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Posted: 11/24/2010 5:20:12 PM EDT
Don't understand why folks want the ceasefire breached
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:22:10 PM EDT
Don't understand why folks want the ceasefire breached

NK attacked and killed people in SK

am i missing something or can the CF only be breached by SK    and EVRYthing NK does is just silly games ?
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:22:14 PM EDT
Hatred of commies, foreign and domestic.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:23:16 PM EDT
The only good communist is a dead communist.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:23:21 PM EDT
Because North Korea has nukes.  North Korea doesn't like anyone else.  North Korea wants to destroy everyone.  Their leader is crazy as shit.  Their people are zombies who worship their leader.  They're like a meth addict in a minefield.  Eventually somethings going to go really wrong.  And someones gonna be hurting in the morning.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:24:16 PM EDT
North Korea is like the brother that just keeps on poking you, and he just wont stop ever.

It's so god damned annoying.

EDIT: plus they may have 1 or 2 nucluear devices
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:24:30 PM EDT
Maybe because NK is firmly in control of a certifiable despot who wouldn't hesitate for even an instant to sell those Nukes to whomever was convenient?

Also because one of these days those artillery shells that landed across the DMZ will be replaced by an actual nuclear weapon.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:24:51 PM EDT
I've been in the fighting positions on the Gimpo North West of Seoul.

10,000,000 people within arty range in Seoul.

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:24:58 PM EDT
Because North Korea has nukes.

Pretty much this. Sooner or later, either externally or internally, the dictatorship is gonna fall.

Would hate to see Seoul go up in smoke as Dear Leader's last hurrah.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:25:10 PM EDT
Too many reasons to list.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:26:56 PM EDT

Because it's only a matter of time before the Norks do something really stupid. They should never have been allowed to exist long enough to get nukes.

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:27:19 PM EDT
Don't understand why folks want the ceasefire breached

If mortar shells or artillery shells came over the border and killed people in San Diego or El Paso or Laredo, I would hope there would be some counter-battery fire and little retaliation fire, too.  

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:27:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:29:46 PM EDT
Because North Korea has nukes.  North Korea doesn't like anyone else.  North Korea wants to destroy everyone.  Their leader is crazy as shit.  Their people are zombies who worship their leader.  They're like a meth addict in a minefield.  Eventually somethings going to go really wrong.  And someones gonna be hurting in the morning. Justice

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:30:14 PM EDT
Because KW2 would be an interesting news cycle.

Anyone saying otherwise who isn't Korean or served in Korea is probably lying to you, because they don't want to admit that's why they want it.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:30:24 PM EDT
North Korea is like the brother that just keeps on poking you, and he just wont stop ever.

It's so god damned annoying.

EDIT: plus they may have 1 or 2 nucluear devices

I've read 8-12 nukes.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:31:19 PM EDT
29,999 posts?

Second guessing tactics and strategy in war is more entertaining than commenting on the coaching during a football game.  Very simple.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:32:04 PM EDT
I dotn think anyone really WANTS them to go to war. You shouldnt really ever want war. Its a method of last resort. In the case of N. Korea, they contiunally are causing problems for the south. Sinking thier ships, shelling an island, breif exchanges of gun fire. Now they have nuclear weapons. So now they have the option of nuking the south or selling it to AQ or any other terrorist organization to help feed their starving people. N. Korea needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:33:53 PM EDT


North Korea is like the brother that just keeps on poking you, and he just wont stop ever.

It's so god damned annoying.

EDIT: plus they may have 1 or 2 nucluear devices

Oh, and about 7/8ths of their country is held in brutal oppression and on the brink of famine by a lunatic.

That might have a smidge to do with people's desire for this blight on the world to go away.

What kind of fucked up stupid question is it that wonders why we'd like South Korea to kick its' violent, unstable neighbor's ass anyway?

Who wants it to stick around and threaten the world?

