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Link Posted: 12/12/2002 6:25:20 PM EDT
Main Entry: the·o·ry
Pronunciation: 'thE-&-rE, 'thi(-&)r-E
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
Etymology: Late Latin theoria, from Greek theOria, from theOrein
Date: 1592
1 : the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another

2 : abstract thought : SPECULATION

3 : the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art

4 a : a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action b : an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances -- often used in the phrase in theory

5 : a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena

6 a : a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b : an unproved assumption : CONJECTURE c : a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject
synonym see HYPOTHESIS

I think my use of the word theory is correct. (this time [:D])
And what ever method God used to start all this, is not for me to be concerned about. I will find out when I die.

From a DNA point of view, evolving from monkeys is out of the question. Anything born with that much DNA difference from its parents would be born dead. Even if that percentage of difference was divided up between 100 generations.


(edited to remove the 2ed me)
Link Posted: 12/12/2002 6:30:02 PM EDT
I think my use of the word theory is correct.
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Nope.  I didn't say the dictionary definition, I said the scientific definition.
A scientific theory isn't just a guess.  Do your homework and get back to me.
Link Posted: 12/12/2002 6:35:18 PM EDT
The vast majority of Christians do not believe in creation??? That has to be the dumbest thing you've said today. You are dead wrong on that one. How do I know? Trust me...I will find and cite sources, unlike you.
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No, the vast majority of Christians accept that the God they believe in brought about the development of the life that now exists via the method of evolution.  Surveys have been done and it's a fact.  (Here's a hint...more Christians live outside the US than in it, and most of them are Catholics...and the Pope has said he accepts the reality of evolution).

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RikWriter is correct:
From Catholic World news...
"The figures show an increase in the number of Catholics around the world. In fact, the Catholic population has grown slightly faster than the overall world population. Consequently, in 1997 there were 17.3 baptized Catholics for every 100 people in the world; by the end of 1998 that figure was 17.4.

Nearly half of the world's Catholics now live in the Western hemisphere. Latin America accounts for 30 percent of the world Catholic population, and North America another 15 percent. Europe also accounts for nearly 30 percent, and Africa 12 percent. Asia, by far the world's most populous continent, boasts only 12 percent of the Catholic population-- with most of those Catholics concentrated in the southeast of Asia. And Oceania accounts for the remaining 1 percent of the world's baptized Catholics. These figures show a few distinct changes over the past two decades. In 1978, Catholics were more numerous in Europe, and distinctly less numerous in Africa and Asia. The number of Catholic bishops has soared during that same time span. In 1978 there were 3,714 bishops; today there are 4,439. The bulk of that increase can be attributed to Africa. "

And for the text of the Pope staing that evolution was accepted by the Catholic church...

Link Posted: 12/12/2002 6:37:18 PM EDT
There is a universal intelligence or energy out there somewhere... I hope.

The truth is, I don't know.

I had faith as a child, I thought I knew God...

Now I seek God as an adult.
Link Posted: 12/12/2002 6:45:44 PM EDT
I think my use of the word theory is correct.
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Nope.  I didn't say the dictionary definition, I said the scientific definition.
A scientific theory isn't just a guess.  Do your homework and get back to me.
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ask.com, No entries found that match [b]scientific theory[/b].
Google returns for ‘definition of: scientific theory’, a bunch of links for this type of discussion.
dictionary.cambridge.org returns for ‘scientific theory’,  well they only return 1 two word definition ‘Science fiction’.

I will agree to the undisputed fact that we will disagree.[:D]

Link Posted: 12/12/2002 8:49:33 PM EDT
Boy oh boy is this an old argument. Creationism is based on faith. Faith is a feeling. Nobody can be talked or shouted out of feeling what they do. All you'll do is start a fight.

Trying to discuss this topic in public is merely providing the True Believers with some free PR. When people bring up the topic of religion to me I just smile and say "Sorry, I'm not superstitious." and walk away. That saves a lot of wear and tear on my nerves.

