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Link Posted: 7/8/2020 2:31:59 PM EDT
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Compared to the 60’s these “riots” are weak sauce.

There were over 3400 arrests in the Watts riots. 34 deaths...1,200 injured.

CA National guard was responsible for 7 deaths.  LACS and LAPD 24.

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Seriously, our riots are being waged on social media. Our civil war is on media, social media, and the internet. If you say the wrong thing, they will drag you out in the town square and beat you. Sometimes in real life.  But you definitely will be punished for saying the wrong thing.
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 2:35:45 PM EDT
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Polls show Biden winning we are fucked.
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They showed hillary winning in a landslide. If you support trump, drop him an email and let him know his base has not abandoned him.
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 3:25:00 PM EDT
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If you study American history and politics from the 1840s and 1850s, you'll see exactly where we're going.

The only difference is that few people these days will strap on a cavalry sword or grab a musket to defend their home state for The Glorious Cause.

Most people will quietly submit to a Communist takeover. Those who don't will forfeit their fortunes and be imprisoned. Or simply be killed.
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If only it was as simple as arming up and defending your state. There is no north and south this time, it's this house vs. the next house, rural vs. urban, town vs. county, east vs. west, coast vs. inland, etc. I guess that makes it easier since you wouldn't even need to pack before you went to war.

Link Posted: 7/8/2020 4:38:47 PM EDT
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Compared to the 60’s these “riots” are weak sauce.

There were over 3400 arrests in the Watts riots. 34 deaths...1,200 injured.

CA National guard was responsible for 7 deaths.  LACS and LAPD 24.

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That is why it’s worse. In the 1960s, the average American was anti communist, pro law and order, and had backbone to crack skulls to keep the ilk of society contained when it flared up.

That’s no longer the case.  

They let it go unchecked, even to the point of a chunk of a major city declaring itself a new nation. They only clean up after everyone gets bored and abandons the area.  So protests and riots go unchallenged. That is worse.

Once the dregs get emboldened enough, you are going to see some heavy shit go down.  And don’t count on backup being on your side if you like near a major city.
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 4:45:43 PM EDT
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I don't know what's likely to happen, there are too many ways this situation could go. For those who wonder if this is worse than the 60's the answer is yes. The hatred for our fellow man between races and the pent up anger of minorities for their perceived mistreatment and lack of opportunities are a different situation. White folks are the enemy to many, and when that happens white people are more likely to see non-whites the same way. That dynamic wasn't as widespread or intense in the 60's.
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16 states didn’t exist when the civil war started. 19 states had no slavery since the Declaration of Independence. People born in those states have no claim to even historical slavery.  Yet, they are still aggrieved over something that happened in 15 states, 157 years ago.
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 4:51:49 PM EDT
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This seems fairly similar to some of the stuff happening in the late 60s, doesn't it? I wasn't alive at the time but I see a lot of parallels.
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i was. in some ways folks were more militant. lots of folks hated the 'pigs' (police). pretty widespread. you had the black panthers, you had the weathermen, bombings, bank robberies. and so forth. then you had the law and order folks. and you had the vietnam war as the central thing that drove the left. and there as validity to that opposition.

today, what do we have? its different.

the 'juice' driving everything today is covid and the fear of covid. the anti-maskers, 'its a hoax', its the doomers and we're all gonna die. its some officials trying to heard cats to get it all under control and few folks complying and often making of point of doing just the opposite, just because.

here's what we are probably gonna get, a weak democratic president with a radical very active and very likely to take over female vp. a majority in congress in the senate, and then national healthcare, assault weapons bans, tax increases, some form of the green new deal.

will there be a civil war? fuck no. people that think this havent got a clue. folks will deal with the mess, the mess will get worse and this country will continue to move towards a european type of socialism.

eventually this is america... very very rich folks next to very very poor folks. if you can afford security you'll have it. if you cant.. your on your own..

were in a rush to get there, so we're importing all the poor folks that wanna come here, from everywhere..

