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Link Posted: 3/1/2018 9:03:24 PM EDT
Now all your 287 are belong to me
Link Posted: 3/1/2018 9:06:54 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Leisure_Shoot:
I thought anyone can film or record in public?
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Originally Posted By Leisure_Shoot:
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Florida is a Two Party Consent State. It would be illegal for me to do that.
I thought anyone can film or record in public?
Openly recording yes, having a hidden mic.... iffy.
Link Posted: 3/1/2018 9:59:18 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/1/2018 11:43:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/1/2018 11:55:19 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By kar98k:
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The dankness is almost too much.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 1:51:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 2:30:54 AM EDT

Link Posted: 3/2/2018 3:24:58 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Wubbman:

Yeah, that's right! Fix this shit right now!
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Good point . if only I had the photochop skills for that.

Originally Posted By JA_Magnum:

Jordan Peterson has explained that conservatives have a strong tendency to be high in conscientiousness which also correlates with high disgust sensitivity. But of course it has be racism.

I actually scored pretty low in conscientiousness on his personality test. Which was surprising to me. Also super low in agreeableness with a 0 percentile in politeness. Which wasn't surprising. Basically the makings of a sociopathic or successful entrepreneur.
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True. I really like JP's insights on pretty much everything. That reminds me that I should take his test too. 0th percentile politeness?!
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 3:28:20 AM EDT
Some funny, some sad, one pretty good tweet thread if you follow the link

Link Posted: 3/2/2018 3:42:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 3:47:48 AM EDT
[Last Edit: NorthPolar] [#11]
Uhhhh.... guys?  Likely not happening, but wtf. @waterglass

Washington Times for the first link, and Gateway Pundit for second.

More Cover-Up Questions
Insider Ed Butowsky: Seth Rich’s Father Confirmed His Son Was the Wikileaks Leaker

Data on the laptop revealed that Mr. Rich downloaded thousands of DNC emails and was in touch with Wikileaks. The file with evidence of what was on Mr. Rich’s laptop sits with the FBI in a co-shared space with the D.C. police department. According to Ed Butowsky, an acquaintance of the family, in his discussions with Joel and Mary Rich, they confirmed that their son transmitted the DNC emails to Wikileaks.

Link Posted: 3/2/2018 5:03:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 8:51:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 9:45:31 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By waterglass:

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Huh, didn't know that story. http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/07/union_county_seals_portrayal_o.html

It's so strange how the bastions of rebellion and freedom fighters have allowed themselves to become the oppressors.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 10:16:33 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Delbaeth] [#15]
OK. Making my own. Comments appreciated.

ETA: OK, so no pepe award for me. Modified but now it's not dank or particularly spicy. I feel bad.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 10:29:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 10:50:15 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Openly recording yes, having a hidden mic.... iffy.
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Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Originally Posted By Leisure_Shoot:
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Florida is a Two Party Consent State. It would be illegal for me to do that.
I thought anyone can film or record in public?
Openly recording yes, having a hidden mic.... iffy.
So it might not be admissible in a court of law.  But a YouTube channel might just get you some justice in the court of public opinion.  
It's time to start outing these callous assholes and expose their hatred to the world.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 11:16:22 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Delbaeth:
OK. Making my own. Comments appreciated.

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I would switch the burning and tide pods one, since the one that has caused death seems dumber to me.

Also, kids that are in high school (the ones eating tide pods and clamoring for gun control) are not millenials.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 11:30:05 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
Huh, didn't know that story. http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/07/union_county_seals_portrayal_o.html

It's so strange how the bastions of rebellion and freedom fighters have allowed themselves to become the oppressors.
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Seriously, fuck the north east.  Fat, complacent, too "smart" for their own good.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 11:51:43 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Delbaeth:
OK. Making my own. Comments appreciated.

