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Link Posted: 8/3/2022 11:47:14 AM EDT
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I see that you are new here.  Timmy is part of the Holy GD trinity along with David Koresh and Randy Weaver.  
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Nobody looks to Timothy McVeigh for inspiration, FFS what a crock of shit.
The motherfucker killed 19 children in a daycare in the building.
I'm glad he was executed.

I see that you are new here.  Timmy is part of the Holy GD trinity along with David Koresh and Randy Weaver.  

C’mon man, that is one of the most dishonest things I have seen posted here.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 12:21:31 PM EDT
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C’mon man, that is one of the most dishonest things I have seen posted here.
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Cops lie.
All of the time.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 12:23:23 PM EDT
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Being proud of the American revolution is bad.  But calling for a communist revolution, a “great reset”, and using communist revolutionary symbols like Che Guevara are good to go “free speech”.  Am I getting that right?

It’s past time to defund the FBI
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You are correct.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 12:24:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 12:28:21 PM EDT
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I see that you are new here.  Timmy is part of the Holy GD trinity along with David Koresh and Randy Weaver.  
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Nobody looks to Timothy McVeigh for inspiration, FFS what a crock of shit.
The motherfucker killed 19 children in a daycare in the building.
I'm glad he was executed.

I see that you are new here.  Timmy is part of the Holy GD trinity along with David Koresh and Randy Weaver.  

The psychology at play here is fascinating.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 12:31:02 PM EDT
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In the two decades I have spent here I have seen support for Mcveigh and his actions about zero times. I must read the wrong GD.
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Nobody looks to Timothy McVeigh for inspiration, FFS what a crock of shit.
The motherfucker killed 19 children in a daycare in the building.
I'm glad he was executed.

I see that you are new here.  Timmy is part of the Holy GD trinity along with David Koresh and Randy Weaver.  

C’mon man, that is one of the most dishonest things I have seen posted here.

In the two decades I have spent here I have seen support for Mcveigh and his actions about zero times. I must read the wrong GD.

There’s also a difference between realizing that the government fucked up in Waco and worshipping Koresh.  It can be true that he was a shit bag, but they shouldn’t have handled it the way they did.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 12:35:56 PM EDT
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In the two decades I have spent here I have seen support for Mcveigh and his actions about zero times. I must read the wrong GD.
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Maybe you were on double secret probation and not invited to the cool kids table... ?
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 12:36:34 PM EDT

In the two decades I have spent here I have seen support for Mcveigh and his actions about zero times. I must read the wrong GD.
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Maybe you were on double secret probation and not invited to the cool kids table... ?
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Killdozer yes.
Weaver yes.

McVeigh never.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 12:43:05 PM EDT
Oh, darn.

Link Posted: 8/3/2022 12:46:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 12:55:25 PM EDT
Nancy Pelositi, that faggot in charge DHS,  and pedo peter have all OPENLY stated on national TV.....we're the enemy of the STATE...

dn't know why people keep getting shocked by this....
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:00:06 PM EDT
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Cops lie.
All of the time.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:00:48 PM EDT
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your missing about 2/3rds of that list.

that list is a compilation of symbology used by ALL threat related groups, it includes gangs and left and right organizations. the complete document is pretty well balanced but that wouldn't meet the op's agenda.

much ado about nothing.
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Post it up then
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:01:04 PM EDT
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your missing about 2/3rds of that list.

that list is a compilation of symbology used by ALL threat related groups, it includes gangs and left and right organizations. the complete document is pretty well balanced but that wouldn't meet the op's agenda.

much ado about nothing.
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Oh, well that makes it okay then.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:02:59 PM EDT
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your missing about 2/3rds of that list.

that list is a compilation of symbology used by ALL threat related groups, it includes gangs and left and right organizations. the complete document is pretty well balanced but that wouldn't meet the op's agenda.

much ado about nothing.
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The Gadsen flag belongs on a list of terrorist symbols?
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:04:12 PM EDT
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C’mon man, that is one of the most dishonest things I have seen posted here.
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Look who said it.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:12:06 PM EDT
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Post it up then
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your missing about 2/3rds of that list.

that list is a compilation of symbology used by ALL threat related groups, it includes gangs and left and right organizations. the complete document is pretty well balanced but that wouldn't meet the op's agenda.

much ado about nothing.

Post it up then

Yeah why don't the Arfcops post the entire guide
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:12:28 PM EDT
I see someone is still trolling.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:13:32 PM EDT
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your missing about 2/3rds of that list.

that list is a compilation of symbology used by ALL threat related groups, it includes gangs and left and right organizations. the complete document is pretty well balanced but that wouldn't meet the op's agenda.

much ado about nothing.
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You wouldn’t happen to have the other 2/3rds would you?  It would be nice to have something to refute the OP’s agenda.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:17:03 PM EDT
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Per the graphic, quotes from Thomas Jefferson and excerpts from the Bill of Rights are indicators of a problem.

Take that, schoolbook publishers.

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If our founding principles are a problem for them, they are the problem.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:22:08 PM EDT
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If our founding principles are a problem for them, they are the problem.
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Per the graphic, quotes from Thomas Jefferson and excerpts from the Bill of Rights are indicators of a problem.

Take that, schoolbook publishers.

If our founding principles are a problem for them, they are the problem.

Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:23:52 PM EDT
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your missing about 2/3rds of that list.

that list is a compilation of symbology used by ALL threat related groups, it includes gangs and left and right organizations. the complete document is pretty well balanced but that wouldn't meet the op's agenda.

much ado about nothing.
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Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:42:44 PM EDT
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FBI is a Marxist organization.
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Always has been...
That cross dresser J. Edgar Hoover ran it like the gestapo, and it has never changed.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:45:35 PM EDT
Well, shit.  It's been nice knowing you, fellas.  

See avatar.  
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:51:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:52:21 PM EDT
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Yeah why don't the Arfcops post the entire guide
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They won’t. That dental plan and punisher skull background on their phone is to important for them to drop what they are doing and protecting the people as their oath swore.

The full list I reckon will be made available shortly with a FOIA request.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:57:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:59:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 1:59:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:00:23 PM EDT
I hope they are sitting in a conference room scrolling through this thread and reading it in real time.

Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:03:31 PM EDT
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OK, that is awesome.

Ill be in for a group buy.

Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:03:56 PM EDT
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your missing about 2/3rds of that list.

that list is a compilation of symbology used by ALL threat related groups, it includes gangs and left and right organizations. the complete document is pretty well balanced but that wouldn't meet the op's agenda.

much ado about nothing.
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Those symbols being lumped in with all those makes it even worse.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:04:11 PM EDT
Probably written for them by SPLC
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:05:22 PM EDT
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I hope they are sitting in a conference room scrolling through this thread and reading it in real time.


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I’m sure our residential Feddy from this thread put it up on the big screen for them with morning.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:07:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:08:54 PM EDT
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We're safe boys, no BFL on the list...
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I'd fly a BFL "Betty Ross" flag.

There would be the BFL in place of the circle of 13-stars.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:09:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:10:20 PM EDT
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I was trying to do the same thing. Hopefully this work for you Direct link - via inflact cdn

If that doesnt work, you can go to inflact - Instagram viewer/stalker
Search username: mike.a.glover
It is the first post currently. He is sitting drinking on the preview.
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Is there a way to see this without having an instagram account?


I was trying to do the same thing. Hopefully this work for you Direct link - via inflact cdn

If that doesnt work, you can go to inflact - Instagram viewer/stalker
Search username: mike.a.glover
It is the first post currently. He is sitting drinking on the preview.

Thanks.  Good rant but his continuing support of brcc, who actively support who and what he's ranting about, makes me question why he won't step away from them.  I'm sure the fbi is really unhappy with him right now though.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:10:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:16:23 PM EDT
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it's out there google it. it's also been used by several other osint intel groups such as symbol intelligence group in their LE classes.

the problem with this stuff is as usual it's taken out of context and used to fan the flames to uninformed random people on the internet. It is a fact that groups use symbols, many of the same otherwise normal stuff people like. Display of those symbols is not a crime nor does it target you for having it as a bumper sticker. it is used as one of many other indicators in trying to identify groups that actually are threats. The idiots that tried to turn the boog movement into an actual terror group are a good example. A very small bunch of idiots latched onto and thus their icons made the list... which spun up the tards. never mind several were involved in killing a deputy and stopped from carrying out some actual attacks.

the document i have is several pages and covers everything from this to jihadi,blm,antifa and hundreds of other groups. thats doesn't equate to having a gadsen flag makes you a nazi or and africa flag makes you a BLM terrorist.

i detest the fbi as much as anyone but getting spun up over this, especially when it's 100% incomplete and out of context is
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First of all, are you saying that you possess the rest of the Internal FBI use only document of this revision? Or is it a different document on the same topic from the FBI or some other organization?

Secondly, even if this is only part of a "more balanced" document, it does not change the fact that they list specific things that are false while painting under an extremely broad brush. For instance, as Mike Glover said in his Instagram post, American Contingency does not have a "Low history of violence" because they have NO history of violence. They have taken a group with no record of violence and placed it under the header of "Militia Violent Extremists." To my knowledge, you cannot be violent without first using violence. If it isnt bad enough that they are implying a violent history when there is none, they are calling them violent extremists. Violent extremists is who we have been hunting and killing for the past twenty years.

It would not surprise me that there could be other sections or other documents that list symbols for groups not included in the leak. That does not take away from the fact that the document is implying that LE noticing someone quoting the founders, extolling the constitution, or waving historical flags is reason to begin looking for other indicators of MVEness.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:16:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:17:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:25:56 PM EDT
I know the Corn Page is on the list somewhere.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:31:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:33:39 PM EDT
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Mine is more simple...

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:34:08 PM EDT
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Probably written for them by SPLC
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That made me laugh, and it's also entirely plausible.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:35:50 PM EDT
A lot of terrorists in this thread.  I hope the mods don't alert Ted Cruz.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:35:55 PM EDT
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your missing about 2/3rds of that list.

that list is a compilation of symbology used by ALL threat related groups, it includes gangs and left and right organizations. the complete document is pretty well balanced but that wouldn't meet the op's agenda.

much ado about nothing.
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Well that's not very veritas.
Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:40:39 PM EDT

Link Posted: 8/3/2022 2:41:29 PM EDT
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We're safe boys, no BFL on the list...
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Yet!!! Next list???
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