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Link Posted: 9/15/2011 9:19:26 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Casimir_Pulaski] [#1]

ETA: I own page 9

Link Posted: 9/15/2011 9:28:23 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Casimir_Pulaski:


ETA: I own page 9


Link Posted: 9/15/2011 9:51:26 PM EDT
Originally Posted By EagleArmsHBAR:

Originally Posted By Maintain:
I've got a few creepy stories, all true.  

#1, this was in the last few years.  My five year old, he was about 1.5yrs at the time, had one of those little swings you place them in and that you wind up and they play music.  If you have kids, you know what I mean when I say "You know how you have to wind up that swing and wait a couple minutes for it to get to swingin?".  Then you push a button and can choose the song it plays.  Well, I got up one morning about 5am.  I did my routine, shower, go to the living to get dressed so as not to wake anyone.  I go turn on the tv, go to the kitchen for a drink, then back to watch the news for a minute.  It's still dark outside and quiet in my house, but I got back to the living room with my drink and that damned swing was going full bore with the music playing.  It freaked me the fuck out and I was wide awake when I went over to it and physically stopped it, and pushed the button for the music to turn off.  I stood there and looked at it for a minute, then left for work.  Thought about that all day.....

#2, this still goes on.  My parents house is a little creepy.  Newer construction, they bought it new in 2005.  We didn't notice anything strange until my brother came back from his 2nd tour to Iraq.  He got out of the Army and stayed with my folks for some months before going back in.  To the stories, he came home on leave in September '05, that was the first time I saw something strange there.  We were sitting on the couch b.s.ing and he got up to go to the kitchen.  I watched him walk to the kitchen and I saw, for a split second, a man come up to the glass in the back door and look in, turn around and walk away.  He was a white guy with short hair, big build, and wearing desert camo utilities.  A soldier.  He walked up, looked in, turned and left.  I swear I saw him.  

My mother says she hears sounds in the middle of the night  that she describes as "gear", or shuffling, or what sounds like ammunition.  Sounds she believes a soldier would make.  Up and down the hallway.  My folks went out to California to visit my dad's family for a week and asked my sister and her fiance to stay a few nights and watch the house.  Well, they did.  He is a County Judge here in Harris County, and NOT the type to tell stories.  Quite conservative.  But he told me the first night, they were hearing sounds upstairs.  She got nervous and they went home and came back with his shotgun.  They went upstairs to go to sleep and kept hearing these sounds and noises in the hallway and a room down at the end of the hall.  He had gotten up a couple times with the shotgun to look around, he said.  But it kept going on and they said they started hearing people talking and they got their shit and bailed out of there.  They told my parents when they got back they weren't going to babysit that house again.

They went to California again later and I told them I would go watch the house for a couple nights.  I was alone watching tv downstairs, and started hearing those noises upstairs.  Like someone walking around, back and forth down the hallway.  I left when I heard a door up there open.  I left REAL fast.

Sometimes, my son doesn't want to stay there.  Like he's scared of something..
I have heard of stuff like this happening with people that brought lots of personal items from deceased people back with them after they returned from deployment.


IInteresting you say that, I found a dvd box set of "Tour of Duty" in my brothers movie pile when he came home.  I borrowed it for awhile.  Well, a few months later he asks if I'm going to bring that set back and to take care of it, I said sure.  He told me it belonged to "Cowboy", and that he (my brother) had borrowed it from him before they deployed, he forgot to return it and figured he'd just give it back when they returned stateside.....my brother was his squad leader and this man didn't make it back and was killed by a VBIED outside of Camp Summerall.
Link Posted: 9/16/2011 2:12:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/16/2011 3:05:57 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Sleepy1988] [#5]
Originally Posted By Chris_1522:
I remember reading a story here about guys in a jeep being chased by "something" running through a field.

It was really good. Wish I could find it now.

Oooo, I think that one might have been from the epic skinwalker thread.  I think it happened somewhere in Southern Cali.  It was like a man, but had red eyes, and was able to keep pace with the jeep, and when they first encountered it, it was scaling a steep cliff/hill.  I think the OP of that story mentioned that after the incident, he talked to an illegal who worked in the fields around the area, and the guy said that they don't go outside after dark.  

If I had access to the archives I would try to dig that one up, it definitely stood out as one of the more creepy stories, even in that gargantuan thread.  

ETA:I don't know why I thought of this, but I realize now that we don't very often get members outside the US posting in these threads.  

I remember someone (an American I think) mentioned a story about a Finnish boy who was staying at his grandparents house sometime in the 60s/70s.  He decided to camp out in the woods on or around the property, and didn't stay through the night, opting to go sleep in his grandparents' house.  There were one or more mounds in the immediate area, and the next morning his grandfather told him "I personally helped bury hundreds of Russians around here".  Winter War ghost stories anyone?  

Link Posted: 9/16/2011 7:41:56 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Sleepy1988:
Originally Posted By Chris_1522:
I remember reading a story here about guys in a jeep being chased by "something" running through a field.

It was really good. Wish I could find it now.

Oooo, I think that one might have been from the epic skinwalker thread.  I think it happened somewhere in Southern Cali.  It was like a man, but had red eyes, and was able to keep pace with the jeep, and when they first encountered it, it was scaling a steep cliff/hill.  I think the OP of that story mentioned that after the incident, he talked to an illegal who worked in the fields around the area, and the guy said that they don't go outside after dark.  

If I had access to the archives I would try to dig that one up, it definitely stood out as one of the more creepy stories, even in that gargantuan thread.  

ETA:I don't know why I thought of this, but I realize now that we don't very often get members outside the US posting in these threads.  

I remember someone (an American I think) mentioned a story about a Finnish boy who was staying at his grandparents house sometime in the 60s/70s.  He decided to camp out in the woods on or around the property, and didn't stay through the night, opting to go sleep in his grandparents' house.  There were one or more mounds in the immediate area, and the next morning his grandfather told him "I personally helped bury hundreds of Russians around here".  Winter War ghost stories anyone?  

The Winter War is one of the most epic stories of badassedness the planet has ever seen.
Link Posted: 9/16/2011 1:45:23 PM EDT
Here's mine. Not much but...

The first one is from my Mom.

In 1978 my cousin Dan was killed in a car wreck. The night after we all found out he had been killed Mom says she saw him.

Mom and Dad were sleeping in their bed and Mom awoke to see a figure standing in the doorway of their bedroom. It was a white, glowy figure about five and a half feet tall. She said you could see the "eyes" as two darker, out of focused spots but the rest was pretty much just a man shaped figure. From the waist down he started to fade so that by the midthigh down his legs were faded away to nothing.

Mom rolled over towards Dad and started shaking and pinching him, trying to wake him up. Now Dad was the kind of guy that when you woke him up you would just whisper, "Dad", and he would pop up and scare the shit out of you. He woke very easy.

Dad wasn't waking up.

Mom said she had her eyes closed tight and was facing towards the middle of the bed to afraid to look back. After awhile she finally opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder and the figure was standing next to the bed looking down at her. She closed her eyes again and kept trying to wake Dad. After a bit Dad popped up with that, (snort) "Huh, what?" kinda thing and Mom started crying and told him what she saw.

What none of us knew at the time was that the crash had been a head on and the force of it had caused the car to crumple around my cousin's legs from about midthigh. It is suspected by the family (the family member who IDed the remains never has confirmed this) that during the extracation process his legs had to be seperated from his body.

Personally, I have a story about a specteral goat but I've never told it because it seems more silly than creepy.
Link Posted: 9/16/2011 1:52:04 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Storm6436:
Originally Posted By brass:
Originally Posted By wintermute:
While standing there, gazing up, I hear a very clear, very close exhale. Not like a normal letting your breath out, more like a sigh. A long slow sigh that sounded like the long A vowel sound... I could have sworn it was someone saying my name.

Your parents named you "Ahhhhhh"???

Perhaps they were dictating?

Link Posted: 9/16/2011 4:03:04 PM EDT

Originally Posted By WildBoar:

Originally Posted By Jarhead08:

Doppelgangers FTMFW!


I might have posted this before. Please bear in mind I have never seen my doppelganger, others have though.  


Have not seen it myself, dont know if I want to. Honestly part of me thinks all those folks were screwing with me.

Maybe you were supposed to have a twin!  

Link Posted: 9/16/2011 4:05:38 PM EDT

Originally Posted By WanderingOisin:

Originally Posted By WildBoar:

Originally Posted By Jarhead08:

Doppelgangers FTMFW!


Very creepy.  I wish we had more doppelgänger stories.


I had a doppelganger around my college.  People would approach him thinking he was me all the time.  Only thing was, he was just some other guy that looked just like me.  I even met him.

Link Posted: 9/16/2011 4:16:55 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Spartacus:
Originally Posted By Storm6436:
Originally Posted By brass:
Originally Posted By wintermute:
While standing there, gazing up, I hear a very clear, very close exhale. Not like a normal letting your breath out, more like a sigh. A long slow sigh that sounded like the long A vowel sound... I could have sworn it was someone saying my name.

Your parents named you "Ahhhhhh"???

Perhaps they were dictating?


"Posts Per Day:

Slow down there, post whore.

Link Posted: 9/16/2011 6:40:43 PM EDT
Originally Posted By TheRedGoat:
Originally Posted By Spartacus:
Originally Posted By Storm6436:
Originally Posted By brass:
Originally Posted By wintermute:
While standing there, gazing up, I hear a very clear, very close exhale. Not like a normal letting your breath out, more like a sigh. A long slow sigh that sounded like the long A vowel sound... I could have sworn it was someone saying my name.

Your parents named you "Ahhhhhh"???

Perhaps they were dictating?


"Posts Per Day:

Slow down there, post whore.


cut him some slack, didn't he just die recently?
Link Posted: 9/16/2011 10:09:08 PM EDT
Originally Posted By spartacus2002:
Originally Posted By TheRedGoat:
Originally Posted By Spartacus:
Originally Posted By Storm6436:
Originally Posted By brass:
Originally Posted By wintermute:
While standing there, gazing up, I hear a very clear, very close exhale. Not like a normal letting your breath out, more like a sigh. A long slow sigh that sounded like the long A vowel sound... I could have sworn it was someone saying my name.

Your parents named you "Ahhhhhh"???

Perhaps they were dictating?


"Posts Per Day:

Slow down there, post whore.


cut him some slack, didn't he just die recently?

I got better.

Link Posted: 9/16/2011 10:27:27 PM EDT

Originally Posted By JamesP81:

I've had an experience where 'something' sat on the bed next to me. Never saw it though. Even more creepy, however, was that my visitor wasn't content to just sit on the corner of my bed.

Okay James, since nobody else has asked, I will.

Tell us the whole story; what did the 'visitor' do??

Link Posted: 9/16/2011 11:54:29 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Spartacus:
Originally Posted By spartacus2002:
Originally Posted By TheRedGoat:
Originally Posted By Spartacus:
Originally Posted By Storm6436:
Originally Posted By brass:
Originally Posted By wintermute:
While standing there, gazing up, I hear a very clear, very close exhale. Not like a normal letting your breath out, more like a sigh. A long slow sigh that sounded like the long A vowel sound... I could have sworn it was someone saying my name.

