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Link Posted: 3/30/2023 11:52:21 AM EDT
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We should distinguish between the dollar and the federal reserve note.  The dollar as monetary concept is not doomed but the Fed Res Note is.   Most Americans are unaware that international transactions are conducted through SWIFT (CHIPS) whereby foreign currencies are exchanged to dollars for trade.  Most Americans are unaware that Europe set up INSTEX, Russian set up SPFS and China has direct currency swaps with its trading partners, all of which reduce dollar demand.  

After LGB tucked tail and fled Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia began drifting from American sphere of influence and has been courted by Russia and China.  Why is this important?  After Nixon renounced the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement in 1971, in 1973 Saudi Arabia became the co-creator of the petro-dollar that sustained the demand for dollars for trade.  Then at this year's WEF meeting in Davos Saudi Arabia announced that it open to trade settlement by means other than the dollar.  See link  China is aggressively pushing BRICS and brokered peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran.  Both applied for BRICS membership.  It may be only a matter of formality when Saudi Arabia makes its announcement that will kill the petro-dollar.  A few years ago Aramco's balance sheet showed yuan and rubles being held as assets.  Nigeria is also open to discarding the dollar for the gold back yuan.  In short, no one is scared of a Pedo Pedro military.

America will still have some sort of a dollar, perhaps a Treasury Dollar, but not the Federal Reserve Note.   Why should we entrust the Fed with controlling the money supply when they've already f*cked us over by reducing our earnings, savings and retirement?  We don't need the parasite class and their proferred CBDC.

Also consider that monetary history is a different animal from economics.  Fiat currencies generally last only 40-50 before it is discarded.  Within that 40-50 year span politicians love too give (other people's) money away and they spend, spend, spend and ignore the deficit problem until tomorrow. By then it's someone else's problems.  We're at the 50 year mark (1973-23) and that Tomorrow is approaching.  The world is sick of America's something for nothing trade policy.  Our biggest export is inflation (brrrrrrrr!) and the world is very aware of American policy to monetize the debt.  While the federal reserve note is still the best horse in the glue factory (because other central banks match the Fed's brrrrrrrr! to maintain trade), that's nothing to brag about.  They will all fail and the Federal Reserve note, while being the last man standing, will also fail.

Yes the dollar will be replaced as the world's reserve currency and hyper-inflation will destroy its viability (Note: Two conditions must be present  for hyper-inflation of currency.  First is brrrrrrr! and second is the public loss of faith in it which is manifested by dumping the currency as fast as it is acquired).  Do enjoy life and do quit watching TV.  Follow financial news NOT from the MSM.  You can protect your wealth and posiiton yourself for weiji (crisis/opportunity) or you can be on the losing end of the world's greatest wealth transfer in human history.  

Can anyone here tell me the difference between money and currency?  It's OK if you can't because that's not something taught in schools or universities.
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We need to get rid of legal tender laws that force us to accept their worthless currency at values they set.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 11:52:58 AM EDT
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The dollar is not doomed.  We are the Tallest Midget.

But if you really think the end is near, then I suggest you stock up on what ever is a hard good that can be used for trade in your area for other items you might need.  

In all reality if what you're thinking occurs, there will be nothing you can really do unless you live in an area with natural food availability and or agrarian.  Without the ability to move commerce and fill the basic supply chain for necessities, it won't make a difference what you have to trade with.  There won't be anything to trade for.  Medium to major Metropolitan areas will start to starve in a 3-4 weeks and then riot and looting will be on a mass scale.  Only if you live 4-5 hours from major cities will you survive.

The Federal and State Government will contain the movement of people out of major metropolitan areas by shutting off bridges and tunnels and well as using major geographical features as choke points.  They will also stop fuel from coming in to keep movement to bikes and feet.  They will attempt to feed those areas in controlled manners.

The rest of us hill rods in the middle of nowhere will start to destroy anything edible with 4 legs or fins.

If it carries to the power going out.....Pick a survivalist movie scenario and have at it.

In all seriousness the dollar is not going to be replaced.  Enjoy your life and quite watching TV, YouTube fanatics and reading wild ass blogs.
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The dollar WILL be replaced. 100% certainty. You can't keep dissolving its value by bonehead moves and expect anyone to take it as a serious medium of exchange.  It's just a matter of when it happens.

Everyone around the globe already hates it as the reserve currency, because of the idiocy of New York and Washington DC.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 11:54:05 AM EDT
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It's a fair point, but I think there is a big difference between those sounding an alarm (Paul Revere) and those who seem to be constantly declaring the end is nigh with no context or practical advice attached.
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What advice would you have them give you? How would they know your situation? I live on hundreds of acres and have farm equipment, maybe you live in an apartment in New York. People must take information given and decide for themselves if they will build some form of insulation or insurance for their family and they must decide what form that takes. In other words, I don't know you and couldn't possibly give advice beyond the most basic common sense stuff which you already suggested.