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Link Posted: 3/2/2018 12:24:32 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/2/2018 2:04:46 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By WhyTanFox:

Seriously, fuck the north east.  Fat, complacent, too "smart" for their own good.
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Really? Don't lump NH in with those flatlanders south of us. Look 7 posts above yours at the map of safe and permitless states. We may have been invaded by liberals because of our economy and no taxes, but our motto is still "Live Free Or Die".
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 2:23:26 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Repairman_Jack:
So it might not be admissible in a court of law.  But a YouTube channel might just get you some justice in the court of public opinion.  
It's time to start outing these callous assholes and expose their hatred to the world.
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Originally Posted By Repairman_Jack:
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Originally Posted By Leisure_Shoot:
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Florida is a Two Party Consent State. It would be illegal for me to do that.
I thought anyone can film or record in public?
Openly recording yes, having a hidden mic.... iffy.
So it might not be admissible in a court of law.  But a YouTube channel might just get you some justice in the court of public opinion.  
It's time to start outing these callous assholes and expose their hatred to the world.
Yeah about that... you do remember what I do for a living right? The whole held to a higher standard part especially.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 2:25:03 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By UNF_Threaded:
Some funny, some sad, one pretty good tweet thread if you follow the link






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In a kung fu movie, her character’s name would simply be Fat Girl.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 2:38:21 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By flpickupman:
In a kung fu movie, her character’s name would simply be Fat Girl.
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Originally Posted By flpickupman:
Originally Posted By UNF_Threaded:
Some funny, some sad, one pretty good tweet thread if you follow the link






In a kung fu movie, her character’s name would simply be Fat Girl.
If she had a major part, her name would be Yung Dum Fat Kao.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 2:40:23 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Advance] [#26]
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 2:41:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 2:52:25 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Repairman_Jack] [#28]
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Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Yeah about that... you do remember what I do for a living right? The whole held to a higher standard part especially.
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Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Originally Posted By Repairman_Jack:
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Originally Posted By Leisure_Shoot:
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Florida is a Two Party Consent State. It would be illegal for me to do that.
I thought anyone can film or record in public?
Openly recording yes, having a hidden mic.... iffy.
So it might not be admissible in a court of law.  But a YouTube channel might just get you some justice in the court of public opinion.  
It's time to start outing these callous assholes and expose their hatred to the world.
Yeah about that... you do remember what I do for a living right? The whole held to a higher standard part especially.
But you have friends, right?  
Friends who might just happen to be with you at one of these little soiree's, who might just happen to be recording you for your own posterity?  
Friends who might just inadvertently capture some of these nasty folks spewing their vile hatred?

That same friend might just innocently post a video of his good buddy standing up for his rights on YouTube or Facebook and let people draw their own conclusions.  
They aren't secretly recording other people, they're recording you.  If those other people happen to show their ass to the world, who's fault is that?  
Remember, you're all in a public place; there's no expectation of privacy.  Oh, you didn't notice the cell phone camera?  Too bad.

And for the thread's sake -

Link Posted: 3/2/2018 2:56:33 PM EDT
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Lol. I love that.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 3:24:15 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By kar98k:
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Pay2Playstation 4? It doesn't look PC.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 4:09:27 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Enzo300:

Pay2Playstation 4? It doesn't look PC.
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@Enzo300 I'm not cool like you...... I can't post pics LOL
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 4:16:22 PM EDT
[Last Edit: kar98k] [#32]
I've never seen this put better.
Take about 7 min and watch this:

Gov. Bevin Responds to Alleged Hypocrisy

Credit to LittlePony posting this in a topic most won't enter.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 4:48:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 5:03:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 5:05:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 5:08:44 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Repairman_Jack:
But you have friends, right?  
Friends who might just happen to be with you at one of these little soiree's, who might just happen to be recording you for your own posterity?  
Friends who might just inadvertently capture some of these nasty folks spewing their vile hatred?

That same friend might just innocently post a video of his good buddy standing up for his rights on YouTube or Facebook and let people draw their own conclusions.  
They aren't secretly recording other people, they're recording you.  If those other people happen to show their ass to the world, who's fault is that?  
Remember, you're all in a public place; there's no expectation of privacy.  Oh, you didn't notice the cell phone camera?  Too bad.

