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Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:32:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:33:49 PM EDT
You don't need to stop all of them.  Or even most of them.

1. Identify the ringleaders

2. Make a few heads turn to pink mist

3. Remaining morons flee in terror
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:34:24 PM EDT
Need a horde of lance corporals in alien costumes charging right back at em
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:34:42 PM EDT
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Coupe apaches and this is no problem.
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I prefer the sedan model
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:35:51 PM EDT
"Internet alien conspiracy theorists who also know Japanese manga" and "running"; now there's a Venn diagram with no overlap.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:36:18 PM EDT
They better live stream it!!!

Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:36:22 PM EDT
I hope this happens just so I can read the follow up story to it and possibly some video.  Worst case scenario, we get to see some aliens!
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:36:48 PM EDT
Hopefully the majority of these idiots are antifa brown shirts. A vulcan minigun would provide a spectacular show on 200,000 antifa iceholes.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:38:24 PM EDT
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They may want to bring a compass, water...lots of water, and a map...it’s a large facility.
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I have no doubt the antifa iceholes will bring plenty of refreshing "milkshakes" with them.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:40:06 PM EDT
If the people charging area 51 are also armed and able to return fire, this could be a real fun event!
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:40:49 PM EDT
As entertaining as it would be they're likely not going to open up on these idiots, at least not with anything other than less-than-lethal rounds.

It's not like it would be difficult to notice this mass of dogshit steaming down the road.  A concertina barricade and tear gas rounds would be my guess.  Some rubber bullets in the ass of anyone determined to press on, you know pour encourager les autres.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:41:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:41:47 PM EDT
Unleash the TrumpStar!

Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:44:01 PM EDT
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lol I doubt they’d actually shoot anyone if they tried it for real. Zero chance this actually happens though.
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This, in today's climate it'd be a PR nightmare.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:44:14 PM EDT
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The mental image of a bunch of retards naruto running straight into a beltfed is pretty hilarious
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Somme 2.0.

Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:44:31 PM EDT
Live stream or GTFO.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:46:02 PM EDT

A Facebook event titled “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” has the interest of over 200,000 people on Facebook

The event is scheduled for September 20 at 3:00 am

The main strategy is for everyone to “Naruto run” towards the base at the same time

The event is scheduled for September 20, 2019, at 3:00 am. The about section reads, “We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry. If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens.” As the event continues to spread across the Web, the chances continue to grow that UFO enthusiasts will show up at Area 51 on the event day. Whether or not anybody will actually storm Area 51 will be another story, as chances are security will be increased around the area the day of the event. The event page suggests using the “Naruto run” as a main strategy.

What could go wrong?

FYI- Naruto Run refers to the unique running style of the protagonist Naruto Uzumaki in the Japanese anime series Naruto, where he is often depicted sprinting with his arms stretched behind him.
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Naruto run means they’ll lean into the bullets hitting them in the face.  Good strategy
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:46:08 PM EDT
Can't stop them all...micro waves... what are they?

Attack of the faked moon landings!

I would pay for a live stream.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:46:09 PM EDT
It never fails to amaze me the we have such a vast number of complete idiots inhabiting this country. It's staggering.

I'd watch on PPV.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:46:16 PM EDT
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We have our first Arfcom live on scene reporter!

I'm sure we can start a go fund you if you don't have sick/vacation time saved up.
Do the right thing. Call in and do a livestream.
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Morons. So I live 5 minutes outside A51s back gate and about 20 minutes away from the front gate.

The entire thing is a joke, meeting at 3am in Armagosa Valley...that's hours away from any gate to A51. If it were serious they would have set the meet for Hiko or Alamo.....not Armagosa Valley. The guy who started it doesnt even understand the geography around here.
We have our first Arfcom live on scene reporter!

I'm sure we can start a go fund you if you don't have sick/vacation time saved up.
Do the right thing. Call in and do a livestream.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:46:17 PM EDT
Gordon Freeman's crowbar and head crabs will take care of all of them.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:47:27 PM EDT
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As entertaining as it would be they're likely not going to open up on these idiots, at least not with anything other than less-than-lethal rounds.

It's not like it would be difficult to notice this mass of dogshit steaming down the road.  A concertina barricade and tear gas rounds would be my guess.  Some rubber bullets in the ass of anyone determined to press on, you know pour encourager les autres.
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Tear gas, sound projectors, and microwave pain projectors are way, way more likely to be used than bullets.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:47:27 PM EDT
So these folks give the military/industrial complex over 60 days to enhance their already daunting security system, and to put more people, equipment, and training into place.

The defenders of Area 51 not only know when the people will show up, but the tactic that they intend to use in their attempt to overwhelm the Area 51 defenders.  Defenders can now do tactic specific training in order to stop the "bum rush" that those trying to enter the base will use.   Sound, heat, infra-red, nets, fences, chemical agents or equipment will augment old fashioned billy clubs and bullets in order to channel attackers to where the defenders want them.

I think that over time, most of the attackers will realize how stupid their plan is, and most will lack the courage to follow through with the attack.  I would be surprised if more than a couple of hundred showed up.

Even if the attackers linked up with Antifa, the distance between Area 51 and any places to stay will reduce the number of people who actually show up.  I think it will become a remarkable flop for the less than 100 people who show up to try and bum rush Area 51.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:48:08 PM EDT
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We have people drive by on the weekends looking for the Back Gate Road and ask me where it is (literally 30 seconds away) and I dont tell them. They arent happy but I dont need them going over the border then telling the authorities I told them how to get there.....

