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Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:19:32 PM EDT
And the Obama Admin will stop it or regulate it into the ground...

Two thumbs up!
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:20:12 PM EDT
I've been trying to tell people this shit for years, but they would rather doom and gloom their way into the next apocalypse.

We are on the verge of the greatest wealth this country has ever known, especially as oil reserves in the middle east and russia natural gas reserves dwindle.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:20:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:21:38 PM EDT


Of course. They can't lie on the Internet. I read that on the Internet.

Clearly didn't click link.

Ha. You're correct. Thought you were the previous poster. Thought remains true. I would like to see some peer reviewed literature. I'm confident that studies will show that planned fraking will be safe and a boon for the US.

Fracking isn't that bad to be honest. It doesn't pollute the water supply. What DOES pollute the water supply are workers that half ass shit. Leave valves open when they shouldn't, don't fix leaks, not checking seals like they should. Basically cutting corners. That creates a problem and in turn does lead to water supply contamination.

Hence the reason that all the frackers in PA are shipped in from teaxs because why should they give a shit what kind of mess they leave behind when it is not in their backyard.

By ship in I think you mean a Texas based company expands into PA and hires locals, which makes your theory completely stupid.  

Really?? tell that to the 5 different families that bought houses in my neighborhood that still have texas plates on their cars.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:22:32 PM EDT
From what I understand it's just not viable yet, it costs more to Frack than to drill.. and there' still plenty of drilling left to be done. I think it'll be viable a few hundred years down the road when the crude dries up, or Obama regulates and taxes drilling to death.  

Frac takes place after drill, two totally separate operations.

Frac does not have a "K" in it either. Frac is an abreviation of the term hydraulic fracturing, which of course has no k in it.

Frac is economically feasible in fact it is what make recovery itself economically feasible and frac has been taking place for many many years.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:22:48 PM EDT
Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.


Matt Damon said so.

I'm sold.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:23:14 PM EDT


Of course. They can't lie on the Internet. I read that on the Internet.

Clearly didn't click link.

Ha. You're correct. Thought you were the previous poster. Thought remains true. I would like to see some peer reviewed literature. I'm confident that studies will show that planned fraking will be safe and a boon for the US.

Fracking isn't that bad to be honest. It doesn't pollute the water supply. What DOES pollute the water supply are workers that half ass shit. Leave valves open when they shouldn't, don't fix leaks, not checking seals like they should. Basically cutting corners. That creates a problem and in turn does lead to water supply contamination.

Hence the reason that all the frackers in PA are shipped in from teaxs because why should they give a shit what kind of mess they leave behind when it is not in their backyard.

By ship in I think you mean a Texas based company expands into PA and hires locals, which makes your theory completely stupid.  

Really?? tell that to the 5 different families that bought houses in my neighborhood that still have texas plates on their cars.

Damn....There goes the neighborhood.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:24:28 PM EDT
Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.

No Life?  WTF, we Need Life!    

Fuuuu life, i need bamaphone
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:24:29 PM EDT


From what I've seen of the above ground mess involved I'd rather have a prison on my property line.

Meh...Where I live I ain't going to have to worry much about it anyway so I'll let others fight about it.

That said I'll bet the land owners are going to be the first to get fucked.

That "drink your milkshake" line comes to mind as greed and graft rears it's ugly head.

The surface owners negotiate an amount for the surface damage before any drilling can take place.  After the well is drilled, they have to reclaim the site.  My dad had a well drilled on his place in the 80's,

he got $5000 (didn't own any of the mineral rights), and a year later you could hardly tell where the location was (it was a dry hole).

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:25:28 PM EDT


Of course. They can't lie on the Internet. I read that on the Internet.

Clearly didn't click link.

Ha. You're correct. Thought you were the previous poster. Thought remains true. I would like to see some peer reviewed literature. I'm confident that studies will show that planned fraking will be safe and a boon for the US.

Fracking isn't that bad to be honest. It doesn't pollute the water supply. What DOES pollute the water supply are workers that half ass shit. Leave valves open when they shouldn't, don't fix leaks, not checking seals like they should. Basically cutting corners. That creates a problem and in turn does lead to water supply contamination.

Hence the reason that all the frackers in PA are shipped in from teaxs because why should they give a shit what kind of mess they leave behind when it is not in their backyard.

By ship in I think you mean a Texas based company expands into PA and hires locals, which makes your theory completely stupid.  

Really?? tell that to the 5 different families that bought houses in my neighborhood that still have texas plates on their cars.

