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Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:56:31 AM EDT
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The US communists are going to be surprised when the real communists take over.
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True.  China and Russia (USSR), and hardcore Commies do not respect our left, they only see them as "useful idiots". Some low/mid level ones will get low level positions in the new regime/occupation force, most will be sent to camps.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:57:15 AM EDT
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Some tell it like it is, everyone of them should be made to watch all of this.
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Came to post this.  Facts are racist.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:57:18 AM EDT
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Honk honk.

He was a saint. Just ignore the gun pressed to the pregnant woman's belly. And all the other shit. A SAINT.

I can see complaining about police handling things, despite the guy being a piece of shit, but shit like this is ridiculously hilarious, or sad, or just plain honked.



And am I crazy, or would shit like this usually be called a racist caricature? Look at it.
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I wished some artistic MF’er would paint a wall copy of one of his porn scenes or of him holding a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:57:20 AM EDT
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I honestly have gotten to the point that I just want to find a piece of land somewhere where I can be left alone and do odd projects that interest me.
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I honestly have gotten to the point that I just want to find a piece of land somewhere where I can be left alone and do odd projects that interest me.

Nope, can’t do that either.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:59:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:59:26 AM EDT
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I'll go against the grain here..His criminality has no bearing here for me.

There were what?  Four cops there?  Absolutely no reason I can see for one cop to be kneeling on the guys neck (and stay kneeling on his neck after there was no pulse) while the other three were standing around.  At the least two or three could have handled him while the remainder did crowd control while waiting for backup or the ambulance.

All that said, it just illustrates the fact that when you have an encounter with the police you should just follow their instructions whether you are black or white.  For the life of me I don't understand why people resist cops when its been established doing so will not end well.  If you are wronged, let the courts sort it out and get a pay day from it...Its better than being dead.

I figured that out 30+ years ago...

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That cop that knelt on Floyds neck, was that a racist trying to kill him or was it more of a scared guy who just struggled to get that violent thrashing man down waiting on a paddy wagon? Regardless if it killed floyd or not the knee was a bad ideal. That dude truly was Humpty Dumpty, a fragile mess looking for a reason to die.

Just like arbery case, I'm going to treat the defense as I wasn't there so I don't know what led to the incident. The arbery defendants turn into idiots the more info comes out. I'd like to see the the full video of what happened here with Floyd, what caused them to pull him out of a car and get him down.

I'll go against the grain here..His criminality has no bearing here for me.

There were what?  Four cops there?  Absolutely no reason I can see for one cop to be kneeling on the guys neck (and stay kneeling on his neck after there was no pulse) while the other three were standing around.  At the least two or three could have handled him while the remainder did crowd control while waiting for backup or the ambulance.

All that said, it just illustrates the fact that when you have an encounter with the police you should just follow their instructions whether you are black or white.  For the life of me I don't understand why people resist cops when its been established doing so will not end well.  If you are wronged, let the courts sort it out and get a pay day from it...Its better than being dead.

I figured that out 30+ years ago...

I think they should play this during the news EVERY NIGHT:
FUNNY! - How To Not Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police - Chris Rock

But I think the OPs point was, everyone says this is a clear example of racism.  Funny, I can't read peoples mind, so I don't know whether the COP did it because the guy was black, or just because the COP was stupid as hell.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:02:18 AM EDT
On a scale of 1 = Angel and 10 = demon.
Floyd was a solid 6.  But the cops were 9.5.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:02:19 AM EDT
Anyone who didn't see this shit coming is a fool. As usual, we failed to get out in front of things and act shocked when the left takes it and runs with it.  Just wait until they start passing loan forgiveness for student debt that we have known is a problem for years but ignored.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:02:32 AM EDT
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Not addressing the point and telling me to keep up makes you a boomer in spirit if not in age.
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Very curious. But I saw 8 minutes of a man who was no threat being knelt on the neck and dying.

Chauvin is a murderer.

That may be . We way past that part now . Try to keep up .

