the union and their pockets, pensions, perks,  not the welfare of the workers. They would rather the clean up take twice as long and not lose a penny than worry about the people who are without power.

I have friends who work as linemen and welcome all help.

Link Posted: 11/4/2012 11:55:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 12:24:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 12:58:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 4:16:43 PM EDT
Obama's promise to cut through the "red tape" was worth as much as his other promises.

At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Gotta drag it out as long as possible when people are suffering.$$$

Link Posted: 11/4/2012 4:21:14 PM EDT
Make sure all those without power know to thank the Unions.

And let them know how much more the cost of repairs is going to be passed on to them than if non union workers had come in.
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 4:35:15 PM EDT
How come some government officials or agency involved in the recovery don't just tell these ass clowns to allow these people to help out, and throat punch the first fuck face who balks at this?

Link Posted: 11/4/2012 4:42:30 PM EDT
I just like to thank the government of New Jersey for fucking its people again I've been sitting here for seven days without no electricity and I like to say a big fu to the Unions for push this.its like a war zone My family's got to suffer because of these jerk offs .I am so fucking pissed off
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 4:42:40 PM EDT
I just like to thank the government of New Jersey for fucking its people again I've been sitting here for seven days without no electricity and I like to say a big fu to the Unions for push this.its like a war zone My family's got to suffer because of these jerk offs .I am so fucking pissed off
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 4:45:15 PM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Do you understand what the term "scab" even means?

NJ Unions are in it for one thing, themselves.  They don't give a shit about anything else, especially electrical unions.

This from a guy that lived in NJ for 30 years, fuck them and let the place rot.  Fuckin scumbags!
Link Posted: 11/4/2012 5:28:46 PM EDT
where the fuck is christie

oh thats right his mouth is too busy to say anything about this crap

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