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Link Posted: 11/5/2023 10:02:17 AM EDT
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The democrat convention in Chicago gonna be a blast.
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We moved to the Chicago area just in time for the '68 Democrap convention and the riots.

I remember the "Chicago Seven" trial going on for years.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 10:17:49 AM EDT
Can I wish for some of those protesters to bring M18 sawzalls & not violate COC?
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 10:32:54 AM EDT
Insurrectionists. Straight to the gulag.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 10:34:07 AM EDT
Are they still in there cooking Jewish babies in the microwave and getting awesome blow jobs from the VP or what?
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 10:39:40 AM EDT
Even when there are shortages of many things, there never seems to be a shortage of “useful idiots”…

Link Posted: 11/5/2023 10:42:51 AM EDT
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I wonder how many of them will get the Jan 6th treatment?
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 10:44:52 AM EDT
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Sounds like a terrorist attack to me. Shoot them.
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They're not pro-Trump conservative caucasians, so that's not gonna happen.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 11:07:03 AM EDT
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The one thing that resonates with me about all these protests is that these people are highly unlikely to be republican voters. Based on their actions and statements, i find it hard to believe they are going to vote for sleepy Joe. So what are they? Anarchists?
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My guess is the bulk of the crowd are Antifa rent a mob.   They get paid by Soros intermediaries who also provide the signs, flags and kafiyah props.  Always hide your identity Antifa when doing violence.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 11:11:07 AM EDT
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Not true, but those willing aren't in charge.
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They really deserve the full Conservative treatment.

Do unto others as they do unto you.

Freeze their bank accounts
Track them by their smart phones/vehicles
Send agents to sternly interview them while staring at them hatefully
Arrest them months later for being somewhere they shouldn't have
Censor their speech on social media.  Block them out and unperson/cancel them
Get them terminated from current employment
Red Flag them all.

Fuck their freedom.  What goes around should come around.  Never forgive, never forget.  One, two, three centuries are more.  There is no end.  Give something back to their communities.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 11:14:44 AM EDT
kabuki theater.
Remember, Nothing is what it appears on the surface.
More than likely these are Soros funded professional democrat agitators, Its all a show to get Media attention and shift focus.
But if a group does go rogue and F.O's it's a win-win; media will paint it as the Poor-poor woe-is-me Muslims had no choice but to destroy just like another segment of our population. The left will create more anti-American committees funneling and laundering tax money to anti American orgs that demonize the right and conservatives.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 11:29:33 AM EDT
This is what the liberals and the "dieversity is our strength" crowd wanted with open borders on top of MASS immigration....
fuck em!
let them enjoy
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 11:32:51 AM EDT
Everyone should have gotten free rubber shotgun slugs, and actual lead slugs if they crossed the fence.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 1:30:01 PM EDT
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If an enormous mob of them were to storm the White House and stomp the president to death. Would our fucked up judicial system grant them all clemency?

Can you get away with murdering a sitting president just because you check the right political boxes?
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That ought to answer your question.

Also consider that the left is at best very uncomfortable with biden and kamala.

I would not be surprised to hear the more open and filter-less democrats saying something like "well it was bad, but it did solve a problem for us."
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 1:33:19 PM EDT
Jan 6th had full on SWAT teams to take down middle class Republicans, yet they just let these people that would probably burn the flag do what they want. Got it.

Nobody has any heavy gauge wire and jumper cables to electrify that fence?
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 1:51:50 PM EDT
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How does one justify decapitating babies?  With this sign.  Good God.

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You're missing something here.

These same people justify the exact same thing at protests with signs like this:

All they need to mentally do is equate killing israelis with aborting unborn (or, if they think they can get away with it, *born*) babies.

It is not a large leap.

Look at what they call the israelis, even the ones who have no part in directing that government's actions: Oppressors.

Now look at how they treat babies they don't want: It's oppressive for you to force me to have and raise this child, it will keep me from having my career and my life and joy.

The gap between the two is *tiny.*

If you can support and rationalize the wrongful killing of any person it is a small jump to apply that to anyone else.

Remember the ww2 propaganda about lice? We need to "delouse"  and those other vile lies like that?

You're seeing it in real time right now before your very eyes.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 1:55:59 PM EDT
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Maybe I'm old and senile, but I can't tell who the bad guys are any more.
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You know how the hippes and other radicals of the 60s turned on their leftist parents (if their parents were leftists) and on the universities and all that?
You're watching the same sort of thing.

