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Link Posted: 9/6/2012 7:00:17 PM EDT
Old Style

Link Posted: 9/6/2012 8:41:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/6/2012 8:51:36 PM EDT
Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout - I was burping beer/oatmeal/cheerios flavor for hours.
Link Posted: 9/6/2012 9:03:29 PM EDT

that or Miller Hi Life.
Link Posted: 9/6/2012 9:09:43 PM EDT
The only beer I have ever been unable to finish was Samichlaus. It tasted like I would imagine flat diabetic goat piss to taste.
Link Posted: 9/6/2012 9:11:53 PM EDT
Samuel Adams.

I don't normally ever litter, but my revulsion was so great that I threw it out the car window (passenger side, of course).

It may have been from the vat the guy in the commercial was swimming in.

This and Mississippi mud. Both are terrible.
Link Posted: 9/6/2012 9:12:13 PM EDT
+1 on Bud Clamato.

That shit is NASTY.  I mean, like gag reflex nasty, almost.
Link Posted: 9/6/2012 9:40:20 PM EDT
Bud light is watered down piss.  Stella Artois is fucking concentrated goat piss, my mother bought a 6 pack about 2 years ago, and there's still four of them at my parent's house.  I opened one, gagged at the taste, and passed it to my mother, who took a sip and poured it down the drain.  My brother (17) found them, opened one and declared it undrinkable.  Hamm's is nasty too.

I actually like PBR. I love many different kinds of craft brews as well.

Link Posted: 9/7/2012 12:40:55 AM EDT

Boulevard beer from Kansas City. Took the tour followed by free samples. They had maybe 6 different varieties to try, I had to go to the bathroom to puke. All of them were shit.
If all of them "were shit" I'm going to say you are not much of a true fan of beer.  Every brewery has hits and misses.  BTW, what are your favorite beers?


Paulaner Hefe-Weissbier, Germany spoiled me, The Boulevard version of this was
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 1:07:33 AM EDT
Leinenkugels Sunset Wheat

I don't like my beer to taste like Fruity Pebbles..
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 2:51:37 AM EDT



Boulevard beer from Kansas City. Took the tour followed by free samples. They had maybe 6 different varieties to try, I had to go to the bathroom to puke. All of them were shit.
If all of them "were shit" I'm going to say you are not much of a true fan of beer.  Every brewery has hits and misses.  BTW, what are your favorite beers?


Paulaner Hefe-Weissbier, Germany spoiled me, The Boulevard version of this was
You sir ,have a taste !

The worst one is those with strawberry/blueberry flavor,doesn't matter the brand.
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 4:00:59 AM EDT


Boddingtons Pub Ale (US) is pure horse piss, Boddingtons Bitter (UK, on draught) was delicious.

Boddingtons is definitely the weakest. It's like water with food coloring.

Link Posted: 9/7/2012 4:10:25 AM EDT
Many years ago there was the Cold Spring Brewery in Minnesota that brewed, and I use that word loosely, the worst beer in the world. Not only did their flagship Cold Spring taste like the bottom of a muffler but then they also had a wonderful brew called Western. You never quite knew whether upon opening a Western whether it would boil over or sit there like a dead toad. Come to think of it I remember it did taste an awful lot like a dead toad. Then there was Buckhorn Beer. Bucky could be had for $2.25 a case warm or $2.75 cold. We would save the $.50 and buy a bag of Cheetos. If you've never seen orange colored projectile vomit erupting from a car door, the windows or front porch of a house you've not truly lived! There was Blatz, Old Style, Schmidt, PBR and Schlitz as well. Each had their adherents but normally it was bought because it was on sale, had alcohol in it, could get you drunk, and maybe if you played your cards right could get you in the sack with some young lovely with more alcohol in her blood stream than normal.

Those were the days my friends we thought they'd never end. We sang and danced for ever and a day!

I remember Buckhorn.  It had a pic of buckorns on the can.  Me being deer hunting crazy back that tricked me into trying it.  You know the rust water collected in a bucket of nails after a rain?  It tasted like that.  

