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Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:01:36 PM EDT
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Good fucking grief some of you fuckers hate freedom.

Good for you Taran. Keep showing the Hollyweird crowd how fun shooting can be. I don't fault you a single bit for playing with the young ladies.

All these haters, fuck'em.
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Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:15:09 PM EDT
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There’s no evidence he molested 16 year old girls. There are plenty of reports that he took liberties with beauty pageant contestants, but no recorded evidence beyond a statement given in private that essentially said he could do whatever and they just let him, so there’s that. There is a lot of evidence of him cheating on his wives. A lot. Which is a fairly decent indicator of his level of integrity and honesty. But what’s important there is that people showed that wasn’t something they valued.
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It’s a World Class, shitty analogy. Trump didn’t MolestMentor any 16 year old girls.  If he had, it would have finished him.

Other than that, the degenerate perverts here, have forced me to agree with Naamah.    They should be throughly ashamed of themselves.
There’s no evidence he molested 16 year old girls. There are plenty of reports that he took liberties with beauty pageant contestants, but no recorded evidence beyond a statement given in private that essentially said he could do whatever and they just let him, so there’s that. There is a lot of evidence of him cheating on his wives. A lot. Which is a fairly decent indicator of his level of integrity and honesty. But what’s important there is that people showed that wasn’t something they valued.
You’re all sorts of confused and your argument is extremely childish.    Politics is By Definition a choice between the lesser of two evils.    There will never be a perfect politician to vote for.  
Even Thomas Jefferson wasn’t infallible.

Absolute honesty and integrity would be a negative attribute for a President.  One needs to be a wheeler, dealer and schemer to navigate those treacherous waters.    Sad, but true.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:15:14 PM EDT
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It was obvious that they were fucking, and the outrage shown by some in this thread is hilarious.
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Is she his girlfriend? Does anyone know?

Watching some of those videos it seems like she might be?
It was obvious that they were fucking, and the outrage shown by some in this thread is hilarious.
Yeah, I could be wrong, but I watched other vids and it seems like she is his girlfriend and has been for a while.

If some of the shit I have said to my girlfriends were made public...

I just need more context to be fully outraged at this point. If he loses a bunch of sponsors and business because someone stole his info and posted it publicly, and that girl is his girlfriend, that isn't something we should be praising.

And even if you find it distasteful, there is nothing wrong with him having sex with her. That is solely between them. It's none of our business. They are consenting adults.

Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:20:02 PM EDT
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You’re all sorts of confused and your argument is extremely childish.    Politics is By Definition a choice between the lesser of two evils.    There will never be a perfect politician to vote for.  
Even Thomas Jefferson wasn’t infallible.

Absolute honesty and integrity would be a negative attribute for a President.  One needs to be a wheeler, dealer and schemer to navigate those treacherous waters.    Sad, but true.  
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Yep, if you put your faith in people to always do the right thing, you will be disappointed. No matter how big or small the organization is. It sucks when you have faith in people and like them and they stab you in the back and others allow it to happen and do nothing even after promising to review it.

It is the way of the world.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:27:47 PM EDT
Trijicon ended partnership with taran.

Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:30:13 PM EDT
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Yeah, I could be wrong, but I watched other vids and it seems like she is his girlfriend and has been for a while.

If some of the shit I have said to my girlfriends were made public...

I just need more context to be fully outraged at this point. If he loses a bunch of sponsors and business because someone stole his info and posted it publicly, and that girl is his girlfriend, that isn't something we should be praising.

And even if you find it distasteful, there is nothing wrong with him having sex with her. That is solely between them. It's none of our business. They are consenting adults.

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Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:31:29 PM EDT
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Yeah, I could be wrong, but I watched other vids and it seems like she is his girlfriend and has been for a while.

If some of the shit I have said to my girlfriends were made public...

I just need more context to be fully outraged at this point. If he loses a bunch of sponsors and business because someone stole his info and posted it publicly, and that girl is his girlfriend, that isn't something we should be praising.

And even if you find it distasteful, there is nothing wrong with him having sex with her. That is solely between them. It's none of our business. They are consenting adults.

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I don't think anyone is fully outraged, but the issue was never "consenting adults".  
It's everything else.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:33:01 PM EDT
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Yeah, I could be wrong, but I watched other vids and it seems like she is his girlfriend and has been for a while.

If some of the shit I have said to my girlfriends were made public...

I just need more context to be fully outraged at this point. If he loses a bunch of sponsors and business because someone stole his info and posted it publicly, and that girl is his girlfriend, that isn't something we should be praising.

And even if you find it distasteful, there is nothing wrong with him having sex with her. That is solely between them. It's none of our business. They are consenting adults.

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Is she his girlfriend? Does anyone know?

Watching some of those videos it seems like she might be?
It was obvious that they were fucking, and the outrage shown by some in this thread is hilarious.
Yeah, I could be wrong, but I watched other vids and it seems like she is his girlfriend and has been for a while.

