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Posted: 1/30/2021 11:37:57 PM EDT
Are we suprised?

Is this fake news?



"The final conclusion is that it is a 99.8% probability SARS-CoV-2 came from a laboratory and only a 0.2% likelihood it came from nature.”

Probably fake news, since Biden "won" the election by an even thinner statistical-probability margin.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 12:15:28 AM EDT
Wasn't this known 6 months ago?
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 12:17:48 AM EDT
Let me DVR the alphabet news to make sure they cover this.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 2:03:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 2:15:36 AM EDT
Captain. Fucking. Obvious.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 2:22:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 2:31:44 AM EDT
A year ago, I thought that Alex Jones was a fucking lunatic. Today, he's practically a prophet. He's been saying this since the beginning, and about Fauci and gain of function research as well.

I wish we had actual journalists that would ask about this.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 2:32:33 AM EDT
I thought this was known from the start.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 2:34:59 AM EDT
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I thought this was known from the start.
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This was denied from the start. They said it came from bats.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 2:37:55 AM EDT
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Wasn't this known 6 months ago?
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It was known nearly six years ago when the NIH allowed it to be exported to China for "research" even though the research facility was deemed inadequate to handle such biohazards and safely contain them.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 2:42:47 AM EDT
A year ago, I thought that Alex Jones was a fucking lunatic. Today, he's practically a prophet. He's been saying this since the beginning, and about Fauci and gain of function research as well.

I wish we had actual journalists that would ask about this.
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I thought this was known from the start.
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This was denied from the start. They said it came from bats.
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It was known nearly six years ago when the NIH allowed it to be exported to China for "research" even though the research facility was deemed inadequate to handle such biohazards and safely contain them.
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All these things.

Link Posted: 1/31/2021 2:42:52 AM EDT
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This was denied from the start. They said it came from bats.
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I thought this was known from the start.

This was denied from the start. They said it came from bats.
"WE" knew exactly where it came from....the "experts" said it was from bats from the wet markets.  Doesn't take common core Math to put Highly Contagious virus from Wuhan + Virus "Research" Lab in Wuhan = Man-made weaponized virus
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 2:45:57 AM EDT
Scientists who specialize in this and who have more letters behind their name than I do say it was made in a lab...

Who am I to argue.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 2:53:50 AM EDT
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I need proof of this. I also need proof it was man made. There have been several scientists (not tv turds) on podcasts saying that genetic analysis shows it's from nature. That doesn't mean it didn't escape from a lab.

On top of it all the Chinese typically indulge in some of the most disgusting behaviors you have ever witnessed. They do eat bats and live mice at times. They literally boil dogs alive and torture the fuck out of them before eating them. Google Yulin Dog Festival. The pics have been posted here many times, but I don't care to look at all of them

Link Posted: 1/31/2021 2:55:45 AM EDT
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"WE" knew exactly where it came from....the "experts" said it was from bats from the wet markets.  Doesn't take common core Math to put Highly Contagious virus from Wuhan + Virus "Research" Lab in Wuhan = Man-made weaponized virus
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I thought this was known from the start.

This was denied from the start. They said it came from bats.
"WE" knew exactly where it came from....the "experts" said it was from bats from the wet markets.  Doesn't take common core Math to put Highly Contagious virus from Wuhan + Virus "Research" Lab in Wuhan = Man-made weaponized virus

It also doesn't take the same class to theorize they were studying naturally occurring viruses that accidentally leaked due to poor safety standards. You don't know, nor do I....yet.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 3:07:41 AM EDT
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It also doesn't take the same class to theorize they were studying naturally occurring viruses that accidentally leaked due to poor safety standards. You don't know, nor do I....yet.
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I thought this was known from the start.

