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Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:15:53 PM EDT
Email MSNBC and tell them the state is contributing to global warming and the destruction of the plant.

Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:16:07 PM EDT
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Ok so they are taking away from my property value by removing trees.  Would it not be fair for them to replace them with some damn lilacs or something lower growing
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its not "your" property if there is an easement.

Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:17:06 PM EDT
Yes, this is the hill to die on.

Please post the video, or at the least take a lot of pics.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:17:51 PM EDT
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I'll check if there is an easement.  I know the power lines have the right of way but if there's no easement then what?
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Eminent domain
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:18:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:18:04 PM EDT
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I'll check if there is an easement.  I know the power lines have the right of way but if there's no easement then what?
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If there are lines there’s about a 99.9999% chance there’s an easement.

<———— works for large electrical utility
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:18:44 PM EDT
You really think they would build power lines without an easement?

Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:18:55 PM EDT
Let them cut it down.

Utilities have 15'-30' right of way either side of line (15' for distribution lines, 30' for transmission....could vary)
They also get limited budgets per year to do forestry work and it is allocated for certain regions (typically those with higher concentrations off outages)....kinda like how government works...spend the allocated budget or lose it. And it may not get directed to that circuit again for many years.

Its easier on you if you get use to them gone now rather when you get more attached to them.

I no longer work at a utility, nor do I give a shit when the trees get to the lines and it burns you place down and you are without power...
So go ahead...
Save your trees.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:19:25 PM EDT
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Lol....power co’s have ways of handling guys like you.
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Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:20:03 PM EDT
they cut trees for 2 reasons. One is stopping the trees from contacting the lines and causing outages. The other I maintaining easy access to the lines in case of an outage.

If they have a utility easement you need to read the easement. Go to the county recorders office and ask if they can help you find it.

Don’t not block their access to their easement. That’s illegal.

Do not get hostile with the tree company. That will get the cops called.

Do not plant bamboo without checking state and local laws. Many places have made it illegal to plant it outside of concrete basins.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:20:13 PM EDT
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DTE did that to me, I called and ripped their asses  to not touch anything.  Never heard from again.
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hope you never have a tree related power failure as you name is on the "sucks to be you" list........

Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:21:13 PM EDT
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I gotta admit, this one made me chuckle.
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LOL that was my first thought too.

Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:21:58 PM EDT
The power company 'trimmed' a bunch of Royal Palms (read: expensive trees) are my parents house. Totally made them look like shit.

You won't win.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:24:09 PM EDT
A fairly typical transmission R.O.W.

Max allowable veg heights vary...could be 3', could be 10'. 15' is usually max in side zones.

Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:24:53 PM EDT
I have fought and won.  I have been paid for their arrogance and fuck ups.  I have made them move their lines.

But I doubt you stand a chance.  My cases were where they had no easement and just built their lines without going through the right process.

Look at your survey.

If they are in the right let them cut them to the ground now so you don’t get to see them butchered every 5 years.  Move back and plant appropriate trees.

Also doing line work I have cut the shit out of trees all the way to the ground in some instances.

But I hated to do it and it was in the middle of nowhere.

Be warned they will lie to you , they will trick you, they will wait till your not home, they will butcher the fuck out of trees way beyond what is necessary and they will make you pull out a shot gun and run them out of your yard leaving all their equipment.  Try will cut your fences and drive through your property and let your cows out and not even tie a rope across the gap.You will call the law and even though you have a plat and survey showing no easement the cops will not arrest them and will not make them mend your fence.

So if you fight, never give an inch, never smile, never speak when offered options and be a nasty mean motherfucker.  Let them give in.  Or not
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:24:56 PM EDT
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Ok so they are taking away from my property value by removing trees.  Would it not be fair for them to replace them with some damn lilacs or something lower growing
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Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:25:02 PM EDT
What state? A family member is in charge of these projects in CA, there is no way they will not trim them. If you refuse the trim police will escort them on and they will remove the trees.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:25:57 PM EDT
Before the power board here started using contractors they had the regular guys clear the lines. They cleared back 15-25 feet on both sides of the line. I don't get why they are doing it now unless its just a path they are working on but you're not going to win.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:29:06 PM EDT
They changed the policy here last year , they don't trim anymore they just remove if they are under the huge transmission lines .

