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Link Posted: 9/13/2014 9:44:19 AM EDT
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Now I really feel old.....

  Shit, put 'em in front of an Atari 2600, or the games older than that, like Pong.  "Have you played Atari today?"
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Now I really feel old.....

  Shit, put 'em in front of an Atari 2600, or the games older than that, like Pong.  "Have you played Atari today?"

Commodore 64

Link Posted: 9/13/2014 9:50:12 AM EDT
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I feel old.


We are old. I turned 36 this year and found my first gray hair. Just shoot me.

I remember getting our Super NES Christmas morning and playing Mario all day long. I honestly don't remember which other games we bought for it. I wasted a lot of years playing video games. I got a buddy with two kids who plays them still. He'll play until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. It's the only fun he has after his kids and wife finally fall asleep.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 9:53:15 AM EDT
When blowing in the game didn't work the next step was shoving another game on top of the one you wanted to play.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 11:10:31 AM EDT

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We are old. I turned 36 this year and found my first gray hair. Just shoot me.

I remember getting our Super NES Christmas morning and playing Mario all day long. I honestly don't remember which other games we bought for it. I wasted a lot of years playing video games. I got a buddy with two kids who plays them still. He'll play until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. It's the only fun he has after his kids and wife finally fall asleep.
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I feel old.


We are old. I turned 36 this year and found my first gray hair. Just shoot me.

I remember getting our Super NES Christmas morning and playing Mario all day long. I honestly don't remember which other games we bought for it. I wasted a lot of years playing video games. I got a buddy with two kids who plays them still. He'll play until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. It's the only fun he has after his kids and wife finally fall asleep.
I'll be 33 in November. I have noticed a boatload of greys over the last year or so. I still feel 15 in my mind though.

Link Posted: 9/13/2014 11:11:12 AM EDT
Oh, and river city ransom ftw.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 11:23:00 AM EDT
We have one at my Dad's place, we have epic Tetris battles.....when shit faced drunk
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 11:23:52 AM EDT
that damn dog

Link Posted: 9/13/2014 11:25:37 AM EDT

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Should have given them contra to play



Go to http://digg.com/  and try the code.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 11:43:49 AM EDT
My wife and I were watching our friends kid (13 y/o). We asked her if she wanted to play my NES.  She said yes and we started the game for her.  She played a few lives and then asked if this was what the wife and I played when we were growing up.  I said yes to which she got a sad face and said "I feel sorry for you guys".  
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 11:51:49 AM EDT
Pretty ironic, my wife and I just bought one on Ebay yesterday. In the box with all the case candy. It's pretty sad how excited we are to get it.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 11:54:35 AM EDT
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When blowing in the game didn't work the next step was shoving another game on top of the one you wanted to play.
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Haha. Guilty.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 11:59:34 AM EDT
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This video is horse shit.

I interact with about 160 17-18 year olds on a daily basis.  The majority of them have played NES and a fair number have even played Atari 2600 and older consoles.

They just got some of the most retarded, sheltered-ass douchetards they could find.
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Exactly. They tell them to act surprised and to freak out over this stuff.

The majority of 17-18 yer olds today grew up with their Gameboy. It is in essence the EXACT same thing as a NES or SNES but you can put it in your pocket.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:14:03 PM EDT
The top loader is the best NES.  Especially if you video mod it for composite video.

The cartridge connector is way more reliable.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:21:07 PM EDT
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We are old. I turned 36 this year and found my first gray hair. Just shoot me.

I remember getting our Super NES Christmas morning and playing Mario all day long. I honestly don't remember which other games we bought for it. I wasted a lot of years playing video games. I got a buddy with two kids who plays them still. He'll play until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. It's the only fun he has after his kids and wife finally fall asleep.
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I feel old.


We are old. I turned 36 this year and found my first gray hair. Just shoot me.

I remember getting our Super NES Christmas morning and playing Mario all day long. I honestly don't remember which other games we bought for it. I wasted a lot of years playing video games. I got a buddy with two kids who plays them still. He'll play until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. It's the only fun he has after his kids and wife finally fall asleep.

im 30 and been finding occasional straggler..ageing sucks.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:21:10 PM EDT
OP, we you even alive when the NES came out?  How could you feel old?
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:24:26 PM EDT
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Blowing on the cartridge... phhhh

I cleaned the contacts on my games over the last year, including the connector in the deck, and they all fire up like new.
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i took it apart replaced the connector cleanest game int he world shit still did the blinky bs.i sold it soon after.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:29:34 PM EDT
I sold my NES and all my games at a garage sale for $20 in the mid 90s to fund buying 16MB RAM for my 486, so I could play newer games on it... And that $20 was only a fraction of the cost of those four 4MB sticks.


