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Link Posted: 9/3/2023 10:05:29 PM EDT
I don’t think Mark Owen (no easy day writer) ever claimed to have killed Osama. I believe the only person to have claimed to be the killer is O’Neill. It’s been brought up quite a few times by different sources that O’Neill isn’t the shooter. Even Mark Owen alludes to O’Neill not being the shooter.

I also think code over country is going above the mark a bit to display devgru as some kind of monster. From what I understand, their “war crimes” were not war crime. They were collecting DNA to take back. Now I have no clue what constitutes as professional DNA collecting vs being extra but I would imagine taking the first thing close by (skin/hair/finger) would suffice to present as DNA. Then again, I don’t do this stuff for a living.

Link Posted: 9/3/2023 10:14:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 10:19:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 10:27:24 PM EDT
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No Easy Day laid out exactly what happened years ago. The author of Code Over Country didn't reveal a bombshell regarding the UBL raid. He took a few incidents of that command and tried to paint a picture that everyone there was scalping people and committing war crimes. Andy Stumpf had the author (Mathew Cole) on his podcast. Cole didn't come off looking so good.

For some reason, that dude seems to have a hard on for the NSW community. Probably because it sells better. Where are the books on CAG, SF and the 75th? There is plenty of material there for one.
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So you say it’s fiction, then say Bissonette’s book tells the same story.

He took the testimony of 18 individuals in the command and told their story. You haven’t provided evidence to contradict anything in his book or articles he wrote for the Intercept.

Stories about Red Squadron, hatchets, beheadings, and the like are common knowledge. As is how Slabinski left Chapman to die alone, and how Slabinski was blackballed from the command.

If you’re pissed because he doesn’t tell the same stories about CAG, maybe ask yourself why. The easiest answer is that he doesn’t have the same access to operators telling their story. Or maybe he does, but just hasn’t written the book yet.  Also CAG doesn’t have a bunch of guy going out and claiming things that they didn’t do, like O’Neil and Bissonette. The fact that this whole thread is about a DEVGRU guy lying about what he did in the OBL raid, probably is a good indication that there is problems of integrity at the command.

Yes, you’re acting like your ox got fired and you’re butthurt over it.
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 10:51:10 PM EDT
I think if I killed OBL I wouldn't want the world to know.

How would you ever live a normal life if everyone knew.
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 11:04:45 PM EDT
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I think if I killed OBL I wouldn't want the world to know.

How would you ever live a normal life if everyone knew.
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It’s pretty evident that O’Neil craved that fame that you and most of his compatriots instinctively loathe. I can’t imagine that him squealing, whether his story is true or not, sat well at all in that tiny group of professionals. To purposefully cut himself off from his peers like that to make some money and get on the news says a lot about where his head was at. Hell, maybe he was just tired of it all and imploded himself like that on purpose? I hope he can beat his addiction issues and lead some sort of happy life. Maybe his sober self isn’t such a faggot about the 2a?
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 12:49:35 AM EDT
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So you say it’s fiction, then say Bissonette’s book tells the same story.

He took the testimony of 18 individuals in the command and told their story. You haven’t provided evidence to contradict anything in his book or articles he wrote for the Intercept.

Stories about Red Squadron, hatchets, beheadings, and the like are common knowledge. As is how Slabinski left Chapman to die alone, and how Slabinski was blackballed from the command.

If you’re pissed because he doesn’t tell the same stories about CAG, maybe ask yourself why. The easiest answer is that he doesn’t have the same access to operators telling their story. Or maybe he does, but just hasn’t written the book yet.  Also CAG doesn’t have a bunch of guy going out and claiming things that they didn’t do, like O’Neil and Bissonette. The fact that this whole thread is about a DEVGRU guy lying about what he did in the OBL raid, probably is a good indication that there is problems of integrity at the command.

Yes, you’re acting like your ox got fired and you’re butthurt over it.
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What did Bissonette claim that he didn't do? I have said that O'Neil lied and isn't the one that killed UBL.

Who else has said that Red Squadron beheaded people other than Cole? Who were the 18 guys he talked to? Weren't they all "anonymous" sources according to Cole? DJ Shipley was at Red Squadron and said that the dude is full of shit. Is he lying too?

