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Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:08:31 AM EDT
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The hell is DEI?
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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:09:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:10:45 AM EDT
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Duuuuh…. Let’s make sure the people who want us dead are well armed and trained, brilliant! I see these fucknuts every day and hear what they say in their own words. We’re better off with them being fat, weak, and barely armed if at all. Damn lolbertarians and cuckservatives are the biggest obstacle to a real right wing movement in this dump of a country.
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I won't help them, but I am certainly not opposed to them exercising their rights.

This is where corporate DEI fails: it takes a generally good idea and turns it into marching orders to hire people that are incapable of performing the required work.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:11:09 AM EDT
Pink Pistols are often our allies at rallies.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:11:45 AM EDT
I think it is sad that you know what DEI stands for OP. FPNI we have a republic.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:13:35 AM EDT
If you people sit there and scratch your heads wondering how leftists manipulate you, this thread is a crystal clear example.

Diversity Inclusion and Equity is an extreme left movement to hire and promote people based solely on skin color and/or genitalia (over quaint things like "experience" and "ability") and has zero, none, nothing, nada, zip, squat to do with "being nice to brown people and gays".

You are being deliberately played.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:14:26 AM EDT
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Pink Pistols are often our allies at rallies.
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I'm surprised we don't hear about them more. Obviously the MSM doesn't wamt to talk about it and I imagine they are maligned by the vocal and crazy part of the LGBT community.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:14:58 AM EDT

Conservative Republicans were told in the 1990s to accept the libertarian-based Big Tent Theory whereby Republicans would bend on gay marriage, gay issues, immigration, abortion, welfare, etc. and magically the left would back off of banning guns and other issues. The result was that Republicans moved more toward the left on social issues (some even accept transgenders) and got soft on issues like eliminating income tax, etc. The left just moved more left.

Although there are some groups like Pink Pistols their numbers are minuscule - we dont need them.  As far as John Brown Gun Club and Antifa owning guns, well fuck them and the marxist horse they rode in on.

If you are considering a new big tent plan and want perverts, degenerates, atheists, and leftists joining in to be part of new 'Merica, do the real Americans a favor: move to the Czech Republic where gun ownership thrives, church attendance is somewhere under 20%, LGBT is accepted per EU, and where being a socialist is no big deal. You will fit in just fine.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:16:18 AM EDT
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion folks are by definition collectivist. The Fight for the 2A Rights are for the preservation of rights of Individuals. So there is a difference and we should be very leery of those F'ers.
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Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:16:26 AM EDT
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I think it is sad that you know what DEI stands for OP. FPNI we have a republic.
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Considering how prevalent D.I.E. has been for the past several years, I'm finding it quite difficult to believe that people do not know exactly what it is.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:17:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:24:56 AM EDT
Like all leftist mantras, DEI sounds nice on a superficial and naive level, but it does not work in reality. In practice, DEI recruiting only brings aboard dead weight--your company spends a ton of money to bring an out-of-state minority in, overpays them in salary to "compensate for past racial injustice", and is unable to fire them if they don't work out because then their DEI metrics fall and that makes all the crazies on Twitter mad. So often the new worker ends up doing nothing at best, or causing disruption to the team at worst, because he is a token minority whose potential inadequacies or failures cannot even be mentioned because of the negative effect on the DEI metric, which also means he can't be trained to grow past his inadequacies if they can't even be acknowledged. If put in a position where failure has no consequence, most people will choose to fail.

Diversity is fine if the "diverse" individual is valued for his knowledge and experience and is able to adjust to the team. But diversity for diversity's sake alone, where his only value is in the ways he is culturally, intellectually, or philosophically different from the team, is doomed to failure. DEI magnifies and celebrates any differences that make a person incompatible with the team, which will ultimately destroy the team.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:26:58 AM EDT
Do you want to die in a communist genocide?  Do you want to help the communists succeed with that genocide?  Then teach them how to shoot!  Brilliant!
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:28:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:28:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:29:37 AM EDT
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AFAIK Dale Earnheardt Inc was very much 2a.

Probably some old throwbacks still proud of that handle too.
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   Probably a few old timers. I bet most of the younger drivers learned all they know about guns from COD.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:30:45 AM EDT
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is NOT a business philosophy, it is a category of people. EVERYONE, I repeat EVERYONE is DE&I except straight white men.

The only way a straight white man can ever become DE&I is if straight white man starts sucking dick. NOT going to happen. I am NOT DE&I and I never will be.

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I like the idea of individual freedom, DEI wants folks in some case to embrace the specific lifestyle and choices they make.

Individual freedom of people to not accept them should be protected the same as their individual choice.

