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Posted: 3/14/2023 10:55:37 AM EDT
Let’s be serious about this, and actually look at the changes in the last 10 years, and use that as a guide as to what the changes in the next 10 years to look like.

So… it’s 10 years in the future, the year 2033, what does the USA look like ?

Unemployment numbers



The dollar

The economy.


Politics / what party’s in charge. ( not that it matters )

Inflation is what ?  Food / electric prices.

Gun control

Where has the war on fossil fuel / forced green shit taken us ?

What do you think the country will look like  after 10 more years of clown world ?

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 10:57:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 10:58:52 AM EDT
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I've said forever that learning Mandarin is a good idea.
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Quite possible China will be the top military super power 10 years from now, the big swinging military dick on the block, especially at the rate they are growing, combined with the rate the us military is devolving, but hey, at least we will have each military unit, and ship commanded  by a Black ,trans female, LGBTQ , non-binary, vegan, person of color !  Maybe not have the best scores, education, and performance, but diversity has never been better, and feelings and tearing down old social norms are what’s important after all !
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:01:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:01:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:03:25 AM EDT
By 2030 the WHO and the UN will be running this country, or trying to. We will either be rounded up and put in camps or in a heated confrontation with the tards pushing the WHO/UN invasion
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:05:07 AM EDT
Stolen elections will be the norm while a handful on this forum will still be parroting the "it can't be proven" falsehood.

Most rifles and pistols have been confiscated by the DARPA Robots, we'll probably still be allowed antique muskets.

EBT cards for everyone,  unless you've posted spicey memes,  then you eat from garbage cans.

Dow 870,000
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:05:46 AM EDT
Crumbling infrastructure, rolling blackouts, high unemployment, givernment assisted suicide, astronomical prices, free speech non-existent in public or online.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:07:56 AM EDT
About the same as now, more EVs though.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:09:18 AM EDT
The direction the US is heading is why in 10 years i hope to still be in the middle of nowhere Madagascar with my family.

Even the small amount of clown world that makes it to the capital of Madagascar doesn't find it's way through the bush.

We never wore masks out here for example. Even in the capital they were mask nazis.

But there's definitely no lgbt or other progressive agenda in the schools out here. And we are pretty insulated from other stuff like inflation - we don't have grocery stores either way. Lol
Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:11:35 AM EDT
First, no more wokeism.  That was promoted by the socialists and we will not gravitate towards a socialist society.  We will not GAF about LGBTQetc./Bowel Loose Moment or Antifa(ct) because feeding one's face is more important.  No more rape-py boys in girls' bathroom.   All the PC/gender correct, inclusive embracing double speak goes out the window when the federal reserve note dies.


1) fewer people.  (a) First moar deaths or disabilities from clawt shawt.  That's baked in the cake for people who got a claawt shawt and not the placebo.   (b) Older people die off from lack of medication or medical car.  (c) Starvation.  Breakdown of just-in-time food delivery and the big cities have die offs from starvation.   (d) Immigrant refugees fleeing b/c no moar free sh*t and their chances of making it will be better in their own Turd World Nation.  (e) There'll also be more killings (not necessarily murder) b/c people will defend themselves against looters, robber and burglars.  (f) suicides increase.  Same thing happened among older Russian men when the Soviet Union collapsed.  They couldn't deal with the lack of big brother state and loss of their pension.
2) Rebuilding begins at the local community level.  Return of the tradesman/craftsman.
3) Suppressed technology is released.  This includes near free energy and perhaps we finally get the hydrogen powered cars.  Energy is needed for growth and the more energy, the greater the growth.  It's not about powering your A/C, Ipad to watch pron but energy for production of goods for export for sale (to generate revenue).
4) No more central bank and parasite class it represents.
5) Smaller, less restrictive and more efficient government.  The $$$ we had for the leviathan won't be there.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:17:25 AM EDT
A lot more balkanization,  that's for sure

I cant imagine society at large will continue this charade of 11% of the population influencing the other 89%. A small percentage of the anglos of the US and western Europe might suffer it, but the rest of the world will not

I just hope it doesn't turn the other 89% full against the 11% who think they're "entitled" to whatever they want as long as they call it "reparations". The 11% has a well earned reputation for "get an inch, take a mile" and wont stop on their own volition

...and it sure looks like Soros and his minions betting the farm on one sliver of society's lies, ignorance, and greed to turn the rest of the world violently against them
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:17:44 AM EDT

But also, simply put:


Europe has been the mean that the civilized world gravitates to for over 1,000 years.