Link Posted: 9/7/2012 4:14:55 AM EDT



Link Posted: 9/7/2012 4:19:43 AM EDT
Steel Reserve
All Chili Pepper Beers
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 4:25:33 AM EDT
Rahr brewery gravel road

Tasted like cold coffee

<––-Dos Equis guy
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 4:35:54 AM EDT
+1 on Bud Clamato.

That shit is NASTY.  I mean, like gag reflex nasty, almost.

Wow. I drink a couple of Bud Chelada Lights every night.
We sell cases of it every week in our store.

Link Posted: 9/7/2012 4:40:27 AM EDT
The beer was actually pretty good but I'd always spill half of it trying to get the old style bottles open.

Link Posted: 9/7/2012 5:12:40 AM EDT
Leinenkugels Sunset Wheat

I don't like my beer to taste like Fruity Pebbles..

On the other hand, their Honey Weiss is absolute heaven!
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 6:32:50 AM EDT

Any Butt-Wiper made  brew is one of Natures most reliable laxatives.

The Ol' Crew Chief

Link Posted: 9/7/2012 6:56:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:03:31 AM EDT
OK, it's been over a decade since I drank beer.

But the worst tasting stuff I ever tried was Bigfoot Ale.

I know they call it barleywine or whatever but that stuff was horrible.

Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:04:16 AM EDT

Boulevard beer from Kansas City. Took the tour followed by free samples. They had maybe 6 different varieties to try, I had to go to the bathroom to puke. All of them were shit.
If all of them "were shit" I'm going to say you are not much of a true fan of beer.  Every brewery has hits and misses.  BTW, what are your favorite beers?


Paulaner Hefe-Weissbier, Germany spoiled me, The Boulevard version of this was

You've got to be shitting me. Boulevard is an awesome brewery, they make great beer. Especially their Smokestack series. The Doublewide IPA and the Farmhouse Ale are freaking unbelievably good. Their wheat beer is pretty damn good also

Time to lock this thread down mods, it's gone full retard up in here
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:05:31 AM EDT
There is so many shitty beers i can't list them all.

The worst is:  Warm beer followed by anything called Light or Lite.
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:08:09 AM EDT
Western beer by Cold Spring Breweries

The first one I drank tasted like it had sunflower seed oil in it.  The second one I drank (yeah, I wasn't too smart when I was 18) tasted the same, so I didn't drink a third one (though I did finish off the second one)
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:09:08 AM EDT
Old Style


Do not speak badly of Old Pile.  I like it.
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:20:49 AM EDT
The beer was actually pretty good but I'd always spill half of it trying to get the old style bottles open.


Old Mickey kicked my ass regularly when I was a youngster, but I wouldn't call it a good beer by any stretch.  
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:24:45 AM EDT
I remember one now that i would call the worst. It was called Camo It tasted like puke in a can.
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:25:25 AM EDT
The beer was actually pretty good but I'd always spill half of it trying to get the old style bottles open.


Old Mickey kicked my ass regularly when I was a youngster, but I wouldn't call it a good beer by any stretch.  

Well, the first 12 or so sucked but then it got marginally better.
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:26:28 AM EDT


Corona.... BARF


Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:27:20 AM EDT
Leinenkugels Sunset Wheat

I don't like my beer to taste like Fruity Pebbles..

On the other hand, their Honey Weiss is absolute heaven!

I Love their Honey Weiss.

JellyBelly, are you sure you're not talking about their Summer Shandy? That shit is nasty and taste like fruity pebbles.
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:33:35 AM EDT
The beer was actually pretty good but I'd always spill half of it trying to get the old style bottles open.


Old Mickey kicked my ass regularly when I was a youngster, but I wouldn't call it a good beer by any stretch.  

Well, the first 12 or so sucked but then it got marginally better.

The best thing about Mickeys big mouth was the fact that they were cheap, and the bottles were really easy to piss in when you needed to.  
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 9:06:30 AM EDT
I don't like beer at all.