Yes I am quoting myself but don't you from texas or wherever else tell me what is going on here in PA and who is coming into the state and what the drilling is doing to this area.  People ARE being brought in from the outside to do this and yes there are local getting jobs but in nowhere near the numbers that they said would make the "cost benefit analysis" worth it.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:25:44 PM EDT


I work in the area of Eagle Ford Shale, but have nothing to do with the oil business. I have noticed these ponds/tanks in the ground lined with black plastic and filled with some nasty looking black sludge.  What's that all about?  It can't be good for the water supply underground?  

What's up with all the "salt water disposal" places going up in the area as well?  The town I work in has tripled in size with oil field workers and all the other problems that crowd brings along.

Oil deposits contain saltwater at the bottom. When oil is extracted from the deposit, a fair amount of salt water is also extracted. After it is separated from the oil, it has to be disposed somewhere.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:26:32 PM EDT








Of course. They can't lie on the Internet. I read that on the Internet.

Clearly didn't click link.

Ha. You're correct. Thought you were the previous poster. Thought remains true. I would like to see some peer reviewed literature. I'm confident that studies will show that planned fraking will be safe and a boon for the US.

Fracking isn't that bad to be honest. It doesn't pollute the water supply. What DOES pollute the water supply are workers that half ass shit. Leave valves open when they shouldn't, don't fix leaks, not checking seals like they should. Basically cutting corners. That creates a problem and in turn does lead to water supply contamination.

Hence the reason that all the frackers in PA are shipped in from teaxs because why should they give a shit what kind of mess they leave behind when it is not in their backyard.

By ship in I think you mean a Texas based company expands into PA and hires locals, which makes your theory completely stupid.  

Really?? tell that to the 5 different families that bought houses in my neighborhood that still have texas plates on their cars.
So they live in PA now, they are your neighbors and PA is their backyard. Still a stupid theory.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:27:41 PM EDT
Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.


Matt Damon said so.

I'm sold.

Yep Me too

MATT DAMON rah rah rah rah MATT DAMON rah rah rah
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:29:50 PM EDT





Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.

So where's your proof?

Show me the fucking evidence where fracing directly pollutes the local water supply.

I'll be waiting



OK now seriously, send me a real link.

check the source––PNAS (proceedings of the national academy of sciences) is about as reputable as is possible to get.


but i'd take it a lot more seriously had he posted an actual PNAS link.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:30:38 PM EDT


I work in the area of Eagle Ford Shale, but have nothing to do with the oil business. I have noticed these ponds/tanks in the ground lined with black plastic and filled with some nasty looking black sludge. What's that all about? It can't be good for the water supply underground?

What's up with all the "salt water disposal" places going up in the area as well? The town I work in has tripled in size with oil field workers and all the other problems that crowd brings along.

You must be talking about treater ponds. Most oil comes up with a lot of water (not water table water) and it must be separated out. The mixture goes into "treaters" where heat and filters (straw around here) separate the water out and it goes into the ponds to evaporate. The ponds are nasty but they have to try to keep birds off them and whatnot.

If you like driving, that's something we have to put up with.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:30:41 PM EDT
drink a glass of fracking fliud then... make us believers...LOL
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:31:54 PM EDT
and Who is going to get all this wealth ?? Arfcom ?? LOL

I've been trying to tell people this shit for years, but they would rather doom and gloom their way into the next apocalypse.

We are on the verge of the greatest wealth this country has ever known, especially as oil reserves in the middle east and russia natural gas reserves dwindle.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:34:21 PM EDT


From what I've seen of the above ground mess involved I'd rather have a prison on my property line.

Meh...Where I live I ain't going to have to worry much about it anyway so I'll let others fight about it.

That said I'll bet the land owners are going to be the first to get fucked.

That "drink your milkshake" line comes to mind as greed and graft rears it's ugly head.

Exactly....what have you seen in regards to an above ground 'mess' on drilling locations?

I've played a part in negotiation for and acquisition of the surface-use agreements to drill literally dozens of wells. Usually, drilling requires about 5 acres, then after drilling operations conclude, these pad-sites are reduced to about 2 acres. They are usually fenced with 10' vinyl clad chainlink fences and have shrubs and lanscaping done around the outside. Several have been enclosed with block or brick walls.

There are pad-sites all through the metropolitan Fort Worth area....and if you weren't looking for them...you wouldn't even know they were there. I have a well-site 2 blocks from my home with 6 laterals drilled off of it. It looks like a freakin' city park save for the fence around it.

I have yet to see a drill-site be left in any shape other than relatively pristine. The surface use agreements won't allow the operator to recover their bond until the surface owner is satisfied and signs a waiver.

