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Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:15:06 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

Ending apartheid didn't stop oppression in SA, it just flipped it around, which I suppose is preferable to you?

Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:18:56 AM EDT
You'll probably never get them on record saying it, but I bet some members of the ANC were seething that the apartheid government scrapped their nuclear program before they left power, depriving some members of the ANC eight figure paydays by flipping some warheads.

The ANC-led Government ratified the Treaty of Pelindaba and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. The Treaty of Pelindaba forbids the development and ownership of nuclear weapons.

According to Wiki, six completed bombs and one in construction were dismantled in 1989 which means the planning was completed during the apartheid era government.

Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:28:30 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".

lol, so each of the "races" of people have a continent of the earth where they properly belong?

Next you'll be telling us all of the dangers of miscegenation, won't you?
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:33:10 AM EDT

Apartheid had to go, but it should have gone in an orderly transition. Not "we're taking these farms and you're leaving, whitey."


I cannot support the idea of minority governments such as those in Rhodesia and the old South Africa, but there needed to be a transition so that the black majority was ready to rule.

Sadly, nobody had the patience for that.

Who defines "ready to rule"?  I mean, really, look at places like Detroit.  Many of the people who live there probably have family lines in this country for a damned long time, and how did that place turn out?
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:35:22 AM EDT
if the dark skinned people of the world (all tints) have more children than the lighter skinned people of the world who's to blame for them ending up in control of everything, even if that control is combined with communism and cannibalism, racist treatment of the new minority, and shitty management of everything within their grasp?

demographics trumps all.

Doesn't trump technology and weapons.

It will when the demographics puts one group in political majority over the other and that new majority controls who has and uses the technology.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:43:48 AM EDT
You'll probably never get them on record saying it, but I bet some members of the ANC were seething that the apartheid government scrapped their nuclear program before they left power, depriving some members of the ANC eight figure paydays by flipping some warheads.

The ANC-led Government ratified the Treaty of Pelindaba and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. The Treaty of Pelindaba forbids the development and ownership of nuclear weapons.

According to Wiki, six completed bombs and one in construction were dismantled in 1989 which means the planning was completed during the apartheid era government.

There are some corrupt member of the ANC; however, life isn't a movie. You have zero proof that "some" members of the ANC would of sold off those nuclear weapons. For starters, the SA government would of known that they were missing nuclear warheads because they had a limited stockpile.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:47:21 AM EDT
if the dark skinned people of the world (all tints) have more children than the lighter skinned people of the world who's to blame for them ending up in control of everything, even if that control is combined with communism and cannibalism, racist treatment of the new minority, and shitty management of everything within their grasp?

demographics trumps all.

Doesn't trump technology and weapons.

this is a short sighted statement. indeed a more technologically advanced culture will own the less technologically advanced culture, UNTIL (and this always happens) the more technologically advanced culture brings the less advanced group into its fold or some portion of the more advanced culture moves to the other culture's region. at that point the cultures 'assimilate' to some extent, the lesser cultured tends to obtain the 'rights' of its host and at that point there is no turning back as long as less advanced culture has more children, eventually coming to dominate the political mechanism. at that point the less advanced culture can do as it wills.

south afrika is a great example of this. the country was at one time controlled by the europeans. they became outnumbered by the local afrikans, and eventually were coerced into giving equal rights to the sub-saharans, who then took control and ran the country into the ground. more dark-skinned afrikans with more votes meant they could now enact their more or less tribal and communistic ideals of government.

watch europe closely. if the north afrikan mooslim emigrants eventually outnumber their european hosts, they will enact some form of sharia law and at that point they've won. and they certainly dont have superior weapons and technology.

so yes, in the short term weapons and technology will dominate, but you must follow up with simply having more children in order to maintain your culture.

ETA, israel is the where this idea is being played out in earnest. if israel allows right of return, or its arab minority eventually outnumbers the jewish citizens, israel will, in admanineajdadd's (or whatever the fuck his name is) words 'cease to exist'. and this is iran's end game with israel.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:59:38 AM EDT
You'll probably never get them on record saying it, but I bet some members of the ANC were seething that the apartheid government scrapped their nuclear program before they left power, depriving some members of the ANC eight figure paydays by flipping some warheads.

The ANC-led Government ratified the Treaty of Pelindaba and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. The Treaty of Pelindaba forbids the development and ownership of nuclear weapons.

According to Wiki, six completed bombs and one in construction were dismantled in 1989 which means the planning was completed during the apartheid era government.

There are some corrupt member of the ANC; however, life isn't a movie. You have zero proof that "some" members of the ANC would of sold off those nuclear weapons. For starters, the SA government would of known that they were missing nuclear warheads because they had a limited stockpile.

So you think that people who believe raping infants is a cure for AIDS, are perfectly reasonable stewards for nuclear weapons?
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 8:20:57 AM EDT
Tag for later viewing.  