However they did pay for the trees they cut down even though they could have told everyone to piss off .
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:31:16 PM EDT
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I like the way you think.  Time to go full potato.
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Just replace it with bamboo.
They cut it down it will keep coming back.
I like the way you think.  Time to go full potato.
So you actually bought property with existing easements...and didn't read the ROW Easement document(s).  
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:34:27 PM EDT

I wish I didn’t have to ask-
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:34:37 PM EDT
Cut down a tower for every tree they take.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:34:55 PM EDT
i have 2 big oak trees in my front yard (i live on a corner). i've had the power company come out several times and trim them so they don't grow into the lines. they can't cut down the trees as they are absolutely on my property and if they tried, they'd be trespassing...because i wouldn't give them consent to do so. however, they CAN be trimmed as the canopies do hang over the easement and can get (and have gotten) into the lines. the first time they every "trimmed" them, they butchered them. they cut them back so far it took about a decade before they didn't look weird. after that, and the ass chewing they received, they don't cut them as far back..only about 3 feet, or so.

here, the easement is (i think) 8 feet. so anything beyond 8 feet from the right-of-way (i.e., the road) belongs to the homeowner. the bad thing, is that the homeowner is responsible for keeping the grass cut up to the road. if they don't, the city can charge them a fee for having to come out and cut....EVEN THOUGH IT'S THE CITY'S PROPERTY! another dumb-ass law i will never understand.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:35:02 PM EDT
It would be nice if Dominion Power cut down all the trees within striking distance of a power line.
Then there wouldn't be so many people without power during hurricanes.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:35:57 PM EDT
Kill dozer the transmission towers over.  Its really the only option I see.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:37:08 PM EDT
If the trees are in an easement, and you like to keep them, it sounds like they aren’t that big perhaps you can have them moved? Obviously this would only work if the tree isn’t too well established.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:39:32 PM EDT
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It would be nice if Dominion Power cut down all the trees within striking distance of a power line.
Then there wouldn't be so many people without power during hurricanes.
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Yep, after about 20 years they will be doing the OP a favor by cutting them down.

The next time the power company says they need to trim I'm going to say "Fuck no.....But you can cut them down".
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:41:02 PM EDT
100% guaranteed they have an easement - power companies just don't float around putting up transmission towers and lines on private property without one. Whoever owned the property when the line was initially put in was probably paid some small amount for the right...not that they could have stopped it. We own 57 acres and their is a transmission line that transits close to the southern edge of our place. My in-laws owned it previously and they got some small amount of $$ when it went in.

The company comes back every two years to clear and inspects every year. I would also bet that the right away gives them the authority to clear any trees adjacent to the right-of-way that are tall enough to touch the lines should they fall.

Look at it this way...free firewood.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:42:02 PM EDT
OP, most Deeds now contain Book & Page references (or instrument number) of any ROW Easements across a tract as a 'Save and Except'.

You may want to peruse your Deed and obtain a copy of any easements from your County Clerk for your edification...which you should have done before buying the property.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:42:42 PM EDT
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If there are lines there’s about a 99.9999% chance there’s an easement.

<———— works for large electrical utility
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It's much less than that where I work.

OP you need to look through your title documents and see what's there.  If nothing is there you need to go back and research further at the county recorder.  I would suggest a survey as well, just because there is an easement doesn't mean the powerlines are in it.  If they have an easement you need to read the language of the easement.

Your chances are pretty slim though.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:45:20 PM EDT
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That above is your answer.  It's pretty cut and dried stuff.  Power companies have been writing up easements for decades and they know how to encumber that portion of your property so they can do what they need to.  It wouldn't hurt at all for you to go to the county and get a copy of your deed, or legal description.  It will be in there most likely.  Then you can have something in hand.  If you still have your closing documents from purchase it's very likely that the legal description will be in among those and you can save yourself a trip to the county.

Cutting down 4' trees seems like they might have an easement for a full on travel corridor to maintain the powerlines by moving equipment through there.

The long and the short of it is, no, this is not the hill you want to die on.  This is the hill that is owned by the power company's legal team and they'll let you look at it and walk across it, but it's not really your hill.
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This guy gets it. I write up utility easements every day, there's a line in mine that says we have the right to maintain the easement and can even cut a tree down that is outside of the easement area should we consider it to be a hazard to our line.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:45:34 PM EDT
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So you actually bought property with existing easements...and didn't read the ROW Easement document(s).  
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Actually I went through my paperwork that I signed when I bought the house.  There is NOT any easements.  There is NOT any access to my property besides for the resident(s).