If some of the shit I have said to my girlfriends were made public...

I just need more context to be fully outraged at this point. If he loses a bunch of sponsors and business because someone stole his info and posted it publicly, and that girl is his girlfriend, that isn't something we should be praising.

And even if you find it distasteful, there is nothing wrong with him having sex with her. That is solely between them. It's none of our business. They are consenting adults.

A great many of you missed the main point, and it’s an important one:   “You aren’t supposed to molest the children you mentor”.
Yes, it’s been common throughout world history.   However, it is considered bad form, in our current culture.    At the very least, he should face ridicule and derision.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:36:18 PM EDT
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. I mean if I am Shemar I doubt I am liking Butler's references to BBC but then maybe Shemar should have stuck it in Jade since he has been plagued by rumors he is gay his entire career.
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I had never seen him outside of Criminal Minds , but once at a Dr waiting room saw him on a daytime talk show

Holy crap his voice was like 3 octave higher and he seemed really giggly and light in the loafers
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:38:32 PM EDT
2 hours and still on the same page.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:41:54 PM EDT
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A great many of you missed the main point, and it’s an important one:   “You aren’t supposed to molest the children you mentor”.
Yes, it’s been common throughout world history.   However, it is considered bad form, in our current culture.    At the very least, he should face ridicule and derision.
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Is she his girlfriend? Does anyone know?

Watching some of those videos it seems like she might be?
It was obvious that they were fucking, and the outrage shown by some in this thread is hilarious.
Yeah, I could be wrong, but I watched other vids and it seems like she is his girlfriend and has been for a while.

If some of the shit I have said to my girlfriends were made public...

I just need more context to be fully outraged at this point. If he loses a bunch of sponsors and business because someone stole his info and posted it publicly, and that girl is his girlfriend, that isn't something we should be praising.

And even if you find it distasteful, there is nothing wrong with him having sex with her. That is solely between them. It's none of our business. They are consenting adults.

A great many of you missed the main point, and it’s an important one:   “You aren’t supposed to molest the children you mentor”.
Yes, it’s been common throughout world history.   However, it is considered bad form, in our current culture.    At the very least, he should face ridicule and derision.
Further, from a leadership perspective it's also bad form to sleep with your employees.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:44:25 PM EDT
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A great many of you missed the main point, and it’s an important one:   “You aren’t supposed to molest the children you mentor”.
Yes, it’s been common throughout world history.   However, it is considered bad form, in our current culture.    At the very least, he should face ridicule and derision.
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Do you have proof that he was molesting a child?  The video was of two consenting adults.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:47:03 PM EDT
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Do you have proof that he was molesting a child?  The video was of two consenting adults.
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A great many of you missed the main point, and it’s an important one:   “You aren’t supposed to molest the children you mentor”.
Yes, it’s been common throughout world history.   However, it is considered bad form, in our current culture.    At the very least, he should face ridicule and derision.
Do you have proof that he was molesting a child?  The video was of two consenting adults.
How many times does it need to be said? He'd been working with her since 16.
She's his employee.
She's the daughter of a friend. If you don't see the ethical issues with what's happening, plus just the creepy weird things he's saying then I don't know what to tell you.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:50:43 PM EDT
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Do you have proof that he was molesting a child?  The video was of two consenting adults.
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He “mentored” her when she was underage and became sexual as soon as she came of age.

Any other sport or group and most would be abhorred (gymnastics, track, music, etc).

But because it is the over sexualized world of the “gun bunny”, it’s high fives and atta-boys.

All part and parcel when “it” really isn’t about a sport, but a fantasy.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:57:04 PM EDT
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So they will fold for a .gov contract but throw Taran under the bus.  He has been shooting Trijicon since the 90's.
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It was removed years ago because it got out that the government was buying equipment with scripture on it. To keep from losing mil contracts the stamped script was removed.

I'd love to get one. #jesusgun


"Tom Munson, director of sales and marketing for Trijicon, said the practice of including the references was started in 1981 by the company's founder, devout Christian Glyn Bindon, who died in a 2003 plane crash."
So they will fold for a .gov contract but throw Taran under the bus.  He has been shooting Trijicon since the 90's.
Not sure why you're conflating removing verses for THE most important customer they have with compromising their values.

Lots of people live their lives by beliefs they don't share with anyone else.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 10:59:08 PM EDT
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Besides all the other creepy shit in this post you're now making it ONLY about the age difference and ignoring everything else.
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I feel like creepy is the wrong word. "Trashy Pervert" seems to fit it much better.

Not because of the age differential, I see nothing wrong with 18 and 50.

If some rich, intelligent, handsome, 50 year old man with a good body somehow met my 16 year old daughter, and they wanted to get married. Then, after a through background check, including "Why is he single?!?! And How did they meet?!?!" I would sign on the dotted line.

