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Posted: 11/12/2021 10:01:25 PM EDT
The Book of Boba Fett | Official Trailer | Disney+

Yea, this’ll be bad ass.
Link Posted: 11/12/2021 10:17:13 PM EDT
Fuck Disney and everyone who funds the enemy.
Link Posted: 11/12/2021 10:39:29 PM EDT
Fuck yes, I'm in.
Link Posted: 11/12/2021 11:03:54 PM EDT
No surprise I'm here.
Link Posted: 11/12/2021 11:55:11 PM EDT
Wait a minute,  didn't BF get swallowed by the big giant sand punani in episode 6
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 12:00:08 AM EDT
I had no idea Boba Fett was so popular until the internet came along.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 2:06:15 AM EDT
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Wait a minute,  didn't BF get swallowed by the big giant sand punani in episode 6
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Fett shows up in Mandalorian season 2, reclaims his armor, wrecks a squad or two of stormtroopers, helps Mando rescue baby Yoda and then claims Jabba's palace as his new hideout.

We don't know how he escaped from the Scarlacc yet, or what he did in the 5 years between the time he fell into it and when he shows up in The Mandalorian.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 2:24:06 AM EDT
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We don't know how he escaped from the Scarlacc yet, or what he did in the 5 years between the time he fell into it and when he shows up in The Mandalorian.
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It does not matter, it has the kiss of death in it.
Any series Ming-Na Wen has ever been in was cancelled.

Link Posted: 11/13/2021 2:24:13 AM EDT
Oh yeah? Disney- huh.

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Link Posted: 11/13/2021 2:54:37 AM EDT
We need a repeat thread of why Boba Fatt/Bubba Fett/boba the Hutt is an abject failure at everything.

He's "That Guy."

It's been here before. The Boba Fanbois get the major butthurt.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 3:44:19 AM EDT
Jennifer Beals...yes please
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 7:39:43 AM EDT
I am looking forward to this. Thank you Favero and Filoni.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 7:42:02 AM EDT
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Fuck Disney and everyone who funds the enemy.
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Link Posted: 11/13/2021 9:55:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 10:26:43 AM EDT
Hoping they do a good job.  His reintroduction was epic.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 10:52:32 AM EDT
I don't know.  The Mandalorian started out good, and then tanked IMO.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 10:55:20 AM EDT
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Fett shows up in Mandalorian season 2, reclaims his armor, wrecks a squad or two of stormtroopers, helps Mando rescue baby Yoda and then claims Jabba's palace as his new hideout.

We don't know how he escaped from the Scarlacc yet, or what he did in the 5 years between the time he fell into it and when he shows up in The Mandalorian.
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Apparently hit every buffet on Tatooine.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 10:55:58 AM EDT
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Fett shows up in Mandalorian season 2, reclaims his armor, wrecks a squad or two of stormtroopers, helps Mando rescue baby Yoda and then claims Jabba's palace as his new hideout.

We don't know how he escaped from the Scarlacc yet, or what he did in the 5 years between the time he fell into it and when he shows up in The Mandalorian.
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Wait a minute,  didn't BF get swallowed by the big giant sand punani in episode 6

Fett shows up in Mandalorian season 2, reclaims his armor, wrecks a squad or two of stormtroopers, helps Mando rescue baby Yoda and then claims Jabba's palace as his new hideout.

We don't know how he escaped from the Scarlacc yet, or what he did in the 5 years between the time he fell into it and when he shows up in The Mandalorian.

Yes, we do.

He ate, and ate, and ate, and ate some more

ETA: Beat by seconds
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 10:59:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 11:00:46 AM EDT
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Fuck Disney and everyone who funds the enemy.
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I won’t ever pay for another service from Disney knowingly
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 11:08:52 AM EDT
Fuck it. I'm in.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 11:12:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 11:18:17 AM EDT
I’ll be watching it. I don’t pay for Disney + anyways.

If I went by what GD bitched about, I’d be starving, naked and homeless.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 11:19:21 AM EDT
Not watching.  Want to but nope.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 11:32:00 AM EDT
Wouldn't mind watching but then I would also support this trash, I'll pass.
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Link Posted: 11/13/2021 11:34:02 AM EDT
If it’s Fett I’m in.

Link Posted: 11/13/2021 11:34:05 AM EDT
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We need a repeat thread of why Boba Fatt/Bubba Fett/boba the Hutt is an abject failure at everything.

