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Posted: 1/19/2023 11:30:19 AM EDT
But this particular moment seems more fraught than past brushes with the debt limit because of the broad differences between Biden and new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who presides over a restive Republican caucus.


The blame game begins
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:32:48 AM EDT
The trick is to put the other guy in the drivers seat just before the car goes off the cliff.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:33:48 AM EDT
We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:34:03 AM EDT
But this particular moment seems more fraught than past brushes with the debt limit because of the broad differences between Biden and new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who presides over a restive Republican caucus.


The blame game begins
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$38.381 trillion

Lets see if the collective IQ of GD can calculate how many zeros $38.381 trillion is.


Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:39:03 AM EDT
Shut the government and keep it shut,except for essential services. Its should only be essential services in the first place.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:40:31 AM EDT
Oh no! They have to use extraordinary measures like they have 87 times already!
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:41:00 AM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:41:30 AM EDT
Spending less is too radical an idea.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:42:38 AM EDT
Anyone wanna take guesses at what the total will be by 2030?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:44:27 AM EDT
They can't cut spending.  How would they launder money and fund campaigns?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:44:58 AM EDT
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$38.381 trillion

Lets see if the collective IQ of GD can calculate how many zeros $38.381 trillion is.


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The number isn't as important as the fact that it towers over our rather stagnant GDP.
The feds owe more money than what our entire national economy can produce. That's the frightening part.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:45:05 AM EDT
Unless they're hiking the basis points by several hundred per month, it's just business as usual.

We need 8% to put the brakes on this shit.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:46:20 AM EDT
Which do they cut first?

Social Security and Medicare
Foreign Aid
Roads and bridges
Aid for illegal immigrants
CRT programs
Climate Change
Government salaries

I bet Defense would be first followed by Social Security.

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:46:21 AM EDT
Nothing like a good war to save an economy.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:47:33 AM EDT
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They can't cut spending.  How would they launder money and fund campaigns?
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This is a good question/statement but I must ask this...Why campaign if it's all fixed/rigged anyway? I'm being serious. Why not save the money for more "crap" they want to buy or whatever.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:48:46 AM EDT
A solution to a problem they helped create.  How "extraordinary" of them.....
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:49:38 AM EDT
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$38.381 trillion

Lets see if the collective IQ of GD can calculate how many zeros $38.381 trillion is.


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All I know is that it's approximately twice as much as when we last did this with Obama in Office.  

System's broke, the wheels are screeching a God-awful noise and vibrating horribly, but the Engineer is too busy arguing with the driver about who's fault it was to actually do anything about it.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:51:54 AM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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And never notice the difference.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:52:46 AM EDT
In before the same 5 mouth breathers pin it on Ukraine.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:52:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:53:05 AM EDT
The big problem (already primed for the white house), is that the only leverage republicans have is to actually not remove the current debt ceiling. There’s already a process that will prioritize debts and services, but it would hammer many of the agency budgets, non-essential programs, and furlough a bunch of workers…which would be fine. If they present a budget, the Senate and FJB wouldn’t approve it, shutdown crisis (number 87) kicks off and the media and white house blame GOP.

It's already baked into the cake, and I doubt the GOP in the House has the spine to grab their balls and tell FJB he’s not going to do shit over the next two years because their won’t be any money and agencies are just keeping the lights on…

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:53:13 AM EDT
Shut down the .gov
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:53:20 AM EDT
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Anyone wanna take guesses at what the total will be by 2030?
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Eggs probably $50.00 a dozen.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:54:27 AM EDT
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We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

Which would still leave us a trillion and a half in debt for the year.  What next smart guy?  
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:56:00 AM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:57:20 AM EDT
It will always be increased, otherwise the global financial system implodes.

Why The Debt Ceiling is Impossible - Mike Maloney - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep4 Preview
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:58:34 AM EDT
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In before the same 5 mouth breathers pin it on Ukraine.
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Ukraine spending itself is not responsible, nor will it destroy the USA financially, it’s the attitude that these billions here don’t matter in regards to Ukraine and 1000 other line items , and the general attitude that it’s the USAs job to play world police that will eventually add up to very big problems.

It’s like saying, “ I already owe $50k in credit card debt, so taking the family out to eat tonight, and to Disney world this weekend and charging it won’t make any difference .

Except it does, and will.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:59:00 AM EDT
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In before the same 5 mouth breathers pin it on Ukraine.
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The billions to Ukraine with zero accountability is a symptom of a greater problem. Our roads are trash, bridges trash and our cities look like something out of the third world in many places but we have billions to give to countries around the world.

This is because our foreign policy is centered around Quid Pro Quo.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 11:59:42 AM EDT
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Anyone wanna take guesses at what the total will be by 2030?
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250 trillion +/- 10 trillion
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:00:49 PM EDT
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We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

Get both.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:02:03 PM EDT
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The billions to Ukraine with zero accountability is a symptom of a greater problem. Our roads are trash, bridges trash and our cities look like something out of the third world in many places but we have billions to give to countries around the world.

This is because our foreign policy is centered around Quid Pro Quo.
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In before the same 5 mouth breathers pin it on Ukraine.

