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Link Posted: 9/17/2022 4:03:41 PM EDT
At 64 now and yes.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 4:04:02 PM EDT
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When I was younger most people didn't like me.

Now that I am older, I mostly don't like them.

Life can be weird.
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This is me too.  I thought I must be fucked up,
turns out it's them that's fucked up.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 4:07:00 PM EDT
Pleasantries, conversations about what’s going on around the neighborhood and stuff like that I’m good with.

Seems most people want to have pity parties or bitch about stuff just for the sake of bitching.

So, I just keep to myself generally.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 4:08:42 PM EDT
I am more social at 60 than when I was younger.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 4:10:38 PM EDT
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It comes with age. Over the years, I have had "friends" fuck me over. Not huge stuff, but things you just don't do to a friend.

I am now (at 67) content for it to be just my immediate family (Wife, Kids and grandkids)

Most people out there today suck and are just out for themselves!

And then there is the liberal 50% of the population that are mentally ill.
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I absolutely relate to this. I also am 67 and with the exception of a small number of high quality friends. I generally socialize only with wife, kids and grandkids. I have four siblings and a few longtime former friends that I can barely spend time with due to their illiberal, Leftist political views.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 4:10:45 PM EDT
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Yes i dont even bother trying to make friends with new people anymore. Also see or talk to current friends less than before.
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Yep and if your not a conservative gun owner then I don't need you in my life at all.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 4:11:22 PM EDT
No. It happened very quickly for me. Im 40 and just want to hang out with my family is all
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 4:34:21 PM EDT
I'm 68 and find myself having to be too careful of what I say nowadays.

Easier for Me to just not say anything.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 4:35:14 PM EDT
mid 40s, I'm there.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 4:46:26 PM EDT
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I've always felt that way. I pity people who constantly need social interaction.

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I don't pity them.  I hate them.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 4:52:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 5:17:47 PM EDT
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When I was younger most people didn't like me.

Now that I am older, I mostly don't like them.

Life can be weird.
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Story of my life.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 5:23:26 PM EDT
I was at that point in my teens
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 5:29:42 PM EDT
I’m 60 and in the process of moving to a cabin the the middle of the woods. Here there are nightly shootings within 3 miles from my house. Fuck Illinois.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 5:42:01 PM EDT
My dad was a drunk and never taught me anything... including social skills.  My mother was a baby-making machine who never went out of the house and never had time for anything but nursing babies and changing diapers.  I had to go to Catholic grade school for 8 years.  In those 8 years I was bullied, abused and was a complete social reject to all my classmates.

So, here I am at 65 with no desire whatsoever to interact with people.  I seldom, if ever, leave the house.  I am a modern-day hermit and that is my life.  I've grown accustomed to being all by myself every day and I get by with social interaction with my wife and granddaughter.  My son is a drunk (like his grandpa) and I have little, if anything, to do with him.  Actually, I can't stand being around my only son, the drunk.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 5:47:32 PM EDT
Yep.  It gets worse.

I've found that my age and tolerance for stupidity is inversely proportional.  

I remember seeing commercials for a show, I think it was called "Alone", where guys had to be by themselves for a time.  They would be sniveling about it.  I figured they were pussies and being alone sounded pretty good.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 5:47:35 PM EDT
Outside of shopping and work, I don't leave home and have almost no interactions with any other humans.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 5:53:38 PM EDT

I'm the most interesting man I know.

Not sure if that's an indictment of my character or high praise.

I suppose it depends on who you ask...


Link Posted: 9/17/2022 5:56:35 PM EDT
I only care that everyones kids and grandkids grow up with the same freedoms and rights that I have had.
Other than that, everyone that thinks otherwise are less than dirt.

Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:09:46 PM EDT
The older I get, the less tolerant of bullshit, nonsense, idiocy, and low life people I become.

If idiots could fly, they would block out the sun.

The primary difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:18:16 PM EDT
Behind this simple question you have posed are some very alarming answers.

Its not just your age.  Its "the age" in which we live.  An age that is designed in every way to push you towards isolationism.  There is nothing unusual or "wrong" with conserving your social energy and resources, and redirecting them towards your immediate family.  It is partially a natural tendency, but a great deal of it is in fact by design.

I had a long conversation with my wife about this just today.  We keep each others company, we are very insular, and happy.  We shared a studio apartment or years on end.  However, I tend to question things that make me complacent and comfortable.  I cant ignore the fact that I was once more socially fulfilled, had more friends, and felt that there were more gatherings, more going in a world that seemed to be made up of people more than things.  

If you are really interested in whether I am speaking with any authority or just trying to sound smart, take a look at Team Human by Douglas Rushkoff - the book itself, or the episodic web presence: https://www.teamhuman.fm/

“Cynical views of humans as a mindless mob, incapable of behaving intelligently and peacefully, are used to justify keeping us apart and denying us roles as autonomous actors.”