Caste system in various forms, elites, poors, etc.

No upward mobility. Enough bread and sports ball to opiate the masses
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:20:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:27:33 AM EDT
Some places will look like Seattle or parts of LA/NY, and/or the southern border do today, others will look like east Palestine.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:29:23 AM EDT
In the year 2033, USA will be 87% trans, ghey, and not white.
Biden will still be president but will resemble drooling Capt. Pike
from Star Trek Original Series.  Political parties will be Democrat,
Democrat Pedo and The Cuck Party (formally Republican Party).

All Conservatives along with gun owners have left the USA and formed
a secret invisible super tech kingdom in Africa.  The only
evidence of its existence is unexplainable Amazon tractor-trailer
deliveries of whiskey, cigars and barrel cleaning patches.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:37:35 AM EDT
Bavarian Soviet Republic is one possible example of what happens with Clown World eventually

The Lefties aren't gonna like it, but they are working real hard for it
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:38:13 AM EDT
Social credit scores to buy groceries or use the government owned car charger.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:44:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:44:31 AM EDT
Housing crisis of epic proportions that will lead to demographic shifts.  

Many Boomers are going to pass away in the next ten years.  Many Boomers have done silly things like reverse mortgages and second mortgages on their homes.  Even those who haven't will be willing their homes to family members who place them up for sale.  This going to create a surplus of housing and although we will have imported a massive number of illegal aliens to supplement the vanishing Boomers those illegal aliens will not be in any condition to purchase many of the middle class and especially the high end homes. Home values will collapse and in turn they will be purchased by companies that will rent them.  Private home ownership will be increasingly rare and entire neighborhoods that were previously middle class will collapse into lower class status.  

The housing market collapse will prompt government bailouts.  The lending institutions having secured their positions just as they did in 2008 will then hold on to the foreclosed properties selling them for straight-up cash (exactly what they did post 2008).  The only people at that point with cash to buy foreclosed properties will be the large corporate entities who purchase home and then rent them out.   This is how the lower income illegal aliens will acquire places to live and spread wider across the country.  This massive demographic migration will start to shift many previously "red" middle class areas of the country into deep blues.

The demographic shift that will take place will alter the laws and cultures of the area you live in today.  We are already seeing various states and local governments trying to allow illegal aliens to vote. Illegal aliens already have defacto amnesty and soon they will have voting rights in many, many states.  They will not be able to vote in national elections, but they by 2033 they will be voting in many local and state elections.   Socialism will increase in all states in which they vote.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:45:57 AM EDT
In 10 years:

You are still starting posts about bugging in at your place in Kentucky, DOOM and how you are preparing for it, and your wife (maybe ex).

I am still posting stuff from youtube and other stuff.

We are both 10 years older.

Other then that, not much is going to change.  The USA will be less white, the borders will still be open, the government will still suck, and the AUG will still be the best bullpup.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:46:38 AM EDT
My prediction is that the blowback to all of the DIE (diversity inclusion equity) is going to greatly overshoot the opposite direction and will be epic.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:50:33 AM EDT

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:51:00 AM EDT
I made this scale years ago after watching "Agenda: Grinding America Down", the author of that movie foretold pretty much all of this. He stumbled into a communist meeting and sat through plans. The movement now has a mind of its own and needs no leader to grow. Each year that passes we fall that much closer to true communism and ultimately a nation truly without God. So in saying that, I predict more of the same unless Jesus returns by then.  