But what if I didn't leave. What if I hunkered down and fought the good fight. What if I took the time to argue the case against God, gods or goddesses. And say I made headway. Say the God fearing person started to see my side of things. Have you ever told a child that there is really no Santa Claus? Not a fun duty. Now multiply this scene by 10. Get the picture. Life could be unlivable for some of these folks without their "invisible friend" to talk to.

No, as much as I dislike the selective stupidity of religious people I don't want to be the one to destroy their faith. I remember Santa.  
Link Posted: 12/12/2002 8:59:42 PM EDT
I'm dying to ask this one...

Where did God come from?
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I don't have an answer... I'm just enjoying the irony of those two statements put together.


Link Posted: 12/12/2002 9:07:50 PM EDT
I'm sorry you don't like being questioned and think my questions are "damned stupid" but I'm just curious.  No need to get your panties in a wad here.  
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I love being questioned and don't wear panties, but you obviously didn't bother to think before you asked the question.

Ok, we evolved from anthropoid homonids.  These evolved from....?  Just take me back to the very beginning and save some steps.  What was the very beginning for evolution?  
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Whatever the first life was.  Don't know for sure...fossils only go back so far.  Maybe the first life was deposited there by God, maybe by a comet, maybe whatever...evolution doesn't deal with how life began. Just how it developed.

And the Universe thing. Lets just say it doesn't have anything to do with evolution.  But, where did it start? Did it evolve from something or was it created?
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No one knows.  It may be impossible to know...since anything outside the universe is by definition unknowable.
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You guys are going to love this answer. Under current quantum theory the Universe sprang from a nothing state. It created itself. No kidding. The odds were very small of that event happening, but not infinite. And so it eventually happened. No creator at all! They have the math to prove it too. Have a nice day. :')
Link Posted: 12/12/2002 9:09:23 PM EDT
evolution and creation are one in the same.
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Hear hear. The evolution of life occurs at the pleasure of God. Evolution in process is his fingerprint on the glass so to speak.

God is to big to completely comprehend in our current state though. IMHO creation is all a part of him, consiousness, matter, energy, space-time, somewhere it all meets and has a consiousness all its own, and that, I believe, is God. But its just a guess. I expect at least another hundred millenia before its a properly educated guess on my part.
Link Posted: 12/12/2002 9:17:10 PM EDT
You guys are going to love this answer. Under current quantum theory the Universe sprang from a nothing state. It created itself. No kidding. The odds were very small of that event happening, but not infinite. And so it eventually happened. No creator at all! [red]They have the math to prove it too.[/red] Have a nice day. :')
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How many "fudge-factors" did they have to invent to "prove" it?

Did they pull an Einstein and simply make up a new entity like "[i]i[/i]" to fill in the gaps?

If they did, what did they call it this time? "Imaginary number #2"? [%|]

Or maybe they got creative and called their latest fudgefactor the "God" number! And if they did that, then they can honestly say that the universe could never have come into existance without "GOD". [;)]

Link Posted: 12/12/2002 9:17:18 PM EDT
You guys are going to love this answer. Under current quantum theory the Universe sprang from a nothing state. It created itself. No kidding. The odds were very small of that event happening, but not infinite. And so it eventually happened. No creator at all! They have the math to prove it too. Have a nice day. :')
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You are going to LOVE this responce- your answer is a nonsequeter, it is not an answer, it is another guess, just like the rest of us. If thats what you have faith in I fail to see how it can make you anything but empty and miserable, unless of course there is more to what you realy believe when it all comes down to it.

Man can no more comprehend the true nature of the Universe and everything encompassing it than an amoeba can comprehend Nuclear Physics.To claim that he can is arrogant presumption on an incalculable scale. Science is just as important to man as faith, but scientists (or theologians) that cannot admit that their ideas are no more than an educated guess belong in the loony bin for the criminaly insane.
Link Posted: 12/12/2002 9:32:09 PM EDT
You guys are going to love this answer. Under current quantum theory the Universe sprang from a nothing state. It created itself. No kidding. The odds were very small of that event happening, but not infinite. And so it eventually happened. No creator at all! [red]They have the math to prove it too.[/red] Have a nice day. :')
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How many "fudge-factors" did they have to invent to "prove" it?