Link Posted: 7/8/2020 4:52:36 PM EDT
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TSM revealed its initial 3nm (N3) process specs for 2023. They are underwhelming.

N3 has 1.7x higher density on a 2.5 year cadence. Since Intel 7nm has 2.0-2.4x higher density on a 2-year cadence, Intel is catching up.

N3 may not be meaningfully denser than Intel's 7nm (late 2021), which launches over a year earlier. TSM's N3 looks more like Intel's 7nm than 5nm.

TSM maintains FinFET, which means no GAA until 2024 or 2025, which Samsung will ship in 2022, Intel in late 2023.

Altogether, it looks like TSM's inherited process leadership will be reduced to parity at best within two years.

Is this where I need to be reading???
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I've spoken with multiple generations, ethnicities, and all sides of the political spectrum.

According to the 80yo+ crowd, things are worse than the 60s', by virtue of the population being half ultra liberal, and fewer men who fought in WWII and Korea, plus the growing fight against communism and the cold war.  Where a small percentage of people were hippies in the 60s', and didn't have popular and establishment support, today's liberal knows virtually nothing of the evils of communism, socialism, etc.  They all say poor blacks have gotten so used to being on the tit, and told they are victims, they have none of the common sense of blacks 3-4 generations ago.  They see the country burning to the ground.

The black folks I know are divided into two camps. Conservatives, and growingly militant and ignorant black nationalists or brainwashed racists. It's a 20/80 split.  They want to tear the system down, kill whitey, and be just like South Africa.

The average person is scared shitless.  30% are on team FOX, 40% on team CNN, and the last 30% are getting more and more purple every day, trying to reconcile the dissonance.

We are in a bitches brew of problems during a potential regime change. On top of that;  We haven't been this vulnerable as a nation to foreign influence and destabilization since the revolution.  Faith in political parties, systems, and branches of government have never been lower.  Rule of law has disappeared in many places too.  It's all corrupted and the vote will be too.

So, we are heading for a contested election, no matter who wins.  A third of the country will fight to get the old America back. A third to end it and start over as a new socialist state run by racism.  China is going to put money into the destabilization so they can expand their territory, like Japan did. They will back the left who they know will cave and allow more trade deficits to escalate.

So, it's going to be red counties on their own, fighting blue counties backed by the media and China.

That's what this has all been about really. China, knocking the US off the pedestal, while taking hold of strategic locations globally.  Taiwan is critical, because with it, they will control TSMC, and their 7nm chip technology, which is vastly superior to the Wests 14nm  processor plants.  We won't be able to compete technologically from that point forward.  They will have us by the balls, out compute us, out hack us, and dismantle what we have technologically.

You sure?? Where is the financial play on the 7 vs 14 nm deal????
7 vs 14nm doesn't take into effect quantum computing where we have a bit of an advantage. I'm not sure how much this matters. Plus, Taiwan isn't going out like a bitch. The rest of your assessment I don't have much argument against though.

Quantum is still in its infancy.  All devices from phones and tvs, to space vehicles, missile guidance and countermeasures are run on silicon and will be for a long time.

TSM revealed its initial 3nm (N3) process specs for 2023. They are underwhelming.

N3 has 1.7x higher density on a 2.5 year cadence. Since Intel 7nm has 2.0-2.4x higher density on a 2-year cadence, Intel is catching up.

N3 may not be meaningfully denser than Intel's 7nm (late 2021), which launches over a year earlier. TSM's N3 looks more like Intel's 7nm than 5nm.

TSM maintains FinFET, which means no GAA until 2024 or 2025, which Samsung will ship in 2022, Intel in late 2023.

Altogether, it looks like TSM's inherited process leadership will be reduced to parity at best within two years.

Is this where I need to be reading???

Sorry, you’re correct, 3nm instead of 2nm from TSM.

In my opinion, Intel is going to have heavy teething issues on 7nm.  2021 will see a few flagships, but they aren’t going to be putting out volume for a year or two.

