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Link Posted: 4/9/2013 11:08:33 AM EST
Quote "Why is this so hard to understand? Its simple economics."
... Dead Brains!

I disagree with nothing that you wrote here or elsewhere.  As for myself, I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but I don't believe I'm a hopeless fool, either.  I've got good intuition, I tend to think outside of the box, I communicate well and have a knack for diplomacy.  But, for the life of me (literally), I don't see a solution.  

For an organic/grassroots solution, we would first need to have the bulk of the population "undead their brains" and acknowledge the threat.  Then we'd need them to be willing to voluntarily sacrifice their personal comfort for all of our freedoms - which includes the freedom to fail and to suffer for bad judgment.  Vote out the usual candidates; vote in people who espouse individual liberty and run on a campaign of reducing government "help"; refusing anything tainted by government theft and public bribery.  This seems nigh on impossible to me.

For a top-down solution, we'd need enough people in political power to do what they've been doing - ramming through laws widely opposed by the population.  But this time those laws would need to be austerity-style amputations.  Slash all unnecessary spending; force through "no, seriously, we mean it" reiterations of the goddamned Bill of Rights (that isn't really that difficult to understand in the first place); put self-limiting protections in place to prevent government from encroaching like this again.  In short, political suicide and massive pain while both the general public and businesses are force-fed their medicine.  This seems even more far-fetched to me than the previous scenario.

I don't know what else could possibly fix this and I don't see either of the above occurring.  I would very much welcome someone showing me my mistake and providing a realistic plan to turn things around.  In fact, I can say I would never be happier to be wrong.

The Founding Fathers perfectly described the end-game for Democracy that you are seeing play out before your eyes.  There is a reason why democracies have always failed.


Today is the anniversary of the ratification of the 17th amendment allowing for direct election of senators. The day that the States lost their voice in Washington(I'll never understand why) and we became more a democracy and less of a republic.

The why is a direct result of the Civil War. The state Sovereignty was taken away from all states by the victors of the civil war. The North wanted a strong federal government that controlled the states, so the constitution was amended. Look at the voting record for the 17th amendment.


To the victor goes the spoils.  The South was beaten, the Republic was broken.  What replaced it was no longer a Republic.  

"The Will of the People.."  was never supposed to rule.  In fact, most of the writings of the Founding Fathers warned us against the "Will of the People."

Link Posted: 4/9/2013 11:14:53 AM EST

The Founding Fathers perfectly described the end-game for Democracy that you are seeing play out before your eyes.  There is a reason why democracies have always failed.

WE are not a Democracy?
Corrupt Traitors are failing, not OUR Republic; OUR Laws won't just go away, unless they are surrendered

WE will begin to understand this after the Coming Crash, when WE the People find a common voice demanding Prison Sentences be handed down...
"Where did the Trillions go?"


We are Republic in name only.

What we are, and how we see ourselves as a Nation exists in the mind of the People.

The People have been told that this is a Democracy.  They are told that polls, opinions and '90% want this' are the keystones of our Nation.

The Republic was lost a century ago.  Since then, it has simply been accelerating in the name of 'right' and 'moral' and 'fair' and 'justice' and 'acceptance' and 'equality'.

The phrase, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal..." was never meant to imply that all men are equally validated in their use of that equality.

A man who chooses to work, to provide, to educate, to build is NOT equal to the man who chooses to sit, to take, to ruin and destroy.

However, we have been sold this bill of goods under the banners I listed above.

Link Posted: 4/9/2013 1:15:18 PM EST





I disagree with nothing that you wrote here or elsewhere.  As for myself, I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but I don't believe I'm a hopeless fool, either.  I've got good intuition, I tend to think outside of the box, I communicate well and have a knack for diplomacy.  But, for the life of me (literally), I don't see a solution.  

For an organic/grassroots solution, we would first need to have the bulk of the population "undead their brains" and acknowledge the threat.  Then we'd need them to be willing to voluntarily sacrifice their personal comfort for all of our freedoms - which includes the freedom to fail and to suffer for bad judgment.  Vote out the usual candidates; vote in people who espouse individual liberty and run on a campaign of reducing government "help"; refusing anything tainted by government theft and public bribery.  This seems nigh on impossible to me.