Not butthurt at all. Just don't believe everything that the Author says
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 1:13:17 AM EDT
seems Rob O'neil is a braggart and liar and drunk POS.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 1:28:04 AM EDT
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It wasn’t even UBL. All these guys saying they took pictures and DNA but I’ve never seen any proof. Have you?
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Personally, I think he's living in Antartica with Elvis and Hitler and Eva Braun.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 6:03:48 AM EDT
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Code over country covers this.

Before the raid both O’Neil and Bissonette had an agreement on book/movie deals on the raid. After the raid, each of them tried to cut the other out of the deal and claim credit. Neither of them were the one who actually killed Osama. The real shooters name is “Red”. Nobody expects Red to ever talk about it publicly.

Both O’Neil and Bissonette fired grounding shots and O’Neil canoed his head after he was already dead. O’Neil disobeyed a direct order of no canoeing shots because they wanted to be sure none of this would end up in photos and hamper facial recognition. His command was pissed and had O’Neil hold OBLs head together for the pics.
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Best to remain anonymous. Smartest guy in the group. And much more integrity than O'Neil and Bissonette, IMO.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 6:16:03 AM EDT
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Why did they care so much about respecting the religious beliefs of a mass murderer of US citizens?
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Link Posted: 9/4/2023 6:26:58 AM EDT
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Ever time I see that guy I think of this.

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Holy fuck that was funny.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 6:50:05 AM EDT
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I never did together the allure of bragging about shooting a disoriented geriatric.
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In a country where dogs aren't kept as beloved pets...grandpa will have to do...
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 7:37:35 AM EDT
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Nobody is claiming your friend or the SEALs are untrustworthy.  Those photos would probably look like some old Arab dude with his face exploded. Could easily be some lackey Pakistani ISI and/or the CIA setup.

Article about the verification process.

In 2011 DNA matching would take up to two weeks according to this article. That match is supposedly against his sister as far as the article guesses.  Yet they dumped the body into the drink within 24 hours.  Why did they care so much about respecting the religious beliefs of a mass murderer of US citizens?
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Because you have forgotten the president was a muslim who told us that the primary mission of NASA would be to make muslims feel good about their contributions to mathematics.  Who also had to be dragged off a golf course to approve the raod, and didn't really want to do it, only to be cajoled by pannetta and maybe also hillery to authorize the raid.  Its not so difficult to see why that was done,
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 8:02:42 AM EDT
Other than the IDs of the guys involved (which, since they've run their mouths anyway, no longer matters), there is absolutely ZERO reason for any of this to be 'Top Secret!' anymore. None.

The whole 'secrecy for national security's sake' for anything possibly other than cutting edge tech is complete bullshit to me at this point
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 8:14:18 AM EDT
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Probably because if they held his body it would serve as propaganda for Al Qaeda. If you want to go down that route there is literally no proof that would suffice.

Do you think the military crashed a TS stealth helicopter at a random house in Pakistan as part of the cover up as well?
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Nobody is claiming your friend or the SEALs are untrustworthy.  Those photos would probably look like some old Arab dude with his face exploded. Could easily be some lackey Pakistani ISI and/or the CIA setup.

Article about the verification process.

In 2011 DNA matching would take up to two weeks according to this article. That match is supposedly against his sister as far as the article guesses.  Yet they dumped the body into the drink within 24 hours.  Why did they care so much about respecting the religious beliefs of a mass murderer of US citizens?
Probably because if they held his body it would serve as propaganda for Al Qaeda. If you want to go down that route there is literally no proof that would suffice.

Do you think the military crashed a TS stealth helicopter at a random house in Pakistan as part of the cover up as well?

Yes I believe the military crashed a transsexual helicopter at a random house in pakistan.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 8:20:26 AM EDT
This is tier one high school drama.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 8:28:34 AM EDT
I can't believe how much these guys, SEALS, are into lying and stabbing each other in the back.  From Crenshaw and Goggins, to Crenshaw and the Master Chief that went to him for help after he was arrested for not providing medical assistance to a dead terrorist, to these guys knocking each other out to claim who shot Bin Laden first.  The SEAL community seems to be worse than a Real Housewives or Dance Moms episode.  These guys go through the hardest training in the world to become SEALS, and this is how they act?

I do understand that they probably get a lot of calls for book deals to tell their stories, but c'mon man!  Quiet Professionals?  Not.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 8:31:48 AM EDT
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Ever time I see that guy I think of this.

