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Link Posted: 9/26/2014 2:59:44 PM EDT
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It's done.  Name has been changed.  Earlier in the week it was Confederate Drive.  It must have been changed in the middle of the night.  That's when trees are cut down for construction projects.

<a href="http://s67.photobucket.com/user/oxfordethan/media/Mobile%20Uploads/8A526221-F705-41CB-9A62-78142A73773B.jpg.html" target="_blank">http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h309/oxfordethan/Mobile%20Uploads/8A526221-F705-41CB-9A62-78142A73773B.jpg</a>
<a href="http://s67.photobucket.com/user/oxfordethan/media/Mobile%20Uploads/CAC6BFBF-43FA-42DF-83D9-FF5622FFDF31.jpg.html" target="_blank">http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h309/oxfordethan/Mobile%20Uploads/CAC6BFBF-43FA-42DF-83D9-FF5622FFDF31.jpg</a>
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I noticed Frat Row didn't change.  Should have checked more privilege.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 3:02:01 PM EDT
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They still wont be satisfied until their culture completely obliterates our own
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These guys wont be satisfied until the entirety of the confederacy has been scrubbed from existence.

They still wont be satisfied until their culture completely obliterates our own

Reminds me of liberals on gun control.

They campaign that all they want is X.  Then when they finally get X, they start campaigning that all they want is Y.

Of course it's all leading to complete confiscation.


The key is to never allow them to have X in the first place.  Never give them an inch.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 3:09:41 PM EDT

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So, they were trying to make them WHITER?
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When I was there, some of the libtard kids (and there are a lot of them at UT) would deface the statues with bleach or graffiti.

So, they were trying to make them WHITER?
Dem racis statues be bronze, bro

Link Posted: 9/26/2014 3:11:53 PM EDT
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They're the Ol Miss BEARS now? How'd I miss that?

could be worse, I guess here's the UC Santa Cruz mascot


yep, that's a banana slug.
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Changed mascot from left to right



They're the Ol Miss BEARS now? How'd I miss that?

could be worse, I guess here's the UC Santa Cruz mascot


yep, that's a banana slug.

No, the bear is named rebel(stupid, I know).

I'm from Tallahatchie county, the one they're talking about. Can you believe these guys hate each other so much and we're like 60 miles apart, closer as the bird flies.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 3:29:54 PM EDT
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No, the bear is named rebel(stupid, I know).

I'm from Tallahatchie county, the one they're talking about. Can you believe these guys hate each other so much and we're like 60 miles apart, closer as the bird flies.
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Changed mascot from left to right



They're the Ol Miss BEARS now? How'd I miss that?

could be worse, I guess here's the UC Santa Cruz mascot


yep, that's a banana slug.

No, the bear is named rebel(stupid, I know).

I'm from Tallahatchie county, the one they're talking about. Can you believe these guys hate each other so much and we're like 60 miles apart, closer as the bird flies.

Lol, how the hell can they hate Tallahatchie County?

Y'all should put up a sign; "Here be racist", it'll keep out the yuppies. More deer, ducks, and freestate for us unreconstructed heathens.

Link Posted: 9/26/2014 4:34:13 PM EDT

No matter how you may feel about the politics of the American Civil War the students and faculty of Ole Miss served honorably and I believe it to be disrespectful and a ridiculous attempt to alter history for political and social reasons.  You can't change history because it may or may not offend someone, and it is no different than what is happening in Colorado with the history textbooks.  If we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it and all that noise.
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How is changing a street name an "attempt to alter history"?
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 4:39:25 PM EDT
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Quoted: percent)]

most people outside of the south will never understand this, and we will always be labeled racist for honoring our
fallen soldiers.
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First, what exactly do you mean by "honoring" fallen soldiers?

Second, what elements of service to the Confederacy do you wish to "honor" or otherwise commemorate?  Open warfare against the US government?  Preservation of Southern slaveholding society?
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 4:44:15 PM EDT

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First, what exactly do you mean by "honoring" fallen soldiers?

Second, what elements of service to the Confederacy do you wish to "honor" or otherwise commemorate?  Open warfare against the US government?  Preservation of Southern slaveholding society?
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Quoted: percent)]

most people outside of the south will never understand this, and we will always be labeled racist for honoring our

fallen soldiers.

First, what exactly do you mean by "honoring" fallen soldiers?

