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Link Posted: 8/18/2012 8:17:23 PM EDT
David Stockman, Reagan's budget director, essentially said the same thing.  Ryan's budget plan won't solve the massive issues facing the US.

But guess what?  He is the only person in Washington who has even dared to try!  And for doing so, he is accused of wanting to kill the elderly.  Obama's budgets call for more spending and more debt, and both of them received 0 votes from the DEMOCRATS.

So criticize Ryan's budget as weak, but it's the most anyone in Washington is willing to do on record.

Rand Paul put out a better, more effective budget proposal, last I checked.  It was discussed here, too.  Ryan's problem is that he wants to preserve as much of the national Provider State as he can, but feels that what can possibly be saved is less than what most of his colleagues think can be preserved, making him an outlier.  Ultimately, any plan that does not come close to dismantling the Provider State in the long term is not going to work.

Well hell, that doesn't even need a plan.  It's going to happen with or without a plan.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 8:19:14 PM EDT
Schiff is the Al Sharpton of economics.

True.... but we havta do better than 27 years.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 8:29:15 PM EDT


Maybe we should all join a Canadian forum and talk shit about their politicians and their issues.  

We'd probably get banned for trolling but he can troll non-stop.

You're the most butt-hurt person on here, you know that?


No, I'm just sick and tired of a person that doesn't live here criticizing my country. You don't have a dog in this fight.

You're too busy putting national pride ahead of the actual discussion.
I'm not here "bashing" the US.  I start bash threads.  I know what a fucking bash thread is.  Typically, I'll put BASH right in the thread title to indicate that this is a "fun" thread meant for a little humor.
If ANYTHING, I'm "bashing" Paul Ryan's "plan".  I'm not even bashing Paul Ryan, for fucks sake.  I like the guy and think he was a good choice, but his "plan" sucks.  Better than the Liberals, absolutely; but it still sucks.
So yeah, don't get all uppity just because I want to talk politics.  It's a contact sport and people are going to get hurt, that's no reason to get your shit in a knot.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 8:32:47 PM EDT



Maybe we should all join a Canadian forum and talk shit about their politicians and their issues.  

We'd probably get banned for trolling but he can troll non-stop.

You're the most butt-hurt person on here, you know that?

No, I'm just sick and tired of a person that doesn't live here criticizing my country. You don't have a dog in this fight.

You're too busy putting national pride ahead of the actual discussion.

I'm not here "bashing" the US.  I start bash threads.  I know what a fucking bash thread is.  Typically, I'll put BASH right in the thread title to indicate that this is a "fun" thread meant for a little humor.

If ANYTHING, I'm "bashing" Paul Ryan's "plan".  I'm not even bashing Paul Ryan, for fucks sake.  I like the guy and think he was a good choice, but his "plan" sucks.  Better than the Liberals, absolutely; but it still sucks.

So yeah, don't get all uppity just because I want to talk politics.  It's a contact sport and people are going to get hurt, that's no reason to get your shit in a knot.

That's a barnburner, coming from you.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 8:33:46 PM EDT



Schiff is the Al Sharpton of economics.

True.... but we havta do better than 27 years.

Its better than the Democrats! That is all that matters. Hell, it could be a 100 year plan, and folks would still be happy since its better than the other guy.

Link Posted: 8/18/2012 8:40:15 PM EDT
The main problem is that entitlement costs will exceed revenues in the future, meaning all descretionary spending will be debt spending.  This has to be addressed, and Ryan is one of the few pushing to reduce benefits for FUTURE retirees.

And we need to scrap baseline budgeting, and seek to hold rate of growth at 0%.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 8:49:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 8:51:06 PM EDT
A lot of people are still going to vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket so all you party hacks need to quit flipping out.

A guy like Schiff wouldn't even need to point this out if the big players in the Republican party hadn't spent the last few weeks trying to spin Ryan as some budget slashing radical.