Your parents named you "Ahhhhhh"???

Perhaps they were dictating?


"Posts Per Day:

Slow down there, post whore.


cut him some slack, didn't he just die recently?

I got better.

Zombie accounts.

Link Posted: 9/17/2011 7:51:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2011 8:24:08 PM EDT
Originally Posted By kozaki:

Originally Posted By JamesP81:

I've had an experience where 'something' sat on the bed next to me. Never saw it though. Even more creepy, however, was that my visitor wasn't content to just sit on the corner of my bed.

Okay James, since nobody else has asked, I will.

Tell us the whole story; what did the 'visitor' do??

Show us on the doll or teddy bear what the scary succubus did to you.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 9/17/2011 9:04:42 PM EDT
Originally Posted By sleepdr:
Originally Posted By kozaki:

Originally Posted By JamesP81:

I've had an experience where 'something' sat on the bed next to me. Never saw it though. Even more creepy, however, was that my visitor wasn't content to just sit on the corner of my bed.

Okay James, since nobody else has asked, I will.

Tell us the whole story; what did the 'visitor' do??

Show us on the doll or teddy bear what the scary succubus did to you.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Link Posted: 9/17/2011 10:48:40 PM EDT

Originally Posted By ferretray:

Originally Posted By sleepdr:

Originally Posted By kozaki:

Originally Posted By JamesP81:

I've had an experience where 'something' sat on the bed next to me. Never saw it though. Even more creepy, however, was that my visitor wasn't content to just sit on the corner of my bed.

Okay James, since nobody else has asked, I will.

Tell us the whole story; what did the 'visitor' do??

Show us on the doll or teddy bear what the scary succubus did to you.
Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Smooth, nice job.

Link Posted: 9/18/2011 2:38:32 AM EDT

going to bed now but will contribute some of my own creepy stories in a few days when I get some free time.
Link Posted: 9/18/2011 7:23:33 PM EDT
[Last Edit: RCastle] [#21]
Long time reader, first time poster.  Always enjoyed the creepy threads here.  Finally decided that I had something worth contributing to the site, and here it is.  Also, it has taken me many years to get to the point where I can commit it to words.  I have never told this story before because honestly,  it makes me sound like a crazy person.  I doubt very much that I will ever tell this story face to face to another human being. It’s a bit long but I hope y’all enjoy it.

Let’s start with a bit of background on me.  I’m like a lot of y’all, spent a lot of time out camping in the woods, love and fear for my country, and a I have a passion for firearms.  I’m not a religious man and I consider myself to be a skeptic.  I have been an agnostic since I was a young man.  I had finally concluded many many years ago that I’m apparently just not intelligent enough to figure the whole God thing out, and I got tired of trying to.  That being said, I have seen and experienced things during my lifetime that I cannot explain with a rational paradigm. But I digress, I doubt y’all want to hear my pontifications on God. You want the creepy story.  I have theories about what I have seen and I’ll get into that later.  But at the end of the day it comes down to: I just don’t know.

I was living outside of downtown Houston with my significant other, who we shall refer to as “She-Bitch” (for reasons completely unrelated to this tale) for the rest of this story.   I worked and went to school, She-Bitch was in school as well, that’s where we met, and we lived a pretty normal life at that time.  One night we were in bed both reading and we heard the sound of the windows rattling in their frames in our living room.  It was a very old house converted into apartments, we were living on the second floor.  We lived near an off ramp to an interstate and the light rail was on the other side a few blocks down, no semis passing nor the train had ever rattled the windows before in the two years I had lived there.  I’ve lived in California and I’m familiar with earthquakes and this wasn’t one.  

I’m sitting there thinking “Well, what the hell is all that about?”  She-Bitch looks completely freaked out and panicked.  I get out of bed and slowly walk down the hall towards the living room.  As I approach the living room I am suddenly filled with a feeling of complete dread.  I can only describe it as feeling like someone has stuck a bowling ball in my chest.  I have no rational reason to feel this way.  I finally, after an eternity get to the doorway to the living room and stand there.  I have no idea what I’m looking at.  

It was a man sized black amorphous thing flitting about the window.  Moving kind of like a bat.  Except it’s way to big for any bat. I know what a bat looks like. I’m not a retard.  It’s not a bat. It just kind of flitting around outside, it has what appears to be a head like lump on the top.  I didn’t see any eyes.  Suddenly it flits over the next windows.  Hovering and flitting around.  Then it swoops out of sight and appears at another bay of windows.  It continues to flit and swoop around, and each time it does the windows rattle in their frames.  We lived across the street from a very well lit church with spotlights all around the exterior in addition to street lights and security lights on the property.  It’s bright as hell.   When it flies in front of the very well lit up church, I can’t see the church through it.  When it flies to the other bay of windows on the side of the house, I can’t see the building across the alleyway, those building are also well lit by security lights. It’s  not a shadow.  Not a bat.

I’m just standing there trying to figure out what in the hell I’m looking at, with that heavy dread feeling in my chest.  She-Bitch comes up behind me and grips my arm hard with both of her hands, scared as all hell.  She whispers “Do you see that? Do you fucking see that?”

“… Yup.”  And I’m thinking to myself, “Well, at least I ain’t crazy.  But if I’m not crazy, and I’m not dreaming, (yes the thought had occurred to me), then what in the fuck am I looking at?”

“What the fuck do we do?”  Asked the borderline panic attack She-Bitch.  

I didn’t say anything.  I backed up, and slowly closed the door to the living room.  Very slowly.  Then I moved a bookcase in front of the door.  I slowly backed down the hallway towards the bedroom, She-Bitch behind me, not wanting to take my eyes off the door to the living room.  Once in the bedroom, I lock the door.  Then I move a dresser in front of the door.  She-Bitch then asks again in a louder high pitched panicked voice “What the fuck are we going to do?”

“I don’t know” I answered truthfully.

I proceeded to break out the Mossberg 500, racked a shell into the chamber, hoping to scare it (just kidding, there was already a shell chambered, good to go) knowing full well that if that thing is, well, a thing, that 00 buckshot might not do the trick.  But if some “thing” is going to take me out, I’m not going quietly.  Not going to lie, I also broke out a vial of holy water that my Grandmother had given me a long time ago.  I had no idea if my magic water would do anything, but it couldn’t hurt.  I hoped.  

I made the decision to hold up in the barricaded bedroom.  That thing was outside of the house; leaving the house either through the front door, in the living room, or out the back door and going around the side of the house through the alley, would require us to travel under that thing.  Fuck that.   After awhile in the barricaded bedroom the feeling of dread slowly subsided.  

So we’re sitting on the bed watching the bedroom door.  She-Bitch asks me in a strained and slightly less panicked voice, “So you really saw that too?”  

“Yeah” I replied.  I’m a man of few words.  

“I’ve seen things my whole life and you’re the first person who’s seen them too.” She stated.

“The hell?” I’m thinking in my head.  I should add that She-Bitch was a die-hard-to-the- point-of-aggravation Atheist.  You could not have a civilized conversation concerning religion or spirituality with that woman.  

She-Bitch then proceeds to tell me about the “things” she’s seen all her life.  I hadn’t asked, but the words were coming out of her mouth like water from a broken dam.  She just kept talking and talking, probably because I’m the first person she’s met who has seen them too.  She described seeing these shadow being before, sometimes they had glowing eyes, sometimes not (our “thing” that night did not have glowing eyes).  She described seeing “faces” in windows and other strange stuff.  She even described this one time when she was about eight how a floating being that looked like Quatzequatel, a serpent with wings, had hovered in the common area of the trailer she had lived in.

At this point I’m thinking “Fuck. Me.  I’m living with a schizophrenic.”  She goes on for about an hour and a half, I’m not saying much just listening, with the Mossberg in my hands, holy water on the night stand, staring intently at the door, thinking and processing all of this.  Finally, she seems to talk herself out and she falls asleep.  Bitch.  I sure as hell wasn’t going to sleep and spent the rest of a very tense night staring at the door, listening and waiting.  Nothing more happened that night.  Finally, the sun came up.  That was one of the longest nights of my life.  

I got out of bed very stiff after having not moved all night.  I moved the dresser, unlocked the door and crept down the hall towards the living room.  Moved the bookcase and very slowly opened the door and peeked in.  Nothing. Sunlight streaming through the windows.  No feeling of dread, no shadowy beings.  Just a normal living room.  

I go back the bedroom, very tired but with a feeling of relief, put the shotgun back in the closet. Went and made some coffee.  She-Bitch gets up and comes in the kitchen and asks me if “It” was gone.  God Damnit!  I had really been hoping that all of that was just some sort of messed up dream or night terror or something.  But no.  It happened.   I tell her that it looks like it’s gone.  We drink coffee and she relates more of the stuff she’s seen her whole life.  She ends the conversation asking me “Why can you see them?” I responded “I don’t fucking know, I’ve never seen anything like that before.”  We don’t talk about it anymore after that.  

After that I did what any rational red blooded American male would do in that situation.  I pretended it didn’t happen.  This may sound strange, but at that time in my life I had some more pressing things to worry about than some “thing.”  I just kind of filed the whole incident away in my head with the label of to-be-dealt-with-later.

Nothing else happened, I paid it absolutely no mind.  Life went on.  

A few months later, I’m happily reading in bed one evening and I hear She-Bitch, she’s just saying “Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God, RCastle, come here! Oh my God Oh my God.” over and over.   I get up, and slowly walk down the hall towards the living room, getting that same heavy feeling of dread.  She-Bitch is standing at the doorway of the living room trembling.  I get there and she gets behind me and again grabs my arm like her life depended on it.

“Do you see it?” she asks.

“Yeah, I see it.”  I replied.  I’m trying to process something that shouldn’t be in my brain.  Every cell in my body is now in fight or flight mode.  This time, the shadow thing is inside the living room.  This time it is not an amorphous shape.  It’s a vaguely human shape, child sized, about four, four and  a half feet tall, sitting on my couch, rapidly rocking back and forth.   It stops rocking and raises it’s head and looks at me.  I can’t tell you how I knew it was looking at me, it didn’t have eyes.  Or a face really.  I just felt it.

“Fuck!” I yelled as I promptly freaked the fuck out.  I slammed the door shut, threw the bookcase in front of the door, grabbed She-Bitch by the arm and ran to the bedroom and threw her inside. Locked the door, barricaded it.  Grabbed the Mossberg from the closet, the Colt 1911 and Holy water from the night stand and crouched behind the bed with She-Bitch.  She was trembling and saying “oh my god” over and over again.  My heart rate was going at ludicrous speed pounding and pounding in my chest with all of the adrenaline running through my body.   Sorry, no blading at 45.  After what felt like forever, my body calmed down and she stopped trembling.  She asked what I thought “It” was.  I told her I don’t know.   Then she crawled in the bed and went to sleep.  Bitch.  I was tired as all hell, but there was no damn way I was going to sleep with that thing in my house.  I stayed awake behind the bed, sitting in a chair armed to the teeth, staring intently at the door; I felt like if I looked away for even a second it would get in.  It was another long night.  