OK Boomer.

Your little bullshit quip has no effect on me . GenX FTW, yo .

Not addressing the point and telling me to keep up makes you a boomer in spirit if not in age.

Well played , I still dont give a shit . Edit - You could be right , Maybe im an old soul , a dinosaur , if you will . It is a real possibility that maybe I do in fact , give a shit . Lets move past this petty bickering, shall we ?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:05:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:09:15 AM EDT
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The cop should not have killed him. Fuck right off with all your other bullshit - if the cop hadn’t killed him none of this other crap would be happening.
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back at ya.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:09:47 AM EDT
You don't need to bring Floyd's character into question to point out the nonsense at play here.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:10:54 AM EDT
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Golly, why would GD be doing that?  Huh...
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have you seen the video? being a felon and drugged doesnt matter in the slightest bit. thats just an excuse for some to try to justify this murder.

Golly, why would GD be doing that?  Huh...

I'm not trying to justify his death. I'm trying to understand what led to his death.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:11:21 AM EDT
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On a scale of 1 = Angel and 10 = demon.
Floyd was a solid 6.  But the cops were 9.5.
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so a lifetime of being a piece of shit is better than accidentally killing a piece of shit?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:11:34 AM EDT
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Very curious. But I saw 8 minutes of a man who was no threat being knelt on the neck and dying.

Chauvin is a murderer.
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That cop that knelt on Floyds neck, was that a racist trying to kill him or was it more of a scared guy who just struggled to get that violent thrashing man down waiting on a paddy wagon? Regardless if it killed floyd or not the knee was a bad ideal. That dude truly was Humpty Dumpty, a fragile mess looking for a reason to die.

Just like arbery case, I'm going to treat the defense as I wasn't there so I don't know what led to the incident. The arbery defendants turn into idiots the more info comes out. I'd like to see the the full video of what happened here with Floyd, what caused them to pull him out of a car and get him down.

You mean the man who was proned out, and in cuffs, with 3 other officers standing around watching?

Your not curious to see all the video of what was happening prior?

Very curious. But I saw 8 minutes of a man who was no threat being knelt on the neck and dying.

Chauvin is a murderer.

The video leading up to him being removed (more like stepping out)  from the SUV after a short struggle shows once he was out that he was upset/crying and not putting up a fight.  Without seeing inside the vehicle its hard to say if it was a struggle or if he didn't come out because he was trying to reason/argue with the officer.  Either way the officer struggled with him for a short period and then he came out of the SUV.  

The rest is the video that is being used to set the narrative.  

In those videos.. I saw no reason to have used the level of force that was used on him.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:13:25 AM EDT
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I honestly have gotten to the point that I just want to find a piece of land somewhere where I can be left alone and do odd projects that interest me.
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just make sure you buy good dirt.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:16:08 AM EDT
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so a lifetime of being a piece of shit is better than accidentally killing a piece of shit?
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On a scale of 1 = Angel and 10 = demon.
Floyd was a solid 6.  But the cops were 9.5.

so a lifetime of being a piece of shit is better than accidentally killing a piece of shit?


What kind of society do you want ? One where everyone (or as many as possible) is treated fairly under a justice system that isn't perfect but works most of the time?  Or one where pieces of shit/suspected pieces of shit are executed on street corners for minor offenses?

Im no fan of thugs, but I'd be hard pressed to say that street corner executions are a thing we want here in the U.S.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:16:35 AM EDT
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so a lifetime of being a piece of shit is better than accidentally killing a piece of shit?
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Only one of them took an oath. Should a piece of shit and a cop be held to the same standard?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:20:00 AM EDT
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The useful idiots are paying tribute to the guy but the people directing where this goes are using him as a means to an end.  This was going to happen one way or the other.  There will be no unity for anyone on the right unless you are willing to get down on your knees and grovel.  Once they have the levers of government back they will use it to destroy anyone who doesn't conform to the new order.
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Not picking on you direct, but I see a lot of this.