Just admit that he's a younger face that's ingratiated himself with all the moderate socialists in the Republican party, a safe bet that will look good on camera and won't touch anyone's cow. There's no reason to build up this false image, especially if it's being used by Democrats to scare all the old people living on welfare.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 9:01:55 PM EDT
A lot of people are still going to vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket so all you party hacks need to quit flipping out.

A guy like Schiff wouldn't even need to point this out if the big players in the Republican party hadn't spent the last few weeks trying to spin Ryan as some budget slashing radical.

Just admit that he's a younger face that's ingratiated himself with all the moderate socialists in the Republican party, a safe bet that will look good on camera and won't touch anyone's cow. There's no reason to build up this false image, especially if it's being used by Democrats to scare all the old people living on welfare.

Well said.
Standby to be called a liberal/paulbot/obama voter/etc. by the finger painters and statist/socialist serfs.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 9:03:14 PM EDT
this thread sucks
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 9:04:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 9:20:26 PM EDT
The most "radical" establishment guy in Washington came up with a budget that will simply BALANCE our spending in 28 GODAMN YEARS!

Let that sink in for a minute.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 9:48:48 PM EDT


You've had an attitude problem lately.

Welcome to my ignore list.


Link Posted: 8/18/2012 9:50:41 PM EDT


And what does he say about the democrat's budget? Oh wait, it's hard to criticize something that doesn't exist.

The Democrats plan is out-of-this-world stupid; but let's face facts, the Republicans isn't much better.

So who are you going to vote for?

I dont think he can...

Sure he can, he just needs to own a dog in the USA, register the dog and fill out an absentee ballot.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 9:58:34 PM EDT


You've had an attitude problem lately.

Welcome to my ignore list.



Why would anyone ignore someone
I just don't get that.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 10:00:10 PM EDT




You've had an attitude problem lately.

Welcome to my ignore list.



Why would anyone ignore someone

I just don't get that.

Same here

not a soul on my ignore list

Seems only the "special" posters like to make a big deal about ignoring someone

Link Posted: 8/18/2012 10:01:59 PM EDT


As much as I would love for a very radical plan to get passed, it'll NEVER happen.  We have to start somewhere and Ryan's plan is a good place to start.


Yep. First step.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 10:22:50 PM EDT




Schiff is the Al Sharpton of economics.

True.... but we havta do better than 27 years.

Its better than the Democrats! That is all that matters. Hell, it could be a 100 year plan, and folks would still be happy since its better than the other guy.  

What a stunning endorsement.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 10:25:24 PM EDT





Schiff is the Al Sharpton of economics.

True.... but we havta do better than 27 years.

Its better than the Democrats! That is all that matters. Hell, it could be a 100 year plan, and folks would still be happy since its better than the other guy.  

What a stunning endorsement.


We're fucked. That's so wildly fucking pathetic I can't even laugh about it.

Link Posted: 8/18/2012 10:34:40 PM EDT
They are like people that let their brakes wear into the rivets thinking they are gonna fix themselves.

Remember when Bill Clinton presented a balanced budget to the congress... oh wait, I mean a budget that would eventually balance several years after he left office.

Yeah, people rightly criticized that as the unrealistic handjob that it was.  

I'm just saying.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 10:35:59 PM EDT


And what does he say about the democrat's budget? Oh wait, it's hard to criticize something that doesn't exist.

The Democrats plan is out-of-this-world stupid; but let's face facts, the Republicans isn't much better.

So who are you going to vote for?

I dont think he can...

No shit.

Here he is now. The man that a thin majority of you chose to be the president of the United States.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 10:38:02 PM EDT



Schiff is the Al Sharpton of economics.

True.... but we havta do better than 27 years.

Its better than the Democrats! That is all that matters. Hell, it could be a 100 year plan, and folks would still be happy since its better than the other guy.  

What a stunning endorsement.


We're fucked. That's so wildly fucking pathetic I can't even laugh about it.

Oh and btw, from your resident shoplifting, meth cooking fat retard.