Second, what elements of service to the Confederacy do you wish to "honor" or otherwise commemorate?  Open warfare against the US government?  Preservation of Southern slaveholding society?

Link Posted: 9/26/2014 4:49:01 PM EDT
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First, what exactly do you mean by "honoring" fallen soldiers?

Second, what elements of service to the Confederacy do you wish to "honor" or otherwise commemorate?  Open warfare against the US government?  Preservation of Southern slaveholding society?
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Quoted: percent)]

most people outside of the south will never understand this, and we will always be labeled racist for honoring our
fallen soldiers.

First, what exactly do you mean by "honoring" fallen soldiers?

Second, what elements of service to the Confederacy do you wish to "honor" or otherwise commemorate?  Open warfare against the US government?  Preservation of Southern slaveholding society?

Cry me a fucking river. You Yankees freed the slaves and then abused the Poles, Irish, etc for generations. Get off your high fucking horses and accept the fact that while slavery was one of our major mistakes in this country, the country could not have grown as quickly and become as powerful as it did without the institution of slavery.

Many people fought in the civil war because they didn't want to give up their slaves, others fought because they didn't want federal troops marching on their states and homes when they had done nothing wrong.

Link Posted: 9/26/2014 4:50:46 PM EDT
ok and now im ibtl
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 4:58:28 PM EDT
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Cry me a fucking river. You Yankees freed the slaves and then abused the Poles, Irish, etc for generations. Get off your high fucking horses and accept the fact that while slavery was one of our major mistakes in this country, the country could not have grown as quickly and become as powerful as it did without the institution of slavery.

Many people fought in the civil war because they didn't want to give up their slaves, others fought because they didn't want federal troops marching on their states and homes when they had done nothing wrong.

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Quoted: percent)]

most people outside of the south will never understand this, and we will always be labeled racist for honoring our
fallen soldiers.

First, what exactly do you mean by "honoring" fallen soldiers?

Second, what elements of service to the Confederacy do you wish to "honor" or otherwise commemorate?  Open warfare against the US government?  Preservation of Southern slaveholding society?

Cry me a fucking river. You Yankees freed the slaves and then abused the Poles, Irish, etc for generations. Get off your high fucking horses and accept the fact that while slavery was one of our major mistakes in this country, the country could not have grown as quickly and become as powerful as it did without the institution of slavery.

Many people fought in the civil war because they didn't want to give up their slaves, others fought because they didn't want federal troops marching on their states and homes when they had done nothing wrong.

Umm, you did not come close to answering, or even addressing, either question.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 5:05:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 5:11:27 PM EDT
I'm FROM Gettysburg and even I think this is beyond asinine.  

Of course, I empathize with the Southern Cause far more than the tyrannical, anti-American, Union/Northern business interests of the era - with the (hopefully) obvious caveat that slavery was not only immoral, but also the biggest, most shameful blunder this nation ever made. The South was short-sighted in the extreme not to have ended it long before it came to war.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 5:17:38 PM EDT
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Changed mascot from left to right



They're the Ol Miss BEARS now? How'd I miss that?

could be worse, I guess here's the UC Santa Cruz mascot


yep, that's a banana slug.


Link Posted: 9/26/2014 5:21:16 PM EDT
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Umm, you did not come close to answering, or even addressing, either question.
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Quoted: percent)]

most people outside of the south will never understand this, and we will always be labeled racist for honoring our
fallen soldiers.

First, what exactly do you mean by "honoring" fallen soldiers?

Second, what elements of service to the Confederacy do you wish to "honor" or otherwise commemorate?  Open warfare against the US government?  Preservation of Southern slaveholding society?

Cry me a fucking river. You Yankees freed the slaves and then abused the Poles, Irish, etc for generations. Get off your high fucking horses and accept the fact that while slavery was one of our major mistakes in this country, the country could not have grown as quickly and become as powerful as it did without the institution of slavery.

Many people fought in the civil war because they didn't want to give up their slaves, others fought because they didn't want federal troops marching on their states and homes when they had done nothing wrong.

Umm, you did not come close to answering, or even addressing, either question.