For a top-down solution, we'd need enough people in political power to do what they've been doing - ramming through laws widely opposed by the population.  But this time those laws would need to be austerity-style amputations.  Slash all unnecessary spending; force through "no, seriously, we mean it" reiterations of the goddamned Bill of Rights (that isn't really that difficult to understand in the first place); put self-limiting protections in place to prevent government from encroaching like this again.  In short, political suicide and massive pain while both the general public and businesses are force-fed their medicine.  This seems even more far-fetched to me than the previous scenario.

I don't know what else could possibly fix this and I don't see either of the above occurring.  I would very much welcome someone showing me my mistake and providing a realistic plan to turn things around.  In fact, I can say I would never be happier to be wrong.

The Founding Fathers perfectly described the end-game for Democracy that you are seeing play out before your eyes.  There is a reason why democracies have always failed.


Today is the anniversary of the ratification of the 17th amendment allowing for direct election of senators. The day that the States lost their voice in Washington(I'll never understand why) and we became more a democracy and less of a republic.

The why is a direct result of the Civil War. The state Sovereignty was taken away from all states by the victors of the civil war. The North wanted a strong federal government that controlled the states, so the constitution was amended. Look at the voting record for the 17th amendment.


Progressivism, socialism, communism, oligarchy and tyranny in general cannot exist without a strong centralized government.


Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:12:36 AM EST
Warning:  thread tangient!

I don't care what your views are - this is completely disgusting.   If you have any faith left in the average citizen's moral compass and critical thinking abilities prior to this thread (and this post), please read below.

A second Delaware woman who worked at Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic testified today that it was “standard procedure” to snip the necks of any babies that were delivered by patients before the abortion procedure due to labor-inducing drugs.

And Lynda Williams, 44, of Wilmington, said Gosnell taught her how to flip the body of the baby over and snip its neck with a pair of scissors and recalled one time when she followed these orders and saw the child move.

“It jumped, the arm,” she said, showing the jury by raising her arm.

Earlier she testified, I only do what I’m told to do … what I was told to do was snip their neck.

...Gosnell and several staffers at his abortion center, including Pearl, were arrested in January after a grand jury indicted them on multiple charges after officials raided his abortion business following a woman’s death and discovered a “shop of horrors” filled with bags of bodies and body parts of deceased unborn children and babies killed in infanticides. Pearl Gosnell, Kermit’s 49-year-old wife who has no medical license, faces a charge of providing an abortion at 24 or more weeks and conspiracy and other charges.

...The grand jury investigation also shows state officials did nothing when reports came in about problems at Gosnell’s abortion center, which has upset incoming pro-life Governor Tom Corbett.

Gosnell’s abortion center was inspected only after a federal drug raid in 2010.  It was the first time the facility had been inspected in 17 years because state officials ignored complaints and failed to visit Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society for years.

Physician's trial for late term and "live" abortions

This went on for years - and the only reason a lawsuit was filed was because the family of a mother O.D.'d on anesthetics after a procedure.   Think of the employees, the guy's wife, the women who all participated in some way for this attrocity over the years?    

As a guy with a 2 year old...  I just simply can't imagine how another adult could do that and NOT know it's wrong?   Segue:  IMHO, stabbing newborns with scissors because a "professional" told you to is a very short step away from this:

"It" can happen here.  

/Thread Tangient

Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:33:38 AM EST
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:55:18 AM EST
Warning:  thread tangient!

I don't care what your views are - this is completely disgusting.   If you have any faith left in the average citizen's moral compass and critical thinking abilities prior to this thread (and this post), please read below.

A second Delaware woman who worked at Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic testified today that it was “standard procedure” to snip the necks of any babies that were delivered by patients before the abortion procedure due to labor-inducing drugs.

And Lynda Williams, 44, of Wilmington, said Gosnell taught her how to flip the body of the baby over and snip its neck with a pair of scissors and recalled one time when she followed these orders and saw the child move.

“It jumped, the arm,” she said, showing the jury by raising her arm.