There sure seems to be a bunch of hear-say evidence being brought forth in this thread.

Believe it or not...the Oil business in this country has to exhibit a level of stewadship of the land....it's part of doing business. We're not living in 1900 any more.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:35:50 PM EDT
Risk comes with all forms of energy production. So how bad do you want it? Not one person posting in this thread knows what chemicals are involved in this process. Humor me.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:38:16 PM EDT
My kid is down for the holidays from ND and thinking of staying, lots of uncertainty up there about the new admin. and EPA envelopment's.

Is the boom over due to .gov regs Who the fuck knows
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:40:27 PM EDT


Risk comes with all forms of energy production. So how bad do you want it? Not one person posting in this thread knows what chemicals are involved in this process. Humor me.

You think it's a state secret?  You can go to work for Halliburton tomorrow and find out for yourself.  You can get a sample at any well-finishing job.  There are literally dozens of people there every time

and none of them have security clearances .
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:40:43 PM EDT


Risk comes with all forms of energy production. So how bad do you want it? Not one person posting in this thread knows what chemicals are involved in this process. Humor me.

Actually there are several of us posting in this thread who know....and have explained it at length...but don't take our word for it, do your own research:


Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:43:28 PM EDT

I work in the area of Eagle Ford Shale, but have nothing to do with the oil business. I have noticed these ponds/tanks in the ground lined with black plastic and filled with some nasty looking black sludge. What's that all about? It can't be good for the water supply underground?

What's up with all the "salt water disposal" places going up in the area as well? The town I work in has tripled in size with oil field workers and all the other problems that crowd brings along.

You must be talking about treater ponds.  Most up comes up with a lot of water (not water table water) and it must be separated out.  The ponds are nasty but they have to try to keep birds off them and whatnot.

If you like driving, that's something we have to put up with.

Something we have to put up with sounds a lot like what was done with strip mining back in the day. No, we do not have to put up with it. Play fast and loose for a buck and folks will not put up with it like they once did. Shit will be shut down in a hurry.

I'm old enough to have seen local polluted creeks and the river they flow into clean again. Goodness knows the air quality is much better so I've no desire to see us fuck ourselves on that scale again in the intrest of a buck. There is more than enough time to figure out how to do things right.....And make a profit.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:46:11 PM EDT
Risk comes with all forms of energy production. So how bad do you want it? Not one person posting in this thread knows what chemicals are involved in this process. Humor me.

Actually you're wrong.  I work with these chemicals daily.

Besides that, they are all listed here.  http://fracfocus.org/chemical-use/what-chemicals-are-used

ETA- I see I was beat to it.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:49:08 PM EDT
drink some frack fluid then... tell us how safe it is.


Risk comes with all forms of energy production. So how bad do you want it? Not one person posting in this thread knows what chemicals are involved in this process. Humor me.

You think it's a state secret?  You can go to work for Halliburton tomorrow and find out for yourself.  You can get a sample at any well-finishing job.  There are literally dozens of people there every time

and none of them have security clearances .

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:50:11 PM EDT




I work in the area of Eagle Ford Shale, but have nothing to do with the oil business. I have noticed these ponds/tanks in the ground lined with black plastic and filled with some nasty looking black sludge. What's that all about? It can't be good for the water supply underground?

What's up with all the "salt water disposal" places going up in the area as well? The town I work in has tripled in size with oil field workers and all the other problems that crowd brings along.

You must be talking about treater ponds. Most up comes up with a lot of water (not water table water) and it must be separated out. The ponds are nasty but they have to try to keep birds off them and whatnot.

If you like driving, that's something we have to put up with.

Something we have to put up with sounds a lot like what was done with strip mining back in the day. No, we do not have to put up with it. Play fast and loose for a buck and folks will not put up with it like they once did. Shit will be shut down in a hurry.

I'm old enough to have seen local polluted creeks and the river they flow into clean again. Goodness knows the air quality is much better so I've no desire to see us fuck ourselves on that scale again in the intrest of a buck. There is more than enough time to figure out how to do things right.....And make a profit.

I edited that post some. The ponds are where the water that comes up with oil is left to evaporate. There is a little oil on them as well but it can't do anywhere. Some smelly water is allowed to run away but apparently

that is acceptable to the EPA. I've shot tons of pheasants on treater water slews.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:50:24 PM EDT
drink some frack fluid then... tell us how safe it is.


Risk comes with all forms of energy production. So how bad do you want it? Not one person posting in this thread knows what chemicals are involved in this process. Humor me.

