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Posted: 2/16/2011 5:50:50 PM EDT
As a child of the 70's/80's all the TV shows I watched made California look like a bad ass place to live.

I mean come on "CHIP's" a cool apartment, hot chicks at the pool, a lifted Chevy pick-up and dirt bikes on your day off.

"Three's Company"


My young dreams included living in that utopia...as I got older I realized it isn't what I hoped it be.

So give me a little California history...was it ever a utopia?...Texas on the west coast?

When did it start going downhill?
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 5:53:04 PM EDT
According to some folks here , its extremely conservative and the liberals are actually a minority.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 5:53:17 PM EDT
Reagan left for eight years
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 5:53:41 PM EDT
Around World War II the queers in the military that got kicked out were too ashamed to go back to their home towns across the country and settled in San Francisco.  The rest is history.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 5:56:09 PM EDT
Folks like this started moving there

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 5:59:09 PM EDT
Since the mid 1970's we have been Brainwarshed by Liberal Teachers ,and it payed off ...
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:03:06 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:03:33 PM EDT
I have been told that Kalifornia was conservative until after WWII, after that many who served in the war settled here and brought much Leftism with them.  I personally do not know very many native born Kalifornians that are Leftists, they are  almost always an import.  I wonder if these people were kicked out of their home states and migrated here?

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:04:35 PM EDT
Since the mid 1970's we have been Brainwarshed by Liberal Teachers ,and it payed off ...

Oh dear God, but the irony.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:06:08 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

All due respect, but I spent my first 44 years there, and you are cataclysmically ill-informed.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:06:12 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

Mmmhhhhmmmmm about that...
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:07:17 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

Think Again ,Bums & Homeless taking over the Streets & being given everything they could ever desire & more from bleeding Heart Socialists , Crime spilling over from Oakland ,Heyward & South San Franpsycho and an anti Hetro attitude with GLBT folks poo pooing the "Breeders " at every chance they get ... look into it you will be shocked .
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:09:04 PM EDT
Since the mid 1970's we have been Brainwarshed by Liberal Teachers ,and it payed off ...

Oh dear God, but the irony.

But but  I spent first & 12th Grade in Texas ...
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:10:28 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:18:40 PM EDT
The last time that the State was truly Republican was in the 1950s when the Governor and one of the Senators were of that party.

When the population was growing, large expenditures were made for infrastructure - the university, state colleges, schools, acquaducts, roads.

The following concept was ignored - "sinking fund".  A sinking fund is a fund into which a small amount of money is placed, year after year.  When an improvement like sewer system, a road or a building wears out, then the money is there to replace the same.

The City of Los Angeles has not repaved a road in years.  Yes, it puts down slurry.  That is it.  When the sewer system was adversely affected by an earthquake, repairs were delayed about 8 years until federal funds were made available.

When the Los Angeles County central hospital wore out, there was no money in a sinking fund to build another.

So the answer is that the State started its downturn as it was expanding.  If you build a dam and then don't put money aside to dredge behind the dam and make repairs, well  you get the picture.

When you have an expanding population and borrow money through bonds to build the schools, you should put money aside to replace the same.  The school districts do not do this.  So, when LA City lost 100,000 elementary school students two years ago, you would expect that you could close schools or build new ones.  Instead, no money was put aside.  So, now we have a 1 billion dollar plus campus coming on line - financed by bonds.

I know that this is not the answer you wanted.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:20:26 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

Randomhero, are you EXP's fluffer?
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:22:20 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

Whatever you say sir. How is your race for Mayor of Chicago going?
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:23:16 PM EDT

during the great bean famine in texas during the 1970's.  the liberals couldn't adjust to eating chili without beans and moved to california.  the conservatives stayed in texas and adapted to eating chili without beans. after the bean famine ended they decided that the cost of going back to beans in chili would be too great if another famine occurred, so to this day they don't put beans in their chili and hide their love of of it through their hatred.

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:25:26 PM EDT
Wonder what would happen to Cali if you took out the federal ports, the nationwide cinema industry, nationwide music industry, and the military. The problem with calling cali "en economy unto itself" is that it isn't unto itself. Its like NY/NYC. Yeah, they get big bucks from Wall Street and trading firms, but not much else comes from NY. Same with Cali., most of their economy is national economy funneled into Cali because thats where those particular business' reside.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:25:58 PM EDT
I remember there being a lot of rednecks back in as late as the 80's. We used to joke that there were more rednecks in CA than in TX. It was even well represented in the country music.

Of course I didn't actually live there, but it was the impression I had. I sure don't have that impression now.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:28:30 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

You're still pissed off because Chicago won't give you a free shopping cart, aren't you?
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:40:01 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

Says the guy from IL.