@15? Hell no.

@14? Where is my gun?

@13? "Hello, 911, I just shot someone in self defense."

But at 16? Where is my pen so I can sign on the dotted line?

18? Are you kidding me? Why is she still asking my permission?

Men's sperm are viable well into their 60's-70's, in most cases, and they'll make awesome babies together, as long as he fits all my criteria I wouldn't care.

Lots of females with good genetics look about the same from 16 to 29, It's almost impossible to tell the difference between a 16 year old girl and an 18-21 year old woman. As long as they don't drink/smoke/tan, how is a man going to know the difference just by looking at them?

It's not like they are 12. Where is my gun...?

If it's so "creepy" then why do so many states allow parents to sign off on marriages when kids are bellow 18?

Because in the old days (less than 100 years ago) it was a common, and accepted practice.

Notice I keep says "with parental consent". Let my girl marry someone like Taran? Hell to the NO!!! I don't care how much money they have or how well they can shoot. The man is a pervert, as are all men to go to strip clubs. Or talk to women like Taran talked to Jade. The fact that she didn't seem very put off by it tells me all I need to know. I'd like to believe my daughter would slap him in the face. And if I do a good job raising her, she would!
Besides all the other creepy shit in this post you're now making it ONLY about the age difference and ignoring everything else.
That is not a fair representation of what she has said.

She said the girl in this case is a thot, and Butters is disgusting.

Also, the morality of the man counts quite a bit in the case of her daughter marrying an older man.

older Widower of upstanding character and Christian ethos get the nod from her. The result would be kids, a stable home, etc.

older Pimps not so much.

My grandpa married my grandma when she was 18 and he was 45, they had 5 children. He was busy in his youth fighting in both world wars.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:00:32 PM EDT
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How many times does it need to be said? He'd been working with her since 16.
She's his employee.
She's the daughter of a friend. If you don't see the ethical issues with what's happening, plus just the creepy weird things he's saying then I don't know what to tell you.
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Seems like the girl became an adult and it's her decision on what to do with her life, not yours or anyone else that is outraged by this.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:04:54 PM EDT
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No, it's not. What people DO in private and public, and also what
people SAY in public.

but what people say in PRIVATE is
meaningless with regard to being a marker for character.

how many awful things have you said in private?

list them here
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At what point is he not saying something and now DOING something in private when he's pointing a camera at her and trying to get his employee to flash her genitals at the camera?
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:11:32 PM EDT
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Seems like the girl became an adult and it's her decision on what to do with her life, not yours or anyone else that is outraged by this.
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How many times does it need to be said? He'd been working with her since 16.
She's his employee.
She's the daughter of a friend. If you don't see the ethical issues with what's happening, plus just the creepy weird things he's saying then I don't know what to tell you.
Seems like the girl became an adult and it's her decision on what to do with her life, not yours or anyone else that is outraged by this.
Whose outraged?

We're saying the dude is creepy.  Which he is.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:12:12 PM EDT
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That is not a fair representation of what she has said.

She said the girl in this case is a thot, and Butters is disgusting.

Also, the morality of the man counts quite a bit in the case of her daughter marrying an older man.

older Widower of upstanding character and Christian ethos get the nod from her. The result would be kids, a stable home, etc.

older Pimps not so much.

My grandpa married my grandma when she was 18 and he was 45, they had 5 children. He was busy in his youth fighting in both world wars.
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I feel like creepy is the wrong word. "Trashy Pervert" seems to fit it much better.

Not because of the age differential, I see nothing wrong with 18 and 50.

If some rich, intelligent, handsome, 50 year old man with a good body somehow met my 16 year old daughter, and they wanted to get married. Then, after a through background check, including "Why is he single?!?! And How did they meet?!?!" I would sign on the dotted line.

@15? Hell no.

@14? Where is my gun?

@13? "Hello, 911, I just shot someone in self defense."

But at 16? Where is my pen so I can sign on the dotted line?

18? Are you kidding me? Why is she still asking my permission?

Men's sperm are viable well into their 60's-70's, in most cases, and they'll make awesome babies together, as long as he fits all my criteria I wouldn't care.

Lots of females with good genetics look about the same from 16 to 29, It's almost impossible to tell the difference between a 16 year old girl and an 18-21 year old woman. As long as they don't drink/smoke/tan, how is a man going to know the difference just by looking at them?

It's not like they are 12. Where is my gun...?

If it's so "creepy" then why do so many states allow parents to sign off on marriages when kids are bellow 18?

Because in the old days (less than 100 years ago) it was a common, and accepted practice.