Earlier she testified, I only do what I’m told to do … what I was told to do was snip their neck.

...Gosnell and several staffers at his abortion center, including Pearl, were arrested in January after a grand jury indicted them on multiple charges after officials raided his abortion business following a woman’s death and discovered a “shop of horrors” filled with bags of bodies and body parts of deceased unborn children and babies killed in infanticides. Pearl Gosnell, Kermit’s 49-year-old wife who has no medical license, faces a charge of providing an abortion at 24 or more weeks and conspiracy and other charges.

...The grand jury investigation also shows state officials did nothing when reports came in about problems at Gosnell’s abortion center, which has upset incoming pro-life Governor Tom Corbett.

Gosnell’s abortion center was inspected only after a federal drug raid in 2010.  It was the first time the facility had been inspected in 17 years because state officials ignored complaints and failed to visit Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society for years.

Physician's trial for late term and "live" abortions

This went on for years - and the only reason a lawsuit was filed was because the family of a mother O.D.'d on anesthetics after a procedure.   Think of the employees, the guy's wife, the women who all participated in some way for this attrocity over the years?    

As a guy with a 2 year old...  I just simply can't imagine how another adult could do that and NOT know it's wrong?   Segue:  IMHO, stabbing newborns with scissors because a "professional" told you to is a very short step away from this:

"It" can happen here.  

/Thread Tangient

I feel physically sick after reading this.

My God, have mercy on us, for Your judgement will be severe.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 10:50:02 AM EST
Warning:  thread tangient!

I don't care what your views are - this is completely disgusting.   If you have any faith left in the average citizen's moral compass and critical thinking abilities prior to this thread (and this post), please read below.

A second Delaware woman who worked at Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic testified today that it was “standard procedure” to snip the necks of any babies that were delivered by patients before the abortion procedure due to labor-inducing drugs.

And Lynda Williams, 44, of Wilmington, said Gosnell taught her how to flip the body of the baby over and snip its neck with a pair of scissors and recalled one time when she followed these orders and saw the child move.

“It jumped, the arm,” she said, showing the jury by raising her arm.

Earlier she testified, I only do what I’m told to do … what I was told to do was snip their neck.

...Gosnell and several staffers at his abortion center, including Pearl, were arrested in January after a grand jury indicted them on multiple charges after officials raided his abortion business following a woman’s death and discovered a “shop of horrors” filled with bags of bodies and body parts of deceased unborn children and babies killed in infanticides. Pearl Gosnell, Kermit’s 49-year-old wife who has no medical license, faces a charge of providing an abortion at 24 or more weeks and conspiracy and other charges.

...The grand jury investigation also shows state officials did nothing when reports came in about problems at Gosnell’s abortion center, which has upset incoming pro-life Governor Tom Corbett.

Gosnell’s abortion center was inspected only after a federal drug raid in 2010.  It was the first time the facility had been inspected in 17 years because state officials ignored complaints and failed to visit Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society for years.

Physician's trial for late term and "live" abortions

This went on for years - and the only reason a lawsuit was filed was because the family of a mother O.D.'d on anesthetics after a procedure.   Think of the employees, the guy's wife, the women who all participated in some way for this attrocity over the years?    

As a guy with a 2 year old...  I just simply can't imagine how another adult could do that and NOT know it's wrong?   Segue:  IMHO, stabbing newborns with scissors because a "professional" told you to is a very short step away from this:

"It" can happen here.  

/Thread Tangient

I would argue it is not a short step. It Is the same thing.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 11:28:06 AM EST
Warning:  thread tangient!

I don't care what your views are - this is completely disgusting.   If you have any faith left in the average citizen's moral compass and critical thinking abilities prior to this thread (and this post), please read below.

A second Delaware woman who worked at Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic testified today that it was “standard procedure” to snip the necks of any babies that were delivered by patients before the abortion procedure due to labor-inducing drugs.

And Lynda Williams, 44, of Wilmington, said Gosnell taught her how to flip the body of the baby over and snip its neck with a pair of scissors and recalled one time when she followed these orders and saw the child move.