He's "That Guy."

It's been here before. The Boba Fanbois get the major butthurt.
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I don't feel like copypasting the several anti-Fett posts I've made, but here's a link to get started if you feel the need to revisit the criticisms Boba "That Guy" Fett.


In a series/movie that's going to be made by Disney, where they're overshadowing their own modest success with the semi-unique character of the Mandalorian, where their main character who's perceived as badass (despite the fact that he's a flunky incapable of following simple directions without being lectured directly by the boss) - he's a badass all because he doesn't talk, is mysterious in background, and keeps his helmet on so he's just an impassive mask... and the first thing they do is take off his helmet and put in a [critical drinker voice]Strong Diverse Female Character[/critical drinker voice] who basically talks over him in his own trailer.  That may well suck, especially as Kathleen Kennedy is still listed as an executive producer and she's all about intersectional deconstruction/destruction of everything that people like.

However, with John Favreau at the helm (which it looks like he is for now), and already described as "Mandalorian season 2.5", it may well be at least okay.  As with the entire Star Wars universe, they can't seem to get off some dustball, but at least there's another character involved who isn't related by blood to any of the jedi families.  So there's that.

I'm not sure I'd hold my breath expecting anything great, but at least it'll look like stories in the Star Wars universe, and at this point, something that looks like what fans imagine their RPG sessions in high school and college would've look like on film is about the best anyone is going to get.  Hopefully it's not full of character assassination of Fett (I have already gone on about how he sucks, and anything by the mouse just wouldn't be fair to use).   Really hopeful it's not full of destroying the character, especially for fans who have their own high opinions of him based on how he looks cool and is perceived as cool, and all the now-deleted EU writing that made him cool.  Going in assuming the sidekick chick is actually the main character and Boba Fett will be ignored in his own story is probably a tragically safe bet for 2021, and if wrong, it'll probably be enjoyable with the bar set that low.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 11:48:23 AM EDT
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I don't feel like copypasting the several anti-Fett posts I've made, but here's a link to get started if you feel the need to revisit the criticisms Boba "That Guy" Fett.

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Thanks Sirveaux! I know you'd come through. Those posts make me spit out my coffee every time.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 12:38:29 PM EDT
I just sold a sideshow premium format Fett, the 1st one, and bought some gun parts with the $$.  Still have the riddell mini helmet collection (they were cool, with interiors, and dont take up much space) as well as a decent Fett bust. But all will get sold as soon as I find someone interested without going through ebay.  Have not even seen the last sw movie.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 1:08:46 PM EDT
Oh here we go again. Look, a Star Wars thread, let me go shit in it about how Mickey is a commie. And anyone that supports the mouse must be a commie too.

Go drink a nice, big cup of shut the fuck up, and let those of us that enjoy the show discuss it. I don't watch Star Wars for critical thought. It's a good turn my brain off and forget about the shit-show that is society and our government. So please, stop bitching. Go somewhere else and shit in another thread. Or start your own bitch fest. I don't care.

*I can tolerate the discussion on whether or not Boba is a fuck-up, as it somewhat contributes to the thread. In reality, Lucas never intended for him to gain the notoriety that he has. I think the Clone Wars series established that even as a kid, he was dangerous. He nearly took out Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker, destroying a Jedi cruiser in the process. Granted he had the help of Aurra Sing, but still - he held his own on more than 1 occasion.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 2:26:35 PM EDT
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Oh here we go again. Look, a Star Wars thread, let me go shit in it about how Mickey is a commie. And anyone that supports the mouse must be a commie too.

Go drink a nice, big cup of shut the fuck up, and let those of us that enjoy the show discuss it. I don't watch Star Wars for critical thought. It's a good turn my brain off and forget about the shit-show that is society and our government. So please, stop bitching. Go somewhere else and shit in another thread. Or start your own bitch fest. I don't care.

*I can tolerate the discussion on whether or not Boba is a fuck-up, as it somewhat contributes to the thread. In reality, Lucas never intended for him to gain the notoriety that he has. I think the Clone Wars series established that even as a kid, he was dangerous. He nearly took out Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker, destroying a Jedi cruiser in the process. Granted he had the help of Aurra Sing, but still - he held his own on more than 1 occasion.
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For all my criticisms of Fett as a character (insofar as he has one
), and for all the fun I have at Fett fanboy expense... I really hope Favreau is the one in charge of this.

