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Posted: 3/6/2011 6:11:34 PM EDT
What are you theories on these and other similar places such as pyramids made from HUGE blocks..... etc. I was watching the show Ancient Aliens on the History Channel yesterday and only caught a few minutes of it but I cant wait to watch it again......
Couple Pics––-

Stone Henge:

Easter Island Statues:

EDIT*** I do not think aliens had anything to do with these. I just mentioned how I saw these on the show Ancient Aliens and found it interesting. Not saying I think alines were responsible.

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:19:29 PM EDT
my theory is that people made them and it took a long time.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:20:44 PM EDT
What is "examples of what people did before the interwebs"?
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:21:15 PM EDT
my theory is that people made them and it took a long time.

Well I am not saying I think aliens did but I just find it fascinating. I am sure people made them as well, but how is what I wonder.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:21:54 PM EDT
Cavemen?  or Aliens
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:23:53 PM EDT
I don't know anything about Easter Island, and they'll kill me in nasty ways if I discuss Stonehenge...

I probably shouldn't have said anything at all. Never mind. Nothing to see here.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:25:58 PM EDT
I don't know anything about Easter Island, and they'll kill me in nasty ways if I discuss Stonehenge...

I probably shouldn't have said anything at all. Never mind. Nothing to see here.

Send your dog to the neighbor's tonight brother... I'll be traveling to the four corners this evening...
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:26:41 PM EDT
BAM Secrets of the Universe at my fingertips

Man Creates Stonehenge
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:31:19 PM EDT



I don't know anything about Easter Island, and they'll kill me in nasty ways if I discuss Stonehenge...

I probably shouldn't have said anything at all. Never mind. Nothing to see here.

Send your dog to the neighbor's tonight brother... I'll be traveling to the four corners this evening...

I am unfamiliar with these references, except the "kill me in nasty ways."  Stonehenge wasn't in any of my work.

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:31:52 PM EDT
I've always though they did Stonehenge during winter using sledges.  Pile snow in tip ramps, slide rocks in, stabilize, then in spring the snow melts away.  They always model them being build on sunny days, or maybe rainy, and I always wonder why they don't think about long winters.

I figure Easter Island would work similarly with sand for tip ramps and just some more work for excavation.

For Easter Island, the 'big mystery' people forget just how nutty some trends can be.  If you could get millions of people in the 1950s hula hooping or learning umpteen tricks with yo-yos, or in the 1980s racing to have the fastest times on a rubics cube, how hard would it be to motivate people with little other recreation to make and move big heads.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:35:50 PM EDT
I've always though they did Stonehenge during winter using sledges.  Pile snow in tip ramps, slide rocks in, stabilize, then in spring the snow melts away.  They always model them being build on sunny days, or maybe rainy, and I always wonder why they don't think about long winters.

I figure Easter Island would work similarly with sand for tip ramps and just some more work for excavation.

For Easter Island, the 'big mystery' people forget just how nutty some trends can be.  If you could get millions of people in the 1950s hula hooping or learning umpteen tricks with yo-yos, or in the 1980s racing to have the fastest times on a rubics cube, how hard would it be to motivate people with little other recreation to make and move big heads.

Very true to the more recent references..... Kinda like Facebook today

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:36:49 PM EDT
Stone Henge, religious site constructed rolling rocks over logs and used large earth ramps to elevate.

Easter Island, similar. They were totems to ancestors and extremely important in that culture. They deforested the island and either died or left because of that.

No aliens.

Next question?
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:36:58 PM EDT
I am unfamiliar with these references, except the "kill me in nasty ways."  Stonehenge wasn't in any of my work.  

It's a druid thing. Bloodthirsty lot, them.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:37:03 PM EDT

Some dude did it to try and impress some chicks.

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:37:48 PM EDT
I really don't see building them as being that hard, given infinite manpower.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:37:55 PM EDT


my theory is that people made them and it took a long time.

First response and all that

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:38:37 PM EDT
The Easter Island statues seem to be mass produced images of Obama.


my theory is that people made them and it took a long time.