Next morning, same as the last time.  Sun comes up. Un-barricade the bedroom, un-barricade the living room door, take a peek in.  Nothing but sunlight.  Go to make coffee.  She-Bitch comes into the kitchen and asks if “It” is gone and I tell her yes.  She-Bitch and I do not speak of the incident ever again.  Even though we never talked about it, we stopped using the living room after that, even during the day.  We kept the door closed and locked for the next year until she moved out.  

However,  now that this had happened a second time I felt that I had to do something about it.  I spent a day thinking about it.  I had no idea what in the hell that thing was.  I resolved that I would either:

1. Walk across the street to the church and talk to a Catholic priest.  Maybe he would bless/exorcise the house.  

2. Talk to a cousin a dozen times removed who is a witch.  Not some pagan hippy Wiccan crap, rather an old school Bruja.  Maybe she can tell me what this thing is and how I can get rid of it.  I was rather hesitant to take this route as I had been actively avoiding her my entire life.  She gives me the creeps.

A few days passed, nothing more happened and life became the normal routine.  She-Bitch and I had been having some serious problems in our relationship predating and unrelated to the weirdness.  When nothing else out of the ordinary happened, I filed the incident away in my head and I didn’t take any action.  I guess I kind of just hoped it went away and didn’t think about it anymore.

A year later, the relationship with She-Bitch was over and she moves out.  No more incidents or weird out of the ordinary things had happened.  Once day I’m in the kitchen on a Saturday morning having a cup of coffee when my brain suddenly brings the incidents to the forefront.  Now that I am somewhat removed from it by time I can look at it rationally.  I decided that I wanted to figure out what in the hell that thing was.  So I fire up the internet and read the whack job forums.  After reading about many things I decide that what I saw was the phenomenon called “Shadow People.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_People

So now I have a description of what it was.  I don’t like calling them “Shadow People” because they sure as hell ain’t people.  

While reading up on them a memory hits me like a phonebook to the head.  This is not the first time that I’ve seen these things.  I don’t recall much of my childhood, but that’s another story, one memory comes screaming out of my murky past.  I recall that when I was about eight or so that I had seen these exact same things.  This happened for a period of time, I don’t know if it was weeks, months or a year.  I would sit in my bed, that same feeling of dread, clutching my blanket, back to the wall afraid to breath.  I would sit there and watch these people shaped shadows just standing in my doorway watching me.  I was too scared to take my eyes off of them.  My brother slept in the same room but he always just slept through the night.  Asshole.  I was always too scared to wake him or cry out.  Back then I thought that they were aliens who had come to abduct me.   They scared the shit out of me.  Eventually they went away and I stopped seeing them.  I guess I just decided they were a nightmare or something and just filed it away, went on with my childhood, grew up and forgot about it.  Until now.  

Fuck.  Now I really need to figure out what in the hell it is or what caused me to see it.  I start running through the theories of what it could be.

1. I’m bat shit crazy.   Well, never really had any emotional issues, mental health problems, voices in my head, weird delusions or paranoia, none of that.  Never really saw them except for those two periods in my life and She-Bitch had seen them too.  Logic would tend to implicate that I would at least see these things more frequently and I would have other symptoms if I were crazy.  So, I’m probably not crazy.  At least not when it comes to this.

2. Night Terrors/Sleep Paralysis/Sleep Walking/Hypnagogia.  I was able to move, hadn’t started the incidents from asleep, I had been very much awake, didn’t wake up in bed afterwards, and had stayed up all night both times.  I had performed feats requiring fine motor skills and most of my strength in barricading the doors.  Believe me, I felt it the day after I was so tired.  I wasn’t asleep.  She-Bitch had seen it too.  She had commented on “It.”  Plus, again, it would make more sense if I saw these things with more frequency than I did.  So, I concluded that this wasn’t a very strong theory.   Plausible, but not likely.

3. Some type of weird ocular phenomena where you see shadow things out of the corner of your eye, sorry I can’t recall the precise medical term.  I didn’t see these things out of the corner of my eye, or briefly.  I looked at them straight on.   So this theory doesn’t really work.  Plus again, lack of frequency.  

4. Magnetic phenomenon messing with my brain.  This one was a stretch.  And it would seem that this would be more location based.  I didn’t live near anything odd in either location that might produce a strong magnetic field.  Plus, if I had during both periods when I was young and older, I should have seen them with more frequency.  So, no.  This theory doesn’t fly with me.

5. Transdimensional something or another.  Where dimensions kind of bleed into one another.  This one is an even further stretch than the magnetic field thing.  I generally dismiss this one, but it is the only theory that fits all of the parameters of the incidents, both when I was young and older.  

6. Aliens.  Fuck. That. No.  I’ll believe that one when I see a spaceship with my own two eyes.  And not some glowey light picture, I want to see a hull.

7.  Ghosts.  Didn't really match up with ghost stories I've read, seems to be a different phenomena.  

So I have no concrete answers on what this was at that point. I’m left with either some weird wide awake nightmare or transdimensional something or another.  I just don’t have a good explanation.   I file away this info and don’t think about it much for another year.  I go on and graduate with my B.S. in Anthropology later that year.  God, what a mistake that was.  But that’s another topic.

Over a year later I decided to work on a research project.  For fun.  I’m strange like that.  One of my areas of research during my undergrad was Caribbean and African possession.  Looking at it from an Anthropological point of view, examining why they developed this practice in their culture etc.  Not from an “OMG it’s real life Exorcist!!!!!” point of view.  Like I said, I’m a rational and skeptical person.  I decide to research Christian possession, thinking I would compare it with the Caribbean/African possession and try to see if there were any similarities in what function they served in their respective cultures.  Like I said, I’m odd like that.  This is my idea of a good time.  And I wonder why I’m divorced…

Anyway.  I start reading all of the accounts and case studies I can find on Christian possession.  Now when I read these things, I do it with a grain of salt (well, a ton of salt really).  I’m not reading it for the story, rather I’m reading it for the features, like does it fill some psychological function, bad family history, religious person/family before or after… etc.  I read these accounts, checked of features on a chart I had made.  

So I’m reading one book, a catholic account by Dr. Malachi Martin, a former Catholic exorcist,  called “Hostage to the Devil.” In it are several first hand and a second hand accounts of Catholic Possession.  To the Catholics, there are stages to possession.  1. Obsession, where the demonic forces affect the person externally, like a third party bothering you.  2. Invasion where the demonic forces enter the bodily hostilely.  3.  Perfect possession where the person accepts the demon into their body and soul.   Anyway, I’m reading through one second hand account of the obsession stage, I’m skimming over it really since I dislike using second hand accounts.  But one part of the story catches my eye.  The priest sees and describes a shadow being.  The same features, the same feeling of dread.

The. Fuck.  My heart wants to burst through my chest.  I start reading this account a lot more closely from the beginning.  Yup, I started to panic a bit.  Fucking demons?  The account described seeing faces in windows etc a lot of the same type of stuff She-Bitch described that she had seen her entire life.

I stayed up all night thinking about this and the implications.  I had never considered “Demons” in my possible theory on what the shadow beings had been.  I then recalled a radio interview that Dr. Martin had given that I had downloaded, not for the substance, just more out of my own curiosity about the man.  In that interview he described how sometimes the demons impersonated other deities to mess with the subject of the obsession/possession.  I recalled She-Bitch’s description of Quatzequatel when she was eight.   Now here’s the thing about She-Bitch.  She grew up poor, really white trash poor.  Raised by her crazy alcoholic abusive grandmother, who wouldn’t let her go to school, they didn’t have a television, and she could barely read poor.  I’ve been to the trailer she grew up in. They were as poor as it gets.  There is no way in hell this eight year old uneducated girl had ever been exposed to Mayan mythology at that stage in her life.  But that’s exactly what she saw.  

Things are just falling into place in my brain.  

While reading the account it mentioned things like moving and missing objects and electrical anomalies.   Two other things leaped forward in my mind.  As I mentioned, I lived in an old house.  Lightbulbs would burn out abnormally fast and constantly.  You turn on the switch, light flickers and pop goes the filament.  I used to buy lightbulbs by the case.  I just chalked it up to ancient wiring.  Never paid it much thought.  Oh, and CF Bulbs would die on me too.  That was expensive so I just loaded up on incandescents.  

I also recalled the books.  I have a lot of books.  In the middle of the night you would hear a thump.  The first time it happened it woke me up, I went to go investigate, and there was a book on the floor.  House and bookcases are level.  It happened from multiple bookcases, different books.  I had chalked it up to the cat messing around at night.  It happened so often I quit investigating when I heard the thump at night.  I would just get up in the morning, pick the book off the ground and go about my day.  

It occurred to me then that often the books were from different shelves.  And they were frequently thick heavy books, like textbooks.  Not likely the cat would pull or push it off the shelves when I stopped to think about it.  I realized that the lightbulb thing and the book thing had only started after She-Bitch had moved in.  Nothing before that.  And they both stopped after She-Bitch had moved out.  I still had the same cat.  

I realized there was one other factor that I had never considered in trying to figure out the shadow beings:  I was never alone when I saw them.  Either my brother was asleep in the same room as me or She-Bitch was there.

In fact, the only times that I have ever seen these shadow things was when I was in the presence of the two most troubled people I have ever known in my entire life:  my brother and She-Bitch.  The shadow beings had nothing to do with me.  It had nothing to do with the location.  It had to do with the people around me.  I just happened to be standing next to them and could see them for some reason.

The Catholic Demon Possession theory fit better than all of the other theories.   I’m not saying that’s what it was.   That’s just what I think it may be.  I will never be able to say with certainty what it was.  I just don’t know.  
After I had processed everything, I just kind of sat there and thought about it.  I was no longer in contact with She-Bitch.  And how in the fuck do you bring up the subject “Hey, I think you may be possessed by demons...” conversation up with your ex?   My relationship with my brother is complicated, that’s all I’ll say about that.  I love him, but we don’t talk much and this is not really something that we could talk about or that he would take seriously.  Anyway, I’m to this day not certain what it was.  Whenever I think about it, I sound like a crazy person to myself.

I did walk across the street that weekend and spoke to a priest.  I asked him to please say a Mass for She-Bitch and my brother.  I didn’t tell him why, just that they both had troubles.  It may not be much, but I figure a man of faith praying for them is a hell of a lot better than anything I could ever do.  

I’ve read how events like this sometimes enable people to have faith in God.  That didn’t happen to me.  I guess it’s just that I haven’t seen or experienced anything that would indicate to me that God exists.  Believe me, at times I wish I could have faith.   I will say that because of some of the things that I have seen, I will never state that God doesn’t exist.  I just don’t have the answers.   Since that whole incident thing and aftermath, I have noticed that I cleaned up my life a good deal.  I’m a better person overall, treat my fellow human beings much better, try to lead a good life.   I guess if God does exist, maybe he’ll forgive my non-belief and look at the good things I’ve done with my life.  Like I said, I just don’t know.

