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Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:04:35 AM EDT
The one WWII Kraut veteran I talked to told us about how after the war he joined the FFL and fought in VN and Algeria.

This was in late '85 while we were drivers for the umpires for the upcoming '86 Reforger. I don't remember exactly where
we were but it was in 1AD's AO, somewhere around Regensburg.

We didn't ask him any 'political' questions and he didn't volunteer any. Our new "Fritz" helmets were the ice-breaker; the
Germans got a big kick out of the shape of them. The theatrical double-takes folks did over them in '85 were priceless.

"Wait a minute......What the HELL???"

Those Krauts being interviewed didn't "tell a different side of the story." They were telling folks what they themselves desperately
wanted to believe. The whole nation was/is guilty as hell. To different degrees, sure, but still guilty.

On the other side of maybe the same coin, HOW many babies have been aborted in the US since Roe vs. Wade?? Sure it is the "law" but does that
make it right? I hope I am long gone when the Butcher's Bill for THAT bullshit comes due.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:11:30 AM EDT
War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'm sure that you would not, unless, of course,  you have some knowledge of the labor and extermination camps that the rest of us aren't privy to.

Children subjected to medical experiments by the nazis.


What kind of animal would do that!  Makes my blood boil and my heart ache for those children.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:14:52 AM EDT
Shady old man is shady. O they were partisans so thats why we deported 500 men and killed off 450 thats justifiable. Quite an arrogant attitude for dudes that lost the war.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:16:06 AM EDT




War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yeah because our military assisted in rounding up entire villages so that our state security, police, and sometimes other military units could kill every single one of them. Yup it's completely the same.


That is exactly what leftist academia says about us now. Imagine how in 40 years they will portray us and use photos from Haiditha and Abu Garhib to prove it.

That's a valid point. But since the wars started the media has been foaming at the mouth to portray the military in a negative light, so even a whiff of a civilian massacre (or what happened at Abu Garhib) gets massive coverage whether it's substantiated or not. The fact that the media was embedded with military units, mostly has a left wing belief system, and still wasn't able to come up with a litany of reports on it is established fact. Even 40 years from now they wouldn't find evidence of massive violations of the laws of war and the like, and since the "watchdogs" were on their side they'd have to either concede it didn't happen or the the media was incompetent. It's not a winner for them either way.

But that's assuming there even will be such a thing as a leftist academic 40 years from now, if their multicultural inclusive paradise comes to pass they'll be near the top of the list to go up against a wall when their buddies the Islamists (and/or Socialists) are enabled (by them) to get away with doing it.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:19:20 AM EDT
Like all the rest of them they were forced to join the nazi party against their will and knew nothing about the death camps.

They are old men now; but once, they were monsters.

They are toothless monsters now.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:20:15 AM EDT
Some people need to read up on WWI occupations of Eastern Europe and France. The actions taken against partisan forces in WWII were in keeping with prior standards, and while still completely fucking insane, were more or less similar to the same atrocities that no one batted an eye over in WWI. That's a big reason for stories such as this one. These guys are likely still assholes though, but there was a such thing as good Germans in WWII that still fought against the allies.

Anyone who doesn't appreciate the sacrifices that were made, by all combatants and non-combatants, in that war are using the same broad brush that they accuse their enemies of labeling all of humanity with. Many Germans, Russians, Americans, Japanese, British, etc soldiers fought hard and struggled to maintain their own humanity despite being surrounded by so much inhumanity. The real victory isn't in marching down some other country's streets, but in remaining a decent human being despite the strains placed upon you by a chain of command that just cares about getting what it wants, regardless of right and wrong. And that's the story of every war ever. Good guys versus assholes, regardless of whatever 'side' they're on.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:23:20 AM EDT
War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'm sure that you would not, unless, of course,  you have some knowledge of the labor and extermination camps that the rest of us aren't privy to.

Children subjected to medical experiments by the nazis.


What kind of animal would do that!  Makes my blood boil and my heart ache for those children.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:23:31 AM EDT
Shady old man is shady. O they were partisans so thats why we deported 500 men and killed off 450 thats justifiable. Quite an arrogant attitude for dudes that lost the war.