The billions to Ukraine with zero accountability is a symptom of a greater problem. Our roads are trash, bridges trash and our cities look like something out of the third world in many places but we have billions to give to countries around the world.

This is because our foreign policy is centered around Quid Pro Quo.

Yup, also, we’re screeching about fighting dangers to the USA overseas when the greatest dangers to the USA are inside the country, and ruling it right now.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:04:10 PM EDT
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The billions to Ukraine with zero accountability is a symptom of a greater problem. Our roads are trash, bridges trash and our cities look like something out of the third world in many places but we have billions to give to countries around the world.

This is because our foreign policy is centered around Quid Pro Quo.
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In before the same 5 mouth breathers pin it on Ukraine.

The billions to Ukraine with zero accountability is a symptom of a greater problem. Our roads are trash, bridges trash and our cities look like something out of the third world in many places but we have billions to give to countries around the world.

This is because our foreign policy is centered around Quid Pro Quo.

How much did we spend on Obama's "shovel ready" infrastructure?  How much do we spend every year on highway funds?

Also, my city doesn't look like anything from the third world.  Sounds like a local problem who the last group I would want to "fix" it would be the feds.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:04:20 PM EDT
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$38.381 trillion

Lets see if the collective IQ of GD can calculate how many zeros $38.381 trillion is.


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But this particular moment seems more fraught than past brushes with the debt limit because of the broad differences between Biden and new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who presides over a restive Republican caucus.


The blame game begins

$38.381 trillion

Lets see if the collective IQ of GD can calculate how many zeros $38.381 trillion is.


Fun fact:  a Trillion one dollar bills stacked together at .04 of an inch thick makes a stack 63,000 MILES high.

Or….2+ times around the earth if you will.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:07:02 PM EDT
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Which do they cut first?

Social Security and Medicare
Foreign Aid
Roads and bridges
Aid for illegal immigrants
CRT programs
Climate Change
Government salaries

I bet Defense would be first followed by Social Security.

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Defense is about 50% of the budget so yeah, that's be a good place to start.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:08:29 PM EDT
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We could cut FIRE 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions BILLIONS
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Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:10:20 PM EDT
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Which do they cut first?

Social Security and Medicare
Foreign Aid
Roads and bridges
Aid for illegal immigrants
CRT programs
Climate Change
Government salaries

I bet Defense would be first followed by Social Security.

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The first to cut, then move on to DOE, FBI, DOJ, IRS, BATF.  
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:10:41 PM EDT
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We could cut FIRE 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions BILLIONS


Cut means get rid of the billets and do a reduction in force.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:11:13 PM EDT
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The first to cut, then move on to DOE, FBI, DOJ, IRS, BATF.  
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Which do they cut first?

Social Security and Medicare
Foreign Aid
Roads and bridges
Aid for illegal immigrants
CRT programs
Climate Change
Government salaries

I bet Defense would be first followed by Social Security.

The first to cut, then move on to DOE, FBI, DOJ, IRS, BATF.  

You're still at least a trillion away.  
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:12:02 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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Start with the  ATF.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:12:24 PM EDT
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$38.381 trillion

Lets see if the collective IQ of GD can calculate how many zeros $38.381 trillion is.


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Or play the "what could we buy with..." game.

451 MILLION fully loaded pickups at 85K each.

And the only true solution, austerity, would NEVER fly in the USA.  Hell, it was a hard sell in Greece.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:12:57 PM EDT
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Shut down the .gov
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We'll get a last minute bipartisan bill, in which the entirety of congress shoves in all of their bullshit pet projects for their financial puppet masters, and then they will all clap and blow each other while screeching about how they just saved democracy.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:16:54 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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You could cut 100%, including the military, and still not close the deficit.
Medicare, medicaid, and Social Security make up 2/3s of the budget.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:17:51 PM EDT
Nothing will change, those in power will keep borrowing at an increased rate, the value of the dollar will continue to fall, and ordinary folks pay the tax in the form of inflation.  At the same time, to many want free shit, fail to take responsibility for themselves, feel entitled, and are dependent on the government tit.  

The ship is sinking and few care to admit it.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:19:48 PM EDT
An extraordinary measure would be to reduce it and pay it down.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:21:46 PM EDT
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The trick is to put the other guy in the drivers seat just before the car goes off the cliff.
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Well, the other guy would have just expanded the hell out of the limit.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:22:47 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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In the previous "shut downs", I don't recall anything exciting happening. I wish they would dig in, but they won't.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:25:44 PM EDT
Eliminate, the ATF, FBI, most all of the NSA and CIA. Go to a flat tax, VAT something, eliminate 90% of the IRS.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:26:09 PM EDT
Labor costs are high and driving inflation.

Now is a great time to cut all federal workers and increase the pool of workers to drive labor inflation down.

Not to mention it would also drive our debt down.

It’s literally win/win/win, we’ll except if you are a .gov overpaid/inefficient turd.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:27:53 PM EDT
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Anyone wanna take guesses at what the total will be by 2030?
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They will be over 50 trillion by 2025, probably 70?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:29:11 PM EDT
Can't we just go Bankrupt?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:29:40 PM EDT
Treasury Dept. now taking 'extraordinary measures' on debt

In other words, I hope you had no plans for a Tax Refund check any time soon.
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