One of my childhood friends still has his NES, complete with Game Genie and all of the stupid stickers that we put on it as kids - lots of Marvel and Batman hologram stickers.

I do miss weekend/summer marathons of SMB3 where the NES stayed on for days. My wife and I still play it on Mario All Stars.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:32:34 PM EDT
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How the hell have they never heard of Legend of Zelda!? That series made it to fairly recent consoles....
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No shit. I am in the middle of skyward sword for the Wii as we speak.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:37:07 PM EDT

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i took it apart replaced the connector cleanest game int he world shit still did the blinky bs.i sold it soon after.
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Blowing on the cartridge... phhhh

I cleaned the contacts on my games over the last year, including the connector in the deck, and they all fire up like new.

i took it apart replaced the connector cleanest game int he world shit still did the blinky bs.i sold it soon after.
I had to take the cartridges apart and use a special contact cleaner (basically a pen using a fiberglass rod) that strips the dirt off the metal, but doesn't harm the metal itself.  A que-tip and alcohol or whatever just doesn't cut it sometimes.

Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:41:26 PM EDT

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Still have mine hooked up
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Still have mine in the basement

Still have mine hooked up
I still have all of mine hooked up.

Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:44:16 PM EDT
wow. a buddy of mine had a 1943 cabinet in his basement that got melted in an electrical fire :(
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:49:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:49:36 PM EDT
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Still have mine in the basement

Still have mine hooked up
I still have all of mine hooked up.

Damn. There's probably some money to be had in a few of those.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:51:18 PM EDT
I still have a box full of Nes stuff in the attic.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:53:59 PM EDT
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Be nice.  They're teens.  How much brilliance did you exude when you were 15?
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So much dumb. Jesus fuck.

Be nice.  They're teens.  How much brilliance did you exude when you were 15?

I was programming my Commodore 64 and changing some code in some games to cheat.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 12:56:12 PM EDT
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Exactly. They tell them to act surprised and to freak out over this stuff.

The majority of 17-18 yer olds today grew up with their Gameboy. It is in essence the EXACT same thing as a NES or SNES but you can put it in your pocket.
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This video is horse shit.

I interact with about 160 17-18 year olds on a daily basis.  The majority of them have played NES and a fair number have even played Atari 2600 and older consoles.

They just got some of the most retarded, sheltered-ass douchetards they could find.

Exactly. They tell them to act surprised and to freak out over this stuff.

The majority of 17-18 yer olds today grew up with their Gameboy. It is in essence the EXACT same thing as a NES or SNES but you can put it in your pocket.

I remember when the first gameboys hit the market oh....my....god I thought to myself what a wonderful age of technology we live in still have it in my night stand
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 1:04:11 PM EDT
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yes you can. you can also jump over the "ceiling" on the first underground map and run on top of the map all the way to the end of the game.
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On Super Mario Bros....there was a rumor you could jump over the flag at the end of the level. Anyone ever do this or is this an urban legend?

yes you can. you can also jump over the "ceiling" on the first underground map and run on top of the map all the way to the end of the game.

The ceiling trick in 1-2 takes you to a warp which only goes as far as 4-1, not the end of the game.  

Link Posted: 9/13/2014 1:07:58 PM EDT
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Still have mine in the basement

Still have mine hooked up
I still have all of mine hooked up.

Now that's a command center!!!
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 9:41:16 PM EDT
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We are old. I turned 36 this year and found my first gray hair. Just shoot me.

I remember getting our Super NES Christmas morning and playing Mario all day long. I honestly don't remember which other games we bought for it. I wasted a lot of years playing video games. I got a buddy with two kids who plays them still. He'll play until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. It's the only fun he has after his kids and wife finally fall asleep.
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I feel old.


We are old. I turned 36 this year and found my first gray hair. Just shoot me.

I remember getting our Super NES Christmas morning and playing Mario all day long. I honestly don't remember which other games we bought for it. I wasted a lot of years playing video games. I got a buddy with two kids who plays them still. He'll play until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. It's the only fun he has after his kids and wife finally fall asleep.