And for the thread's sake -

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Originally Posted By Repairman_Jack:
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Originally Posted By Repairman_Jack:
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Originally Posted By Leisure_Shoot:
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Florida is a Two Party Consent State. It would be illegal for me to do that.
I thought anyone can film or record in public?
Openly recording yes, having a hidden mic.... iffy.
So it might not be admissible in a court of law.  But a YouTube channel might just get you some justice in the court of public opinion.  
It's time to start outing these callous assholes and expose their hatred to the world.
Yeah about that... you do remember what I do for a living right? The whole held to a higher standard part especially.
But you have friends, right?  
Friends who might just happen to be with you at one of these little soiree's, who might just happen to be recording you for your own posterity?  
Friends who might just inadvertently capture some of these nasty folks spewing their vile hatred?

That same friend might just innocently post a video of his good buddy standing up for his rights on YouTube or Facebook and let people draw their own conclusions.  
They aren't secretly recording other people, they're recording you.  If those other people happen to show their ass to the world, who's fault is that?  
Remember, you're all in a public place; there's no expectation of privacy.  Oh, you didn't notice the cell phone camera?  Too bad.

And for the thread's sake -

That's nice in theory.... except other gun owners never really show up to defend their rights. They expect others to do it for them.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 5:13:05 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Captain_Morgan] [#37]

Link Posted: 3/2/2018 6:24:45 PM EDT
[Last Edit: steevo] [#38]
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 6:55:47 PM EDT
[Last Edit: U-T] [#39]
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Originally Posted By DanDaVinchi:

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Please. Don’t hold her up as a positive example.

She drew her gun, perps gun was already drawn out on her, she refused to fire. She wouldn’t pull the trigger to protect a single student. It wasn’t until other deputies (men) showed up and shot and killed the guy.

She’s no hero. She’s a danger. She’s a liability. No better than the broward deputy hiding outside.  Neither had the stones to actually protect and pull the trigger. I wouldn’t let my kids anywhere near a school with her in it.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 7:02:29 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Delbaeth:
OK. Making my own. Comments appreciated.

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Sorry to be pedantic, but someone who is 17 in 2018 is not a millennial.
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 7:25:02 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By kar98k:
rianna connor
here's her instagram account - you can thank me later
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Link Posted: 3/2/2018 7:52:26 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/2/2018 7:58:40 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Jdude] [#43]
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Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
That's nice in theory.... except other gun owners never really show up to defend their rights. They expect others to do it for them.
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Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Originally Posted By Repairman_Jack:
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Originally Posted By Repairman_Jack:
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Originally Posted By Leisure_Shoot:
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Florida is a Two Party Consent State. It would be illegal for me to do that.
I thought anyone can film or record in public?
Openly recording yes, having a hidden mic.... iffy.
So it might not be admissible in a court of law.  But a YouTube channel might just get you some justice in the court of public opinion.  
It's time to start outing these callous assholes and expose their hatred to the world.
Yeah about that... you do remember what I do for a living right? The whole held to a higher standard part especially.
But you have friends, right?  
Friends who might just happen to be with you at one of these little soiree's, who might just happen to be recording you for your own posterity?  
Friends who might just inadvertently capture some of these nasty folks spewing their vile hatred?

That same friend might just innocently post a video of his good buddy standing up for his rights on YouTube or Facebook and let people draw their own conclusions.  
They aren't secretly recording other people, they're recording you.  If those other people happen to show their ass to the world, who's fault is that?  
Remember, you're all in a public place; there's no expectation of privacy.  Oh, you didn't notice the cell phone camera?  Too bad.

And for the thread's sake -

That's nice in theory.... except other gun owners never really show up to defend their rights. They expect others to do it for them.
That's something that is hard for many to accept.

Donald Trump might not be wrong when he calls the NRA "paper tigers". We never show up or do anything but vote. (To our credit, we do vote en masse.)
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 8:17:32 PM EDT
I was reading this "Jennifer Lawrence regrets being anti-Trump after career tanks" article, where she stated that "only 25% of Americans identify as being liberal", and came across this lovely gem in the comments:

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 3/2/2018 10:57:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/3/2018 1:41:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/3/2018 2:23:02 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By HTHF:
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I lost...
Link Posted: 3/3/2018 3:37:15 AM EDT
[Last Edit: TheOTHERmaninblack] [#48]
Link Posted: 3/3/2018 3:58:04 AM EDT
I own page 288

Link Posted: 3/3/2018 4:17:09 AM EDT
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