Did they pull an Einstein and simply make up a new entity like "[i]i[/i]" to fill in the gaps?

If they did, what did they call it this time? "Imaginary number #2"? [%|]

Or maybe they got creative and called their latest fudgefactor the "God" number! And if they did that, then they can honestly say that the universe could never have come into existance without "GOD". [;)]
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Hey Mac' don't look now but that "fudge factor" of Alberts is the basis for much of current cosmology. Turns out the little guy was right but didn't know it. Spent years and years trying to explain away his "fudge" but couldn't. Look up dark matter and see.

As for the rest of your post: I myself believe in Sasquatch, but I don't tell people that for fear they think I'm a bit off. The "God" folks should think similarly. It's okay to believe what you like, just don't expect everyone else to like you for it. In fact expect the opposite.
"Faith, faith, FAITH!" Si' down!
Link Posted: 12/13/2002 3:07:46 AM EDT
ask.com, No entries found that match scientific theory
Google returns for ‘definition of: scientific theory’, a bunch of links for this type of discussion.
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Oh well, since you didn't find it THERE I guess it doesn't exist...
Link Posted: 12/13/2002 4:26:38 AM EDT

Much silliness and drivel.

One good thing about these kind of threads it that it outs allot of [:K]s.

People usually will believe what we [b]want[/b] to believe. The desires to believe a certain way will cause most to find evidence that supports that chosen belief.

Why do you believe what you do?

To support your particular lifestyle? To make you comfortable with who you are?

Seek the truth with an open mind. (...and you'll find it... set you free... all that standard cliche stuff... [:D] )

Link Posted: 12/13/2002 5:52:03 AM EDT
People usually will believe what we want to believe. The desires to believe a certain way will cause most to find evidence that supports that chosen belief.

Why do you believe what you do?

To support your particular lifestyle? To make you comfortable with who you are?
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I accept the facts because they are the facts, despite their effect on my life.  In point of fact, there is hardly any difference in my life now than when I was a fundamentalist Creationist.  I behave the way I do for reasons other than "you'll go to hell if you don't."  And certainly my outlook on origins has no effect on my daily behavior whatsoever.
Link Posted: 12/13/2002 6:30:27 AM EDT
The fleas telling the dog which way to go...again.

Evolution is a lie...born of lies and will always be perpetuated by the "intelligent" science community. There is not enough "evidence" to ever prove evolution...it takes more faith to believe in evolution than to believe in God.

But...rest assured, one day the debate will be ended forever and ignorance will be no excuse. The "evidence" has been here for a couple of thousand years.

Truth will always stand the test of time. 2 thousand years and counting for creation.
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And finally, evolution is a fact, whether it suits your outlook or not. Of course, unless you or your children are biological scientists, disbelieving the fact of evolution will probably have no effect on your everyday life.  But it's always good to accept reality...it's good practice, if nothing else.
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Would you please "Enlighten" the rest of all humanity with the "Facts" that the "Theory of Evolution" is true![Shock]

Show us one transitional lifeform...ie. Where one living thing chaged form to become something else.

You and the rest of the evolutionist's can believe that you came from a monkey! It would take more "Faith" to believe that crap than to believe that God created the earth and everything in  or on it.

We as humans still do have the power to create life only to destroy it.
A scientist in a room cannot create life without the help of an embryo or an egg and sperm cell.

Link Posted: 12/13/2002 6:39:20 AM EDT
I accept the facts because they are the facts, despite their effect on my life.  In point of fact, there is hardly any difference in my life now than when I was a fundamentalist Creationist.  
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I'll see your "facts" and call.

I've got 4 of a kind and an ace.

Also known as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Ace? That's wisdom.

There are more "facts" in this world than you will ever fit into your cranial cavity. They ammount to didly squat.

But, if they make you happy. Enjoy.

