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Link Posted: 5/21/2023 5:42:49 PM EDT
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.
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And who is following up with them to see if they are/are not lined up at WIC, EBT and/or other programs in their local area???

Don't be fooled...they may be low IQ, but they know how to play the system.

A friend of a friend (Venezuelan woman) said she can't stand them. She said they intentionally won't marry so they can play the system...one of them (probably the baby daddy) works under the table - while the other (usually the baby momma) petitions for aid.

Now, although they play the system, they do not live like kings...yea, lots of them live in trailer parks and/or houses with 10 families sleeping on top of each other - but, at the end of the day, they pull down society with them. Majority of them have no ambitions besides reproducing and slaving. I grew up with them in my Central American shithole. They'll just fuck, drink, and work thinking about that day - in other words, they have no long-term goals/ambitions. They are just glad they made enough to eat that day.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 5:43:04 PM EDT
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.
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If you knew how many handouts came with the red carpet that was rolled out, you'd laugh at yourself.  Around here it's all cash and they aren't paying much taxes.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 5:45:02 PM EDT
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Maryland and Northern Virginia aren't any more conservative,
despite the massive influx of "natural conservative" illegals.
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Whenever you want to flip it- just make them Citizens and let them vote.

Link Posted: 5/21/2023 5:46:36 PM EDT
I'm sure one of the 87,000 IRS agents will be asking questions soon.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 5:47:36 PM EDT
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The Continent of North America includes, Canada, United States and Mexico.

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Si Señor

Bienvenido a la unión norteamericana
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 5:49:32 PM EDT
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New Yorkers shocked that working women don’t murder their babies & have families
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Oh pleezeee...

Idk who is worse: 1) The "working" women who abort kids; 2) The "working" women who dump off their kids in daycare, with relative or "institutionalized daycare" (public schools); or 3) Poor women who breed irresponsibly.

These immigrant women are no better than the leeches we currently have here in the US. They irresponsibly breed like fucking animals - only to put the kids to slave, cuz they were too selfish and/or lazy to plan a family.

Yes, back, back in the day children worked on farms and stuff - but that was a "family". Lots of these immigrants are not a "family" - majority are broken homes, with men who not only sleep around, but at some point may even diddle the kids (especially the girls) - where the women just repeat a broken cycle of victimhood of domestic abuse.

Link Posted: 5/21/2023 5:50:29 PM EDT
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And who is following up with them to see if they are/are not lined up at WIC, EBT and/or other programs in their local area???

Don't be fooled...they may be low IQ, but they know how to play the system.
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They're at the church too, and there are programs.

I doubt any decent sample of them has ever been tested for IQ, but on the whole they are more intelligent than the "Average American/" Joe-Six-Pack... and what they lack is simply because they haven't been educated to the same level.

Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:07:28 PM EDT
We're trying to hire people right now, 1 guy was 72 and no way can do the job.   Another younger guy has no driver's license, the last guy to apply has a tattoo of a AK47 on his cheek and one that says "dying to live" across his forehead.   Might be the nicest guy on the planet, but no way many of our customers would let him in their home.  

   One of our workers of 3 years got her fiancé from S,Africa into the country the way it should be done.   He applied for his G,card and they got married a year+ ago.   They said he could not work at all until that was complete.  BS or not no idea.   But G,dang come to the country the legal way and the gubnent says you can't work for a year.

   He found work under the table through her father and it took over a year+ to get the G,card and he did become a US citizen.     He wanted no handouts; he didn't get a free cell phone nor medical BS from anyone.     He came here wanting to work and build a family.  

   I would hire 10 of him if we could and if we needed that many.  

Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:12:45 PM EDT
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I look forward to skilled labor at low cost, coupled with work ethic.
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I look forward to the machete fights in the streets.

I look forward to skilled labor at low cost, coupled with work ethic.

How many skilled people are in the millions coming over the border , a hundred ?
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:20:29 PM EDT
I lived in East Elmhurst for 4 years because of work.
I was the only token white man for 20 blocks and didn't have any issues because I respected them and theirs.

One thing I learned from the experience is that Central Americans with Dominicans,Cubans, and Puerto Ricans doesn't mix.

