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Posted: 6/6/2020 7:06:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:07:48 AM EDT
Honk honk.

He was a saint. Just ignore the gun pressed to the pregnant woman's belly. And all the other shit. A SAINT.

I can see complaining about police handling things, despite the guy being a piece of shit, but shit like this is ridiculously hilarious, or sad, or just plain honked.

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And am I crazy, or would shit like this usually be called a racist caricature? Look at it.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:08:49 AM EDT
Liberalism really is a mental disorder.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:09:34 AM EDT
There's nothing peaceful or united about what's going on now.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:10:15 AM EDT
We're in their Endgame. It's been building for 4 years, and now the Left is beginning to move its most important pieces in order to topple my President. They are desperate. It's Hail Mary time. They will risk anything at any time, without regard for the blood that will be spilled.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:10:43 AM EDT
Rodney King?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:10:54 AM EDT
It is amazing.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:11:42 AM EDT
The US communists are going to be surprised when the real communists take over.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:13:42 AM EDT
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We're in their Endgame. It's been building for 4 years, and now the Left is beginning to move its most important pieces in order to topple my President. They are desperate. It's Hail Mary time. They will risk anything at any time, without regard for the blood that will be spilled.
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Well, Ben knew what was up. He warned us many, many, years ago.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:14:46 AM EDT
If there was any real "justice" he should have still been in prison just on his past convictions. While that in no way excuses the cop's behavior at least he did not live to felon again.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:20:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:22:07 AM EDT
Its not just America thats plagued with this lunacy.  The entire world is protesting America's racism problem right now.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:26:23 AM EDT
Unity in that he met an untimely death.  After that it's a matter of opinion.  
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:28:05 AM EDT
The reality distortion field is evil, but talking trash about George Floyd's character is a losing argument that we should avoid.  It makes it sound like we support summary executions by police for anyone passing fake $20's with a record, instead of him being innocent until proven guilty.  Saying "Well AHKTUALLY..." about George Floyd, as if it's our issue, completely distracts from the real problem here: None of this is actually about George Floyd.

In other words: IT'S A TRAP.  I think this is actually why the big riots are always about criminals instead of perfect victims: It creates just the right kind of division needed to pursue the real goal, which is to smear us and take the next step forward in our subjugation.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:31:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:32:21 AM EDT
That cop that knelt on Floyds neck, was that a racist trying to kill him or was it more of a scared guy who just struggled to get that violent thrashing man down waiting on a paddy wagon? Regardless if it killed floyd or not the knee was a bad ideal. That dude truly was Humpty Dumpty, a fragile mess looking for a reason to die.

Just like arbery case, I'm going to treat the defense as I wasn't there so I don't know what led to the incident. The arbery defendants turn into idiots the more info comes out. I'd like to see the the full video of what happened here with Floyd, what caused them to pull him out of a car and get him down.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:32:30 AM EDT
All the rioters and antifa aside (they're taking advantage of the situation):

I like the fact the USA culture hold justice up. What happened to him should never happen to ANYONE. This might have never truly been the case, but this country has been better than the rest. It is the greatest society in the world.

Now that we are in an age of objectivitism vs post modernism, where pure logic vs pure experience are battling, reason seems to be failing. People have feelings, the most logical well thought out statement isn't going to sway someone that watched a video of a man die at the hands of police for a fake $20 bill. The police, who they believe, are supposed to protect us.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:35:25 AM EDT
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The reality distortion field is evil, but talking trash about George Floyd's character is a losing argument that we should avoid.  It makes it sound like we support summary executions by police for anyone passing fake $20's with a record, instead of him being innocent until proven guilty.  Saying "Well AHKTUALLY..." about George Floyd, as if it's our issue, completely distracts from the real problem here: None of this is actually about George Floyd.
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This. It's completely retarded to go down this line of logic. Unless you're suggesting that execution is an acceptable punishment for his rap sheet, it's totally and completely irrelevant, and makes us all look like racists.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:35:45 AM EDT
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I like it when they draw a halo around him.
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Honk honk.

He was a saint. Just ignore the gun pressed to the pregnant woman's belly. And all the other shit. A SAINT.

