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Link Posted: 11/25/2018 8:48:36 PM EDT
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An American flag with at least 16 stripes?....seems legit.
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The pictures the media outlets are starting to show. Right on schedule.

An American flag with at least 16 stripes?....seems legit.
Wear it for a pic then use it to lay on concertina wire.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 8:49:33 PM EDT
univision stream shows people putting up more concertina correction - taking down

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 8:49:51 PM EDT
Trump had an orderly process to claim asylum and that stupid Judge had to tell the world that you can come in anywhere which is now causing all this chaos. Judge should be held responsible. Now you will have people cruising in on boats from all directions claiming asylum which now makes us a border less country.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 8:50:06 PM EDT
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They are taking it down.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 8:51:55 PM EDT
Venezuela is coming to the US for real.

Democrat socialists will take TX and FL and then pillage pensions/401(k)'s to fund the EBT cards of the horde.

Neocons are meanwhile salivating over a possible confrontation over the fucking Ukraine.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 8:52:00 PM EDT
Hell with tear gas. Just start throwing frags and doing mag dumps. That should solve the problem real quick.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 8:52:28 PM EDT
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They are taking it down.
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they were? I was on another stream, when I noticed they were futzing with it

I'll correct it, if that is the case
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 8:53:11 PM EDT
Military age males carrying a flag of their country, sure sounds like an invasion attempt to me.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 8:56:19 PM EDT
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They will most likely overwhelm. I’d have every type of gun filled with bean bags and light those bitches up as soon as they try and cross. That’s as humane as I would get.
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I don't see peaceful people at the border. I see criminals who hold contempt for America and who wish to do us harm. They don't belong here unless they follow immigration law. Clearly they have no intention of doing so. They are an invading force and I don't care what Trump does to stop them so long as not one enters our country. I dare not say more.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 8:56:35 PM EDT
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The 3 cartels that operate in TJ probably aren’t thrilled that it’s going to be almost imposible to get any heroin, meth or coke into California for the time being.
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Ironically they may be the only way to stop these caravans from happening, once their profits start dropping the invader’s may start to thin out some. Word will get out.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 8:59:26 PM EDT
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Isn’t trying to overwhelm a direct act of aggression against the US?
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Yes, and we have the right to defend our borders.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:02:25 PM EDT
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Just with TJ being shut down right now presents a huge logistics problem for them, 3 major cartels operate in TJ and export drugs to one of the largest drug markets in the USA, California which is also one of the distribution hubs for the rest of the country.
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SO you are saying invest in cocaine futures??
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:03:49 PM EDT
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Close the bridges and feel the Rio Grande River we're hungry crocodiles
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There are a lot of alligators and crocodiles in Florida that need to find new habitat. The border is as good as anywhere else.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:05:13 PM EDT
Yeah, looks like San Y is fixing to reopen.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:06:25 PM EDT
Those jokers are getting some bad advice if they think “overwhelming” our border will endear them to us.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:07:55 PM EDT
Border shutdown forces major outlet mall to close

"We just saw planes and a lot of police officers everywhere," one shopper told FOX 5. "It's like a war, I've never seen this down here."

Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:11:11 PM EDT

Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:11:55 PM EDT
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Border shutdown forces major outlet mall to close. "We just saw planes and a lot of police officers everywhere," one shopper told FOX 5. "It's like a war, I've never seen this down here."

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It's exactly like a war....only different.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:13:24 PM EDT
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That's already happening. Caravan is bad for business.


My Spanish is far from perfect but the summary is that this guy is Honduran and was running his mouth about the Caravan being 30,000 strong, and basically daring the Mexicans to do anything and saying Mexico wouldn't do shit because we have more people blah blah. He was picked up by an unidentified group and is being interrogated about who is in charge. He's now missing.

There's also this lady, who upon being given a plate of beans and rice by local Mexican residents, proceeded to throw them on the ground and complain about it being food she wouldn't feed her dog. After some backlash, she apologized. Her family recently released a video from back in Honduras, begging for her to be forgiven. Also listed as missing.

Unfortunately it may be too little, too late. The federales have too many cameras pointed at them to handle it the old school way. The cartels don't careabout that, but are swimming upriver at this point.
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Cartels aren't going to take care of this. There is lots of federal police in the area and Mexican Military that they have at the border. The cartels usually stay on the outskirts of town because they don't want to get caught in a shootout.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:17:50 PM EDT
twitter has some people saying the south bound san ysidro check point is open now


edit 2 - north bound also
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:19:38 PM EDT
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An American flag with at least 16 stripes?....seems legit.
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Didn't you learn anything in escuela?

It's for the 16 original colonies.

Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Honduras, El Salvador & Guatemala.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:28:26 PM EDT
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Its a start and might send a message to others
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:37:10 PM EDT
it's for the f*ing children! it's always about the children

Beth pope  @beth_bethpope 6m6 minutes ago
Replying to @LindseyGrahamSC @realDonaldTrump
Are you saying you support the use of tear gas on children?  
What about the Americans trapped in Tijuana right now? What about the people who cross the border tomorrow for their job in Mexico?

leftist blaming Trump

Judith08  @Judith08 7m7 minutes ago
Judith08 Retweeted southpaw
RT So wrong. I used to take the trolley to San Ysidro & then cross the border into Tijuana. We'd shop & go sight seeing then come home that same evening. Never any problems; not until trumpf came along.
Judith08 added,southpaw  @nycsouthpaw

Brian Foulkrod  @BrianFoulkrod 7m7 minutes ago
Having lost another court battle, Trump has just decided to close the border crossing between San Diego and Tijuana. How much of a kick will the economy take to appease the man child's need to throw raw meat to paranoid bigots?

fleurdelisgal  @fleurdelisgal 8m8 minutes ago
If the 'caravan of migrants' have been rushing in through TIJUANA into SAN YSIDRO, CA - WHY IN THE EVERLOVING F*CK were our troops MISDIRECTED TO THE TEXAS BORDER???
Is our 'military intelligence' that bad? Gosh, there's a monetary boondoggle if so...

and still trying to spin this invasion

Joanna Peña-Bickley Verified account @jojobickley 9m9 minutes ago
Joanna Peña-Bickley
This group began a peaceful march to appeal for the U.S. to speed processing of asylum claims for Central American migrants marooned in Tijuana.

Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:40:10 PM EDT
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Didn't you learn anything in escuela?

It's for the 16 original colonies.

Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Honduras, El Salvador & Guatemala.
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Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:43:35 PM EDT
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Venezuela is coming to the US for real.

Democrat socialists will take TX and FL and then pillage pensions/401(k)'s to fund the EBT cards of the horde.

Neocons are meanwhile salivating over a possible confrontation over the fucking Ukraine.
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Socialism / communism is coming. Socialist have the numbers now to openly discuss their agenda and be real political contenders. In 30 years we will look like Venezuela.

Now is is the time for action while we still have the numbers and ability to fight back.

When they take power they will set in motion legislation that will begin to gut LE and what they can't get legislatively they will do in the courts with activists judges. They will use the violence this will create nationally to go after the second amendment. Both thru the legislative process and the courts while they push for a constitutional amendment to remove the second amendment.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:58:18 PM EDT
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it's for the f*ing children! it's always about the children

Beth pope  @beth_bethpope 6m6 minutes ago
Replying to @LindseyGrahamSC @realDonaldTrump
Are you saying you support the use of tear gas on children?  
What about the Americans trapped in Tijuana right now? What about the people who cross the border tomorrow for their job in Mexico?

leftist blaming Trump

Judith08  @Judith08 7m7 minutes ago
Judith08 Retweeted southpaw
RT So wrong. I used to take the trolley to San Ysidro & then cross the border into Tijuana. We'd shop & go sight seeing then come home that same evening. Never any problems; not until trumpf came along.
Judith08 added,southpaw  @nycsouthpaw

Brian Foulkrod  @BrianFoulkrod 7m7 minutes ago
Having lost another court battle, Trump has just decided to close the border crossing between San Diego and Tijuana. How much of a kick will the economy take to appease the man child's need to throw raw meat to paranoid bigots?

fleurdelisgal  @fleurdelisgal 8m8 minutes ago
If the 'caravan of migrants' have been rushing in through TIJUANA into SAN YSIDRO, CA - WHY IN THE EVERLOVING F*CK were our troops MISDIRECTED TO THE TEXAS BORDER???
Is our 'military intelligence' that bad? Gosh, there's a monetary boondoggle if so...

and still trying to spin this invasion

Joanna Peña-Bickley Verified account @jojobickley 9m9 minutes ago
Joanna Peña-Bickley
This group began a peaceful march to appeal for the U.S. to speed processing of asylum claims for Central American migrants marooned in Tijuana.

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Did they jam the wiffle-ball up past her first knuckles so she'd by crying constantly?
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 9:58:47 PM EDT
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twitter has some people saying the south bound san ysidro check point is open now


edit 2 - north bound also
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Doesn't make any sense to open lanes at night.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 10:07:34 PM EDT
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Venezuela is coming to the US for real.

Democrat socialists will take TX and FL and then pillage pensions/401(k)'s to fund the EBT cards of the horde.