And that’s just CPUs.

All of the other IC are advantage Taiwan, and will be for a few years.  Now is a prime time to take over Taiwan, since they have production capabilities we just don’t have, especially When coupled with mainland China,  we will be up shit creek for 3-5 years, which is a long time on war footing.
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 4:53:35 PM EDT
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Polls show Biden winning we are fucked.
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Where do I remember seeing polls like this before???
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 5:44:11 PM EDT
Unless there is a significant change in direction, one sure result will be that we the citizens will be the losers with further erosion of rights, those responsible will not be held accountable, and the US stature in the world will be challenged.

Sadly, you have a significant portion of the country that actually wants this either due to ignorance (willful or through manipulation) or malfeasance.
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 7:34:13 PM EDT
I'm sure we have people on this board who study politics. Probably guys who've seen civil war. Probably guys who worked jobs to know this kind of thing.
Where do you guys think we are headed at this hyper accelerated division of our country, and the hard communist push to take over our government?
And, importantly what happens with the creep across the cities to attack the second amendment?
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Google 476 AD
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 7:37:52 PM EDT
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No real future predictions, but here's what is happening.

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Link Posted: 7/8/2020 7:43:26 PM EDT
Gun owners will cave for the most part, they and their families will be herded onto trains to gulags where they will hammer bigger rocks into smaller rocks until they die. If they repent or do an especially good job with the rocks they'll get a bullet to the head before they die of starvation.

In the meantime there will be mass rape of women and girls, while your property is divided up and given to the correct ethnicity that minute.

There will be resistance here and there, and it will be crushed. Bodies will fill ditches. And this time people with the blue helmets won't come to give you cover with their armored vehicles as you cross the street.

Think Croatian war of independence and Bosnia all at once. A little Rwanda here and there. It will be grand.
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 7:52:51 PM EDT
NOBODY who has any understanding of the topic wants a Civil War.
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 8:09:01 PM EDT
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NOBODY who has any understanding of the topic wants a Civil War.
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Understood. Is it preferable to communist rule in the US?
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 8:25:00 PM EDT
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I can guarantee you that if the citizens who believe in the constitution do not stand up in mass all across this nation and soon, socialism will take over and our rights will be gone.

ETA As always we will never survive as a nation unless the media as we know it is destroyed.
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Link Posted: 7/8/2020 8:48:36 PM EDT
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Hear, hear.  I've been warning that for awhile now... probably fallen 100% upon deaf ears...

ETA:  Yeah, we saw the bullshit riots at that one CNN building, yet was anything really even destroyed, or was it smoke and mirrors to make CNN look like a victim vs being the aggressor??????????
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 10:29:20 PM EDT
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It's all been in the news - the first thing people do when they see truth is ridicule it. Then they demonize those who bring it. After that, they light torches and pitchforks to hunt them down - Twitter, FB, Instagram, Youtube are all banning and censoring the people who dig this out and tell you this. Is it not a clue?

I recited the actual news and facts, drew some conclusions along the way, and it's "lol" when presented? How is that any different than some of the other opinons given with substantiation. Certainly nothing of substance to discuss in an ongoing conversation about what the future holds?

We have the judges, that is a fact. The indictments are filed that is a fact. Maxwell is under arrest and is known as a procurer of children for the elite, photographs are all over the internet, complaints filed, open records, names named.

Lol to anyone in denial. It's either that or trying to hide the facts with dissimulation - accuse someone of being other than normal. Thank god I am, the normal people these days are taking a knee and wearing a mask over a low level virus and accepting that Cuomo can legally kill their grandparents for the greater good.

Oh yeah, Lol that, too? It's hard to discern where some really stands when there is so little to work with other than snark. It can only be concluded they have no opinion because they have no idea what is going on, no grasp of the facts, and care little about finding out what is going on.

