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Link Posted: 8/19/2022 8:57:25 AM EDT
Knew a fella who was splitting wood using a splitting maul & sledge hammer.

 He hit the maul and a sliver of steel shot off of it like a small nail and pierced his femoral.

 He didn't even make it to his truck.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 9:16:43 AM EDT
As a young teen we'd play street hockey and the plastic blades would get all chewed up from the street.   My buddy reared back for shot while I was behind him and I caught a stick in the eye.

A plastic shard on his stick caught me just right and cut my eyelid in half.  Eye filled with blood,  thought my eyeball was gone.  Got to hospital and they glued it back together.   Was weird closing my eye and seeing out of a jagged hole.  Very lucky it never even touched my eyeball.

In my 30s playing softball I watched a guy try to slide head first into 2nd.  He hit the ground and didn't slide so good which caused his leg to dislocate at the hip and come on around... the sound of that joint popping still gets to me.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 10:14:26 AM EDT
JestersHK, your post reminded me of a few more.

Buddy's girlfriend, sitting in bed watching movie, dislocates hip. Choice was try to transport to hospital without moving leg, nearly impossible, or I'll put it back in. I was able to put it back in luckily.

Guy I know was walking in the woods doing scouting for deer season. Tree branch whipped back into his eye socket. Got lucky somehow and got to keep his eye.

A lady I know and her husband were clearing brush and logs, they had a large pit fire going. She threw a heavy log into the pit and a protrusion/nub from a branch they had cut off caught the cuff of her wok gloves, pulling her into the pit. 3rd degree burns on legs and arms, lots of skin grafts and a long time in the burn unit. He got to watch her fall into the fire, they both said it was like slow motion

A guy I know from high school woke up with his sack swollen and the size of a grapefruit, testicles had crossed over and knotted up. A lot of people gave him shit and told him to stop beating off so hard

Guy I worked with was across the parking lot from his car, had keyless/wireless start on a manual car and car parked on slight downhill. Car started and ran him over from behind slowly, we had to lift it off of him. Best I can figure he bumped the starter button, had the car parked in a forward gear rather than reverse, and parking brake not engaged. Never did quite make sense, he ended up okay after some time in the hospital I heard but never saw him again.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 10:20:37 AM EDT
I "froze" part of my diaphragm (or partially paralyzed, I guess) while ice climbing.

Foot blew, I caught myself with my arm fully extended above my head, felt a bit of a "tug" in my torso but ignored it and finished out the day. Ended up having some difficulty getting a full breath for a bit. Went to the doc and she ended up shoving what felt like her whole damn hand under my ribcage. That seemed to loosen things up, but it felt weird as hell. Ended up having to do some weird rehab exercises like trying to breathe with heavy books on my chest.

Felt weird. Do not recommend.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 10:36:49 AM EDT
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Guy i worked with in high school got his fingers stuck in pizza dough machine.
Steel rollers that go in opposite direction with pizza crust tolerance.

His fingers looked like soggy french fries that had been run over by a truck when the EMTs got him unstuck
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I was involved with a fatality investigation aboard USS Carl Vinson.

The dough machines aboard ships are big. The dough bowl is about 40 gallons and is set in a cradle to swing down for loading and unloading, and up into the waiting dough hooks. The hooks are a pair of thick aluminum two tined forks about 16" apart. They counter rotate like you said when the operator presses two buttons about 48" apart - one on either side of the machine.

A co-worker had come into to the screaming he heard down the passageway to find one of the cooks being ripped apart by the blades. The guy had taken a broom handle and wedged it against one of the two safety switches so he could use the free hand to fold the dough quicker. The hooks caught the hand and pulled his arm and chest into the machine. In the 2-3 seconds that it took the big machine to spin down it removed most of the guys flesh and muscles in a patch about 16" square on half of his chest exposing bone. He ended up dying from blood loss and shock. It took about ten minutes to get him removed from the machine and into medical.

I was one of the lucky accident investigation officers. The photos were real bad.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 10:42:03 AM EDT
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I slept on my arm wrong, it damaged a nerve in the arm that sends motor signals to the hand, and I lost function of my right hand for a month.

Try shaving or brushing your teeth with your left hand if you're ever bored.
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I’ve had the happen a few times now. I tend to sleep with my arm under my pillow, and I think the weight of my head on my bicep pinches something. Usually happens if I’m not at home and sleeping on a thin pillow.

It’s very odd to start to lift a glass up to your mouth and have your arm just fall. Usually it goes away after a week or so.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 10:46:43 AM EDT
I have two stories of the most terrifying kind.  One is an almost injury and the other is probably the worst thing ever.

First, I was a 16 year paper boy with a BMX bike and I was beginning my route with 2 heavily loaded bags of papers, I went to ride up into the elevated yard of one of my customers and I bounced off the seat and started to pedal up the hill, at this inopportune moment the AL seat post broke just below the seat, fortunately I felt it break and snapped the bike out from under me.  Said seat post had shattered at a 45 degree angle and turned into a perfect hollow spear tip.  If I hadn't noticed it happening and been quick, I would have been impaled Vlad style in my taint and likely bleed to death before I could have gotten help.  Pretty sobering for a 16 year old.

