I just ordered a Nikon D850 body (factory refurb). Moving up from cropped-frame sensor bodies (D7200 etc.).
Yes, the D850 has been around for a long time - but I already have plenty of Nikon DSLR lenses (including full-frame ones) that will work well with that body. Not planning on going mirrorless anytime soon.
I see that the D850 supports an XQD card as well as an SD card. XQD seems to be an expensive niche format which will be superseded by CF cards in the future, if not already - but I'm considering getting a single XQD card (and a PC reader for the card) both to use it for in-camera backup of images that will also be saved to an SD card, as well as for the potential speed boost when offloading images to the PC.
Anyone using XQD cards? What has been your experience with them? What are you using for a reader on a PC or Mac?
Have you set up the card as a mirror for the SD card, or are you perhaps sending RAW files to one and JPEG files to the other card, or some other way of organizing the in-camera storage?