Oh woe is us, there goes the American voter, clueless and inept? Hopefully Churchill is wrong at some point. I think we are way past the "try everything" phase and ready for the "high crimes and treason phase." And I am not alone. There are millions of like minds, if only some of us can pull our heads out of the sand to see it.

It's right out there to read and assimilate. It's going to be quite the shock - just like the villagers the military had tour the Nazi Death Camps, they know what was going on but didn't do anything. Are we characters in a Veggie tales cartoon? If so, Vote Joe Biden. Another vegetable.

My future is a world where justice denied is now delivered. Im thinking mine is a lot more rosy than the dystopian nightmare so many here posted. Lol? Sure. It will be a much happier place.

I will even share it with you. And you can thank me later.
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It's all been in the news - the first thing people do when they see truth is ridicule it. Then they demonize those who bring it. After that, they light torches and pitchforks to hunt them down - Twitter, FB, Instagram, Youtube are all banning and censoring the people who dig this out and tell you this. Is it not a clue?

I recited the actual news and facts, drew some conclusions along the way, and it's "lol" when presented? How is that any different than some of the other opinons given with substantiation. Certainly nothing of substance to discuss in an ongoing conversation about what the future holds?

We have the judges, that is a fact. The indictments are filed that is a fact. Maxwell is under arrest and is known as a procurer of children for the elite, photographs are all over the internet, complaints filed, open records, names named.

Lol to anyone in denial. It's either that or trying to hide the facts with dissimulation - accuse someone of being other than normal. Thank god I am, the normal people these days are taking a knee and wearing a mask over a low level virus and accepting that Cuomo can legally kill their grandparents for the greater good.

Oh yeah, Lol that, too? It's hard to discern where some really stands when there is so little to work with other than snark. It can only be concluded they have no opinion because they have no idea what is going on, no grasp of the facts, and care little about finding out what is going on.

Oh woe is us, there goes the American voter, clueless and inept? Hopefully Churchill is wrong at some point. I think we are way past the "try everything" phase and ready for the "high crimes and treason phase." And I am not alone. There are millions of like minds, if only some of us can pull our heads out of the sand to see it.

It's right out there to read and assimilate. It's going to be quite the shock - just like the villagers the military had tour the Nazi Death Camps, they know what was going on but didn't do anything. Are we characters in a Veggie tales cartoon? If so, Vote Joe Biden. Another vegetable.

My future is a world where justice denied is now delivered. Im thinking mine is a lot more rosy than the dystopian nightmare so many here posted. Lol? Sure. It will be a much happier place.

I will even share it with you. And you can thank me later.

I'm used to the "drive by LOL's". It's all they have, since refuting the argument directly is impossible.  

And Veggie Tales is awesome!

If indictments aren't unsealed, and the purse strings cut, this country will continue to descend into civil war.
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 10:35:50 PM EDT
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That is 100% the fault of people who want republican ideals but are not willing to put forth any of their own effort to save the country for their friends, family, or children. We literally could flip this whole situation in a week if we were willing. Moderates and conservatives protesting at city hall by the thousands would change everything immediately.
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My opinion is that what we are seeing is due in large part to the failure of the Republican Party to live up to authentic conservative ideals.

That is 100% the fault of people who want republican ideals but are not willing to put forth any of their own effort to save the country for their friends, family, or children. We literally could flip this whole situation in a week if we were willing. Moderates and conservatives protesting at city hall by the thousands would change everything immediately.

Computer Programmer Testifies He Coded Computers To Rig Elections
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 11:19:54 PM EDT
According to the military forecast on daegel.com,  US population in 2017 is listed at 327 million
                                                                       US population in 2025 is listed at 100 million
That's 227 million gone MIA or KIA in 5yrs.  Gird your loins.
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 11:55:47 PM EDT
Biden will win the election via obvious voter fraud

And the right will bitch about it on the internet when they aren’t at work.

The frog is nearly cooked, if the right doesn’t do what’s necessary soon to end the corruption and demand accountability, it won’t happen.