Second one I was young copper and had an encounter with a local asshole who I should have beat the ever loving shit out of, but I digress.   Dickhead had 2 sons and shortly after I left that PD, he bought some property and bush hogging it with his toddlers on each fender of the tractor, he hit a big stump or bad spot in the field and one kid went under and through the bush hog, DRT.   While the guy was a dick, I wouldn't wish that on him or the kid. Did I mention the kids were twins, I don't know how he didn't eat a bullet after that..
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 11:20:54 AM EDT
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Fellow worked as a propane/gas delivery man.  While he was screwing a cap on a gas bottle, a tiny steel splinter became lodged in his finger.  He took a pen knife and tried to work it out.

He developed an infection and toxic shock.  He was dead within 36 hours.

Woman working at Taco Bell got her breast caught in a tomato wedger and severed her nipple.
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Girl at a Mc Donald’s I worked at got her titties stuck in the Big Mac bun toaster.  
It was a two level, heavy steel contraption that you lowered on to the buns.  
She hollered “My titties!” when it happened.
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Link Posted: 8/19/2022 11:23:54 AM EDT
A Vietnamese dude I used to work with had a family member killed by a falling durian fruit.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 11:28:44 AM EDT
My oldest niece was a bond fire with her college aged friend before everyone went back to school. Some ass hat kid threw and bottle of gasoline on the fire and it came out and hit her in the chest. She was lit on fire. 2nd and 3rd degree burns on her hands and face, but her hoodie kept if from being worse. Luckily she had some friend that acted quickly and got her hoodie off and the fire out that was burning her hair. They rushed her to the ER as they were in a rural area in MI.

That was how we started this week. Still considering hunting this kids down and dragging him behind my truck.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 11:32:19 AM EDT
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After my freshman year of college, I went back home for the summer.
After a year of drinking beer, fishing, hiking and doing just about everything but school, I was pretty much broke. Since I wanted to continue drinking beer, fishing, hiking, etc. I figured I needed a job.
One of my buddies was managing a Denny's at night and told me all about the crazy tips the bar crowd would leave.  I thought it sounded like a pretty good idea since I could work at night and have days free to do as I pleased.
It turned out to actually be kind of a fun gig. It was kind of a trashier mishmash of "Waiting," "Clerks," and "The Slamming Salmon."
Late nights were awesome. We got the bar crowd looking to sober up and the late night regulars with all their ridiculous stories.
Every once in a while, people would bring their drama with them from whatever bar or club they were at and brief shouting matches and scuffles were pretty common.
One night, I was dropping off an order to one of our lonely regulars in the corner booth when two "600 Pound Life" candidates started talking shit to each other at the booths on either side of him.
It wasn't all that unusual, so late-night-loner-Larry chuckled and told me it looked like another show was brewing.
About the time I got back to the counter, I heard Titans colliding behind me and the sound of two brutes fencing with cured hams.
I turned and saw two of the biggest women I'd ever laid eyes on going at it. The corpulent monstrosity of a Staypuft walrus was pulling gobs of weave out of the mastodon's hair and the wooly mammoth was using her talons to scoop the fromunda from the aquatic mammal's facial folds. Meanwhile, the surrounding tables were being thrown asunder, sending sticky spatterings of syrup and jelly on and around all the nearby patrons.
Now, I don't mean to brag or nothing, but I'm pretty goddamn big and strong; I knew that I was going to be the only one capable of separating the gargantuan women and breaking up the maelstrom. I propelled all 5'7", 175lbs of well-caffeinated college kid into the midst of the adipose-altercation. I had my size, strength, and confidence going for me, I knew I'd have it sorted with a quickness: I was wrong.
I was consumed into the fracas and learned what it felt like to become part of an unholy Cronenberg-esque abomination. I could not disengage, the roiling mass of humanity would not let me go. I was getting punched, scratched, pounded, sandwiched; I bought the ticket now I had to take the ride. Some eternity later, the gladiatrices ended their rampage and left in their wake a scene of utter bedlam with a thoroughly defeated Dylan at the nucleus of their wanton destruction.
When the dust had settled, it fell on us lowly employees to pick up the remnants of our once proud dining establishment. Somewhere between dislodging part of a weave from a ceiling fan and replacing loner-Larry's Moons Over My Hammy due to a fake fingernail finding its way onto his dinner, I realized that I had some red liquid all down the front of me. At first I hoped it was jelly or some kind of syrup, but the consistency was wrong. I was then horrified at the prospect that one of the beasts and spilled its gore on me. After removing my uniform shirt, what had happened became all too clear. I had claw marks from under my left armpit, up to my right shoulder and, in the middle of the marks where a fleshy nub had once resided, was a bloody nipple root, only hinting at my left pec's former glory.