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:52:21 AM EDT
Generational marketing expert Ken Gronbach

The world's population will continue to rise, reaching about 10 billion by 2050, but then it will begin to recede, he said. China, he noted, because of their earlier one-child-only policy, is facing a demographic crisis, and by 2060-2070 their population will be halved and on the older side. China's major issue right now is labor-- their multitude of factory workers toiling at lower wages is growing smaller, which will eventually bring manufacturing back to the US, he added.

In contrast to China, America's population is boosted by immigration and the Hispanic demographic, which continues to grow, he cited. In the oncoming years, he foresees the Latino population as increasing in political power and clout. The Democrats are gaining members at a higher rate than Republicans because conservatives are dying off, he reported. As more younger Americans come of age for the 2024 election, Democrats will have a 50 million voter advantage, Gronbach stated. Our government and culture are going to be liberal for at least the next 10-15 years, he believes.
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Just another prediction.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:52:44 AM EDT
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aren't we at that stage now? I mean really.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:54:30 AM EDT
Your front lawn:

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:55:17 AM EDT
You will be required to have butt sex with a he-she in order to buy a gun.

You will be required to pray to BLM three times a day.

A picture of the unholy trinity (Obama, Hillery, Biden) will have to hung be in each room of your home.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:55:46 AM EDT
Like Venezuela
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:56:06 AM EDT
We're stuck with poopy pants for the next two years.  If we get anything from a RINO to a socialist democrap in the white house for at least one of the following two terms then the country will be unrecognizable compared to today.

We're barely a few bad years away from the no-return point and it's creeping up pretty quickly.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:58:49 AM EDT
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When I read the OP, the documentary A Boy and His Dog was the first thing that popped in my head.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 11:59:58 AM EDT
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Quite possible China will be the top military super power 10 years from now, the big swinging military dick on the block, especially at the rate they are growing, combined with the rate the us military is devolving, but hey, at least we will have each military unit, and ship commanded  by a Black ,trans female, LGBTQ , non-binary, vegan, person of color !  Maybe not have the best scores, education, and performance, but diversity has never been better, and feelings and tearing down old social norms are what’s important after all !
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I've said forever that learning Mandarin is a good idea.

Quite possible China will be the top military super power 10 years from now, the big swinging military dick on the block, especially at the rate they are growing, combined with the rate the us military is devolving, but hey, at least we will have each military unit, and ship commanded  by a Black ,trans female, LGBTQ , non-binary, vegan, person of color !  Maybe not have the best scores, education, and performance, but diversity has never been better, and feelings and tearing down old social norms are what’s important after all !

It will be interesting to see how all that tech they bought off the Taliban will play out.

I’d assume that everyone of their soldiers will have night vision in ten years, their thermals will be fully mature, & their armor will be caught up. Once they process & reverse engineer all our stuff.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:02:41 PM EDT
The last wars have been kind of interesting, the goal seems to be create refugees.

Syria and Ukraine have been a huge refugee crisis.

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The direction the US is heading is why in 10 years i hope to still be in the middle of nowhere Madagascar with my family.

Even the small amount of clown world that makes it to the capital of Madagascar doesn't find it's way through the bush.

We never wore masks out here for example. Even in the capital they were mask nazis.

But there's definitely no lgbt or other progressive agenda in the schools out here. And we are pretty insulated from other stuff like inflation - we don't have grocery stores either way. Lol

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The direction the US is heading is why in 10 years i hope to still be in the middle of nowhere Madagascar with my family.

Even the small amount of clown world that makes it to the capital of Madagascar doesn't find it's way through the bush.

We never wore masks out here for example. Even in the capital they were mask nazis.

But there's definitely no lgbt or other progressive agenda in the schools out here. And we are pretty insulated from other stuff like inflation - we don't have grocery stores either way. Lol

Wait, so Madagascar did not SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING!?

How many miles would shopping cart wheels last on concrete and asphalt?  Always kind of bugged me about that movie.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:03:42 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:03:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:04:44 PM EDT
Serious answer: we will look more and more like Brazil or Mexico.