I will drink Killians or Samuel Adams though.

The worst beer I ever had (in the U.S.) was Genessee Cream Ale... ugh...the second worst was Rolling Rock.

But what do I know, I really don't like beer.
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 10:37:36 AM EDT


Boulevard beer from Kansas City. Took the tour followed by free samples. They had maybe 6 different varieties to try, I had to go to the bathroom to puke. All of them were shit.
If all of them "were shit" I'm going to say you are not much of a true fan of beer.  Every brewery has hits and misses.  BTW, what are your favorite beers?


Paulaner Hefe-Weissbier, Germany spoiled me, The Boulevard version of this was
Have you tried their Pilsner?  

I enjoyed the Pilsner in Germany, its an aquired taste. Most find it too bitter. Havent really found a decent US made counterpart

Link Posted: 9/7/2012 12:01:30 PM EDT
Panther Malt Liquor.


Got it in college when our buyer couldn't get me my usual Mickey's wide-mouth 40.  This stuff was just tragic.  You're goddamned straight I finished the whole 40-ouncer, though!  Anybody that thinks that Budweiser or Coors Light holds a candle in the bad-beer olympics to this bile hasn't drank enough really awful beer...
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:25:06 PM EDT

Had to buy a pack of this after seeing the sign a thousand times in Paris, Ky.  Proceeds go to help out jockeys.  

It lives up to it's name.  

Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:33:01 PM EDT
Carlsberg Elephant Beer.  Strong, but nasty.
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:36:59 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:45:45 PM EDT


Carlsberg Elephant Beer.  Strong, but nasty.



..definitely gets an honorable mention in this thread.

I just bought a sampler 12pk from Boulevard because of this thread.  What exactly is wrong with the Hef?  Just finished that one...and starting their seasonal Wit now.  Both are pretty much standard fare..
Link Posted: 9/7/2012 7:57:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/10/2012 1:45:09 PM EDT
Nastiest beer I actually liked to drink?

Mamba (RIP) from the Cote d'Ivoire.
Link Posted: 9/10/2012 2:49:33 PM EDT
That's right. Kroger Cost Cutter Beer. We bought a sixer and between two older brothers, a heavy drinking (and other stuff) brother in law and myself, not a single can was finished.

I used to drink that! Remember "Buckhorn" from the same era?

Back in about 82 I was in West Virginia, andmy little brother bought a 2 liter at the gas station that had a white label that just said "BEER" on it.
He had just turned 18 (legal then) and got one; drank the whole thing so he could tell people how drunk he got on just one beer (idiot).
The vomiting was pretty impressive.
Link Posted: 9/10/2012 2:52:22 PM EDT
Steel Reserve.

(Does it even count as a beer?)

That's nasty.

Red, White and Blue was horrible.  Altes too.
Link Posted: 9/10/2012 2:52:31 PM EDT
[font=Times New Roman] not sure if its still made, but SCHMIDT'S (Philadelphia) always gave me the shits....

Followed closely by Rolling Rock
[/font=Times New Roman]

Link Posted: 9/10/2012 2:57:21 PM EDT
The beer was actually pretty good but I'd always spill half of it trying to get the old style bottles open.


I love Mickey's and that wide mouth bottle is very conducive to fast drinking.  
Link Posted: 9/10/2012 2:57:56 PM EDT
Budweiser (the American one, not the real one).

you mean Warsteiner?

Link Posted: 9/10/2012 2:58:20 PM EDT
Carlsberg Elephant Beer.  Strong, but nasty.

World's greatest beer.
Link Posted: 9/10/2012 2:59:54 PM EDT




Budweiser (the American one, not the real one).

you mean Warsteiner?

That is a great beer.

Link Posted: 9/10/2012 3:00:50 PM EDT



Carlsberg Elephant Beer.  Strong, but nasty.

World's greatest beer.
Has to be cold. Like ice cold. Hits you like a hammer, though.

Link Posted: 9/10/2012 3:01:19 PM EDT
Natural Light......

But thats a given
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