“It jumped, the arm,” she said, showing the jury by raising her arm.

Earlier she testified, I only do what I’m told to do … what I was told to do was snip their neck.

...Gosnell and several staffers at his abortion center, including Pearl, were arrested in January after a grand jury indicted them on multiple charges after officials raided his abortion business following a woman’s death and discovered a “shop of horrors” filled with bags of bodies and body parts of deceased unborn children and babies killed in infanticides. Pearl Gosnell, Kermit’s 49-year-old wife who has no medical license, faces a charge of providing an abortion at 24 or more weeks and conspiracy and other charges.

...The grand jury investigation also shows state officials did nothing when reports came in about problems at Gosnell’s abortion center, which has upset incoming pro-life Governor Tom Corbett.

Gosnell’s abortion center was inspected only after a federal drug raid in 2010.  It was the first time the facility had been inspected in 17 years because state officials ignored complaints and failed to visit Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society for years.

Physician's trial for late term and "live" abortions

This went on for years - and the only reason a lawsuit was filed was because the family of a mother O.D.'d on anesthetics after a procedure.   Think of the employees, the guy's wife, the women who all participated in some way for this attrocity over the years?    

As a guy with a 2 year old...  I just simply can't imagine how another adult could do that and NOT know it's wrong?   Segue:  IMHO, stabbing newborns with scissors because a "professional" told you to is a very short step away from this:

"It" can happen here.  

/Thread Tangient

I feel physically sick after reading this.

My God, have mercy on us, for Your judgement will be severe.

Me too.  Shitty post to read on lunch hour.  I just ate and I literally feel ill.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:00:44 PM EST
Sorry for the downer guys.

I only read the news to remind myself how fucked up our neighbors and countrymen can really be.   I'm not a religious guy, but... fuck.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:22:43 PM EST
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:25:04 PM EST
Yep, let's git back to- Zoombies!

And all the dead brains in the US and how they will never be economically productive or do ANYTHING to strengthen our country.

Link Posted: 4/10/2013 9:11:29 PM EST
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 9:32:33 PM EST
I heard something on the radio today that the Fed said they will continue to buy treasuries through the summer.

So, up goes the stock market.
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 8:34:17 AM EST
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 8:37:19 AM EST


The stock market is going way too high, way too fast for my comfort........

The is happening with timber.  First time I've ever seen a tract of timber sell for $8,000 per acre.

Link Posted: 4/11/2013 8:40:00 AM EST
In other news, Bernanke to keep printing until unemployment comes down.

Link Posted: 4/11/2013 8:58:07 AM EST
The stock market is going way too high, way too fast for my comfort........

It reminds me of the story of Icarus.
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 9:56:26 AM EST



In other news, Bernanke to keep printing until unemployment comes down.


Why stop there?  Why not just keep printing money until median household incomes have risen to $100,000?  Of course, inflation adjusted that would equal somewhere around $12,250 in todays debased dollars.  A gallon of gas would cost around $30, gold would be going for $12k an ounce, a trip to McDonalds for a family of 4 would run around $200-250 (depending whether or not they "supersize it").  But everyone sure would feel better getting such large paychecks.  So good they wouldn't mind the higher tax bill.  

Yeah, that's the ticket!  This is Keynesian "Wizard of Oz" economics thinking.  Who am I kidding.  How do you keep hyperinflation under that much control?  

Link Posted: 4/11/2013 10:21:02 AM EST
If you want to get really sick.  Here's a link on CNBC that will make you barf.

8 tax breaks that cost US trillions (their title for the link, not mine)

8 ways the government loses trillions by giving you tax breaks.  It's their money, not yours, silly.  The government owns you.  
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 11:26:55 AM EST
If you want to get really sick.  Here's a link on CNBC that will make you barf.

8 tax breaks that cost US trillions (their title for the link, not mine)

8 ways the government loses trillions by giving you tax breaks.  It's their money, not yours, silly.  The government owns you.  