Oh, and to the OP, yeah, that area around Dam B is pretty weird.  I’ve had some strange things happen around that part of the state, also around Sam Rayburn.   All I’ll say is that there are parts of East Texas that I will not travel through without a long gun.

And back to lurker status.

Edited for typos.  

Link Posted: 9/18/2011 7:58:47 PM EDT
Great post RCastle !

Now I need to TRY to sleep !
Link Posted: 9/18/2011 8:27:29 PM EDT
[Last Edit: 6gunfighter2] [#23]
Originally Posted By RCastle:


Oh, and to the OP, yeah, that area around Dam B is pretty weird.  I’ve had some strange things happen around that part of the state, also around Sam Rayburn.   All I’ll say is that there are parts of East Texas that I will not travel through without a long gun.

And back to lurker status.

Awesome post.  "Hostage To The Devil" was the creepiest book I ever read.

But I quoted just that last part because we DEMAND to hear the stories you refer to in that part in red!

Link Posted: 9/18/2011 8:57:25 PM EDT


I must admit it sounds like you have a shadowy monkey on your back.  I'll say a prayer or five or eight for ya.
Link Posted: 9/18/2011 9:22:53 PM EDT
Hostage to the Devil is an excellent book. It's a great read for skeptics and believers alike.
Link Posted: 9/18/2011 10:24:42 PM EDT
Originally Posted By 6winchester2:
Originally Posted By RCastle:


Oh, and to the OP, yeah, that area around Dam B is pretty weird.  I’ve had some strange things happen around that part of the state, also around Sam Rayburn.   All I’ll say is that there are parts of East Texas that I will not travel through without a long gun.

And back to lurker status.

Awesome post.  "Hostage To The Devil" was the creepiest book I ever read.

But I quoted just that last part because we DEMAND to hear the stories you refer to in that part in red!

Thanks, glad y'all liked it.  Upon reflection, I would like to add that while I did work to polish the presentation of the story to make it a good read, every word, event, thought, and adrenaline dump is true.   Let me think about how to tell some of the other stories.  They aren't nearly as dramatic, not really anything that hasn't been in a creepy thread before, and part of the problem is that in those stories I didn't see anything.  That's what perturbs the hell out of me.  

Link Posted: 9/18/2011 10:43:28 PM EDT
Originally Posted By RCastle:
Long time reader, first time poster.  Always enjoyed the creepy threads here.  Finally decided that I had something worth contributing to the site, and here it is....

Excellent post, very engaging read. I like your writing style too.Thanks.
Link Posted: 9/18/2011 10:44:50 PM EDT
Originally Posted By RCastle:
Originally Posted By 6winchester2:
Originally Posted By RCastle:


Oh, and to the OP, yeah, that area around Dam B is pretty weird.  I’ve had some strange things happen around that part of the state, also around Sam Rayburn.   All I’ll say is that there are parts of East Texas that I will not travel through without a long gun.

And back to lurker status.

Awesome post.  "Hostage To The Devil" was the creepiest book I ever read.

But I quoted just that last part because we DEMAND to hear the stories you refer to in that part in red!

Thanks, glad y'all liked it.  Upon reflection, I would like to add that while I did work to polish the presentation of the story to make it a good read, every word, event, thought, and adrenaline dump is true.   Let me think about how to tell some of the other stories.  They aren't nearly as dramatic, not really anything that hasn't been in a creepy thread before, and part of the problem is that in those stories I didn't see anything.  That's what perturbs the hell out of me.  

Sometimes the stories in which people did NOT see anything are the creepiest ones out there.

Link Posted: 9/18/2011 11:07:08 PM EDT
OP, should watch Jeepers Creepers...
Link Posted: 9/19/2011 1:30:01 AM EDT
Something happened to me a few months ago that I simply cannot explain.

The head of my bed is on the same wall of my bedroom window. I can hear pretty much anything right outside my window when I am lying in bed. One night, at about 3:00 am, I was in a half sleeping, half dreaming state. I dont really know how to explain this, but I dreamed about someone sneaking up to my bedroom window and tapping on it. I remember picturing the person walking along the side of my house, stopping at my window and tapping it with their finger. This dream kind of startled me out of my half sleeping state and I was now fully awake, but laying in my bed still. Then I heard three distinct taps in my window. It took me 5 seconds to realize that I had just dreamed about some dude tapping outside my window. I started to panic. I quickly put my glasses on, got a rifle, and checked the out side of the house with the help of my GSD. I found nothing. After about 30 minutes of looking around, I decided to go back to bed. I really dont know how to explain my dream or the actual tapping I heard. I dont believe in ghosts or anything.
Link Posted: 9/19/2011 8:34:42 PM EDT
Bump for more!
Link Posted: 9/19/2011 10:34:59 PM EDT
Originally Posted By RCastle:
Thanks, glad y'all liked it.  Upon reflection, I would like to add that while I did work to polish the presentation of the story to make it a good read, every word, event, thought, and adrenaline dump is true.   Let me think about how to tell some of the other stories.  They aren't nearly as dramatic, not really anything that hasn't been in a creepy thread before, and part of the problem is that in those stories I didn't see anything.  That's what perturbs the hell out of me.  

Aw, hell, don't leave us hanging!

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 1:39:43 AM EDT
Here is an interesting article about a place called "Uracca Mesa" in new Mexico.  

The area is supposed to be an area with a high amount of unexplained, supernatural phenomena.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 1:24:52 PM EDT
I've got a pic if a shadow person I took this summer in Savannah I'll post when I get home.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 1:52:10 PM EDT
Some of the woods near here are reputedly haunted. This place. I've been in a lot of woodland in the U.K, including most of the famous examples, but Grovely is particularly beautiful. I got lost in there during a storm once, and it wasn't a pleasant experience; I saw nothing, but it does have something of a presence.

Lot's of the historic tourist sites in the U.K are haunted, and many other building or areas. That's usually the lot, aside from the odd UFO. I have heard some fairly nasty stories about things haunting Robin Hoods supposed burial site, and weird creatures flying around villages, but don't know anyone that's seen any of it personally.

UFOs, I know a fair few ex-military guys that have seen them, and some barracks/camps are haunted, too. Big piss taking culture about it here, and most don't believe what they saw. There was a fair bit of creepy UFO stuff around here during the 70's, but that was put down to military testing.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 2:10:31 PM EDT
Originally Posted By kozaki:

Originally Posted By JamesP81:

I've had an experience where 'something' sat on the bed next to me. Never saw it though. Even more creepy, however, was that my visitor wasn't content to just sit on the corner of my bed.

Okay James, since nobody else has asked, I will.

Tell us the whole story; what did the 'visitor' do??

You all have sick minds, you know
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 2:12:07 PM EDT
Originally Posted By JamesP81:
Originally Posted By kozaki:

Originally Posted By JamesP81:

I've had an experience where 'something' sat on the bed next to me. Never saw it though. Even more creepy, however, was that my visitor wasn't content to just sit on the corner of my bed.

Okay James, since nobody else has asked, I will.

Tell us the whole story; what did the 'visitor' do??

You all have sick minds, you know


I'd be interested to hear the story
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 6:47:21 PM EDT
Here's my shadow person pics Only resized to host and added in the labels. Taken in front of 432 Abercorn in Savannah

Original Pic. There is a streetlight to the left on the pic, it casts a shadow through the trees that you can see the branches on the building

Original Pic with some labels to help locate things

Pic taken shortly after the original, can still see the people that were in the original pic

Pic of house in daylight

Link Posted: 9/21/2011 3:42:32 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Anaxes:
Some of the woods near here are reputedly haunted. This place. I've been in a lot of woodland in the U.K, including most of the famous examples, but Grovely is particularly beautiful. I got lost in there during a storm once, and it wasn't a pleasant experience; I saw nothing, but it does have something of a presence.

Lot's of the historic tourist sites in the U.K are haunted, and many other building or areas. That's usually the lot, aside from the odd UFO.  I have heard some fairly nasty stories about things haunting Robin Hoods supposed burial site, and weird creatures flying around villages, but don't know anyone that's seen any of it personally.

UFOs, I know a fair few ex-military guys that have seen them, and some barracks/camps are haunted, too. Big piss taking culture about it here, and most don't believe what they saw. There was a fair bit of creepy UFO stuff around here during the 70's, but that was put down to military testing.

Could you give some specifics?  

I would appreciate it.  

Link Posted: 9/21/2011 3:55:37 AM EDT
My Grandma's house in South Alabama. Her and my PawPaw swore they had seen aliens, UFO's, ghosts ect.

Come to find out, after they had passed and my uncle was selling the old place, it was built on an old Indian burial ground. There were like five under their bedroom floor. They ended up having to do a full scale archaeological dig and track down elders from the tribe to ensure the remains were properly cared for.
Link Posted: 9/21/2011 7:00:51 PM EDT
Bump for night crew
Link Posted: 9/21/2011 9:14:08 PM EDT
Originally Posted By PanzerOfDoom:
it was built on an old Indian burial ground. There were like five under their bedroom floor. They ended up having to do a full scale archaeological dig and track down elders from the tribe to ensure the remains were properly cared for.

Bones are good times . . .

Everyone I know that has found a set has a strange story to tell on how they found them.

Buddy of mine made it on unsolved mysteries because his dog found the bones to a guy who had disappeared in his back yard.

I have another friend who was digging out a basement under his house and found some human bones while digging . . . people hear stuff move/turn on all the time down there and this autistic kid whom one of his daughters babysits for has had multiple conversations with a man whom he says stays in the basement.
Link Posted: 9/21/2011 9:43:36 PM EDT
Originally Posted By emsjeep:
Good thing I still have the nightlight I bought after the demon thread a few months ago....


Link Posted: 9/21/2011 9:50:44 PM EDT
Originally Posted By RCastle:
Long time reader, first time poster.  Always enjoyed the creepy threads here.  Finally decided that I had something worth contributing to the site, and here it is.  Also, it has taken me many years to get to the point where I can commit it to words.  I have never told this story before because honestly,  it makes me sound like a crazy person.  I doubt very much that I will ever tell this story face to face to another human being. It’s a bit long but I hope y’all enjoy it.

Let’s start with a bit of background on me.  I’m like a lot of y’all, spent a lot of time out camping in the woods, love and fear for my country, and a I have a passion for firearms.  I’m not a religious man and I consider myself to be a skeptic.  I have been an agnostic since I was a young man.  I had finally concluded many many years ago that I’m apparently just not intelligent enough to figure the whole God thing out, and I got tired of trying to.  That being said, I have seen and experienced things during my lifetime that I cannot explain with a rational paradigm. But I digress, I doubt y’all want to hear my pontifications on God. You want the creepy story.  I have theories about what I have seen and I’ll get into that later.  But at the end of the day it comes down to: I just don’t know.