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:39:27 PM EDT



I've always though they did Stonehenge during winter using sledges.  Pile snow in tip ramps, slide rocks in, stabilize, then in spring the snow melts away.  They always model them being build on sunny days, or maybe rainy, and I always wonder why they don't think about long winters.

I figure Easter Island would work similarly with sand for tip ramps and just some more work for excavation.

For Easter Island, the 'big mystery' people forget just how nutty some trends can be.  If you could get millions of people in the 1950s hula hooping or learning umpteen tricks with yo-yos, or in the 1980s racing to have the fastest times on a rubics cube, how hard would it be to motivate people with little other recreation to make and move big heads.

Very true to the more recent references..... Kinda like Facebook today

Indeed.  Don't overlook the potential power of a lot of bored people.  If you could get people to devote the kind of time and effort they put into Facebook into something productive...

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:39:30 PM EDT
The more important question is..  What were the Easter Island people thinking when they cut down the last tree?

from Collapse, by Jared Diamond.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:40:40 PM EDT

Damn, let your membership lapse for a few days and all sorts of things go away. Location & user title, most noticeably (although it took me a month and a half to notice). Should be fixed now
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:43:07 PM EDT
BAM Secrets of the Universe at my fingertips

Man Creates Stonehenge

Had not seen that video.... Very cool and interesting.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:46:11 PM EDT
I think that the problem may have been that there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:46:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:47:27 PM EDT
Stonehenge was a solar/lunar calculator.  Obsessive elitists would spend every night observing and they were able to tell when a solar or lunar eclipse was nearby.  They would then whip the populace into a frenzy by claiming that a giant snake was about to eat the sun, and if the population would submit to them, they would speak to the snake god and convince him to disgorge the sun/moon.  Stonehenge was the tool used to enslave entire populations.  I would dynamite the structure, if it was up to me.  

To construct such evil monoliths, I build up earth with my slave power (there are remnants of a pre-stonehenge made from lumber) until the ground was 20 feet higher than its current elevation.  I would have my slaves create gradual sloping sides so the rise would be gradual.  then I would bury my stones in the ground and remove the soil at a later date.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:48:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 6:59:13 PM EDT
Think about it this way. People used to spend all their time hunting and gathering food. Then agriculture was developed. Communities were started, and because they didn't have to spend all their time finding food, for the first time we had a bunch of people somewhat board and organized. No American Idol or facebook to pass the time. Even worse, no Internet porn, so they had to find their own ways to occupy their time. Things probably started off with "hold my mead and watch this" and quickly advanced to pranks of epic proportions, like pyramids, stonehenge and fat faces that all point the same way.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 7:03:11 PM EDT
Ancient human 1: Shit, another fucking day of doing nothing but picking herbs and chasing fucking rabbits with sticks This shit is old, we gotta do something for ourselves, something that people can remember us by.

ancient human 2: oh yea, and what the hell do you think I've been doing smearing blood all over the walls of caves for! I said it was a mammoth!

Ancient Human 1: No man, this shit needs to be major, like I want to make people thousands of years from now think about what we did, devote entire discussions and writings about it.

Ancient Human 2: So what do you have in mind?

Ancient Human 1: I got it, we'll take a shitload of rocks and put them in a circle in the middle of nowhere, for no fucked up reason. Shit will be awesome, it will confuse them so much.

Ancient Human 2: Dude, that is fucking brilliant!
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 7:03:35 PM EDT
What’s my take? Let’s put what we know together and see if we can come to any conclusions.

There are numerous stone monuments scattered around the globe. Their construction has been dated to as far back as perhaps 5,000 years to around 500 years.

The only known civilizations that could have built them were generally Neolithic but very well organized.

Many of these monuments are quite large.

Later bronze and iron aged civilizations managed to move giant stones around just fine. For example, I believe a 100 ton obelisk was moved from Egypt to Rome by the Roman Empire.

There are known modern techniques using only timbers, stone, and muscle power that allow small groups of people to move very big rocks. (As big as the ones at Stonehenge.)

Although these monuments are often very precise, they do not show any sign of advanced technology. (No aluminum, titanium or steel. No copper wiring. No arches.)

Although some of these monuments show superficially similar features they are built in entirely different styles.