Link Posted: 8/18/2012 10:46:25 PM EDT






Schiff is the Al Sharpton of economics.

True.... but we havta do better than 27 years.

Its better than the Democrats! That is all that matters. Hell, it could be a 100 year plan, and folks would still be happy since its better than the other guy.  

What a stunning endorsement.


We're fucked. That's so wildly fucking pathetic I can't even laugh about it.


Oh come on guys, its better than the other guy! I mean, do you really need anything more than that? Vote Republican this election, or doom the country!

Link Posted: 8/18/2012 10:51:10 PM EDT




Schiff is the Al Sharpton of economics.

True.... but we havta do better than 27 years.

Its better than the Democrats! That is all that matters. Hell, it could be a 100 year plan, and folks would still be happy since its better than the other guy.  

What a stunning endorsement.


We're fucked. That's so wildly fucking pathetic I can't even laugh about it.

Oh come on guys, its better than the other guy! I mean, do you really need anything more than that? Vote Republican this election, or doom the country!  

I like Doom, tho.  Best FPS game ever.  Great music, too.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 11:05:05 PM EDT

The Paul Ryan Plan Is Weak And Assumes The Economic Equivalent Of Winning The Lottery Twice


So what was the Ryan Budget's radical departure from the status quo that has caused such uproar? If enacted today, the Ryan budget would so drastically upend the fiscal picture that the U.S. federal budget would come into balance in just... wait for it.... 27 years! This is because the Ryan budget doesn't actually cut anything. At no point in Ryan's decades long budget timeline does he ever suggest that the government spend less than it had the year before. He doesn't touch a penny in current Social Security or Medicare outlays, nor in the bloated defense budget.

In fact, among his other overly-optimistic assumptions are that the unemployment rate falls to 4% by 2015 and an unprecedented 2.8% by 2021, another real estate boom begins almost immediately, and there is an average inflation and ten-year treasury rate for the next ten years of 2.04 and 4.15 respectively. These are assumptions that would make even the most rabid economic cheerleaders sit on their pompoms.


Surrender Pronto, or we'll level Toronto.

Anyone who panders to the Alex Jones DIA underground fortress harboring reptilian anti jooos crowd for money and votes, should be properly arse fucked, drawn, hung, and quartered.

Big fucking deal Cannucks. 2.8% unemployment is slavery.....oh wait.... was she a great big ole fat girl? Butterflies for all. Rainbows for the childrenz.

By 2015 there will be an average of 10+ drones per U.S. county and you are posting about Schiff and job postings?
Canadian beer sucks, Vikings are waaaaay better hockey players.

My 87 cents.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 11:14:20 PM EDT
That's what I've been saying for the past year.  Listen, Ryan, woo hoo and all.  Yup better than Obama/Biden, but I think we should at least look at things in context.  The Ryan budget isn't that good, and if there is any way to spin it, spin it to those in the middle who think Ryan would cut off grandma's social security check and close down the subsidized housing as it doesn't even come close to that.

Yep.  Both accomplish the same goal––increasing government spending and, therefore, power.  When the better choice is bragging about going further into debt, just more slowly, it's clear that we are being offered a bad choice and a worse choice.
Link Posted: 8/18/2012 11:17:44 PM EDT
Ryan's plan doesn't address the effects of continuing the "Bush era tax cuts".
The Congressional Budget Office calls this the EAF or "Extended Alternate Fiscal Scenario".

Link Posted: 8/18/2012 11:24:57 PM EDT
Ryan's plan doesn't address the effects of continuing the "Bush era tax cuts".
The Congressional Budget Office calls this the EAF or "Extended Alternate Fiscal Scenario".


Meh, you need to watch more TV bro.
Snookie or whatever the fuck will teach real life.

Either learn to swim....... or 3gun. your choice.

Link Posted: 8/18/2012 11:48:18 PM EDT
It is funny (tragic?) that people think that "balancing the budget" is ever a part of the planning for a debt based currency.