Either the paperwork is fucked up and they fooled me or there isn't an easement.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:47:49 PM EDT
Let them do their job.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:48:43 PM EDT
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I wonder if I can make them plant lower growing trees to replace the ones they want to remove.
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Better check up on easement ordinances/laws. But they defiantly should be talking to you before doing ANY damn chopping down of trees.
I wonder if I can make them plant lower growing trees to replace the ones they want to remove.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:49:48 PM EDT
ROW, you lose.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:50:35 PM EDT

They're getting paid per tree. They saw the power lines in your yard and the trees and just saw more money from the contract. They'll cut down a one foot tall sapling and charge for it. Your tree's probably weren't even seen by anyone at the power company.

Call the PC and complain.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:51:22 PM EDT
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Actually I went through my paperwork that I signed when I bought the house.  There is NOT any easements.  There is NOT any access to my property besides for the resident(s).

Either the paperwork is fucked up and they fooled me or there isn't an easement.
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So you actually bought property with existing easements...and didn't read the ROW Easement document(s).  
Actually I went through my paperwork that I signed when I bought the house.  There is NOT any easements.  There is NOT any access to my property besides for the resident(s).

Either the paperwork is fucked up and they fooled me or there isn't an easement.
Or it’s not your property at all. And if it’s not anything extending over the line is theirs. OP these aren’t mistakes these companies make. Chances are whenever did your paperwork is a retard

Mess with them and the next power outage you will be on the last to get service after they mow down your trees anyways.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:51:33 PM EDT
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Ok so they are taking away from my property value by removing trees.  Would it not be fair for them to replace them with some damn lilacs or something lower growing
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"I was going to offer you $300k for the house, but you have 3 old trees, so I'll offer you $310k" said nobody, ever.

I seriously doubt maintaining the easement is going to decrease your property value.

Just be glad they're not letting it grow into the power lines.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:52:15 PM EDT
Wait till you see this thing coming in the distance:

Helicopter Tree Sawing In The MD 500
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:52:47 PM EDT
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Kill dozer the transmission towers over.  Its really the only option I see.
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It don’t take a dozer.
Our grid is so vulnerable it is not funny.  Our grid has been probed many times and if the terrorist get serious in this country we will be in the dark for a long while.

And there is not much that can be done to protect it in the field.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:53:13 PM EDT
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I'll check if there is an easement.  I know the power lines have the right of way but if there's no easement then what?
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Tell them to move them, or......else!
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:54:48 PM EDT
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Eminent domain
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I'll check if there is an easement.  I know the power lines have the right of way but if there's no easement then what?
Eminent domain
More like prescriptive easement, or by possession.

But there will be an easement.  Power companies don't put infrastructure in without an easement.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:54:49 PM EDT
Will need a MS Paint picture to make a ruling.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:56:02 PM EDT
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I like the way you think.  Time to go full potato.
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Just replace it with bamboo.
They cut it down it will keep coming back.
I like the way you think.  Time to go full potato.
They’ll just spray it with liquid death
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:58:20 PM EDT
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Actually I went through my paperwork that I signed when I bought the house.  There is NOT any easements.  There is NOT any access to my property besides for the resident(s).

Either the paperwork is fucked up and they fooled me or there isn't an easement.
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So you actually bought property with existing easements...and didn't read the ROW Easement document(s).  
Actually I went through my paperwork that I signed when I bought the house.  There is NOT any easements.  There is NOT any access to my property besides for the resident(s).

Either the paperwork is fucked up and they fooled me or there isn't an easement.
Did you get title insurance?
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 8:59:12 PM EDT
It seems to me the only reasonable response is to cut down the power lines.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 9:01:36 PM EDT
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Actually I went through my paperwork that I signed when I bought the house.  There is NOT any easements.  There is NOT any access to my property besides for the resident(s).

Either the paperwork is fucked up and they fooled me or there isn't an easement.
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Then I'd be speaking with my title insurance underwriter.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 9:01:46 PM EDT
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Did you get title insurance?
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Link Posted: 7/30/2019 9:03:24 PM EDT
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Eminent domain
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I'll check if there is an easement.  I know the power lines have the right of way but if there's no easement then what?
Eminent domain
if there wasn't an easement when the line was put in, it would more thank likely fall under prescriptive rights now.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 9:04:12 PM EDT
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You have 75' power lines running though your backyard. They aren't doing shit to mess with your value.
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Ding ding ding.
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