I was raised with the following adages:
It's always darkest before the dawn.
It's never so bad as it could be worse.
There but for the grace of God go I.
And the Serenity Prayer.
I'm dealing with mild high blood pressure, and some residual prostate cancer issues which seem to be under control. Great medical insurance and care. Reading this thread let's me know how comparatively minor my problems are. I am grateful for my life and family. Wife has memory issues due to contracting West Nile virus 6 years ago, and my 94 year old Mother has memory issues also. I'm grateful that I am here to be able to take of them, and still work part-time at a job that I love. Also have a pretty lucrative side gig that pays well.
I'm also doing mentoring for fellow prostate cancer folks.
So, all in all I feel truly blessed with the life I have. There have been some dark times in the past, but faith, prayers, love from family, and the grace of God have carried me through it all.
All I can say OP is never surrender. You have a support group here so don't be afraid to reach out to me and others here. God never gives us more we can handle, even though it may seem that way to you at the moment. I'm glad I stopped in on this thread. It is a good reminder for me to count my blessings. I'll help you any way I can.
Whenever I get a little down, I look around me and tell my self to quit my bitching and get back to the job at hand.
TL;DR To answer the OP's question, really not much. All of you in this thread are in my prayers. Reach out if you need to talk.