What's sickening is the way they word it.  It almost feels like these deductions are being vilified. How it "costs" Uncle Sam.  They're made out like loopholes or something.  Absolute garbage hit piece.
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 12:05:41 PM EST
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 5:05:40 PM EST
Tax hikes coming on the Middle Class with Barry's new budget (someone has to pay for healthcare) - so this just fits in nicely with the new populist rhetoric.

Tune in tomorrow so we can find out how the White House's budget and tax hikes will ultimately be blamed on "conservatives!"
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 5:09:13 PM EST
I remember when we used to argue over the Government's contribution to GDP (and thus, the distortion of such expansive spending on commonly used economic data sets).

the combined spending of federal, state and local governments per American household actually exceeded the median household income for 2010, which is the latest year for which all relevant government data are available

In fiscal 2010, according to numbers published by the Census Bureau and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), net spending by all levels of government in the United States was $5,942,988,401,000. That equaled $50,074 for each one of the 118,682,000 households in the country.

In that same year, according to the Census Bureau, the median household income was $49,445.


$6 trillion in total 2010 government spending...  bah - the entire US economy is at least $15 trillion!    We're golden!  

Link Posted: 4/11/2013 7:21:58 PM EST
Warning:  thread tangient!

I don't care what your views are - this is completely disgusting.   If you have any faith left in the average citizen's moral compass and critical thinking abilities prior to this thread (and this post), please read below.

A second Delaware woman who worked at Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic testified today that it was “standard procedure” to snip the necks of any babies that were delivered by patients before the abortion procedure due to labor-inducing drugs.

And Lynda Williams, 44, of Wilmington, said Gosnell taught her how to flip the body of the baby over and snip its neck with a pair of scissors and recalled one time when she followed these orders and saw the child move.

“It jumped, the arm,” she said, showing the jury by raising her arm.

Earlier she testified, I only do what I’m told to do … what I was told to do was snip their neck.

...Gosnell and several staffers at his abortion center, including Pearl, were arrested in January after a grand jury indicted them on multiple charges after officials raided his abortion business following a woman’s death and discovered a “shop of horrors” filled with bags of bodies and body parts of deceased unborn children and babies killed in infanticides. Pearl Gosnell, Kermit’s 49-year-old wife who has no medical license, faces a charge of providing an abortion at 24 or more weeks and conspiracy and other charges.

...The grand jury investigation also shows state officials did nothing when reports came in about problems at Gosnell’s abortion center, which has upset incoming pro-life Governor Tom Corbett.

Gosnell’s abortion center was inspected only after a federal drug raid in 2010.  It was the first time the facility had been inspected in 17 years because state officials ignored complaints and failed to visit Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society for years.

Physician's trial for late term and "live" abortions

This went on for years - and the only reason a lawsuit was filed was because the family of a mother O.D.'d on anesthetics after a procedure.   Think of the employees, the guy's wife, the women who all participated in some way for this attrocity over the years?    

As a guy with a 2 year old...  I just simply can't imagine how another adult could do that and NOT know it's wrong?   Segue:  IMHO, stabbing newborns with scissors because a "professional" told you to is a very short step away from this:

"It" can happen here.  

/Thread Tangient

Hell abortion is........
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 7:22:52 PM EST
In other news, Bernanke to keep printing until unemployment comes down.

Mark, you ever feel like we are living in the Wiemar Republic?
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 7:25:15 PM EST
I remember when we used to argue over the Government's contribution to GDP (and thus, the distortion of such expansive spending on commonly used economic data sets).

the combined spending of federal, state and local governments per American household actually exceeded the median household income for 2010, which is the latest year for which all relevant government data are available

In fiscal 2010, according to numbers published by the Census Bureau and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), net spending by all levels of government in the United States was $5,942,988,401,000. That equaled $50,074 for each one of the 118,682,000 households in the country.

In that same year, according to the Census Bureau, the median household income was $49,445.


$6 trillion in total 2010 government spending...  bah - the entire US economy is at least $15 trillion!    We're golden!  

As Zero's acolytes keep telling us, this is a rich country..........
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 8:55:25 PM EST
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 11:36:33 PM EST
Hey it might be the end. Obama actually submitted a budget.
Link Posted: 4/12/2013 7:37:33 AM EST
Link Posted: 4/12/2013 8:23:27 AM EST
Hey it might be the end. Obama actually submitted a budget.