Copied from my post in the last thread we did like this
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You use words like an sculptor uses clay.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 11:44:17 AM EDT
I tore my bicep lifting a full keg out of my truck.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 11:45:08 AM EDT
I fell out of a tree once while trying to retrieve a frisbee. My dad had just done some trimming and had cut the top out of a small locust about 6-7 feet above the ground, it was about an inch in diameter and lopped off on a diagonal since he was reaching up. When I fell the semi sharp end stuck in my leg just above the ankle, my head hit the ground then the locust straightened back up with me hanging from it barely able to touch the ground. I finally pulled myself up enough to get the tree out of my leg and fell to the ground, my mother nearly passed out when she saw me because I was literally covered in blood from head to toe.

ETA: That locust probably saved me from breaking my neck so I'm lucky it happened the way it did. Plus, chicks dig scars
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 11:48:19 AM EDT
Had a buddy rupture his testical sliding into a door.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 11:48:43 AM EDT
Friend of mine from high school sprained her ankle just walking. Didnt think anything of it. Started not feeling well and went to the Dr the next day.  Dead within a week. Apparently had internal bleeding in her ankle and got infected. 34 years old and you die from a sprained ankle.

Another friend from high school working in the cane fields and had a rail car side gate fall on him. DRT.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 11:50:52 AM EDT
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Friend shot half his left index finger off with a SBR.    Surprisingly little blood or pain.  Other than a very short left index finger, few repercussions.
Another friend was running his planer, a large one with spiral carbide inserts.   Shut it off, waited awhile, stuck his left hand in to pull out some chips or sawdust.  High mass drum was still spinning at a good clip.  Lost the tips of several fingers.  Lots of issues with the hand still years later.   It probably would have been a cleaner cut if it had been under power and possibly cleaner if it had been knives instead of inserts.
When my brother was a teenager, a pony bit his dick severely (through his pants).
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Link Posted: 8/19/2022 11:50:58 AM EDT
This guy lost his trigger finger to a TOW simulator munition.   It literally blew up in his hand on the range.  He still shoots well using the social finger on the trigger.

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Link Posted: 8/19/2022 11:53:44 AM EDT
in HS, friend of mine fell off a 14' porch onto concrete because a railing that was known to be broken, was not marked as such, but instead put back to look like nothing was wrong with it,

He ended up breaking quite a few bones and needed stitches on his head. He made it out just fine, but kinda was a little off after mentally
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 11:55:24 AM EDT
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A Vietnamese dude I used to work with had a family member killed by a falling durian fruit.
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Wow, That stinks.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:03:02 PM EDT
A elementary school aged kid was riding his bike through his neighborhood that was on a golf course. A stray golf ball nailed his head, and he had a really bad crash. He spent a few months in the ICU. I think the golf ball caused the worst injury, but the crash added some broken bones to the list.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:05:14 PM EDT
Back in high-school had a good buddy get his sack ripped open by hopping over a chain linked fence. He literally had to hold his balls in. One of the fire guys on scene got a bit dizzy when he saw that we weren't lying about him having to hold his balls in lol.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:06:24 PM EDT
Not an accident in of itself, but I knew a guy that was killed by eating raw oysters.  Flesh eating bacteria pretty much rotted his insides, he was on life support hours after eating and they unplugged him  two days later.

Haven't touched an oyster or sushi since.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:09:04 PM EDT
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My aunt, literally stopped to smell the roses, tripped and broke her neck.
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A hippie was taking pictures of flowers last deer season and didn't realize she was on private property. The owner thought she was a deer and shot her.

The owner shot way too fast, but the lady had on a leather jacket the color of a deer  and had fur around her neck and sleeves. Not to mention no orange.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:21:42 PM EDT
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Did something similar when I was much younger, like 6-7 -- exited a tree fort by sliding down a rope.
The rope was a tow rope with a hook on the end that went straight across the sack. Bad owie.

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My brother, age 13, was goofing with his friends and did something involving a 1970’s backyard play scape.

Long screw sticking out tore his scrotum open.

Yes. I feel your cringe.

I was 17, he walked in the door bleeding. I did what I could not to freak out and stop bleeding.

Did something similar when I was much younger, like 6-7 -- exited a tree fort by sliding down a rope.
The rope was a tow rope with a hook on the end that went straight across the sack. Bad owie.

Oh, that reminds me of one from HS.

The flagpole was close enough (about 8'?), that we always wondered if you could jump from the 2nd floor, grab the pole and slide down in an emergency.

One day, a kid decided to try just that. He apparently didn't know/remember that flagpoles have a cleat, usually about 5' from the ground. This one was an old school, welded on cleat that didn't have round/ball ends.

Yep. Tore his scrotum wide open.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:31:03 PM EDT
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My old neighbor had a worn out tire mounting machine that someone else had thrown away. I brought him a tire to change and saw that it looked very unsafe. There was a worn out lever rod that he had to hold down on as the tire and wheel rotated. He laughed because I started walking backwards due to how wobbly the lever bar was that he was holding onto.
The lever bar had a j-hook welded onto it that worked well to hang it on the wall when not in use. A few days later he was dismounting a tire in order to collect aluminum wheels for scrap weight. Think he was getting 25cents a pound. The lever bar ejected from its ratio point, popped up and the j-hook made a ~.32 caliber perfectly round hole in his forehead that was deep and black inside.