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:35:23 PM EDT

I think sending a few cruise missiles to dear leaders palace would be a good responce to the message sent to SK. If R Reagan were still pres, he might do that.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 5:36:16 PM EDT
I hear where everyone is coming from regarding their opinions of NK.  But let's remember, NK has nukes, they are a Chinese puppet state now (probably how they got the nukes, really), we are already engaged in two wars and would be limited in the convential support we could provide for South Korea in a ground engagement, and there are millions of Chinese at the north end of NK.  The last couple of months of saber rattling by NK, combined with the recent introduction of their new, presumed leader who is really just a kid, might be a classic case of another power trying to set someone up for a fall.  The someone might be the U.S. the another power might be the Chinese, and at the end of the day it could get really ugly if the Korean War reignites.  
I don't think it would be a slam dunk for us, I suspect we'd make some progress until China entered the war, very reminiscent of what happened the first time around.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:01:42 PM EDT
Good documentary...in 6 parts....

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:05:49 PM EDT
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the laminations of the women. ...
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:08:18 PM EDT
Plus if N. Korea fell, think abotu all the Hot Korean mail order brides that would pop up on the market!
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:11:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:12:07 PM EDT
it would really, really piss off DU
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:12:54 PM EDT

Because it's only a matter of time before the Norks do something really stupid. They should never have been allowed to exist long enough to get nukes.

And they just showed off their newest uranium enrichment facility, I just hope those crazy fuckers don't hit the button.

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:13:50 PM EDT
There's always two sides to a story.

Why does NK always seem like a petulant child on the world stage.?

Anyway, China is the key.   They prop up these NK guys because ....?   Ask them.!!!
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:16:43 PM EDT
Plus if N. Korea fell, think abotu all the Hot Korean mail order brides that would pop up on the market!

They would probably be really thin, too!!  


Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:20:33 PM EDT
Ceasefire my ass...
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:21:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:22:44 PM EDT
Member of the Axis of Evil.  They have a couple of nuke devices, although probably crude.  I worry more about them selling a nuke to an unfriendly to raise some cash, more than I worry about them shooting one at SK or our troops there.  The NK rockets are about as accurate as a bottle rocket and less reliable too, lol.  I worry more about all that artillery pointed at SK and our troops.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:23:35 PM EDT
Plus if N. Korea fell, think abotu all the Hot Korean mail order brides that would pop up on the market!

They would probably be really thin, too!!  


And smell of cabbage.

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:23:53 PM EDT
Don't understand why folks want the ceasefire breached

It's kind of like having some festering wound on your ass that is always infecting and will never go away, and surgery to remove it and properly heal the area once and for all will be 30 times as painful.

The thought of much more pain but then a final end starts becoming more attractive the more time goes on.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:25:05 PM EDT
What irritates me is the entire "Bush should..." and now of course "Obama should...." statements.

Yes we have troops there, but last I checked South Korea was its own Nation.

Their government should pull the tampon out and make their own decisions of what to do.

The pampering has obviously not helped them.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:32:52 PM EDT
There's always two sides to a story.

Why does NK always seem like a petulant child on the world stage.?

Anyway, China is the key.   They prop up these NK guys because ....?   Ask them.!!!

Because China is on the road to becoming, (or they hope to become) a world power to replace the USA. . . they are using NK as a way of showing the countries in that sphere that the USA is a decadent, overfed, lazy, narcissistic, corrupt spent power.  

That they (China) have REAL power AND the willingness to use it (key point), which is respected in most parts of the world, and certainly so in Asia.  

NK does it's crazy act, and we do what?  Not saying we should do anything––-there are many good reasons why we and SK must show restraint (at least publicly).  However the message is clear:
Look, we can pull the tiger's tail and they can't do anything.  They're too busy watching "Dancing with the Stars", making sure everyone wears a helmet to go bicyling and turning out crypto-porno teenage singers.  So who are your going to cooperate with?  Do you really want to go into that military staging agreement with the USA, . . . or us (China)? Every four years the USA goes in another direction.   When the balloon goes up, who's side do you want to be on?