I was living outside of downtown Houston with my significant other, who we shall refer to as “She-Bitch” (for reasons completely unrelated to this tale) for the rest of this story.   I worked and went to school, She-Bitch was in school as well, that’s where we met, and we lived a pretty normal life at that time.  One night we were in bed both reading and we heard the sound of the windows rattling in their frames in our living room.  It was a very old house converted into apartments, we were living on the second floor.  We lived near an off ramp to an interstate and the light rail was on the other side a few blocks down, no semis passing nor the train had ever rattled the windows before in the two years I had lived there.  I’ve lived in California and I’m familiar with earthquakes and this wasn’t one.  

I’m sitting there thinking “Well, what the hell is all that about?”  She-Bitch looks completely freaked out and panicked.  I get out of bed and slowly walk down the hall towards the living room.  As I approach the living room I am suddenly filled with a feeling of complete dread.  I can only describe it as feeling like someone has stuck a bowling ball in my chest.  I have no rational reason to feel this way.  I finally, after an eternity get to the doorway to the living room and stand there.  I have no idea what I’m looking at.  

It was a man sized black amorphous thing flitting about the window.  Moving kind of like a bat.  Except it’s way to big for any bat. I know what a bat looks like. I’m not a retard.  It’s not a bat. It just kind of flitting around outside, it has what appears to be a head like lump on the top.  I didn’t see any eyes.  Suddenly it flits over the next windows.  Hovering and flitting around.  Then it swoops out of sight and appears at another bay of windows.  It continues to flit and swoop around, and each time it does the windows rattle in their frames.  We lived across the street from a very well lit church with spotlights all around the exterior in addition to street lights and security lights on the property.  It’s bright as hell.   When it flies in front of the very well lit up church, I can’t see the church through it.  When it flies to the other bay of windows on the side of the house, I can’t see the building across the alleyway, those building are also well lit by security lights. It’s  not a shadow.  Not a bat.

I’m just standing there trying to figure out what in the hell I’m looking at, with that heavy dread feeling in my chest.  She-Bitch comes up behind me and grips my arm hard with both of her hands, scared as all hell.  She whispers “Do you see that? Do you fucking see that?”

“… Yup.”  And I’m thinking to myself, “Well, at least I ain’t crazy.  But if I’m not crazy, and I’m not dreaming, (yes the thought had occurred to me), then what in the fuck am I looking at?”

“What the fuck do we do?”  Asked the borderline panic attack She-Bitch.  

I didn’t say anything.  I backed up, and slowly closed the door to the living room.  Very slowly.  Then I moved a bookcase in front of the door.  I slowly backed down the hallway towards the bedroom, She-Bitch behind me, not wanting to take my eyes off the door to the living room.  Once in the bedroom, I lock the door.  Then I move a dresser in front of the door.  She-Bitch then asks again in a louder high pitched panicked voice “What the fuck are we going to do?”

“I don’t know” I answered truthfully.

I proceeded to break out the Mossberg 500, racked a shell into the chamber, hoping to scare it (just kidding, there was already a shell chambered, good to go) knowing full well that if that thing is, well, a thing, that 00 buckshot might not do the trick.  But if some “thing” is going to take me out, I’m not going quietly.  Not going to lie, I also broke out a vial of holy water that my Grandmother had given me a long time ago.  I had no idea if my magic water would do anything, but it couldn’t hurt.  I hoped.  

I made the decision to hold up in the barricaded bedroom.  That thing was outside of the house; leaving the house either through the front door, in the living room, or out the back door and going around the side of the house through the alley, would require us to travel under that thing.  Fuck that.   After awhile in the barricaded bedroom the feeling of dread slowly subsided.  

So we’re sitting on the bed watching the bedroom door.  She-Bitch asks me in a strained and slightly less panicked voice, “So you really saw that too?”  

“Yeah” I replied.  I’m a man of few words.  

“I’ve seen things my whole life and you’re the first person who’s seen them too.” She stated.

“The hell?” I’m thinking in my head.  I should add that She-Bitch was a die-hard-to-the- point-of-aggravation Atheist.  You could not have a civilized conversation concerning religion or spirituality with that woman.  

She-Bitch then proceeds to tell me about the “things” she’s seen all her life.  I hadn’t asked, but the words were coming out of her mouth like water from a broken dam.  She just kept talking and talking, probably because I’m the first person she’s met who has seen them too.  She described seeing these shadow being before, sometimes they had glowing eyes, sometimes not (our “thing” that night did not have glowing eyes).  She described seeing “faces” in windows and other strange stuff.  She even described this one time when she was about eight how a floating being that looked like Quatzequatel, a serpent with wings, had hovered in the common area of the trailer she had lived in.

At this point I’m thinking “Fuck. Me.  I’m living with a schizophrenic.”  She goes on for about an hour and a half, I’m not saying much just listening, with the Mossberg in my hands, holy water on the night stand, staring intently at the door, thinking and processing all of this.  Finally, she seems to talk herself out and she falls asleep.  Bitch.  I sure as hell wasn’t going to sleep and spent the rest of a very tense night staring at the door, listening and waiting.  Nothing more happened that night.  Finally, the sun came up.  That was one of the longest nights of my life.  

I got out of bed very stiff after having not moved all night.  I moved the dresser, unlocked the door and crept down the hall towards the living room.  Moved the bookcase and very slowly opened the door and peeked in.  Nothing. Sunlight streaming through the windows.  No feeling of dread, no shadowy beings.  Just a normal living room.  

I go back the bedroom, very tired but with a feeling of relief, put the shotgun back in the closet. Went and made some coffee.  She-Bitch gets up and comes in the kitchen and asks me if “It” was gone.  God Damnit!  I had really been hoping that all of that was just some sort of messed up dream or night terror or something.  But no.  It happened.   I tell her that it looks like it’s gone.  We drink coffee and she relates more of the stuff she’s seen her whole life.  She ends the conversation asking me “Why can you see them?” I responded “I don’t fucking know, I’ve never seen anything like that before.”  We don’t talk about it anymore after that.  

After that I did what any rational red blooded American male would do in that situation.  I pretended it didn’t happen.  This may sound strange, but at that time in my life I had some more pressing things to worry about than some “thing.”  I just kind of filed the whole incident away in my head with the label of to-be-dealt-with-later.

Nothing else happened, I paid it absolutely no mind.  Life went on.  

A few months later, I’m happily reading in bed one evening and I hear She-Bitch, she’s just saying “Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God, RCastle, come here! Oh my God Oh my God.” over and over.   I get up, and slowly walk down the hall towards the living room, getting that same heavy feeling of dread.  She-Bitch is standing at the doorway of the living room trembling.  I get there and she gets behind me and again grabs my arm like her life depended on it.

“Do you see it?” she asks.

“Yeah, I see it.”  I replied.  I’m trying to process something that shouldn’t be in my brain.  Every cell in my body is now in fight or flight mode.  This time, the shadow thing is inside the living room.  This time it is not an amorphous shape.  It’s a vaguely human shape, child sized, about four, four and  a half feet tall, sitting on my couch, rapidly rocking back and forth.   It stops rocking and raises it’s head and looks at me.  I can’t tell you how I knew it was looking at me, it didn’t have eyes.  Or a face really.  I just felt it.

“Fuck!” I yelled as I promptly freaked the fuck out.  I slammed the door shut, threw the bookcase in front of the door, grabbed She-Bitch by the arm and ran to the bedroom and threw her inside. Locked the door, barricaded it.  Grabbed the Mossberg from the closet, the Colt 1911 and Holy water from the night stand and crouched behind the bed with She-Bitch.  She was trembling and saying “oh my god” over and over again.  My heart rate was going at ludicrous speed pounding and pounding in my chest with all of the adrenaline running through my body.   Sorry, no blading at 45.  After what felt like forever, my body calmed down and she stopped trembling.  She asked what I thought “It” was.  I told her I don’t know.   Then she crawled in the bed and went to sleep.  Bitch.  I was tired as all hell, but there was no damn way I was going to sleep with that thing in my house.  I stayed awake behind the bed, sitting in a chair armed to the teeth, staring intently at the door; I felt like if I looked away for even a second it would get in.  It was another long night.  

Next morning, same as the last time.  Sun comes up. Un-barricade the bedroom, un-barricade the living room door, take a peek in.  Nothing but sunlight.  Go to make coffee.  She-Bitch comes into the kitchen and asks if “It” is gone and I tell her yes.  She-Bitch and I do not speak of the incident ever again.  Even though we never talked about it, we stopped using the living room after that, even during the day.  We kept the door closed and locked for the next year until she moved out.  

However,  now that this had happened a second time I felt that I had to do something about it.  I spent a day thinking about it.  I had no idea what in the hell that thing was.  I resolved that I would either:

1. Walk across the street to the church and talk to a Catholic priest.  Maybe he would bless/exorcise the house.  

2. Talk to a cousin a dozen times removed who is a witch.  Not some pagan hippy Wiccan crap, rather an old school Bruja.  Maybe she can tell me what this thing is and how I can get rid of it.  I was rather hesitant to take this route as I had been actively avoiding her my entire life.  She gives me the creeps.

A few days passed, nothing more happened and life became the normal routine.  She-Bitch and I had been having some serious problems in our relationship predating and unrelated to the weirdness.  When nothing else out of the ordinary happened, I filed the incident away in my head and I didn’t take any action.  I guess I kind of just hoped it went away and didn’t think about it anymore.

A year later, the relationship with She-Bitch was over and she moves out.  No more incidents or weird out of the ordinary things had happened.  Once day I’m in the kitchen on a Saturday morning having a cup of coffee when my brain suddenly brings the incidents to the forefront.  Now that I am somewhat removed from it by time I can look at it rationally.  I decided that I wanted to figure out what in the hell that thing was.  So I fire up the internet and read the whack job forums.  After reading about many things I decide that what I saw was the phenomenon called “Shadow People.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_People

So now I have a description of what it was.  I don’t like calling them “Shadow People” because they sure as hell ain’t people.  

While reading up on them a memory hits me like a phonebook to the head.  This is not the first time that I’ve seen these things.  I don’t recall much of my childhood, but that’s another story, one memory comes screaming out of my murky past.  I recall that when I was about eight or so that I had seen these exact same things.  This happened for a period of time, I don’t know if it was weeks, months or a year.  I would sit in my bed, that same feeling of dread, clutching my blanket, back to the wall afraid to breath.  I would sit there and watch these people shaped shadows just standing in my doorway watching me.  I was too scared to take my eyes off of them.  My brother slept in the same room but he always just slept through the night.  Asshole.  I was always too scared to wake him or cry out.  Back then I thought that they were aliens who had come to abduct me.   They scared the shit out of me.  Eventually they went away and I stopped seeing them.  I guess I just decided they were a nightmare or something and just filed it away, went on with my childhood, grew up and forgot about it.  Until now.  

Fuck.  Now I really need to figure out what in the hell it is or what caused me to see it.  I start running through the theories of what it could be.

1. I’m bat shit crazy.   Well, never really had any emotional issues, mental health problems, voices in my head, weird delusions or paranoia, none of that.  Never really saw them except for those two periods in my life and She-Bitch had seen them too.  Logic would tend to implicate that I would at least see these things more frequently and I would have other symptoms if I were crazy.  So, I’m probably not crazy.  At least not when it comes to this.