Ok, first, try to address the right person when cutting up quote blocks.  Second, it's easy to tell that A) you've never been to Oxford and B) you obviously didn't read the thread before jumping in head first so allow me to retort.  
Honoring Confederate service can be as small as a street name, especially when that particular street leads back to the Confederate Cemetary where many of the original Unit members (who were students and faculty there) are buried.  Some of us wish to honor our Ancestors because of their bravery to stand up to the Feds for many different reasons.  We're not here to debate why the war was fought,  hence the disclaimer in my original post (another hint you didn't read it or had a hard time comprehending it).  I'm here because I'm expressing my extreme displeasure with revisionist history at a higher learning institute by trying to hide the University's past regardless of whether it is offensive to some particular people or not.  It happened and you can't change it so why try?  Go give some piss poor attempt to troll someone else's thread or better yet go start your own.

Link Posted: 9/26/2014 5:24:32 PM EDT
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ok and now im ibtl
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I know, unfortunately there's always that one clown that shows up in these threads.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 5:30:25 PM EDT
No matter how you may feel about the politics of the American Civil War the students and faculty of Ole Miss served honorably
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Served honorably as soldiers in rebellion against the United States in support of an unjust and immoral system of government that the State of Mississippi and the University of Mississippi pined for long after the guns went silent.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 5:50:41 PM EDT
Welcome To The New Amerika Comrade !!!

Political Correctness is the law of the land these days ......

That is until people stand up and say enough is enough. ( like that will ever happen )

If we do not stand for something, we will fall for anything.  ( we are currently falling )

Link Posted: 9/26/2014 5:51:30 PM EDT

  the worst thing about slavery is that america now has a lot more blacks than it should have


Link Posted: 9/26/2014 6:26:46 PM EDT
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First, what exactly do you mean by "honoring" fallen soldiers?

Second, what elements of service to the Confederacy do you wish to "honor" or otherwise commemorate?  Open warfare against the US government?  Preservation of Southern slaveholding society?
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Quoted: percent)]

most people outside of the south will never understand this, and we will always be labeled racist for honoring our
fallen soldiers.

First, what exactly do you mean by "honoring" fallen soldiers?

Second, what elements of service to the Confederacy do you wish to "honor" or otherwise commemorate?  Open warfare against the US government?  Preservation of Southern slaveholding society?

Link Posted: 9/26/2014 6:29:10 PM EDT
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Cry me a fucking river. You Yankees freed the slaves and then abused the Poles, Irish, etc for generations. Get off your high fucking horses and accept the fact that while slavery was one of our major mistakes in this country, the country could not have grown as quickly and become as powerful as it did without the institution of slavery.

Many people fought in the civil war because they didn't want to give up their slaves, others fought because they didn't want federal troops marching on their states and homes when they had done nothing wrong.
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Quoted: percent)]

most people outside of the south will never understand this, and we will always be labeled racist for honoring our
fallen soldiers.

First, what exactly do you mean by "honoring" fallen soldiers?

Second, what elements of service to the Confederacy do you wish to "honor" or otherwise commemorate?  Open warfare against the US government?  Preservation of Southern slaveholding society?

Cry me a fucking river. You Yankees freed the slaves and then abused the Poles, Irish, etc for generations. Get off your high fucking horses and accept the fact that while slavery was one of our major mistakes in this country, the country could not have grown as quickly and become as powerful as it did without the institution of slavery.

Many people fought in the civil war because they didn't want to give up their slaves, others fought because they didn't want federal troops marching on their states and homes when they had done nothing wrong.

Last night I saw Lester Maddox on a TV show
With some smart-ass New York Jew
And the Jew laughed at Lester Maddox
And the audience laughed at Lester Maddox too
Well, he may be a fool but he's our fool
If they think they're better than him they're wrong
So I went to the park and I took some paper along
And that's where I made this song .....

Link Posted: 9/26/2014 6:49:26 PM EDT
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Ok, first, try to address the right person when cutting up quote blocks.  Second, it's easy to tell that A) you've never been to Oxford and B) you obviously didn't read the thread before jumping in head first so allow me to retort.  
Honoring Confederate service can be as small as a street name, especially when that particular street leads back to the Confederate Cemetary where many of the original Unit members (who were students and faculty there) are buried.  Some of us wish to honor our Ancestors because of their bravery to stand up to the Feds for many different reasons.  We're not here to debate why the war was fought,  hence the disclaimer in my original post (another hint you didn't read it or had a hard time comprehending it).  I'm here because I'm expressing my extreme displeasure with revisionist history at a higher learning institute by trying to hide the University's past regardless of whether it is offensive to some particular people or not.  It happened and you can't change it so why try?  Go give some piss poor attempt to troll someone else's thread or better yet go start your own.