This was denied from the start. They said it came from bats.
"WE" knew exactly where it came from....the "experts" said it was from bats from the wet markets.  Doesn't take common core Math to put Highly Contagious virus from Wuhan + Virus "Research" Lab in Wuhan = Man-made weaponized virus

It also doesn't take the same class to theorize they were studying naturally occurring viruses that accidentally leaked due to poor safety standards. You don't know, nor do I....yet.
Look up gain of function research.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 3:12:58 AM EDT
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It also doesn't take the same class to theorize they were studying naturally occurring viruses that accidentally leaked due to poor safety standards. You don't know, nor do I....yet.
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I thought this was known from the start.

This was denied from the start. They said it came from bats.
"WE" knew exactly where it came from....the "experts" said it was from bats from the wet markets.  Doesn't take common core Math to put Highly Contagious virus from Wuhan + Virus "Research" Lab in Wuhan = Man-made weaponized virus

It also doesn't take the same class to theorize they were studying naturally occurring viruses that accidentally leaked due to poor safety standards. You don't know, nor do I....yet.

It's not rocket science to figure this out. Looking at Shi Zenghli's published research, and the pattern it was tracking along right up until late 2019, makes this a no-brainer. The published works basically say "we are trying to make a gain of function coronavirus with a spike protein", and lo, a few months later such a virus magically appears next door to their lab. The same lab that repeatedly accidentally released SARS and other heinous shit, because their safety precautions are on bar with drunk Alabamians holding beer and shooting AKs.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 3:18:15 AM EDT
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It's not rocket science to figure this out. Looking at Shi Zenghli's published research, and the pattern it was tracking along right up until late 2019, makes this a no-brainer. The published works basically say "we are trying to make a gain of function coronavirus with a spike protein", and lo, a few months later such a virus magically appears next door to their lab. The same lab that repeatedly accidentally released SARS and other heinous shit, because their safety precautions are on bar with drunk Alabamians holding beer and shooting AKs.
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I thought this was known from the start.

This was denied from the start. They said it came from bats.
"WE" knew exactly where it came from....the "experts" said it was from bats from the wet markets.  Doesn't take common core Math to put Highly Contagious virus from Wuhan + Virus "Research" Lab in Wuhan = Man-made weaponized virus

It also doesn't take the same class to theorize they were studying naturally occurring viruses that accidentally leaked due to poor safety standards. You don't know, nor do I....yet.

It's not rocket science to figure this out. Looking at Shi Zenghli's published research, and the pattern it was tracking along right up until late 2019, makes this a no-brainer. The published works basically say "we are trying to make a gain of function coronavirus with a spike protein", and lo, a few months later such a virus magically appears next door to their lab. The same lab that repeatedly accidentally released SARS and other heinous shit, because their safety precautions are on bar with drunk Alabamians holding beer and shooting AKs.

I'm fully aware of all of this. That doesn't mean that's what happened. I would even concede there is a high probability of it, but we have no hard evidence yet. Isn't that correct?
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 5:24:06 AM EDT
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It was known nearly six years ago when the NIH allowed it to be exported to China for "research" even though the research facility was deemed inadequate to handle such biohazards and safely contain them.
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So, you're saying it was born in the USA?
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 5:51:36 AM EDT
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A year ago, I thought that Alex Jones was a fucking lunatic. Today, he's practically a prophet. He's been saying this since the beginning, and about Fauci and gain of function research as well.

I wish we had actual journalists that would ask about this.
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Yeah... maybe Alex has always been sane, but everyone else still had the wool over their eyes. Strange times.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 5:59:39 AM EDT
If it didn't come out of a lab that's a mighty coincidence that it started so close to their BSL-4 lab in Wuhan.  