Notice I keep says "with parental consent". Let my girl marry someone like Taran? Hell to the NO!!! I don't care how much money they have or how well they can shoot. The man is a pervert, as are all men to go to strip clubs. Or talk to women like Taran talked to Jade. The fact that she didn't seem very put off by it tells me all I need to know. I'd like to believe my daughter would slap him in the face. And if I do a good job raising her, she would!
Besides all the other creepy shit in this post you're now making it ONLY about the age difference and ignoring everything else.
That is not a fair representation of what she has said.

She said the girl in this case is a thot, and Butters is disgusting.

Also, the morality of the man counts quite a bit in the case of her daughter marrying an older man.

older Widower of upstanding character and Christian ethos get the nod from her. The result would be kids, a stable home, etc.

older Pimps not so much.

My grandpa married my grandma when she was 18 and he was 45, they had 5 children. He was busy in his youth fighting in both world wars.
She's focused on the age difference and ignoring the things most people are actually taking issue with.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:14:52 PM EDT
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Trijicon ended partnership with taran.

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They’re a company who put Bible verses on their optics so not too surprising.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:16:58 PM EDT
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They’re a company who put Bible verses on their optics so not too surprising.
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Trijicon ended partnership with taran.

They’re a company who put Bible verses on their optics so not too surprising.
Sell out! Sell out! Dur durdur!

Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:17:20 PM EDT
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Whose outraged?

We're saying the dude is creepy.  Which he is.
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Does the girl think he's creepy?

This is so very low on my give a shit meter.  I just don't care that some dude (who I never heard of because I don't follow crap in the firearms community) messed around with some girl that dresses like a tramp.  Maybe her father should have raised her better so she doesn't dress and act like a meth addicted stripper?  Maybe then she would make better decisions.  In the very little outrage I have about this, I'll blame the father.  The fucking bastard!
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:21:56 PM EDT
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I feel like creepy is the wrong word. "Trashy Pervert" seems to fit it much better.

Not because of the age differential, I see nothing wrong with 18 and 50.

If some rich, intelligent, handsome, 50 year old man with a good body somehow met my 16 year old daughter, and they wanted to get married. Then, after a through background check, including "Why is he single?!?! And How did they meet?!?!" I would sign on the dotted line.

@15? Hell no.

@14? Where is my gun?

@13? "Hello, 911, I just shot someone in self defense."

But at 16? Where is my pen so I can sign on the dotted line?

18? Are you kidding me? Why is she still asking my permission?

Men's sperm are viable well into their 60's-70's, in most cases, and they'll make awesome babies together, as long as he fits all my criteria I wouldn't care.

Lots of females with good genetics look about the same from 16 to 29, It's almost impossible to tell the difference between a 16 year old girl and an 18-21 year old woman. As long as they don't drink/smoke/tan, how is a man going to know the difference just by looking at them?

It's not like they are 12. Where is my gun...?

If it's so "creepy" then why do so many states allow parents to sign off on marriages when kids are bellow 18?

Because in the old days (less than 100 years ago) it was a common, and accepted practice.

Notice I keep says "with parental consent". Let my girl marry someone like Taran? Hell to the NO!!! I don't care how much money they have or how well they can shoot. The man is a pervert, as are all men to go to strip clubs. Or talk to women like Taran talked to Jade. The fact that she didn't seem very put off by it tells me all I need to know. I'd like to believe my daughter would slap him in the face. And if I do a good job raising her, she would!
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Do you huff paint thinner? If not, I suggest you start.
I guess that’s a “no.”
No, I would not let my kid hang out with a man that has a harem... lol
Well shit, why are we arguing again?

All I’m saying is that a man who sought out and hired an 18 year old whom he had known for several years prior, and then entered into a sexual relationship with (or at least filmed himself asking to see her precious and whether she was lubed for big back cock) is a pretty solid definition of creepy.

A 50 year old man picks up an 18 year old in most other situations? I’m not going to bat an eye.

The dynamic in THIS particular situation is creepy, and you can make an argument for LOTS of other nasty words like “predatory,” “grooming,” and “sexual harassment.” I’m not saying those things are necessarily the case here... but there is a LOT of nuance between “two consenting adults” and what’s been documented as occurring in this situation.

The world isn’t black and white: and to me this falls well within the shade of “creepy.”
It is creepy. People are right to react to it that way.

I oppose marriage between a 16 year old and a 50 year old. It goes against my own sensibilities in the same way that eating rotten fish, bugs, cats or dogs do. I can accept other people can do it, and do. I sure as hell won't take any part in it.

What I meant was, if my kid got with child, or another their own age with child, I would do everything I could to make it possible for them to make a good life for themselves, and have the means to. It is something I never want to happen, but if it did, I have thought it through. I would want them to be virgins when they marry at age 20-25, ideally, but the best laid plans and all that.
I feel like creepy is the wrong word. "Trashy Pervert" seems to fit it much better.

Not because of the age differential, I see nothing wrong with 18 and 50.