Some ultra wealthy enclaves that resemble Norman Rockwell America surrounded by disappearing terrorized middle class hoods mixed in with masses of urban poor.

Rural America will be further depopulated as old white farmers die off with no one to replace them.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:04:48 PM EDT
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Quite possible China will be the top military super power 10 years from now, the big swinging military dick on the block, especially at the rate they are growing, combined with the rate the us military is devolving, but hey, at least we will have each military unit, and ship commanded  by a Black ,trans female, LGBTQ , non-binary, vegan, person of color !  Maybe not have the best scores, education, and performance, but diversity has never been better, and feelings and tearing down old social norms are what’s important after all !
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I maintain by the time China gets to the mainland US, they will be liberating us from whatever madness has taken root. Their govt will likely be more free than ours, not to say either one will be truly free, but theirs will likely not be genociding white people like its going out of business.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:05:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:05:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:05:15 PM EDT
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Housing crisis of epic proportions that will lead to demographic shifts.  

Many Boomers are going to pass away in the next ten years.  Many Boomers have done silly things like reverse mortgages and second mortgages on their homes.  Even those who haven't will be willing their homes to family members who place them up for sale.  This going to create a surplus of housing and although we will have imported a massive number of illegal aliens to supplement the vanishing Boomers those illegal aliens will not be in any condition to purchase many of the middle class and especially the high end homes. Home values will collapse and in turn they will be purchased by companies that will rent them.  Private home ownership will be increasingly rare and entire neighborhoods that were previously middle class will collapse into lower class status.  

The housing market collapse will prompt government bailouts.  The lending institutions having secured their positions just as they did in 2008 will then hold on to the foreclosed properties selling them for straight-up cash (exactly what they did post 2008).  The only people at that point with cash to buy foreclosed properties will be the large corporate entities who purchase home and then rent them out.   This is how the lower income illegal aliens will acquire places to live and spread wider across the country.  This massive demographic migration will start to shift many previously "red" middle class areas of the country into deep blues.

The demographic shift that will take place will alter the laws and cultures of the area you live in today.  We are already seeing various states and local governments trying to allow illegal aliens to vote. Illegal aliens already have defacto amnesty and soon they will have voting rights in many, many states.  They will not be able to vote in national elections, but they by 2033 they will be voting in many local and state elections.   Socialism will increase in all states in which they vote.

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U.S. government debt doubled in the last 10 years from approx 16 trillion in 2013 to 31 trillion Jan 2023. Very possible the U.S. debt will be 60 trillion by 2033.  Possibly flat broke and unable to pay basic shit, much less bail anyone out. That’s a highly likely outcome if China / Russia / India / Iran / Saudi Arabia etc create a new Petro currency.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:05:20 PM EDT
Let's be serious about this, and actually look at the changes in the last 10 years, and use that as a guide as to what the changes in the next 10 years to look like.

So  it's 10 years in the future, the year 2033, what does the USA look like ?

Unemployment numbers



The dollar

The economy.


Politics / what party's in charge. ( not that it matters )

Inflation is what ?  Food / electric prices.

Gun control

Where has the war on fossil fuel / forced green shit taken us ?

What do you think the country will look like  after 10 more years of clown world ?

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Just watch idiocracy.....
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:10:18 PM EDT
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The direction the US is heading is why in 10 years i hope to still be in the middle of nowhere Madagascar with my family.

Even the small amount of clown world that makes it to the capital of Madagascar doesn't find it's way through the bush.

We never wore masks out here for example. Even in the capital they were mask nazis.

But there's definitely no lgbt or other progressive agenda in the schools out here. And we are pretty insulated from other stuff like inflation - we don't have grocery stores either way. Lol

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Tell us more.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:11:11 PM EDT
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Generational marketing expert Ken Gronbach

Just another prediction.
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Generational marketing expert Ken Gronbach

The world's population will continue to rise, reaching about 10 billion by 2050, but then it will begin to recede, he said. China, he noted, because of their earlier one-child-only policy, is facing a demographic crisis, and by 2060-2070 their population will be halved and on the older side. China's major issue right now is labor-- their multitude of factory workers toiling at lower wages is growing smaller, which will eventually bring manufacturing back to the US, he added.