I can see complaining about police handling things, despite the guy being a piece of shit, but shit like this is ridiculously hilarious, or sad, or just plain honked.



And am I crazy, or would shit like this usually be called a racist caricature? Look at it.
I like it when they draw a halo around him.

Yeah and that's equally stupid.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:35:53 AM EDT
Gentle Giant
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:36:57 AM EDT
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That cop that knelt on Floyds neck, was that a racist trying to kill him or was it more of a scared guy who just struggled to get that violent thrashing man down waiting on a paddy wagon? Regardless if it killed floyd or not the knee was a bad ideal. That dude truly was Humpty Dumpty, a fragile mess looking for a reason to die.

Just like arbery case, I'm going to treat the defense as I wasn't there so I don't know what led to the incident. The arbery defendants turn into idiots the more info comes out. I'd like to see the the full video of what happened here with Floyd, what caused them to pull him out of a car and get him down.
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You mean the man who was proned out, and in cuffs, with 3 other officers standing around watching?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:37:55 AM EDT
If you think any of this equates to peace and unity , you are as confused as they are.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:41:08 AM EDT
Meanwhile George Floyd’s brother set up a go fund me which is now approaching $14 in the account.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:43:18 AM EDT
It's not peace and unity. It's a way to get rid of Trump, demonize conservatives and traditional American viewpoints and values. The only unity is unifying the leftists of the world against America.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:43:53 AM EDT
How about a symbol against murder by the state?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:45:17 AM EDT
a gentle giant
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:45:34 AM EDT
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Gentle Giant
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They seem to be a real problem.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:49:47 AM EDT
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You mean the man who was proned out, and in cuffs, with 3 other officers standing around watching?
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That cop that knelt on Floyds neck, was that a racist trying to kill him or was it more of a scared guy who just struggled to get that violent thrashing man down waiting on a paddy wagon? Regardless if it killed floyd or not the knee was a bad ideal. That dude truly was Humpty Dumpty, a fragile mess looking for a reason to die.

Just like arbery case, I'm going to treat the defense as I wasn't there so I don't know what led to the incident. The arbery defendants turn into idiots the more info comes out. I'd like to see the the full video of what happened here with Floyd, what caused them to pull him out of a car and get him down.

You mean the man who was proned out, and in cuffs, with 3 other officers standing around watching?

Your not curious to see all the video of what was happening prior?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:51:13 AM EDT
Floyd had a criminal record, and the police were summoned.

Rioting is stupid and counter productive unless you are an attention whore. Looters need to be shot on sight.

I am grateful that I live in a country that despite people who cannot see past race, understand that an unfettered police is one of the biggest threats to our freedoms.

I am equally proud to defend the rights of a criminal piece of shit like Floyd when the police abuse their powers. I will not canonize him.

And I chuckle at people who are so blind to their prejudice that other people blind to their bias who choose to hold up Floyd as a righteous symbol...that this bothers them.

Tonight I hope to go to the range, have a BBQ with my four adult sons, and hump my wife for as long as I can hold out.

Life is good.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:51:45 AM EDT
All the cop had to do is be like l, ok hes isnt fighting us anymore.....let's for the third time try and put him in the truck, or the even bigger deal render aid to an obviously unconscious person with no pulse.

We made our own bed on this.

Policing can be incredibly frustrating....but being frustrated doesnt excuse you from doing the very basic components of your job.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:53:45 AM EDT
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Meanwhile George Floyd’s brother set up a go fund me which is now approaching $14 million in the account.
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Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:54:57 AM EDT
Some tell it like it is, everyone of them should be made to watch all of this.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:54:59 AM EDT
Worshiping a drugged out criminal is not the face of peace or unity or we would not be having riots.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:55:39 AM EDT
George, the gentle giant, with a heart of gold and a 10" dick.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:56:11 AM EDT
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Your not curious to see all the video of what was happening prior?
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That cop that knelt on Floyds neck, was that a racist trying to kill him or was it more of a scared guy who just struggled to get that violent thrashing man down waiting on a paddy wagon? Regardless if it killed floyd or not the knee was a bad ideal. That dude truly was Humpty Dumpty, a fragile mess looking for a reason to die.