And the Russians killed just as many German POWs. Not to mention their own people. There's a way to justify anything in a person's mind, they key is to keep enough of your soul to just know when shit is wrong, regardless of what the reasoning behind it is.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:23:49 AM EDT
The US government brought thousands of ex-nazi soldiers and scientists to work for them and as citizens. They smuggled thousands more to South America where many still live. Look up Odessa, you will be quite surprised how OK our govt was with them.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:25:52 AM EDT
Like all the rest of them they were forced to join the nazi party against their will and knew nothing about the death camps.

They are old men now; but once, they were monsters.

I have a hard time believing they knew nothing.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:26:03 AM EDT
You guys are amazing. You question nothing. Your whole lives and world view based on a narrative. A 70 year old narrative, driven by the greatest propaganda machines of all time that have had their hands in shaping your mind since birth.  A narrative which is completely one sided. A narrative which if challenged by Germans would land them behind bars. Half the story erased. A people silenced by those who won the war.  A narrative you must believe to honor your fathers and grandfathers. What a thorough job has been done on your minds.

If you read any memoirs, you find that the young men were in fact in it to fight Bolshevism, the real evil. They were in it to defend their country, people and culture from the destruction it has since witnessed.

We won the war, welcomed the communists into our country and into Europe, and the cultural and moral decay we have today is a direct result of that. This disaster is much of what the Germans struggled to prevent.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:27:32 AM EDT
Like all the rest of them they were forced to join the nazi party against their will and knew nothing about the death camps.

They are old men now; but once, they were monsters.

They are toothless monsters now.

Toothless since my Uncle was wounded pulling the Dragons Teeth on the Siegfried Line
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:28:25 AM EDT


What happened has happened before and will happen again.  The explanations for what happens vary.  Here, there is truth in what those men say about bolshevism.  Look at bolshevism's threat to Europe before WWII.  A whole hell-of-a-lot of people around the world feared bolshevism and with good reason, and they had no problem with Germans willing to 'bleed them a favor.'  The Bolsheviks would certainly have wasted much life in the pursuit of their expansionism--expansionism toward a different purpose than the Germans'--had the Germans not thrown the first 'punches' in v.1941 Total War.  In the wake of industrialization, the 20th Century was to be a Century of Death.  People around the world were anxious to kill to make things right for their own and in their minds and by their new ways and means, for others.  Ironically, technology has allowed at least a temporary pause in industrialized right-making with the wide availability of the "kill-all" button.  

Understanding what happened requires unemotional objective analysis.  Right-vs-wrong, good-and-evil isn't what led to WWII.  These things never are; they're only propaganda tools for the real driving force: National Interests.  Subjective analysis the handy but erroneous shortcut to 'understanding'.  

(Please put whatever "fuck-who-all" one needs to read here that redirects ones NAZI/Communist/etc -sympathizer detector suits.)

The same thing is happening now in this technology/information revolution.

The results may be similar.

We live in a historic time of change.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:28:27 AM EDT
War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'm sure that you would not, unless, of course,  you have some knowledge of the labor and extermination camps that the rest of us aren't privy to.

Children subjected to medical experiments by the nazis.


What about what our government did to the pacific islanders with the nuke tests? Not quite as bad as the holocaust but certainly far from noble.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:29:21 AM EDT
I didn't watch the video, did they claim they were fighting for states rights?

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:29:30 AM EDT
War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'm sure that you would not, unless, of course,  you have some knowledge of the labor and extermination camps that the rest of us aren't privy to.

Children subjected to medical experiments by the nazis.


What kind of animal would do that!  Makes my blood boil and my heart ache for those children.


Want to watch an 88's head explode who says they are a "pure" German?  Remind them that Germany has been invaded by multiple ethnic groups for thousands of years, Slavs, Asians, etc... DNA testing will show most Germanic people are mutts.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:33:11 AM EDT
More "I know nothing! I was only following orders! We suffered too!" crap from ze Germans.