Listen here buddy, you can take that sound money talk and shove it up yer red lovin commie stinkhole!


Link Posted: 8/19/2012 12:10:42 AM EDT
And what does he say about the democrat's budget?  Oh wait, it's hard to criticize something that doesn't exist.

...and on the first post.

Are we trying to fix the country, or just get rid of Obama!?

The first step to fixing this country is getting rid of Chicago Jesus...if we don't get that done the whole budget debate gets academic.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 12:16:23 AM EDT

David Stockman, Reagan's budget director, essentially said the same thing.  Ryan's budget plan won't solve the massive issues facing the US.

But guess what?  He is the only person in Washington who has even dared to try!  And for doing so, he is accused of wanting to kill the elderly.  Obama's budgets called for more spending and more debt, and both of them received 0 votes from the DEMOCRATS.

So criticize Ryan's budget as weak, but it's the most anyone in Washington is willing to do on record.

I beg your pardon?

I recall someone that proposed cutting a Trillion year one.

Did Ron Paul ever submit a formal budget?  

Probably, but I'm not sure, but I do know Rand Paul made a serious budget proposal and from what I can recall it was significantly better than Ryan's, although it still had room for improvement.  Ryan's plan got the lion's share of the attention at the time.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 12:18:34 AM EDT
David Stockman, Reagan's budget director, essentially said the same thing.  Ryan's budget plan won't solve the massive issues facing the US.

But guess what?  He is the only person in Washington who has even dared to try!  And for doing so, he is accused of wanting to kill the elderly.  Obama's budgets call for more spending and more debt, and both of them received 0 votes from the DEMOCRATS.

So criticize Ryan's budget as weak, but it's the most anyone in Washington is willing to do on record.

Rand Paul put out a better, more effective budget proposal, last I checked.  It was discussed here, too.  Ryan's problem is that he wants to preserve as much of the national Provider State as he can, but feels that what can possibly be saved is less than what most of his colleagues think can be preserved, making him an outlier.  Ultimately, any plan that does not come close to dismantling the Provider State in the long term is not going to work.

Well hell, that doesn't even need a plan.  It's going to happen with or without a plan.

Well, a collapse is a bit more cataclysmic than a dismantling.  At least the latter can be done over time.  The former is going to hit everyone very hard, even if they are not wards or beneficiaries of the Provider State.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 12:21:57 AM EDT

So, Ryan's "radical" budget, isn't radical enough?  

Can anyone with a straight face call a budget that doesn't get balanced in 28 years, radical?  

I think you guys need to consider WHO is calling the budget radical. The dems tactic is to marginalize our positions by calling everything extreme or radical.

Considering that he needs to have a plan that is realistic enough to actually get voted on and passed...this plan may be a good step in the right direction.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 12:24:09 AM EDT
Paul Ryan's plan is almost child like.  It truly displays his inexperience and lack of comprehension of how basic things work.  Congress is a fat retarded child with ADHD.  28 year plan is just silly.

Yet many will give him credit for trying to do 'something' much like a child's finger painting on a refrigerator door.

Lol. Tell us how your brilliant plan will work. I am sure since you are leaps and bounds smarter than Ryan and know the US fiscal matters better than him it shouldn't  be too difficult.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 12:31:20 AM EDT

So, Ryan's "radical" budget, isn't radical enough?  

Can anyone with a straight face call a budget that doesn't get balanced in 28 years, radical?  

I think you guys need to consider WHO is calling the budget radical. The dems tactic is to marginalize our positions by calling everything extreme or radical.

Considering that he needs to have a plan that is realistic enough to actually get voted on and passed...this plan may be a good step in the right direction.


I Vehemently oppose your assertion. Voted on? Passed? Right Direction? Realistic? WOW!!! do you mean to tell us, your dear readers, that you and Rush Limbaugh know the answer?

Fuck all, we are saved. Hallelujah!!!! We are saved!!!