But becuase current events arent exactly rosy and people discuss those events and changes that are taking place in real time it doesnt mean they are doomers. It might just mean the world isn't looking so hot right now. But you do you, you started this thread to troll obviously but if you want real advice then here it is...

Buy a bunch of land, live a simpler life, be a man who thinks of his family and communities welfare as well as his own. Live your life the best you can and accept that there have been many tragedies in humanity and we arent immune.

Link Posted: 3/30/2023 11:55:51 AM EDT
This seems relevant

Link Posted: 3/30/2023 11:59:12 AM EDT
U.S. & NATO fallen into their Own Trap? - Alastair Crooke

Things are progressing much faster than anticipated.

Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:00:36 PM EDT
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how you guys have such little faith in a capitalistic system (that is self correcting) is beyond me.  give up and keep dooming i guess
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We no longer live in an actual capitalist system.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:01:18 PM EDT
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I'm kinda there with you bud.  I'm not trying to be an edge lord, but we went through this same drill during the pandemic.  Many here predicted the CARES act would create "massive inflation" which turned out to be true, but NOBODY seemed to be offering up what they were doing to prepare for it.

Stockpiling food always seems to be a reasonable idea, but beyond that....Trading dollars for physical gold or Yuan seems...dumb?

My wife keeps telling me we need to buy gold...I keep asking her what we are going to do with it?
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I suggest half the people here (based on comments) to put their money where their mount is, and go exchange their dollar for yuan or rubles (soon to be yuan) at their nearest national bank, ASAP.  get in early fellas

our system isn't perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than what's out there

I'm kinda there with you bud.  I'm not trying to be an edge lord, but we went through this same drill during the pandemic.  Many here predicted the CARES act would create "massive inflation" which turned out to be true, but NOBODY seemed to be offering up what they were doing to prepare for it.

Stockpiling food always seems to be a reasonable idea, but beyond that....Trading dollars for physical gold or Yuan seems...dumb?

My wife keeps telling me we need to buy gold...I keep asking her what we are going to do with it?

I would suggest the survival section of Arfcom is a better place than GD to seek the answer to your question.  

I look at silver, gold, and other items as a way to preserve wealth if things go sideways.  I don't look at them as investments, per say, they are an insurance policy, much the same way my homeowners policy is.  

I've also invested in land and equipment that will maintain its value, the values may dip, but there will always be value.  In the meantime, I work the equipment to make money on the side.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:05:27 PM EDT
Here's some fun news.  LNG trade between France and UAE was done in petro-yuan.

This exchange between the UAE and France is taking place without dollars. If the process continues the dollar weakens.  In the geopolitical world of currency valuations and trade, this might be considered the Archduke Ferdinand moment for the end of the petrodollar.  The question will become, can they grow this process with OPEC+ support and begin eventually trading oil in yuan?

A second energy targeted development comes from a shipment of Russian diesel fuel into Mexico.  The raw material was: (A) sold at an originating discount; and (B) presumably refined in Spain, making it exempt from the current energy embargo against Russia.
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Everything the diaper filling Pedo Pedro touches turns to turd.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:07:01 PM EDT
I live in a country whose inflation rate is greater than 100% due to the collapse of the currency. How do locals deal with the problem?

1. Spend every peso immediately. They do not keep money in the bank.
2. Convert as many pesos as possible (currency conversion restrictions) into USD / Euros.
3. Buy hard assets (land, houses, cars, tractors, ect..)
4. Buy Bitcoin and gold.

When a currency collapses, the country does not grind to a halt. Everything just costs a lot more... and tomorrow it will cost even more, and the next day, and next day. I have see some stores that change their prices daily. Think of a price sticker, on top of price sticker, on top of price sticker. It's quit shocking the 1st time you see it in person.

If we lose the "world's reserve currency status" it will result in an immediate decline in our living standards (ie. soaring poverty rate), which will take a few years to play out and for everyone to realize what has happened. By then, it will be far too late.

If you think this is coming to the USA, now is the time to prepare...

Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:09:36 PM EDT
Getting my pre teen trans dance team uniforms designed for our pre school dance shows!
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:11:56 PM EDT
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Capitalism is not what we have. Markets manipulated by conglomerates. We are in a system of Corporatism.
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Yup, also better known as fascism. But the left loves to portray this is a failure of capitalism.

Back to the topic at hand, the dollar is already losing status as a reserve currency, like many that went before it.

In 2021 the USD accounted for 58.8% of official foreign exchange reserves, ten years prior in 2011 it was 62.6%,
10 years before that it was 71.5%, so down about 12 points in the past 20 years. It won't just go poof overnight, but
revaluation at some point in time is pretty likely as its status changes.