If any of you think for one second those people are running the streets, rioting and protesting are doing so for any reason other than:

1) “stunt’n”, “clown’n”, “kick’n it off”, “they can’t arrest us all”, “give me that”
2) try to push the goal post so far in the other direction police just avoid dealing with crimes involving certain segments of the population.
3) an opportunity for little punk white kids to play Che for the love of Communism.

If you believe it is for any reason other than those, you haven’t been around either of those groups out there making all this mess much.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:21:02 AM EDT
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Only one of them took an oath. Should a piece of shit and a cop be held to the same standard?
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so a lifetime of being a piece of shit is better than accidentally killing a piece of shit?

Only one of them took an oath. Should a piece of shit and a cop be held to the same standard?

If you have ever worked in LE or in the prisons you will quickly learn..  Criminals have more rights than you or me.  

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:21:21 AM EDT
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Only one of them took an oath. Should a piece of shit and a cop be held to the same standard?
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they are both us citizens.....so yes.....you dont need to take an oath to not be a POS
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:23:21 AM EDT
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so a lifetime of being a piece of shit is better than accidentally killing a piece of shit?
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On a scale of 1 = Angel and 10 = demon.
Floyd was a solid 6.  But the cops were 9.5.

so a lifetime of being a piece of shit is better than accidentally killing a piece of shit?

How do you accidentally kneel on a man’s neck for 8 minutes?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:25:27 AM EDT
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What kind of society do you want ? One where everyone (or as many as possible) is treated fairly under a justice system that isn't perfect but works most of the time?  Or one where pieces of shit/suspected pieces of shit are executed on street corners for minor offenses?

Im no fan of thugs, but I'd be hard pressed to say that street corner executions are a thing we want here in the U.S.
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he wasnt a "suspected" anything.....he was a habitual repeat offender.....

in my opinion, conviction of assaulting pregnant women = hanging.....public hangings worked out pretty well for hundreds of years.

dude was living on borrowed time in my opinion....and it looks like his #thuglife finally caught up to him.....and everyone is better off
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:29:35 AM EDT
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Not picking on you direct, but I see a lot of this.

If any of you think for one second those people are running the streets, rioting and protesting are doing so for any reason other than:

1) "stunt'n", "clown'n", "kick'n it off", "they can't arrest us all", "give me that"
2) try to push the goal post so far in the other direction police just avoid dealing with crimes involving certain segments of the population.
3) an opportunity for little punk white kids to play Che for the love of Communism.

If you believe it is for any reason other than those, you haven't been around either of those groups out there making all this mess much.

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I don't disagree.  I was more referring to all the black screen and tributes on social media to by the soccer moms, celebs, companies, and others.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:29:51 AM EDT
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The video leading up to him being removed (more like stepping out)  from the SUV after a short struggle shows once he was out that he was upset/crying and not putting up a fight.  Without seeing inside the vehicle its hard to say if it was a struggle or if he didn't come out because he was trying to reason/argue with the officer.  Either way the officer struggled with him for a short period and then he came out of the SUV.  

The rest is the video that is being used to set the narrative.  

In those videos.. I saw no reason to have used the level of force that was used on him.
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I hadn't seen everything put together. I guess the events started with him getting fucked up that day, setting himself up to get involved with asshole cops that have no regard for a criminals plea.
How George Floyd Was Killed in Police Custody | Visual Investigations
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:37:49 AM EDT
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Yeah but, the people in the streets aren't protesting this man's death; they're protesting because they claim that his death is evidence of "systemic racism" in both policing and society.
Which is utterly laughable in the facts of logic, facts, and reality. Flyod isn't a person to them, he's a symbol.
If Floyd hadn't been killed, then some other "gentle giant" would have been. And, America would still be burning.
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Communist revolutionaries (antifa and their allies) are looking for martyrs to create flashpoints through "establishment" backlash.  Again, the man doesn't matter - just as Ernst Thalmann and Horst Wessel's actual lives didn't matter.  Martyrs, especially martyrs on video, are symbols.