If some rich, intelligent, handsome, 50 year old man with a good body somehow met my 16 year old daughter, and they wanted to get married. Then, after a through background check, including "Why is he single?!?! And How did they meet?!?!" I would sign on the dotted line.

@15? Hell no.

@14? Where is my gun?

@13? "Hello, 911, I just shot someone in self defense."

But at 16? Where is my pen so I can sign on the dotted line?

18? Are you kidding me? Why is she still asking my permission?

Men's sperm are viable well into their 60's-70's, in most cases, and they'll make awesome babies together, as long as he fits all my criteria I wouldn't care.

Lots of females with good genetics look about the same from 16 to 29, It's almost impossible to tell the difference between a 16 year old girl and an 18-21 year old woman. As long as they don't drink/smoke/tan, how is a man going to know the difference just by looking at them?

It's not like they are 12. Where is my gun...?

If it's so "creepy" then why do so many states allow parents to sign off on marriages when kids are bellow 18?

Because in the old days (less than 100 years ago) it was a common, and accepted practice.

Notice I keep says "with parental consent". Let my girl marry someone like Taran? Hell to the NO!!! I don't care how much money they have or how well they can shoot. The man is a pervert, as are all men to go to strip clubs. Or talk to women like Taran talked to Jade. The fact that she didn't seem very put off by it tells me all I need to know. I'd like to believe my daughter would slap him in the face. And if I do a good job raising her, she would!
For the love of god, put the shovel down now.

Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:28:11 PM EDT
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Does the girl think he's creepy?

This is so very low on my give a shit meter.  I just don't care that some dude (who I never heard of because I don't follow crap in the firearms community) messed around with some girl that dresses like a tramp.  Maybe her father should have raised her better so she doesn't dress and act like a meth addicted stripper?  Maybe then she would make better decisions.  In the very little outrage I have about this, I'll blame the father.  The fucking bastard!
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Whose outraged?

We're saying the dude is creepy.  Which he is.
Does the girl think he's creepy?

This is so very low on my give a shit meter.  I just don't care that some dude (who I never heard of because I don't follow crap in the firearms community) messed around with some girl that dresses like a tramp.  Maybe her father should have raised her better so she doesn't dress and act like a meth addicted stripper?  Maybe then she would make better decisions.  In the very little outrage I have about this, I'll blame the father.  The fucking bastard!
Not really the topic.

His behavior, all things considered, is creepy.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:28:35 PM EDT
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She's focused on the age difference and ignoring the things most people are actually taking issue with.
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I feel like creepy is the wrong word. "Trashy Pervert" seems to fit it much better.

Not because of the age differential, I see nothing wrong with 18 and 50.

If some rich, intelligent, handsome, 50 year old man with a good body somehow met my 16 year old daughter, and they wanted to get married. Then, after a through background check, including "Why is he single?!?! And How did they meet?!?!" I would sign on the dotted line.

@15? Hell no.

@14? Where is my gun?

@13? "Hello, 911, I just shot someone in self defense."

But at 16? Where is my pen so I can sign on the dotted line?

18? Are you kidding me? Why is she still asking my permission?

Men's sperm are viable well into their 60's-70's, in most cases, and they'll make awesome babies together, as long as he fits all my criteria I wouldn't care.

Lots of females with good genetics look about the same from 16 to 29, It's almost impossible to tell the difference between a 16 year old girl and an 18-21 year old woman. As long as they don't drink/smoke/tan, how is a man going to know the difference just by looking at them?

It's not like they are 12. Where is my gun...?

If it's so "creepy" then why do so many states allow parents to sign off on marriages when kids are bellow 18?

Because in the old days (less than 100 years ago) it was a common, and accepted practice.

Notice I keep says "with parental consent". Let my girl marry someone like Taran? Hell to the NO!!! I don't care how much money they have or how well they can shoot. The man is a pervert, as are all men to go to strip clubs. Or talk to women like Taran talked to Jade. The fact that she didn't seem very put off by it tells me all I need to know. I'd like to believe my daughter would slap him in the face. And if I do a good job raising her, she would!
Besides all the other creepy shit in this post you're now making it ONLY about the age difference and ignoring everything else.
That is not a fair representation of what she has said.

She said the girl in this case is a thot, and Butters is disgusting.

Also, the morality of the man counts quite a bit in the case of her daughter marrying an older man.

older Widower of upstanding character and Christian ethos get the nod from her. The result would be kids, a stable home, etc.

older Pimps not so much.

My grandpa married my grandma when she was 18 and he was 45, they had 5 children. He was busy in his youth fighting in both world wars.
She's focused on the age difference and ignoring the things most people are actually taking issue with.
I've read about all of her posts, she said what was done was wrong, but the age difference means nothing and that the girl was into what T Butters was selling.

Meaning the girl was no better than T Butters.