If we use the end of the pound sterling as the majority reserve currency as a template -- it went from 55% in the
1950s to 25% in the mid 1960s to 3.4% in the mid 1970s, so basically from majority to near nothing in 20 years.
Declines like this created severe pressure on the UK government, and post-WWII, there were two major devaluations
(1949 with a 31% devaluation and 1967 with a 14% devaluation.) I suggest anyone that's curious read up on the 1949
devaluation and what the primary cause was (hint, the US currently has the exact same issue and has for decades.)

The best preparation for a currency devaluation is to not hold anything denominated in that currency that's devalued.
Since gold can't be directly devalued it's probably among the safer short-term solutions. Since devaluation is inflationary
for imported goods, stocking up on those would save some money as well.

Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:48:10 PM EDT
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how you guys have such little faith in a capitalistic system (that is self correcting) is beyond me.  give up and keep dooming i guess
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An un-manipulated system will clean itself, but we do not have such a system anymore.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:50:02 PM EDT

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I live in a country whose inflation rate is greater than 100% due to the collapse of the currency. How do locals deal with the problem?

1. Spend every peso immediately. They do not keep money in the bank.
2. Convert as many pesos as possible (currency conversion restrictions) into USD / Euros.
3. Buy hard assets (land, houses, cars, tractors, ect..)
4. Buy Bitcoin and gold.

When a currency collapses, the country does not grind to a halt. Everything just costs a lot more... and tomorrow it will cost even more, and the next day, and next day. I have see some stores that change their prices daily. Think of a price sticker, on top of price sticker, on top of price sticker. It's quit shocking the 1st time you see it in person.

If we lose the "world's reserve currency status" it will result in an immediate decline in our living standards (ie. soaring poverty rate), which will take a few years to play out and for everyone to realize what has happened. By then, it will be far too late.

If you think this is coming to the USA, now is the time to prepare...

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I read that Argentina is currently experiencing 100% inflation again.

How about financial repression like there was in the past?  Limited withdrawals?

Have they kicked in price controls (that never work)?
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:50:33 PM EDT
GD has predicted 87 of the last 0 collapses since I joined in 2008.

I remember in 2009-2011 that we had several members who were absolutely insistent that the USA would not make it past 2013.

Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:51:47 PM EDT
Buy durable goods, fill your pantry, and get out of debt . If you have some cash left over buy some silver , bullion or constitutional.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:54:04 PM EDT
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The dollar is not doomed.  We are the Tallest Midget.

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This right here.  For the dollar to be doomed as the pre-eminent global reserve currency, you'd have to be able to identify a superior one.

The Euro?  The Ruble?  The Rupee?  The Yuan?

Would any of YOU honestly feel more secure in your capital by having it locked up in any of those countries and the band of clowns that manage them?

As much of a laughable long shot as it may be, Bitcoin is a more credible global reserve currency than any of those currencies.

Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:54:45 PM EDT
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I read that Argentina is currently experiencing 100% inflation again.

How about financial repression like there was in the past?  Limited withdrawals?

Have they kicked in price controls (that never work)?
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There are currency controls, price controls, ect... They have tried everything except the solution (ie. stop printing money).

Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:55:11 PM EDT
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GD has predicted 87 of the last 0 collapses since I joined in 2008.

I remember in 2009-2011 that we had several members who were absolutely insistent that the USA would not make it past 2013.

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This isn’t about the collapse of the United States, this is about the collapse of the dollar. And this isn’t a prediction. It’s a literally happening in front of you or maybe you haven’t noticed inflation yet? Maybe you haven’t read about all the countries making deals in yuan instead of dollars. None of that is prediction. It’s just observation. The only prediction that could be made is if and when and where it may stop.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:57:18 PM EDT
Thanks Accountant.  Can you please keep us posted on the events there?  Our search engines tend to filter out things.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 12:59:54 PM EDT
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This right here.  For the dollar to be doomed as the pre-eminent global reserve currency, you'd have to be able to identify a superior one.

The Euro?  The Ruble?  The Rupee?  The Yuan?

Would any of YOU honestly feel more secure in your capital by having it locked up in any of those countries and the band of clowns that manage them?

As much of a laughable long shot as it may be, Bitcoin is a more credible global reserve currency than any of those currencies.

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The dollar is not doomed.  We are the Tallest Midget.


This right here.  For the dollar to be doomed as the pre-eminent global reserve currency, you'd have to be able to identify a superior one.

The Euro?  The Ruble?  The Rupee?  The Yuan?

Would any of YOU honestly feel more secure in your capital by having it locked up in any of those countries and the band of clowns that manage them?

As much of a laughable long shot as it may be, Bitcoin is a more credible global reserve currency than any of those currencies.

Still neglecting the will of the globalists to create CBDC in individual countries (Crash dollar, create FedBux), and once all or most countries have CBDC; unify them all into a single global currency. Which would essentially require a unified set of laws to apply to all places.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 1:00:09 PM EDT
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Thanks Accountant.  Can you please keep us posted on the events there?  Our search engines tend to filter out things.
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Sure.. There is an English newspaper if you want to keep up on current events: https://www.batimes.com.ar/

Link Posted: 3/30/2023 1:03:29 PM EDT
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I think we’re headed into some really bad financial times.  