2. Night Terrors/Sleep Paralysis/Sleep Walking/Hypnagogia.  I was able to move, hadn’t started the incidents from asleep, I had been very much awake, didn’t wake up in bed afterwards, and had stayed up all night both times.  I had performed feats requiring fine motor skills and most of my strength in barricading the doors.  Believe me, I felt it the day after I was so tired.  I wasn’t asleep.  She-Bitch had seen it too.  She had commented on “It.”  Plus, again, it would make more sense if I saw these things with more frequency than I did.  So, I concluded that this wasn’t a very strong theory.   Plausible, but not likely.

3. Some type of weird ocular phenomena where you see shadow things out of the corner of your eye, sorry I can’t recall the precise medical term.  I didn’t see these things out of the corner of my eye, or briefly.  I looked at them straight on.   So this theory doesn’t really work.  Plus again, lack of frequency.  

4. Magnetic phenomenon messing with my brain.  This one was a stretch.  And it would seem that this would be more location based.  I didn’t live near anything odd in either location that might produce a strong magnetic field.  Plus, if I had during both periods when I was young and older, I should have seen them with more frequency.  So, no.  This theory doesn’t fly with me.

5. Transdimensional something or another.  Where dimensions kind of bleed into one another.  This one is an even further stretch than the magnetic field thing.  I generally dismiss this one, but it is the only theory that fits all of the parameters of the incidents, both when I was young and older.  

6. Aliens.  Fuck. That. No.  I’ll believe that one when I see a spaceship with my own two eyes.  And not some glowey light picture, I want to see a hull.

7.  Ghosts.  Didn't really match up with ghost stories I've read, seems to be a different phenomena.  

So I have no concrete answers on what this was at that point. I’m left with either some weird wide awake nightmare or transdimensional something or another.  I just don’t have a good explanation.   I file away this info and don’t think about it much for another year.  I go on and graduate with my B.S. in Anthropology later that year.  God, what a mistake that was.  But that’s another topic.

Over a year later I decided to work on a research project.  For fun.  I’m strange like that.  One of my areas of research during my undergrad was Caribbean and African possession.  Looking at it from an Anthropological point of view, examining why they developed this practice in their culture etc.  Not from an “OMG it’s real life Exorcist!!!!!” point of view.  Like I said, I’m a rational and skeptical person.  I decide to research Christian possession, thinking I would compare it with the Caribbean/African possession and try to see if there were any similarities in what function they served in their respective cultures.  Like I said, I’m odd like that.  This is my idea of a good time.  And I wonder why I’m divorced…

Anyway.  I start reading all of the accounts and case studies I can find on Christian possession.  Now when I read these things, I do it with a grain of salt (well, a ton of salt really).  I’m not reading it for the story, rather I’m reading it for the features, like does it fill some psychological function, bad family history, religious person/family before or after… etc.  I read these accounts, checked of features on a chart I had made.  

So I’m reading one book, a catholic account by Dr. Malachi Martin, a former Catholic exorcist,  called “Hostage to the Devil.” In it are several first hand and a second hand accounts of Catholic Possession.  To the Catholics, there are stages to possession.  1. Obsession, where the demonic forces affect the person externally, like a third party bothering you.  2. Invasion where the demonic forces enter the bodily hostilely.  3.  Perfect possession where the person accepts the demon into their body and soul.   Anyway, I’m reading through one second hand account of the obsession stage, I’m skimming over it really since I dislike using second hand accounts.  But one part of the story catches my eye.  The priest sees and describes a shadow being.  The same features, the same feeling of dread.

The. Fuck.  My heart wants to burst through my chest.  I start reading this account a lot more closely from the beginning.  Yup, I started to panic a bit.  Fucking demons?  The account described seeing faces in windows etc a lot of the same type of stuff She-Bitch described that she had seen her entire life.

I stayed up all night thinking about this and the implications.  I had never considered “Demons” in my possible theory on what the shadow beings had been.  I then recalled a radio interview that Dr. Martin had given that I had downloaded, not for the substance, just more out of my own curiosity about the man.  In that interview he described how sometimes the demons impersonated other deities to mess with the subject of the obsession/possession.  I recalled She-Bitch’s description of Quatzequatel when she was eight.   Now here’s the thing about She-Bitch.  She grew up poor, really white trash poor.  Raised by her crazy alcoholic abusive grandmother, who wouldn’t let her go to school, they didn’t have a television, and she could barely read poor.  I’ve been to the trailer she grew up in. They were as poor as it gets.  There is no way in hell this eight year old uneducated girl had ever been exposed to Mayan mythology at that stage in her life.  But that’s exactly what she saw.  

Things are just falling into place in my brain.  

While reading the account it mentioned things like moving and missing objects and electrical anomalies.   Two other things leaped forward in my mind.  As I mentioned, I lived in an old house.  Lightbulbs would burn out abnormally fast and constantly.  You turn on the switch, light flickers and pop goes the filament.  I used to buy lightbulbs by the case.  I just chalked it up to ancient wiring.  Never paid it much thought.  Oh, and CF Bulbs would die on me too.  That was expensive so I just loaded up on incandescents.  

I also recalled the books.  I have a lot of books.  In the middle of the night you would hear a thump.  The first time it happened it woke me up, I went to go investigate, and there was a book on the floor.  House and bookcases are level.  It happened from multiple bookcases, different books.  I had chalked it up to the cat messing around at night.  It happened so often I quit investigating when I heard the thump at night.  I would just get up in the morning, pick the book off the ground and go about my day.  

It occurred to me then that often the books were from different shelves.  And they were frequently thick heavy books, like textbooks.  Not likely the cat would pull or push it off the shelves when I stopped to think about it.  I realized that the lightbulb thing and the book thing had only started after She-Bitch had moved in.  Nothing before that.  And they both stopped after She-Bitch had moved out.  I still had the same cat.  

I realized there was one other factor that I had never considered in trying to figure out the shadow beings:  I was never alone when I saw them.  Either my brother was asleep in the same room as me or She-Bitch was there.

In fact, the only times that I have ever seen these shadow things was when I was in the presence of the two most troubled people I have ever known in my entire life:  my brother and She-Bitch.  The shadow beings had nothing to do with me.  It had nothing to do with the location.  It had to do with the people around me.  I just happened to be standing next to them and could see them for some reason.

The Catholic Demon Possession theory fit better than all of the other theories.   I’m not saying that’s what it was.   That’s just what I think it may be.  I will never be able to say with certainty what it was.  I just don’t know.  
After I had processed everything, I just kind of sat there and thought about it.  I was no longer in contact with She-Bitch.  And how in the fuck do you bring up the subject “Hey, I think you may be possessed by demons...” conversation up with your ex?   My relationship with my brother is complicated, that’s all I’ll say about that.  I love him, but we don’t talk much and this is not really something that we could talk about or that he would take seriously.  Anyway, I’m to this day not certain what it was.  Whenever I think about it, I sound like a crazy person to myself.

I did walk across the street that weekend and spoke to a priest.  I asked him to please say a Mass for She-Bitch and my brother.  I didn’t tell him why, just that they both had troubles.  It may not be much, but I figure a man of faith praying for them is a hell of a lot better than anything I could ever do.  

I’ve read how events like this sometimes enable people to have faith in God.  That didn’t happen to me.  I guess it’s just that I haven’t seen or experienced anything that would indicate to me that God exists.  Believe me, at times I wish I could have faith.   I will say that because of some of the things that I have seen, I will never state that God doesn’t exist.  I just don’t have the answers.   Since that whole incident thing and aftermath, I have noticed that I cleaned up my life a good deal.  I’m a better person overall, treat my fellow human beings much better, try to lead a good life.   I guess if God does exist, maybe he’ll forgive my non-belief and look at the good things I’ve done with my life.  Like I said, I just don’t know.

Oh, and to the OP, yeah, that area around Dam B is pretty weird.  I’ve had some strange things happen around that part of the state, also around Sam Rayburn.   All I’ll say is that there are parts of East Texas that I will not travel through without a long gun.

And back to lurker status.

Edited for typos.  

That's an awesome story, RCastle.
Link Posted: 9/21/2011 11:39:08 PM EDT
Originally Posted By EasTexan:
Originally Posted By RCastle:
Long time reader, first time poster.  Always enjoyed the creepy threads here.  Finally decided that I had something worth contributing to the site, and here it is.  Also, it has taken me many years to get to the point where I can commit it to words.  I have never told this story before because honestly,  it makes me sound like a crazy person.  I doubt very much that I will ever tell this story face to face to another human being. It’s a bit long but I hope y’all enjoy it.

Let’s start with a bit of background on me.  I’m like a lot of y’all, spent a lot of time out camping in the woods, love and fear for my country, and a I have a passion for firearms.  I’m not a religious man and I consider myself to be a skeptic.  I have been an agnostic since I was a young man.  I had finally concluded many many years ago that I’m apparently just not intelligent enough to figure the whole God thing out, and I got tired of trying to.  That being said, I have seen and experienced things during my lifetime that I cannot explain with a rational paradigm. But I digress, I doubt y’all want to hear my pontifications on God. You want the creepy story.  I have theories about what I have seen and I’ll get into that later.  But at the end of the day it comes down to: I just don’t know.

I was living outside of downtown Houston with my significant other, who we shall refer to as “She-Bitch” (for reasons completely unrelated to this tale) for the rest of this story.   I worked and went to school, She-Bitch was in school as well, that’s where we met, and we lived a pretty normal life at that time.  One night we were in bed both reading and we heard the sound of the windows rattling in their frames in our living room.  It was a very old house converted into apartments, we were living on the second floor.  We lived near an off ramp to an interstate and the light rail was on the other side a few blocks down, no semis passing nor the train had ever rattled the windows before in the two years I had lived there.  I’ve lived in California and I’m familiar with earthquakes and this wasn’t one.  

I’m sitting there thinking “Well, what the hell is all that about?”  She-Bitch looks completely freaked out and panicked.  I get out of bed and slowly walk down the hall towards the living room.  As I approach the living room I am suddenly filled with a feeling of complete dread.  I can only describe it as feeling like someone has stuck a bowling ball in my chest.  I have no rational reason to feel this way.  I finally, after an eternity get to the doorway to the living room and stand there.  I have no idea what I’m looking at.  

It was a man sized black amorphous thing flitting about the window.  Moving kind of like a bat.  Except it’s way to big for any bat. I know what a bat looks like. I’m not a retard.  It’s not a bat. It just kind of flitting around outside, it has what appears to be a head like lump on the top.  I didn’t see any eyes.  Suddenly it flits over the next windows.  Hovering and flitting around.  Then it swoops out of sight and appears at another bay of windows.  It continues to flit and swoop around, and each time it does the windows rattle in their frames.  We lived across the street from a very well lit church with spotlights all around the exterior in addition to street lights and security lights on the property.  It’s bright as hell.   When it flies in front of the very well lit up church, I can’t see the church through it.  When it flies to the other bay of windows on the side of the house, I can’t see the building across the alleyway, those building are also well lit by security lights. It’s  not a shadow.  Not a bat.