Interesting how this excuse never gets out of fashion, eh?
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:35:23 AM EDT
Whatever story gets them through the day.

My grandfathers machine-gunned many of them.

This, my grandfather was there when they liberated Buchenwald, my dad sat me down when I was about 12, he pulled out a shoe box with my grandfathers pictures from Buchwald and his 1911, he told me what papa told him and let the pictures speak for themselves.

A family friend helped liberate Buchenwald. He told stories about bodies stacked up so high . . .

I don't know how anyone can pin something that grievous on us today. That takes a special kind of evil.

Someone else I knew was a POW guard stateside during the war. He said many of the German prisoners were forced into it, didn't want anything to do with it, and were actually not unhappy to be in POW camps in the USA. Others, he said, were true believers for the Nazi cause . . .
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:38:25 AM EDT
Shady old man is shady. O they were partisans so thats why we deported 500 men and killed off 450 thats justifiable. Quite an arrogant attitude for dudes that lost the war.

And the Russians killed just as many German POWs. Not to mention their own people. There's a way to justify anything in a person's mind, they key is to keep enough of your soul to just know when shit is wrong, regardless of what the reasoning behind it is.

So much butt hurt happened in Europe after Germany surrendered. 100K German troops marched west to surrender to the Americans only to
be turned over to Russian soldiers and marched back east. Less than 3K repartitioned later.

Sudetenland Germans executed in Czechoslovakia. Lists goes on and on.

Not making excuses, just showing the fall of Eastern Europe and how so many people got swallowed up behind the Iron Curtain.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:39:10 AM EDT
Fucking Nazis, yeah not all were party members but nearly all supported the party through action, inaction, monetary support, or silence.

Yeah go ahead and rationalize your inexcusable youthful indiscretions.

What do you think happened with most Obama voters? They sit in denial and rationalize.... and blame Bush.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:42:08 AM EDT
Fucking Nazis, yeah not all were party members but nearly all supported the party through action, inaction, monetary support, or silence.

Yeah go ahead and rationalize your inexcusable youthful indiscretions.

What do you think happened with most Obama voters? They sit in denial and rationalize.... and blame Bush.

Problem is they knew what they had and voted for the fucker a second time. At least the Germans have the excuse that once in Hitler gave them no second chance.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:51:52 AM EDT
You guys are amazing. You question nothing. Your whole lives and world view based on a narrative. A 70 year old narrative, driven by the greatest propaganda machines of all time that have had their hands in shaping your mind since birth.  A narrative which is completely one sided. A narrative which if challenged by Germans would land them behind bars. Half the story erased. A people silenced by those who won the war.  A narrative you must believe to honor your fathers and grandfathers. What a thorough job has been done on your minds.

If you read any memoirs, you find that the young men were in fact in it to fight Bolshevism, the real evil. They were in it to defend their country, people and culture from the destruction it has since witnessed.

We won the war, welcomed the communists into our country and into Europe, and the cultural and moral decay we have today is a direct result of that. This disaster is much of what the Germans struggled to prevent.

  What in the hell?  So how did running death camps help prevent communism?  What did the invasion of France have to do with that?  If I were to think your view had any merit I would be one very confused individual.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:52:19 AM EDT
All I can say is, my uncle Chuck wasted a lot of those fuckers during his time in the ETO.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:54:06 AM EDT

Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.


This is coming from a person of Austrian/German decent.  My ancestors saw the writing on the wall and got the fuck out of dodge.  They wanted no part of national socialism or the anti-Semites.  The German people have a lot to to be ashamed of.  They had the opportunity to leave, not participate, or fight back, most simply turned a blind eye.

Often wondered what if? What if Hitler didn't have a prejudice for the Jews and enlisted them into the war effort? Seems a lot of good talent went to waste.
Also our views of Germany vs Russia may of changed. Just seems such a waste of manpower and intelligence. What if the resources used to eliminate the
Jews went instead to the war effort.

One major reason Hitler lost the war was because so much of his railroad rolling stock was tied up in transporting the Jews (and others) to the camps. Brand-new war materiel lay rusting on the loading docks because of this.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:54:35 AM EDT

War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yeah because our military assisted in rounding up entire villages so that our state security, police, and sometimes other military units could kill every single one of them. Yup it's completely the same.