I’m turning my cash into assets, specifically tools, knowledge to use them, advance my current skill sets.

I.E. learning trades such as plumbing and electrical.  I’m already in the medical field so I’m advancing my knowledge there.  

If something does happen I want to sustain myself and my family, and be useful enough to keep around any community we find ourselves in.
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This guy is wise.

Farm land with water rights also a good investment imo
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 1:04:35 PM EDT
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GD has predicted 87 of the last 0 collapses since I joined in 2008.

I remember in 2009-2011 that we had several members who were absolutely insistent that the USA would not make it past 2013.

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We were supposed to financially collapse in 2008 but TARP and QE staved it off.  Who knew back then they could sustain it for another fourteen years?  Now the Fed is out of boolits and has painted itself into a corner.  Raise rates and destroy the member banks or keep pounding that "enter" key to create more dollars and devalue those in existance?  

It doesn't mean the end of the US but the end of the US as the dominant super power of pax Americana and the lifestyle we have grown accustomed to.  The upcoming hard times will create tough men and rid ourselves of the crying room/safe space soi-boi we have today.

Fiat currency has a definite life span and the Federal Reserve Note has had a good run.  It will be the third time fiat failed in our nation too.  Not worth a Continental & Confederate dollar's hyper-inflation were the first two.  

I suspect a goods back monetary system will be used for international trade.  Your country's ______ is worth ____ and therefore eligbile to exchange.  Not that wheat or pistachios will be the currency of the future but rather the currency will be based on the value of goods.  The Chinese already made this possible for themselves.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 1:05:28 PM EDT

Klaus thanks you for trying to keep the sheep calm.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 1:20:33 PM EDT
@Accountant.  Were you an adult when the government nationalized pension funds?  If so, could you comment on how that affected anybody that you knew at the time?

Such a scenario is almost certainly an option in the US.  So are bank bail-ins like they did in Cyprus.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 1:24:38 PM EDT
How many other countries have had a high standard of living even though the petrodollar was king ?

How many nations have been superpowers or near superpower status?

If the petrodollar ended today, the US would be no worse off, and probably much better off than any of those nations, including China. We would have to have a much larger percentage of our population being below the poverty level , not using US stats btw, but 3rd world stats, to be as bad off as China is right now.

It would change things, but not drastically, and maybe, it would cause our politicians to fix things, because they'll be losing money personally.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 1:32:55 PM EDT
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How many other countries have had a high standard of living even though the petrodollar was king ?
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How many other countries have had a high standard of living even though the petrodollar was king ?

Strong economies with wealth generating exports was conducive to a high standard of living.

How many nations have been superpowers or near superpower status?

England lost it b/c of spending needed to fight WW II.  We saw the last gasp when England was keeping communism out of Greece.  Then it lost India.  The Soviet Union lost it when their ruble collapsed and their communist government.  They just couldn't keep up with the West.

If the petrodollar ended today, the US would be no worse off, and probably much better off than any of those nations, including China. We would have to have a much larger percentage of our population being below the poverty level , not using US stats btw, but 3rd world stats, to be as bad off as China is right now.

Our standard of living ends.  Wealth destruction via wealth transfer ensues.  We will have a feudal society with less than 1% rich, maybe 5% middle class and the rest as peasants who own nothing but will be happy.  However, if we reject the CBDC we will be rid of the parasites and will rebuild, retool and re-industrialize, we will create opportunites for growth of the middle class and the rebuildng of America.  We need to export goods to build wealth.  The Klington promise of a "transition" to a service economy didn't work at all.

It would change things, but not drastically, and maybe, it would cause our politicians to fix things, because they'll be losing money personally.

Politicians help create the mess and almost all need to be sacked.  They got their wealth, took care of themselves while in office and DGAF about the peasants.  The politicians are beholden to their paymasters and not to the electorate.  It's been that way for decades.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 1:33:21 PM EDT
I just watched a good podcast on this.  Shawn Ryan interviews an ex-CIA guy.  This was a main topic and the main topic of the follow-up episode.

Start @ 9:00

Andrew Bustamante - CIA Spy / World War 3, Money Laundering, and The Next Superpower | SRS #52 P1

tl;dr: You should prepare for the possibility that the US is not the superpower.  China is on a trajectory to be the economic superpower in a decade.  This is not set in stone, but if things don't change, it is the current trajectory.

His suggestions are extreme, but logical: Dual citizenship.  Have an escape plan.  It's easier to migrate, if needed, if you've established residency.  His choice was Europe due to first world resources that will last longer than other places.

I won't be taking this route as I do not have the resources to do so, but I follow his logic.  If I had the resources, then I would have already done this before I watched this interview.  That's not to say that I (or he) wouldn't fight for our country, but have an escape plan.  I could do a whole lot more if I know that my family is (relatively) safe.