I'll be 36 in January, I've had a solid gray stripe since I was 26.
At least the chicks dig it though. I get asked if I dye it that way on purpose a lot.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 9:49:12 PM EDT
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I had to take the cartridges apart and use a special contact cleaner (basically a pen using a fiberglass rod) that strips the dirt off the metal, but doesn't harm the metal itself.  A que-tip and alcohol or whatever just doesn't cut it sometimes.
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Blowing on the cartridge... phhhh

I cleaned the contacts on my games over the last year, including the connector in the deck, and they all fire up like new.

i took it apart replaced the connector cleanest game int he world shit still did the blinky bs.i sold it soon after.
I had to take the cartridges apart and use a special contact cleaner (basically a pen using a fiberglass rod) that strips the dirt off the metal, but doesn't harm the metal itself.  A que-tip and alcohol or whatever just doesn't cut it sometimes.

After I replaced the connector in my NES I still had issues with games working. I ended up cleaning all of my games with glass cookbook cleaner, and then alcohol to clean up the residual paste. Games work perfectly every time. This thing works better now than it did 26 years ago when I got it new.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 9:53:08 PM EDT
all I wanted to do was coc those retards.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 9:54:18 PM EDT
That is 30YO stuff.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 9:54:30 PM EDT
That is 30YO stuff.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 9:56:10 PM EDT
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  Shit, put 'em in front of an Atari 2600, or the games older than that, like Pong.  "Have you played Atari today?"

We had one and yes I played Pong  
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Now I really feel old.....

  Shit, put 'em in front of an Atari 2600, or the games older than that, like Pong.  "Have you played Atari today?"

We had one and yes I played Pong  

But did you have the B&W console that came out before the Atari 2600--the one that just had Pong? Maybe it had one or two other games--I think you had to switch games with a 3-position lever switch. No cartridges, no additional games. Just Pong, and it was awesome.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 9:58:19 PM EDT
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I remember when the first gameboys hit the market oh....my....god I thought to myself what a wonderful age of technology we live in still have it in my night stand
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This video is horse shit.

I interact with about 160 17-18 year olds on a daily basis.  The majority of them have played NES and a fair number have even played Atari 2600 and older consoles.

They just got some of the most retarded, sheltered-ass douchetards they could find.

Exactly. They tell them to act surprised and to freak out over this stuff.

The majority of 17-18 yer olds today grew up with their Gameboy. It is in essence the EXACT same thing as a NES or SNES but you can put it in your pocket.

I remember when the first gameboys hit the market oh....my....god I thought to myself what a wonderful age of technology we live in still have it in my night stand

Which is kind of dissapointing when you consider you need to be inside the core of the sun to see the screen.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 10:07:01 PM EDT
I remember going to Toys R Us and buying it with my dad.

He fucking loved playing it as much as me

ETA: I fucking screamed BLOW ON IT around 3 when it wasn't starting

Stealth ATF was the shit!

Link Posted: 9/13/2014 10:19:27 PM EDT
Goddammit............trudges upstairs to dig the NES out of the attic and play it shit faced.
Link Posted: 9/13/2014 10:31:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/16/2014 3:44:24 PM EDT

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After I replaced the connector in my NES I still had issues with games working. I ended up cleaning all of my games with glass cookbook cleaner, and then alcohol to clean up the residual paste. Games work perfectly every time. This thing works better now than it did 26 years ago when I got it new.

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Blowing on the cartridge... phhhh

I cleaned the contacts on my games over the last year, including the connector in the deck, and they all fire up like new.

i took it apart replaced the connector cleanest game int he world shit still did the blinky bs.i sold it soon after.
I had to take the cartridges apart and use a special contact cleaner (basically a pen using a fiberglass rod) that strips the dirt off the metal, but doesn't harm the metal itself.  A que-tip and alcohol or whatever just doesn't cut it sometimes.


After I replaced the connector in my NES I still had issues with games working. I ended up cleaning all of my games with glass cookbook cleaner, and then alcohol to clean up the residual paste. Games work perfectly every time. This thing works better now than it did 26 years ago when I got it new.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
yep, stripping 25+ years of dirt buildup from those contacts works wonders.  I even cleaned the motherboard contacts when I had the 72pin connector off.  

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