They are the most racist people I've ever met.
Yes,  this is AOCs people...
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:22:02 PM EDT
Its bottles of water here from Sams.

$1.00/ea at the lights.

Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:31:43 PM EDT
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And who is following up with them to see if they are/are not lined up at WIC, EBT and/or other programs in their local area???

Don't be fooled...they may be low IQ, but they know how to play the system.

A friend of a friend (Venezuelan woman) said she can't stand them. She said they intentionally won't marry so they can play the system...one of them (probably the baby daddy) works under the table - while the other (usually the baby momma) petitions for aid.

Now, although they play the system, they do not live like kings...yea, lots of them live in trailer parks and/or houses with 10 families sleeping on top of each other - but, at the end of the day, they pull down society with them. Majority of them have no ambitions besides reproducing and slaving. I grew up with them in my Central American shithole. They'll just fuck, drink, and work thinking about that day - in other words, they have no long-term goals/ambitions. They are just glad they made enough to eat that day.
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.

And who is following up with them to see if they are/are not lined up at WIC, EBT and/or other programs in their local area???

Don't be fooled...they may be low IQ, but they know how to play the system.

A friend of a friend (Venezuelan woman) said she can't stand them. She said they intentionally won't marry so they can play the system...one of them (probably the baby daddy) works under the table - while the other (usually the baby momma) petitions for aid.

Now, although they play the system, they do not live like kings...yea, lots of them live in trailer parks and/or houses with 10 families sleeping on top of each other - but, at the end of the day, they pull down society with them. Majority of them have no ambitions besides reproducing and slaving. I grew up with them in my Central American shithole. They'll just fuck, drink, and work thinking about that day - in other words, they have no long-term goals/ambitions. They are just glad they made enough to eat that day.

IQ doesn't matter for that, really.

For those who don't know how to game the system to get somebody else's money, they are told how.  

I mean, we live in a world where things like this are real:

Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:33:01 PM EDT
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Oh pleezeee...

Idk who is worse: 1) The "working" women who abort kids; 2) The "working" women who dump off their kids in daycare, with relative or "institutionalized daycare" (public schools); or 3) Poor women who breed irresponsibly.

These immigrant women are no better than the leeches we currently have here in the US. They irresponsibly breed like fucking animals - only to put the kids to slave, cuz they were too selfish and/or lazy to plan a family.

Yes, back, back in the day children worked on farms and stuff - but that was a "family". Lots of these immigrants are not a "family" - majority are broken homes, with men who not only sleep around, but at some point may even diddle the kids (especially the girls) - where the women just repeat a broken cycle of victimhood of domestic abuse.
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New Yorkers shocked that working women don’t murder their babies & have families

Oh pleezeee...

Idk who is worse: 1) The "working" women who abort kids; 2) The "working" women who dump off their kids in daycare, with relative or "institutionalized daycare" (public schools); or 3) Poor women who breed irresponsibly.

These immigrant women are no better than the leeches we currently have here in the US. They irresponsibly breed like fucking animals - only to put the kids to slave, cuz they were too selfish and/or lazy to plan a family.

Yes, back, back in the day children worked on farms and stuff - but that was a "family". Lots of these immigrants are not a "family" - majority are broken homes, with men who not only sleep around, but at some point may even diddle the kids (especially the girls) - where the women just repeat a broken cycle of victimhood of domestic abuse.

The ones that choose to murder their kids off are  worse than the others.

IDK how that's not obvious ...
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:41:49 PM EDT
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Si Señor

Bienvenido a la unión norteamericana
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The Continent of North America includes, Canada, United States and Mexico.


Si Señor

Bienvenido a la unión norteamericana

Little known fact: Texas is in Mexico.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:42:11 PM EDT
It's really common in Florida as well. Where I live, all of the main intersections have a group swarming cars to try and sell flowers and other things. They don't try hard to avoid vehicles either as to them it's winning the ghetto lottery if hit.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:43:42 PM EDT
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.
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If they were such hard workers their home countries wouldn’t be complete shit holes.
But they are…
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:46:06 PM EDT
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If they were such hard workers their home countries wouldn’t be complete shit holes.
But they are…
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.

If they were such hard workers their home countries wouldn’t be complete shit holes.
But they are…


Life does not work that way.