Just like arbery case, I'm going to treat the defense as I wasn't there so I don't know what led to the incident. The arbery defendants turn into idiots the more info comes out. I'd like to see the the full video of what happened here with Floyd, what caused them to pull him out of a car and get him down.

You mean the man who was proned out, and in cuffs, with 3 other officers standing around watching?

Your not curious to see all the video of what was happening prior?

Very curious. But I saw 8 minutes of a man who was no threat being knelt on the neck and dying.

Chauvin is a murderer.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:00:03 AM EDT
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Your not curious to see all the video of what was happening prior?
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I don't give a shit if he had just finished throwing burning babies from a moving vehicle.  The officers had complete control of the situation in the video, they killed him anyway.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:04:54 AM EDT
None of this is really about George Floyd the person anymore.  He was only the spark that allowed the fire to start.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:05:38 AM EDT
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Your not curious to see all the video of what was happening prior?
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No. Why should anyone be?

Same way I am not remotely curious when a black thug caught with gun in a shopkeeper's face is trying to explain why the previous 22 yrs of him being oppressed led to that moment in his life.

Looks like this thing is a hard thing for you to swallow? If you don't have a significant other to bang, try rubbing one out a couple of times and see if it improves your mood.

Floyd was a ex felon, cops were called due to his alleged criminal actvity. Police used force far in excess to restrain him, he died during that process, they failed at multiple opportunities to initiate a remedy, then fudged an official document that outlined the circumstances.

Oh well.

I have no tolerance for rioters, less so for looters.

Now off to bang my granny aged but still hot wife.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:06:47 AM EDT
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None of this is really about George Floyd the person anymore.  He was only the spark that allowed the fire to start.
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Correct , this is about lawlessness being sanctioned by the state for the preferred classes .

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:11:46 AM EDT
You think he martyred himself?

The only thing that matters is that he was a black man murdered by a white cop.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:13:53 AM EDT
Only in African America
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:21:17 AM EDT
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No. Why should anyone be?

Same way I am not remotely curious when a black thug caught with gun in a shopkeeper's face is trying to explain why the previous 22 yrs of him being oppressed led to that moment in his life.

Looks like this thing is a hard thing for you to swallow? If you don't have a significant other to bang, try rubbing one out a couple of times and see if it improves your mood.

Floyd was a ex felon, cops were called due to his alleged criminal actvity. Police used force far in excess to restrain him, he died during that process, they failed at multiple opportunities to initiate a remedy, then fudged an official document that outlined the circumstances.

Oh well.

I have no tolerance for rioters, less so for looters.

Now off to bang my granny aged but still hot wife.
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Ex felon?

And I’m married. Not to a granny.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:24:03 AM EDT
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The US communists are going to be surprised when the real communists take over.
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The first thing they do is make you kneel.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:25:03 AM EDT
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The US communists are going to be surprised when the real communists take over.
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The Bolsheviks destroying the Mensheviks.  I’d love to see the looks on their faces when it happens but I’ll already be dead.  They will be dying by inches from typhus in the labor camps and wonder where it all went wrong.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:25:34 AM EDT
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Liberalism really is a mental disorder.
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It's a realtionship of willingly sinful man and Lucifer-Satan and his devoted disciples.

The counterfeit Christ and the counterfeit apostles... liberalism is their evangelism
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:26:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:26:48 AM EDT
It’s all about misdirection
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:27:22 AM EDT
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The US communists are going to be surprised when the real communists take over.
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Remember the words of Alexander Solzhenitsyn he warned us about this over 50 yrs ago.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:28:26 AM EDT
TAMU canceled classes this Monday. All exams are moved. IN HONOR OF HIM.

Because once he attended a TAMU campus in Kingsville.


Absolutely disgusting.

Two things can be true at once. The cop who killed him absolutely should be charged with murder and what he did was wrong.

Floyd was a shitbag and I don't give a damn that he is dead, I care how he died.

He is being held up as "A member of the aggie family we should honor."

No he should not be honored. He did nothing honorable. He died in a horrible way that should not have happened. But nothing Floyd did is worthy of praise.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:29:15 AM EDT
Gosh damm @#3&*”.,;%+=*$(‘@#($’@/%*#motherfuckers.
I now know how Marvin Heemeyer felt when he’d had enough of the bullshit.
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