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Posted: 12/10/2021 10:52:02 AM EDT
Title says it all.  

Every since we started straying away from the man working while the woman took care of the home and children , men aspiring to be great because women would not date dead beats, women aspiring to be great home makers because no man would marry a worthless woman , children not held to standards and loss of individual responsibility, and social shaming, as well as straying from religion it’s all allowed society to go to shit, and allowed every aspect of our world to devolve into shit.  Social shaming was a good thing, I see daily news blurbs about some happening, some political scandle and one of which would have a politician resigning in shame due to public outrage 30 years ago, today people shrug and mutter, “ well, he could always be worse, like a child molester or something,”. It’s sickening the shit we allow to stand these days, angry pitch fork toting mobs should have tarred and feathered every politician in the USA 20 years ago, much less today.

It’s also 100% the fault of democrats / liberals / communists, which are all the same thing, enemies of freedom.

The ONLY GOOD NEWS IS……Good times made weak men, those weak men created these and coming hard times and hard times will push people back to more traditional roles for survival, as well as back into religion as well. Which will create good times once again.

I hope to live to see the next wave of good times, I damn sure lived thru the good times as a kid of the 80’s and 90s. Unfortunately we passed “ good times “ a little while ago. You can argue your personally living good times right now, because your personally doing great, which is wonderful, but society is rotting around you , infecting the people, businesses, society and government around you, and that rott will wreck you too eventually. The “ good times “  probably ended around 2000 , probably sooner and it’s been a steady slide downhill since then, and now it’s at at fast roll and gaining speed and obvious to anyone paying attention that the current “ thing “ is totally not working and the USA , and the American way of life is taking on water and listing to port badly.

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Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:55:22 AM EDT
OP nails it!
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:56:34 AM EDT
My wife became a stay at home mom when Covid began because we didn't have a choice.

She has worked her whole life so it was difficult for her.  And it has cost us 3 - 4k per month of income.

We as a family are so much better off.  She's happier, kids happier, I'm happier.  Even though I've given up all of my hobbies and luxuries.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:57:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:58:15 AM EDT
You are correct, OP.

Though it is not a hard and fast rule as a majority we would be better off.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:59:36 AM EDT
Most of the social changes of the last 50 years have been overwhelmingly negative for our society.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:00:13 AM EDT
lol, who voted that OP is wrong?
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:00:14 AM EDT
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My wife became a stay at home mom when Covid began because we didn't have a choice.

She has worked her whole life so it was difficult for her.  And it has cost us 3 - 4k per month of income.

We as a family are so much better off.  She's happier, kids happier, I'm happier.  Even though I've given up all of my hobbies and luxuries.
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Yep, just think how much less tribute you are paying to the blood suckers in taxes.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:04:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:05:04 AM EDT
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My wife became a stay at home mom when Covid began because we didn't have a choice.

She has worked her whole life so it was difficult for her.  And it has cost us 3 - 4k per month of income.

We as a family are so much better off.  She's happier, kids happier, I'm happier.  Even though I've given up all of my hobbies and luxuries.
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Materialism is a big one to blame, we don’t NEED two working parents, just like we don’t NEED 2 new expensive vehicles, a gigantic house, TVs in every room, $1200 cell phones and 100 other expensive option and toy. In the effort to get the money for all that shit, the family and kids suffer. I’d rather be dirt poor with a stay at home wife loving my kids , doing frugal family things together than us both busting ass to bring home shit no one appreciates anyway, for a family I rarely get to see.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:06:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:06:17 AM EDT
It started going down hill when we let them vote
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:06:21 AM EDT
My wife and I decided in 1997 that she would be a stay at home mom. Best decision we ever made. Our kids are grown now and very stable, well rounded, individuals. When the kids were grown she decided to start working again.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:07:30 AM EDT
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Women should not be allowed any higher education - high school should be the cut off! They should not be allowed to drive either.

(sarcasm for those not fully awake yet)
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I’m ok with them getting a BA in Secretary’ing and Cooking.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:08:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:08:42 AM EDT
While I agree to an extent, I think the shift also occurred concurrently with losing faith in God, as a country. I couldn't say which has had a greater effect.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:08:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:08:52 AM EDT
There's a few tweaks I'd make to the society of the 1950's, like rampant discrimination by sex and race, but you sure aren't wrong.
As a young child in the 60's, I can tell you that it was too late already by then. Radical change was afoot and there was no stopping it.
It hasn't turned out peace, love and harmony like they thought it would.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:08:59 AM EDT
Women certainly DON’T need to stay in the home but many of our problems began when we let the Leftists trivialize “Homemaker” as a vocation. In early America it was absolutely vital. Homemakers (traditionally women) not only cooked meals and washed/mended clothing, they were the Managers of the home. They did what we now require Teachers, Doctors, Accountants, utility providers and others to do. Many a frontier home was defended from attack by two and four-legged critters by an armed woman.

Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:08:59 AM EDT
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Yep, just think how much less tribute you are paying to the blood suckers in taxes.
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My wife became a stay at home mom when Covid began because we didn't have a choice.

She has worked her whole life so it was difficult for her.  And it has cost us 3 - 4k per month of income.

We as a family are so much better off.  She's happier, kids happier, I'm happier.  Even though I've given up all of my hobbies and luxuries.

Yep, just think how much less tribute you are paying to the blood suckers in taxes.

Oh shit, I hadn't thought of that one.  Add one to the PRO list.  
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:10:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:10:26 AM EDT
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Most of the social changes of the last 50 years have been overwhelmingly negative for our society.
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The things that made America great loyal family, traditional roles etc are being destroyed and what’s left can’t keep America great. Millions of miserable shit weasel feminists and soy boys from single mom families are undermining the country in every way possible, envious of everyone with more, or of happy people seeking to take property and happiness  via communism, thinking it will make them wealthy n happy in the process.

Loss of religion, it’s teachings, loss of family values, pride in country, pride in self and strong work ethic is unsurvivable and loss of personal responsibility is allowing rott to spread and makes it impossible to cut out.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:11:22 AM EDT
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Materialism is a big one to blame, we don’t NEED two working parents, just like we don’t NEED 2 new expensive vehicles, a gigantic house, TVs in every room, $1200 cell phones and 100 other expensive option and toy. In the effort to get the money for all that shit, the family and kids suffer. I’d rather be dirt poor with a stay at home wife loving my kids , doing frugal family things together than us both busting ass to bring home shit no one appreciates anyway, for a family I rarely get to see.
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My wife became a stay at home mom when Covid began because we didn't have a choice.

She has worked her whole life so it was difficult for her.  And it has cost us 3 - 4k per month of income.

We as a family are so much better off.  She's happier, kids happier, I'm happier.  Even though I've given up all of my hobbies and luxuries.

Materialism is a big one to blame, we don’t NEED two working parents, just like we don’t NEED 2 new expensive vehicles, a gigantic house, TVs in every room, $1200 cell phones and 100 other expensive option and toy. In the effort to get the money for all that shit, the family and kids suffer. I’d rather be dirt poor with a stay at home wife loving my kids , doing frugal family things together than us both busting ass to bring home shit no one appreciates anyway, for a family I rarely get to see.

We are in a weird situation where we built our house on family farm land, if it weren't for that I would have happily downsized the shit out of that too.

I even traded my truck down to a lesser model, albeit new (cheaper than used early Covid), but it's paid for now.  The only thing we kept was our boat (20 years old and also paid for), but as a family we absolutely love it.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:12:28 AM EDT
What’s not to dig about the cave?

When did folks begin to behave badly?

My cousin became a superior court judge (he was a County Counsel previous….no criminal law experience) in CA and his first remark was “didn’t people have any shame?”  His court was the lowest level of crime, misdemeanors and traffic…no felonies.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:13:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:13:58 AM EDT
Islam is right about women...
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:14:09 AM EDT
I have no problems with social shaming as long as they bring back duelling to go with it.

If you have open social shaming, it is a one way street from the shamer to the shamed, with no recourse from the shamed.

Bring back duelling, so that the shamed can still be guilty of whatever social norm they have been accused of, but people will think twice about flapping their gums in his or her general direction.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:14:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:15:37 AM EDT
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My wife became a stay at home mom when Covid began because we didn't have a choice.

She has worked her whole life so it was difficult for her.  And it has cost us 3 - 4k per month of income.

We as a family are so much better off.  She's happier, kids happier, I'm happier.  Even though I've given up all of my hobbies and luxuries.
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That’s what that fat German (globalist) said, “you’ll have nothing and you’ll be happy”.   I think his “nothing” meant your kids too.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:15:40 AM EDT
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Women should not be allowed any higher education - high school should be the cut off! They should not be allowed to drive either.

(sarcasm for those not fully awake yet)
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I don’t agree with that. But people need to be honest with themselves. If your a woman and your end goal is being a stay at home mother, your better off avoiding a expensive college degree and career, and better learning domestic skills, put effort on landing a strong traditional providing husband to finance your life while you care for him and your kids, the home,  home schooling your children. Etc.

Adding $100k in student loans and big house, expensive cars etc and working from 20-35 years old then thinking you can drop it all to play mom for a while really does not work very well, and many women IMHO would be a happier broke stay at home mom, than successful business woman with no kids, or kids she rarely sees.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:15:47 AM EDT
I don't know... the 450k she brought in last year was pretty nice...
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:16:35 AM EDT
Op hit the nail on the head.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:16:50 AM EDT
If only we could align the business world to this philosophy.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:17:16 AM EDT
some of you were in straight-up comas during economics
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:18:05 AM EDT
I think some blame has to be put on the wage/price disparity that exploded in the 70's.