Thanks for the link.

Same here.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 8:33:47 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

The ignorance is painful to watch, ignore list +1.

Link Posted: 5/6/2013 8:54:25 AM EDT
What a lot of useful idiots don't realize is that the white Boers have been there longer than the imported Africans that they brought in to help tame the land there.  Most of the ranches have gone dormant under black occupation, because the black South Africans have no interest in working the land, except the ones who had been ranch hands for centuries with their white counterparts.  They were opposed to the changes as much as the land owners.

Funny you called them 'imported' instead of a more accurate word, which would be 'enslaved'.  And by 'help tame the land' I think you meant 'do unpaid manual labor or be killed'.  While the ANC is not an organization I particularly sympathise with, it's not very hard to see why it's brand of Boer-hate got them elected.  

I don't believe that the sins of our ancestors should be held against us forever, but at the same time, I don't expect people to forget the past either.  Unlike Rhodesia, where (afaik) the main 'crime' of white settlers was to take over good land and hire natives to work it, in the Boer-led parts of South Africa the Boers actually literally enslaved the locals, and in many areas also forceably removed them.  Also, ironically, after the British won the Boer War (which was sold to the public at least partially as being about Boer racism and mistreatment of both non-Boer whites and natives) the British more or less shot themselves in the face by making South Africa a Dominion with a Boer majority able to spread Apartheid to the parts that were settled by mostly British settlers.  

So, yes many white South Africans are decent, hardworking folk today, but realistically, what do you expect?  By holding unto Apartheid as long as they did, they not only legitimized the most extreme anti-white parties around, they also destroyed any possible sympathy from the rest of the world.  Would the population be "better off" under White Rule today?  In many ways, yes.  But let's not be hypocritical:  how many of people on this site are willing to accept the loss of most of their rights and all of their freedom in return for a better economic situation?   I'm guessing not too many.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 9:49:49 AM EDT
Zimbabwe is learning a hard lesson, it is something that the ANC thought about but did not fully learn from. You cannot take land, jobs, and government away from those who know how to do it, and hand it over to those who know nothing about it. At the same time you cannot expect a people who have been marginalized for decades if not centuries to accept the help of those who ruled them after the gain power. The most you can hope for is that the country does not go down in flames while the two sides learn to trust each other.

IF the new government in Zimbabwe can earn the trust of the former white farmers and get them to come back and help rebuild the agriculture industry it will kick start their economy and maybe bring the country back from the brink. Zimbabwe has the potential to once again become the bread basket of Africa.

South Africa needs to get the ANC out of power and tackle the corruption and crime problem. And to make the white minority feel like they are an important part of South Africas future. South Africa can once again become a manufacturing center in Africa if there is strong leadership.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 9:55:52 AM EDT
Hate to say it, but I think the US is heading down the same path as SA. White people are a bunch of self hating pussys.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 11:58:25 AM EDT
Say what you want about the Apartheid regime but the black population grew every year so it was hardly genocide (meanwhile genocide did occur in other African countries committed BY AFRICANS). A good chunk of South Africa was actually empty. The mistake the whites made was going past that point and bringing in blacks from other places to work. In the end that was simply not compatible with most of the western concepts we are governed by today.

ChrisLRS and his ilk think it was wrong for Europeans to colonize the sparsely populated parts of the globe (they didn't colonize the heavily populated because they could see there were people there so they only administered those lands) even though they brought technology and civilization with them. But they think it's wonderful that 100 million people from third world countries have been allowed into Western countries, with all the cost of welfare spending, radicalism and crime, I'm sure.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 12:03:50 PM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".

Haha speaking from someone in MD.  Unless you're Native American, you ought to "giiiiiiiig out"

But that's different, right?
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 12:16:04 PM EDT
Haha speaking from someone in MD.  Unless you're Native American, you ought to "giiiiiiiig out"

But that's different, right?

Lefties in general think it's okay for a bazillion people from around the globe to be in America regardless of what Native Americans think. But if someone thinks our immigration system is too generous they insist that you should leave because the natives wouldn't want you here. Figure that out.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 12:19:32 PM EDT
You all think might makes right until shit doesn't go your way. The boers won "fair and square", but the ANC didn't? Okie dokie, carry on...
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 12:21:32 PM EDT
Like I said, I don't care if you guys are racists, I'm not going to change your mind on here, and I have absolutely no interest in trying to.

I'm just saying, don't act upset/indignant when you are called on your racism.