Then 2 weeks later he was in the hospital, nearly died of blood poisoning. Evidently he was up on an 8’ ladder trimming tree branches after a storm. He cut a branch under tension which allowed the other branch to smash him in his recent forehead wound. Knocked him off the ladder and his forehead hemorrhaged.

More recently he was snagging cut-up logs from the side of the road. A passer by found him cold and dead as a doornail. The chainsaw was still a bit warm though. He had a major heart attack and died on the side of the road. The saw ran until the fuel tank was empty.

He had a way of working harder, not smarter.
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I was going to say stay away from that man but.........solved itself.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:31:57 PM EDT
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I worked with a guy that broke his ankle just walking down the hallway at work, didn't slip and fall or anything.
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When I was in junior high one day I was standing in the lunch line and all of a sudden one of the guys in line just collapses to the ground screaming. He can't get up, ambulance ends up coming. His leg broke while he was just standing in line. He was one of the tallest, skinniest guys in school. I always wondered if he had pre existing injury or he had literally grown too fast.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:32:22 PM EDT
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Um, I cut the same part of thumb off, twice. The exact same spot. Smooth there now and you can tell a chunk is missing.

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This reminds me of another one.

Grandmother accidentally chopped off part of her thumb with a bigass cleaver when she was young.

They lived rural, and were poor. Grandma's sister dug through what she was chopping, and found the severed thumb (severed right behind the base of the fingernail). They couldn't afford to take her to the hospital, so they just bandaged the severed thumb back on). I can't believe the darned thing reattached somehow, but that scar all the way around the thumb was there the rest of her life.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:32:39 PM EDT
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After my freshman year of college, I went back home for the summer.
After a year of drinking beer, fishing, hiking and doing just about everything but school, I was pretty much broke. Since I wanted to continue drinking beer, fishing, hiking, etc. I figured I needed a job.
One of my buddies was managing a Denny's at night and told me all about the crazy tips the bar crowd would leave.  I thought it sounded like a pretty good idea since I could work at night and have days free to do as I pleased.
It turned out to actually be kind of a fun gig. It was kind of a trashier mishmash of "Waiting," "Clerks," and "The Slamming Salmon."
Late nights were awesome. We got the bar crowd looking to sober up and the late night regulars with all their ridiculous stories.
Every once in a while, people would bring their drama with them from whatever bar or club they were at and brief shouting matches and scuffles were pretty common.
One night, I was dropping off an order to one of our lonely regulars in the corner booth when two "600 Pound Life" candidates started talking shit to each other at the booths on either side of him.
It wasn't all that unusual, so late-night-loner-Larry chuckled and told me it looked like another show was brewing.
About the time I got back to the counter, I heard Titans colliding behind me and the sound of two brutes fencing with cured hams.
I turned and saw two of the biggest women I'd ever laid eyes on going at it. The corpulent monstrosity of a Staypuft walrus was pulling gobs of weave out of the mastodon's hair and the wooly mammoth was using her talons to scoop the fromunda from the aquatic mammal's facial folds. Meanwhile, the surrounding tables were being thrown asunder, sending sticky spatterings of syrup and jelly on and around all the nearby patrons.
Now, I don't mean to brag or nothing, but I'm pretty goddamn big and strong; I knew that I was going to be the only one capable of separating the gargantuan women and breaking up the maelstrom. I propelled all 5'7", 175lbs of well-caffeinated college kid into the midst of the adipose-altercation. I had my size, strength, and confidence going for me, I knew I'd have it sorted with a quickness: I was wrong.
I was consumed into the fracas and learned what it felt like to become part of an unholy Cronenberg-esque abomination. I could not disengage, the roiling mass of humanity would not let me go. I was getting punched, scratched, pounded, sandwiched; I bought the ticket now I had to take the ride. Some eternity later, the gladiatrices ended their rampage and left in their wake a scene of utter bedlam with a thoroughly defeated Dylan at the nucleus of their wanton destruction.
When the dust had settled, it fell on us lowly employees to pick up the remnants of our once proud dining establishment. Somewhere between dislodging part of a weave from a ceiling fan and replacing loner-Larry's Moons Over My Hammy due to a fake fingernail finding its way onto his dinner, I realized that I had some red liquid all down the front of me. At first I hoped it was jelly or some kind of syrup, but the consistency was wrong. I was then horrified at the prospect that one of the beasts and spilled its gore on me. After removing my uniform shirt, what had happened became all too clear. I had claw marks from under my left armpit, up to my right shoulder and, in the middle of the marks where a fleshy nub had once resided, was a bloody nipple root, only hinting at my left pec's former glory.