Do what you want, but don't demonize me because I disagree with you or your beliefs.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:34:08 AM EDT
Lol some of you idiots would gladly train communist.....because they love guns

I've turned away money and training entities on two separate occasions because of their hardened political beliefs.....one specifically had a small group that "needed to get better at defending themselves  because black people are being hanged in Georgia"

Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:36:37 AM EDT
No thanks.  As a straight white male, They'd just as soon throw me into a wood chipper
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:37:48 AM EDT
Invite them as range targets, nothing more. Commies deserve painful deaths.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:40:41 AM EDT
"DEI crowd"? WTF is that supposed to mean? Are you talking about minorities? Are you talking about communists? Or just minority communists? Because if you're in to DEI, that equity part makes you a communist.

So if that's what you're talking about, the "DEI crowd" can fuck off and die. They do not believe in individual rights, they believe in collective rights, and even then collective rights for themselves, and not for us.

They are enemies in a global, ideological fight that's been going on for well over a century. And if they win, then if you and I survive (unlikely), we will have no rights except those that they decide to allow us to have. And owning firearms will certainly not be among them.

Yeah, they can FOAD.

And that video was cringe.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:41:18 AM EDT
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The hell is DEI?
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Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:45:27 AM EDT
Multiple hobbies didn't gate keep and were taken over by the rabid DIE crowd. Now they are an infestation that ruins the new content coming out and it's almost always garbage. Allowing the DIE crowd to get a foothold will only ensure your activities will be destroyed and you will be thrown out. While guns aren't quite the same as those hobbies, the DIE crowd always looks at how they can take something over and wear it as a skin suit.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:47:35 AM EDT
So, I should seek out the people that want me dead, then train them to kill me more effectively?

Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:56:23 AM EDT
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DEI means you have a successful group that doesn't meet an arbitrary quota so you have to add people who don't share your organization's ideals into positions of power.

Weird how they always fail after they do so.
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Yep.  Fuck all that.

I don’t care what your skin color is, who your god is or isn’t and whether you like dick or pussy if you’re pro-freedom.

The minute you try and force arbitrary numbers on me because my whatever doesn’t match a made up ratio of representation of whatever bullshit you think I’m short on, you’re not on my team.

OP is bad and should feel bad.  How exactly is the “2A crowd” supposed to increase DEI?  I know!  We need a director of diversity to say I can’t put on a match unless my ratio of nuts to fruits is whatever they like.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:57:37 AM EDT
Communists aren’t people.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:59:13 AM EDT
Look, I get it.  I'm a (old enough) member of the community that I can relate to those who have a certain reaction to the DEI crowd. And those that intentionally cause problems with their devious behavior are a concern to me as well.  But all of the anger/hate/whatever you want to call it isn't going to change the fact that time marches on and if we want to keep our rights, we need to embrace their desire to be a part of our community.

We will need them, and their rights as human beings to self-defense are no different than ours.  Will there be a small set of subversive people who are there to cause problems?  Of course there will.  Some humans are scummy like that.  But unless we embrace the vast majority who just want to learn and be able to protect themselves and their loved ones, we will lose what I feel is the most important fight to protect our Democracy.

(insert Emperor Palpatine "let the hate flow through you" meme here)

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This is ignorant as hell.

Find me a single organization / group / movement that survived intact once it was overrun with woke assholes.  Find me one.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 11:59:55 AM EDT
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The hell is DEI?

Diesel Engine Inspector
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:00:58 PM EDT
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The poor person's version of REI.
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REI was what I was thinking until someone explained the acronym.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:05:12 PM EDT
Smells like people that fancy themselves to be a modern Cheka. They can foad.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:07:02 PM EDT
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I am a Trump supporter, life long gun owner and shooter.

I am a member of a DEI committee.

The world isn't black an white, people aren't simple.

Everyone of you standing around batching is wasting an opportunity to fight back. Bitching on the internet does not change anything.
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Then why are you here bitching?
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:08:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:10:23 PM EDT
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Conservative Republicans were told in the 1990s to accept the libertarian-based Big Tent Theory whereby Republicans would bend on gay marriage, gay issues, immigration, abortion, welfare, etc. and magically the left would back off of banning guns and other issues. The result was that Republicans moved more toward the left on social issues (some even accept transgenders) and got soft on issues like eliminating income tax, etc. The left just moved more left.

Although there are some groups like Pink Pistols their numbers are minuscule - we dont need them.  As far as John Brown Gun Club and Antifa owning guns, well fuck them and the marxist horse they rode in on.

If you are considering a new big tent plan and want perverts, degenerates, atheists, and leftists joining in to be part of new 'Merica, do the real Americans a favor: move to the Czech Republic where gun ownership thrives, church attendance is somewhere under 20%, LGBT is accepted per EU, and where being a socialist is no big deal. You will fit in just fine.
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Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:11:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:13:26 PM EDT
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The hell is DEI?
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I know, spell that shit out the first time in a sentence then abreaveate it.

Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:15:45 PM EDT
Big tent party concept has been a failure from day 1.  It’s not even debatable…Karl Rove policies were tried and failed as nobody likes the soft handed weakness of big tent politicians.  They completely fail to Napier because they are perpetually trying to never offend people that should be offended and told to F off.  

OP is stupid.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:16:07 PM EDT
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Is "dei crowd" in this instance being used as a substitute for "minorities"?
It wouldn't make the original post less ignorant, but it would make more sense.
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No, the DEI crowd are TYPICALLY collectivist of some flavor. Not all mind you, there are exceptions, but to say we need to welcome them, as a group, is just nonsense.

The rights enumerated in the BoR are individual rights for the most part. How and why are collectivist going to work for individual liberty?

If they are one of us philosophically, EEsmith and little pony for example, the other stuff doesn't matter. Welcome brother, have a seat at the table, has been my experience.

YMMV. Just my 0.02 cents.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:25:08 PM EDT
Diversity” is a racist theology (judging people by the color of their skin).   NOPE.   I won’t be associated with it and neither should you..

Equity” is a communist theology that is diametrically opposed to capitalism and freedom.    Again,  NOPE.  I want no association with communism.

Inclusion”?   Sounds like a nice idea from a personal perspective, but awful as a governmentally enforced mandate.  

Soooo… tell me again why we should clasp hands with those subversive groups?
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:27:22 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:28:15 PM EDT
Im not sure that having a huge chip on your shoulder and expecting special treatment for yourself about something that happened 200 years ago makes you a good level headed rational addition to the gun community.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:31:25 PM EDT
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No, the DEI crowd are TYPICALLY collectivist of some flavor. Not all mind you, there are exceptions, but to say we need to welcome them, as a group, is just nonsense.

The rights enumerated in the BoR are individual rights for the most part. How and why are collectivist going to work for individual liberty?

If they are one of us philosophically, EEsmith and little pony for example, the other stuff doesn't matter. Welcome brother, have a seat at the table, has been my experience.

YMMV. Just my 0.02 cents.
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It's not just your .02 cents, it's simple fact. Anyone who demands anything more than equality under law is really demanding equity. In order for their bird brained idea to come to fruition there needs to be a way to enforce it. Thus the all seeing, all knowing, infallible organ of the state is born. There's simply no form of this alphabet equity bs that's compatible with liberty.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:32:33 PM EDT
Look, I get it.  I'm a (old enough) member of the community that I can relate to those who have a certain reaction to the DEI crowd. And those that intentionally cause problems with their devious behavior are a concern to me as well.  But all of the anger/hate/whatever you want to call it isn't going to change the fact that time marches on and if we want to keep our rights, we need to embrace their desire to be a part of our community.

We will need them, and their rights as human beings to self-defense are no different than ours.  Will there be a small set of subversive people who are there to cause problems?  Of course there will.  Some humans are scummy like that.  But unless we embrace the vast majority who just want to learn and be able to protect themselves and their loved ones, we will lose what I feel is the most important fight to protect our Democracy.

(insert Emperor Palpatine "let the hate flow through you" meme here)

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Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:33:33 PM EDT
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion folks are by definition collectivist. The Fight for the 2A Rights are for the preservation of rights of Individuals. So there is a difference and we should be very leery of those F'ers.
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They are the mortal enemy.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:40:28 PM EDT
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Inclusion and (to an extant) equity is just being a good person. Diversity for the sake of diversity is fucking retarded. Mandating either and trying to measure/enforce such is the joy of petty tyrants everywhere.

DEI is corporate bullshit. Leave it there.

Be open and inviting to all, and helpful to those you think deserve it.
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You’re confusing equity and equality.  Equality is giving everyone the same opportunity.  Equity is giving everyone the same outcome.  Not the same.  It’s a liberal game of words to make you think you’re getting something you’re not.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:43:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:45:48 PM EDT
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion folks are by definition collectivist. The Fight for the 2A Rights are for the preservation of rights of Individuals. So there is a difference and we should be very leery of those F'ers.
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Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:46:13 PM EDT
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I am a Trump supporter, life long gun owner and shooter.

I am a member of a DEI committee.

The world isn't black an white, people aren't simple.

Everyone of you standing around batching is wasting an opportunity to fight back. Bitching on the internet does not change anything.
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"Oh Yeah"

Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:46:14 PM EDT
Look, I get it.
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Let's not be too hasty.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 12:54:26 PM EDT
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Let's not be too hasty.
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Link Posted: 9/17/2022 1:16:50 PM EDT
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I am a Trump supporter, life long gun owner and shooter.

I am a member of a DEI committee.

The world isn't black an white, people aren't simple.

Everyone of you standing around batching is wasting an opportunity to fight back. Bitching on the internet does not change anything.
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I don't believe you. Why do you align with those that want our nation transformed into a woke utopia? Because you agree with it. Why would you vote TRump? He is against everything they stand for
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