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Posted: 2/16/2013 7:48:22 PM EDT
I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:49:35 PM EDT
Keeping up with the jones'.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:50:30 PM EDT
Some do it so they can be on the board and call the tunes.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:50:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:52:40 PM EDT
Many people don't understand that  there are restrictive covenants on their property even if they don't live in a formal HOA some places it is very hard to find any property without restrictions.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:53:09 PM EDT
Because 50% of the general population are below average morons,
and birds of a feather flock together.  
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:54:56 PM EDT
HOA here and no problems in the last 7 yrs...YMMV
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:55:15 PM EDT
Because 50% of the general population are below average morons,
and birds of a feather flock together.  

Gotta be this^
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:56:12 PM EDT

Because people have become so stupid, so self absorbed, that common sense can't be relied upon to govern people's actions...hence the HOA has to hammer the fools.

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:56:15 PM EDT
So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:56:54 PM EDT
I don't understand it either. My property, my rules.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:56:56 PM EDT

Ours is pretty nice.

Less than $200/year. In an area with lots of white trash, its worth it to keep neighbors from decorating their yards with broken washing machines and feral dogs.

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:57:59 PM EDT
So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

I was waiting for this answer.

And Bren Franklin had something to say about these kinds of morons.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:58:44 PM EDT
No problem with my HOA.  I'm glad my neighbor isn't allowed to paint their house purple.

Oh noes, I'm a statist or something!?!?!

The trashy people can move next to the HOA hating people for all I care
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 7:59:56 PM EDT
I purposely went out of my way to get a home that was not in an HOA and so far I have been VERY happy with my decision. I have only had one problem, I got some new neighbors and for awhile they refused to take care of their weeds. I asked them to do it twice politely over the span of 4 months so I gave them a third of a year to do it and they still ignored me. I called the city and they took care of it. The weeds were cut the next week.

When I was 16 I was a roommate in an HOA house, we would get tickets for cars that parked in front of the house. Most of the cars were people we didn't even know, it didn't matter we still had to pay the tickets... so stupid.

If I want to put a fresh coat of paint on the front of my house I'm glad I don't have to browse through the HOA's approved paints and go through the HOA painter and schedule him on an HOA approved maintenance day. Fuck that noise I just do whatever I want.

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:00:25 PM EDT
To all the HOA hating people might as well move out of the city too.  City has a bunch of rules of what you can and can't do your property.  So that means moving out of the city into the county.  
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:00:48 PM EDT
Here in the Washington, DC, suburbs you may find slim pickings. With a baby on the way, the wife and I were in a hurry to buy a home about 18 months ago. We looked at over 90 properties and submitted more than a dozen contracts before getting one. We lost several homes to bidding wars with other buyers...we didn't have much choice, and when we found a place we liked, within our budget, in a great location, we jumped on it. The HOA has already been annoying on occasion, however I don't have to worry about the neighbors parking their truck in the front yard or letting the exterior of their home go to shit.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:01:11 PM EDT
I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

Because I am tired of living in fucking slums.  I hate having to drive past yards with cars on blocks, overgrown weeds and bushes, and grass that aint been cut in 5 months.  I want to live in a nice up kept neighborhood.  The people that live here are assholes; but their homes and yards are neat and clean.

My liberty and freedom are not infringed.  My HOA started some BS with me when I first moved in, I eventually told them to get fucked.  No issues since.

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:01:19 PM EDT
I like knowing that my next door neighbor isn't going to erect a twelve foot purple Virgin Mary.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:01:49 PM EDT



So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

I was waiting for this answer.

And Bren Franklin had something to say about these kinds of morons.

"Bren" never had a neighbor affect his property values.  I like my HOA; it is a mutual agreement to not be trashy.  If you don't want to join, don't move here.

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:02:14 PM EDT
I do. It wasn't a selling point for the house, just a nice neighborhood.

I guess I can see the benefit, not really sure why you think they take away your liberties though. They mainly deal with additions or mods to the house.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:02:30 PM EDT


I like knowing that my next door neighbor isn't going to erect a twelve foot purple Virgin Mary.