As the cost of living spiraled up, most families needed two incomes to maintain a reasonable lifestyle - one they'd become accustomed to during the economic expansion of the 50's and 60's.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:18:13 AM EDT
We can definitely use some good ol' fat shaming.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:18:19 AM EDT
Society was better when the freaks, fags, degenerates, and crazies were put in their place!
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:22:55 AM EDT
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It started going down hill when we let them vote
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In all seriousness that’s partly true.

Mainly because you can’t make decisions for a country based on feelings. Numbers and facts must make the brunt of your decision with emotion a small part, and women tend to vote purely on emotion from my experiences. Which results in the total opposite of a good decision when it comes to a business / country.

You might LOVE your brother for example, and want to give him a job and know he is terrible at math,, and you need a accountant for your business. Emotion based decision making hires the brother, and wrecks the business, while fact based first emotion last results in you feeling bad for your brother, but you know hiring him is a terrible business choice.

You get the idea.

Moms demand action is a good example, in their desire to save a kids life from a gun or drunk driver they would happily strip you of every freedom you have, and still not save anyone… but feel good about wrecking freedom because  at least “ we did “ something !
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:24:30 AM EDT
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While I agree to an extent, I think the shift also occurred concurrently with losing faith in God, as a country. I couldn't say which has had a greater effect.
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It’s the same thing.

One was hand in hand with the other.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:24:33 AM EDT
Why is it so hard to destroy a media that is trying to destroy us?  They seem to be the point of the spear.  Casting everything different as inherently good and everything normal as bad.  But generally just dominating the debate.

That globalist view of having nothing and liking it can apply to entertainment too….no media…pretty good.  Lots of folks are kicking cable out and being very selective of what comes in.  More difficult on social sites
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:24:50 AM EDT
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Most of the social changes of the last 50 years have been overwhelmingly negative for our society.
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Women being forced from the household and not raising their kids is one of them.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:25:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:25:24 AM EDT
Wife was working at an older care facility while getting her CNA. I knocked her up and we had the discussion about what she'd do after the kid was born. We decided she would be a stay at home mom, he was born, and COVID hit. Probably one of the best decisions we've ever made because our boy is incredibly happy, she's not stressing about much, and I'm happy we're raising our kid with our ideals. The next step is homeschooling which she has not been thrilled about but is open to it.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:25:32 AM EDT
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Materialism is a big one to blame, we don’t NEED two working parents, just like we don’t NEED 2 new expensive vehicles, a gigantic house, TVs in every room, $1200 cell phones and 100 other expensive option and toy. In the effort to get the money for all that shit, the family and kids suffer. I’d rather be dirt poor with a stay at home wife loving my kids , doing frugal family things together than us both busting ass to bring home shit no one appreciates anyway, for a family I rarely get to see.
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My wife became a stay at home mom when Covid began because we didn't have a choice.

She has worked her whole life so it was difficult for her.  And it has cost us 3 - 4k per month of income.

We as a family are so much better off.  She's happier, kids happier, I'm happier.  Even though I've given up all of my hobbies and luxuries.

Materialism is a big one to blame, we don’t NEED two working parents, just like we don’t NEED 2 new expensive vehicles, a gigantic house, TVs in every room, $1200 cell phones and 100 other expensive option and toy. In the effort to get the money for all that shit, the family and kids suffer. I’d rather be dirt poor with a stay at home wife loving my kids , doing frugal family things together than us both busting ass to bring home shit no one appreciates anyway, for a family I rarely get to see.

Damn right.  

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Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:25:33 AM EDT
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There's a few tweaks I'd make to the society of the 1950's, like rampant discrimination by sex and race, but you sure aren't wrong.
As a young child in the 60's, I can tell you that it was too late already by then. Radical change was afoot and there was no stopping it.
It hasn't turned out peace, love and harmony like they thought it would.
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I agree. Equal rights, while keeping the traditional family was the change we needed, with the emphasis on family comes first.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:25:57 AM EDT
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some of you were in straight-up comas during economics
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Or perhaps money isn't the best goal
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:28:03 AM EDT
8.41% of Arfcom are commie faggots.

Probably a lot more yet to vote.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:29:39 AM EDT
I think our slide really picked up steam when we changed from a society of equal opportunity, to enforced equal outcome. This is killing us, there will always be winners and losers in a free society. Equal opportunity means equal chance to fail as well as succeed.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:30:00 AM EDT
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Women being forced from the household and not raising their kids is one of them.
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Most of the social changes of the last 50 years have been overwhelmingly negative for our society.


Women being forced from the household and not raising their kids is one of them.

Which allowed the gov more reign in what they were teaching kids.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:30:50 AM EDT
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lol, who voted that OP is wrong?
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Crackhead liberals.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:31:51 AM EDT
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It started going down hill when we let them vote
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100% women are too empathetic. Empathy has no place in voting.
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