I suspect that's where much of the "fuck the mouse" comes from - it certainly does for me.  What Disney was in years past and what Disney is now are two different things, just like what Star Wars was under Lucas and what it is under... KK or whatever corporate IP resource extraction management committee that deconstructs universes into products foremost before entertainment and fun is... well, for all that runonsentence, those are problems.

If you're not familiar with Mauler's criticisms of the last few Star Wars flicks (they're like the Plinkett reviews, only less serial-killer, and more detailed, and longer - much longer), he gets into the idea of is a thing objectively good entertainment, and can you objectively say "it's good".  I suspect everyone here with a Fett mask as an avatar is going to be subjectively predisposed to like it (though depending what they do with the character... it might be rather unpleasant instead).  The original Star Wars movies were objectively good - there's narrative structure, good character development, all those elements of theme, plot, etc., that are important.  The prequels are... not good, and at the time, were rightfully panned.  What they did have, objectively, was new ideas.  Not always good new ideas, but new ideas.  The last 3 Star Wars movies were lacking in pretty much all of that, the last panned as looking like a 3 hour long sfx demo reel, and the spinoff/one-off movies are kind of their own thing, some good, some bad, some terrible, some pointless.

Mandalorian was okay (some episodes good, some meh).  For fans, it was fun to get some fanservice that was put there by someone who liked the shows, and even if it's mostly just for fans, well... that's kind of the point.  There's a target audience that should enjoy it, and it's made for them, but not inaccessible to anyone interested.  It may also be closer to the feel of the serials Lucas intended than anything since, because it's shorter, too.

Concern will be who's running it and how.  If it's run by people who like Star Wars, great.  If it's run by people who are there to leverage intellectual properties to maximize demographic coverage while progressively engaging audience perspectives to showcase diversity, it's going to suck, and it's going to be worse for fans who still want to like it.  The first might be objectively good or bad, but subjectively will probably be good - it doesn't have to be high art, it is about space wizards, and it can be fun.  If it's the second, it'll in all likelihood be objectively bad, and subjectively it'll be terrible, driving fans away from the stories or making them pit their love of what a thing was against what it has become under new management.

I miss when the only concerns before a show/movie came out would be "is it going to be good", not "is it going to suck and when it sucks, is it going to be hating the fanbase".
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 2:33:09 PM EDT
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It does not matter, it has the kiss of death in it.
Any series Ming-Na Wen has ever been in was cancelled.

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We don't know how he escaped from the Scarlacc yet, or what he did in the 5 years between the time he fell into it and when he shows up in The Mandalorian.

It does not matter, it has the kiss of death in it.
Any series Ming-Na Wen has ever been in was cancelled.

Link Posted: 11/13/2021 2:35:14 PM EDT
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Oh here we go again. Look, a Star Wars thread, let me go shit in it about how Mickey is a commie. And anyone that supports the mouse must be a commie too.

Go drink a nice, big cup of shut the fuck up, and let those of us that enjoy the show discuss it. I don't watch Star Wars for critical thought. It's a good turn my brain off and forget about the shit-show that is society and our government. So please, stop bitching. Go somewhere else and shit in another thread. Or start your own bitch fest. I don't care.

*I can tolerate the discussion on whether or not Boba is a fuck-up, as it somewhat contributes to the thread. In reality, Lucas never intended for him to gain the notoriety that he has. I think the Clone Wars series established that even as a kid, he was dangerous. He nearly took out Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker, destroying a Jedi cruiser in the process. Granted he had the help of Aurra Sing, but still - he held his own on more than 1 occasion.
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Agree. Trolls be trolling. They will bitch about 1A before they leave though
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 3:14:45 PM EDT
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Oh here we go again. Look, a Star Wars thread, let me go shit in it about how Mickey is a commie. And anyone that supports the mouse must be a commie too.

Go drink a nice, big cup of shut the fuck up, and let those of us that enjoy the show discuss it. I don't watch Star Wars for critical thought. It's a good turn my brain off and forget about the shit-show that is society and our government. So please, stop bitching. Go somewhere else and shit in another thread. Or start your own bitch fest. I don't care.

