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Link Posted: 3/17/2006 5:25:42 PM EDT


Sounds like some 5*0 " Pimpin imprtante " Suber UNdrCvr officer did not like his "Ride " gettin bruised.

YES.... he over blew it. He wanted your ass for bumpin his ride. Hell, if he had met you in the lot you would have been in a near fist fight trying to deal with him.

Bad cop? Naaa.. just a ego with a gun. I have to say that there ar alot of people who do not fit the personality we all agree is ideal for a police ocifer. He got on his radio / cell phone and blew it up hopeing his county was gonna be the one to handle it. In house he could have tortured you with the system. He would have locked you up for a day, and "Taught you a lesson." Then the charged would have been declined and you would of walked.

That UC cop you rubbed bumpers with was going to abuse you with the system. He was arrogant, and Mad, and it got alot bigger than he wanted it to before he could stop it. He is a hot head. He wanted your ass, and he was willing to abuse his authority to do it.

File a written complaint to your police chief. and editor of your news paper.  But that is all it will be .... a complaint. The Ucop got the ass chewing of his life, and you got lucky because you evaded the cops for several hours. Long enough for details to surface. Three or four more hours, and the search would have been called off, and none of this would have happened.

Sory it did.

Wow. You ARE cracked out. I have yet to see ANY cop get pissed over rubbing fenders on his patrol car, it's not like it's HIS car, it's just wheels to spin until he gets another one.

Got news for you man, they don't give a shit about those cars.

Ummm Read More about the car that was hit. And change the "He" in my statement to a she. Ill bet five dollars that my rendition of the behind the scenes motivations leading up to the five car responce to the home is accurate.
Link Posted: 3/18/2006 12:32:23 AM EDT



Sounds like some 5*0 " Pimpin imprtante " Suber UNdrCvr officer did not like his "Ride " gettin bruised.

YES.... he over blew it. He wanted your ass for bumpin his ride. Hell, if he had met you in the lot you would have been in a near fist fight trying to deal with him.

Bad cop? Naaa.. just a ego with a gun. I have to say that there ar alot of people who do not fit the personality we all agree is ideal for a police ocifer. He got on his radio / cell phone and blew it up hopeing his county was gonna be the one to handle it. In house he could have tortured you with the system. He would have locked you up for a day, and "Taught you a lesson." Then the charged would have been declined and you would of walked.

That UC cop you rubbed bumpers with was going to abuse you with the system. He was arrogant, and Mad, and it got alot bigger than he wanted it to before he could stop it. He is a hot head. He wanted your ass, and he was willing to abuse his authority to do it.

File a written complaint to your police chief. and editor of your news paper.  But that is all it will be .... a complaint. The Ucop got the ass chewing of his life, and you got lucky because you evaded the cops for several hours. Long enough for details to surface. Three or four more hours, and the search would have been called off, and none of this would have happened.

Sory it did.

Wow. You ARE cracked out. I have yet to see ANY cop get pissed over rubbing fenders on his patrol car, it's not like it's HIS car, it's just wheels to spin until he gets another one.

Got news for you man, they don't give a shit about those cars.

Ummm Read More about the car that was hit. And change the "He" in my statement to a she. Ill bet five dollars that my rendition of the behind the scenes motivations leading up to the five car responce to the home is accurate.

Hmmm so you think it's worth $5 to you that she found the only officer in the country who actually gives a shit about some drug dealers car that got confiscated....
Link Posted: 3/18/2006 3:37:04 AM EDT
Vanilla..... Wow just wow. Have you noticed how attached people get to things? Especialy people who get them as a PERK? I am puting it out there that This female cop was Full Throttle, because someone bumped her ride. I am saying that she was acting like a gangbaning thug becuse she could not seperate the two roles she was playing. I am saying that she flew off the handle because her sweet street blinmg got marred, and she was pissed because she could not recoup the damage to the car. Or better yet. Pehaps she was using the car when she was not supposed to be, and this sealed the deal on her getting dinged for having a ride out of the carpool that she now had to do a report on, and she is only supposed to be driving it for investigations.

She blew her top and flamed a report to try and get even.
Link Posted: 3/18/2006 4:17:57 AM EDT
You can see one of the officer's views on what happened on this thread...It's under the general discussion, LEO entertain us posts'.

Last post at the very bottom of the page
Link Posted: 3/18/2006 6:17:59 AM EDT
Below is that post on the other thread. I copied and pasted his, and also my response that I had given down on that thread below.
It is some jerk lying....I know he wasn't one of the officers, he had too much info wrong about that night. He had read our thread about that night. Ugh....what is wrong with people??!