I would suggest everyone watch this.  It is a different perspective than most other interviews and analysis.  It's on a different level, not better or worse, but different.  He also is as apolitical as anyone I've heard in a while.  

As for my plans, they don't change a lot from my current ones.  Increase the size and productivity of the land I own, store supplies where I can, build out a solid network of people to rely on and also help, and learn skills.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 1:46:50 PM EDT
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This right here.  For the dollar to be doomed as the pre-eminent global reserve currency, you'd have to be able to identify a superior one.

The Euro?  The Ruble?  The Rupee?  The Yuan?

Would any of YOU honestly feel more secure in your capital by having it locked up in any of those countries and the band of clowns that manage them?

As much of a laughable long shot as it may be, Bitcoin is a more credible global reserve currency than any of those currencies.

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The dollar is not doomed.  We are the Tallest Midget.


This right here.  For the dollar to be doomed as the pre-eminent global reserve currency, you'd have to be able to identify a superior one.

The Euro?  The Ruble?  The Rupee?  The Yuan?

Would any of YOU honestly feel more secure in your capital by having it locked up in any of those countries and the band of clowns that manage them?

As much of a laughable long shot as it may be, Bitcoin is a more credible global reserve currency than any of those currencies.

It doesn't matter what we feel.  

I'll go out on a ledge and say that most, if not all, on this site would prefer our current system to that of a system run by China.  

With that said, refer to the first sentence of my reply.  It could happen whether we like it or not.  Right now, countries are detaching from us and our system.  Will it continue?  Possibly.  "Probably" is my answer without a significant change in our leadership, which will not happen under Biden or Trump, and possibly not under any of the other presidential candidates that are currently in the mix.  We have systemic issues with our politicians in DC and our government as a whole.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 1:46:52 PM EDT
@ whollyshite.  My family has been here for 400+ years.  I'm not going anywhere.  I've lived in Europe, and I've lived in Central Asia.  This is home.  I'm not leaving.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 1:58:30 PM EDT
TF Doomer up in this bitch

Link Posted: 3/30/2023 2:03:35 PM EDT
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@Accountant.  Were you an adult when the government nationalized pension funds?  If so, could you comment on how that affected anybody that you knew at the time?

Such a scenario is almost certainly an option in the US.  So are bank bail-ins like they did in Cyprus.
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I'm a good 'ole GA boy. I started going to ARG in 2016, well afterwards, and ended up staying due to love.

Using my in-laws as an example... they receive a govt pension, similar to our SS. Also, my sister-in-law owns a perfume shop and she has to pay into the SS system for each employees retirement. The employees do not contribute.

Other than the above, I do not know much about the current or former pension system.

Link Posted: 3/30/2023 2:20:38 PM EDT
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Maybe, maybe not.   Gold has been a historical go-to in times of uncertainty.   Have we every really stopped to look at gold?  It's heavy.  Not easily transportable.  Not a great conductor of electricity.  It's a soft metal with somewhat limited use in manufacturing.   It's shiny.   It really only has value because people have thought that way for a long time.

I'm not saying you're wrong at all snubfan.  It's just that gold is a pretty shitty metal when one looks at it from a practical standpoint.
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Gold is a strange animal. In a true "doom" scenario it's not worth very much. Looking at the various modern day examples where things have really broken down, I'm going to ballpark that it's worth is maybe 1/50th of what it's value would be in a normal functioning society.

So what happens is- the already wealthy person who has resources like food, fire, ammo, guns, alcohol and cigarettes AND the means to protect them (normally in the form of a small militia) trades people those item for their gold at that hugely deflated value. They play the long game, and then when the crisis/war/scenario ends, they go from "wealthy" to crazy rich.

My point here is that gold in a real doomer scenario is a terrible investment. Gold, silver, etc. only work when society is functioning. You're far better off stocking up on items people need and having a unique trade skill than you are with a bunch of PMs. IMO, but history has proven that.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 2:21:57 PM EDT
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This seems relevant

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Brazil is on the verge of collapse. It doesn't get much press because American's don't seem to care much about them.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 2:26:45 PM EDT
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Gold is a strange animal. In a true "doom" scenario it's not worth very much. Looking at the various modern day examples where things have really broken down, I'm going to ballpark that it's worth is maybe 1/50th of what it's value would be in a normal functioning society.

So what happens is- the already wealthy person who has resources like food, fire, ammo, guns, alcohol and cigarettes AND the means to protect them (normally in the form of a small militia) trades people those item for their gold at that hugely deflated value. They play the long game, and then when the crisis/war/scenario ends, they go from "wealthy" to crazy rich.