Copied from my post in the last thread we did like this
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Lorne Green lost a nipple to an alligator.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:42:12 PM EDT
I was working as a hoist and crane mechanic and was holding the end of a metal 100' tape-measure while aligning the rails of an giant overhead rail-crane when I felt a strong tingling in my hand.

I dropped the tape in surprise and looked across at my co-worker who had the other end of the tape and the heavy-duty drill we used to move/align the rail. He was flopping around on the rail like a fish and fell ten feet onto a huge air-duct, before dropping the remaining ten or twelve feet to the factory floor - face first, just like a belly flop.

I don't think I can remember all his injuries, but I do know he was damn lucky he hit the air-duct on the way down or he'd have been DRT. Good thing the business-owner's sons were both certified EMTs and on-site, that's for sure. His face was mashed with blood gushing from a broken nose, lacerated eyebrow and the compound fracture of his right wrist/forearm. As I recall, he had several broken ribs, collar bone and a fractured leg, too. He was definitely messed up, but it could've been far, far worse.

Turned out the drill had a short and was an old metal body type. Zapped him pretty good, although, it was only 130v.

Yeah. We were all wearing safety vests/belts after that - which sucked to high heaven and made it even more unsafe, having to hook/unhook all the time. Hell, they even made the guys with long hair wear fucking hair nets too!

That was a dirty, nasty, dangerous job. I don't miss it one bit.

Another guy I know (a client) thought it'd be a good idea to use his front-end-loader to push over a dead tree in his yard. When the tires just dug into the ground from pushing, he decided to back up 20-30 feet and ram the tree - with predictable results.

The tree remained standing, of course, but the top broke off and smashed him into the steering wheel and dash. As unlucky as he was, he was damn lucky to survive and be back at work in 3 months (genius car salesman).

Those are two of the crazier ones I can think of, but I'm sure I have more.

Oh! Another time, a client of mine got done taking a crap wt work. When he stood up to buckle his pants, he turned to use the sink. When he did, the brand new Sketchers he was wearing (the one on his right foot anyway), kinda stuck to the tile floor, putting all his weight onto his right leg in a weird position.

Both bones in his lower leg snapped and, as he went down, "accordioned" - tearing the shit out of his muscles/tendons.

It was really a freak happening since he wasn't grossly overweight and his bone desity test came back normal.

Oh! Adding insult to injury, the bathroom was tiny with a door that opened in - so he was pinned between the door and the sink! They had to pry off the whole door-frame to get him out - all while he was screaming in agony!
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:51:41 PM EDT
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Wow, That stinks.
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A Vietnamese dude I used to work with had a family member killed by a falling durian fruit.

Wow, That stinks.

Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:53:32 PM EDT
This thread is reminding me of all sorts of shit now.

My wife's best friend's sister worked in the local Navy shipyard. Her husband was a crane operator there as well.

One day he is working the crane and the load slipped and dropped, landing on another worker that wasn't paying attention and walked underneath the crane. That worker turned out to be his wife. She survived but lost her leg.

She had a history of mental issues as well. A couple years after this happened she disappeared for days, which was apparently something she occasionally did. She was eventually found dead in her car in a secluded back corner of a Home Depot parking lot, her body partially decomposed from being inside the car for days in the summer heat. Inside the car they found piles of liquor bottles and prescription pills.

Sad thing about all that is my wife's friend said she knew something like that would happen to her sister one day. She would go into manic episodes and have benders for days, sex with random men, etc. For a while she had channeled that energy into running and had done marathons but after she lost her leg wasn't able to do it any longer.

After EMS recovered her body her sisters husband came and got the car himself, cleaned it up and sold it. Ech
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:54:21 PM EDT
Damn! How could I forget my brother?!?

He was driving home from a bar in Maryland, drunk, and ran off the road straight into a whole line of battlefield fencing; the kind in Gettysburg with long, pointed rails laying on top of one another.

One came through the windshield, through the upper RHS of his chest/seat and into the rear passenger compartment while still sticking out the front. It was 10' long and 5 1/2" in diameter.

He was driven by ambulance all the way to York (the team at Gettysburg hospital all just shook their heads like, "Well, what do expect us to do?") and a Hindu surgeon saved his life.

It was the first time the rescue team in Gettysburg used their new "jaws of life" to enter a vehicle. They used a chainsaw to cut the rail on each end and loaded my still conscious brother into the ambulance still in the driver's seat. He had been pulling out chunks of lung when they arrived on-scene, not realizing the rail went the whole way through!

Thankfully, the rail acted like a giant cork and he really didn't start bleeding horribly until they pulled it out (the way it had gone in). A few years later, he submitted the story (and a pic of him on the operating table with the rail through him) to Guiness Book, but they rejected it as too gory.

He wanted to be listed as having had "The World's Largest Splinter"! LOL

Sorry. I thought I had the pic on my computer, but I can't find it. If I come across it, I'll post it up. (Lost him to pancreatic cancer a few years ago, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind.)