I'd pay more to live next to that.

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:02:30 PM EDT

So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

I was waiting for this answer.

And Bren Franklin had something to say about these kinds of morons.

"Bren" never had a neighbor affect his property values.  I like my HOA; it is a mutual agreement to not be trashy.  If you don't want to join, don't move here.

Yeah... He kind of did.

That is if you understand what principles are.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:02:36 PM EDT



I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

Because I am tired of living in fucking slums.  I hate having to drive past yards with cars on blocks, overgrown weeds and bushes, and grass that aint been cut in 5 months.  I want to live in a nice up kept neighborhood.  The people that live here are assholes; but their homes and yards are neat and clean.

My liberty and freedom are not infringed.  My HOA started some BS with me when I first moved in, I eventually told them to get fucked.  No issues since.

Those are no no's in my city. If they homeowner doesn't fix those you can report them and the city will get it taken care of.

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:04:11 PM EDT
I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

Because I am tired of living in fucking slums.  I hate having to drive past yards with cars on blocks, overgrown weeds and bushes, and grass that aint been cut in 5 months.  I want to live in a nice up kept neighborhood.  The people that live here are assholes; but their homes and yards are neat and clean.

My liberty and freedom are not infringed.  My HOA started some BS with me when I first moved in, I eventually told them to get fucked.  No issues since.

I don't live in an HOA neighborhood.

There are no overgrown weeds.

No overgrown bushes.

No lawns that haven't been cut in 5 months.

No cars on blocks.

And our property value is rising.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:04:16 PM EDT
I have one.  It is a bit of a investment protection.  I have a small lot, nice house, in a neighborhood of the same.

In the suburbs of Atlanta you can go into neighborhoods that don't have them, and as they age, the number of houses with shit in the yard, crazy paint jobs, unmowed lawns and general disrepair increase dramatically and destroy the home values.  One of the places I lived in is an HOA and 24 YEARS after we moved there, it is still a beautiful neighborhood.  Similar subdivisions within a couple miles with no HOA of the same age are trashy and disgusting.

I find them overbearing to a point, but if I wanted to shoot off my deck, paint my house yellow and green, not mow my yard and build a barn, I would not have bought this house, in this hood.  But I would have to live much farther out and not around the schools and jobs this are has.

Choices. Compromise.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:05:01 PM EDT
Because in some places you can't find worthwhile houses that aren't in a HOA.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:05:05 PM EDT
So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

This. I hate hoa and the idea of them but people are idiots. We looked at many houses some we really liked but half the houses looked like shit overgrown yards, shitty half broke fences etc. Bought a townhome low hoa and the homes have historically held there value in the neighborhood. Was worth it to me.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:07:00 PM EDT


I don't understand it either. My property, my rules.

Same here.

My street and entire area has no HOA, and there are none of these mythical purple houses, or cars on blocks in the driveway.  Heck the people even mow their laws without being fined. lol

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:07:22 PM EDT
If you don't want to look at your neighbor's purple house, you should probably put up a fence.

The whole "But mah PROPERTY values!" argument is a load of crap.   You don't have a right to "value" in your property.   Value is in the mind of buyer and seller.

If your neighbor wants to sell his house to a "trashy" family, are you going to tell him it's your RIGHT to forbid the sale because of how it might affect your property's value?

Pure nonsense.

If you want a say on what goes on next door... then BUY next door.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:07:35 PM EDT
My brother does, but they have community pools, tennis courts, and all sorts of stuff that they can use...
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:08:39 PM EDT
I don't understand it either. My property, my rules.

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:08:59 PM EDT
Non-HOA neighborhood and not a single fucktard within half a mile. I really like it here. What I don't like is NY state politicians and the so-called "legislation" we're supposed to follow regarding firearms.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:09:02 PM EDT

I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

Because I am tired of living in fucking slums.  I hate having to drive past yards with cars on blocks, overgrown weeds and bushes, and grass that aint been cut in 5 months.  I want to live in a nice up kept neighborhood.  The people that live here are assholes; but their homes and yards are neat and clean.