Neocons are meanwhile salivating over a possible confrontation over the fucking Ukraine.
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The other thing that neocons love ALMOST as much as more wars in MENA and russias borsers is mass immigration, just not into israel, of course.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 10:10:44 PM EDT
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Are those arabs in the scarves on the right in the top pic?

And who is white bread there looking all conspicuous in the bottom pic?  Looks like zuccerbergs taller brother
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 10:12:22 PM EDT
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Doesn't make any sense to open lanes at night.
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The caravan mob has to be back at camp before its gets locked down for the night. They will be back.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 10:16:34 PM EDT

Link Posted: 11/25/2018 10:18:53 PM EDT
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it's for the f*ing children! it's always about the children

Beth pope  @beth_bethpope 6m6 minutes ago
Replying to @LindseyGrahamSC @realDonaldTrump
Are you saying you support the use of tear gas on children?  
What about the Americans trapped in Tijuana right now? What about the people who cross the border tomorrow for their job in Mexico?

leftist blaming Trump

Judith08  @Judith08 7m7 minutes ago
Judith08 Retweeted southpaw
RT So wrong. I used to take the trolley to San Ysidro & then cross the border into Tijuana. We'd shop & go sight seeing then come home that same evening. Never any problems; not until trumpf came along.
Judith08 added,southpaw  @nycsouthpaw

Brian Foulkrod  @BrianFoulkrod 7m7 minutes ago
Having lost another court battle, Trump has just decided to close the border crossing between San Diego and Tijuana. How much of a kick will the economy take to appease the man child's need to throw raw meat to paranoid bigots?

fleurdelisgal  @fleurdelisgal 8m8 minutes ago
If the 'caravan of migrants' have been rushing in through TIJUANA into SAN YSIDRO, CA - WHY IN THE EVERLOVING F*CK were our troops MISDIRECTED TO THE TEXAS BORDER???
Is our 'military intelligence' that bad? Gosh, there's a monetary boondoggle if so...

and still trying to spin this invasion

Joanna Peña-Bickley Verified account @jojobickley 9m9 minutes ago
Joanna Peña-Bickley
This group began a peaceful march to appeal for the U.S. to speed processing of asylum claims for Central American migrants marooned in Tijuana.

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I can not count all the fucks I don't have for the situation.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 10:20:40 PM EDT
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Doesn't make any sense to open lanes at night.
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POE is lit up like a NFL stadium at night. Plus thermal imaging, Xray, dogs, etc... is normal ops for OFO. CBP and DoD backup is near by also, if needed.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 10:24:57 PM EDT
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pretty much all the coverage of anything interesting is down now.

no san diego station is showing anything and U.S. mass media isn't either. I checked foxnews, oan, msn a couple of times, and didn't see any coverage on those channels
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They must of had bad polling, this isn't like the children in cages BS.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 10:35:25 PM EDT
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You are correct, forgot to mention it. Along with the guy who was threatening to massacre Mexicans, he was last seen via a video clip in a cartel truck (Nuevo cartel de Tijuana) being interrogated with a bloody face. If I remember correctly they wanted him to give up some of the caravan orginazers.
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It would be fucking glorious if the organizers got their shit pushed in. I think we should have shut the border down for a 24 hour cooling off period to simply piss off the Mexicans even more than they are now. The spanish comments on some of the youtube vids I've seen make me think the Mexican police are going to have to go into protect the caravan mode here soon. I've also seen reports that some of the invaders are asking Mexico to send them home.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 10:44:49 PM EDT
This is bullshit! They MUST NOT CROSS!
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 11:03:23 PM EDT
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Youtube comments in that second to last video, they're calling out the reporter for being a liar, doxing her and her parents. Also saying they're looking for the people that work for pueblos sin fronteras. They may have made a big mistake trying to pull this shit off in Mexico.
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 11:03:42 PM EDT

more sob stories by leftist

this is a b.s. rumor that the leftist will push and spread through social media... then when no body is found, never be heard about again
Angie Bird @GangstaBirdie 3m3 minutes ago
Reports are coming in about a child who died after being shot in the head with a rubber bullet by an armed American soldier or American Border Patrol. Awaiting Mexican Federal Police to verify this... Reporters on the ground say it happened

Jackie Vanlandingham @JackieVanlandi4 20m20 minutes ago
Replying to @brianschatz
As a citizen of the United States I hereby condemn the actions taken today at the U.S. boarder in San Ysidro, the firing of tear gas by Boarder Patrol at migrant women and children and call for the President of the United States to be held responsible for crimes against humanity

Waitin' in the wings  @SharonKWooden 22m22 minutes ago
Waitin' in the wings Retweeted Chuck Schumer

erinpenny  @erinpenny926 27m27 minutes ago
Replying to @mcmatz565 @Rondell_Trevino
This is a crisis manufactured by the Trump administration .Even before the caravan arrived they decreased the amt of people they were processing and actually closed the San Ysidro entry point .The people shown are more an act of desperation .They did not have to gas children .