I believe that most of us feel let down by other people and we are now far more likely to cut imperfect relationships dead than to triage them.  This is due in large part to all fo the diversions and amusement at our disposal, or what Rushkoff calls "the attention economy".  Without what we perceive as boundless consumer power and technological ease, we would cling to human relationships for dear life, as we once did.

So I guess the best answer to your question is: how do YOU feel about your slow social constriction?  What behaviors are you replacing friendships and human contact with?   Deep down, do you feel its entirely a choice, or is it an insidious byproduct of something to big too see, somethng being inflicted on you that you cant feel...until you are dead?
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:18:44 PM EDT
Hell, I am 44 and have been that way since my very early 20's.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:26:27 PM EDT
I'm 49, wife is 52.  We bought a nice house with and had a pool installed.. It's our "Oasis". We have maybe 6 really good friends between the both of us that share the mindset of being left the fuck alone. Personally, I think it's a maturity thing. We wanted to be social and party, do get togethers, and reach out until we were in our 40's.  We still have get togethers for birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays like the 4th, Memorial Day and Labor Day, but after doing a 50-60 hr work week, we just want to unwind and be left alone.

ETA: I started playing online games back in the early 2000's. I play with my son (he's 26 and about 1400 miles away from here) and my stepdaughter, and a few folks on this website.  Online Gaming Friends are awesome!!! We're hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles away from each other, but the ability to call each other nasty names and t-bag your buddy is PHENOMINAL.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:28:10 PM EDT
From age 17-20 I worked in a grocery store bakery. I have hated the human race ever since. I am about to turn 43.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:28:35 PM EDT
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Outside of shopping and work, I don't leave home and have almost no interactions with any other humans.
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I’m recently divorced and this is pretty much how I live as well.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:30:09 PM EDT
I've pretty much been that way all of my life.

I'm 63 and my life is pretty much spent between work and home except for range trips and hunting trips.

I'm counting the days until I can retire and leave the workplace idiocy behind.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:40:08 PM EDT
After the Covid shit and democrat socialist political movement people of their ilk can fuck of.
The rest are welcome.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:40:57 PM EDT
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Behind this simple question you have posed are some very alarming answers.

Its not just your age.  Its "the age" in which we live.  An age that is designed in every way to push you towards isolationism.  There is nothing unusual or "wrong" with conserving your social energy and resources, and redirecting them towards your immediate family.  It is partially a natural tendency, but a great deal of it is in fact by design.

I had a long conversation with my wife about this just today.  We keep each others company, we are very insular, and happy.  We shared a studio apartment or years on end.  However, I tend to question things that make me complacent and comfortable.  I cant ignore the fact that I was once more socially fulfilled, had more friends, and felt that there were more gatherings, more going in a world that seemed to be made up of people more than things.  

If you are really interested in whether I am speaking with any authority or just trying to sound smart, take a look at Team Human by Douglas Rushkoff - the book itself, or the episodic web presence: https://www.teamhuman.fm/

“Cynical views of humans as a mindless mob, incapable of behaving intelligently and peacefully, are used to justify keeping us apart and denying us roles as autonomous actors.”

I believe that most of us feel let down by other people and we are now far more likely to cut imperfect relationships dead than to triage them.  This is due in large part to all fo the diversions and amusement at our disposal, or what Rushkoff calls "the attention economy".  Without what we perceive as boundless consumer power and technological ease, we would cling to human relationships for dear life, as we once did.

So I guess the best answer to your question is: how do YOU feel about your slow social constriction?  What behaviors are you replacing friendships and human contact with?   Deep down, do you feel its entirely a choice, or is it an insidious byproduct of something to big too see, somethng being inflicted on you that you cant feel...until you are dead?
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Excellent write up, and I agree the questions posed are cleary more than skin deep.

The short answer, in most cases, depends on whether the individual is capable of intellectual honesty. To wit...

Are you isolated after careful contemplation and deliberate choice?
If so, then there is largely no issue as you have simply sought peace and tranquility. A reasonable endeavor.

Are you isolated for fear of being dissapointed by others or incapable of enduring disruption?
That is a much more serious concern and will diminsh the quality of your life in a dramatic fashion.

Those simple questions must be addressed.

Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:46:52 PM EDT
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Behind this simple question you have posed are some very alarming answers.

Its not just your age.  Its "the age" in which we live.  An age that is designed in every way to push you towards isolationism.  There is nothing unusual or "wrong" with conserving your social energy and resources, and redirecting them towards your immediate family.  It is partially a natural tendency, but a great deal of it is in fact by design.

I had a long conversation with my wife about this just today.  We keep each others company, we are very insular, and happy.  We shared a studio apartment or years on end.  However, I tend to question things that make me complacent and comfortable.  I cant ignore the fact that I was once more socially fulfilled, had more friends, and felt that there were more gatherings, more going in a world that seemed to be made up of people more than things.  