I behave the way I do for reasons other than "you'll go to hell if you don't."  And certainly my outlook on origins has no effect on my daily behavior whatsoever.
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Link Posted: 12/13/2002 7:29:57 AM EDT

Show us one transitional lifeform...ie. Where one living thing chaged form to become something else.
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Do you ACTUALLY believe that's how it worls or are you being intentionally obtuse to make a point?

You and the rest of the evolutionist's can believe that you came from a monkey! It would take more "Faith" to believe that crap than to believe that God created the earth and everything in  or on it.
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It's amazing to me that someone as obviously ignorant of evolutionary theory as you would be arrgant enough to attempt to criticize it.

We as humans still do have the power to create life only to destroy it.
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So what?
Link Posted: 12/13/2002 7:35:39 AM EDT
I'll see your "facts" and call.
I've got 4 of a kind and an ace.
Also known as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Ace? That's wisdom.
There are more "facts" in this world than you will ever fit into your cranial cavity. They ammount to didly squat.
But, if they make you happy. Enjoy.
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1.  Reality doesn't exist to make me happy or bring me joy.  It is and you can either accept it or live in a fantasy.
2.  The gospels and wisdom have nothing to do with the reality that life evolved from its original form to its present forms, your lame attempts to cloud the issue notwithstanding.

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No, what's sad is that you actually believe that accepting reality makes you a bad person.  That's incredibly sad.
Link Posted: 6/11/2003 4:17:11 PM EDT
Show us one transitional lifeform...ie. Where one living thing chaged form to become something else.
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[i]Scientists believe they have found our oldest immediate ancestors, a finding that sheds fresh light on Homo sapiens' rise out of Africa and conquest of the globe.

The skulls of two adults and a child, found in 1997 in the Middle Awash area of central Ethiopia, have been carbon-dated to between 154 000 and 160 000 years old, around 50 000 years earlier than the previous oldest finds of Homo sapiens.

The skulls, discovered and dated by 16 researchers, mostly from the University of California, are featured in the current edition of the journal Nature. "We've lacked intermediate fossils between pre-humans and modern humans, between 100,000 and 300,000 years ago, and that's where the Herto fossils fit," said Tim White, co-leader of the team that excavated and analysed the discovery site. "We can now see what our direct ancestors looked like."


Tim White of the University of California, Berkeley, whose team made the discovery:

[email protected]
Link Posted: 6/11/2003 4:23:43 PM EDT
[i]The skulls of two adults and a child, found in 1997 in the Middle Awash area of central Ethiopia, have been carbon-dated to between 154 000 and 160 000 years old, around 50 000 years earlier than the previous oldest finds of Homo sapiens.
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But then suddenly, a baboon came along and snatched them up and started eating the skulls.

Link Posted: 6/11/2003 4:49:35 PM EDT
Woops, forgot to add the pic of the skulls:

Link Posted: 6/11/2003 4:56:23 PM EDT
Reviving old threads is grand.
Link Posted: 6/11/2003 5:12:51 PM EDT
I'm sure it's been said somewhere in the last 5 pages or so but why couldn't it be both. God said "let there be life" and evolution is how he made it happen. I don't really see much conflict there since I don't believe in a strict interpretation of the Bible.
Link Posted: 6/11/2003 5:21:18 PM EDT
Because in  Genesis 1:20 to 25, the text says, "Then God said, 'Let the waters team with swarms of living creatures and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.' And God created the great sea monsters and [red]every[/red] living creature that moves with which the waters swarmed after their kind and [red]every[/red] winged bird after its kind

25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and [red]every[/red] thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

So, how could there be possibly be evolution if the bible says "God created [red]every living thing[/red]? Now I do realize I've just presented a very silly point of view, but be assured, I merely presented it, I do by no means subscribe to it. Evolution and creation are mutually exclusive, and I subscribe to the former rather than the latter.
Link Posted: 6/11/2003 5:35:24 PM EDT
Man did not evolve from monkeys.
God created monkeys because he was disappointed in man.
Link Posted: 6/11/2003 6:08:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2003 6:17:36 PM EDT
It's not EVOlution, it's DEVOlution!