There's a difference between a Christmas wish list and a budget.

0bama Claus is coming to town!
0bama Claus is coming to town!
0bama Claus is coming
To town!

He's making a list
Taxing you twice
Gonna find out
Who's wealthy
By thrice
Obama Claus is coming
To town
Link Posted: 4/12/2013 8:25:37 AM EST
Hey it might be the end. Obama actually submitted a budget.

There's a difference between a Christmas wish list and a budget.

0bama Claus is coming to town!
0bama Claus is coming to town!
0bama Claus is coming
To town!

He's making a list
Taxing you twice
Gonna find out
Who's wealthy
By thrice
Obama Claus is coming
To town

Agree.  Increased taxes is a large part of the "austerity" that has arrived in America.  Follow overseas news to figure out the trends here.  Cyprus is a good example of theft of private funds.  I don't think that will happen to our bank accounts (because the Fed Res can create money out of thin air and confiscate wealth via inflation which is much more peaceful) but it is a very real possibility with respects to retirement and IRA accounts.
Link Posted: 4/12/2013 8:50:19 AM EST
Hey it might be the end. Obama actually submitted a budget.

There's a difference between a Christmas wish list and a budget.

0bama Claus is coming to town!
0bama Claus is coming to town!
0bama Claus is coming
To town!

He's making a list
Taxing you twice
Gonna find out
Who's wealthy
By thrice
Obama Claus is coming
To town

Agree.  Increased taxes is a large part of the "austerity" that has arrived in America.  Follow overseas news to figure out the trends here.  Cyprus is a good example of theft of private funds.  I don't think that will happen to our bank accounts (because the Fed Res can create money out of thin air and confiscate wealth via inflation which is much more peaceful) but it is a very real possibility with respects to retirement and IRA accounts.

It's been floated, but shot down several times.

IMHO, we will get to the point where the options are raid those funds and keep the FSA from rioting for a little bit but the producers fo, or let the FSA riot and keep the producers producing.
Link Posted: 4/12/2013 9:07:36 AM EST
If you want to get really sick.  Here's a link on CNBC that will make you barf.

8 tax breaks that cost US trillions (their title for the link, not mine)

8 ways the government loses trillions by giving you tax breaks.  It's their money, not yours, silly.  The government owns you.  

What's sickening is the way they word it.  It almost feels like these deductions are being vilified. How it "costs" Uncle Sam.  They're made out like loopholes or something.  Absolute garbage hit piece.

Well, that's exactly how they see it.  It's always "the nation's wealth" when they talk about it.  It's that dogmatic zero-sum bullshit they cannot detach from - if you have more, that means somebody else has less as a direct result.  And there needs to be some "impartial" referee to make sure everyone is sharing this finite pool nicely.  Someone with "full faith and credit" - and full force of law and the firepower to back it up.

In their world, it is the government's money.  They print it, they issue it, they collect it back in taxes, they give it out to those who "need" it.  And, increasingly, they get to determine who is "keeping more than their share".

I cannot begin to find the words to describe how much I hate these people, what they have done and what they stand for.
Link Posted: 4/12/2013 10:41:09 AM EST
Link Posted: 4/12/2013 11:16:03 AM EST

Mario Draghi Orders Cyprus To Sell Gold To Cover Bailout "Shortfall"

"European Central Bank President
Mario Draghi said the  profits of any gold sales by the Cypriot central
bank must be used to  cover losses it may sustain from emergency loans
to Cypriot commercial  banks."

Cry & Comply...

Link Posted: 4/12/2013 2:08:54 PM EST

Because they believe in Keynesian economic central planning.  After all, it appears to have worked over the past 40 years.  Nevermind the fact its opiate like effect really started to wear off in 2000, and their increased application since that time has just made the problems worse.  

On a macroeconomic level it's over.  Our economy is a complete free-market zombie.

Link Posted: 4/12/2013 2:28:12 PM EST
Roller coaster ride to hell.
Link Posted: 4/12/2013 2:50:32 PM EST


Roller coaster ride to hell.