*I can tolerate the discussion on whether or not Boba is a fuck-up, as it somewhat contributes to the thread. In reality, Lucas never intended for him to gain the notoriety that he has. I think the Clone Wars series established that even as a kid, he was dangerous. He nearly took out Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker, destroying a Jedi cruiser in the process. Granted he had the help of Aurra Sing, but still - he held his own on more than 1 occasion.
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Link Posted: 11/13/2021 4:25:35 PM EDT
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For all my criticisms of Fett as a character (insofar as he has one
), and for all the fun I have at Fett fanboy expense... I really hope Favreau is the one in charge of this.

I suspect that's where much of the "fuck the mouse" comes from - it certainly does for me.  What Disney was in years past and what Disney is now are two different things, just like what Star Wars was under Lucas and what it is under... KK or whatever corporate IP resource extraction management committee that deconstructs universes into products foremost before entertainment and fun is... well, for all that runonsentence, those are problems.

If you're not familiar with Mauler's criticisms of the last few Star Wars flicks (they're like the Plinkett reviews, only less serial-killer, and more detailed, and longer - much longer), he gets into the idea of is a thing objectively good entertainment, and can you objectively say "it's good".  I suspect everyone here with a Fett mask as an avatar is going to be subjectively predisposed to like it (though depending what they do with the character... it might be rather unpleasant instead).  The original Star Wars movies were objectively good - there's narrative structure, good character development, all those elements of theme, plot, etc., that are important.  The prequels are... not good, and at the time, were rightfully panned.  What they did have, objectively, was new ideas.  Not always good new ideas, but new ideas.  The last 3 Star Wars movies were lacking in pretty much all of that, the last panned as looking like a 3 hour long sfx demo reel, and the spinoff/one-off movies are kind of their own thing, some good, some bad, some terrible, some pointless.

Mandalorian was okay (some episodes good, some meh).  For fans, it was fun to get some fanservice that was put there by someone who liked the shows, and even if it's mostly just for fans, well... that's kind of the point.  There's a target audience that should enjoy it, and it's made for them, but not inaccessible to anyone interested.  It may also be closer to the feel of the serials Lucas intended than anything since, because it's shorter, too.

Concern will be who's running it and how.  If it's run by people who like Star Wars, great.  If it's run by people who are there to leverage intellectual properties to maximize demographic coverage while progressively engaging audience perspectives to showcase diversity, it's going to suck, and it's going to be worse for fans who still want to like it.  The first might be objectively good or bad, but subjectively will probably be good - it doesn't have to be high art, it is about space wizards, and it can be fun.  If it's the second, it'll in all likelihood be objectively bad, and subjectively it'll be terrible, driving fans away from the stories or making them pit their love of what a thing was against what it has become under new management.

I miss when the only concerns before a show/movie came out would be "is it going to be good", not "is it going to suck and when it sucks, is it going to be hating the fanbase".
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@Sirveaux - you win the internet today. While I don't agree with everything here, your post is well thought out and laid out with rationale. I respect that.

Link Posted: 11/13/2021 4:31:46 PM EDT
Is he going to be blind the whole time?
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 4:59:13 PM EDT
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Is he going to be blind the whole time?
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Link Posted: 11/13/2021 5:00:17 PM EDT
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@Sirveaux - you win the internet today. While I don't agree with everything here, your post is well thought out and laid out with rationale. I respect that.
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I really would like to see the show be good, and subjectively I'm willing to cut a lot of slack on any promo of any type (objectively it may be irrelevant to story), because there's a lot of silly stuff that comes out during marketing and promotion, and that's just the nature of how things are sometimes with show business.  It was nicer back when it was more naiive & fresh.  Somebody's grandma or grandpa who didn't care about space movies was probably in charge of ordering the first appearance of Boba Fett to be at a county parade, and it's not fair to hate on that kind of thing, because it's also a product of its time.

What is fair to hate on - and this comes from the mouse, and again is what I think a lot of people are mad about in approach/treatment of stories they love/loved - as one example - are things like the "star wars dance party experience" things that are utter cringe for fans, and at best laced with "there's a thing I recognize" low-tier nostalgia bait that mocks the source material.  This is why there's a visceral reaction, because people have seen stories they loved shat on.  It also means that some people aren't willing to give money to anything related to it because they're sick of being insulted by the current writers of the stories/owners of the "intellectual property".  Without getting into fandom things like "head canon" (for non-nerds, it's what you believe to be the real story, disregarding what you don't like), there is still the effect of saying you're a fan of something, and then seeing it whored out terribly.

