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Link Posted: 2/17/2011 6:38:46 AM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.


Whatever you say sir. How is your race for Mayor of Chicago going?

Well, the courts rendered a correct decision that will allow Mr. Emanuel the opportunity to proudly serve the great city of Chicago.  

He has big shoes to fill in Mayor Daley.  Mr. Emanuel has the leadership and persona to get things done, however.  His influence will cover the state and make Illinois an opportunistic place to live again.

Let me guess, you fell out of the idiot tree and hit every branch on your way down.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 6:39:34 AM EDT
It had been trending that way my entire childhood, accelerating in the ealry 80s.
It went full retard ~1988.
By 1991 I made the decision never to return.

It started going Full Retard (But was pushed back in 1976) then it stuck in 1979
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 6:45:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 6:47:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 6:48:52 AM EDT
Recent (like past 60 years) imports.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 6:49:08 AM EDT
Same problem as NYS... overall, a conservative state, but it's elections are hijacked by the high-density liberal cities.

More or less this.  How it came to be this way?  I don't really know.  Like all things probably a complex mix of many of the theories in this thread.

The analysis of such things is far beyond the "Herp Derp" of GD so lets just say CA is all gay librals and move on to a poop thread.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 7:00:13 AM EDT
The foundation was put down in the 1960s when all the hippies and other similiar types all congregated there, espc. in San Fran. Once those hippies grew up, started having kids and running things...it all turned to hell.

And yes, there are loads of conservatives there(I was one of them..left 8 years ago..never have looked back), BUT they are outnumbered by the leftist/entitlement types in the ctiies. The San Fran bay area and the LA basin control the state elections with a iron fist...they also both contribute to things like how expensive auto and health insurance is there.

CA would be an awesome state if it was even just middle of the road. I miss many things about the state (as I was born there) but the level of full retard there reminds me why I left.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 7:31:31 AM EDT

I am so glad you read that somewhere unlike me who has real life experience living here, this may shock you but many are Catholics not some weird pagan Christian hybrid aborigini religion like some of the xenophobes want you to believe.

Now if you want to talk socialists ruining this state, I can agree with you but no need to bring up race... unless of course you are a....


Good point.  A big selling point of California is that it is a bastion of multi-culturalism.  There aren't many places where one can interact with such a diverse population.

If I ever decided to leave my beloved state of Illinois then I would seriously consider California.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 7:33:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 7:39:51 AM EDT
It really started to fall apart in the '70s when public employees were given the "right" to unionize.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 7:44:23 AM EDT
There are plenty more liberal states than California - it's just that nobody has ever heard of them.


Most of the people in California are from out-of-state now. My conservative neighbor to the right moved out and two Obama voters moved into his place. The house on the left is worse - there's about five folks over the age of 18 and Obama-Biden stickers adorn their two SUVs along with Ohio plates. I am under the opinion that liberals from other states are moving here in mass.


People blame California for their state's problems but the facts say that the majority of people born in California stay here.


Still there are lots of people leaving here.


But I don't think this slope is going to see much of a change as long as the southern border is kept wide open by the Federal government.


How much of that stuff holds up since late 2008?

More people leave California than move to California:

Expect this to continue with massive tax increases on the horizon, loss of services due to cuts that have to come and home prices still way too high for what you get.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 7:45:18 AM EDT
From the hippies of the 60's to Fienstien, later on Boxer,Davis, It's about feelings.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 7:45:36 AM EDT

Serious question?
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 7:49:44 AM EDT

I am so glad you read that somewhere unlike me who has real life experience living here, this may shock you but many are Catholics not some weird pagan Christian hybrid aborigini religion like some of the xenophobes want you to believe.

Now if you want to talk socialists ruining this state, I can agree with you but no need to bring up race... unless of course you are a....


Good point.  A big selling point of California is that it is a bastion of multi-culturalism.  There aren't many places where one can interact with such a diverse population.

If I ever decided to leave my beloved state of Illinois then I would seriously consider California.