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F'in perfect!!!!
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 8:48:18 AM EDT
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I feel like even if I was the guy who cleaned the windshields on the blackhawks the night of the raid, that’d be enough for me to be proud.

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Yeah, you say that now, but let me tell you - cleaning windshields on blackhawks, let alone secret stealth blackhawks, SUCKS. Everyone treats the windshield cleaner like shit. He's even below the skid polisher and rotar blade sharpener. Plus is is really hard to get those windshields clean and not streaky with the knock off Windex they issue. Have to go out of pocket if you want to avoid all the bitchin and moanin.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:06:52 AM EDT
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Retired LE.   very common for witnesses to give different details when witnessing the same event even from the same place.  The memory is an odd thing.  I have seen it a lot, they are trying to be truthful but they remember it wrong on certain points with the main points usually in ageeement.
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I had to go through testimony where one cop blew up at another cop during the shift briefing. 20-something cop witnesses and still some pretty significant discrepancies in testimony (though better than typical in my experience).  Pretty much like you described though, most of the main points were close or in agreement, some of the fine details not so much.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 1:51:55 PM EDT
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What did Bissonette claim that he didn't do? I have said that O'Neil lied and isn't the one that killed UBL.

Who else has said that Red Squadron beheaded people other than Cole? Who were the 18 guys he talked to? Weren't they all "anonymous" sources according to Cole? DJ Shipley was at Red Squadron and said that the dude is full of shit. Is he lying too?

Not butthurt at all. Just don't believe everything that the Author says
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You’re using DJ to discredit the book?  The same guy whose motto  is “loyalty over integrity”!  The same guy who screwed over his business partner (and former DEVGRU SEAL), Slade, stole his mount designs, his cheek riser designs, and his artwork!  The same guy who cheated on his wife (so much for loyalty), had a kid with his mistress and then abandons the kid.

A simple google search would show the other reports of DEVGRU activities. How about this one:https://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/07/world/asia/the-secret-history-of-seal-team-6.html. One of the authors is Sean Naylor who has written a lot of positive stuff about SEALS and DEVGRU.   Or this article that talks about post Morten beheaddings:  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4107534/Barbaric-beheadings-savage-mutilations-twisted-sense-celebrity-legendary-SEAL-Team-6-committed-war-crimes-Iraq-Afghanistan-fought-book-rights-bin-Laden-mission-killed-him.html

You know what Bissonettes book didn’t talk about?  How about the thousands of dollars that went missing after DEVGRU boarded the Captain Phillips lifeboat and confirmed the Somali kills?  

Obviously facts don’t matter to you. An adult would be able to understand that hero worship is for children.

I’m still waiting for you to provide any evidence that Code Over Country is wrong. I’ve provided evidence to support my statements. Why can’t you?

Link Posted: 9/4/2023 2:14:00 PM EDT
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No pictures of his body and then supposedly buried at sea.  The entire thing has always seemed fishy.  Back then there was much thought that he'd been dead for years.  They could have just wacked one of his body doubles and called it a day.
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Link Posted: 9/4/2023 4:38:07 PM EDT
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Because you have forgotten the president was a muslim who told us that the primary mission of NASA would be to make muslims feel good about their contributions to mathematics.  Who also had to be dragged off a golf course to approve the raod, and didn't really want to do it, only to be cajoled by pannetta and maybe also hillery to authorize the raid.  Its not so difficult to see why that was done,
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Obama was known for Droning as many people as the could find without care for collateral damage.  His administration also lit half the middle east on fire with the Arab spring.  He's probably more despised by Muslims than GW. The notion that somehow pics of a dead UBL who had been out of the spotlight for years would somehow be bothersome doesn't track.  If it was UBL I'd be more likely to believe they did it to not upset the Saudis.

ETA, I remember from the movie the that supposedly the CIA lady just wanted to do an Airstrike on the place. They could have done that and then just verified his death through the ISI. No worries about angering the Muslim world since that was already the SOP.  See Soleimani's death as to how easy that would have went.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 5:38:08 PM EDT
I always figured UBL was dead or damn near dead in a hospice setting due to his dialysis, didn’t he suffer from kidney failure? Let’s face it living in caves with that condition is not the proper way to care for kidney issues, and if the reports are true that he did require dialysis and not doing it as required is not healthy or life sustaining. Those years of living in caves with his condition if true, drastically took years away from his life. I’m personally hope his death as were his final years were lived out in agony and pain not unlike his victims.
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