When antifa gets up in the faces of police they are trying to provoke a backlash that they can exploit.  You don't see video of the pudgy female antifa agitator throwing urine in a cop's face - you see the aftermath when a poor college student has had her head cracked.  The message - the narrative is controlled by their allies in the media (which is why they hate Erin and Andy Ngo and now Project Veritas).
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:46:55 AM EDT
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Yep, so where is Bernie BTW ?  Not a word from him to his fellow comrades.
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Bernie's at his summer house on the Vineyard. He ain't got time fo dat.

At least Hillary sent a bottle of hot sauce and a card.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:47:02 AM EDT
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Yeah but, the people in the streets aren't protesting this man's death; they're protesting because they claim that his death is evidence of "systemic racism" in both policing and society.
Which is utterly laughable in the facts of logic, facts, and reality. Flyod isn't a person to them, he's a symbol.
If Floyd hadn't been killed, then some other "gentle giant" would have been. And, America would still be burning.
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The cop should not have killed him. Fuck right off with all your other bullshit - if the cop hadn’t killed him none of this other crap would be happening.
Yeah but, the people in the streets aren't protesting this man's death; they're protesting because they claim that his death is evidence of "systemic racism" in both policing and society.
Which is utterly laughable in the facts of logic, facts, and reality. Flyod isn't a person to them, he's a symbol.
If Floyd hadn't been killed, then some other "gentle giant" would have been. And, America would still be burning.

Yep.  First they were protesting that Chauvin hadn't been arrested.  So they arrested and charged him (nevermind it took 8 months for Noor to lose his job and be charged for the murder of Justine Damond.)  Then they were protesting that 3rd degree wasn't enough, the other cops should be arrested too, and they didn't trust the DA.  So they increased the charges, arrested the other officers, and put a black ANTIFA sympathizer in charge of the case.  Then after "the system" catered to all of their requests, they are now protesting"systematic racism".

Can't make this shit up.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:48:06 AM EDT
I'm surprised he hasn't been canonized a saint yet. Leftists love firsts. He could be first drug addict, armed felon, repeat offender, porn performer, counterfeit money using saint.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:57:58 AM EDT
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The reality distortion field is evil, but talking trash about George Floyd's character is a losing argument that we should avoid.  It makes it sound like we support summary executions by police for anyone passing fake $20's with a record, instead of him being innocent until proven guilty.  Saying "Well AHKTUALLY..." about George Floyd, as if it's our issue, completely distracts from the real problem here: None of this is actually about George Floyd.

In other words: IT'S A TRAP.  I think this is actually why the big riots are always about criminals instead of perfect victims: It creates just the right kind of division needed to pursue the real goal, which is to smear us and take the next step forward in our subjugation.
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Link Posted: 6/6/2020 11:25:59 AM EDT
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so a lifetime of being a piece of shit is better than accidentally killing a piece of shit?
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Link Posted: 6/6/2020 11:34:23 AM EDT
and only can looting arson and murder on a mass scale be called peace & unity

I see a vision of St. Floyd of the Apocalypse hovering over the battle scenes across America in the black smoke and flames
smiling down on us...with that wry smile of his...and a wink.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 11:58:54 AM EDT
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Hell, even if he did it on purpose.... cop did us all a favor, took a drug addicted repeat felon with a passion for beating pregnant women off the streets when the courts wouldn’t.

10/10 good choke

If Floyd had been killed by anyone else, GD would be unanimous in claiming “druggie got what he deserved”....but since it was a cop that killed him, y’all are claiming “oh he shouldn’t have died!!!! He was murdered!! That cop is a piece of shit!!”

Get fucked with your selective outrage
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:33:15 PM EDT
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The cop should not have killed him. Fuck right off with all your other bullshit - if the cop hadn’t killed him none of this other crap would be happening.
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Are you justifying or making excuses for our cities burning?

Lots of things shouldn't have happened, Floyd's past, his behaviors the day of his death, the cops actions that led to his death, the rioting and looting...