I’m just standing there trying to figure out what in the hell I’m looking at, with that heavy dread feeling in my chest.  She-Bitch comes up behind me and grips my arm hard with both of her hands, scared as all hell.  She whispers “Do you see that? Do you fucking see that?”

“… Yup.”  And I’m thinking to myself, “Well, at least I ain’t crazy.  But if I’m not crazy, and I’m not dreaming, (yes the thought had occurred to me), then what in the fuck am I looking at?”

“What the fuck do we do?”  Asked the borderline panic attack She-Bitch.  

I didn’t say anything.  I backed up, and slowly closed the door to the living room.  Very slowly.  Then I moved a bookcase in front of the door.  I slowly backed down the hallway towards the bedroom, She-Bitch behind me, not wanting to take my eyes off the door to the living room.  Once in the bedroom, I lock the door.  Then I move a dresser in front of the door.  She-Bitch then asks again in a louder high pitched panicked voice “What the fuck are we going to do?”

“I don’t know” I answered truthfully.

I proceeded to break out the Mossberg 500, racked a shell into the chamber, hoping to scare it (just kidding, there was already a shell chambered, good to go) knowing full well that if that thing is, well, a thing, that 00 buckshot might not do the trick.  But if some “thing” is going to take me out, I’m not going quietly.  Not going to lie, I also broke out a vial of holy water that my Grandmother had given me a long time ago.  I had no idea if my magic water would do anything, but it couldn’t hurt.  I hoped.  

I made the decision to hold up in the barricaded bedroom.  That thing was outside of the house; leaving the house either through the front door, in the living room, or out the back door and going around the side of the house through the alley, would require us to travel under that thing.  Fuck that.   After awhile in the barricaded bedroom the feeling of dread slowly subsided.  

So we’re sitting on the bed watching the bedroom door.  She-Bitch asks me in a strained and slightly less panicked voice, “So you really saw that too?”  

“Yeah” I replied.  I’m a man of few words.  

“I’ve seen things my whole life and you’re the first person who’s seen them too.” She stated.

“The hell?” I’m thinking in my head.  I should add that She-Bitch was a die-hard-to-the- point-of-aggravation Atheist.  You could not have a civilized conversation concerning religion or spirituality with that woman.  

She-Bitch then proceeds to tell me about the “things” she’s seen all her life.  I hadn’t asked, but the words were coming out of her mouth like water from a broken dam.  She just kept talking and talking, probably because I’m the first person she’s met who has seen them too.  She described seeing these shadow being before, sometimes they had glowing eyes, sometimes not (our “thing” that night did not have glowing eyes).  She described seeing “faces” in windows and other strange stuff.  She even described this one time when she was about eight how a floating being that looked like Quatzequatel, a serpent with wings, had hovered in the common area of the trailer she had lived in.

At this point I’m thinking “Fuck. Me.  I’m living with a schizophrenic.”  She goes on for about an hour and a half, I’m not saying much just listening, with the Mossberg in my hands, holy water on the night stand, staring intently at the door, thinking and processing all of this.  Finally, she seems to talk herself out and she falls asleep.  Bitch.  I sure as hell wasn’t going to sleep and spent the rest of a very tense night staring at the door, listening and waiting.  Nothing more happened that night.  Finally, the sun came up.  That was one of the longest nights of my life.  

I got out of bed very stiff after having not moved all night.  I moved the dresser, unlocked the door and crept down the hall towards the living room.  Moved the bookcase and very slowly opened the door and peeked in.  Nothing. Sunlight streaming through the windows.  No feeling of dread, no shadowy beings.  Just a normal living room.  

I go back the bedroom, very tired but with a feeling of relief, put the shotgun back in the closet. Went and made some coffee.  She-Bitch gets up and comes in the kitchen and asks me if “It” was gone.  God Damnit!  I had really been hoping that all of that was just some sort of messed up dream or night terror or something.  But no.  It happened.   I tell her that it looks like it’s gone.  We drink coffee and she relates more of the stuff she’s seen her whole life.  She ends the conversation asking me “Why can you see them?” I responded “I don’t fucking know, I’ve never seen anything like that before.”  We don’t talk about it anymore after that.  

After that I did what any rational red blooded American male would do in that situation.  I pretended it didn’t happen.  This may sound strange, but at that time in my life I had some more pressing things to worry about than some “thing.”  I just kind of filed the whole incident away in my head with the label of to-be-dealt-with-later.

Nothing else happened, I paid it absolutely no mind.  Life went on.  

A few months later, I’m happily reading in bed one evening and I hear She-Bitch, she’s just saying “Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God, RCastle, come here! Oh my God Oh my God.” over and over.   I get up, and slowly walk down the hall towards the living room, getting that same heavy feeling of dread.  She-Bitch is standing at the doorway of the living room trembling.  I get there and she gets behind me and again grabs my arm like her life depended on it.

“Do you see it?” she asks.

“Yeah, I see it.”  I replied.  I’m trying to process something that shouldn’t be in my brain.  Every cell in my body is now in fight or flight mode.  This time, the shadow thing is inside the living room.  This time it is not an amorphous shape.  It’s a vaguely human shape, child sized, about four, four and  a half feet tall, sitting on my couch, rapidly rocking back and forth.   It stops rocking and raises it’s head and looks at me.  I can’t tell you how I knew it was looking at me, it didn’t have eyes.  Or a face really.  I just felt it.

“Fuck!” I yelled as I promptly freaked the fuck out.  I slammed the door shut, threw the bookcase in front of the door, grabbed She-Bitch by the arm and ran to the bedroom and threw her inside. Locked the door, barricaded it.  Grabbed the Mossberg from the closet, the Colt 1911 and Holy water from the night stand and crouched behind the bed with She-Bitch.  She was trembling and saying “oh my god” over and over again.  My heart rate was going at ludicrous speed pounding and pounding in my chest with all of the adrenaline running through my body.   Sorry, no blading at 45.  After what felt like forever, my body calmed down and she stopped trembling.  She asked what I thought “It” was.  I told her I don’t know.   Then she crawled in the bed and went to sleep.  Bitch.  I was tired as all hell, but there was no damn way I was going to sleep with that thing in my house.  I stayed awake behind the bed, sitting in a chair armed to the teeth, staring intently at the door; I felt like if I looked away for even a second it would get in.  It was another long night.  

Next morning, same as the last time.  Sun comes up. Un-barricade the bedroom, un-barricade the living room door, take a peek in.  Nothing but sunlight.  Go to make coffee.  She-Bitch comes into the kitchen and asks if “It” is gone and I tell her yes.  She-Bitch and I do not speak of the incident ever again.  Even though we never talked about it, we stopped using the living room after that, even during the day.  We kept the door closed and locked for the next year until she moved out.  

However,  now that this had happened a second time I felt that I had to do something about it.  I spent a day thinking about it.  I had no idea what in the hell that thing was.  I resolved that I would either:

1. Walk across the street to the church and talk to a Catholic priest.  Maybe he would bless/exorcise the house.  

2. Talk to a cousin a dozen times removed who is a witch.  Not some pagan hippy Wiccan crap, rather an old school Bruja.  Maybe she can tell me what this thing is and how I can get rid of it.  I was rather hesitant to take this route as I had been actively avoiding her my entire life.  She gives me the creeps.

A few days passed, nothing more happened and life became the normal routine.  She-Bitch and I had been having some serious problems in our relationship predating and unrelated to the weirdness.  When nothing else out of the ordinary happened, I filed the incident away in my head and I didn’t take any action.  I guess I kind of just hoped it went away and didn’t think about it anymore.

A year later, the relationship with She-Bitch was over and she moves out.  No more incidents or weird out of the ordinary things had happened.  Once day I’m in the kitchen on a Saturday morning having a cup of coffee when my brain suddenly brings the incidents to the forefront.  Now that I am somewhat removed from it by time I can look at it rationally.  I decided that I wanted to figure out what in the hell that thing was.  So I fire up the internet and read the whack job forums.  After reading about many things I decide that what I saw was the phenomenon called “Shadow People.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_People

So now I have a description of what it was.  I don’t like calling them “Shadow People” because they sure as hell ain’t people.  

While reading up on them a memory hits me like a phonebook to the head.  This is not the first time that I’ve seen these things.  I don’t recall much of my childhood, but that’s another story, one memory comes screaming out of my murky past.  I recall that when I was about eight or so that I had seen these exact same things.  This happened for a period of time, I don’t know if it was weeks, months or a year.  I would sit in my bed, that same feeling of dread, clutching my blanket, back to the wall afraid to breath.  I would sit there and watch these people shaped shadows just standing in my doorway watching me.  I was too scared to take my eyes off of them.  My brother slept in the same room but he always just slept through the night.  Asshole.  I was always too scared to wake him or cry out.  Back then I thought that they were aliens who had come to abduct me.   They scared the shit out of me.  Eventually they went away and I stopped seeing them.  I guess I just decided they were a nightmare or something and just filed it away, went on with my childhood, grew up and forgot about it.  Until now.  

Fuck.  Now I really need to figure out what in the hell it is or what caused me to see it.  I start running through the theories of what it could be.

1. I’m bat shit crazy.   Well, never really had any emotional issues, mental health problems, voices in my head, weird delusions or paranoia, none of that.  Never really saw them except for those two periods in my life and She-Bitch had seen them too.  Logic would tend to implicate that I would at least see these things more frequently and I would have other symptoms if I were crazy.  So, I’m probably not crazy.  At least not when it comes to this.

2. Night Terrors/Sleep Paralysis/Sleep Walking/Hypnagogia.  I was able to move, hadn’t started the incidents from asleep, I had been very much awake, didn’t wake up in bed afterwards, and had stayed up all night both times.  I had performed feats requiring fine motor skills and most of my strength in barricading the doors.  Believe me, I felt it the day after I was so tired.  I wasn’t asleep.  She-Bitch had seen it too.  She had commented on “It.”  Plus, again, it would make more sense if I saw these things with more frequency than I did.  So, I concluded that this wasn’t a very strong theory.   Plausible, but not likely.

3. Some type of weird ocular phenomena where you see shadow things out of the corner of your eye, sorry I can’t recall the precise medical term.  I didn’t see these things out of the corner of my eye, or briefly.  I looked at them straight on.   So this theory doesn’t really work.  Plus again, lack of frequency.  

4. Magnetic phenomenon messing with my brain.  This one was a stretch.  And it would seem that this would be more location based.  I didn’t live near anything odd in either location that might produce a strong magnetic field.  Plus, if I had during both periods when I was young and older, I should have seen them with more frequency.  So, no.  This theory doesn’t fly with me.

5. Transdimensional something or another.  Where dimensions kind of bleed into one another.  This one is an even further stretch than the magnetic field thing.  I generally dismiss this one, but it is the only theory that fits all of the parameters of the incidents, both when I was young and older.  

6. Aliens.  Fuck. That. No.  I’ll believe that one when I see a spaceship with my own two eyes.  And not some glowey light picture, I want to see a hull.