"All hail Romney"
"All hail Romney"
"Savior of the Republic"

Fuck them. All who are willing know the answer to our current ills.

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 12:41:28 AM EDT
Paul Ryans plan doesn't go far enough? Are you kidding me?

Ok back up. Yes more can be cut.
No, 28 years is not fast enough.

But lets look at the reality. Balancing the budget in 10 years is a damn good plan, the best we could hope for the conservatives to put out.
Demoshits would never pass it, because there are few places to cut lots of spending, one if Defense, where the Right won't touch as much as the Demoshits want them to touch.
The other is all the nanny state provisions like ObamaTax/Case, Medicare/caid, Welfare, SS, taxes...something the Right would slash hardcore, and the Left would not put up with.

So then you look at the Demoshit plan...Well..Lets pretend they have one....Print print print...

So between balancing a budget in 10 years and never passing shirt, I think a 28 year plan is a good place where both sides SHOULD be able to find middle ground.

I like Ryan and his plan, because its NOT a CONSERVATIVE plan. It is a Lets Work Together and Find Middle Ground to SOLVE THE ISSUES Plan.
I like Ryan and his plan, because he is trying to work in the direction of getting congress to work in the interest of America, NOT "Lets work in the interest of Conservatives and Republicans and Fuck everyone else."

Don't get me wrong, Im a right wind extremist through and through. But when you have Demoshits and Republicunts both working only to please their voters, you get an Immovable Object struck by an Unstoppable Force.

Romney Ryan has my vote, because the Ryan Plan is Bold.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 12:44:51 AM EDT

So, Ryan's "radical" budget, isn't radical enough?  

Can anyone with a straight face call a budget that doesn't get balanced in 28 years, radical?  

I think you guys need to consider WHO is calling the budget radical. The dems tactic is to marginalize our positions by calling everything extreme or radical.

Considering that he needs to have a plan that is realistic enough to actually get voted on and passed...this plan may be a good step in the right direction.


I Vehemently oppose your assertion. Voted on? Passed? Right Direction? Realistic? WOW!!! do you mean to tell us, your dear readers, that you and Rush Limbaugh know the answer?

Fuck all, we are saved. Hallelujah!!!! We are saved!!!

"All hail Romney"
"All hail Romney"
"Savior of the Republic"

Fuck them. All who are willing know the answer to our current ills.

Huh?  Not sure if srs. ....nor do I understand what you are trying to get at.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 12:53:06 AM EDT
Paul Ryans plan doesn't go far enough? Are you kidding me?

Ok back up. Yes more can be cut.
No, 28 years is not fast enough.

But lets look at the reality. Balancing the budget in 10 years is a damn good plan, the best we could hope for the conservatives to put out.
Demoshits would never pass it, because there are few places to cut lots of spending, one if Defense, where the Right won't touch as much as the Demoshits want them to touch.
The other is all the nanny state provisions like ObamaTax/Case, Medicare/caid, Welfare, SS, taxes...something the Right would slash hardcore, and the Left would not put up with.

So then you look at the Demoshit plan...Well..Lets pretend they have one....Print print print...

So between balancing a budget in 10 years and never passing shirt, I think a 28 year plan is a good place where both sides SHOULD be able to find middle ground.

I like Ryan and his plan, because its NOT a CONSERVATIVE plan. It is a Lets Work Together and Find Middle Ground to SOLVE THE ISSUES Plan.
I like Ryan and his plan, because he is trying to work in the direction of getting congress to work in the interest of America, NOT "Lets work in the interest of Conservatives and Republicans and Fuck everyone else."

Don't get me wrong, Im a right wind extremist through and through. But when you have Demoshits and Republicunts both working only to please their voters, you get an Immovable Object struck by an Unstoppable Force.

Romney Ryan has my vote, because the Ryan Plan is Bold.

OK, how about FUCK the Democrat plan, FUCK the Republican plan.

How about a bold new plan from the  "We" you know the people. Fuck them dude. WHY the fuck are you guys and so many others constantly talking about this shit?