You can bust your butt off your whole life and work as smart as you can think of and not have anything move one inch towards better because of it.

Life is brutal in most places and has been for most of time in the past.

You live in an extremely weird outlier.  

We need to learn this, so we can appricate it, and understand why it happened here and in some places in the west. You can't defend what you don't understand.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:47:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:49:02 PM EDT
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.
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Don't forget the Baltimore squeegee technicians.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:49:12 PM EDT
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How many skilled people are in the millions coming over the border , a hundred ?
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A lot more than that- plus we will upskill them when they get here.

You can't do that with young Americans- the majority are stuck on their phones playing with some app that turns you into a rabbit, or the Candy Crush.

One of my other favorite things is when they move into the most rotten neighborhood in your city, get together after work with the amigos and some work lights and cervezas, and pull an all -nighter rocking out a job on the house one of them just bought.

The sun comes up- and the locals are PISSED. They've been living in shit for decades, watching trash blow around in the yard of a house that was never going to sell, and these people made it look brand new in ONE NIGHT.

Monday rolls around and there's a little girl with ribbons in her hair waiting for the School Bus... guarded over by a little boy with a haircut who's not sagging his ass and looking every local dirtbag right in the eye.

That's America- and if that's something that upsets you, then you need to go for a long run or walk, and think about what kind of shit got into your head... and how to fix yourself.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:49:26 PM EDT
Diversity is our strength!!!!!!!!

Import the 3rd World, get the 3rd World!
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:50:19 PM EDT
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Life in the United States will continue to get BETTER and BETTER.

I'll even say "Gracias" and leave a nice tip- not even at a Mexican restaurant.

Do you even know about Latinos?

They are, in large part, conservative, smart, hardworking, religious, and friendly- specifically the ones that make the trek.
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I didn't even mention "Latinos." Freedom is inverse to population density.

If I want to meet "Latino" immigrants I don't have to go past the family reunion.

However, I suspect I know a few more "Latinos" than you, or you wouldn't be quite as inclined to your Chamber of Commerce/ Community College/ Returned Missionary stereotypes.

By the way, where are these "Latinos" you know from? Never heard a real person call themselves that, outside of (maybe) some poor kid trying to get on the PhD track in the HateWhitey Department at U of A.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:52:36 PM EDT
They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.
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And who is following up with them to see if they are/are not lined up at WIC, EBT and/or other programs in their local area???
Don't be fooled...they may be low IQ, but they know how to play the system.

A friend of a friend (Venezuelan woman) said she can't stand them. She said they intentionally won't marry so they can play the system...one of them (probably the baby daddy) works under the table - while the other (usually the baby momma) petitions for aid.

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This is exactly what they do. (Or they keep their marriage a secret.) The wives collect welfare while the husbands work day labor for cash.
The welfare office down the block from our firehouse was packed, all day, every day.

I laugh at all the natural conservative, hard worker, bullshit people fall for. These people come from cultures where sub 90 IQs are the norm. WE DO NOT benefit by taking them in.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 6:54:13 PM EDT
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And! Mexico is in the continent of North America.
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Actually, Mexico is in South America, but Chile and Argentina are in North America. It's a geographical anomaly discovered by Simon Bolivar, who was the first Emperor of Latin America.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:02:52 PM EDT
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I didn't even mention "Latinos." Freedom is inverse to population density.... Never heard a real person call themselves that, outside of (maybe) some poor kid trying to get on the PhD track in the HateWhitey Department at U of A.
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Latin American if you prefer... I wasn't trying to get you all frothy.

Anyway, we all know what group we're talking about, so no point in saying that Mexico is in North America! or Hispanic does not include the Indiginos! or whatever manufactured outrage you've got additional.

You're confusing the "nobody says LatinX" culture-war-talking-point with "Latino."
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:07:06 PM EDT
Sanctuary County: Illegal Alien Accused of Raping Teen Girl, Woman on Hiking Trail

An illegal alien is accused of raping a 15-year-old girl and a woman in two separate instances in the sanctuary county of Montgomery County, Maryland.

Jose Roberto Hernandez Espinal, a 20-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, has been arrested and charged with first-degree rape, first-degree assault, second-degree assault, armed robbery, and kidnapping for allegedly raping a teenage girl and a woman at a hiking trail this month.