That is exactly what leftist academia says about us now. Imagine how in 40 years they will portray us and use photos from Haiditha and Abu Garhib to prove it.

Needs more white phosphorus and depleted uranium.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:01:04 AM EDT
You guys are amazing. You question nothing. Your whole lives and world view based on a narrative. A 70 year old narrative, driven by the greatest propaganda machines of all time that have had their hands in shaping your mind since birth.  A narrative which is completely one sided. A narrative which if challenged by Germans would land them behind bars. Half the story erased. A people silenced by those who won the war.  A narrative you must believe to honor your fathers and grandfathers. What a thorough job has been done on your minds.

If you read any memoirs, you find that the young men were in fact in it to fight Bolshevism, the real evil. They were in it to defend their country, people and culture from the destruction it has since witnessed.

We won the war, welcomed the communists into our country and into Europe, and the cultural and moral decay we have today is a direct result of that. This disaster is much of what the Germans struggled to prevent.

That, and killing off the Jews and other undesirables.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:05:36 AM EDT
You guys are amazing. You question nothing. Your whole lives and world view based on a narrative. A 70 year old narrative, driven by the greatest propaganda machines of all time that have had their hands in shaping your mind since birth.  A narrative which is completely one sided. A narrative which if challenged by Germans would land them behind bars. Half the story erased. A people silenced by those who won the war.  A narrative you must believe to honor your fathers and grandfathers. What a thorough job has been done on your minds.


yep everyone else is a dumbass. but you know the truth.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:06:58 AM EDT
They just found a 96 year old man living in Minnesota that was an SS commander during WWII. His unit participated in the round up and massacre of an entire village. He lied on his immigration papers and they've let him live here for almost 70 years. By the time they get around to having him deported he'll be dead.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:11:05 AM EDT
LOL... wow talk about the power of delusion.  The German soldier did not commit war crimes?  
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:11:18 AM EDT
I didn't watch the video, did they claim they were fighting for states rights?

They claimed they were fighting to "free the slaves".

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:17:49 AM EDT
That is one old man I would love to beat to a bloody pulp, and smash his dentures with my boot.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:19:35 AM EDT
I didn't watch the video, did they claim they were fighting for states rights?

They claimed they were "protecting" Europe and Germany from the Russians and Americans.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:19:55 AM EDT


Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.

It's denial man pure and simple. Some of them are probably narcassitic enough to think they were right.  

A lot of them didn't have a clue about the other things that took place. There is no denying those events happened, but don't confuse the actions of a common Werhmacht soldier with those of certain SS elements, etc.

This. The truth is hard for some to accept. I'm no fan of Nazi Germany , but I hate the Communists more.
My family immigrated from Poland, and had close relatives still there during and after the war.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:19:57 AM EDT


War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yeah because our military assisted in rounding up entire villages so that our state security, police, and sometimes other military units could kill every single one of them. Yup it's completely the same.


That is exactly what leftist academia says about us now. Imagine how in 40 years they will portray us and use photos from Haiditha and Abu Garhib to prove it.

That's a valid point. But since the wars started the media has been foaming at the mouth to portray the military in a negative light, so even a whiff of a civilian massacre (or what happened at Abu Garhib) gets massive coverage whether it's substantiated or not. The fact that the media was embedded with military units, mostly has a left wing belief system, and still wasn't able to come up with a litany of reports on it is established fact. Even 40 years from now they wouldn't find evidence of massive violations of the laws of war and the like, and since the "watchdogs" were on their side they'd have to either concede it didn't happen or the the media was incompetent. It's not a winner for them either way.

But that's assuming there even will be such a thing as a leftist academic 40 years from now, if their multicultural inclusive paradise comes to pass they'll be near the top of the list to go up against a wall when their buddies the Islamists (and/or Socialists) are enabled (by them) to get away with doing it.