Do you, for 1 second truly believe they give one damn about you or I. Seriously?
Ya man Romney/Obama insert whoever the fuck you want. They do not care or give one damn about you.

If you have an IQ (intelligence quotient) above 90, well then you know for certain. It is time. Go ahead and "Vote" for your guy. In the end you will be arse fucked hard.

Until then....same Bat channel...same Bat time......

Learn to swim.

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 12:58:58 AM EDT

So, Ryan's "radical" budget, isn't radical enough?  

Can anyone with a straight face call a budget that doesn't get balanced in 28 years, radical?  

I think you guys need to consider WHO is calling the budget radical. The dems tactic is to marginalize our positions by calling everything extreme or radical.

Considering that he needs to have a plan that is realistic enough to actually get voted on and passed...this plan may be a good step in the right direction.


I Vehemently oppose your assertion. Voted on? Passed? Right Direction? Realistic? WOW!!! do you mean to tell us, your dear readers, that you and Rush Limbaugh know the answer?

Fuck all, we are saved. Hallelujah!!!! We are saved!!!

"All hail Romney"
"All hail Romney"
"Savior of the Republic"

Fuck them. All who are willing know the answer to our current ills.

Huh?  Not sure if srs. ....nor do I understand what you are trying to get at.

Very serious.
You know "what" I am getting at, not trying. If you do not understand ...well then read up on some history bro.

YOU/we are fucked. As in times past we are that time again, sadly.

Point is Romney and the GOP are no better than fuckstick commie stain in the U.S. Obama and his boyz.
Fuck dude, at least obama will have a beer with you and defend his wife in public.

Fuck BHO, Fuck commies, and FUCK appeasers. And  most certainly Fuck the pussy GOP.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 1:00:46 AM EDT
Paul Ryans plan doesn't go far enough? Are you kidding me?

Ok back up. Yes more can be cut.
No, 28 years is not fast enough.

But lets look at the reality. Balancing the budget in 10 years is a damn good plan, the best we could hope for the conservatives to put out.
Demoshits would never pass it, because there are few places to cut lots of spending, one if Defense, where the Right won't touch as much as the Demoshits want them to touch.
The other is all the nanny state provisions like ObamaTax/Case, Medicare/caid, Welfare, SS, taxes...something the Right would slash hardcore, and the Left would not put up with.

So then you look at the Demoshit plan...Well..Lets pretend they have one....Print print print...

So between balancing a budget in 10 years and never passing shirt, I think a 28 year plan is a good place where both sides SHOULD be able to find middle ground.

I like Ryan and his plan, because its NOT a CONSERVATIVE plan. It is a Lets Work Together and Find Middle Ground to SOLVE THE ISSUES Plan.
I like Ryan and his plan, because he is trying to work in the direction of getting congress to work in the interest of America, NOT "Lets work in the interest of Conservatives and Republicans and Fuck everyone else."

Don't get me wrong, Im a right wind extremist through and through. But when you have Demoshits and Republicunts both working only to please their voters, you get an Immovable Object struck by an Unstoppable Force.

Romney Ryan has my vote, because the Ryan Plan is Bold.

OK, how about FUCK the Democrat plan, FUCK the Republican plan.

How about a bold new plan from the  "We" you know the people. Fuck them dude. WHY the fuck are you guys and so many others constantly talking about this shit?

Do you, for 1 second truly believe they give one damn about you or I. Seriously?
Ya man Romney/Obama insert whoever the fuck you want. They do not care or give one damn about you.

If you have an IQ (intelligence quotient) above 90, well then you know for certain. It is time. Go ahead and "Vote" for your guy. In the end you will be arse fucked hard.

Until then....same Bat channel...same Bat time......

Learn to swim.

Fuck the courts, fuck commies, fuck appeasers, and FUCK .gov

How about ask them how they would like a 30 round mag to the .............