They are trying to show those countries in Asia that hitching their futures to the USA is a losing bet.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:40:35 PM EDT


Member of the Axis of Evil.  They have a couple of nuke devices, although probably crude.  I worry more about them selling a nuke to an unfriendly to raise some cash, more than I worry about them shooting one at SK or our troops there.  The NK rockets are about as accurate as a bottle rocket and less reliable too, lol.  I worry more about all that artillery pointed at SK and our troops.

This is right. Why would I personally like to see the NK's get their asses handed to them? For my Uncles Jim and Paul. They lost a LOT of friends over there.

I'd love to see bad things happen to them. I know that isn't right, but it's just the way it is.

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:42:05 PM EDT
Insufficient thinking
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:43:38 PM EDT
Don't care what they do but I'm pretty sure it's cus nk are massive trolls/assholes
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:45:45 PM EDT
They are trying to show those countries in Asia that hitching their futures to the USA is a losing bet.

No way. Everyone in Asia knows North Korea is fucked, even the Chinese. Everyone knows that market economies are the way to go, even the Chinese.

The Chinese don't want North Korea to change because any sort of military conflict there would result in a flood of malnourished and racist midgets rushing across the border from North Korea into China.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:45:50 PM EDT
SK will whoop NK's ass as long as China stays out of it, which I view as unlikely in the event that such a conflict arises. Then, if China gets involved, I see it as unlikely that the USA will stay out of it. This is why maintaining the ceasefire is a good idea.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:49:09 PM EDT



North Korea is like the brother that just keeps on poking you, and he just wont stop ever.

It's so god damned annoying.

EDIT: plus they may have 1 or 2 nucluear devices

Oh, and about 7/8ths of their country is held in brutal oppression and on the brink of famine by a lunatic.

That might have a smidge to do with people's desire for this blight on the world to go away.

What kind of fucked up stupid question is it that wonders why we'd like South Korea to kick its' violent, unstable neighbor's ass anyway?

Who wants it to stick around and threaten the world?

Every thread I go to post in has you beating me to the punch.  Ima just outsource my posting to you.

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:49:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 6:51:17 PM EDT
Probably because of fatigue; this shit has been going on FOREVER.

If China is willing to go to war to prevent the occupation of North Korea then they should be the ones to bail them out. Instead at this moment we have Ban Ki Moon readying the U.N. for another aid package to these maniacs with OUR MONEY.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 7:01:08 PM EDT
They are trying to show those countries in Asia that hitching their futures to the USA is a losing bet.

No way. Everyone in Asia knows North Korea is fucked, even the Chinese. Everyone knows that market economies are the way to go, even the Chinese.

The Chinese don't want North Korea to change because any sort of military conflict there would result in a flood of malnourished and racist midgets rushing across the border from North Korea into China.

It's not about NK. . . NK doesn't do anything without approval from China. . .in a sense, NK IS China. . . . NK is the Joe Pecci to China's Robert DeNiro. . .but they are an extension of and  bought and sold by China.  China is USING NK and the tensions between it and SK/USA/Japan to send a message to : India, Pakistan, Viet-nam, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand,  hell, even Taiwan : Choose your benefactor––-the USA or China. . .
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 7:02:21 PM EDT
Because Remember the Pueblo Dammit!  I want to see that bastard either recovered or sunk in my life time.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 7:06:21 PM EDT
They are trying to show those countries in Asia that hitching their futures to the USA is a losing bet.

No way. Everyone in Asia knows North Korea is fucked, even the Chinese. Everyone knows that market economies are the way to go, even the Chinese.

The Chinese don't want North Korea to change because any sort of military conflict there would result in a flood of malnourished and racist midgets rushing across the border from North Korea into China.