Multiculturalism can be taken too far. I want to "experience" other cultures, not be oppressed by them or forced to make changes to my life for the sake of political correctness. If you want to see people of diffrent cultures coexist as true equals, modern Texas is a better example than California.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 7:50:23 AM EDT
I have been told it was a paradise, but started going to shit 30+ years ago when tons and tons and tons of liberals took over and started ruining it.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 7:53:35 AM EDT

Based on arfcom logic, it's because California doesn't ALLOW conservatives to move there.

It's a vast conspiracy (against conservatives) to keep California liberal.

It scares me that I understand this post
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 7:55:51 AM EDT

I am so glad you read that somewhere unlike me who has real life experience living here, this may shock you but many are Catholics not some weird pagan Christian hybrid aborigini religion like some of the xenophobes want you to believe.

Now if you want to talk socialists ruining this state, I can agree with you but no need to bring up race... unless of course you are a....


Good point.  A big selling point of California is that it is a bastion of multi-culturalism.  There aren't many places where one can interact with such a diverse population.

If I ever decided to leave my beloved state of Illinois then I would seriously consider California.

Multiculturalism can be taken too far. I want to "experience" other cultures, not be oppressed by them or forced to make changes to my life for the sake of political correctness. If you want to see people of diffrent cultures coexist as true equals, modern Texas is a better example than California.

You do realize that randomhero & that other guy are more than likely the same person, right?
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 8:00:43 AM EDT
1950s. Men returned from WW2 to women who were much more independent, having worked harder, were now sending sons or having ot go back to fight in Korea. Beatnick mentality really started to take root, rejecting the old norm. Family fabric falls into disarray because of divorce from hurried WW2 marriages. Large influx to the cost away from extended family support due to military needs from WW2 and Korea.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 8:02:13 AM EDT

I am so glad you read that somewhere unlike me who has real life experience living here, this may shock you but many are Catholics not some weird pagan Christian hybrid aborigini religion like some of the xenophobes want you to believe.

Now if you want to talk socialists ruining this state, I can agree with you but no need to bring up race... unless of course you are a....


Good point.  A big selling point of California is that it is a bastion of multi-culturalism.  There aren't many places where one can interact with such a diverse population.

If I ever decided to leave my beloved state of Illinois then I would seriously consider California.

Multiculturalism can be taken too far. I want to "experience" other cultures, not be oppressed by them or forced to make changes to my life for the sake of political correctness. If you want to see people of diffrent cultures coexist as true equals, modern Texas is a better example than California.

You do realize that randomhero & that other guy are more than likely the same person, right?

The same Troll? As I understand it, posting under two accounts is trolling. I still say California isn't a particularly great an example of multiculturalism.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 8:08:12 AM EDT

I am so glad you read that somewhere unlike me who has real life experience living here, this may shock you but many are Catholics not some weird pagan Christian hybrid aborigini religion like some of the xenophobes want you to believe.

Now if you want to talk socialists ruining this state, I can agree with you but no need to bring up race... unless of course you are a....


Good point.  A big selling point of California is that it is a bastion of multi-culturalism.  There aren't many places where one can interact with such a diverse population.

If I ever decided to leave my beloved state of Illinois then I would seriously consider California.

Multiculturalism can be taken too far. I want to "experience" other cultures, not be oppressed by them or forced to make changes to my life for the sake of political correctness. If you want to see people of diffrent cultures coexist as true equals, modern Texas is a better example than California.

You do realize that randomhero & that other guy are more than likely the same person, right?

The same Troll? As I understand it, posting under two accounts is trolling. I still say California isn't a particularly great an example of multiculturalism.

They sure do seem to have the same style, but without an IP check, who knows? And I happen to agree with you on the multiculturalism thing- the People's Republic of Commifornia seems to focus more on the Hispanic than the American
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 8:17:16 AM EDT
I remember there being a lot of rednecks back in as late as the 80's. We used to joke that there were more rednecks in CA than in TX. It was even well represented in the country music.

Of course I didn't actually live there, but it was the impression I had. I sure don't have that impression now.