So, I can believe one of two things…

1. Space aliens have been visiting Earth for a period of at least 4,500 years. They like to show up, build a few giant stone monuments (in completely different styles) for Neolithic peoples but they apparently do nothing else. They do not include any advanced architectural techniques in their constructions.

2. Many Neolithic civilizations like to build stone monuments. They have the social organization and can generally develop the ability to move large rocks. The monuments do not have any advanced technology because they were made by stone aged people. Religion is often important in their lives so the large buildings often have religious significance.

Which belief, #1 or #2 is more reasonable?

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 7:04:53 PM EDT


my theory is that people made them and it took a long time.

I am going with this.

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 7:10:33 PM EDT
Mutant Hampsters..

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 7:12:35 PM EDT
I dont belive ET did anything in the past but there a lot of strange mysteries. One that is really strange is the vitrified stones in Scotland, how the hell did they do that?
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 7:13:09 PM EDT
Keith_J built a time machine and some pocket sized heavy lifting equipment he developed in the months he was away from the site.  
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 7:14:30 PM EDT
This guy knows how.

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 7:15:53 PM EDT
Elbow grease.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 7:17:30 PM EDT
All I know is that shit is happening at once and there is alot of
chaos in the world. It seems as if there is going to be
some kind of breakthrough or a World War like none
of the previous ones.

Who knows whats about to happen its fact that most of
the world hates us. There are clashes and disputes
between themselves even.

Our nation is torn deeply apart with no fixing
of the problem in view.

If Saudi Arabia is hit with civil war/rebellion like the countries
surronding it, that will be when the SHTF scenario will
become reality.

Just my opinion.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 7:23:08 PM EDT
Try this book...

"Uriel's Machine" suggests Stonehenge was an observatory, and also had something to do with either a comet fragment impact, or some other energetic event.  Noah's Flood might have only been confined to the area of the Indian Ocean, and Red Sea.  Interesting reading.  

Easter Island, I think the Moai very probably were human carved, and like the ancients said, 'walked' to their locations by rocking them on rounded bottoms.  Deforestation killed them off, unless it was Zombies, they're not sure...  
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 7:38:19 PM EDT
Anybody who believes that the pictographs at Nazca, Stonehedge, the pyramids, the monuments at Easter Island could not be constructed or made with out alien intervention should have their heads examined.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 7:41:31 PM EDT
Anybody who believes that the pictographs at Nazca, Stonehedge, the pyramids, the monuments at Easter Island could not be constructed or made with out alien intervention should have their heads examined.

Highly Advanced Antidiluvian seafairing civilizations
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 8:06:01 PM EDT
my theory is that people made them and it took a long time.

A long time, a lot of muscle and a lot of teamwork. That last part is why it is so hard for people to figure out. We have forgotten how to properly apply teamwork and have largely forgotten what it is.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 8:43:40 PM EDT
My vote?

People like us decided to fuck with the rest of humanity, in the only fashion they could think that existed before the internet.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 8:44:05 PM EDT
bored ancients?
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 8:45:07 PM EDT
They liked to work with rocks and didn't have marble
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 9:01:42 PM EDT

The aliens that made these must have known about ARFCOM because they felt the need to put a pancake on one of the statues heads.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 9:15:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 9:18:34 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 9:23:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 9:37:17 PM EDT
Seriously, no one else finds it amusing that one of the statues at Easter Island looks like it has a pancake on its head?
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 10:01:34 PM EDT


Seriously, no one else finds it amusing that one of the statues at Easter Island looks like it has a pancake on its head?

I built them.

Link Posted: 3/6/2011 10:17:51 PM EDT
I recall there was a documentary that aired that had people put together a copy of Stonehenge using only the techniques, technology, and materials available at the time.  They were successful, so I would imagine people could do it without too much trouble.
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 10:19:23 PM EDT
well, there was no TV, internet or iphones. What else did those people have to do except lug rocks around?
Link Posted: 3/6/2011 10:34:01 PM EDT
well, there was no TV, internet or iphones. What else did those people have to do except lug rocks around?

Planting time and harvest were really busy.
One day a week (the rest of the year) they hunted.

All the rest they screwed and made these things to fuck with later generations.  Out of spite.
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