Not one single fucking one of those things should have resulted in any of the others.  Don't excuse the bullshit happening in our cities.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:39:13 PM EDT
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I'm surprised he hasn't been canonized a saint yet. Leftists love firsts. He could be first drug addict, armed felon, repeat offender, porn performer, counterfeit money using saint.
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Isn’t this why Biden is attending the funeral?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:40:35 PM EDT
AND, buried in a $30,000.00 casket and have the North Carolina State Flag lowered to half mast to HONOR him.  And to make it worse, its the 76th anniversary of D Day and no mention of that from our leftist, police hating, thug loving governor.

Personally, I take it as an assault.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 1:24:49 PM EDT
FGF. He’s a piece of shit but what happened to him was wrong so there’s two problems here. But yes he was a piece of shit
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 2:37:09 PM EDT
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No offense but that's crap.

I can tell you have never had to take down,subdue, or transport violent criminals who resist especially violent criminals who are 6'5" and were gifted athletes...or worked with timid partners in this process.

It's the Martin Luther King conundrum

It's always been a content of his character vs the color of his skin issue.

They have been waiting for this kind of event to do what they are doing...it was bound to happen sooner or later and they knew that and were ready everything already laid out ready to go...the media,all the elite,the deep state,the so called black leadership....all in collusion waiting for this opportunity this manufactured crisis to spring the rebellion.

To lay it at the feet of one cop is disingenuous

To turn a thug into a revered martyr is their glory...the pride of Edward Bernays social programming mass brainwashing

More importantly it's about America's relationship with God...they deliberately ruined it knowing that this would be the outcome...

And that is why we are going to become subjugated...

Remember the Alamo
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No offense but that's crap.

I can tell you have never had to take down,subdue, or transport violent criminals who resist especially violent criminals who are 6'5" and were gifted athletes...or worked with timid partners in this process.

It's the Martin Luther King conundrum

It's always been a content of his character vs the color of his skin issue.

They have been waiting for this kind of event to do what they are doing...it was bound to happen sooner or later and they knew that and were ready everything already laid out ready to go...the media,all the elite,the deep state,the so called black leadership....all in collusion waiting for this opportunity this manufactured crisis to spring the rebellion.

To lay it at the feet of one cop is disingenuous

To turn a thug into a revered martyr is their glory...the pride of Edward Bernays social programming mass brainwashing

More importantly it's about America's relationship with God...they deliberately ruined it knowing that this would be the outcome...

And that is why we are going to become subjugated...

Remember the Alamo

I think you're right about the last part, as Solzhenitsyn was.  There will be merit, someday, in making people reflect on the insanity of canonizing George Floyd, but what I'm saying here is that making that argument now just gives them more ammunition against us...to subjugate us with.  There are bigger, easier, and more important, lies to expose right now.  If I could only give a person my one best argument for why most of what's happening now is a travesty that will cause immense suffering, "George Floyd was a violent criminal" isn't it.  That's the kind of thing that just makes SJW's go into rage mode, and it makes "normal people" tune out, thinking the situation isn't relevant to their lives.  The point here is that the situation has nothing to do with Floyd anymore.  They're trying to overthrow the republic, and THAT is the reality that normie fence-sitters need to wake up to.

Floyd's character is irrelevant to the far left's core motivation for hulking out (unspeakable hatred of America), and their actions (communist insurrection), and also their fake purposely self-deluded pretext for it (ending pervasive systemic racism and fascism), and even the genuine societal problem (difficulty holding police accountable) used to construct the fake pretext.  Who George Floyd was as a person is, I think, five layers of indirection away from the core SJW motivation, let alone their handlers.  It would be an understatement to say that who he was is totally irrelevant to everything they're doing.  You're saying the same thing above, really: They don't really care, and it could have been anyone...but because they don't actually care, you couldn't change someone's viewpoint on the situation even if you did change their mind on Floyd.  It's the weakest possible criticism.