One of the reddest necked rednecks I've ever known was a guy from outside Temecula, his parents had an avocado ranch or some shit. Now I'm considered a Redneck but damn sometimes Moore would make even my country ass go......
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 8:32:53 AM EDT
I am surprised that parts of california have not seceded forming their own state.  California is almost too big to be a state.  I know for fact that northeast Cali has had grumblings in the past.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 8:35:46 AM EDT
I am surprised that parts of california have not seceded forming their own state.  California is almost too big to be a state.  I know for fact that northeast Cali has had grumblings in the past.

There has been votes before to break the state up...failed every time. The large cities don't want all the more rural counties breaking off..it would mean a loss of a tax base that feeds the entitlements.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 9:24:28 AM EDT
I am surprised that parts of california have not seceded forming their own state.  California is almost too big to be a state.  I know for fact that northeast Cali has had grumblings in the past.

There has been votes before to break the state up...failed every time. The large cities don't want all the more rural counties breaking off..it would mean a loss of a tax base that feeds the entitlements.

Little thing called WW2 stoped the State of Jefferson
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 9:27:53 AM EDT
In all fairness, Cali basically functioned like a nation-wide douchebag magnet.  I think a huge proportion of the leftards are transplants, but I also think it's one of the most over-rated places to live on the entire planet.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 10:34:54 AM EDT






I remember there being a lot of rednecks back in as late as the 80's. We used to joke that there were more rednecks in CA than in TX. It was even well represented in the country music.

Of course I didn't actually live there, but it was the impression I had. I sure don't have that impression now.

They're still here. THey're just quietly sucking their meth pipes and now massively outnumbered by mexican illegals. The central valley is now an over-run third world shithole. Google up Victor Davis Hanson's 'Two Californias' essay of a few weeks ago. The man nails it.
Here's a precinct map of CA, from teh 2003 Recall of Gray Davis. You can see how the liberals were concentrated on the coasts -


And just a few years later you can see how much the mexican socialists have distorted things -

The part in red did we really have to go there?

go where? your state is heavily invaded by mexican citizens. So is ours but we don't cater to them and are actively trying to remove them since they are criminals. The americans and legal immigrant mexicans can stay.

I got an idea how about you focus your efforts on your illegal immigrant crime. Compared to your state, seceding major parts to drug runners, we got things under control here.

if by under control you mean  that you let them have whatever they want which is bankrupting your state then no thanks.  

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 10:38:46 AM EDT
The only thing this shit hole has going for it is the weather and the beaches.

Oh wait, I've been to the beach a whopping 5 or so time in the last 6 years because when you go to the beach there is no where to park. Scratch the beaches.

Id rather deal with shoveling 6 feet of snow that to have to live around a metric shit ton of illegal mexicans. Been to santa ana lately? Might as well be tijuana.

Gas is $3.70 for premium, and will hit $4+ by summer. The housing market is a joke. I pay $1350 for a 900sq ft apartment, and to pay less would put me in a horrible area of town.

Job market is a joke for me right now. Every other day some new firearm legislation is trying to get passes, meanwhile the illegals run rampant but no one cares. Apparently its more of a threat for me to be able to order some handgun ammo off the internet than to have paco and his family of 15 living in a one bedroom house and funnel all their home depot parking lot wages back to mehico.

Fuck this place and fuck all the illegal mexicans here.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 10:42:01 AM EDT
Late 60's early 70's...

Vietnam, hollywood going liberal, cali becoming the home of choice for the hippies, etc.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 10:42:31 AM EDT






I remember there being a lot of rednecks back in as late as the 80's. We used to joke that there were more rednecks in CA than in TX. It was even well represented in the country music.

Of course I didn't actually live there, but it was the impression I had. I sure don't have that impression now.

They're still here. THey're just quietly sucking their meth pipes and now massively outnumbered by mexican illegals. The central valley is now an over-run third world shithole. Google up Victor Davis Hanson's 'Two Californias' essay of a few weeks ago. The man nails it.
Here's a precinct map of CA, from teh 2003 Recall of Gray Davis. You can see how the liberals were concentrated on the coasts -


And just a few years later you can see how much the mexican socialists have distorted things -

The part in red did we really have to go there?

The Mexicans, generally, are a part of the problem. It's politicaly incorrect to say but it is what it is.

Believe it or not most tend to be Christian and conservative in their views. If you guys wanted to say socialists, I would be OK with it but this is just borderline hate speech and xenophobia.