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:41:06 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.


Whatever you say sir. How is your race for Mayor of Chicago going?

Well, the courts rendered a correct decision that will allow Mr. Emanuel the opportunity to proudly serve the great city of Chicago.  

He has big shoes to fill in Mayor Daley.  Mr. Emanuel has the leadership and persona to get things done, however.  His influence will cover the state and make Illinois an opportunistic place to live again.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:45:18 PM EDT




What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.


Whatever you say sir. How is your race for Mayor of Chicago going?

Well, the courts rendered a correct decision that will allow Mr. Emanuel the opportunity to proudly serve the great city of Chicago.  

He has big shoes to fill in Mayor Daley.  Mr. Emanuel has the leadership and persona to get things done, however.  His influence will cover the state and make Illinois an opportunistic place to live again.

You, less talk, more bowing to your liberal masters

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:47:22 PM EDT

What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.


Whatever you say sir. How is your race for Mayor of Chicago going?

Well, the courts rendered a correct decision that will allow Mr. Emanuel the opportunity to proudly serve the great city of Chicago.  

He has big shoes to fill in Mayor Daley.  Mr. Emanuel has the leadership and persona to get things done, however.  His influence will cover the state and make Illinois an opportunistic place to live again.

You, less talk, more bowing to your liberal masters  

This thread makes me want to see a poll here  (Palin vs. Obama for POTUS in 12) just to see how the middle left Libertarians & Democrats here at ar15.com will vote ...  
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:50:13 PM EDT
I'm a product of LAUSD.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:56:53 PM EDT
Jan 21st 1964
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:56:53 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

Whatever you say sir. How is your race for Mayor of Chicago going?

Well, the courts rendered a correct decision that will allow Mr. Emanuel the opportunity to proudly serve the great city of Chicago.  
He has big shoes to fill in Mayor Daley.  Mr. Emanuel has the leadership and persona to get things done, however.  His influence will cover the state and make Illinois an opportunistic place to live again.

Obvious EXPCustom is obvious

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 6:58:20 PM EDT
Californians have learned they can get lots of stuff for free.  Free income from military bases.  Free electricity from the Pacific Northwest dams.  Free education for it's illigal immigrants.  You get the picture.

Getting something for nothing is a sure recipe to make a population liberal.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:03:47 PM EDT
Same problem as NYS... overall, a conservative state, but it's elections are hijacked by the high-density liberal cities.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:08:24 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

As a former resident of California, I am qualified to that statement...
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:10:31 PM EDT
Frank Loyd Wright said, "They turned the country up on its side and everything loose fell into California."  Not sure when  he said it.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:11:40 PM EDT
im guessing when people started moving here from the east coast when all the computer and tech crap went huge.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:22:56 PM EDT
I have heard that there are more conservative districts than liberal districts in Kommifornia, but the liberal bastions are the main urban centers of population.  i.e. San Francisco, Los Angeles.   They control the vote.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:22:59 PM EDT
Just after the gold rush on the mid 1800's.

Probably the main date in question would be the 1960's, all the scum sucking hippies flocked there by the 1000's from all the other states.
It was never as "perfect" as Hollywood made it seem.

Oregon would have been a much better place if Gov. Tom McCall had been able to build that wall between Oregon and Cali too.

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:24:07 PM EDT
It was a near utopia when I left in 1969. My WWII Marine dad taught me the basics on my first shoot, on the sands of Morro Bay beaches. That was in the late fifty's. Growing up in Cali was awesome.
I wouldn't set foot in the place today.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:27:00 PM EDT
Reagan left for eight years

Yep. It was all down hill after that.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:27:14 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.


Whatever you say sir. How is your race for Mayor of Chicago going?

Well, the courts rendered a correct decision that will allow Mr. Emanuel the opportunity to proudly serve the great city of Chicago.  

He has big shoes to fill in Mayor Daley.  Mr. Emanuel has the leadership and persona to get things done, however.  His influence will cover the state and make Illinois an opportunistic place to live again.

Is this guy for real?  

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:27:32 PM EDT




What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.


Whatever you say sir. How is your race for Mayor of Chicago going?

Well, the courts rendered a correct decision that will allow Mr. Emanuel the opportunity to proudly serve the great city of Chicago.  

He has big shoes to fill in Mayor Daley.  Mr. Emanuel has the leadership and persona to get things done, however.  His influence will cover the state and make Illinois an opportunistic place to live again.

fuck yeah

in for the lulz

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:43:40 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

Whatever you say sir. How is your race for Mayor of Chicago going?