I guess I should have added, "if the USA ever is defeated and is no longer writing the history books.."    I am not asserting that I or my fellow servicemen are equal to the Nazis.  We follow ROE and LOAC to avoid unnecessary suffering (and bad press).  However, an Iraqi or Afghan could say, "You invaded my country and killed my people, many of them innocent civilians."   I would not have a very good response other than, "We were at war... 9/11... Following lawful orders..."
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:22:36 AM EDT
Whatever story gets them through the day.

My grandfathers machine-gunned many of them.

This, I take pride in the fact that my grandfather pulled the lever to rain down hell on them as a bombardier in a B-17, I've seen the targets listed in his log book.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:28:07 AM EDT
They fought for an expansionist regime that brutalized every nation within its power to do so.

Fuck every single one of them and every single person that supported them. There's a reason we went over there and rocked their world with bombs and bullets...including my German grandfather, who fought the Axis as an American citizen rather than support a country whose direction was clearly and undeniably out for conquest.

We could not have bombed that nation enough, or killed enough of its people, to satisfy the wrong it committed against the human race...dissidents, homosexuals, the disabled, the mentally ill, gypsies, trade-unionists, Jews, and ethnic minorities...not to mention the innocent soldiers who died resisting their advance.

There were no innocent Germans born before 1934, not one.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:29:46 AM EDT


Wehrmacht =/= SS

Of course they're not.

However that did not stop the Wehrmacht from actively assisting and carrying out Hitler's vision, particularly in the East.  

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:31:45 AM EDT
I didn't watch the video, did they claim they were fighting for states rights?

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:34:29 AM EDT
Whatever story gets them through the day.

My grandfathers machine-gunned many of them.
This, my grandfather was there when they liberated Buchenwald, my dad sat me down when I was about 12, he pulled out a shoe box with my grandfathers pictures from Buchwald and his 1911, he told me what papa told him and let the pictures speak for themselves.
A family friend helped liberate Buchenwald. He told stories about bodies stacked up so high . . .

I don't know how anyone can pin something that grievous on us today. That takes a special kind of evil.

Someone else I knew was a POW guard stateside during the war. He said many of the German prisoners were forced into it, didn't want anything to do with it, and were actually not unhappy to be in POW camps in the USA. Others, he said, were true believers for the Nazi cause . . .
From what my uncle told, Dachau was liberated in the morning and his artillery unit got there in the afternoon. He told that there were windrows of bodies 6' high and over a hundred yards long. He said that it was remarkable that they had taken the time to stack the bodies in perfectly vertical and straight rows. He also said that the prisoners were scared of them and were refusing to come out of their barracks. They'd open the door a crack, peek out, and slam it shut. They could not believe that they had been liberated.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:48:51 AM EDT
Amazing thread.

 I wonder if most of you blame every single inhabitant of the US (at the time) for what was done to the Indians?

 Do you know that some Indians were slaughtered during the "civil" war?  Were the soldiers fighting in VA responsible for that?

 Were the German army privates that were in Africa responsible for the massacre of the Jews also?

As I said, I'm no fan of Nazi Germany, but I can be fair. Even to our former enemies.

ETA: Who the hell are YOU to edit MY post?  If I'm not allowed to express my opinions on ARFCOM let me know now!
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:51:16 AM EDT





Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.

It's denial man pure and simple. Some of them are probably narcassitic enough to think they were right.  

Watch the video they do think it was right.  There is another member here who is Dutch.  Who met one of these pricks on a plane once. Said the guy said he had a great time in holland during the war! He was proud of it!


That was me. Sat next to an older gentlemen on the way over to FL one time from Germany.

Older German guy sat next to me. When the time came to do the immigration paperwork on the plane, the guy noticed my passport wasn't German.

He asked me where I was from. Netherlands.

Where? Close to Arnhem.

Aahhh Arnheim! Beautiful countryside. I was there you know. With an anti-aircraft battery.

Nice area.

Fuckstick. My grandfather fed his family flower bulbs in the winter of '44 and spend most nights in the basement while Heinrich ate the people's food so his grubby little hands could carry the shells they were shooting. They took the food, stopped factories, took all firewood, gasoline, horses, bicycles, cars, trucks etc. Whatever they could got commandeered.