Mexico is not a race. It is a country.  You fail to understnad the reason people are against mexicans and other southern illegal imports has nothing to do with skin.  yes they are socialy conservative most of the time but they are POOR and they support liberals for the free shit. THey raise their children to vote democrat for the free shit.  

This isn't about color it's about the invasion of POVERTY that creates the socialist bullshit that is collapsing your state.  If they were all white down in mexico we would still be saying "fucking mexicans are coming here and fucking shit up"

one third of Arizona is brown people and none of the white people here want them expelled.  They want ILLEGALS expelled.  I would think that maybe you have observed in california that brown and white people are friends family and get along like they do in our state.  There is only racism from a very small percentage of the population and there is just as much anti white racism as there is anti brown racism.  Either way it is a very small portion of the population.

Maybe you are one of the white hating hispanics or maybe you are just ignorant of what is going on around you . I can't figure out why you can't see anything other than skin color.


Link Posted: 2/17/2011 10:43:30 AM EDT


California has more Republican Conservatives than 5 other "Smaller less populated " free states combined

well break off from the coast and give us two more senators then.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 10:50:19 AM EDT
The hippie culture of the 60s led to a lot "Free Spirits," i.e. people who were jobless and homeless by choice. Since it sucks ass being homeless in places that snow, they wound up in CA, and embedded themselves deeper than a wood tick. Then, they infected the school system and churned out more of their air-headed kind, and put them into government...
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 11:02:08 AM EDT
I still say California isn't a particularly great an example of multiculturalism.

More of an example of Balkanization. People live in segregated communities... like Chicago.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 11:05:46 AM EDT
A Proclamation from the Order of the Templar Ignarus Fossor to big shitty:

tace atque abi

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 12:09:08 PM EDT



I remember there being a lot of rednecks back in as late as the 80's. We used to joke that there were more rednecks in CA than in TX. It was even well represented in the country music.

Of course I didn't actually live there, but it was the impression I had. I sure don't have that impression now.

They're still here. THey're just quietly sucking their meth pipes and now massively outnumbered by mexican illegals.  The central valley is now an over-run third world shithole.  Google up Victor Davis Hanson's 'Two Californias' essay of a few weeks ago. The man nails it.

Here's a precinct map of CA, from teh 2003 Recall of Gray Davis. You can see how the liberals were concentrated on the coasts -


And just a few years later you can see how much the mexican socialists have distorted things -

The part in red did we really have to go there?


The Mexicans, generally, are a part of the problem.  It's politicaly incorrect to say but it is what it is.
Believe it or not most tend to be Christian and conservative in their views. If you guys wanted to say socialists, I would be OK with it but this is just borderline hate speech and xenophobia.


No, they are not really conservative, at least not the larger majority of them.  Their Christianity tends to be an odd brand that mixes the aboriginal religion and superstitutions in with genuine Christianity.  I forget if it was the Freeman or National Review that had a good article on that aspect of the culture.  These observations are from personal experience, as I worked quite often in predomnantly hispanic neighborhoods and come from a hispanic family (3 of 4 grandparents came here from Mexico, all leftists btw).  There is a reason why hispanic countries in the Americas tend to be so leftist, especially the more aboriginal ones, ethnically speaking.


I am so glad you read that somewhere unlike me who has real life experience living here, this may shock you but many are Catholics not some weird pagan Christian hybrid aborigini religion like some of the xenophobes want you to believe.

Now if you want to talk socialists ruining this state, I can agree with you but no need to bring up race... unless of course you are a....


I've lived in California for 23 years, so I would say I have personal experience living here.  I have also worked in heavily hispanic communities and come from a hispanic family.  I am also a devout Catholic.  There is no way you are going to portray me as racist against hispanics or anti-Catholic.  Hispanics from more heavily aboriginal countries (like Mexico) don't practice true Catholicism (and the churches are in part to blame for not trying to correct this).  They inserted their own aboriginal/pagan beliefs and superstitutions into Catholicism.  That is what most outside of the upper classes or the more European hispanics tend to believe.  Why do you think hspanics socially can be such a contradiction.  There is a reason for exceedingly high illegitimacy rates and how violent hispanics can be while they still claim devoutness.  It's the equivalent of talking the talk but not truly walking the walk.  