Well, the courts rendered a correct decision that will allow Mr. Emanuel the opportunity to proudly serve the great city of Chicago.  
He has big shoes to fill in Mayor Daley.  Mr. Emanuel has the leadership and persona to get things done, however.  His influence will cover the state and make Illinois an opportunistic place to live again.

Obvious EXPCustom is obvious

Hey guys, I'm a troll who ends every post with "" .
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:49:21 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.


Whatever you say sir. How is your race for Mayor of Chicago going?

Well, the courts rendered a correct decision that will allow Mr. Emanuel the opportunity to proudly serve the great city of Chicago.  

He has big shoes to fill in Mayor Daley.  Mr. Emanuel has the leadership and persona to get things done, however.  His influence will cover the state and make Illinois an opportunistic place to live again.

Is the DU down again?
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 7:51:34 PM EDT
Really started to turn in the late 80s, although the groundwork was laid by marxist professors much earlier.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 8:07:35 PM EDT


What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

What in the Hell are you smoking? Military super-power? Please!


Lets look at the Facts:

El Toro shut down,Check!

Fort Ord-Closed

George AFB-Closed

Norton AFB-Closed

Castle AFB-Closed


March AFB-Reserve base now-Brac

Mira Mar- Was Navy now a USMC?-Brac

Everything up by Frisco Shut Down-

San Diego-General Dynamics-Gone

Buck Knives-Gone

Teledyne Ryan-Gone

San Fran is not a good place to live or raise a family unless you suck dick, or hate guns, and love commies.

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 8:20:28 PM EDT
California has been a statist paradise since at least the '70s. I recall seeing ads in magazines for wrist rockets and Jivaro blowguns with the "can't ship to California" advisory in the ad. That was  before the queers, mestizos and negroes  rose to prominence in state government.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 8:30:15 PM EDT
I was born in 1967.  My question is...'When wasn't it?'

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 8:37:33 PM EDT
My impression is that the movement leftwards started in the 1950s as a result of imports and not native Californian citizens.  That is when leftists from other parts of the country started moving there in large quantities and when the hispanic population started to grow rapidly (before it was pretty small, as surprising as that sounds, and most Californian hispanics were of Spanish descent and had deep roots here), hispanics generally being leftists (especially the working classes which is what mostly started moving here).  The shift was complete by the 1970s from what I can tell.  When I was born this place was already very leftist (1980s).
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 9:01:03 PM EDT
My impression is that the movement leftwards started in the 1950s as a result of imports and not native Californian citizens.  That is when leftists from other parts of the country started moving there in large quantities and when the hispanic population started to grow rapidly (before it was pretty small, as surprising as that sounds, and most Californian hispanics were of Spanish descent and had deep roots here), hispanics generally being leftists (especially the working classes which is what mostly started moving here).  The shift was complete by the 1970s from what I can tell.  When I was born this place was already very leftist (1980s).

This.  We got all the fruits and nuts from the East Coast starting in the late 1950s.  Back then things were relatively cheap, land and jobs plentiful.  Now it is an outhouse.  When I was in grade school in the 1960s, things were still pretty normal, and conservative.  By the time I started HS in 1976 it was a whack-job wonderland.  I swear most of my HS teachers were former flower children––except Coach De Bondt––ex-Marine aviator.  Rest a bunch of poofters.
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 9:22:16 PM EDT

What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

What in the Hell are you smoking? Military super-power? Please!  

Lets look at the Facts:

El Toro shut down,Check!
Fort Ord-Closed
George AFB-Closed
Norton AFB-Closed
Castle AFB-Closed
March AFB-Reserve base now-Brac
Mira Mar- Was Navy now a USMC?-Brac
Everything up by Frisco Shut Down-

San Diego-General Dynamics-Gone
Buck Knives-Gone
Teledyne Ryan-Gone

San Fran is not a good place to live or raise a family unless you suck dick, or hate guns, and love commies.

Your "facts" are slightly fucked up,  Castle AFB is still there running refuelers and U2s,  Now McClellan,  Mather and Castle are gone ( and used as public airports now ).
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 11:31:32 PM EDT
I was born in 1967.  My question is...'When wasn't it?'

Link Posted: 2/16/2011 11:44:54 PM EDT
I'm 46.  It was that way when I was a kid growing up there.  Too many fucking hippies and do-gooders(liberals).
Link Posted: 2/16/2011 11:45:50 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

LOL!?  You must be kidding. The bums, human feces, scrotal inflators and mobs of old gambling chinese women on the streets of San Fran are legion.

And we were 4th at one time. We're 10th now, and FALLING. And about to go off the cliff under Gov Retread Moonbeam.
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