This is the more leftist lefties fighting against the *slightly* less leftist lefties and democrats for not being true (meaning suicidal) believers, like them.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 1:56:30 PM EDT
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A Jew supporting terrorists that want to kill him?


Well, maybe. It is Soros. He blames Jews for anti-Semitism.
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Soros money???

A Jew supporting terrorists that want to kill him?


Well, maybe. It is Soros. He blames Jews for anti-Semitism.

Jews are those who have the same faith as abraham.

eta: you can be a physical descendant of abraham and sarah "jew" without being a  jew otherwise.

Think american by birth vs american by believing what we do and participating in our culture *because you believe in it.*
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 2:13:05 PM EDT
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This Administration is more inclined to toss a couple of billion dollars at them instead.
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Sounds like a terrorist attack to me. Shoot them.

This Administration is more inclined to toss a couple of billion dollars at them instead.

When the anti Trump protest happened in the same place (st John's church burned, SS injured) DoJ eventually paid the rioters off for tear gassing them.

So you are correct
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 2:16:06 PM EDT
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When the anti Trump protest happened in the same place (st John's church burned, SS injured) DoJ eventually paid the rioters off for tear gassing them.

So you are correct
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Sounds like a terrorist attack to me. Shoot them.

This Administration is more inclined to toss a couple of billion dollars at them instead.

When the anti Trump protest happened in the same place (st John's church burned, SS injured) DoJ eventually paid the rioters off for tear gassing them.

So you are correct

A guy who's lived a huge part of his life doing kickbacks and payoffs reacts by thinking he should pay people off to make them behave as he wants.

Link Posted: 11/5/2023 2:17:52 PM EDT
Insurrection terrorists. Shoot or prosecute them
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 2:30:54 PM EDT
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Is that the confused fire alarm guy?
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 2:45:08 PM EDT
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The democrat convention in Chicago gonna be a blast.
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Recreate '68!
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 2:45:15 PM EDT
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Is that the confused fire alarm guy?
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Is that the confused fire alarm guy?

Might be the coward that murdered the girl in the capitol on j6.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 2:46:04 PM EDT
either treat them like terrorists and shoot them or round them up,put them on a garbage barge and drop them in the Med off gaza
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 3:10:10 PM EDT
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either treat them like terrorists and shoot them or round them up,put them on a garbage barge and drop them in the Med off gaza
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I was thinking the same thing. Hit them with a good knock out gas, load them up on barges, drop them off on the "beaches" of gaza city. Make sure to have a camera crew offshow to film. Hilarity as reality hits these idiot ensue!
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 3:11:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 3:19:54 PM EDT
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Jews are those who have the same faith as abraham.

eta: you can be a physical descendant of abraham and sarah "jew" without being a  jew otherwise.

Think american by birth vs american by believing what we do and participating in our culture *because you believe in it.*
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Eber- Father of the Hebrews
Abraham - Father of Isaac and Grandfather of Jacob (Israel)
Jacob - Father of 12 Sons, only one being Judah (12 tribes of Israel)
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 3:20:20 PM EDT
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Sounds like a terrorist attack to me. Shoot them.
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Link Posted: 11/5/2023 3:29:32 PM EDT
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So, not an insurrection?
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No , they had the wrong flag
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 3:37:34 PM EDT
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Jews are those who have the same faith as abraham.

eta: you can be a physical descendant of abraham and sarah "jew" without being a  jew otherwise.

Think american by birth vs american by believing what we do and participating in our culture *because you believe in it.*
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Soros money???

A Jew supporting terrorists that want to kill him?


Well, maybe. It is Soros. He blames Jews for anti-Semitism.

Jews are those who have the same faith as abraham.

eta: you can be a physical descendant of abraham and sarah "jew" without being a  jew otherwise.

Think american by birth vs american by believing what we do and participating in our culture *because you believe in it.*
There are many non-Zionist Jews living under the freedoms in the USA, both in Hollyweird and Wall Street.

They are of the tribe but thanks to American university marxist brainwashing, they do not believe in the Hebrews' right to Israeli land.
Nor Americans' right to American land.

Afterall, they live in complete freedom in the USA, not under threat of Hamas Quassam Rockets or suicide bombers, they can afford to "think" with the hivemind.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 3:37:51 PM EDT
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I know there will be a bunch of moronic posts mentioning how many votes Biden got in 2020 but again, everyone is missing the point.

The liberals don't like Biden. He's not popular. No one has Biden yard signs. No one has Biden bumper stickers.