Culturally, the influence of Christianity is not what it is in Western populations.  Even to the extent they may be verbally socially conservative this does not translate at all into other aspects of their politics.  They are predominantly progressives and socialists and simply have some socially conservative views to go with such beliefs.  It is part of why leftism is so rampant in hispanic countries.  Moving to the U.S. doesn't really change that; it is odd to think a change in geography would.

This is part of why having to manny unassimilated or partially assimilated hispanics is a bad thing.  The culture.  It is not conducive to the Western conception of good or liberal governance.  It also turns nice communities into looking like someting from a 3rd world country. My obbservation has been that most hispanic immigrants do not assimilate.  The majority of their children and grandchildren do not assimilate much either, and sometimes not at all.  It is a real problem which is why I favour ending most immigration from hispanic countries temporarily, oppose amnesty for illegals, and expanding immigration quotas from Western countries or of major Western populations of non-Western or formerly Western countries (like, say, South Africa).  

The cultural shift is not a positive one and it needs to be dealt with, whether it is politically correct to say so or not.  It does impact California and its political or social problems regardless of how loudly some people scream racist or xenophobe.  The West is in decline after decades of haing been under attack from without and within and if the West including the U.S. wants to survive as such it needs to change its course.  Same goes for Europe; in their case they're dealing with a different alien culture.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 12:21:38 PM EDT
A Proclamation from the Order of the Templar Ignarus Fossor to big shitty:

tace atque abi

Do not acknowledge the troll, dammit...it's in the contract.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 12:38:02 PM EDT







I am so glad you read that somewhere unlike me who has real life experience living here, this may shock you but many are Catholics not some weird pagan Christian hybrid aborigini religion like some of the xenophobes want you to believe.

Now if you want to talk socialists ruining this state, I can agree with you but no need to bring up race... unless of course you are a....


Good point.  A big selling point of California is that it is a bastion of multi-culturalism.  There aren't many places where one can interact with such a diverse population.

If I ever decided to leave my beloved state of Illinois then I would seriously consider California.

Multiculturalism can be taken too far. I want to "experience" other cultures, not be oppressed by them or forced to make changes to my life for the sake of political correctness. If you want to see people of diffrent cultures coexist as true equals, modern Texas is a better example than California.

You do realize that randomhero & that other guy are more than likely the same person, right?

The same Troll? As I understand it, posting under two accounts is trolling. I still say California isn't a particularly great an example of multiculturalism.

They sure do seem to have the same style, but without an IP check, who knows? And I happen to agree with you on the multiculturalism thing- the People's Republic of Commifornia seems to focus more on the Hispanic than the American

I stated on page two this guy is not me, mods can IP check all they want. I am still in Burbank right now but I normally post from the SF Bay Area.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:00:01 PM EDT
I remember there being a lot of rednecks back in as late as the 80's. We used to joke that there were more rednecks in CA than in TX. It was even well represented in the country music.

Of course I didn't actually live there, but it was the impression I had. I sure don't have that impression now.

They're still here. THey're just quietly sucking their meth pipes and now massively outnumbered by mexican illegals.  The central valley is now an over-run third world shithole.  Google up Victor Davis Hanson's 'Two Californias' essay of a few weeks ago. The man nails it.

Here's a precinct map of CA, from teh 2003 Recall of Gray Davis. You can see how the liberals were concentrated on the coasts -


And just a few years later you can see how much the mexican socialists have distorted things -


I am no political genius nor do I profess to be. These maps are part of the problem with the Electoral College though IMO. They should be weighted by states. If a candidate wins a certain party in California by 60% for example, that state puts all of its 55 Electoral votes towards him, even though a great many in the state feel differently. This by default makes the candidates focus on the larger population centers that do not always reflect the sentimant on other parts of the state. Illinois and New York are two that come to my mind.