In contrast to China, America's population is boosted by immigration and the Hispanic demographic, which continues to grow, he cited. In the oncoming years, he foresees the Latino population as increasing in political power and clout. The Democrats are gaining members at a higher rate than Republicans because conservatives are dying off, he reported. As more younger Americans come of age for the 2024 election, Democrats will have a 50 million voter advantage, Gronbach stated. Our government and culture are going to be liberal for at least the next 10-15 years, he believes.

Just another prediction.

If China really has the massive female shortage I keep hearing about, and disgruntled single men with no wife options, well, that alone could be a powerful reason, and recruiting tool for war / attacking / invading foreign countries.

Join the army, we’re going to be  invading foreign countries and after we conquer them, we will take their beautiful women and issue a pretty young wife to each soldier !
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:12:42 PM EDT
Probably like demolition man. We will be living underground hiding while the idiots are above with their 64 genders eating Taco Bell.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:13:34 PM EDT
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I maintain by the time China gets to the mainland US, they will be liberating us from whatever madness has taken root. Their govt will likely be more free than ours, not to say either one will be truly free, but theirs will likely not be genociding white people like its going out of business.
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I suspect China will stir the pot in Africa so that people genocide each other, then they step in as a peacekeeper and scoop up resources.

THat or come up with some genetically targeted disease that wipes out people.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:14:22 PM EDT
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Like Venezuela
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Financially, that’s highly possible. Eventually stupid financial decisions and massive debt will have catastrophic consequences, the generation that gets fucked with Venezuela level financial catastrophe is the only unknown, but SOME generation will be getting fucked hard.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:14:58 PM EDT
In 10 years we will be much closer to 3rd world living conditions for the bottom 95% with the end of the middle class accomplished.

Currency collapse will have happened and US default on it's debt.

A return to hard manual labor for many as it is "green" and the primary source of available horsepower.

Upper 5% will have its own economy that the lower class participate in only as labor.

A push to return the earth to wild pristine parkland (kings woods) with the crowding in of the bottom 95% into crowded ghettos.

These are easy predictions because they are all part of the agenda those currently in power openly espouse. In short, we will own nothing, and hate it.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:17:12 PM EDT
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The last wars have been kind of interesting, the goal seems to be create refugees.

Syria and Ukraine have been a huge refugee crisis.

Wait, so Madagascar did not SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING!?

How many miles would shopping cart wheels last on concrete and asphalt?  Always kind of bugged me about that movie.
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The last wars have been kind of interesting, the goal seems to be create refugees.

Syria and Ukraine have been a huge refugee crisis.

The direction the US is heading is why in 10 years i hope to still be in the middle of nowhere Madagascar with my family.

Even the small amount of clown world that makes it to the capital of Madagascar doesn't find it's way through the bush.

We never wore masks out here for example. Even in the capital they were mask nazis.

But there's definitely no lgbt or other progressive agenda in the schools out here. And we are pretty insulated from other stuff like inflation - we don't have grocery stores either way. Lol

Wait, so Madagascar did not SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING!?

How many miles would shopping cart wheels last on concrete and asphalt?  Always kind of bugged me about that movie.

A smart man would have pulled some spare wheels from other carts for future replacement,  although there are damn sure much better cart options to be sure.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:18:01 PM EDT
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Crumbling infrastructure, rolling blackouts, high unemployment, givernment assisted suicide, astronomical prices, free speech non-existent in public or online.
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Mostly peaceful riots.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:19:38 PM EDT
Somewhere between Soylent Green and 1984. With a good dose of wokeism and trans horseshit on top.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 12:22:28 PM EDT
I think in the military, we will get Zampolits or political officers like Soviet military had for "correct think".
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