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Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:09:20 PM EDT
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12 years ago DSL and cable were a thing you damn zoomer.
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I’ve had an iPhone for 12 years, I don’t remember that.

12 years ago DSL and cable were a thing you damn zoomer.

I'm a millennial.

I remember dial-up noise when I was like 6, but just the noise, none of the specs.

My dad was/is way into tech so we always had the latest and greatest when it came to computer related stuff growing up.

It was, my privilege.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:11:25 PM EDT
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Oh shit. I had COMPLETELY forgot about that!! Throwback!
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Yeti gonna get you.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:11:28 PM EDT
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About a million people still use dial-up.

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Haha suckers
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:13:22 PM EDT
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My first computer Feburary 1995; Pentium 90, 540mb HD, 14800 modem, 1mb video, 2mb system ram with printer $2400.
AOL $29.99 a month 90 minutes free, .20 a minute thereafter. $200-$300 a month final cost.

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Computers were freaking expensive. I remember paying close to 2k for a 200mhz Compaq Presario from Sears around 1996.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:15:14 PM EDT
I'm old enough to remember BBS's so yeah I remember the good old days when someone picking up the phone could kill a download you were trying to get for 2 hours and want to murder someone for it. I also remember there was a way to block Netzero ad's to make it run alot faster which is also the reason they ain't around anymore.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:15:57 PM EDT
Remember back when you first got setup on AOL or some other provider and you got assigned 1 or 2 good numbers in a nearby city to dial into? Then it got busy around 7/8pm and you got booted off and couldn’t reconnect? Then, one day you found this seemingly secret number that had amazing uptime and you could hit up all the honnies in the chat rooms again? Yeah, that was awesome.



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You ain't got shit on me dude, I saw my first digital porn on a Commodore 64 in 1988. I had to load it from a 5" floppy disk. It was black and white, took forever to load and was about as long as a typical forum .gif.....

That's why they called them Commodore 64's..... 64kilobytes of memory that were available, which is about the size of an avatar today.

Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:19:44 PM EDT
What was your first computer ?

Mine was an Apple IIC that was a freebie.

First new one was a Compaq P75, I think it came with 8 megs of RAM.
Paid $2100 for it.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:19:51 PM EDT
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Wish you guys knew about Ski Free
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Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:22:02 PM EDT

Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:23:28 PM EDT
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I remember waiting impatiently for the nudie pic to load from top to bottom, ready to pull the plug if mom walked around the corner
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:24:05 PM EDT
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I'm old enough to remember BBS's so yeah I remember the good old days when someone picking up the phone could kill a download you were trying to get for 2 hours and want to murder someone for it. I also remember there was a way to block Netzero ad's to make it run alot faster which is also the reason they ain't around anymore.
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Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:24:22 PM EDT
I was in 2nd grade when we got our first computer.  I dont remember brand (ibm?) And it had a 12Hz TURBO button!  

I also remember early days of Prodigy and how everything was in DOS.  Then when windows 3.1 came out, that was a big deal.  Except to play some of my games on the 5.25 floppy disks, I'd have to uninstall windows because the HDD was like 20MB.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:26:22 PM EDT
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I remember 300 baud modems with ear cups, that you dialed the phone then put the handset into the cups.
Used it to play Oregon Trail in 1976. No monitor, just a fanfold printer.
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now that is old school, always wanted an acoustic coupler modem

started out with a radio shack 300 baud hooked into a trash 80 and dialed into local BBSs,  a buddy had a Commodore 64 and his parents actually sprung for Compu-Serve

eventually Dad brought home a DEC Rainbow and I was delighted when I figured out I could plug my Radio Shack modem into it's serial port and it had a terminal program burned into ROM

I think the first time I was on the internet was through a Compu-Serve gateway and I ftp'd some bootleg guitar tabs, then came gopher which I never really got the hang of

In the early nineties the accounting firm I worked at got an ISDN line and I was in hog heaven

maybe a case of rose colored glasses but I remember that shit being fun then, now it just seems like a chore
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:26:22 PM EDT
Oh I remember the  "chat rooms" oh, the good old days.
Good times.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:26:52 PM EDT
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What was your first computer ?