The owner of the Little A 'Le Inn out here (only restaurant) in town, took the guards at the back gate food on NYE a few years ago and left it for them ...they called the Sheriff, its takes the Sheriff about an hour to get out here....they told him not to do it again and just leave them alone.
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I see they don’t know whatGoogle maps is

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:48:09 PM EDT
I'm pretty sure that the security detachment has ready access to stupendous amounts of non-lethal chemical agents and the means to deliver them accurately and very quickly even over a very large area.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:49:42 PM EDT
Fly ag drones over the mass and BZ gas them into a week long psychedelic super binge...they'll be seeing all kinds of aliens...herd them all into a stadium and have an alien version of woostock for them...they'll never be the same...ever.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:50:05 PM EDT
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I'm pretty sure that the security detachment has ready access to stupendous amounts of non-lethal chemical agents and the means to deliver them accurately and very quickly even over a very large area.
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Belt feds mo' betta. Less tards in the world. Let Darwin go to work.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:50:12 PM EDT
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Back when Art Bell ran the Coast to Coast AM radio show, a pilot flying a small plane was shot down live on air while flying into the restricted zone. The audio used to be on youtube. Taken out by a missle I think.
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Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:53:28 PM EDT
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14 miles from the highway to the "don't go past here signs".

15 miles past there is the facility.

I would let them past the gate, and just not let them back out.
That whole area is just about as desolate as Death Valley.
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Yep. I’ve been to one of the gates. They see you coming that entire 14mile drive on loose sand.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:54:08 PM EDT
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How far is it from the "visitor center" to the base?  Doubt it's something you'll see anybody cover by foot, let alone sprint.
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It’s a bar on the highway.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 2:59:36 PM EDT
I'm willing to bet that zero participants, if left completely uninterrupted, could make it all the way to the base by foot.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:00:48 PM EDT
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That sounds like fun.  Run for 20+ miles in the summer desert. They will be begging for the cops to pick them up by mile 2
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Yup, they're gonna sprint 20 miles in the desert.  
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:02:01 PM EDT
The media would have a field day if they actually shot any civilian, it would not end well.  The person who fired the shot would get thrown under the bus by their command, no doubt.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:04:10 PM EDT
What they're hoping to see...

What they'd actually see...

Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:04:39 PM EDT
On a more serious note, why not just fly a bunch of drones over? Is that too far for a drone to reach? Do they have some sort of jamming?

Not that I want to do that but it would seem to make more sense than having 100K people trying to run 15+ miles in the desert
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:10:14 PM EDT
The likely outcome

Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:13:06 PM EDT
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Back when Art Bell ran the Coast to Coast AM radio show, a pilot flying a small plane was shot down live on air while flying into the restricted zone. The audio used to be on youtube. Taken out by a missle I think.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:13:37 PM EDT
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The mental image of a bunch of retards naruto running straight into a beltfed is pretty hilarious
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Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:15:03 PM EDT
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"Internet alien conspiracy theorists who also know Japanese manga" and "running"; now there's a Venn diagram with no overlap.
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Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:15:57 PM EDT
Thats a long run. Half would die before even gettijg close to the base. Evenyone else would be at a loss then they realize all the buildings are locked. And thats assuming they dont get gunned down 1 minute after crossing the line.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:17:36 PM EDT
200k are interested? Means 20 people will show up.

Also projecting your intentions allows for position to be reinforced or assets to be moved. Guess which one the government will choose?
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:17:40 PM EDT
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That's a LONG run across heavily defended and monitored terrain just to get sick from all the hazardous waste buried out there.

And then not see anything worthwhile
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Lol, that's a good point " I stormed Area 51 and all I got was this lousy T-shirt and lymphoma "
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:22:02 PM EDT
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what are the rules on landmining government installations in the US?
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That's no fun.

All security elements: small arms only, and this WILL count as the annual qualification.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:23:38 PM EDT
I don't think they know that everything is up at Area S4 and rest is at Wright Pat in Dayton.  Youd have a better chance storming Wright Pat to see the shit and not step on a land mine like you would outside Groom Lake.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:25:19 PM EDT
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On a more serious note, why not just fly a bunch of drones over? Is that too far for a drone to reach? Do they have some sort of jamming?

Not that I want to do that but it would seem to make more sense than having 100K people trying to run 15+ miles in the desert
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Seems like commercial drones have a max range of ~5 miles and no way you wouldn't get picked up by all the security sensors while you're controlling it from that distance.

And I can't imagine they wouldn't have the ability to block radio signals and GPS even if you could be further away with a custom built quadcopter or fixed wing.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:27:02 PM EDT
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lol, yes, they can stop them.
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While they *CAN* stop them with lethal means, would they?

They would have an absolute shitshow level PR disaster on their hands if the Air Force shot them all.

They would have created a new method of espionage if they got away with it.

I am on the side of them not shooting. If 100k people rushed that base and the military shot them all, it is fo time for a lot of people.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:27:16 PM EDT
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Back when Art Bell ran the Coast to Coast AM radio show, a pilot flying a small plane was shot down live on air while flying into the restricted zone. The audio used to be on youtube. Taken out by a missle I think.
I agree.
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:29:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:29:29 PM EDT
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While they *CAN* stop them with lethal means, would they?

They would have an absolute shitshow level PR disaster on their hands if the Air Force shot them all.

They would have created a new method of espionage if they got away with it.

I am on the side of them not shooting. If 100k people rushed that base and the military shot them all, it is fo time for a lot of people.
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You’re right, I’d be foing to provide security forces with more ammo if needed!
Link Posted: 7/9/2019 3:32:35 PM EDT
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