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Link Posted: 8/19/2022 12:57:19 PM EDT
Some friends of ours 15 year old son was flying down their dirt road on his four wheeler.  His grandpa didn’t see him when he pulled out onto the road with his tractor.  The grandson hit the loader blade, which snapped the kids right femur in half.  After he cartwheeled a few times, the 6” upper section of his femur sticking out of the gaping hole in his leg, jammed into the dirt road and held him there until the EMTs got there to dig it out.

He was able to keep the leg, barely a limp, and can tell when a cold front is coming.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 1:03:44 PM EDT
This wasn't an injury, but it was very nearly a serious and perhaps deadly mistake.

When my father was a kid he found what he thought was a smoke bomb on the ground after Independence Day.  The fuse was gone, so someone had lit it and the fuse had not burned all the way.  So my dad held a lighter to the fuse hole trying to light what was left, and even tried blowing the flame into the hole, but couldn't get it to light.  Finally he gave up and decided to just break it open and burn the powder.  He cut it open, and inside was silver powder.  It was a freakin' cherry bomb, that he almost blew up his hand and face with.  He said that when he saw that silver powder his whole life flashed before his eyes.

Then, a little later, his cousin found what he thought was a smoke bomb lying around in the same condition, no fuse.  He asked my dad to help him light it, and he wanted to hold it as it burned so that he could make smoke trails.  My dad, having learned a lesson from his near-death experience, said, "OK, slow down, let's not get all excited here."  So he took the "smoke bomb," drilled out the fuse hole a little, and stuck a cannon fuse into it.  His cousin was all excited, wanting to light it right away and hold it, but my dad said, "No, you can't hold it."  So he took it to a field and placed it on a fence post and lit it and ran away, and then thing blew the top of the post off.

So my dad almost killed himself with a cherry bomb, and then with that experience saved his cousin from killing himself.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 1:07:47 PM EDT
A friend a long time ago was water skiing and decided to get close to a dog that was in the water next to the shore.
He was going to make a cut and splash the dog and it's owner, he knew the owner.
As he leaned over making his cut it startled the dog and he clamped down on the friends shoulder, right between your nipple and shoulder.
Well since he was moving it just ripped the skin, a ugly tear, he ended up with 18 stitches.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 1:13:27 PM EDT
I tripped of my dog broke my shoulder and got knocked out but didnt spill my beer.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 1:16:27 PM EDT
My grandpa tried to clear some stuff out of a chain driven cog wheel on an old combine, it snagged his hand and ran his wrist through the drive and he pulled a stub out.

Another time a piece of farm equipment through a piece of wire in his eye and he lost one eye.

A farmer down the road was separating cattle in the corral and his bull just decided to try and ram him through the steel corral posts Dead.

A friend of my dad's was working on his bat wing plow, had one side raised up while standing there working on the underside and the hydraulics failed and crushed him.

Two oy my high school friends lost their dads in weird farm accidents.  One was plowing the field and no one knows exactly what happened but he somehow fell off or was trying to fix something while the tractor was still moving but they found his body in the field, he had been plowed under.  

My other friend's dad was hauling a load of wheat and was in an accident and a big portion of the wheat crashed into the back cab, broke the window and filled the cab full of wheat suffocating the driver.

Ranching and farming can be tough.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 1:22:41 PM EDT
A few posts have reminded me of a few more.

Uncle was an avid squash player (like racquetball, but with a longer racquet with a smaller head, and a smaller ball). Apparently, experienced squash players learn to control and limit their swings (and overall movements), to mitigate the risk to the other player (who's in close proximity).

If you've ever seen videos of experienced/high level competitive squash players, they're constantly weaving around each other, sometimes just inches away. Tried playing with my uncle before, and aside from being soundly beaten, I was always stepping the wrong way and colliding with him .

I guess my uncle was playing with another newbie player, and was coming around behind him, when an uncontrolled racquet swing caught him in the eye and gave him a detached retina (he wasn't wearing the protective goggles most players use nowadays). Luckily, they were able to fix it.

Speaking of squash, my uncle had been teaching me how to play and one of the things he tried to reinforce, was the same thing in golf; "keep your head down and focused on the swing. You know where you're aiming/trying to send the ball. No need to raise your head. It'll throw off your swing".

I was playing with a cute gal my own age, trying to remember everything my uncle had taught me. One of the things he'd do, was make me run ragged, by dropping the ball near the front, then sending the ball to the back, over and over making me run nonstop around the court, front to back, side to side.

The gal was pretty good, so I decided I needed to tire her a bit, so I tried the same thing; tapped the ball so it landed near the front of the court, and when she returned it, I swung as hard as I could to send the ball to the back of the court. Kept my head down, as my uncle had instructed, and heard a loud THWAPPP!!! followed by a scream.

Maybe I should've looked up. Caught the cute gal square on the ass with the ball, with about as hard of a swing as I could manage. She lifted her skirt, and when she pulled her panties/bottoms aside a little to expose her right cheek, within just seconds, there was already a perfectly round big 'ol ~4-5" bruise on that perfect ass cheek. Yeah, I did a lot of profuse apologizing. She did forgive me for the accident, and we hooked up a bit (after her ass cheek healed. She had a little difficulty sitting for a while ).
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 1:26:30 PM EDT
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I’ve had the happen a few times now. I tend to sleep with my arm under my pillow, and I think the weight of my head on my bicep pinches something. Usually happens if I’m not at home and sleeping on a thin pillow.