Wehrmacht =/= SS? Who gives a fuck? They were all equally in the wrong. Dresden bombing wrong? Those assholes firebombed he city of Rotterdam, including all of it's inhabitants in 1940. Fuck 'em.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 9:59:44 AM EDT
Flame suit is on.

The majority here would have done the same thing those men did, given the same circumstance. Look at how Hitler came to power, all the propaganda surrounding his reign etc. People, particularly youth and desperate are easily swayed and brainwashed.

It's a fact that Hitler just beat Stalin to the punch. Also a fact that the Germans generally treated POWs decently (jews and the like, notwithstanding). Also widely known that the Russians were animals to POWs and civilians.

The Germans running the death camps were absolutely, undeniably animals along with the rest of the SS leadership who knew what the truth was.

The rank and file German soldiers were same as any other soldier, doing what they thought was right after being indoctrinated with patriotism and nationalism. Fighting for country and fellow soldier.


And it's not like the U.S. was willing to take in Jews with open arms.  Uncomfortable facts are uncomfortable.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 10:23:49 AM EDT
Ever read Stuka Pilot?  Rudel said when they crossed the border that first morning (the new border, in Poland, between what the Germans had captured and what the Russians had captured) the Russian tanks and trucks and soldiers were backed up for miles.  He believed the Russians were about to attack Germany and Germany just beat them to the punch.

I do not agree with what was done or condone it.  However, think about these days in the US.  How many of us will sit around some day and say we didn't see which direction things were going.  We were just following the orders of the officers.  We were just trying to get by in a bad situation.  Look at the way the governments (federal, state, local) are pressuring people with conservative and Christian beliefs.  Look at the way some people can get away with committing crimes, even violent crimes and the government, police and courts look the other way.  Where will it end?  What will you say, if you're still here to be asked.

Yes, my folks came over here from a part of Europe that is now in Germany in 1741.  My grandpa fought in WW1 (3rd US Inf. Div.), my dad spent 23 years in the USAF and I volunteered for 4 years in the US Army.  I don't have any hard feelings towards those old men.   I can't say the same thing about the folks today that claim to be Americans and yet work everyday to tear America down.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 10:32:22 AM EDT
The battle of Stalingrad, and the lead up to it was the greatest service to this world. Nazis and Communists were killing each other in great numbers.

It's too bad they couldn't both lose and leave the rest of the world out of it.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 10:34:48 AM EDT
The rank and file German soldiers were not the problem, many of them didn't know about the multiple atrocities committed by the SS buuuuuuut, many rank and file Germans were all to happy to gun down Allied POW's and surrendering soldiers so F 'em.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 10:46:14 AM EDT


Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.


This is coming from a person of Austrian/German decent.  My ancestors saw the writing on the wall and got the fuck out of dodge.  They wanted no part of national socialism or the anti-Semites.  The German people have a lot to to be ashamed of.  They had the opportunity to leave, not participate, or fight back, most simply turned a blind eye.

Often wondered what if? What if Hitler didn't have a prejudice for the Jews and enlisted them into the war effort? Seems a lot of good talent went to waste.
Also our views of Germany vs Russia may of changed. Just seems such a waste of manpower and intelligence. What if the resources used to eliminate the
Jews went instead to the war effort.

So basically if Hitler hadn't been Hitler.

There was a plan for a conservative Generals putsch against Hitler in the late 1930s. If it had worked we probably would have seen something like you're describing. The General Staff wouldn't have been celebrating Hanukkah, but they would have had to put a lot of the top Holocaust architects into detention camps themselves.