Aurea Bolaos Perea  @Aurea_BolanosP 33m33 minutes ago
Aurea Bolaos Perea Retweeted WendyFry
Please contact your local representatives and urge them to stop the Border Patrol agents at San Ysidro from attacking innocent people
Link Posted: 11/25/2018 11:45:57 PM EDT
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Youtube comments in that second to last video, they're calling out the reporter for being a liar, doxing her and her parents. Also saying they're looking for the people that work for pueblos sin fronteras. They may have made a big mistake trying to pull this shit off in Mexico.
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Youtube comments in that second to last video, they're calling out the reporter for being a liar, doxing her and her parents. Also saying they're looking for the people that work for pueblos sin fronteras. They may have made a big mistake trying to pull this shit off in Mexico.
One of the comments in Spanish, speaking about the Border Patrol agents shooting tear gas, “What they kicked (shot/sprayed) out was “RAID”. Cockroach Spray! And they all scattered. I can’t stop laughing. This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Bravo Trump.” , followed a bunch of laughing emojis.

And you’re right, this might not go as well as the organizers had hoped.

I hope every single one of the organizers, agitators and enablers ends up in the hands of “locals”.
Link Posted: 11/26/2018 12:25:20 AM EDT
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Trump had an orderly process to claim asylum and that stupid Judge had to tell the world that you can come in anywhere which is now causing all this chaos. Judge should be held responsible. Now you will have people cruising in on boats from all directions claiming asylum which now makes us a border less country.
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Send the caravan to the judges courthouse and home.
Link Posted: 11/26/2018 12:33:34 AM EDT
Migrants break through border fence
Link Posted: 11/26/2018 12:33:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/26/2018 12:41:59 AM EDT
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Youtube comments in that second to last video, they're calling out the reporter for being a liar, doxing her and her parents. Also saying they're looking for the people that work for pueblos sin fronteras. They may have made a big mistake trying to pull this shit off in Mexico.
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Going through more of the comments of the above post, the cockroach one was comparatively mild.  Everything from people calling them animals, brainless animals, then someone else replying “no no, they’re not even animals, even my puppy understand when I tell it No”, to a Mexican national saying they fully support Trump placing sanctions on Mexico until they deal with “these invaders”.

And if that “reporter” is smart she’d take her “pig face” and un-ass the area quickly before her family is asking for her whereabouts and safe return. They’re also calling on folks to blitz her employer on social media, a Mexican news org.
Link Posted: 11/26/2018 12:49:55 AM EDT
NBC Washington (DC) is reporting on the migrants rushing the border wall and throwing rocks.  Sort of surprised me...
Link Posted: 11/26/2018 12:52:16 AM EDT
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NBC Washington (DC) is reporting on the migrants rushing the border wall and throwing rocks.  Sort of surprised me...
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Their bosses will remind them where they work shortly and force them to issue a correction.
Link Posted: 11/26/2018 12:52:29 AM EDT
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Youtube comments in that second to last video, they're calling out the reporter for being a liar, doxing her and her parents. Also saying they're looking for the people that work for pueblos sin fronteras. They may have made a big mistake trying to pull this shit off in Mexico.
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Youtube comments in that second to last video, they're calling out the reporter for being a liar, doxing her and her parents. Also saying they're looking for the people that work for pueblos sin fronteras. They may have made a big mistake trying to pull this shit off in Mexico.
I'm reading the comments just now, wow, I knew a lot of TJ citizens were pissed but this takes it to a whole other level.

May explain why jorge ramos has been mia instead of being on the front lines.

If I were with pueblos sin fronteras and in TJ I'd be shitting brick just about now.
Link Posted: 11/26/2018 12:55:04 AM EDT
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Doesn't make any sense to open lanes at night.
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You REALLY don't want to be out in some of those areas near the border at night.  Between the rateros and the policia.
Link Posted: 11/26/2018 12:56:47 AM EDT
Forecast is for rain on Wednesday, we'll see if that adds to the mix of pics.
Link Posted: 11/26/2018 12:59:57 AM EDT
These idiots bit off more than they could chew this time.
Link Posted: 11/26/2018 1:04:54 AM EDT
this was a weekend, so it wasn't a heavy traffic day at san ysidro like a usual work day would be.

as it was, traffic that would have gone through san ysidro, had to back track through to the otay mesa crossing, and there were some tweets that said it took them over 3 hours to go from san ysidro to otay mesa, and go through the crossing.

a lot of tee'ed off people for the extra time and wait

now, if the crossing was closed during a week day.......
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