You think it's a state secret?  You can go to work for Halliburton tomorrow and find out for yourself.  You can get a sample at any well-finishing job.  There are literally dozens of people there every time

and none of them have security clearances .

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:52:53 PM EDT
drink some frack fluid then... tell us how safe it is.

If you drink enough water, it will kill you, so water isn't safe.

Too much salt will kill you too, so salt isn't safe.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:57:05 PM EDT


and Who is going to get all this wealth ?? Arfcom ?? LOL


I've been trying to tell people this shit for years, but they would rather doom and gloom their way into the next apocalypse.

We are on the verge of the greatest wealth this country has ever known, especially as oil reserves in the middle east and russia natural gas reserves dwindle.


Well the FSA of course

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:57:23 PM EDT
the level of derp in this thread is par for the course concerning fracking

derr fracking is berd and curmicals and grund werter and yer drenk der churmicals, mert dermon

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:57:45 PM EDT




I work in the area of Eagle Ford Shale, but have nothing to do with the oil business. I have noticed these ponds/tanks in the ground lined with black plastic and filled with some nasty looking black sludge. What's that all about? It can't be good for the water supply underground?

What's up with all the "salt water disposal" places going up in the area as well? The town I work in has tripled in size with oil field workers and all the other problems that crowd brings along.

You must be talking about treater ponds. Most up comes up with a lot of water (not water table water) and it must be separated out. The ponds are nasty but they have to try to keep birds off them and whatnot.

If you like driving, that's something we have to put up with.

Something we have to put up with sounds a lot like what was done with strip mining back in the day. No, we do not have to put up with it. Play fast and loose for a buck and folks will not put up with it like they once did. Shit will be shut down in a hurry.

I'm old enough to have seen local polluted creeks and the river they flow into clean again. Goodness knows the air quality is much better so I've no desire to see us fuck ourselves on that scale again in the intrest of a buck. There is more than enough time to figure out how to do things right.....And make a profit.

Strip mining was regulated by an Act of Congress in 1972. It spells out all of the reclaimation criteria which has been enforced by the federal government ever since. The buck has nothing to do with it anymore. The law is the law.

Oil & Gas Drilling is regulated in much the same manner. Every state has some governing body that oversees minerals development in that state...and again...I don't know of a sinle state which doesn't require a multi-million dollar performance bond be posted befor a drilling permit is issued by the state.

Contrary to popular misconception....Energy Companies aren't generally the boogie men we're made out to be by people using 'post hoc propter hoc' logic based on how bad practices were 75-100 years ago.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:01:13 PM EDT
Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.


Matt Damon said so.

I'm sold.

Yep Me too

MATT DAMON rah rah rah rah MATT DAMON rah rah rah

Avatar fail

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:01:53 PM EDT


drink some frack fluid then... tell us how safe it is.


Risk comes with all forms of energy production. So how bad do you want it? Not one person posting in this thread knows what chemicals are involved in this process. Humor me.

You think it's a state secret? You can go to work for Halliburton tomorrow and find out for yourself. You can get a sample at any well-finishing job. There are literally dozens of people there every time

and none of them have security clearances .

Eat some shit. You're polluting the water supply with it. Have a nice refreshing glass of Dawn detergent and dishwater....it goes right down the drain. How about a jug of reactor cooling water. No chemical contamination in that.

Get real.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:06:41 PM EDT
Fracking for natural gas has outgrown the domestic infrastructure for pipeline construction for distribution.  The owners of our ports, once geared up for the imports of LNG into our piplelines, are now reversing their approach to conversion to LNG for exports of to the rest of the world.

It is my understanding that the fracking process for crude oil is the bubbling underbelly that is about to erupt in the USA.  I think that the abundance of cheap natural gas went a long way to saving the U.S. economy through this nasty financial mess.  The rumor mill suggests that the U.S. is about to become not just the natural gas, but the crude oil king of the world.  

May we live in interesting times.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:09:55 PM EDT
Fracking is the pumping of unknown chemicals and water into the ground.

The chemicals are not being released to the public as the companies are saying it's information they don't want to release.

Our water comes from the ground from underground reservoirs and rivers. This shit is polluting it.

Should be illegal. Find another way to do it safely.

Why can't they just use seawater? Why the chemicals and freshwater?





Fracking processes go WAY below water tables.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:16:54 PM EDT
i  hate salt

drink some frack fluid then... tell us how safe it is.

If you drink enough water, it will kill you, so water isn't safe.