I can OTOH understand how certain states carry more votes due to their population, i.e.South Dakota vs. California. All I am trying to say is the Electoral votes within the states should be weighted by their populations wishes overall, rather than an all or noneapproach they currently have. JMHO, don't rag me too hard.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:27:45 PM EDT



I remember there being a lot of rednecks back in as late as the 80's. We used to joke that there were more rednecks in CA than in TX. It was even well represented in the country music.

Of course I didn't actually live there, but it was the impression I had. I sure don't have that impression now.

They're still here. THey're just quietly sucking their meth pipes and now massively outnumbered by mexican illegals.  The central valley is now an over-run third world shithole.  Google up Victor Davis Hanson's 'Two Californias' essay of a few weeks ago. The man nails it.

Here's a precinct map of CA, from teh 2003 Recall of Gray Davis. You can see how the liberals were concentrated on the coasts -


And just a few years later you can see how much the mexican socialists have distorted things -

The part in red did we really have to go there?


The Mexicans, generally, are a part of the problem.  It's politicaly incorrect to say but it is what it is.
Believe it or not most tend to be Christian and conservative in their views. If you guys wanted to say socialists, I would be OK with it but this is just borderline hate speech and xenophobia.


No, they are not really conservative, at least not the larger majority of them.  Their Christianity tends to be an odd brand that mixes the aboriginal religion and superstitutions in with genuine Christianity.  I forget if it was the Freeman or National Review that had a good article on that aspect of the culture.  These observations are from personal experience, as I worked quite often in predomnantly hispanic neighborhoods and come from a hispanic family (3 of 4 grandparents came here from Mexico, all leftists btw).  There is a reason why hispanic countries in the Americas tend to be so leftist, especially the more aboriginal ones, ethnically speaking.


I am so glad you read that somewhere unlike me who has real life experience living here, this may shock you but many are Catholics not some weird pagan Christian hybrid aborigini religion like some of the xenophobes want you to believe.

Now if you want to talk socialists ruining this state, I can agree with you but no need to bring up race... unless of course you are a....


I've lived in California for 23 years, so I would say I have personal experience living here.  I have also worked in heavily hispanic communities and come from a hispanic family.  I am also a devout Catholic.  There is no way you are going to portray me as racist against hispanics or anti-Catholic.  Hispanics from more heavily aboriginal countries (like Mexico) don't practice true Catholicism (and the churches are in part to blame for not trying to correct this).  They inserted their own aboriginal/pagan beliefs and superstitutions into Catholicism.  That is what most outside of the upper classes or the more European hispanics tend to believe.  Why do you think hspanics socially can be such a contradiction.  There is a reason for exceedingly high illegitimacy rates and how violent hispanics can be while they still claim devoutness.  It's the equivalent of talking the talk but not truly walking the walk.  

Culturally, the influence of Christianity is not what it is in Western populations.  Even to the extent they may be verbally socially conservative this does not translate at all into other aspects of their politics.  They are predominantly progressives and socialists and simply have some socially conservative views to go with such beliefs.  It is part of why leftism is so rampant in hispanic countries.  Moving to the U.S. doesn't really change that; it is odd to think a change in geography would.

This is part of why having to manny unassimilated or partially assimilated hispanics is a bad thing.  The culture.  It is not conducive to the Western conception of good or liberal governance.  It also turns nice communities into looking like someting from a 3rd world country. My obbservation has been that most hispanic immigrants do not assimilate.  The majority of their children and grandchildren do not assimilate much either, and sometimes not at all.  It is a real problem which is why I favour ending most immigration from hispanic countries temporarily, oppose amnesty for illegals, and expanding immigration quotas from Western countries or of major Western populations of non-Western or formerly Western countries (like, say, South Africa).  

The cultural shift is not a positive one and it needs to be dealt with, whether it is politically correct to say so or not.  It does impact California and its political or social problems regardless of how loudly some people scream racist or xenophobe.  The West is in decline after decades of haing been under attack from without and within and if the West including the U.S. wants to survive as such it needs to change its course.  Same goes for Europe; in their case they're dealing with a different alien culture.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:38:38 PM EDT









I remember there being a lot of rednecks back in as late as the 80's. We used to joke that there were more rednecks in CA than in TX. It was even well represented in the country music.

Of course I didn't actually live there, but it was the impression I had. I sure don't have that impression now.