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I addressed the person who responded to my post.  It doesn't matter if that person was the one I was originally responding to.

Whether I have been to Oxford is irrelevant to the statements and questions I posted.  The simple act of being in, at, or around the town of Oxford or the University of Mississippi does not change the elements of the discussion regarding how and why someone wishes to honor the Confederacy.

Trying to celebrate, or "honor," some abstract form of bravery by ignoring the purpose and objectives of Confederate military service is the ultimate "revisionism" here.  It is a common part of Southern "heritage" advocacy in modern times.  What were those men fighting for?  What did they hope to achieve, protect, and promote?  The answer was that their service was inherently linked to the break up of the United States, the protection of the South's slaveholding society, and open warfare against the United States military.

How is the University of Mississippi engaging in "revisionist history" by renaming a modern street?  Renaming a street doesn't change the past, nor does it do anything to change how the past is taught in history courses.  The issue here is how a university and community wish to represent themselves in modern society.  You wish to commemorate certain elements of Confederate history, while ignoring other, integral, parts of it.  Many other people do not see the Confederacy such a way, nor care to commemorate it on school grounds.  Everyone here can understand this position, if faced with a memorial they find objectionable.  For instance, if the university had a street named "Ku Klux Klan Avenue" or "1962 Pro-Segregation Riot Street," you might not care to see its named changed--despite the fact that both are part of the university's past and "you can't change it."  

Thus, the issue here is not "revisionist history."  It is a current events matter regarding what memorials the university administration, students, and, to an extent, alumni wish to have on campus.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 6:52:58 PM EDT
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<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/ODA564/media/Internet/thirteen_zps73a3bcae.gif.html" target="_blank">http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v220/ODA564/Internet/thirteen_zps73a3bcae.gif</a>
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Quoted: percent)]

most people outside of the south will never understand this, and we will always be labeled racist for honoring our
fallen soldiers.

First, what exactly do you mean by "honoring" fallen soldiers?

Second, what elements of service to the Confederacy do you wish to "honor" or otherwise commemorate?  Open warfare against the US government?  Preservation of Southern slaveholding society?

<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/ODA564/media/Internet/thirteen_zps73a3bcae.gif.html" target="_blank">http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v220/ODA564/Internet/thirteen_zps73a3bcae.gif</a>

You can't construct an actual worded response?
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 6:58:40 PM EDT
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You can't construct an actual worded response?
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Quoted: percent)]

most people outside of the south will never understand this, and we will always be labeled racist for honoring our
fallen soldiers.

First, what exactly do you mean by "honoring" fallen soldiers?

Second, what elements of service to the Confederacy do you wish to "honor" or otherwise commemorate?  Open warfare against the US government?  Preservation of Southern slaveholding society?

<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/ODA564/media/Internet/thirteen_zps73a3bcae.gif.html" target="_blank">http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v220/ODA564/Internet/thirteen_zps73a3bcae.gif</a>

You can't construct an actual worded response?

I don't mind having drawn out intelligent debates with people online from time to time.  

A 13er that's obviously trolling doesn't qualify.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 7:09:57 PM EDT
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I don't mind having drawn out intelligent debates with people online from time to time.  

A 13er that's obviously trolling doesn't qualify.
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What qualifies my questions as trolling?  In fact, they touch at the heart of the article and topic.  

For instance, what does it actually mean to "honor" someone or something of the past?  The term "honor" can mean just about anything, and is so vague as to make its use questionable.  It generally appears to be an emotional act; and involves some form of praise.  So, does that mean that people here wish to praise Confederate soldiers?  

That leads to the second question--what exactly is it about Confederate soldiers that people today wish to "honor" (ie. praise)?  Confederate soldiers fought in an open war against the United States military and to defend a new political entity created to maintain the South's slaveholding society.  Is that what some people here wish to celebrate?  If not, then what do they wish to "honor" and how do those people separate the objectives and interests of Confederacy military service from a memorialization of that service?