Hitler wasn't the only person on Planet Earth who hated Jews.  'The Jews' were part of the whole political plan--the Final Solution.  Another important part of the FS was the coincidental destruction of Bolshevism and acquisition of new land for the expansion of Germany's [State-sponsored] anti-materialistic population.   Acting to get rid of the Jews--to clean their own house first--was part of the politics to get neighbors to stay off Germany's back until the Russian thing was over.  The idea of removal of the Jews--though planned from the get-go--was part of occupational appeasement plan as it turned out.  When Russia was defeated the idea was to take advantage of everyone's sigh of relief and talk about some sort of peace.  No, that's not non-narrative crazy talk.  War between the West and Germany was not nearly as desired as war between Bolshevism and the West.  Many rightfully saw war between Bolshevism and the West as inevitable.  Among nations, friends are the enemy of ones enemies.  Hatred of Germans--the process toward hatred of an enemy--happened like it usually does: when a nation wants to kill a nation back for being killed.  What drove the Germans to kill wantonly wasn't so much a thirst for blood as the necessity when one is so outnumbered but within reach of long-coveted and somewhat globally supported goals.  Killings are forgiven when the dead were universally hated end state is so pleasing to everyone.  Killings on this scale aren't done for bloodlust.  They are killed for a purpose and/or with an end state in mind.  

Were the American Indians going to willfully merge with whitey when we didn't want them to?  No?  Well, would the Indians have been able to stop other nations who coveted their resources, perhaps an enemy, from taking it and growing more powerful because of it, even if we had decided to do the "the right thing" and let them keep it because they had it first?  No?  Could we have ignored them and expected two wildly disparate people to live amongst each other in peace when one of those People didn't even have a notion of government?  Then what do we do?  What can we do?  In what direction does our need for preservation point?  Sadly, but surely and inevitably, we, [u]or any other nation[/u:] run them off or kill them, that's what.  

Sometimes objectivity forces us to look where we don't want to look.  

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 10:48:24 AM EDT
You guys are amazing. You question nothing. Your whole lives and world view based on a narrative. A 70 year old narrative, driven by the greatest propaganda machines of all time that have had their hands in shaping your mind since birth.  A narrative which is completely one sided. A narrative which if challenged by Germans would land them behind bars. Half the story erased. A people silenced by those who won the war.  A narrative you must believe to honor your fathers and grandfathers. What a thorough job has been done on your minds.

If you read any memoirs, you find that the young men were in fact in it to fight Bolshevism, the real evil. They were in it to defend their country, people and culture from the destruction it has since witnessed.

We won the war, welcomed the communists into our country and into Europe, and the cultural and moral decay we have today is a direct result of that. This disaster is much of what the Germans struggled to prevent.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 10:55:43 AM EDT


You guys are amazing. You question nothing. Your whole lives and world view based on a narrative. A 70 year old narrative, driven by the greatest propaganda machines of all time that have had their hands in shaping your mind since birth.  A narrative which is completely one sided. A narrative which if challenged by Germans would land them behind bars. Half the story erased. A people silenced by those who won the war.  A narrative you must believe to honor your fathers and grandfathers. What a thorough job has been done on your minds.
If you read any memoirs, you find that the young men were in fact in it to fight Bolshevism, the real evil. They were in it to defend their country, people and culture from the destruction it has since witnessed.
We won the war, welcomed the communists into our country and into Europe, and the cultural and moral decay we have today is a direct result of that. This disaster is much of what the Germans struggled to prevent.


Fighting Bolsheviks...by invading Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, Belgium, Northern Africa, the Baltic countries, the Balkans, and countless more....bombing the shit out of England, and waging war on the US pre-emptively.
Fightin them Bolsheviks by rounding up Jews, dissidents, gypsies and ethnic monorities to be gassed or shipped off to their deaths.
Keeping the evil communists at bay by crafting (by election then by force) a nation of genocidal war-mongers as bad as any enemy they could ever face.

Guess my "narrative" is just all wrong. What a load of fanciful diahrea, what 88 drivel.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 10:59:50 AM EDT
Like all the rest of them they were forced to join the nazi party against their will and knew nothing about the death camps.

They are old men now; but once, they were monsters.

I have a hard time believing they knew nothing.

From the way they are spinning history to portray themselves as heroic, I am certain they knew everything.

Fuck them, it's too bad they lived to see old age.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 11:03:18 AM EDT

Churchill was a horrible painter!

Hitler could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon!  TWO COATS!
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