Link Posted: 7/9/2020 12:06:08 AM EDT
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Panic porn merchants in the media and Lord Fauci will accomplish another national shutdown that will likely  result in a severe recession. Trump wins the EC, but will lose the popular vote, sending the left into an absolute outrage.
The recession will cost many their jobs.  Spiraling unemployment,  stress, loss of income and a way of life will result in a violent pushback from the right.
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Except the eight doesn't push back on anything. Violently or otherwise.

We just roll over and take it.
Link Posted: 7/9/2020 7:38:25 AM EDT
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According to the military forecast on daegel.com,  US population in 2017 is listed at 327 million
                                                                       US population in 2025 is listed at 100 million
That's 227 million gone MIA or KIA in 5yrs.  Gird your loins.
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Link Posted: 7/9/2020 8:38:23 AM EDT
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Compared to the 60’s these “riots” are weak sauce.

There were over 3400 arrests in the Watts riots. 34 deaths...1,200 injured.

CA National guard was responsible for 7 deaths.  LACS and LAPD 24.

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Unfortunately things are much different. The rioters are not being prosecuted, rarely arrested because doing so makes the LE racist. To many liberals running cities, New York, Chicago, Seattle and so on promoting the violence ,looting and peaceful protests of BLM, Etc. LE can't stop it like the 60's because they are automatically guilty of murder, fired and jailed today. It's out of control but there's nothing being done to stop it
Link Posted: 7/9/2020 12:11:58 PM EDT
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I believe we will stay out of the forming one-world government and help Israel for as long as we can prior to Christ's return. While it is not the traditional interpretation of the bible (it's also not a salvation issue), this is what I belive is going to happen with the US:

Many bible scholars have different interpretations of the kingdoms or nations associated with the Daniel beasts, BUT, remember, God told Daniel, who did not understand the vision (these modern nations did not exist back then) to seal up the vision he could not understand, as it was for the wise people of the end times to interpret and understand:
Daniel 12:8-10 (KJV)
8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?
9 “And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.”
10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

The Beasts described in Daniel 7 foretell the nations that would be on earth at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus:

I believe the Bible describes the United States as the wings of an eagle.
Daniel 7:4 (KJV)
4 The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.

The Lion with eagles wings is the current symbol of Great Britain.  
The United States national symbol is the eagle.  The United States came out of Great Britain.  When Daniel saw the eagles wings plucked, he saw the United States breaking away from Great Britain (he saw our Declaration of Independence).  The United States has a second symbol, Uncle Sam, (made to stand up as a man) and the United States has provided world assistance giving our treasure (money and blood) to defend the world from evil (heart).  

Revelation 12:13-14 (KJV)
13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman (Israel) which brought forth the man child (Jesus).
14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

Thus, the United States is depicted as defending Israel against the Antichrist and the One World Government (Revelation 12:14).  The woman with the 12 stars (12 tribes) is Israel; “into her place” is the Promised Land; the two wings of a great eagle is the United States.  The United States appears to be a place of refuge for those Jews and Christians who do not accept the Mark of the Beast.

Side Note:
Beasts in the bible are nations/kingdoms (the animals below are the modern national symbols for nations on earth at the time of Christ's return). The Daniel 7:2-8 beasts:
- Lion with eagle’s wings = The lion represents Great Britain and the eagles wings represent the United States (that came out of Great Britain).
- Bear = The bear represents Russia.
- Leopard = The leopard represents Germany (4 heads = 4 Reichs) with four wings of a fowl = France.
- 4th beast = The forming global government. An alliance of 10-nations yet to form. This will be the power-base of the Antichrist.  The little horn = the Antichrist.
Daniel 7:23 identifies the 4th beast as the kingdom or nation that will become the world government of the end time
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This has stuck with me since I read it.  It really clicked with me.  Thank you so very much for posting it.  After watching “The Daniel Project” documentary,  it really makes a huge amount sense.
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