Pick a company whose QC has dropped, and find someone who loved the old stuff and loved the company, but now can't defend it.  In the physical world, it's easy to say "their qc sucks, the company sucks now, they used to be great".  In a literary/film/TV world, it's a little harder to go back and say "I'm a fan of XYZ" after XYZ has been sold, repackaged, and is being exploited to the nth degree while contributing nothing of substance to the material.  Decades ago there was talk of making sequels to classics like Gone With The Wind and Casablanca, where people wanted to know what the rest of the story would be... when really, they didn't need that, didn't want that, and the unknown parts are much of what makes the ends of the story.  Add unnecessary crap just to whore it out, and you'll find people don't want to be fans anymore.

There's a visceral reaction to that that can frequently be summed up with "fuck the mouse".  It's pretty direct, it's pretty concise, and gets to the point, but also lacks the nuance to say "yeah, I like/d this, but fuck what the mouse has done in XYZ ways."


I'm still waiting on seeing the Iotran Bounty Hunter we all grew up with from West End Games Star Wars 2nd Edition.

This dude was the format for everyone's non-Fett, pre-most-of-the-EU, gun-toting Star Wars badass from 1992 until the prequels.  As of right now, he's barely a footnote.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 5:04:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 5:05:59 PM EDT
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Is he going to be blind the whole time?


Its okay if you don't get it.
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 5:08:43 PM EDT
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Its okay if you don't get it.
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No, stop with all the details
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 10:07:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/13/2021 10:14:53 PM EDT
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They’re the new hope.

They remember what Star Wars was like before…

Link Posted: 11/13/2021 11:55:10 PM EDT
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Fett shows up in Mandalorian season 2, reclaims his armor, wrecks a squad or two of stormtroopers, helps Mando rescue baby Yoda and then claims Jabba's palace as his new hideout.

We don't know how he escaped from the Scarlacc yet, or what he did in the 5 years between the time he fell into it and when he shows up in The Mandalorian.
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If the books that came out in the 90s are cannon, he activated his jetpack in the confined quarters of the Sarlacc.  The jetpack exploded because he was pressed up against the intestinal walls of the Sarlacc, and he then used his grenade launcher to blow his way out of the Sarlacc.

He survived the jetpack explosion because of his armor but he was severely burned and barely survived.
Link Posted: 11/14/2021 1:49:16 AM EDT
Disney de-canonized the EU stuff, but they have been cherry picking pieces of it and bringing it back.

Your point will likely be the answer though.
Link Posted: 11/15/2021 11:56:01 PM EDT
There’s a neat 20 minute behind the scenes look at Boba Fett called “Under the Helmet” on Disney+  

Definitely worthy of a watch.
Link Posted: 11/16/2021 8:13:02 AM EDT
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There’s a neat 20 minute behind the scenes look at Boba Fett called “Under the Helmet” on Disney+  

Definitely worthy of a watch.
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My daughter and I watched it last night. Was pretty cool.
Link Posted: 11/22/2021 11:11:54 PM EDT
I’m not associated with this website, but they have some neat Fett shirts. Heroesvillains.com

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Link Posted: 11/23/2021 7:50:06 AM EDT
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That second one is badass.
Link Posted: 11/23/2021 8:31:14 AM EDT
Boba Fett has been a popular enigmatic character since he was introduced in ESB back in the day.

Disney exploring his “life” after the Sarlacc is just monetizing a revived character rather than replace him with some bullshit flat characters like the sequel trilogy gave us.

Palpatine, Maul, now Fett. Lucas was a master at creating and developing characters. Disney is good at milking them.
Link Posted: 11/23/2021 8:46:11 AM EDT
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Fett shows up in Mandalorian season 2, reclaims his armor, wrecks a squad or two of stormtroopers, helps Mando rescue baby Yoda and then claims Jabba's palace as his new hideout.

We don't know how he escaped from the Scarlacc yet, or what he did in the 5 years between the time he fell into it and when he shows up in The Mandalorian.
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Wait a minute,  didn't BF get swallowed by the big giant sand punani in episode 6

Fett shows up in Mandalorian season 2, reclaims his armor, wrecks a squad or two of stormtroopers, helps Mando rescue baby Yoda and then claims Jabba's palace as his new hideout.

We don't know how he escaped from the Scarlacc yet, or what he did in the 5 years between the time he fell into it and when he shows up in The Mandalorian.

Some of the fan fiction/legend has him shooting his way out of the Sarlacc.........
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