Q:"Are we not men?"
A:"We are DEVO!"

Link Posted: 6/11/2003 6:47:00 PM EDT
There was an article in Popular Science a few months ago that a few physicists had thought up, including that guy in the wheelchair.

Something about how if there was absolutely nothing it could have been possible for something to happen.  I didn't really understand it or remember it too well, but I'll try and find a link.
Link Posted: 6/11/2003 6:57:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2003 7:22:48 PM EDT
Punctuated Equilibrium...The Evolutionary Timekeeper
Link Posted: 6/11/2003 7:37:12 PM EDT
Evolution, all the way.   But the circumstances that created the Big Bang that caused it all to unfold as it has, was the ultimate act of Creation.   God created the universe by engineering the pre-Big Bang environment so that it would all unfold in a manner suitable to his plan.  He hasn't actually had to do any work for several billion years.

We evolved from a lower primate that is a conmmon ancestor to monkeys.  With any luck, you ARE evolved past that point. Get over it.

And that lower primate evolved from still lower life forms,  which evolved from still lower and simpler forms, and so on and so forth until you eventually get back to a primitive form of amoeba or something similar.   That's our oldest ancestor and I'm comfortable with that knowledge.

This universe is far too complex and perfectly interlaced for it to be pieced together by random or even planned acts of creation.   It had to evolve,  thought the conditions in which it evolved were set by an act of Creation.  You'd have to be fairly ignorant of the facts of the observed universe to believe otherwise.
So I believe.  

My vision of heaven is NOT filled with the overtly religious, highly pious types who spend large portions of their lives bowing and scraping in an effort to please their god, hoping it'll get them into heaven. Nor is it filled with those people who do their damnedest to try to force their religion on me.  That sounds more like hell to me.

Link Posted: 6/11/2003 9:01:19 PM EDT
Man did not evolve from monkeys.
God created monkeys because he was disappointed in man.
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God created monkeys because he wanted monkeys,to forage the forests and make the trees receptive to new growth!

Are we descendants to buzzards?  No he created buzzards to clean up before cockroaches got there!

As he created sharks to clean up the oceans,as H G Wells would ascertain we evolved from crestations in warm pools of water,Please!  

I think I did not evolve from an ape(course after watching much NFL action I wonder some time) But can you get an ape to put on a helmet?

I vote creation cause God is cool,and I is cool,

And he made me just like him,controversial and well hung!

 Bob [:D]
Link Posted: 6/11/2003 9:03:27 PM EDT
Man did not evolve from monkeys.
God created monkeys because he was disappointed in man.
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I agree!
Link Posted: 6/11/2003 11:45:06 PM EDT
It's not EVOlution, it's DEVOlution!

Q:"Are we not men?"
A:"We are DEVO!"

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God made man, but he used a monkey to do it
Apes in the plan, and we're all here to prove it
I can walk like an ape, talk like an ape, do what a monkey do
God made man but a monkey supplied the glue

Link Posted: 6/12/2003 12:04:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2003 12:10:53 AM EDT
Creation, plain and simple.  No two ways about it.
Link Posted: 6/12/2003 12:21:53 AM EDT
There was an article in Popular Science a few months ago that a few physicists had thought up, including that guy in the wheelchair.

Something about how if there was absolutely nothing it could have been possible for something to happen.  I didn't really understand it or remember it too well, but I'll try and find a link.
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Vacumn Fluctuations are a wonderful thing.

Link Posted: 6/12/2003 12:35:39 AM EDT
All righty...I see alot of people say evolution is backed by facts... lets hear em... lets see them.  I will blow holes in every one of them you give me.  Evolution is a farce, and I personally take great offense to you saying I am just an evolved ape.  The fossil record does not support evolution, science does not support evolution, facts do not support evolution.  Darwin was a crackpot.  IF anybody is interested I can recomend a great book that shatters the theory of evolution, and reveals it to be what it trully is.  A LIE!  
Link Posted: 6/12/2003 1:08:19 AM EDT
no gods no masters

Link Posted: 6/12/2003 1:24:23 AM EDT
I personally take great offense to you saying I am just an evolved ape.  
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Ok then Fine, you are NOT an evolved ape.  you (and the rest of us humans) are simply an ape.