Those are all legitimate questions and discussion points within a thread about a university in the Deep South debating the memorialization of the Confederacy on its campus.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 7:16:48 PM EDT

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Did I mention you personally?   Strike a nerve?  Since you asked nicely it's because I've met more pig headed, racist, shitbirds from the Free State than any other county in MS. And by shitbirds I mean nice christian businessmen who say all the right things in public but then behind closed doors it's, "n***r this and n****r that".  It makes it easier to pick on you guys.  Would you rather I had picked on Marshall County?    -J  
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[snip]  I didn't go to school there but I have been over there many times.  [snip]

  I promise I'm not pointing this post at you specifically but the key bit in your post is part the larger problem.  The University of MS is chartered to educate students;  not to field a great football team, not provide a great place to get drunk on Saturday, not to acquiesce to a bunch of knot heads from Tallahatchie County who never attended Ole Miss every time said knot heads get riled up at some Citizens Council meeting, not to turn a blind to some frat boys from GA who think it's a funny joke to hang nooses around campus.  

The administration makes changes as they see fit to increase enrollment and improve quality of education.  Sometimes that means pissing off alumni and the general public.  

FWIW there is a large stained glass window in Ventress hall depicting the University Grays heading off to battle.  It's a much better commemoration than Confederate drive.   Ventress was just renovated after water damage.  The University could have left the window out of the renovation but instead opted to spend a considerable sum of money having the window refurbished.  

BTW Coliseum Drive is now Chucky Mullins Drive.  

Again, I'm not picking on you but, people not involved with Ole Miss trying to control University business is kind of like me telling you what kind of car to drive.  It's none of my business.  -J


What's your fuckin' problem with Tallahatchie county?
Did I mention you personally?   Strike a nerve?  Since you asked nicely it's because I've met more pig headed, racist, shitbirds from the Free State than any other county in MS. And by shitbirds I mean nice christian businessmen who say all the right things in public but then behind closed doors it's, "n***r this and n****r that".  It makes it easier to pick on you guys.  Would you rather I had picked on Marshall County?    -J  
Please do so.I've lived in this shit county for 47 years.

Link Posted: 9/26/2014 7:21:37 PM EDT

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"Pump your brakes kid" is from Tropic Thunder.

  If you need to beat a murder rap, Better call Farese.  Joey Langston used to be good also, but that's another story...
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Quoted:  Would you rather I had picked on Marshall County?    -J  

Pumps your brakes kid.  That's where the Farese's are.

Been a long time since anyone called me kid.  Yep, I've met a Farese or two.   I can think of a few unfortunate situations that I hope to never experience where the first person I would call would be a Farese. Wouldn't want them as enemies.  I have good friends from both counties, but they are fun to pick on.   -J  

"Pump your brakes kid" is from Tropic Thunder.

  If you need to beat a murder rap, Better call Farese.  Joey Langston used to be good also, but that's another story...
I once paid Farese to get me out of a DUI.Cost me $1000 but I got out of it.

Link Posted: 9/26/2014 8:05:29 PM EDT
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What qualifies my questions as trolling?  In fact, they touch at the heart of the article and topic.  

For instance, what does it actually mean to "honor" someone or something of the past?  The term "honor" can mean just about anything, and is so vague as to make its use questionable.  It generally appears to be an emotional act; and involves some form of praise.  So, does that mean that people here wish to praise Confederate soldiers?  

That leads to the second question--what exactly is it about Confederate soldiers that people today wish to "honor" (ie. praise)?  Confederate soldiers fought in an open war against the United States military and to defend a new political entity created to maintain the South's slaveholding society.  Is that what some people here wish to celebrate?  If not, then what do they wish to "honor" and how do those people separate the objectives and interests of Confederacy military service from a memorialization of that service?

Those are all legitimate questions and discussion points within a thread about a university in the Deep South debating the memorialization of the Confederacy on its campus.
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I don't mind having drawn out intelligent debates with people online from time to time.  

A 13er that's obviously trolling doesn't qualify.

What qualifies my questions as trolling?  In fact, they touch at the heart of the article and topic.  

For instance, what does it actually mean to "honor" someone or something of the past?  The term "honor" can mean just about anything, and is so vague as to make its use questionable.  It generally appears to be an emotional act; and involves some form of praise.  So, does that mean that people here wish to praise Confederate soldiers?  

That leads to the second question--what exactly is it about Confederate soldiers that people today wish to "honor" (ie. praise)?  Confederate soldiers fought in an open war against the United States military and to defend a new political entity created to maintain the South's slaveholding society.  Is that what some people here wish to celebrate?  If not, then what do they wish to "honor" and how do those people separate the objectives and interests of Confederacy military service from a memorialization of that service?