It’s very odd to start to lift a glass up to your mouth and have your arm just fall. Usually it goes away after a week or so.
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I slept on my arm wrong, it damaged a nerve in the arm that sends motor signals to the hand, and I lost function of my right hand for a month.

Try shaving or brushing your teeth with your left hand if you're ever bored.

I’ve had the happen a few times now. I tend to sleep with my arm under my pillow, and I think the weight of my head on my bicep pinches something. Usually happens if I’m not at home and sleeping on a thin pillow.

It’s very odd to start to lift a glass up to your mouth and have your arm just fall. Usually it goes away after a week or so.

Nicknamed honeymoon paralysis, because it happens somewhat often on honeymoons. Newlyweds go to sleep with the wife laying on husband's arm. Hubby wakes up with a numb arm. Good thing you have a wife, now.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 1:34:17 PM EDT
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In my 30s playing softball I watched a guy try to slide head first into 2nd.  He hit the ground and didn't slide so good which caused his leg to dislocate at the hip and come on around... the sound of that joint popping still gets to me.
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When I was in Okinawa, I saw a guy slide into home.  Unfortunately for him, the third base side of the plate was sticking up a little.  His left foot went under, while the rest of him continued up and over with his foot still stuck underneath.  His tib/fib an inch or so above the ankle made a nice hole as they came out.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 1:36:50 PM EDT
I was pulling a sled up a hill and a branch, the skinniest of branches, snagged on the frame of my glasses. When it slid loose it wasn't enough to pull my glasses off, but it was enough to almost sever my earlobe when it whipped by. I have a scar from where they stitched it back on.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 2:09:57 PM EDT
Back in the day I had a buddy that worked at the local burger joint. He was drinking on the job while working the fry vats.  Wrapped his left hand in burger wrappers followed by basically a whole roll of plastic wrap and bet his coworker $100 that he could stick his hand into the hot oil and keep it there for five whole seconds without getting burned.  Coworker didn't take that bet but my buddy did it anyway. About two seconds in he slips on some grease and tears his nutsack wide open.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 2:19:37 PM EDT
Sprained my ankle

Link Posted: 8/19/2022 2:23:09 PM EDT
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This wasn't an injury, but it was very nearly a serious and perhaps deadly mistake.

When my father was a kid he found what he thought was a smoke bomb on the ground after Independence Day.  The fuse was gone, so someone had lit it and the fuse had not burned all the way.  So my dad held a lighter to the fuse hole trying to light what was left, and even tried blowing the flame into the hole, but couldn't get it to light.  Finally he gave up and decided to just break it open and burn the powder.  He cut it open, and inside was silver powder.  It was a freakin' cherry bomb, that he almost blew up his hand and face with.  He said that when he saw that silver powder his whole life flashed before his eyes.

Then, a little later, his cousin found what he thought was a smoke bomb lying around in the same condition, no fuse.  He asked my dad to help him light it, and he wanted to hold it as it burned so that he could make smoke trails.  My dad, having learned a lesson from his near-death experience, said, "OK, slow down, let's not get all excited here."  So he took the "smoke bomb," drilled out the fuse hole a little, and stuck a cannon fuse into it.  His cousin was all excited, wanting to light it right away and hold it, but my dad said, "No, you can't hold it."  So he took it to a field and placed it on a fence post and lit it and ran away, and then thing blew the top of the post off.

So my dad almost killed himself with a cherry bomb, and then with that experience saved his cousin from killing himself.
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Wow! That reminds me of a very dumb thing I did when I was 12 or 13.

My (above mentioned) brother thought we'd have some fun after I got home from school one day by blowing up gypsy moth nests, which were in trees all over our property. He had a shit ton of lady fingers and several "block busters" (1/4 sticks of dynamite).

It was kind of windy so we stole a pack of our parents' cigarettes to light them and headed into the woods with our pockets stuffed full.

We had used several packs of lady fingers and when we came upon a particularly large nest, we'd use the 1/4 sticks. We'd been out for half hour or so when I felt something burn across my thumb which was hooked into my left-front pocket. I looked down and, in horror, realized the fuse of one of the 1/4 sticks had gotten lit somehow (still don't know how since the burning cig was in my right hand) and I watched it enter my pocket!

I knew I'd never have time to get it out, so I did my best to push the pocket-section of my jeans away from my crotch and...BLAM!!! It was as though someone hit my front-left hip with a sledge-hammer, which knocked me on my ass, ears ringing. The first thing we did was check my cock and balls which, thankfully, suffered no damage. I did, however, have a nasty burn about the size of a quarter - which would become a bruise bigger than a softball.