My point here is that gold in a real doomer scenario is a terrible investment. Gold, silver, etc. only work when society is functioning. You're far better off stocking up on items people need and having a unique trade skill than you are with a bunch of PMs. IMO, but history has proven that.
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Precious metals are used to aquire tangibles for the rebuild and is but one component of 5 B's (with metals being bullion).  Selco mentioned trading gold for a can of food. When the Soviet Union fell, the average Soviet citizen had no concept of the value of gold. Vodka was more important to barter.  Selco didn't have the other B (beans or food, water and means to procure/produce food).  The average Russian citizen survived because they had 1-2 acres they could farm for themselves.  They may have to ride a train or bus to get there, but they could grow their own and feed themselves while the wheels were off.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 2:34:30 PM EDT
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@ whollyshite.  My family has been here for 400+ years.  I'm not going anywhere.  I've lived in Europe, and I've lived in Central Asia.  This is home.  I'm not leaving.
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As I stated, I'm not going anywhere, either.  I'm 7 generations deep in my neck of the woods.

An escape plan is never a bad thing, though.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 4:03:43 PM EDT
From above, another direct currency swap to bypass SWIFT(CHIPS).  This time it's Brazil.  Made hot.

Brazil & China direct currency swapFr
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 4:10:39 PM EDT
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Don't look at gold as a 'currency' to spend. Look at it as a way to preserve a portion of what you have.

If you have $5000 in dollar bills, it may become of little or no value, but that same $5000 in gold will likely still be worth around $5000 or maybe more, thus preserving $5000 of your wealth. There are no guarantees.

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So you have $5000 in dollars. You buy $5000 worth of gold. You sell that gold for $5000. > Profit!

Only works if gold appreciates anywhere near the inflation rate.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 4:19:36 PM EDT
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We should distinguish between the dollar and the federal reserve note.  The dollar as monetary concept is not doomed but the Fed Res Note is.   Most Americans are unaware that international transactions are conducted through SWIFT (CHIPS) whereby foreign currencies are exchanged to dollars for trade.  Most Americans are unaware that Europe set up INSTEX, Russian set up SPFS and China has direct currency swaps with its trading partners, all of which reduce dollar demand.  

After LGB tucked tail and fled Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia began drifting from American sphere of influence and has been courted by Russia and China.  Why is this important?  After Nixon renounced the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement in 1971, in 1973 Saudi Arabia became the co-creator of the petro-dollar that sustained the demand for dollars for trade.  Then at this year's WEF meeting in Davos Saudi Arabia announced that it open to trade settlement by means other than the dollar.  See link  China is aggressively pushing BRICS and brokered peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran.  Both applied for BRICS membership.  It may be only a matter of formality when Saudi Arabia makes its announcement that will kill the petro-dollar.  A few years ago Aramco's balance sheet showed yuan and rubles being held as assets.  Nigeria is also open to discarding the dollar for the gold back yuan.  In short, no one is scared of a Pedo Pedro military.

America will still have some sort of a dollar, perhaps a Treasury Dollar, but not the Federal Reserve Note.   Why should we entrust the Fed with controlling the money supply when they've already f*cked us over by reducing our earnings, savings and retirement?  We don't need the parasite class and their proferred CBDC.

Also consider that monetary history is a different animal from economics.  Fiat currencies generally last only 40-50 before it is discarded.  Within that 40-50 year span politicians love too give (other people's) money away and they spend, spend, spend and ignore the deficit problem until tomorrow. By then it's someone else's problems.  We're at the 50 year mark (1973-23) and that Tomorrow is approaching.  The world is sick of America's something for nothing trade policy.  Our biggest export is inflation (brrrrrrrr!) and the world is very aware of American policy to monetize the debt.  While the federal reserve note is still the best horse in the glue factory (because other central banks match the Fed's brrrrrrrr! to maintain trade), that's nothing to brag about.  They will all fail and the Federal Reserve note, while being the last man standing, will also fail.

Yes the dollar will be replaced as the world's reserve currency and hyper-inflation will destroy its viability (Note: Two conditions must be present  for hyper-inflation of currency.  First is brrrrrrr! and second is the public loss of faith in it which is manifested by dumping the currency as fast as it is acquired).  Do enjoy life and do quit watching TV.  Follow financial news NOT from the MSM.  You can protect your wealth and posiiton yourself for weiji (crisis/opportunity) or you can be on the losing end of the world's greatest wealth transfer in human history.  

Can anyone here tell me the difference between money and currency?  It's OK if you can't because that's not something taught in schools or universities.
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The dollar is not doomed.  We are the Tallest Midget.

We should distinguish between the dollar and the federal reserve note.  The dollar as monetary concept is not doomed but the Fed Res Note is.   Most Americans are unaware that international transactions are conducted through SWIFT (CHIPS) whereby foreign currencies are exchanged to dollars for trade.  Most Americans are unaware that Europe set up INSTEX, Russian set up SPFS and China has direct currency swaps with its trading partners, all of which reduce dollar demand.  