They're still here. THey're just quietly sucking their meth pipes and now massively outnumbered by mexican illegals.  The central valley is now an over-run third world shithole.  Google up Victor Davis Hanson's 'Two Californias' essay of a few weeks ago. The man nails it.
Here's a precinct map of CA, from teh 2003 Recall of Gray Davis. You can see how the liberals were concentrated on the coasts -


And just a few years later you can see how much the mexican socialists have distorted things -

The part in red did we really have to go there?


The Mexicans, generally, are a part of the problem.  It's politicaly incorrect to say but it is what it is.

Believe it or not most tend to be Christian and conservative in their views. If you guys wanted to say socialists, I would be OK with it but this is just borderline hate speech and xenophobia.


No, they are not really conservative, at least not the larger majority of them.  Their Christianity tends to be an odd brand that mixes the aboriginal religion and superstitutions in with genuine Christianity.  I forget if it was the Freeman or National Review that had a good article on that aspect of the culture.  These observations are from personal experience, as I worked quite often in predomnantly hispanic neighborhoods and come from a hispanic family (3 of 4 grandparents came here from Mexico, all leftists btw).  There is a reason why hispanic countries in the Americas tend to be so leftist, especially the more aboriginal ones, ethnically speaking.


I am so glad you read that somewhere unlike me who has real life experience living here, this may shock you but many are Catholics not some weird pagan Christian hybrid aborigini religion like some of the xenophobes want you to believe.

Now if you want to talk socialists ruining this state, I can agree with you but no need to bring up race... unless of course you are a....


I've lived in California for 23 years, so I would say I have personal experience living here.  I have also worked in heavily hispanic communities and come from a hispanic family.  I am also a devout Catholic.  There is no way you are going to portray me as racist against hispanics or anti-Catholic.  Hispanics from more heavily aboriginal countries (like Mexico) don't practice true Catholicism (and the churches are in part to blame for not trying to correct this).  They inserted their own aboriginal/pagan beliefs and superstitutions into Catholicism.  That is what most outside of the upper classes or the more European hispanics tend to believe.  Why do you think hspanics socially can be such a contradiction.  There is a reason for exceedingly high illegitimacy rates and how violent hispanics can be while they still claim devoutness.  It's the equivalent of talking the talk but not truly walking the walk.  

Culturally, the influence of Christianity is not what it is in Western populations.  Even to the extent they may be verbally socially conservative this does not translate at all into other aspects of their politics.  They are predominantly progressives and socialists and simply have some socially conservative views to go with such beliefs.  It is part of why leftism is so rampant in hispanic countries.  Moving to the U.S. doesn't really change that; it is odd to think a change in geography would.

This is part of why having to manny unassimilated or partially assimilated hispanics is a bad thing.  The culture.  It is not conducive to the Western conception of good or liberal governance.  It also turns nice communities into looking like someting from a 3rd world country. My obbservation has been that most hispanic immigrants do not assimilate.  The majority of their children and grandchildren do not assimilate much either, and sometimes not at all.  It is a real problem which is why I favour ending most immigration from hispanic countries temporarily, oppose amnesty for illegals, and expanding immigration quotas from Western countries or of major Western populations of non-Western or formerly Western countries (like, say, South Africa).  

The cultural shift is not a positive one and it needs to be dealt with, whether it is politically correct to say so or not.  It does impact California and its political or social problems regardless of how loudly some people scream racist or xenophobe.  The West is in decline after decades of haing been under attack from without and within and if the West including the U.S. wants to survive as such it needs to change its course.  Same goes for Europe; in their case they're dealing with a different alien culture.
Instead of trying to blame race you will find that the link is actually lack of education and Mexico is pretty much a oligarchy were the Spaniards still run things, appear on TV in media, etc... I understand that their own culture can be racist and xenophobic but its better not to stoop to that level.

When you get down to it all of their "undesirable behaviors" come from a system that encourages ignorance. This needs to be changed, the higher someones education level the less likely they are to go to jail, have illegitimate children etc.

If you want to keep looking at race then go ahead and live in your 1950's utopia.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:39:13 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

Liberals are nuts.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:39:57 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

Liberals are nuts.