It's not about NK. . . NK doesn't do anything without approval from China. . .in a sense, NK IS China. . . . NK is the Joe Pecci to China's Robert DeNiro. . .but they are an extension of and  bought and sold by China.  China is USING NK and the tensions between it and SK/USA/Japan to send a message to : India, Pakistan, Viet-nam, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand,  hell, even Taiwan : Choose your benefactor––-the USA or China. . .

Follow us and you become a paranoid kelpto-state? Brilliant analysis.
Link Posted: 11/24/2010 7:13:07 PM EDT



They are trying to show those countries in Asia that hitching their futures to the USA is a losing bet.

No way. Everyone in Asia knows North Korea is fucked, even the Chinese. Everyone knows that market economies are the way to go, even the Chinese.

The Chinese don't want North Korea to change because any sort of military conflict there would result in a flood of malnourished and racist midgets rushing across the border from North Korea into China.

Forgot about this obvious reason - not the racist part, but the malnourished midgets. I saw several documentaries on North Korea that showed the NKs being much smaller and shorter than South Koreans of the same age. The malnourishment is seriously stunting the growth of the North Korean people. Sad...


A year or two, maybe three, Chinese military documents were leaked that basically outline that in case of a collapse of the DPRK government that a plan is for Chinese troops to seize the Northern part of the country and prevent any and all refugees from crossing into China.

That's what I can remember off-hand. I know China and North Korea's relations have been cooling over the last decade by quite a bit.

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 7:18:43 PM EDT
They are trying to show those countries in Asia that hitching their futures to the USA is a losing bet.

No way. Everyone in Asia knows North Korea is fucked, even the Chinese. Everyone knows that market economies are the way to go, even the Chinese.

The Chinese don't want North Korea to change because any sort of military conflict there would result in a flood of malnourished and racist midgets rushing across the border from North Korea into China.

It's not about NK. . . NK doesn't do anything without approval from China. . .in a sense, NK IS China. . . . NK is the Joe Pecci to China's Robert DeNiro. . .but they are an extension of and  bought and sold by China.  China is USING NK and the tensions between it and SK/USA/Japan to send a message to : India, Pakistan, Viet-nam, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand,  hell, even Taiwan : Choose your benefactor––-the USA or China. . .

Follow us and you become a paranoid kelpto-state? Brilliant analysis.

This current situation is likely a power play by China.  They want to be recognized as a first world power, NK is a nice proxy to achieve that recognition.  And as a previous poster mentioned, NK's activities and our inability to respond will make other countries question their own orbit - should they side with the US, or side with China?
I think we don't want to be in a position where we have to answer this question now, as I don't see how we could mount a substantial defense of South Korea.  Sure, NK civilians are starving, but you can bet that they take care of their military folk - part of the reason why the current NK rulers have remained in power since the Armistace.  The NK army was underated when they invaded the first time, we might be repeating the mistake  now.  

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 7:21:19 PM EDT


Don't understand why folks want the ceasefire breached

Because they dont live there. Its the bravery of being out of range. Is SK's business not ours. If they decide to do something, we back them up. Thats it.

Link Posted: 11/24/2010 7:23:35 PM EDT
They are trying to show those countries in Asia that hitching their futures to the USA is a losing bet.

No way. Everyone in Asia knows North Korea is fucked, even the Chinese. Everyone knows that market economies are the way to go, even the Chinese.

The Chinese don't want North Korea to change because any sort of military conflict there would result in a flood of malnourished and racist midgets rushing across the border from North Korea into China.

It's not about NK. . . NK doesn't do anything without approval from China. . .in a sense, NK IS China. . . . NK is the Joe Pecci to China's Robert DeNiro. . .but they are an extension of and  bought and sold by China.  China is USING NK and the tensions between it and SK/USA/Japan to send a message to : India, Pakistan, Viet-nam, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand,  hell, even Taiwan : Choose your benefactor––-the USA or China. . .

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