My brother (9 years older) scooped me up and ran me back to the house and took me to the ER. Damn. On the way in, my right hand really started to hurt, but it was just from the blast. It felt like someone had taken a two inch branch (or something like that) and smacked my fingers really hard.

Aside from destroyed jeans, the minor burn/bruising, I was okay - aside from my shattered ego. It sure taught me a valuable lesson, though. Funny thing: my 11th grade science project had to do with black powder "explosives", just a few years later!

I got an "A" too! LOL

Crazier still: many years later while home on leave, I was walking through that area of the woods when something shiny caught my eye. I bent over to investigate and there was the degraded baggie and cheap wooden bowl (half rotted) I'd also had in my pocket that day!

I kept the bowl, but couldn't tell you what happened to it - nor, the jeans, which I'd show people to back up my story! The blast disintegrated the pocket area entirely and ripped about a 4" wide strip nearly to my knee with smaller, tattered bits hanging all around.

It was a good FAAFO reminder, to say the least!
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 2:27:04 PM EDT
I don’t know him personally, but one of our aircraft mechanics in a particular windy city got a leg caught under one of the main landing gear tires while pushing back.  

You know when you roll and push toothpaste to the end of the tube?  It was like that.  
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 2:33:14 PM EDT
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Did something similar when I was much younger, like 6-7 -- exited a tree fort by sliding down a rope.
The rope was a tow rope with a hook on the end that went straight across the sack. Bad owie.

Fortunately no stitches or complications, just a really bad laceration, not deep enough to break through
the scrotum but damn close. Freaking blood everywhere.

Another weird injury was that I broke my big toe, one of our cats tried to trip me at 2AM when I got up to
get a drink of water and I collapsed in a contorted way as I tried to avoid crushing the cat in my fall.
Just before I hit the ground I heard the toe make a loud popping sound, apparently as the tendon ripped
from the bone.

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My brother, age 13, was goofing with his friends and did something involving a 1970’s backyard play scape.

Long screw sticking out tore his scrotum open.

Yes. I feel your cringe.

I was 17, he walked in the door bleeding. I did what I could not to freak out and stop bleeding.

Did something similar when I was much younger, like 6-7 -- exited a tree fort by sliding down a rope.
The rope was a tow rope with a hook on the end that went straight across the sack. Bad owie.

Fortunately no stitches or complications, just a really bad laceration, not deep enough to break through
the scrotum but damn close. Freaking blood everywhere.

Another weird injury was that I broke my big toe, one of our cats tried to trip me at 2AM when I got up to
get a drink of water and I collapsed in a contorted way as I tried to avoid crushing the cat in my fall.
Just before I hit the ground I heard the toe make a loud popping sound, apparently as the tendon ripped
from the bone.

Lookie lookie ball on hooky.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 2:40:10 PM EDT
My son's friends dad took the boys to glamis to do some riding in the dunes earlier this year. Last morning they are there he accidentally launches his RZR off a drop off. He flew about 30-40ft before landing completely flat. Turns out he fractured a couple of vertebrae's. I think his son posted the video on youtube.

When I was in my twenties I played on the company softball team/league. During one of the games a batter fires a line drive right at the pitcher. The ball shattered the pitchers tib/fib.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 2:43:02 PM EDT
I was checking the turboshaft level on the tank.

When I climbed up onto the turret to grab a quart, the TC thought I was finished and put the gun back over the bow.

I jumped off the side of the turret, thinking there was still a back deck there because I was so loopy from the 72 hour alert.

With the back deck missing, a 6 foot deep ditch caught me.

Broke both tibia and both fibula and rearranged my right foot and ankle pretty good.

That led to my medical discharge and a lifetime of orthopedic problems.  Yay!
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 2:45:00 PM EDT
During an NTC rotation a Lt's tank was involved in an accident.

The tank was moving down a tank trail and there were only three men in the tank.  Driver, CDR and loader.  No gunner in the seat.

As they were moving, the commander noticed that terrain was coming up and the gun tube was too low and might impact the ground ahead if the tank hit a dip.

He told the loader to move into the gunner position.

The loader started moving, and the commander saw they were going to go into a dip and probably hit the other side with the gun tube.  The commander grabed his override and slammed the gun tube into the up position.

The loader hadn't completed his move to the gunner's station.

There is a big chunk of steel on the back right corner of the breach block we called the claw, cause it was kinda shaped like one.
Attachment Attached File

The claw came down on the loader's leg, slicing it to the bone high up on the inside of his thigh.

We all know what lives on the inside of the thigh...

He almost bled out before the chopper got there, but he lived.

The driver saved his life.

To compensate the driver, they let him clean the blood out of the turret.

He said it looked like someone had taken a bucket of red paint and thrown it around the inside of the turret.
Link Posted: 8/19/2022 2:46:13 PM EDT
Worked construction part time while in college. Was doing demo on an old elementary school one day. There was a 2x4 hanging from the ceiling and I grabbed it to pull it down. It came loose and a nail sliced through my shirt and sliced my right nipple in half. The nurse at the health center laughed at my story as the doc stitched me up
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