After LGB tucked tail and fled Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia began drifting from American sphere of influence and has been courted by Russia and China.  Why is this important?  After Nixon renounced the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement in 1971, in 1973 Saudi Arabia became the co-creator of the petro-dollar that sustained the demand for dollars for trade.  Then at this year's WEF meeting in Davos Saudi Arabia announced that it open to trade settlement by means other than the dollar.  See link  China is aggressively pushing BRICS and brokered peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran.  Both applied for BRICS membership.  It may be only a matter of formality when Saudi Arabia makes its announcement that will kill the petro-dollar.  A few years ago Aramco's balance sheet showed yuan and rubles being held as assets.  Nigeria is also open to discarding the dollar for the gold back yuan.  In short, no one is scared of a Pedo Pedro military.

America will still have some sort of a dollar, perhaps a Treasury Dollar, but not the Federal Reserve Note.   Why should we entrust the Fed with controlling the money supply when they've already f*cked us over by reducing our earnings, savings and retirement?  We don't need the parasite class and their proferred CBDC.

Also consider that monetary history is a different animal from economics.  Fiat currencies generally last only 40-50 before it is discarded.  Within that 40-50 year span politicians love too give (other people's) money away and they spend, spend, spend and ignore the deficit problem until tomorrow. By then it's someone else's problems.  We're at the 50 year mark (1973-23) and that Tomorrow is approaching.  The world is sick of America's something for nothing trade policy.  Our biggest export is inflation (brrrrrrrr!) and the world is very aware of American policy to monetize the debt.  While the federal reserve note is still the best horse in the glue factory (because other central banks match the Fed's brrrrrrrr! to maintain trade), that's nothing to brag about.  They will all fail and the Federal Reserve note, while being the last man standing, will also fail.

In all seriousness the dollar is not going to be replaced.  Enjoy your life and quite watching TV, YouTube fanatics and reading wild ass blogs.

Yes the dollar will be replaced as the world's reserve currency and hyper-inflation will destroy its viability (Note: Two conditions must be present  for hyper-inflation of currency.  First is brrrrrrr! and second is the public loss of faith in it which is manifested by dumping the currency as fast as it is acquired).  Do enjoy life and do quit watching TV.  Follow financial news NOT from the MSM.  You can protect your wealth and posiiton yourself for weiji (crisis/opportunity) or you can be on the losing end of the world's greatest wealth transfer in human history.  

Can anyone here tell me the difference between money and currency?  It's OK if you can't because that's not something taught in schools or universities.

Thanks for posting. Quite insightful.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 4:23:43 PM EDT
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So you have $5000 in dollars. You buy $5000 worth of gold. You sell that gold for $5000. > Profit!

Only works if gold appreciates anywhere near the inflation rate.
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I am sure you realize, because it is obvious, that he is just using todays dollars as a reference because we cant predict what inflation will be...only that it will happen.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 4:29:01 PM EDT
$100 bills are recognized across the globe and Americans enjoy an astonishing standard of living, even the poor, lazy, fat ones. I don’t think the dollar is honing anywhere but up, there isn’t a reasonable replacement anywhere in sight.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 4:36:01 PM EDT
The bottom line is that the dollar is backed by the US military.

If we chose to not have a competitor to the US dollar, we won't.  

The question is not an economic or military one, it's a question of political influence and corruption. In order for the dollar and the US to decline on the world stage, our leadership has to chose to allow it.   They just might.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 5:17:54 PM EDT
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After LGB tucked tail and fled Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia began drifting from American sphere of influence and has been courted by Russia and China.
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It started before that. Trump's short term negotiating prowess upset the apple cart Kissinger had stacked. And WWIII started on October 9, 2016.

The good news is after we suffer Universe 25 population collapse and return to Malthusian agrarian carrying capacity (how many people can the people you know with horses, horse drawn plows, and arable land feed?), shiny rocks will be the preferred currency until some fiat inevitably replaces them again.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 5:20:50 PM EDT
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The dollar WILL be replaced. 100% certainty. You can't keep dissolving its value by bonehead moves and expect anyone to take it as a serious medium of exchange.  It's just a matter of when it happens.

Everyone around the globe already hates it as the reserve currency, because of the idiocy of New York and Washington DC.
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The Inevitable empire.

All these derivative ideas and narratives matter little without control of food supplies.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 5:30:28 PM EDT
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Don't look at gold as a 'currency' to spend. Look at it as a way to preserve a portion of what you have.

If you have $5000 in dollar bills, it may become of little or no value, but that same $5000 in gold will likely still be worth around $5000 or maybe more, thus preserving $5000 of your wealth. There are no guarantees.

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My wife keeps telling me we need to buy gold...I keep asking her what we are going to do with it?

Don't look at gold as a 'currency' to spend. Look at it as a way to preserve a portion of what you have.

If you have $5000 in dollar bills, it may become of little or no value, but that same $5000 in gold will likely still be worth around $5000 or maybe more, thus preserving $5000 of your wealth. There are no guarantees.