Anyway, when is enough, enough? Someone has to start saying it. And someone has to start standing up for it.

Until the next time........same Bat channel, same Bat time.

Learn to swim.

Hey drama lama, I took this quote of yours from another post. I am not sure what you are on or if you got into mommas liquor cabinet, but I'm thinking you might want to seek some help.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 1:22:46 AM EDT
Paul Ryans plan doesn't go far enough? Are you kidding me?

Ok back up. Yes more can be cut.
No, 28 years is not fast enough.

But lets look at the reality. Balancing the budget in 10 years is a damn good plan, the best we could hope for the conservatives to put out.
Demoshits would never pass it, because there are few places to cut lots of spending, one if Defense, where the Right won't touch as much as the Demoshits want them to touch.
The other is all the nanny state provisions like ObamaTax/Case, Medicare/caid, Welfare, SS, taxes...something the Right would slash hardcore, and the Left would not put up with.

So then you look at the Demoshit plan...Well..Lets pretend they have one....Print print print...

So between balancing a budget in 10 years and never passing shirt, I think a 28 year plan is a good place where both sides SHOULD be able to find middle ground.

I like Ryan and his plan, because its NOT a CONSERVATIVE plan. It is a Lets Work Together and Find Middle Ground to SOLVE THE ISSUES Plan.
I like Ryan and his plan, because he is trying to work in the direction of getting congress to work in the interest of America, NOT "Lets work in the interest of Conservatives and Republicans and Fuck everyone else."

Don't get me wrong, Im a right wind extremist through and through. But when you have Demoshits and Republicunts both working only to please their voters, you get an Immovable Object struck by an Unstoppable Force.

Romney Ryan has my vote, because the Ryan Plan is Bold.

OK, how about FUCK the Democrat plan, FUCK the Republican plan.

How about a bold new plan from the  "We" you know the people. Fuck them dude. WHY the fuck are you guys and so many others constantly talking about this shit?

Do you, for 1 second truly believe they give one damn about you or I. Seriously?
Ya man Romney/Obama insert whoever the fuck you want. They do not care or give one damn about you.

If you have an IQ (intelligence quotient) above 90, well then you know for certain. It is time. Go ahead and "Vote" for your guy. In the end you will be arse fucked hard.

Until then....same Bat channel...same Bat time......

Learn to swim.

You seriously think that there aren't any people who are trying to work to get America going in the right direction because they love their country?
Someones been drinking the purple drank of political hate and needs a reality check...

You are right, they all fucking hate us, and they're only in it for the money...NO POSSIBLE WAY someone up there actually gives a fuck about america....Idiot.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 1:23:32 AM EDT
Paul Ryans plan doesn't go far enough? Are you kidding me?

Ok back up. Yes more can be cut.
No, 28 years is not fast enough.

But lets look at the reality. Balancing the budget in 10 years is a damn good plan, the best we could hope for the conservatives to put out.
Demoshits would never pass it, because there are few places to cut lots of spending, one if Defense, where the Right won't touch as much as the Demoshits want them to touch.
The other is all the nanny state provisions like ObamaTax/Case, Medicare/caid, Welfare, SS, taxes...something the Right would slash hardcore, and the Left would not put up with.

So then you look at the Demoshit plan...Well..Lets pretend they have one....Print print print...

So between balancing a budget in 10 years and never passing shirt, I think a 28 year plan is a good place where both sides SHOULD be able to find middle ground.

I like Ryan and his plan, because its NOT a CONSERVATIVE plan. It is a Lets Work Together and Find Middle Ground to SOLVE THE ISSUES Plan.
I like Ryan and his plan, because he is trying to work in the direction of getting congress to work in the interest of America, NOT "Lets work in the interest of Conservatives and Republicans and Fuck everyone else."

Don't get me wrong, Im a right wind extremist through and through. But when you have Demoshits and Republicunts both working only to please their voters, you get an Immovable Object struck by an Unstoppable Force.

Romney Ryan has my vote, because the Ryan Plan is Bold.