Mine was an Apple IIC that was a freebie.

First new one was a Compaq P75, I think it came with 8 megs of RAM.
Paid $2100 for it.
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A HP back when HP was still Hewlett Packard. It was a 486.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:30:08 PM EDT
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/end thread
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:32:11 PM EDT
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now that is old school, always wanted an acoustic coupler modem

started out with a radio shack 300 baud hooked into a trash 80 and dialed into local BBSs,  a buddy had a Commodore 64 and his parents actually sprung for Compu-Serve

eventually Dad brought home a DEC Rainbow and I was delighted when I figured out I could plug my Radio Shack modem into it's serial port and it had a terminal program burned into ROM

I think the first time I was on the internet was through a Compu-Serve gateway and I ftp'd some bootleg guitar tabs, then came gopher which I never really got the hang of

In the early nineties the accounting firm I worked at got an ISDN line and I was in hog heaven

maybe a case of rose colored glasses but I remember that shit being fun then, now it just seems like a chore
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I remember 300 baud modems with ear cups, that you dialed the phone then put the handset into the cups.
Used it to play Oregon Trail in 1976. No monitor, just a fanfold printer.
now that is old school, always wanted an acoustic coupler modem

started out with a radio shack 300 baud hooked into a trash 80 and dialed into local BBSs,  a buddy had a Commodore 64 and his parents actually sprung for Compu-Serve

eventually Dad brought home a DEC Rainbow and I was delighted when I figured out I could plug my Radio Shack modem into it's serial port and it had a terminal program burned into ROM

I think the first time I was on the internet was through a Compu-Serve gateway and I ftp'd some bootleg guitar tabs, then came gopher which I never really got the hang of

In the early nineties the accounting firm I worked at got an ISDN line and I was in hog heaven

maybe a case of rose colored glasses but I remember that shit being fun then, now it just seems like a chore

You nailed it.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:33:44 PM EDT
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Sure.  High speed of 300 baud.
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I stepped into the future at 14.4
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:33:45 PM EDT
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Sure.  High speed of 300 baud.
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This paired with a commodore 64
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:34:41 PM EDT
First computer I saw connected to the Internet was in elementary school.  Had a whopping 28.8 kpbs, and was dialup.  The high school was the only one that had a t1 line and pulled down 128 kbps. This was 1994 in a small city.  By the time I was in middle school the middle school had t1 lines as well.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:36:14 PM EDT
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I remember Prodigy 300 baud dial-up on a Commodore 64 computer in college, and I thought that was super bad-ass. . Had a cassette tape external storage unit.  I shit you not.
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I remember when I upgraded my 64 from the cassette player to the floppy disk....
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:38:57 PM EDT
I also remember blind downloading (pre thumbnails) and getting the same F'N picture cause some asshat renamed it to boost thier ratio. Learning to set up your dialing program to disable call waiting to prevent an incoming call from killing your connection. When everybody went to bed was the best time to do anything. Oh and someone I know may have set up a wardialer to call an entire neighborhood at 2am.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:40:30 PM EDT
My first computer had a tape deck as memory.  I then went to an 8089 (8088 with math co-processor) that had I think a whopping 15 MB of HD space and I can't remember if it had a 300 or 1200 baud modem.  Went up through modems to 56K gradually.  Used a lot of local BBS's back in the day playing games like TradeWars and LOTR.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:40:53 PM EDT
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Oh I remember the  "chat rooms" oh, the good old days.
Good times.
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WM25 L4 WF 20-30 HIT ME
WM25 L4 WF 20-30 HIT ME
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:42:09 PM EDT
Remember when software came on cassette?

Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:44:32 PM EDT
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Wish you guys knew about Ski Free
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I forgot about that!

It still exists
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:45:11 PM EDT
My 1st was an Atari 800..similar to this one. My uncle has it still in a box in his basement.

Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:45:24 PM EDT
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Remember when software came on cassette?

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Fuck yes. Atari FTW!