According to police, Espinal approached the woman, who was with her friend having lunch along the trail, and threatened them with a machete before demanding their cell phones. Espinal then allegedly took the woman, with the machete at her back, to a secluded area and raped her before stealing her jewelry as well.

RELATED: Illegal Immigrants BAIL When DPS Conducts Traffic Stop, Find 38 POUNDS of Meth:

The woman is now recovering at a local hospital.

In a separate incident days before, police allege that Espinal raped a 15-year-old girl along the same hiking trail. Further details about this incident are not available.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials confirmed to FOX5 DC that Espinal is an illegal alien in the United States who illegally crossed the southern border in May 2013 and has since not been deported.

Montgomery County has a long history of acting as a sanctuary jurisdiction that refuses to honor ICE requests to take custody of criminal illegal aliens. In 2021, county officials claimed that the area is not a sanctuary county.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:07:55 PM EDT
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This is exactly what they do. (Or they keep their marriage a secret.) The wives collect welfare while the husbands work day labor for cash.
The welfare office down the block from our firehouse was packed, all day, every day.

I laugh at all the natural conservative, hard worker, bullshit people fall for. These people come from cultures where sub 90 IQs are the norm. WE DO NOT benefit by taking them in.
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.

And who is following up with them to see if they are/are not lined up at WIC, EBT and/or other programs in their local area???
Don't be fooled...they may be low IQ, but they know how to play the system.

A friend of a friend (Venezuelan woman) said she can't stand them. She said they intentionally won't marry so they can play the system...one of them (probably the baby daddy) works under the table - while the other (usually the baby momma) petitions for aid.

This is exactly what they do. (Or they keep their marriage a secret.) The wives collect welfare while the husbands work day labor for cash.
The welfare office down the block from our firehouse was packed, all day, every day.

I laugh at all the natural conservative, hard worker, bullshit people fall for. These people come from cultures where sub 90 IQs are the norm. WE DO NOT benefit by taking them in.

The worst part is, lower IQ + good work ethic and morals ... is doable. It can work.

Uber iq + lazy + immoral ...

Uh, well, I just described some people in WDC.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:16:15 PM EDT
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I slip 'em CINCO for a few flowers and then I'm straight ORO with my lady when I get home.

You are 100% turned around on this.

We want them to come here and do hard work, fix stuff, and build things.

This gives us more time to code.

The only people I know who do not think this is great, predictably, are the people who deliver food or Amazon... or drive Uber for career.
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And of course the people who work for Amazon and Uber are scum of the earth, right, and don't deserve to make a living?  What other jobs do you find worthy of subhumans? Roofing? Landscaping? Waiting on tables at a Mexican restaurant? Making fake Chinese food in the kitchen of the local China Express?

What are you, the public relations guy for illegal aliens?  Your posts are vacuous and offensive beyond description.  If you like 'em so much, WTF are you doing here?  Don't you have another country you're rather live in south of the Rio Grande?  Then again, what's the point? Socal might as well be Mexico.

Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:17:02 PM EDT
In before the panhandling street urchins
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:17:49 PM EDT
They are working, that's better than  half of the US right now
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:19:25 PM EDT
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Latin American if you prefer... I wasn't trying to get you all frothy.

Anyway, we all know what group we're talking about, so no point in saying that Mexico is in North America! or Hispanic does not include the Indiginos! or whatever manufactured outrage you've got additional.

You're confusing the "nobody says LatinX" culture-war-talking-point with "Latino."
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Beto is that you?
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:20:06 PM EDT
[deleted] Can't argue with a guy like this and what's the point?
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:30:19 PM EDT
Nashville has the same problem, bums and vendors at every intersection. I've contemplated dressing in a tailed tuxedo and standing on the corner with a silver plated collection plate, just to see the reaction.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:31:03 PM EDT
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Sanctuary County: Illegal Alien Accused of Raping Teen Girl, Woman on Hiking Trail
An illegal alien is accused of raping a 15-year-old girl and a woman in two separate instances in the sanctuary county of Montgomery County, Maryland.

Jose Roberto Hernandez Espinal, a 20-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, has been arrested and charged with first-degree rape, first-degree assault, second-degree assault, armed robbery, and kidnapping for allegedly raping a teenage girl and a woman at a hiking trail this month.