Those are all legitimate questions and discussion points within a thread about a university in the Deep South debating the memorialization of the Confederacy on its campus.

Link Posted: 9/26/2014 8:11:57 PM EDT
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Revisionist fucks.
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Revisionism is a Southern institution...
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 8:16:17 PM EDT
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I once paid Farese to get me out of a DUI.Cost me $1000 but I got out of it.  
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Quoted:  Would you rather I had picked on Marshall County?    -J  

Pumps your brakes kid.  That's where the Farese's are.
Been a long time since anyone called me kid.  Yep, I've met a Farese or two.   I can think of a few unfortunate situations that I hope to never experience where the first person I would call would be a Farese. Wouldn't want them as enemies.  I have good friends from both counties, but they are fun to pick on.   -J  

"Pump your brakes kid" is from Tropic Thunder.
  If you need to beat a murder rap, Better call Farese.  Joey Langston used to be good also, but that's another story...
I once paid Farese to get me out of a DUI.Cost me $1000 but I got out of it.  

The insurance alone was probably worth that.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 8:26:51 PM EDT
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The only dishonor is re-writing history for personal or political advantage.

My great- Grandpa (yes,only ONE 'great') fought for the Union during the Civil War.I have not the slightest reluctance to say that the CSA should honor,revere and maintain their true history.
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Re-write history?-?


First-paragraph of Georgia's secession:

"The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery."

First-paragraph of Mississippi's secession:

In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.

First three paragraphs of Texas's secession:

The government of the United States, by certain joint resolutions, bearing date the 1st day of March, in the year A.D. 1845, proposed to the Republic of Texas, then *a free, sovereign and independent nation* [emphasis in the original], the annexation of the latter to the former, as one of the co-equal states thereof,

The people of Texas, by deputies in convention assembled, on the fourth day of July of the same year, assented to and accepted said proposals and formed a constitution for the proposed State, upon which on the 29th day of December in the same year, said State was formally admitted into the Confederated Union.

Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated Union to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them?

South Carolina's secession:

The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. For many years these laws were executed. But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution. The States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, have enacted laws which either nullify the Acts of Congress or render useless any attempt to execute them. In many of these States the fugitive is discharged from service or labor claimed, and in none of them has the State Government complied with the stipulation made in the Constitution. The State of New Jersey, at an early day, passed a law in conformity with her constitutional obligation; but the current of anti-slavery feeling has led her more recently to enact laws which render inoperative the remedies provided by her own law and by the laws of Congress. In the State of New York even the right of transit for a slave has been denied by her tribunals; and the States of Ohio and Iowa have refused to surrender to justice fugitives charged with murder, and with inciting servile insurrection in the State of Virginia. Thus the constituted compact has been deliberately broken and disregarded by the non-slaveholding States, and the consequence follows that South Carolina is released from her obligation.


At the time the Southern States sent young men to fight, kill, and die... They outlined that they were sending young men to fight kill and die for the reason of preserving slavery as a Southern institution...

There is absolutely no revisionist history involved in saying that the primary reason the Southern states sent young men to fight, kill, and die was to preserve slavery.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 8:34:20 PM EDT
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I'm FROM Gettysburg and even I think this is beyond asinine.  

Of course, I empathize with the Southern Cause far more than the tyrannical, anti-American, Union/Northern business interests of the era - with the (hopefully) obvious caveat that slavery was not only immoral, but also the biggest, most shameful blunder this nation ever made. The South was short-sighted in the extreme not to have ended it long before it came to war.
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It was never going to end without open-war.

There was way, way too much money to be made from it...

There is a lot of shame regarding slaveholders and the slave industry in the South... But the South was not just short-sighted for going to war to preserve slavery.

They were shortsighted in forcing the Civil Rights movement into the 1960s, instead of giving slaves all rights in the 1860's.

The Southern retards segregating everything, thinking they were "preserving a culture" created welfare classes, and forced the communist backlash that we are still dealing with.

Slaves should have been freed, given voting rights, and all the rights of citizens... All the rights of a human guaranteed by God...