It's AMAZING how nuts liberals are about this.  They either insist it came from the bat market or that it doesn't matter where it came from.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 6:02:07 AM EDT
I just conducted another study, there is a 99.8% chance that website is total bullshit, just based on it's name

Prob was made in a lab tho
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 7:13:19 AM EDT
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"WE" knew exactly where it came from....the "experts" said it was from bats from the wet markets.  Doesn't take common core Math to put Highly Contagious virus from Wuhan + Virus "Research" Lab in Wuhan = Man-made weaponized virus
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"They" knew it, too, but there is no "admit error" chapter in the Goebbels's manual of the big lie. In the forensic deduction process, that seriously impeaches credibility, so it's right out. In he-said, she-said, it's all about who's louder saiding.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 7:16:56 AM EDT
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I need proof of this. I also need proof it was man made. There have been several scientists (not tv turds) on podcasts saying that genetic analysis shows it's from nature. That doesn't mean it didn't escape from a lab.

On top of it all the Chinese typically indulge in some of the most disgusting behaviors you have ever witnessed. They do eat bats and live mice at times. They literally boil dogs alive and torture the fuck out of them before eating them. Google Yulin Dog Festival. The pics have been posted here many times, but I don't care to look at all of them




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Technically, it wouldn't be man-MADE, more like man-modified. Like the old joke about the scientists that told God they knew how to create life from dirt, too, and God says, "Yeah? Why don't you do it with your own dirt, how 'bout dat?"
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 7:17:57 AM EDT
No shit!

Now they caught up to where we were a fuckin year ago.

Link Posted: 1/31/2021 7:26:18 AM EDT
Unfortunately, the personality type that's most likely to seek power and authority happens to be the least likely to do a good job wielding it. What you want is a king/president/prime minister who really doesn't want the trappings of the job, or  even especially the job at all, but how do you get that?

10 Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking him for a king. 11 He said, “This is what the king who will reign over you will claim as his rights: He will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses, and they will run in front of his chariots. 12 Some he will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and others to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. 14 He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants. 15 He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants. 16 Your male and female servants and the best of your cattle[c] and donkeys he will take for his own use. 17 He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves. 18 When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”

19 But the people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us. 20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.”

21 When Samuel heard all that the people said, he repeated it before the Lord. 22 The Lord answered, “Listen to them and give them a king.”

Link Posted: 1/31/2021 7:28:56 AM EDT
Early on, the whole "It didn't come from a lab" assertion was because it was not a hodgepodge of genes from different viruses, but a virus with genetics that appear natural.

To me, that just proves it wasn't engineered using modern genetic techniques. It does not prove that it wasn't found and being tested in a lab. Didn't the wuhan lab have pictures of workers sitting around a pick nick table in t-shirts and shorts wearing surgical masks swabbing bats collecting viruses, or was that fake news?  Even if that pic wasn't real, it was a known fact that they were researching bat viruses, so who knows how many wild caught viruses they've fucked around with over the years.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 7:30:45 AM EDT
As I've posted many times, power corrupts, and absolute power is the total shiznitz when you get it, and while it lasts.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 7:34:25 AM EDT
Unrefereed paper published on a fringey website.

Seems legit.

Link Posted: 1/31/2021 7:40:35 AM EDT
On my drive to town yesterday I was stopped by a crossing train.  Train had double stacked chinese intermodal trailers on it from start to finish.  I sat there and thought about it, so the chinese, those filthy commie bastards, created a virus, released it (intentional or not I don't care), 2,231,156 deaths across the globe and counting, they act like they've done nothing wrong, people now days buy it, and keep buying chinese made shit off amazon and wal-mart,, and here I sit and wait for a train full of chinese shit.  

'There's more to life than a little money you know... don't you know that, and here ya are and its a beautiful day'''
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 7:43:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 8:36:49 AM EDT
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Wasn't this known 6 months ago?
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Trump was president then.  It was known a year ago, but stating that publicly helped Trump.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 8:45:59 AM EDT
and we've known this since it became a thing a year or so ago.
Link Posted: 1/31/2021 8:54:49 AM EDT
I'll take "Thank you Captain Obvious" for $100, Alex

Didn't one of the inventors of the virus say the same thing last year, before she suddenly got cancelled ?

she said something like, under a microscope the virus looked like a elephant with a fish tail and human hands...an abomination
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