Exactly. Gold is for preservation of wealth in an inflationary scenario, or would be without the paper trading casino. Even gold is subject to inflation since more of it can be pulled from the ground but it’s the best thing available, except for Bitcoin, but some of yous want something physical in hand.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 5:33:49 PM EDT
Oh, and stock up on bibles. People need hope to live and when the internet goes and the killing and starvation starts, they'll need something to reassure themselves that someone is in control. Don't make the stupid mistake of the leader in the Book of Eli.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 6:20:45 PM EDT
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We should distinguish between the dollar and the federal reserve note.  The dollar as monetary concept is not doomed but the Fed Res Note is.   Most Americans are unaware that international transactions are conducted through SWIFT (CHIPS) whereby foreign currencies are exchanged to dollars for trade.  Most Americans are unaware that Europe set up INSTEX, Russian set up SPFS and China has direct currency swaps with its trading partners, all of which reduce dollar demand.  

After LGB tucked tail and fled Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia began drifting from American sphere of influence and has been courted by Russia and China.  Why is this important?  After Nixon renounced the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement in 1971, in 1973 Saudi Arabia became the co-creator of the petro-dollar that sustained the demand for dollars for trade.  Then at this year's WEF meeting in Davos Saudi Arabia announced that it open to trade settlement by means other than the dollar.  See link  China is aggressively pushing BRICS and brokered peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran.  Both applied for BRICS membership.  It may be only a matter of formality when Saudi Arabia makes its announcement that will kill the petro-dollar.  A few years ago Aramco's balance sheet showed yuan and rubles being held as assets.  Nigeria is also open to discarding the dollar for the gold back yuan.  In short, no one is scared of a Pedo Pedro military.

America will still have some sort of a dollar, perhaps a Treasury Dollar, but not the Federal Reserve Note.   Why should we entrust the Fed with controlling the money supply when they've already f*cked us over by reducing our earnings, savings and retirement?  We don't need the parasite class and their proferred CBDC.

Also consider that monetary history is a different animal from economics.  Fiat currencies generally last only 40-50 before it is discarded.  Within that 40-50 year span politicians love too give (other people's) money away and they spend, spend, spend and ignore the deficit problem until tomorrow. By then it's someone else's problems.  We're at the 50 year mark (1973-23) and that Tomorrow is approaching.  The world is sick of America's something for nothing trade policy.  Our biggest export is inflation (brrrrrrrr!) and the world is very aware of American policy to monetize the debt.  While the federal reserve note is still the best horse in the glue factory (because other central banks match the Fed's brrrrrrrr! to maintain trade), that's nothing to brag about.  They will all fail and the Federal Reserve note, while being the last man standing, will also fail.

Yes the dollar will be replaced as the world's reserve currency and hyper-inflation will destroy its viability (Note: Two conditions must be present  for hyper-inflation of currency.  First is brrrrrrr! and second is the public loss of faith in it which is manifested by dumping the currency as fast as it is acquired).  Do enjoy life and do quit watching TV.  Follow financial news NOT from the MSM.  You can protect your wealth and posiiton yourself for weiji (crisis/opportunity) or you can be on the losing end of the world's greatest wealth transfer in human history.  

Can anyone here tell me the difference between money and currency?  It's OK if you can't because that's not something taught in schools or universities.
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Sorry can’t embed.

Link Posted: 3/30/2023 6:22:57 PM EDT
It’s the US has chosen to back the WEF and decarbonization.
Green climate change and the push for EV’s.
The nations joining BRICS are heavily into oil.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 6:24:26 PM EDT
@bondservant2 - golfclap.  The words in it nails the one distinction between currency and money.
Link Posted: 3/30/2023 6:25:05 PM EDT
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I suppose it depends on how much risk you're willing to accept. How bad will it get, and how long will it last.

A loaf of bread in 1933 Germany during the worst of the inflation would more than double its price every day for weeks on end. That $1 loaf might run you $50 in a couple weeks. And that's assuming you could find it at that point.

So people need to eat. Gold is a great commodity for rebuilding and general wealth after it all. It does absolutely nothing when food, water, shelter are scarce.

ETA Beat by a kindred spirit by 2 minutes
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I would differ with your assessment.  People have been willing to trade precious metals for all of your listed items throughout recorded history.

You seem to believe there will be no one willing to trade needed items for precious metal?  Do you also think that there will be no one willing to import (legally or illegally)  items to trade for those valuables?  Both of these are being done in Venezuela today, as well as other countries.

I would agree that if you are thinking of a city under siege, and within that city metals will not be as useful as other items to trade.  How about outside the city.  Do you believe that there will not need to be a means of exchange except for two people bartering what they have for what the other person has?

Historically, there has normally been a means of storing value to exchange at a later time.  Metals have always been a part of that.  To discount the historical use of metals in human exchange would be foolish.

I would further argue that you are a lot more likely to successfully trade precious metals for food, shelter, etc. during a time of hyperinflation than the countries now near worthless money.  You may even be able to get out of that city under siege with some metals.
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