According to police, Espinal approached the woman, who was with her friend having lunch along the trail, and threatened them with a machete before demanding their cell phones. Espinal then allegedly took the woman, with the machete at her back, to a secluded area and raped her before stealing her jewelry as well.

RELATED: Illegal Immigrants BAIL When DPS Conducts Traffic Stop, Find 38 POUNDS of Meth:

The woman is now recovering at a local hospital.

In a separate incident days before, police allege that Espinal raped a 15-year-old girl along the same hiking trail. Further details about this incident are not available.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials confirmed to FOX5 DC that Espinal is an illegal alien in the United States who illegally crossed the southern border in May 2013 and has since not been deported.

Montgomery County has a long history of acting as a sanctuary jurisdiction that refuses to honor ICE requests to take custody of criminal illegal aliens. In 2021, county officials claimed that the area is not a sanctuary county.
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Extreme violence against women has been a well documented cultural problem in many countries in Latin America. Not saying it's the norm, or that all men from there are bad (I've known many who are great people).  But there were definitely times and places where murdering your wife may have been ignored by the police.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:33:05 PM EDT
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And of course the people who work for Amazon and Uber are scum of the earth, right, and don't deserve to make a living?  What other jobs do you find worthy of subhumans? Roofing? Landscaping? Waiting on tables at a Mexican restaurant? Making fake Chinese food in the kitchen of the local China Express?

What are you, the public relations guy for illegal aliens?  Your posts are vacuous and offensive beyond description.  If you like 'em so much, WTF are you doing here?  Don't you have another country you're rather live in south of the Rio Grande?  Then again, what's the point? Socal might as well be Mexico.
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Well it wasn't China Express, but the current Jeopardy Champ, Ben Chan's father came over and worked for five years straight, 12 hour days, 7 days a week in his own Chinese Food store.

This is simply the kind of labor that immigrants from all nations do- roofing, service industry, etc...

This is how America became America- and my family did it too. Probably yours as well, unless you are a Native American.

Sorry to ruin the pants-pissing-party for all the Fear junkies- but in the real world these are the people-in-your-neighborhood who do the work.

I spend a bit of time south of the border too- but I'm an American, and I love the United States of America.

If SoCal isn't to your liking though, why not move? There are plenty of other reasons to get out of California too.

Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:34:12 PM EDT
Somewhere, some perv is gonna ask "How much for the kid?"
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:38:23 PM EDT
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No different than the bums next to highway exits, except they use babies to guilt idiot people to give them $20 for a dollar bottle of water .

So freedom, much brave .
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And some of those crotchfruit are rentals. My sister living in El Paso said some of those peddlers, most all come over from Juarez, rent babies by the day as props.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:49:07 PM EDT
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I look forward to skilled labor at low cost, coupled with work ethic.
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Low cost labor? With short cuts and shit work.

What are you smoking?
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:51:47 PM EDT
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We went in to see my son in NYC on Mother's Day. These street vendors were selling stuff at each and every intersention.

Supposedly a lot of them get dropped off by buses in the morning and picked back up at night.
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I hate to bring reality into the conversation but Most of those people carry Giardia and have explosive diaria, causing them to have to run and shit every hour.

Where do they wash their hands after wiping their ass and handling money?
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:55:41 PM EDT
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They are working and hustling more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.
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Link Posted: 5/21/2023 7:56:14 PM EDT
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And who is following up with them to see if they are/are not lined up at WIC, EBT and/or other programs in their local area???

Don't be fooled...they may be low IQ, but they know how to play the system.

A friend of a friend (Venezuelan woman) said she can't stand them. She said they intentionally won't marry so they can play the system...one of them (probably the baby daddy) works under the table - while the other (usually the baby momma) petitions for aid.

Now, although they play the system, they do not live like kings...yea, lots of them live in trailer parks and/or houses with 10 families sleeping on top of each other - but, at the end of the day, they pull down society with them. Majority of them have no ambitions besides reproducing and slaving. I grew up with them in my Central American shithole. They'll just fuck, drink, and work thinking about that day - in other words, they have no long-term goals/ambitions. They are just glad they made enough to eat that day.
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Attachment Attached File

He's She's right you know.
And one forgotten victim and crime that goes on in that underworld is pedophilia. When you have ten people nested up in one apartment, the little girls get preyed upon.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:07:47 PM EDT
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With friends like these who needs enemies.