If you are really interested in whether I am speaking with any authority or just trying to sound smart, take a look at Team Human by Douglas Rushkoff - the book itself, or the episodic web presence: https://www.teamhuman.fm/

“Cynical views of humans as a mindless mob, incapable of behaving intelligently and peacefully, are used to justify keeping us apart and denying us roles as autonomous actors.”

I believe that most of us feel let down by other people and we are now far more likely to cut imperfect relationships dead than to triage them.  This is due in large part to all fo the diversions and amusement at our disposal, or what Rushkoff calls "the attention economy".  Without what we perceive as boundless consumer power and technological ease, we would cling to human relationships for dear life, as we once did.

So I guess the best answer to your question is: how do YOU feel about your slow social constriction?  What behaviors are you replacing friendships and human contact with?   Deep down, do you feel its entirely a choice, or is it an insidious byproduct of something to big too see, somethng being inflicted on you that you cant feel...until you are dead?
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I think the other part of is is that as we age, we start to understand exactly what the difference is between friends and acquaintances and that most people are far less friends and far more acquaintances that call you when they want something. Some of that is fine and quid pro quo is not a bad thing but it's almost always a one sided relationship on one side or the other. Carried too far and resentment builds if you are always giving and never receiving.

True friends are different and even if there is a bit of give and take more on one side or the other, you KNOW when you need something, they WILL be there and you will be there for them. It also involves similar interests and both sides has to be able to give a rash of shit and get some in return.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:46:54 PM EDT
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Seems most people want to have pity parties or bitch about stuff just for the sake of bitching.
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This is where my mouth gets me into trouble.

My inside thoughts can sometimes become outside thoughts, and I get caught doing a Tucker stare sometimes.

A customer a few years ago was pitching an epic bitch fit about something neither he or I had any control over. Without realizing it I said "Nice rant, didn't fix the problem, but maybe you'll feel better now."

Fuck. That was out loud.

My manager.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:48:02 PM EDT
I have been telling family and a few close friends I hate people for 20 years. I am 60. The main reason is the high number of inconsiderate and no manners assholes.

edit; for spelling
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 6:50:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 7:40:04 PM EDT
Me 25yrs ago

Me looking out the window at the world now
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 7:55:54 PM EDT
I'm 54. I have always been the social person and told I could strike up a conversation in a grocery line. I enjoy spending time with my wife and adult kids. I am not depressed and all fine mentally. The wife and I work around the property. Frankly I just want to be left alone. I have less than 2 years till retirement.

I am fully content with being just with immediate family or alone. Is this an age thing? FYI, my T level supposedly is normal.
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I'll be 60 next June, I feel the same way. Rather stay at home & fuck off either with my adult kids or by myself.
People suck.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 8:03:27 PM EDT
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Which one is you in the first picture? Serious question?
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 8:15:41 PM EDT
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Which one is you in the first picture? Serious question?
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Sorry, accidently cropped myself out...

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 9:12:57 PM EDT
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Short version, yes.
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Same here.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 9:21:26 PM EDT
Pretty much.  It's easier for me as I'm relatively new in town and
this place is very transient.  two years and I'm  on my third iteration
of neighbors in my apartment building.  

I won't blade at 45 and put my hand on my pistol if someone
engages me in small talk, but neither do I seek it out.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 9:26:03 PM EDT
I was quite a socializer when I was younger.
Then in my late 20’s I worked in a bar for a few years while going to school.
Toss in 30 years in medicine……
I don’t like people or large crowds anymore.
Add the current state of society and I’m even less enamored…
BTW, I’m 61, I started really feeling this way in my 40’s.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 9:35:27 PM EDT
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I hate people.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 9:36:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 9:36:38 PM EDT
This says it pretty much for every one I know that is "old"

"Frankly I just want to be left alone."
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 9:38:47 PM EDT
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Outside of shopping and work, I don't leave home and have almost no interactions with any other humans.
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Link Posted: 9/17/2022 9:39:41 PM EDT
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I'm recently divorced and this is pretty much how I live as well.
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no BJJ chicks?
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 9:42:41 PM EDT
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Short version, yes.
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I used to be a people person.

People ruined it for me.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 9:50:58 PM EDT
Yep I don't need the drama or crap my wife kids and grandkids is all I need
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 10:05:09 PM EDT
Dogs > People:

Link Posted: 9/17/2022 10:09:52 PM EDT
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no BJJ chicks?
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I'm recently divorced and this is pretty much how I live as well.
no BJJ chicks?

Haven’t trained in a while. Been in a funk and working 70-80 hours a week.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 10:11:17 PM EDT
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I hate people.
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I don't hate people.  But my tolerance for idiots and morons is not there any more.  

I would rather just be left alone.
Link Posted: 9/17/2022 10:21:18 PM EDT
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I hate people.
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