Too much salt will kill you too, so salt isn't safe.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:17:52 PM EDT


Fracking for natural gas has outgrown the domestic infrastructure for pipeline construction for distribution. The owners of our ports, once geared up for the imports of LNG into our piplelines, are now reversing their approach to conversion to LNG for exports of to the rest of the world.

It is my understanding that the fracking process for crude oil is the bubbling underbelly that is about to erupt in the USA. I think that the abundance of cheap natural gas went a long way to saving the U.S. economy through this nasty financial mess. The rumor mill suggests that the U.S. is about to become not just the natural gas, but the crude oil king of the world.

May we live in interesting times.

It appears that many of the major shale-gas formations are proving to have zones which are producing a lot of oil.

There are additional areas in which we have known for many years that there is 'tight-oil' in shale and other hydro-carbon bearing formations. We had limited means of it's recovery and not often in paying quantities. Prior to fracing, the only alternatine to try and recover this 'tight-oil' as to blast a cavern into the formation and wait on it to fill up before pumping it dry.

Fracing is allowing those minerals to now be developed in paying quantities.

The project I'm working on now is developing oil bearing shale using lateral wells and hydraulic-fracing.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:22:29 PM EDT


i  hate salt



drink some frack fluid then... tell us how safe it is.

If you drink enough water, it will kill you, so water isn't safe.

Too much salt will kill you too, so salt isn't safe.

You would die without it.  One of the essential electrolytes but you wouldn't know.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:27:47 PM EDT
Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.

A: We have been fracking since 1947..........Yes, that long without any real problems. As to the Water Wells getting natural gas in them, my neighbor when I was a kid was an old man who nearly killed himself with a carbide lamp looking down inside his hand dug water well ca. 1920 when it exploded. This was two and a half decades before the first Hydraulic Fracturing job. Poke a hole in the ground in Gas country and it might have Gas in it, Who knew?

B: Cold Fusion again? BP and Shell are energy companies if it worked they would fund it to make H2 gas for fuel in a second. Misread data and an overly optimistic press release.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:27:51 PM EDT
sideshow matt damon?

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:30:12 PM EDT


And the Obama Admin will stop it or regulate it into the ground...

This. Just like they are doing to our thousand years worth of coal...

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:32:18 PM EDT

Every single source under that search is from a leftist or radical enviro nazi group. How about unbiased peer reviewed sources?

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:34:10 PM EDT



And the Obama Admin will stop it or regulate it into the ground...

This. Just like they are doing to our thousand years worth of coal...

But...but....but....coal miners are union for the most part....Obummer wouldnt hurt the union guys who voted him in again....would he?

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:34:28 PM EDT
Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.

Typical Greenie propoganda bullshit.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:35:24 PM EDT

Of course. They can't lie on the Internet. I read that on the Internet.

Clearly didn't click link.

Ha. You're correct. Thought you were the previous poster. Thought remains true. I would like to see some peer reviewed literature. I'm confident that studies will show that planned fraking will be safe and a boon for the US.

Fracking isn't that bad to be honest. It doesn't pollute the water supply. What DOES pollute the water supply are workers that half ass shit. Leave valves open when they shouldn't, don't fix leaks, not checking seals like they should. Basically cutting corners. That creates a problem and in turn does lead to water supply contamination.

Its my understanding that Fracking chemicals are only used once then the well is GTG. So if they are careful with the fracking process we should be good to go.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:36:50 PM EDT
best to get it out of the ground now before Zero signs some cocked up bill that makes all resources universal communal property and calls a halt on drilling, mining until the fair sharing with the rest of the world is worked out.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:38:18 PM EDT


Every single source under that search is from a leftist or radical enviro nazi group. How about unbiased peer reviewed sources?

well, to be fair, there are a number of people on arfcom who argue that peer review is scientifically worthless.


if that's the case, then peer reviewed sources are no more reliable than any other.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:38:57 PM EDT
It will just mitigate the damage that is being done.   Nothing more.

Money is to be made.  But the overall economy will remain depressed and we have a major debt crisis coming in 16-20 years that the electorate doesn't give a shit about.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:44:19 PM EDT
It will just mitigate the damage that is being done.   Nothing more.

Money is to be made.  But the overall economy will remain depressed and we have a major debt crisis coming in 16-20 years that the electorate doesn't give a shit about.

They will give a shit about it when they are paying 15 to 20 dollars a liter for it.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 5:46:14 PM EDT
i  hate salt

drink some frack fluid then... tell us how safe it is.

If you drink enough water, it will kill you, so water isn't safe.

Too much salt will kill you too, so salt isn't safe.

I think you missed the point.
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