I think that is why she stated she would let her daughter marry an older man if her daughter wanted to. Her perspective seems to be that girls are naturally attracted to older men and 16 is old enough for a girl to decide to start a family.

We are looking at this from a mans perspective. T Butters is fully at fault for taking advantage of the girl while being in  a position of authority.

Rose is looking at it from a woman's perspective. The girls was as guilty as T Butters, and wanted him on her bread.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:31:18 PM EDT
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Not really the topic.

His behavior, all things considered, is creepy.
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No, it isn't.

He's only doing what men have been doing since the beginning of the human race.  Amazing how that happens so our race doesn't go extinct.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:33:35 PM EDT
Ah ok, Taran Butler is a dude!  I thought the girl was Taran Butler and I was wondering why everyone was all creeped out!
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:41:33 PM EDT
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Ah ok, Taran Butler is a dude!  I thought the girl was Taran Butler and I was wondering why everyone was all creeped out!
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Taran is the dude. Jade is the Precious.



Jade Struck struck a deal with an ammo and a custom knife co at Shot. All while TTI lost Jesus Optics.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:47:51 PM EDT
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I've read about all of her posts, she said what was done was wrong, but the age difference means nothing and that the girl was into what T Butters was selling.

Meaning the girl was no better than T Butters.

I think that is why she stated she would let her daughter marry an older man if her daughter wanted to. Her perspective seems to be that girls are naturally attracted to older men and 16 is old enough for a girl to decide to start a family.

We are looking at this from a mans perspective. T Butters is fully at fault for taking advantage of the girl while being in  a position of authority.

Rose is looking at it from a woman's perspective. The girls was as guilty as T Butters, and wanted him on her bread.
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I feel like creepy is the wrong word. "Trashy Pervert" seems to fit it much better.

Not because of the age differential, I see nothing wrong with 18 and 50.

If some rich, intelligent, handsome, 50 year old man with a good body somehow met my 16 year old daughter, and they wanted to get married. Then, after a through background check, including "Why is he single?!?! And How did they meet?!?!" I would sign on the dotted line.

@15? Hell no.

@14? Where is my gun?

@13? "Hello, 911, I just shot someone in self defense."

But at 16? Where is my pen so I can sign on the dotted line?

18? Are you kidding me? Why is she still asking my permission?

Men's sperm are viable well into their 60's-70's, in most cases, and they'll make awesome babies together, as long as he fits all my criteria I wouldn't care.

Lots of females with good genetics look about the same from 16 to 29, It's almost impossible to tell the difference between a 16 year old girl and an 18-21 year old woman. As long as they don't drink/smoke/tan, how is a man going to know the difference just by looking at them?

It's not like they are 12. Where is my gun...?

If it's so "creepy" then why do so many states allow parents to sign off on marriages when kids are bellow 18?

Because in the old days (less than 100 years ago) it was a common, and accepted practice.

Notice I keep says "with parental consent". Let my girl marry someone like Taran? Hell to the NO!!! I don't care how much money they have or how well they can shoot. The man is a pervert, as are all men to go to strip clubs. Or talk to women like Taran talked to Jade. The fact that she didn't seem very put off by it tells me all I need to know. I'd like to believe my daughter would slap him in the face. And if I do a good job raising her, she would!
Besides all the other creepy shit in this post you're now making it ONLY about the age difference and ignoring everything else.
That is not a fair representation of what she has said.

She said the girl in this case is a thot, and Butters is disgusting.

Also, the morality of the man counts quite a bit in the case of her daughter marrying an older man.

older Widower of upstanding character and Christian ethos get the nod from her. The result would be kids, a stable home, etc.

older Pimps not so much.

My grandpa married my grandma when she was 18 and he was 45, they had 5 children. He was busy in his youth fighting in both world wars.
She's focused on the age difference and ignoring the things most people are actually taking issue with.
I've read about all of her posts, she said what was done was wrong, but the age difference means nothing and that the girl was into what T Butters was selling.

Meaning the girl was no better than T Butters.

I think that is why she stated she would let her daughter marry an older man if her daughter wanted to. Her perspective seems to be that girls are naturally attracted to older men and 16 is old enough for a girl to decide to start a family.

We are looking at this from a mans perspective. T Butters is fully at fault for taking advantage of the girl while being in  a position of authority.

Rose is looking at it from a woman's perspective. The girls was as guilty as T Butters, and wanted him on her bread.
I don't really think she's any better either. I understand what you're saying and what she's saying, but imo it's not the topic being discussed.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:48:36 PM EDT
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No, it isn't.

He's only doing what men have been doing since the beginning of the human race.  Amazing how that happens so our race doesn't go extinct.
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Not really the topic.

His behavior, all things considered, is creepy.
No, it isn't.