OK, how about FUCK the Democrat plan, FUCK the Republican plan.

How about a bold new plan from the  "We" you know the people. Fuck them dude. WHY the fuck are you guys and so many others constantly talking about this shit?

Do you, for 1 second truly believe they give one damn about you or I. Seriously?
Ya man Romney/Obama insert whoever the fuck you want. They do not care or give one damn about you.

If you have an IQ (intelligence quotient) above 90, well then you know for certain. It is time. Go ahead and "Vote" for your guy. In the end you will be arse fucked hard.

Until then....same Bat channel...same Bat time......

Learn to swim.

"The people," as in the majority, actually want a massive Provider State.  That is really he problem we face and the natural outgrowth of the creation of such a state (which is the intent).
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 2:51:41 AM EDT

Maybe we should all join a Canadian forum and talk shit about their politicians and their issues.  

Yeah! Oh, wait. It's Canada, nobody gives a fuck.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 3:01:33 AM EDT
David Stockman, Reagan's budget director, essentially said the same thing.  Ryan's budget plan won't solve the massive issues facing the US.

But guess what?  He is the only person in Washington who has even dared to try!  And for doing so, he is accused of wanting to kill the elderly.  Obama's budgets called for more spending and more debt, and both of them received 0 votes from the DEMOCRATS.

So criticize Ryan's budget as weak, but it's the most anyone in Washington is willing to do on record.

Just more evidence that we are not only incapable, but completely unwilling, of solving the problem or of avoiding the fiscal disaster that lies ahead.  Instead it will be solved for us.  Or more accurately, the consequences will be imposed on us, not by design or under our control.  Our standard of living will decline precipitously, our standing in the world - politically, economically, and militarily - will decline to third world level, and our national sovereignty will be compromised, if not abrogated.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 3:03:32 AM EDT

And what does he say about the democrat's budget?  Oh wait, it's hard to criticize something that doesn't exist.

The Democrats plan is out-of-this-world stupid; but let's face facts, the Republicans isn't much better.

Thanks for your insight from America's hat.

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 3:29:50 AM EDT

Maybe we should all join a Canadian forum and talk shit about their politicians and their issues.  

Great idea.

Last winter has been hard on the moose, milk bags,  and there has been talk of a government ban on boiling 1911s.

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 3:31:22 AM EDT

I talk about US politics on a US board, and Canadian politics on a Canadian board.What the fuck is so hard to understand about this?

Stop posting if you can't stay on topic.  THANKS.  

You're raising the BS flag on me regarding posting on other forums?  

Weak accusation is pretty fucking weak.

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 3:35:46 AM EDT
I didn't catch the entire story, but apparently 400 independent economists have put their support behind Ryan's plan. Sooo, fuck you, Peter Schiff.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 3:42:52 AM EDT
David Stockman, Reagan's budget director, essentially said the same thing.  Ryan's budget plan won't solve the massive issues facing the US.

But guess what?  He is the only person in Washington who has even dared to try!  And for doing so, he is accused of wanting to kill the elderly.  Obama's budgets called for more spending and more debt, and both of them received 0 votes from the DEMOCRATS.

So criticize Ryan's budget as weak, but it's the most anyone in Washington is willing to do on record.

That is no reason to accept it.
Nor is the fact that the "odd ball" Romney is the best choice simply because his is what the Grand Old Party rolled out for us.

We have been fleeced and I will not support it.
I WILL vote Libertarian and as "fuck off" in my own little way. I will sleep better that night, if only that night.

"Wont get fooled again."

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 4:01:22 AM EDT
I didn't catch the entire story, but apparently 400 independent economists have put their support behind Ryan's plan. Sooo, fuck you, Peter Schiff.

And enough of the 536 elected members of Congress and the POTUS have put their support behind the current runaway train wreck to prevent it from being changed, even into the slower trainwreck that is the Ryan plan.

Safety (and intelligence) does not come in large numbers.
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