Fuck I am old.....
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:45:30 PM EDT
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I remember when I upgraded my 64 from the cassette player to the floppy disk....
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Yup. My oldest brother had bought a TRS 80. Elivra (Eliza come to think of it) on the cassette.

My First was a Gateway, with AOL.

The money i spent per month playing Gemstone. I can remember the first time the wife said "what the hell is this...are we gonna eat this month!

It's fun in a way to see the evolution of technology but damn, it has changed the world. For better or worse won't be decided in our life time.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:46:15 PM EDT
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My 1st was an Atari 800..similar to this one. My uncle has it still in a box in his basement.
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Goddamit, beat.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:47:21 PM EDT

AIM and Yahoo messenger.

Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:48:09 PM EDT
I still am a firm believer that I am the sole person on the planet that knows how to turn off the speaker on a dialup modem. I still remember the sound, but I never had to listen to it.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:48:43 PM EDT
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I'm old enough to remember BBS's so yeah I remember the good old days when someone picking up the phone could kill a download you were trying to get for 2 hours and want to murder someone for it. I also remember there was a way to block Netzero ad's to make it run alot faster which is also the reason they ain't around anymore.
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"Hacking" was so easy back then.

Zero password awareness. I got into so many systems at 12 it wasn't even funny. Long before the movie, it was just curious teenagers. I never found the God, Love thing true. If I'm trying to get into "XYZ company" often the password was "XYZ"

It was so easy.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:49:28 PM EDT
Oh yeah. I remember.

I also remember, "HANG UP THE PHONE YOU'RE GOING TO GET ME KILLED!!!" While playing video games.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:50:30 PM EDT
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I still am a firm believer that I am the sole person on the planet that knows how to turn off the speaker on a dialup modem. I still remember the sound, but I never had to listen to it.
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Fuck, I lived for that sound !

Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:51:14 PM EDT
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AOL used to mail every address on the planet and include in every magazine, install disks and initial trial account info.
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They bought a compact disk manufacturer in my AO.  It has since gone out of business.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:52:16 PM EDT
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I remember waiting impatiently for the nudie pic to load from top to bottom, ready to pull the plug if mom walked around the corner
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I also remember awkwardly learning about internet history from my mom
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:55:37 PM EDT
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My 1st was an Atari 800..similar to this one. My uncle has it still in a box in his basement.
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Yep, my first was a commodore 64 with a tape drive

A friend sold me his 300 baud modem when he bought a 1200 baud

That took patience

ETA: And you connected on your landline.  If you were online no one could call your home.  Buzy signal  
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:58:14 PM EDT
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I still am a firm believer that I am the sole person on the planet that knows how to turn off the speaker on a dialup modem. I still remember the sound, but I never had to listen to it.
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Just adjust the AT string to disable the speaker

ETA: m0 on Hayes
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 10:58:19 PM EDT
I remember being 3/4 through a download and the wife picking up the other phone and dialing a number, fucking the download.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 11:00:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 11:01:16 PM EDT
Just wait until SpaceX gets their starlink up and running. No more "I can't get a signal" excuses.

So much safer if you spend time 70-100 miles out in the middle of the ocean.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 11:02:07 PM EDT
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I still use my original AOL email as my primary.
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So does my hubby.

Link Posted: 6/19/2020 11:02:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 11:02:52 PM EDT
When I was a kid, it was all “computers are the future!”  Now, here I am, master of ATASCII, TRSDOS, Basic, and Fortran, and where has it gotten me?
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 11:03:19 PM EDT
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I remember being 3/4 through a download and the wife picking up the other phone and dialing a number, fucking the download.
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40 minutes for a 3 minute song on Limewire
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 11:04:01 PM EDT
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I remember the days before AOL.
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BBS, irc,Usenet, gophernet prehtml.  

Kids today don’t know how well they have it.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 11:04:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 11:05:59 PM EDT
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I still use my 1996 email sometimes.

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I maintain two of mine just to keep them alive.
Link Posted: 6/19/2020 11:07:59 PM EDT
I had to connect through Trumpet Winsock to get on the intard webz (brought to me by the National Science Foundation) back in the early 90's.
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