Middle left Athiests are only a little off .
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:40:53 PM EDT

What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

What in the Hell are you smoking? Military super-power? Please!  

Lets look at the Facts:

El Toro shut down,Check!
Fort Ord-Closed
George AFB-Closed
Norton AFB-Closed
Castle AFB-Closed
March AFB-Reserve base now-Brac
Mira Mar- Was Navy now a USMC?-Brac
Everything up by Frisco Shut Down-

San Diego-General Dynamics-Gone
Buck Knives-Gone
Teledyne Ryan-Gone

San Fran is not a good place to live or raise a family unless you suck dick, or hate guns, and love commies.

Water cut to the central valley.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:41:02 PM EDT



I am so glad you read that somewhere unlike me who has real life experience living here, this may shock you but many are Catholics not some weird pagan Christian hybrid aborigini religion like some of the xenophobes want you to believe.

Now if you want to talk socialists ruining this state, I can agree with you but no need to bring up race... unless of course you are a....


Good point.  A big selling point of California is that it is a bastion of multi-culturalism.  There aren't many places where one can interact with such a diverse population.

If I ever decided to leave my beloved state of Illinois then I would seriously consider California.

I really like the cut of your jib my good man.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:44:25 PM EDT
I got an idea how about you focus your efforts on your illegal immigrant crime. Compared to your state, seceding major parts to drug runners, we got things under control here.


You didn't get anything under control. The border fence was completed here, AZ is still open.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:44:35 PM EDT





What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.


Whatever you say sir. How is your race for Mayor of Chicago going?

Well, the courts rendered a correct decision that will allow Mr. Emanuel the opportunity to proudly serve the great city of Chicago.  

He has big shoes to fill in Mayor Daley.  Mr. Emanuel has the leadership and persona to get things done, however.  His influence will cover the state and make Illinois an opportunistic place to live again.

Of all of the things I've seen posted in GD...From crooked toes, to bacon firearms..... I have never seen anything so herp derp as this, are you sure you're on the right forum?
Rahm Emanuel will poke you while you are naked in the shower, he did it to Eric Messa don't think he wont do it to you.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:45:36 PM EDT


I am so glad you read that somewhere unlike me who has real life experience living here, this may shock you but many are Catholics not some weird pagan Christian hybrid aborigini religion like some of the xenophobes want you to believe.

Now if you want to talk socialists ruining this state, I can agree with you but no need to bring up race... unless of course you are a....


Good point.  A big selling point of California is that it is a bastion of multi-culturalism.  There aren't many places where one can interact with such a diverse population.

If I ever decided to leave my beloved state of Illinois then I would seriously consider California.

I really like the cut of your jib my good man.


Thank you sir.  It's good to know that a few here can post with reason instead of blind emotions.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:46:00 PM EDT
Believe it or not most tend to be Christian and conservative in their views. If you guys wanted to say socialists, I would be OK with it but this is just borderline hate speech and xenophobia.


They are socialists. They tend to be social conservatives, but anti free market.
Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:46:33 PM EDT



I got an idea how about you focus your efforts on your illegal immigrant crime. Compared to your state, seceding major parts to drug runners, we got things under control here.


You didn't get anything under control. The border fence was completed here, AZ is still open.

Let me shed another tear for AZ... oh wait fresh out.

I take it you are one of those cold war era "wall builders", worked so great with Berlin.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:48:24 PM EDT
What is so liberal about California?  The state alone is in the top ten world's economy.  If it wasn't for the big city thinkers from California the US as a whole wouldn't be a military or economic superpower it is today.  San Francisco is very nice and would be an awesome place to live.  The standards that are in place is what keeps that city nice.

Yup. And nancy pelosi is a bible thumpin gun totin preacher from Biloxi.

Link Posted: 2/17/2011 2:49:33 PM EDT



Believe it or not most tend to be Christian and conservative in their views. If you guys wanted to say socialists, I would be OK with it but this is just borderline hate speech and xenophobia.


They are socialists. They tend to be social conservatives, but anti free market.

"They" you mean "Mexicans"?

Your posts reek of xenophobia.

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