There was this one the other day. We get a call from a nearby agency advising one of their officers was the victim of a hit/run. They said it was just a little scratch but please just try to get the suspect to give them a call so they could finish up a crash report. They said the driver probably didn't even know they'd bumped their undercover officer's Mustang, and that there was probably just a little bit of silver paint transfer on the truck's bumper. Honestly we'd been bored all day and running "what if" scenarios, and decided to go set up on the offender's house, not knowing what to expect from the suspect since our dept. doesn't have any history of any contacts at the residence or with either of the registered owners of the suspect vehicle.

It was actually pretty effective training for us at picking surveillance locations and communicating effectively. We see the guy pull his truck into the garage. So we kind of ran over to try to get his attention before the garage door started going down. I kind of shouted a little so he could hear me since I was way out at the end of the driveway. I said the standard, "Sir could you come out of the garage so I can talk with you for a minute?" Then he just starts screaming at us to get the hell off his property or else - when we were just trying to talk to him.

Well, of course, we're perfectly willing to accomodate any citizen who pushes the 'escalate the situation' button. Tell him we're just looking into a hit/run but he continues on his rant. So a quick pat-down verifies he's not armed (although it would have been legal for him to be armed, when someone lays down the "or else" comment... we take it seriously) He continues ranting while his wife's trying to tell him to calm down but he won't have any of that. So I tell my partner to put him in the back of the squad so we don't have to end up arresting him for obstructing an investigation.

Soon as that happens, we're able to talk to the much calmer wife, who said that she'd been driving the truck earlier and was not aware that she'd bumped another car, and when she heard it was an undercover police car she was actually pretty embarrassed about it. We got in contact w/ the other agency and helped them make arrangements to have one of their officers come out to this lady's house instead of making them drive all the way back to the other agency's department.

As for the guy... I'm sure he figured out some way to tell all his buddies how much of a victim he was and how he showed them cops a thing or two. We were probably there less than 10 minutes and he ended up getting let out of the squad once he'd calmed down, instead of getting too hyped up and doing something that might have got him arrested. All in all another routine night for the guys and lady on my shift.

Either this is a guy who is just making a bullshit post, or is truly one of the officers that were at my home that night, but I know he isn't and this is why.
Number one, reason why I KNOW this is bullshit? My husband was in his BMW pulling into the garage, I was in my truck on the driveway. My Ford F-250 doesn't FIT in our garage. I was also the only one screamed at to CALM DOWN MA'AM.
Sounds to me like this is an Illinois cop who read our thread and is making up crap. I would like you to tell one thing that happened that night that wasn't in our posts please.
What is also wrong with your post? The call that came in was to ARREST not check out..also, I was at the P.D department in person 2 days later talking to a friend of mine there. There was also an officer behind the desk, another very nice guy and he said that all they were told was Hit?Run Undercover 's vehicle. I was present that night sir when the P.D was at my house, and they didn't know CRAP of what vehicle I hit, color, make, nothing. I sure HOPE you are not an LEO in Illinois!
Shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!

Link Posted: 3/18/2006 6:38:49 AM EDT
HAR HAR..not funny boys! Was told this was a joke..

Link Posted: 3/18/2006 6:41:27 AM EDT

Vanilla..... Wow just wow. Have you noticed how attached people get to things? Especialy people who get them as a PERK? I am puting it out there that This female cop was Full Throttle, because someone bumped her ride. I am saying that she was acting like a gangbaning thug becuse she could not seperate the two roles she was playing. I am saying that she flew off the handle because her sweet street blinmg got marred, and she was pissed because she could not recoup the damage to the car. Or better yet. Pehaps she was using the car when she was not supposed to be, and this sealed the deal on her getting dinged for having a ride out of the carpool that she now had to do a report on, and she is only supposed to be driving it for investigations.

She blew her top and flamed a report to try and get even.

OMG!  Dude, I don't know WHAT you are on, or  what you NEED to be on, but please, get help!

Link Posted: 3/19/2006 2:22:57 AM EDT
Hi all!

Had something happen with my husband and I the other night and am curious how certain situations are usually handled by LEO's.

When a call(?) (not sure if it is a call or comes over a computer type thing) comes in through Dispatch and says Hit/Run Undercover Cop's car and then whatever about arrest of owner of vehicle. Plate number is given, etc., and address of owner.
How is this usually handled?
Do you check the background of the home and occupants first to see if there has been trouble before?
How many officers go to the house?
How are the people approached that live there?