But the ride is so fun!

Seriously, from an investment standpoint there's lots of opportunity.  But you've got to be a surfer. (Remember...love is he seventh wave!)  For now it's nothing fancy, stay long stocks, and short gold.   Maintain your stops as we move forward.  Stay loose, vigilant, and flexible.  There are no long-term bets anymore. The situation is much to fluid for that.  Long term we know where this is headed, but, right now there are are some great waves to ride.    

Link Posted: 4/12/2013 3:53:00 PM EST
You all can thank me today.  I got an itch and bought a tiny amount of silver bullion yesterday, thus triggering the silver market meltdown today.
Link Posted: 4/12/2013 6:51:25 PM EST
Link Posted: 4/12/2013 6:56:02 PM EST
You all can thank me today.  I got an itch and bought a tiny amount of silver bullion yesterday, thus triggering the silver market meltdown today.

Precious metals price decline has been manipulated.  Paper representing 500 tons of gold was sold to drive that shiny thing down today. http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2013/4/12_Maguire_-_Over_500_Tons_Of_Paper_Gold_Sold_In_Takedown.html Try to get physical and you'll see how gold and silver are in short supply.  Heck, in Bangkok there isn't an ounce of gold to be had right now. Meanwhile in Shanghai,

Deliveries in Shanghai alone in March were 283 tons.  In the eight trading days of April, we have seen another 117 tons (of gold) delivered.  Today was another 20 tons delivered.  So what we are looking at here is over 400 tons (of gold) in less than a month and a half.
Link Posted: 4/12/2013 7:07:12 PM EST
You all can thank me today.  I got an itch and bought a tiny amount of silver bullion yesterday, thus triggering the silver market meltdown today.

Precious metals price decline has been manipulated.  Paper representing 500 tons of gold was sold to drive that shiny thing down today. http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2013/4/12_Maguire_-_Over_500_Tons_Of_Paper_Gold_Sold_In_Takedown.html Try to get physical and you'll see how gold and silver are in short supply.  Heck, in Bangkok there isn't an ounce of gold to be had right now. Meanwhile in Shanghai,

Deliveries in Shanghai alone in March were 283 tons.  In the eight trading days of April, we have seen another 117 tons (of gold) delivered.  Today was another 20 tons delivered.  So what we are looking at here is over 400 tons (of gold) in less than a month and a half.

I bought some AG last weekend. Watching the charts closely.
Link Posted: 4/12/2013 9:48:31 PM EST

Because they believe in Keynesian economic central planning.  After all, it appears to have worked over the past 40 years.  Nevermind the fact its opiate like effect really started to wear off in 2000, and their increased application since that time has just made the problems worse.  

On a macroeconomic level it's over.  Our economy is a complete free-market zombie.


That's understandable since it was 'created' by 150,000,000+++ of the 'same'.

Link Posted: 4/12/2013 9:50:46 PM EST
You all can thank me today.  I got an itch and bought a tiny amount of silver bullion yesterday, thus triggering the silver market meltdown today.

Oh Happy Days!

Link Posted: 4/13/2013 8:59:53 AM EST



You all can thank me today.  I got an itch and bought a tiny amount of silver bullion yesterday, thus triggering the silver market meltdown today.

Oh Happy Days!

I bought a NIB Glock 26 for $479

Link Posted: 4/13/2013 9:04:46 AM EST

11 Economic Crashes That Are Happening Right Now


Worth watching...He nails it at the end, defining the Political Pimps perfectly


Link Posted: 4/15/2013 12:38:19 AM EST
BUMP so the silver experts can chime in.
Link Posted: 4/15/2013 2:28:26 AM EST
BUMP so the silver experts can chime in.

There's NO such thing!

I'd believe in Sandy Claws first.

Link Posted: 4/15/2013 6:30:14 AM EST
Didn't think I'd see $23.xx in silver for a while - now I'm wondering "how much lower will it go?"  

So I guess I'll miss the falling knife and try to buy high again later.  

(is this the pre another-crisis liquidation sale, or...)?
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