My liberty and freedom are not infringed.  My HOA started some BS with me when I first moved in, I eventually told them to get fucked.  No issues since.

Those are no no's in my city. If they homeowner doesn't fix those you can report them and the city will get it taken care of.

I dont live in a 'city'.  The county really does not care.  code enforcement is for sukkas, they have little to no power here.  There are atleast 7 homes on my wat to work that still have Christmas stuff up, and had VD things in the yard as well over the holiday.  No one gives a shit.

25 bucks a month saves me from this shit (and I aint snobbish)
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:10:15 PM EDT
I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

Because I am tired of living in fucking slums.  I hate having to drive past yards with cars on blocks, overgrown weeds and bushes, and grass that aint been cut in 5 months.  I want to live in a nice up kept neighborhood.  The people that live here are assholes; but their homes and yards are neat and clean.

My liberty and freedom are not infringed.  My HOA started some BS with me when I first moved in, I eventually told them to get fucked.  No issues since.

I don't live in an HOA neighborhood.

There are no overgrown weeds.

No overgrown bushes.

No lawns that haven't been cut in 5 months.

No cars on blocks.

And our property value is rising.

Cool, good for you.  Every house I looked at for sale in a non HOA neighborhood had a neighbor whose house looking like it was straight out of a slum with their own automotive junkyard in the backyard.  No thanks.  Bought a place with an HOA and haven't had any issues.  There is a reason the non HOA houses were so cheap.. and it was at least partially the white trash neighbors dragging down property values.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:10:44 PM EDT
Because freedom stops at the end of my cul-de-sac, bitches!!!  

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:10:46 PM EDT
I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

Because I am tired of living in fucking slums.  I hate having to drive past yards with cars on blocks, overgrown weeds and bushes, and grass that aint been cut in 5 months.  I want to live in a nice up kept neighborhood.  The people that live here are assholes; but their homes and yards are neat and clean.

My liberty and freedom are not infringed.  My HOA started some BS with me when I first moved in, I eventually told them to get fucked.  No issues since.

I don't live in an HOA neighborhood.

There are no overgrown weeds.

No overgrown bushes.

No lawns that haven't been cut in 5 months.

No cars on blocks.

And our property value is rising.

if I was in your area, I may have picked your hood.  Sounds nice.  There are no non hoa hoods on my area that sound like that.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:12:53 PM EDT
So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

This. FUCKING THIS!!! That is exactly why I bought a home in a "master planned community". With several of the worst neighborhoods in the country, I didn't want to even to get close to having to worry about fences made out of hubcaps and shit.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:15:49 PM EDT
Chose an HOA community on purpose - nice pool kept up well for the little one to play in, nice entryway and common areas, pavilion, tennis courts, neighbors can't do anything too crazy with their house, no broken down cars in the driveways. Property values as good as anyone's right now.....Great neighbors, no issues....don't like it, dont buy in one with a HOA...

I was in a neighborhood without one, not again - until I can own my own place on some acreage, this works.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:16:38 PM EDT
If you don't want to look at your neighbor's purple house, you should probably put up a fence.

The whole "But mah PROPERTY values!" argument is a load of crap.   You don't have a right to "value" in your property.   Value is in the mind of buyer and seller.

If your neighbor wants to sell his house to a "trashy" family, are you going to tell him it's your RIGHT to forbid the sale because of how it might affect your property's value?

Pure nonsense.

If you want a say on what goes on next door... then BUY next door.

Yeah, and as a buyer when I looked at a house that had neighbors with their own personal junkyard, I priced that house as "not something I want to buy."  Other people do the same, this is what drives down the value of the property.  Protecting property values is about being able to sell the house for a good price and not losing money on the sale because of trashy neighbors turning the area into a slum.

Who is talking about telling someone who they can sell the house to?  No one does that.  HOA just means people agree to the rules of the neighborhood when they buy the house.  If they don't like it, they don't buy the house.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:17:41 PM EDT


Because 50% of the general population are below average morons,

and birds of a feather flock together.