Thanks guys and gals!
Oops...one more thing/question.
Has it ever happened that whoever is calling in the bulletin or whatever it is, make it more than it was? Or the dispatch person themself?
Forgot to ask that

First off: I work currently as a FPS officer. Silly Shi& like what I have described is sadly fairly common.
Second: Everything I have offered is A GUESS! Based uppon your offered info.
Third : Please go fillout your Bios so I know I am not blowing air into arguments with windbags who have no credentials. This is after all a Brothers of the shield forum....

SO what is the point?

So do you now remember hitting the other car?

You originaly asked if this is a normal responce by the police to a hit and run.

My responce is yeah... It would be a normal responce to a hit and run if you still had MEAT on your bumper.

But since this is a case of rubbing paint ,I read your post, and tried to agree with you that a four car responce a county away, was too much for a un-noticed accident.

I then went on trying to attach some logical path of events that would of lead up to that level of responce to a bump on a bumper tap.

So please take your indignation to someone else.

Good Bye

Link Posted: 3/19/2006 3:52:29 AM EDT
1IV I don't know what an FPS officer is but you post like a troll.
Link Posted: 3/19/2006 5:41:50 AM EDT

You can see one of the officer's views on what happened on this thread...It's under the general discussion, LEO entertain us posts'.

Last post at the very bottom of the page

Want to buy a bridge? I picked it up cheap and don't need it anymore.

p.s. Wish I had a nickel for every gullible Arfcommer who didn't immediately see the post as a satire of Smitty59's original thread! I'm surprised nobody IM'd me w/ threats or troll comments.
Link Posted: 3/19/2006 6:42:04 AM EDT

HAR HAR..not funny boys! Was told this was a joke..

LOL, if it was a joke, npd was prolly in on it at some stage.  One of my favorite folks on a couple of boards.
Link Posted: 3/19/2006 8:04:18 AM EDT

LOL, if it was a joke, npd was prolly in on it at some stage.  One of my favorite folks on a couple of boards.

Me too  once I found out he was joking. He is a nice guy
Link Posted: 3/19/2006 8:13:26 AM EDT

Hi all!

Had something happen with my husband and I the other night and am curious how certain situations are usually handled by LEO's.

When a call(?) (not sure if it is a call or comes over a computer type thing) comes in through Dispatch and says Hit/Run Undercover Cop's car and then whatever about arrest of owner of vehicle. Plate number is given, etc., and address of owner.
How is this usually handled?
Do you check the background of the home and occupants first to see if there has been trouble before?
How many officers go to the house?
How are the people approached that live there?

Thanks guys and gals!
Oops...one more thing/question.
Has it ever happened that whoever is calling in the bulletin or whatever it is, make it more than it was? Or the dispatch person themself?
Forgot to ask that

First off: I work currently as a FPS officer. Silly Shi& like what I have described is sadly fairly common.
Second: Everything I have offered is A GUESS! Based uppon your offered info.
Third : Please go fillout your Bios so I know I am not blowing air into arguments with windbags who have no credentials. This is after all a Brothers of the shield forum....

SO what is the point?

So do you now remember hitting the other car?

You originaly asked if this is a normal responce by the police to a hit and run.

My responce is yeah... It would be a normal responce to a hit and run if you still had MEAT on your bumper.

But since this is a case of rubbing paint ,I read your post, and tried to agree with you that a four car responce a county away, was too much for a un-noticed accident.

I then went on trying to attach some logical path of events that would of lead up to that level of responce to a bump on a bumper tap.

So please take your indignation to someone else.

Good Bye

 First of all, the only "windbag" I have seen on this post is you.

 You went on that this undercover cop was going nuts.  How in the hell would you even know that?
Please don't give me the crap that it was just your guess. RE-READ your posts and how you speak to your fellow BOTS, and how you were so sure how it was handled.  Every officer I have met in this other county (not saying there are not some jerks there, just have never met one) have been the most calm, rational, and polite officers I have ever met.
 I also said, that  from what I have been told, the undercover is NOT the one who decides how the situation is going to be handled., and what the call is going to be to another county.
All you have done is jump to conclusions like the Robocop who came to our home with your "guesses"
Anyway, since this IS the internet, you're a cop, huh? Yeah, and I am really Angelina Jolie.....

Oh, BTW..it is spelled RESPONSE. No wonder things may get misinterpreted if  typed to another dispatch...
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