There is more shame in the South than just the institution of Slavery, and fighting to preserve it... There is despicable shame in what followed slavery in the South, and the revisionist history that has become an institution in the South...
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 8:36:18 PM EDT
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  the worst thing about slavery is that america now has a lot more blacks than it should have
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Oh my gosh.

Good grief.

The *worst* thing about slavery was forcing another *human* into bondage and forced labor.

That is the worst thing about slavery.

You revisionists are unbelievable.

Flat-out unbelievable.

Do you folks actually read what you type.


Link Posted: 9/26/2014 8:38:51 PM EDT
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That leads to the second question--what exactly is it about Confederate soldiers that people today wish to "honor" (ie. praise)?  Confederate soldiers fought in an open war against the United States military and to defend a new political entity created to maintain the South's slaveholding society.  Is that what some people here wish to celebrate?  If not, then what do they wish to "honor" and how do those people separate the objectives and interests of Confederacy military service from a memorialization of that service?

Those are all legitimate questions and discussion points within a thread about a university in the Deep South debating the memorialization of the Confederacy on its campus.
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Agreed. Confederate rebels killed soldiers of the US Army. It is shameful that so many Americans would seek to "honor" these sad, misguided traitors. They should be remembered and studied, but there is no honor in their sacrifice; only tragedy.

620k to 850k Americans died in a war started by the Confederates, to preserve a system in which human beings were bought and sold as livestock. Anyone that would "honor" the Confederates needs their head examined.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 8:56:02 PM EDT
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Agreed. Confederate rebels killed soldiers of the US Army. It is shameful that so many Americans would seek to "honor" these sad, misguided traitors. They should be remembered and studied, but there is no honor in their sacrifice; only tragedy.

620k to 850k Americans died in a war started by the Confederates, to preserve a system in which human beings were bought and sold as livestock. Anyone that would "honor" the Confederates needs their head examined.
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That leads to the second question--what exactly is it about Confederate soldiers that people today wish to "honor" (ie. praise)?  Confederate soldiers fought in an open war against the United States military and to defend a new political entity created to maintain the South's slaveholding society.  Is that what some people here wish to celebrate?  If not, then what do they wish to "honor" and how do those people separate the objectives and interests of Confederacy military service from a memorialization of that service?

Those are all legitimate questions and discussion points within a thread about a university in the Deep South debating the memorialization of the Confederacy on its campus.

Agreed. Confederate rebels killed soldiers of the US Army. It is shameful that so many Americans would seek to "honor" these sad, misguided traitors. They should be remembered and studied, but there is no honor in their sacrifice; only tragedy.

620k to 850k Americans died in a war started by the Confederates, to preserve a system in which human beings were bought and sold as livestock. Anyone that would "honor" the Confederates needs their head examined.

There is true, moral honor in remembering the fallen...

And remember...

Dick Winters wanted to stop and talk with the Germans who were honoring their dead when he was on a tour of the beaches... When Winters was an old man.

The truth... Everyone (except the revisionists) knows that no one voted for Davis. Everyone knows he was a dictator worth fighting... He was a dictator put-in-place to preserve an industry.

Even folks in the South referred (negatively) to Davis as a "King"...

The Southern leaders had full-knowledge of what they wrote in their reasons for secession. Every shot-caller in the South was tied financially to the slave industry, and they all knew why they were sending young (and old) men to fight, kill, and die.

The shot-callers in the South owned the institution of slavery, and they owned the war over it.

The young men?

Their leaders did not get up and say, "Now go kill some US troops for my bottom line." No. They gave gallant speeches about their wives, girlfriends, and their "homeland."

You don't find Southern leaders referring to slavery at all in any of their speeches to their men before combat...

You cannot find-fault with the young men who fought for the South.

You cannot find-fault with the young men you fought for the South... But at the same-time we can refuse to deny that they instituted a dictatorship, seceded from the "More Perfect Union," and sent young men to fight, kill, and die to preserve the slave industry...

Honor the men who fought. Dishonor the *cause* they killed US Troops over...
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 8:58:11 PM EDT
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The only reason olemiss (they will eventually get rid of that name as well) is trying to get rid of any references to the old south is to help them In recruiting black football players.  Olemiss is divided over the whole thing.  Some want to keep it all and some are convinced they will win a national championship if they get rid of any old south symbolism.
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Why would ANY black player want to play for Ole Miss in any sport with these sorts of things going on?  

To me, it would be similar to an American going to play soccer for Univ. of North Korea or Iran University.  