How did the Boers settle South Africa, anyways? Through violence. How did the ANC take power? Through violence. How is one any less legitimate than the other?

so if there is ten acres and you live on 1 of the Northern acres...I go to the south most 1 acre and plant a farm....you some how have more right to that 1 acre I planted after I planted it because I came from the outside?

this is what you're saying.....

when the white settlers moved into the country of South Africa most areas they settle was wilderness...

now there were problems with the older government but there are more problems now..
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 12:22:31 PM EDT

Apartheid had to go, but it should have gone in an orderly transition. Not "we're taking these farms and you're leaving, whitey."


I cannot support the idea of minority governments such as those in Rhodesia and the old South Africa, but there needed to be a transition so that the black majority was ready to rule.

Sadly, nobody had the patience for that.

yup this...
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 12:35:07 PM EDT




Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".

By your logic, you must think American blacks have less rights than whites.  After all, the vast majority showed up late to the party, like the Boers.


Link Posted: 5/6/2013 12:57:19 PM EDT
if the dark skinned people of the world (all tints) have more children than the lighter skinned people of the world who's to blame for them ending up in control of everything, even if that control is combined with communism and cannibalism, racist treatment of the new minority, and shitty management of everything within their grasp?

demographics trumps all.

Doesn't trump technology and weapons.

this is a short sighted statement. indeed a more technologically advanced culture will own the less technologically advanced culture, UNTIL (and this always happens) the more technologically advanced culture brings the less advanced group into its fold or some portion of the more advanced culture moves to the other culture's region. at that point the cultures 'assimilate' to some extent, the lesser cultured tends to obtain the 'rights' of its host and at that point there is no turning back as long as less advanced culture has more children, eventually coming to dominate the political mechanism. at that point the less advanced culture can do as it wills.

south afrika is a great example of this. the country was at one time controlled by the europeans. they became outnumbered by the local afrikans, and eventually were coerced into giving equal rights to the sub-saharans, who then took control and ran the country into the ground. more dark-skinned afrikans with more votes meant they could now enact their more or less tribal and communistic ideals of government.

watch europe closely. if the north afrikan mooslim emigrants eventually outnumber their european hosts, they will enact some form of sharia law and at that point they've won. and they certainly dont have superior weapons and technology.

so yes, in the short term weapons and technology will dominate, but you must follow up with simply having more children in order to maintain your culture.

ETA, israel is the where this idea is being played out in earnest. if israel allows right of return, or its arab minority eventually outnumbers the jewish citizens, israel will, in admanineajdadd's (or whatever the fuck his name is) words 'cease to exist'. and this is iran's end game with israel.

At this point, polygamy and the resultant large family units, is the only way to achieve this.  Agreed, demographically, Israel is gone in the future.  They are being outbred by a culture that promotes multiple wives and  large families.  Definitely not rocket science here.

Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:37:54 PM EDT
Apartheid had to go, but it should have gone in an orderly transition. Not "we're taking these farms and you're leaving, whitey."

Apartheid was the only system that worked and will work in a South Africa.  Too many tribal rivalries for mob rule.  Once the whites are completely gone, there will still be only strife.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:41:05 PM EDT

I'd rather that all remaining white farmers should poison their lands all at once and then get out of the country under cover of darkness

and tell the ANC and all that support them to go fuck off and die of starvation.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:44:03 PM EDT
You all think might makes right until shit doesn't go your way. The boers won "fair and square", but the ANC didn't? Okie dokie, carry on...

I'm going to find me some Indians to give your land to.  And it will be completely just to forcibly evict you by your logic, because people you never met who died hundreds of years before you were born once owned that land.

You're the only one arguing a might makes right philosophy, here.

Seriously, are you really saying "It's ok for these black people to steal land from these white people... because damn, these white people are descended from white people who stole land from black people!   It all makes perfect sense!"   Really?

Nevermind whether these white people actually performed any theft, themselves.   Nevermind whether any of these black people owned any of this land in question.   Dammit, morality can be sliced down the middle of a "white people don't belong in Africa and black people do!" paradigm.   No matter how fucktarded it sounds, right?
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:48:41 PM EDT

Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:49:29 PM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".

So you would support rounding up all the blacks in the US and shipping them back to Africa, because according to you, black people should be in Africa.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:54:31 PM EDT

I'd rather that all remaining white farmers should poison their lands all at once and then get out of the country under cover of darkness
and tell the ANC and all that support them to go fuck off and die of starvation


they could plant crops,  then leave.    Those remaining would STILL die of starvation...
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:57:29 PM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".

I guess we should give the new world back to the natives too huh?
Link Posted: 5/7/2013 4:26:54 PM EDT
if the dark skinned people of the world (all tints) have more children than the lighter skinned people of the world who's to blame for them ending up in control of everything, even if that control is combined with communism and cannibalism, racist treatment of the new minority, and shitty management of everything within their grasp?

demographics trumps all.

Doesn't trump technology and weapons.

The African's are lucky that a zealot (think Hitler type) didn't grab power in South Africa & use the nukes to end the problem.
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