The Apes (all of us, the humans, Gorillas, Chimps, Orangatans) evolved from the same type of creature though.  That ancestor (a primate) no longer exists (ie has evolved or gone extinct) in the form from which the evolution occured.

All the 'apes' are in the same 'Family', yet different genus.

Kingdom = Animalia (animal)
Phylum = Chordata (spinal cord)
Class = Mammalia (mammal)
Order = Primata (primate)
Family = Pongidae (ape)
Genus = Homo(man) - Pongo(orangs) - Gorilla(gorillas) - Pan(chimps)

Link Posted: 6/12/2003 1:48:43 AM EDT


If an irrefutable law of physics is that everything tends towards chaos, and evolution says that we evolved into our current form after many random changes, how did we evolve up, when everything is trying to break down?

Sorry, you're wrong.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics does NOT say that everything tends toward chaos. It says that IN A CLOSED SYSTEM, higher energy states tend toward equilibrium with lower energy states.
That means, for instance, that hot things get colder.
But the Earth is NOT a closed system, it is bombarded by ice from comets and meteors, possibly also biological material from same, sunlight, cosmic radiation, etc...
Life works against entropy on a LOCAL level by "borrowing" energy from outside our local system.
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Rik I think he is talking about entropy where order naturally desends into disorder?

In any event trying to convince Creationists of Evolution is futile.  When we someday get to Mars and find DNA microbes in the water and ice there they will have to rethink their views.
I do belive that Evolution is mechanism created by God.  It is the perfect system for a chaotic universe.  It would take a supreme being to create it and given the nature of earth history alone creationism is too static and inelastic to survive the true nature of...   nature!
Link Posted: 6/12/2003 2:31:07 AM EDT

The idea that 'given enough time anything can happen' is simply hilarious.

If you cross-bred a dog with a cat for ten years, you would be unsuccessful in creating anything.

If you cross-bred the two for 100 years, you would be unsuccessful.

If you cross-bred them for 1,000 years, the result would be the same.

However, the "theory" of evolution states that somehow, if dogs and cats were cross-bred for, perhaps, [i]millions[/i]  of years, we'd get a new animal from combining the two.

How absurd.

One more thing. The people who came up with this "theory" must've gotten a hard-on when they realized their concept could not be debunked b/c no-one would live long enough to disprove what they were saying.

Newsflash: The opposite is true too.
Link Posted: 6/12/2003 2:46:42 AM EDT


The idea that 'given enough time anything can happen' is simply hilarious.

If you cross-bred a dog with a cat for ten years, you would be unsuccessful in creating anything.

If you cross-bred the two for 100 years, you would be unsuccessful.

If you cross-bred them for 1,000 years, the result would be the same.

However, the "theory" of evolution states that somehow, if dogs and cats were cross-bred for, perhaps, millions of years, we'd get a new animal from combining the two.

How absurd.

One more thing. The people who came up with this "theory" must've gotten a hard-on when they realized their concept could not be debunked b/c no-one would live long enough to disprove what they were saying.

Newsflash: The opposite is true too.
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Evolution is based on random mutation of genes by a single species.  It has nothing to do with cross breeding of different species or different genus' of animals.  Species interbreeding is possible but the result is a sterile and non-breeding offspring and any higher on the taxonomic scale is usually not possible in nature.

Further evolution HAS been demonstrated in the lab using fruit flies.  