“We need the work ethic of third world pieces of shit”

“Only those illiterate sub 90 IQ immigrants can truly understand freedom.Real Americans don’t understand the way filthy immigrants do!”

I look forward to the machete fights in the streets.

Coming to your AO……Third world comes to you and doesn’t assimilate then drags you down to their level all while you work to pay for it.

But they’re conservatives!  They’ll make things better!  They work hard!  They’re all about family!  They have great food that Americans can’t make!  They have so much of that in the country that they ILLEGALLY came from, that they had to bring it here.  They are illegal aliens, here illegally.  Nothing more. They voted for shit officials in their country, and they will do it here. Wait, they can’t vote!  It won’t be long until that’s changed.  At best they’re socialists with nothing to contribute that will gladly take your shit, and commies at worst, that will be glad to vote for people to kill you-then take your shit.  Conservatives my ass.  Fuck them and you’re a dumbass if you fall for their socialist tale.  Hey, they make great food, though!  Pass me that avocado.  
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:08:51 PM EDT
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Wait until they figure out the system.
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Human nature is human nature

Only God himself can overcome it in a individual and culture in which he dwells...
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:09:42 PM EDT
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Whenever you want to flip it- just make them Citizens and let them vote.

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Just make them citizens?  Why?
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:11:03 PM EDT
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They're at the church too, and there are programs.

I doubt any decent sample of them has ever been tested for IQ, but on the whole they are more intelligent than the "Average American/" Joe-Six-Pack... and what they lack is simply because they haven't been educated to the same level.

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They can do that, after they get here legally.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:11:58 PM EDT
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Mexico is in North America.

Just sayin'
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When I went to school, back in the 70's and 80's, it was Central America.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:12:50 PM EDT
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.
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They do the same things, except they usually just send the kids, and use the story that they're collecting so the basketball / football team can pay to go to a tournament.  They then throw shit at cars when the driver won't buy their shoplifted bottles of water.
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:16:34 PM EDT
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Life does not work that way.

You can bust your butt off your whole life and work as smart as you can think of and not have anything move one inch towards better because of it.

Life is brutal in most places and has been for most of time in the past.

You live in an extremely weird outlier.  

We need to learn this, so we can appricate it, and understand why it happened here and in some places in the west. You can't defend what you don't understand.
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They are working and hustling…more than I can say for most Feral US urban dwellers.

If they were such hard workers their home countries wouldn’t be complete shit holes.
But they are…


Life does not work that way.

You can bust your butt off your whole life and work as smart as you can think of and not have anything move one inch towards better because of it.

Life is brutal in most places and has been for most of time in the past.

You live in an extremely weird outlier.  

We need to learn this, so we can appricate it, and understand why it happened here and in some places in the west. You can't defend what you don't understand.

Tough shit, there are no guarantees in life.  No one owes anyone else anything.  Where do I get one of these guarantees?  
Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:17:15 PM EDT
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New Yorkers shocked that working women don’t murder their babies & have families
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Link Posted: 5/21/2023 8:20:15 PM EDT
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A lot more than that- plus we will upskill them when they get here.

You can't do that with young Americans- the majority are stuck on their phones playing with some app that turns you into a rabbit, or the Candy Crush.

One of my other favorite things is when they move into the most rotten neighborhood in your city, get together after work with the amigos and some work lights and cervezas, and pull an all -nighter rocking out a job on the house one of them just bought.

The sun comes up- and the locals are PISSED. They've been living in shit for decades, watching trash blow around in the yard of a house that was never going to sell, and these people made it look brand new in ONE NIGHT.

Monday rolls around and there's a little girl with ribbons in her hair waiting for the School Bus... guarded over by a little boy with a haircut who's not sagging his ass and looking every local dirtbag right in the eye.

That's America- and if that's something that upsets you, then you need to go for a long run or walk, and think about what kind of shit got into your head... and how to fix yourself.
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Is this for real?  You’re a retarded Pollyanna that believes in fairies and pixie dust.  
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