No one is going to a Biden rally.

But they all HATE Trump more. So they'll hold their nose and pull the lever for Biden.
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I see a lot of biden stickers. They all start with Fuck Joe.     FJB
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 3:39:58 PM EDT
Haha. Do it again you pussies. Acceleration is the way.

Link Posted: 11/5/2023 3:46:49 PM EDT
Biden will not run for reelection due to medical issues.  IF McCarthy was still Speaker, a backroom deal to NOT impeach Biden if he does not run for reelection would have been made, doing the DNC the favor.      Biden can't step back due to his criminal behavior because that would be an admission he is guilty.  Just like Nixon (I would argue if Nixon was DNC, there never would have been a "Woodward & Bernstein")

Gavin Gruesome will be selected at the last minute to be their candidate, too late for GOPE to have opposition research/campaign put into action.

Each and every one of these anarchists will Vote Blue No Matter Who, thinking they will get a better result.

Gavin Gruesome will enact the same crimes against America that Biden would have, meet the new boss the same as the old boss.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 3:48:34 PM EDT
Hmmm, wonder if the USSS has mini-guns on site?
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 3:56:14 PM EDT
SS is saving their ammo and prison cells for MAGA protestors.  Don't want to waste anything on "Death To America and Israel" protestors.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 4:02:26 PM EDT
These look like left leaning goons.   Good….. let them turn against their master’s in the white house

Link Posted: 11/5/2023 4:30:56 PM EDT
I wonder if Bank of America is going to send the FBI the names of every body who used a credit card to buy a meal or rent a room, like they did on J6.    FUCK BOA
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 4:37:40 PM EDT
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I could be wrong but I think these are new better ones.
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Why the fuck are the gates at the White House so flimsy?

Also  insurrectionists.
I could be wrong but I think these are new better ones.

Jeez.  My work has stronger gates than those and its not even a government installation...
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 4:37:40 PM EDT
Lay with dogs and wake up with fleas.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 4:50:48 PM EDT
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I wonder if Bank of America is going to send the FBI the names of every body who used a credit card to buy a meal or rent a room, like they did on J6.    FUCK BOA
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You assume these dirtbags have a bank account. Or a real job. Or citizenship
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 4:56:44 PM EDT
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It's really unbelievable total upside down world.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 4:57:19 PM EDT
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I was thinking how many of those SSS guys are Iraq/Afghanistan vets wishing for some Fallujah roe's
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Rules of Engagement (2000) - Killing Civilians Scene | Movieclips
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 5:00:27 PM EDT
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Just mostly peaceful protesters. Nothing to see here folks.
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To interfere with their peacefulness would be an unforgivable display of racism and bigotry.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 5:05:11 PM EDT
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A guy who's lived a huge part of his life doing kickbacks and payoffs reacts by thinking he should pay people off to make them behave as he wants.

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Biden wasn't in office then
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 5:21:36 PM EDT
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Biden wasn't in office then
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A guy who's lived a huge part of his life doing kickbacks and payoffs reacts by thinking he should pay people off to make them behave as he wants.


Biden wasn't in office then

I was referring to a theoretical of biden paying off the pro-terrorist mobs attacking the white house in the future to try and make them stop attacking the white house.

My fault for not making that clearer.

That said, look at how biden gave billions to iran to make them behave how he wanted to, "give us the hostages."

Look at how he tried to get elected "we'll buy you off by promising to pay off your student loan and your rent problems caused by our reaction to covid."

It really is his MO.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 5:25:51 PM EDT
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The democrat convention in Chicago gonna be a blast.
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The Shitkagoo Dem convention riot thread will be epic.

I predict 6K pages minimum.

87 Warnings, 45 bans, 9 timeouts.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 5:28:58 PM EDT
There are times when a flame thrower would be the perfect answer to a problem. Having societal rules doesn't protect the good guys, it is the only thing keeping the bad guys alive.
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 5:39:48 PM EDT
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There are times when a flame thrower would be the perfect answer to a problem. Having societal rules doesn't protect the good guys, it is the only thing keeping the bad guys alive.
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If the rules aren't protecting those who are doing what's morally right, they aren't societal rules. They're criminal.

Military grade tear or CS gas the entire lot, paddy wagon the entire lot, and remove all their government benefits (welfare, ssi, security clearances, govt job, that kind of thing).
Link Posted: 11/5/2023 5:57:06 PM EDT
So, where’s the National Guard? Where’s the arrests?
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