He's only doing what men have been doing since the beginning of the human race.  Amazing how that happens so our race doesn't go extinct.
An older man hitting on a younger girl isn't the creepy part. Why are you trying to make it about that?
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:52:21 PM EDT
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I don't really think she's any better either. I understand what you're saying and what she's saying, but imo it's not the topic being discussed.
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I feel like creepy is the wrong word. "Trashy Pervert" seems to fit it much better.

Not because of the age differential, I see nothing wrong with 18 and 50.

If some rich, intelligent, handsome, 50 year old man with a good body somehow met my 16 year old daughter, and they wanted to get married. Then, after a through background check, including "Why is he single?!?! And How did they meet?!?!" I would sign on the dotted line.

@15? Hell no.

@14? Where is my gun?

@13? "Hello, 911, I just shot someone in self defense."

But at 16? Where is my pen so I can sign on the dotted line?

18? Are you kidding me? Why is she still asking my permission?

Men's sperm are viable well into their 60's-70's, in most cases, and they'll make awesome babies together, as long as he fits all my criteria I wouldn't care.

Lots of females with good genetics look about the same from 16 to 29, It's almost impossible to tell the difference between a 16 year old girl and an 18-21 year old woman. As long as they don't drink/smoke/tan, how is a man going to know the difference just by looking at them?

It's not like they are 12. Where is my gun...?

If it's so "creepy" then why do so many states allow parents to sign off on marriages when kids are bellow 18?

Because in the old days (less than 100 years ago) it was a common, and accepted practice.

Notice I keep says "with parental consent". Let my girl marry someone like Taran? Hell to the NO!!! I don't care how much money they have or how well they can shoot. The man is a pervert, as are all men to go to strip clubs. Or talk to women like Taran talked to Jade. The fact that she didn't seem very put off by it tells me all I need to know. I'd like to believe my daughter would slap him in the face. And if I do a good job raising her, she would!
Besides all the other creepy shit in this post you're now making it ONLY about the age difference and ignoring everything else.
That is not a fair representation of what she has said.

She said the girl in this case is a thot, and Butters is disgusting.

Also, the morality of the man counts quite a bit in the case of her daughter marrying an older man.

older Widower of upstanding character and Christian ethos get the nod from her. The result would be kids, a stable home, etc.

older Pimps not so much.

My grandpa married my grandma when she was 18 and he was 45, they had 5 children. He was busy in his youth fighting in both world wars.
She's focused on the age difference and ignoring the things most people are actually taking issue with.
I've read about all of her posts, she said what was done was wrong, but the age difference means nothing and that the girl was into what T Butters was selling.

Meaning the girl was no better than T Butters.

I think that is why she stated she would let her daughter marry an older man if her daughter wanted to. Her perspective seems to be that girls are naturally attracted to older men and 16 is old enough for a girl to decide to start a family.

We are looking at this from a mans perspective. T Butters is fully at fault for taking advantage of the girl while being in  a position of authority.

Rose is looking at it from a woman's perspective. The girls was as guilty as T Butters, and wanted him on her bread.
I don't really think she's any better either. I understand what you're saying and what she's saying, but imo it's not the topic being discussed.
I agree. It isn't. And I understand the reaction to it too. The idea of it irks me too. I see any person at age 20 or less as kids until they prove otherwise.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 12:03:39 AM EDT
Rumblings are that STI is dumping him as well
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 12:06:35 AM EDT
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Rumblings are that STI is dumping him as well
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Wonder if LaRue will too?
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 12:08:02 AM EDT
BLACKWATER Firearms 2011 pistol With Jade Struck: SHOT Show 2020
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 12:09:49 AM EDT
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Wonder if LaRue will too?
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Rumblings are that STI is dumping him as well
Wonder if LaRue will too?
Mark will make a special addition Precious dillo with the proceeds going to a Girls on the Edge support group.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 12:18:17 AM EDT
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Mark will make a special addition Precious dillo with the proceeds going to a Girls on the Edge support group.
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Link Posted: 1/26/2020 12:20:30 AM EDT
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No, it isn't.

He's only doing what men have been doing since the beginning of the human race.  Amazing how that happens so our race doesn't go extinct.
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Wanting to satisfy our urge to reproduce doesn't mean you have to be a creeper.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 1:04:15 AM EDT
What I'm wondering is, why hasn't she made a statement yet?
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 1:44:59 AM EDT
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In what world is what people say and do when nobody is watching not part of what character and integrity is?
That's literally the definition.
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He may very well be a creep and lowlife, but you cannot judge a person's character from WORDS spoken in private. Words in public? Yes. Actions in private AND public, yes. But not words spoken in private. all of us have said terrible things  in private that we did not mean seriously.  If a camera was on you 24-7, how would what you say change?
Very rarely do I post but crap like this makes me.

What you just described is the very definition of character and integrity.
In what world is what people say and do when nobody is watching not part of what character and integrity is?
That's literally the definition.
What I just said, bro.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 1:49:59 AM EDT
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Yeah, I could be wrong, but I watched other vids and it seems like she is his girlfriend and has been for a while.