That said...when people won't respond to reason and want propaganda, there may be something to say for tainting the left's symbols based on truth.  I still think it backfires heavily in this particular case, but it may have uses in general: They have no trouble destroying OUR symbols (even joke symbols like Hawaiian shirts) even based on lies, after all.  They have a heck of a lot more power to force-multiply and cement their narrative with repetition though, so it's better to do it in areas with fewer downsides.

The cop should not have killed him. Fuck right off with all your other bullshit - if the cop hadn’t killed him none of this other crap would be happening.

You're right about the first part, but...the last part is too optimistic.  If Chauvin hadn't killed Floyd, they would have found or made another excuse to do the same exact thing, likely before lockdown ended.  Floyd's death is just a pretext, and any pretext will do if it has the right optics to let people purposely work up a froth around their gums.


Or when the Globalists and their degrowth movement take over and skin pigmentation goes from being a shield to being a target.

Good point.  If they wanted to genetically engineer a superflu for instance, it's not going to target their own genetic profile.  They'll be ruthlessly racist about who to target instead.  (If they're smart enough to survive the aftermath, they'll target personality markers too.  Maybe I shouldn't write that out loud and give anyone ideas, but I'm sure it's not a unique thought.)
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 3:38:31 PM EDT
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Its not just America thats plagued with this lunacy.  The entire world is protesting America's racism problem right now.
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No it isn't, the media just makes it look like they are
Link Posted: 6/7/2020 7:27:11 PM EDT
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Hell, even if he did it on purpose.... cop did us all a favor, took a drug addicted repeat felon with a passion for beating pregnant women off the streets when the courts wouldn’t.

10/10 good choke

If Floyd had been killed by anyone else, GD would be unanimous in claiming “druggie got what he deserved”....but since it was a cop that killed him, y’all are claiming “oh he shouldn’t have died!!!! He was murdered!! That cop is a piece of shit!!”

Get fucked with your selective outrage
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Hell, even if he did it on purpose.... cop did us all a favor, took a drug addicted repeat felon with a passion for beating pregnant women off the streets when the courts wouldn’t.

10/10 good choke

If Floyd had been killed by anyone else, GD would be unanimous in claiming “druggie got what he deserved”....but since it was a cop that killed him, y’all are claiming “oh he shouldn’t have died!!!! He was murdered!! That cop is a piece of shit!!”

Get fucked with your selective outrage

You can't honestly be that disconnected from reality.

Making a martyr out of a shit bird isn't doing anyone but the left a favor. Unless you're a ruthlessly dedicated communist, a lawyer, or a fire restoration company owner there was nothing good about this cop killing him in the street. This goes beyond just who believes in the rule of law and bill of right, and falls squarely in the territory of being grounded in reality and not acting as if you live in some bizarre fantasy world of your own creation.
Link Posted: 6/7/2020 7:34:34 PM EDT
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Gentle Giant
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Yep, almost as gentle as mike brown.  
Link Posted: 6/7/2020 7:35:42 PM EDT
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I'll go against the grain here..His criminality has no bearing here for me.

There were what?  Four cops there?  Absolutely no reason I can see for one cop to be kneeling on the guys neck (and stay kneeling on his neck after there was no pulse) while the other three were standing around.  At the least two or three could have handled him while the remainder did crowd control while waiting for backup or the ambulance.

All that said, it just illustrates the fact that when you have an encounter with the police you should just follow their instructions whether you are black or white.  For the life of me I don't understand why people resist cops when its been established doing so will not end well.  If you are wronged, let the courts sort it out and get a pay day from it...Its better than being dead.

I figured that out 30+ years ago...

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I agree, it may suck if you’re on the midunderstood side of law or not. But it’s a no win to resist. My buddy was going through a divorce. He and his wife had an argument so she called the cops and they got a little rough with him and egging him on so he punched one of them.
This is a guy that never had a problem with the law but got 6 months in the slammer for it and the cops got no wrong doing.
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