Let's look at an ostrich.  It is the usual example of evolution in midstride in our time.  It is a bird.  We have found them in the fossile record.  There's is a noted difference between modern ostriches and those we find fossilized.  Their feet today are halfway between hooves and bird feet where the fossle record shows them with predominantly bird feet.  They are slowly evolving into a hooven animal.  Hoofs are the most efficient means for large grazing type animals on open plains and the ostriches are adapting to that through mutation.  So understand that there is no, nor has it ever been a part of evolution, crossbreeding between species.  It is based on random mutations due to evironmental stimuli over long periods of time that initiates the evolutionary mechanism, not dogs and cats bross breeding, wich is, and has always been, impossible.
Link Posted: 6/12/2003 2:53:28 AM EDT

How absurd.
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You know you are correct there.

The superstition known as creation and the erroneous strawman of the 'cat-dog' crossbreeding are quite absurd.

Link Posted: 6/12/2003 2:58:50 AM EDT
I see a common theme among the Creationists here.  

Let's make a clear distinction.  Evolution DOES NOT STATE, NOR HAS IT EVER STATED, that man evolved from apes.  That is not the case.  We as all other living things evolved from a common ancestor, much like the branches on a tree come from a common trunk.  Apes, or more accurately, primates, are an off shoot of the same ancestor as us.  Proof?  We share a 97.9% genetic similarity as chimpanzies.  There is plenty on fossil evidence of primal humans.  We share so many animalistic traits that most would be surpised to know them.  We are permeated with dormant genes that if activated could give us a tail, reflective retinas, fur, elongated canine teeth, larger heart to lung ratio, denser muscles, better hearing and smell.  That's just the tip of the iceberg.  It has been found that we share some DNA with one of the most ancient and simple microbes known to exist.  We are made from the same material as every other living thing.  DNA.  And it is all too similar to be attributed to random creation.  

I understand it is a tough sell to some that we are essentially intellegent animals but it is true.  Doesn't mean god didn't make it that way.    
Link Posted: 6/12/2003 3:02:50 AM EDT
The superstition known as creation and the erroneous strawman of the 'cat-dog' crossbreeding are quite absurd.
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Response time: 10
Critical thinking: 2

The "dog-cat" illustration was just that. An illustration. It was an illustration of the folly behind the "theory" that "given enough time, anything can happen."

C'mon, Silence. I expect more from some posters here, and you are one of them.
Link Posted: 6/12/2003 3:11:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2003 3:16:31 AM EDT
Careful TomJefferson

You could be accused of making sense!
Link Posted: 6/12/2003 3:21:11 AM EDT
Let's make a clear distinction.  Evolution DOES NOT STATE, NOR HAS IT EVER STATED, that man evolved from apes.
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Better check your sources, friend. Not only does it state that very thing, it goes much further. It states we originally came from pond-scum (hyperbole?).

Soooo...where'd the pond-scum come from?

We as all other living things evolved from a common ancestor, much like the branches on a tree come from a common trunk.  Apes, or more accurately, primates, are an off shoot of the same ancestor as us.  Proof?  We share a 97.9% genetic similarity as chimpanzies.
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So, how [i]exactly[/i]  is this [i]proof[/i]? A similiarity is nothing more or less. It [i]proves[/i]  nothing.

There is plenty on fossil evidence of primal humans.  We share so many animalistic traits that most would be surpised to know them.  We are permeated with dormant genes that if activated could give us a tail, reflective retinas, fur, elongated canine teeth, larger heart to lung ratio, denser muscles, better hearing and smell.  That's just the tip of the iceberg.  It has been found that we share some DNA with one of the most ancient and simple microbes known to exist.  We are made from the same material as every other living thing.  DNA.  And it is all too similar to be attributed to random creation.
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Chimps have eyes. Humans have eyes. Hmmm. Fish have eyes too. All similiarities, yet the commonality proves [b]nothing[/b]. Of course, except the fact that all three have eyes.

Every living thing has DNA. OK. That does not prove we all evolved from the same source or entity. It just shows we all have DNA.

I understand it is a tough sell to some that we are essentially intellegent animals but it is true.
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Or, animals are essentially dumber humans. Or, animals are simply another few million years away from being human. After all, according to evolution, anything can happen given enough time.

Doesn't mean god didn't make it that way.
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Yes it does.
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