If some of the shit I have said to my girlfriends were made public...

I just need more context to be fully outraged at this point. If he loses a bunch of sponsors and business because someone stole his info and posted it publicly, and that girl is his girlfriend, that isn't something we should be praising.

And even if you find it distasteful, there is nothing wrong with him having sex with her. That is solely between them. It's none of our business. They are consenting adults.

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Is she his girlfriend? Does anyone know?

Watching some of those videos it seems like she might be?
It was obvious that they were fucking, and the outrage shown by some in this thread is hilarious.
Yeah, I could be wrong, but I watched other vids and it seems like she is his girlfriend and has been for a while.

If some of the shit I have said to my girlfriends were made public...

I just need more context to be fully outraged at this point. If he loses a bunch of sponsors and business because someone stole his info and posted it publicly, and that girl is his girlfriend, that isn't something we should be praising.

And even if you find it distasteful, there is nothing wrong with him having sex with her. That is solely between them. It's none of our business. They are consenting adults.

Did you employ these women and were their supervisor before they became your girlfriend, such that their continued employment hinged on keeping you happy?
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 1:50:15 AM EDT
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What I just said, bro.
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I was agreeing with you.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 2:05:15 AM EDT
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I was agreeing with you.
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What I just said, bro.

I was agreeing with you.
My bad. I'll get GD figured out one of these years.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 2:17:15 AM EDT
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My bad. I'll get GD figured out one of these years.
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That's what they all say.

Link Posted: 1/26/2020 2:27:31 AM EDT
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My bad. I'll get GD figured out one of these years.
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What I just said, bro.

I was agreeing with you.
My bad. I'll get GD figured out one of these years.
No worries I fucked it up in this very thread lol
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 2:27:57 AM EDT
White knight thread E+9000
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 2:36:14 AM EDT
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Yeah, I could be wrong, but I watched other vids and it seems like she is his girlfriend and has been for a while.

If some of the shit I have said to my girlfriends were made public...

I just need more context to be fully outraged at this point. If he loses a bunch of sponsors and business because someone stole his info and posted it publicly, and that girl is his girlfriend, that isn't something we should be praising.

And even if you find it distasteful, there is nothing wrong with him having sex with her. That is solely between them. It's none of our business. They are consenting adults.

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Ive seen a podcast vid of Jade which lead me to believe they were maybe dating.
This new video she was flirting hard, and her body language showed she was into it just as much as him. Two grown adults having fun, NFG.
Its only creepy if she was unaware of the crotch shot video.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 2:37:26 AM EDT
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White knight thread E+9000
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No kidding. I can't believe all the people that think they need to defend Taran.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 3:08:05 AM EDT
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You’re all sorts of confused and your argument is extremely childish.    Politics is By Definition a choice between the lesser of two evils.    There will never be a perfect politician to vote for.  
Even Thomas Jefferson wasn’t infallible.

Absolute honesty and integrity would be a negative attribute for a President.  One needs to be a wheeler, dealer and schemer to navigate those treacherous waters.    Sad, but true.  
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It’s a World Class, shitty analogy. Trump didn’t MolestMentor any 16 year old girls.  If he had, it would have finished him.

Other than that, the degenerate perverts here, have forced me to agree with Naamah.    They should be throughly ashamed of themselves.
There’s no evidence he molested 16 year old girls. There are plenty of reports that he took liberties with beauty pageant contestants, but no recorded evidence beyond a statement given in private that essentially said he could do whatever and they just let him, so there’s that. There is a lot of evidence of him cheating on his wives. A lot. Which is a fairly decent indicator of his level of integrity and honesty. But what’s important there is that people showed that wasn’t something they valued.
You’re all sorts of confused and your argument is extremely childish.    Politics is By Definition a choice between the lesser of two evils.    There will never be a perfect politician to vote for.  
Even Thomas Jefferson wasn’t infallible.

Absolute honesty and integrity would be a negative attribute for a President.  One needs to be a wheeler, dealer and schemer to navigate those treacherous waters.    Sad, but true.  
Eh. Flip side is Mike Pence. I’m sure he has his fair share of skeletons, but multiple counts of adultery and accusations of sexual harassment aren’t among them.

People place their priorities where they place them. The people who are supporting Taran and saying that what he does/says in private get a pass have shown what they value, and what they don’t. The people who spent their time cheerleading for Trump did the same. It’s ok. It’s just their personal line in the sand. I believe it was krpind in another thread who said something about the depth of the pool they were comfortable with, and how they were all standing in the same pool.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 3:16:44 AM EDT
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No, it isn't.

He's only doing what men have been doing since the beginning of the human race.  Amazing how that happens so our race doesn't go extinct.
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Spotted the creeper!
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