That's why I do it. 2 years here and no issues at all.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:18:37 PM EDT
It's awesome that a lot of you have had good experience without a HOA.  My father was president of ours after no one else wanted to do it...he spent most of his time with people leaving vehicles parked in their yards, not mowing their grass (we had a 21" rule), or trying to build outbuilding that violated code.

I guess I am approaching from the buyers perspective.  If I drive through your neighborhood and I get the impression that I am going to get burglarized or have to deal with dumbasses, I won't even stop.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:25:03 PM EDT
Sounds like it heavily depends on the city whether you would want an HOA or not.

My city enforces the no brainer shit like cars in front yards and crazy weeds, so HOA's are kind of pointless here. I work all around the state though and I see the appeal. There are some very Mexican areas here and when I say Mexican I don't mean Mexican-Americans or Americans of Mexican descent I mean Mexicans. Anyway some of the crazy Mexican areas are out of control but they are surrounded by HOA's to stop the bullshit. I can't think of any new neighborhoods that are going up that aren't HOA's. I wish there was though. I'm afraid it's going to get to a point where I have to move into an HOA and that would suck. I love having a garden and I would have to drop plants like corn if I was in an HOA.  

I work on a lot of new houses and a big trend I hate is the houses that have back perimeter walls that open up to very widely spaced black iron bars instead of block fencing. It lets the whole neighborhood see into your backyard and I think they do that on purpose. Now your backyard has become an enforceable area for HOA rules. Not to mention I like to shoot bows and throw knives in my backyard I can't imagine trying to do that while people are walking their dog and staring at me 3 feet from my back fence.  
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:25:46 PM EDT

That's what I was thinking.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:26:28 PM EDT
I have lived with them and without them. I'm about to move back into one . It has 3600 acres, 3,000 of that is common area,, my lot is 3.7 acres. They keep up the roads, the airport, the rifle and pistol ranges, the trap and skeet ranges, the stables, the riding arena, the horse trails, the clubhouse and restaurant, the tennis courts and the swimming pool. Oh and the gate with guards, the fire trucks, the ponds and the hunting areas. Be pretty hard to do that all by my self, especially when I'm at sea half the time. So yes there are some rules that are a pain in the ass. But it isn't in the city limits so there really isn't an extra layer of "government" vs someone who isn't in a HOA but is in the city. It also prevents the guy next to me from hauling in a house on wheels and his kids from blowing by me on a dirt bike when I'm on my horse or a guy with a kennel of baying hounds driving me and my dogs insane. I've experienced those things too on the 20 acres I have up in SC So it's a trade off I find works for me.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:26:47 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:29:10 PM EDT
Herself already had the place when I met her.  It hasn't been bad at all. No problems here in five years and I've seen some crazy things happen.  You have to keep your place up is all.  Any responsible adult would do that anyway.  All that being said, the houses are way too close to suit me.  Corn and soybean fields on three sides, deer and quail on the empty lots.though.  Foxes and hawks by the house.  Creek across the road.  I have lived in much worse places.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:29:48 PM EDT





So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

I was waiting for this answer.

And Bren Franklin had something to say about these kinds of morons.

"Bren" never had a neighbor affect his property values.  I like my HOA; it is a mutual agreement to not be trashy.  If you don't want to join, don't move here.


Yeah... He kind of did.

That is if you understand what principles are.

I am assuming you are referring to his "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." quote.  I am not too sure how it applies here.  If you are referring to something different, please elaborate.

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:30:58 PM EDT
Cause your chain link fence and broken down truck in the yard make my $200k house look like its in a trailer park.

I bought in one because I saw the ones that weren't in one.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:32:51 PM EDT
It is precisely because people are morons that I live in a neighborhood with a HOA.  By buying/living in this neighborhood, everyone agrees to the covenants.  I don't have to worry about idiots that neglect their landscaping, let the siding of their house rot, or leave beater vehicles/RVs/boats in their driveway/lawn/yard.

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 8:35:03 PM EDT
Hell, in San Diego all the newer home developments/townhouses had HOA fees.

Usually only the older homes didn't have them.  

Many times you just didn't have much of a choice.
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