A public park keeping these names is one thing, IMO. But a modern college campus doesn't need a bunch of Confederate flags waving in the stands.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 9:29:16 PM EDT
Lemme guess:

Ralph David Abernathy Street

Jesse Jackson Blvd

Link Posted: 9/26/2014 9:40:10 PM EDT
Being a 20 year resident of Oxford, I've got to get IBTL!  I was here when they banned flag "sticks".  I was here to see Colonel Reb get booted from the sidelines and them prohibited from entering V-H Stadium.  I was there the last time the student section yelled "The South will rise again" in place of "his truth is marching on".  All of the these things caused ripple in the town's conversations for a while and then everyone moved on.  None of those things affected the way of life around here IMHO.  It's interesting seeing everyone's thoughts on the issue.
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 10:09:23 PM EDT
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Being a 20 year resident of Oxford, I've got to get IBTL!  I was here when they banned flag "sticks".  I was here to see Colonel Reb get booted from the sidelines and them prohibited from entering V-H Stadium.  I was there the last time the student section yelled "The South will rise again" in place of "his truth is marching on".  All of the these things caused ripple in the town's conversations for a while and then everyone moved on.  None of those things affected the way of life around here IMHO.  It's interesting seeing everyone's thoughts on the issue.
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I have a friend that's a big Ole Miss fan and he said for the first year (or maybe it was two) whenever the black bear costume guy would come out during the games they had him surrounded by children out of fear people would throw things at him.

The way he told it reminded me of that scene from 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' where Indiana Jones is talking with Belloq and Jones is about to get blown away when a bunch of children run in and surround him so he doesn't get shot.  As he leaves Belloq comments "next time, Indiana Jones, it will take more than children to save you."
Link Posted: 9/26/2014 11:16:33 PM EDT
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I have a friend that's a big Ole Miss fan and he said for the first year (or maybe it was two) whenever the black bear costume guy would come out during the games they had him surrounded by children out of fear people would throw things at him.

The way he told it reminded me of that scene from 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' where Indiana Jones is talking with Belloq and Jones is about to get blown away when a bunch of children run in and surround him so he doesn't get shot.  As he leaves Belloq comments "next time, Indiana Jones, it will take more than children to save you."
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Being a 20 year resident of Oxford, I've got to get IBTL!  I was here when they banned flag "sticks".  I was here to see Colonel Reb get booted from the sidelines and them prohibited from entering V-H Stadium.  I was there the last time the student section yelled "The South will rise again" in place of "his truth is marching on".  All of the these things caused ripple in the town's conversations for a while and then everyone moved on.  None of those things affected the way of life around here IMHO.  It's interesting seeing everyone's thoughts on the issue.

I have a friend that's a big Ole Miss fan and he said for the first year (or maybe it was two) whenever the black bear costume guy would come out during the games they had him surrounded by children out of fear people would throw things at him.

The way he told it reminded me of that scene from 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' where Indiana Jones is talking with Belloq and Jones is about to get blown away when a bunch of children run in and surround him so he doesn't get shot.  As he leaves Belloq comments "next time, Indiana Jones, it will take more than children to save you."

There's no doubt Rebel Bear won over the children first. You've seen the "house divided" car tags?  Parents loved Colonel Reb, kids love the bear. It's just been this past year that I didn't cringe when I saw the bear. It's just not a good mascot.  They should've gone with a Revolutionary War Rebel type mascot IMHO...but then we would've pissed off a Brit.  
Link Posted: 9/30/2014 8:41:54 AM EDT
As usual, you heard it on ARFCOM first.  

Today's paper at Ole Miss.
Link Posted: 9/30/2014 9:10:25 AM EDT
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Changed mascot from left to right


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From johnny reb to frat bear?

All the bear is missing is a pair of costas with croakies on em
Link Posted: 9/30/2014 10:20:36 AM EDT
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As usual, you heard it on ARFCOM first.  

Today's paper at Ole Miss.
<a href="http://s67.photobucket.com/user/oxfordethan/media/Mobile%20Uploads/FCD6C09B-8E5D-4747-B472-B52EDFE99EFF.jpg.html" target="_blank">http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h309/oxfordethan/Mobile%20Uploads/FCD6C09B-8E5D-4747-B472-B52EDFE99EFF.jpg</a>
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LOL, The Daily Mistake
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