7.  Ghosts.  Didn't really match up with ghost stories I've read, seems to be a different phenomena.  

So I have no concrete answers on what this was at that point. I’m left with either some weird wide awake nightmare or transdimensional something or another.  I just don’t have a good explanation.   I file away this info and don’t think about it much for another year.  I go on and graduate with my B.S. in Anthropology later that year.  God, what a mistake that was.  But that’s another topic.

Over a year later I decided to work on a research project.  For fun.  I’m strange like that.  One of my areas of research during my undergrad was Caribbean and African possession.  Looking at it from an Anthropological point of view, examining why they developed this practice in their culture etc.  Not from an “OMG it’s real life Exorcist!!!!!” point of view.  Like I said, I’m a rational and skeptical person.  I decide to research Christian possession, thinking I would compare it with the Caribbean/African possession and try to see if there were any similarities in what function they served in their respective cultures.  Like I said, I’m odd like that.  This is my idea of a good time.  And I wonder why I’m divorced…

Anyway.  I start reading all of the accounts and case studies I can find on Christian possession.  Now when I read these things, I do it with a grain of salt (well, a ton of salt really).  I’m not reading it for the story, rather I’m reading it for the features, like does it fill some psychological function, bad family history, religious person/family before or after… etc.  I read these accounts, checked of features on a chart I had made.  

So I’m reading one book, a catholic account by Dr. Malachi Martin, a former Catholic exorcist,  called “Hostage to the Devil.” In it are several first hand and a second hand accounts of Catholic Possession.  To the Catholics, there are stages to possession.  1. Obsession, where the demonic forces affect the person externally, like a third party bothering you.  2. Invasion where the demonic forces enter the bodily hostilely.  3.  Perfect possession where the person accepts the demon into their body and soul.   Anyway, I’m reading through one second hand account of the obsession stage, I’m skimming over it really since I dislike using second hand accounts.  But one part of the story catches my eye.  The priest sees and describes a shadow being.  The same features, the same feeling of dread.

The. Fuck.  My heart wants to burst through my chest.  I start reading this account a lot more closely from the beginning.  Yup, I started to panic a bit.  Fucking demons?  The account described seeing faces in windows etc a lot of the same type of stuff She-Bitch described that she had seen her entire life.

I stayed up all night thinking about this and the implications.  I had never considered “Demons” in my possible theory on what the shadow beings had been.  I then recalled a radio interview that Dr. Martin had given that I had downloaded, not for the substance, just more out of my own curiosity about the man.  In that interview he described how sometimes the demons impersonated other deities to mess with the subject of the obsession/possession.  I recalled She-Bitch’s description of Quatzequatel when she was eight.   Now here’s the thing about She-Bitch.  She grew up poor, really white trash poor.  Raised by her crazy alcoholic abusive grandmother, who wouldn’t let her go to school, they didn’t have a television, and she could barely read poor.  I’ve been to the trailer she grew up in. They were as poor as it gets.  There is no way in hell this eight year old uneducated girl had ever been exposed to Mayan mythology at that stage in her life.  But that’s exactly what she saw.  

Things are just falling into place in my brain.  

While reading the account it mentioned things like moving and missing objects and electrical anomalies.   Two other things leaped forward in my mind.  As I mentioned, I lived in an old house.  Lightbulbs would burn out abnormally fast and constantly.  You turn on the switch, light flickers and pop goes the filament.  I used to buy lightbulbs by the case.  I just chalked it up to ancient wiring.  Never paid it much thought.  Oh, and CF Bulbs would die on me too.  That was expensive so I just loaded up on incandescents.  

I also recalled the books.  I have a lot of books.  In the middle of the night you would hear a thump.  The first time it happened it woke me up, I went to go investigate, and there was a book on the floor.  House and bookcases are level.  It happened from multiple bookcases, different books.  I had chalked it up to the cat messing around at night.  It happened so often I quit investigating when I heard the thump at night.  I would just get up in the morning, pick the book off the ground and go about my day.  

It occurred to me then that often the books were from different shelves.  And they were frequently thick heavy books, like textbooks.  Not likely the cat would pull or push it off the shelves when I stopped to think about it.  I realized that the lightbulb thing and the book thing had only started after She-Bitch had moved in.  Nothing before that.  And they both stopped after She-Bitch had moved out.  I still had the same cat.  

I realized there was one other factor that I had never considered in trying to figure out the shadow beings:  I was never alone when I saw them.  Either my brother was asleep in the same room as me or She-Bitch was there.

In fact, the only times that I have ever seen these shadow things was when I was in the presence of the two most troubled people I have ever known in my entire life:  my brother and She-Bitch.  The shadow beings had nothing to do with me.  It had nothing to do with the location.  It had to do with the people around me.  I just happened to be standing next to them and could see them for some reason.

The Catholic Demon Possession theory fit better than all of the other theories.   I’m not saying that’s what it was.   That’s just what I think it may be.  I will never be able to say with certainty what it was.  I just don’t know.  
After I had processed everything, I just kind of sat there and thought about it.  I was no longer in contact with She-Bitch.  And how in the fuck do you bring up the subject “Hey, I think you may be possessed by demons...” conversation up with your ex?   My relationship with my brother is complicated, that’s all I’ll say about that.  I love him, but we don’t talk much and this is not really something that we could talk about or that he would take seriously.  Anyway, I’m to this day not certain what it was.  Whenever I think about it, I sound like a crazy person to myself.

I did walk across the street that weekend and spoke to a priest.  I asked him to please say a Mass for She-Bitch and my brother.  I didn’t tell him why, just that they both had troubles.  It may not be much, but I figure a man of faith praying for them is a hell of a lot better than anything I could ever do.  

I’ve read how events like this sometimes enable people to have faith in God.  That didn’t happen to me.  I guess it’s just that I haven’t seen or experienced anything that would indicate to me that God exists.  Believe me, at times I wish I could have faith.   I will say that because of some of the things that I have seen, I will never state that God doesn’t exist.  I just don’t have the answers.   Since that whole incident thing and aftermath, I have noticed that I cleaned up my life a good deal.  I’m a better person overall, treat my fellow human beings much better, try to lead a good life.   I guess if God does exist, maybe he’ll forgive my non-belief and look at the good things I’ve done with my life.  Like I said, I just don’t know.

Oh, and to the OP, yeah, that area around Dam B is pretty weird.  I’ve had some strange things happen around that part of the state, also around Sam Rayburn.   All I’ll say is that there are parts of East Texas that I will not travel through without a long gun.

And back to lurker status.

Edited for typos.  

That's an awesome story, RCastle.

Fucking home run, had me creeping out...Youngest walked in the door from work freaked me out
Link Posted: 9/21/2011 11:44:10 PM EDT
[Last Edit: 6gunfighter2] [#46]
Originally Posted By PanzerOfDoom:
My Grandma's house in South Alabama. Her and my PawPaw swore they had seen aliens, UFO's, ghosts ect.

Come to find out, after they had passed and my uncle was selling the old place, it was built on an old Indian burial ground. There were like five under their bedroom floor. They ended up having to do a full scale archaeological dig and track down elders from the tribe to ensure the remains were properly cared for.

See, that right there always causes big supernatural problems.

Kidding aside....

Years ago my brother used to work as a surveyor.

One day he and his crew were at a construction site doing some contract work, mapping things out and what not.  This was in New England, where of course there are some very, VERY old settlements, including many
which are completely forgotten today.

A backhoe was doing some excavation work nearby as my brother and his crew were doing their work, when they noticed something and told the backhoe operator to stop.

The backhoe had brought up a scoop full of earth that had several human bones and a couple of nearly intact skulls in it.

It turns out that there was a mass grave there, from the victims of a typhus epidemic sometime in the 1700s.

My brother said that what the developer was trying to build there was condominiums.

Bad ju ju.

Link Posted: 9/22/2011 1:46:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2011 3:38:31 AM EDT
Originally Posted By MrMojoRising:
Just check the bed next time, what's the worst it could be?


Screw you and this entire thread! I am completely freaked out now.
Link Posted: 9/22/2011 8:07:52 PM EDT
Wow - just finished reading this, and the original 25 page one started by swindle (with all the skinwalker thread re-posts).  Took me a few days but now my head is full of creepy shit!  At least I work a night shift so I sleep in the daytime

I have nothing anywhere on the level of some of these stories, but did a couple times stumble onto the aftermath of what I think was santeria animal sacrifices.  I went to college in Chicago, and occasionally me and the then-girlfriend would go to the beaches on the north side occasionally.  First time it happened, we were walking in the park/along the beach (yeah yeah, uber romantic) and I saw some dead birds on the beach.  I didn't think much of it, and kind of steered her away from it so she wouldn't see them (big-time city girl).  There was a family with kids on the beach as well, and we saw the dad picking up and moving some of the dead birds and tossing them onto the rocks so his kids wouldn't see them.  So of course the woman sees this and we go down and check it out.  Scattered across the beach, probably 8-10 chickens and ducks with heads cut off and guts splayed out.  There were a few piles of corn/grain left out from what I can only imagine was some kind of grain and domesticated duck/chicken sacrifice to whatever santeria practitioners believe in.  I know there's some people on here that are into that stuff, maybe they can explain.  Saw the same thing a couple more times at the same beach, and eventually stopped going there.    

Not supernatural in any way, but kind of creepy, was a crazy guy that would hang out at the Loyola el train stop occasionally, and various other stops on the red line in Chicago.  Deinitely one of those "got let out of the mental institution and put on meds" type guys, but he was definitely off his meds.  He would walk across a 4 lane street in rush hour, oblivious to the traffic, walk in circles and rant and rave nonsense, follow people around the el station, etc.  One encounter I had with him, he was standing near a crosswalk outside the el stop, taking out the free Red Eye magazines out of their dispenser, taking one page at a time and balling it up and throwing it into the street.  I had to cross the street and step to the edge of curb about five feet away from him. He notices me, walks over and stands directly in front of me on the other side of the curb with cars whizzing past 1-2 feet behind him.  Just standing there, creeptastically close in front of me, staring at me, breathing through his mouth with his tongue slightly out.  He was a big dude, probably 6'2" and over 250.  I was a 21 year old college student and not about to let some homeless/crazy dude freak me out so I just stand my ground, and when the light changes step around him to cross the street, and he went back to wasting free newspapers.  In retrospect I should have at least bladed at 45 , and at the very least not let some obviously crazy guy get within grabbing distance of me.  Live and learn I guess.
Link Posted: 9/23/2011 2:33:53 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Sleepy1988] [#50]
Originally Posted By Garryowen:
There were mass graves dug in Central Park during the Spanish Flu outbreak during WW1

Really?  I never knew this.  Off to look for Central Park ghost stories.

ETA:This is one of the better stories from the previous creepy thread.

Excellent thread.

After reading this ENTIRE thread (only took me 2 days :D) I have decided to post mine. I rarely share this story, however, it's true when you hear people say "I don't care what they think of me, I saw what I saw"


Back in the winter of 2001 my youngest son and I were on our way from Boise,Idaho to Medford, Oregon. We had taken a car trailer to his old place in Boise in order to haul his non-running Jeep to his new place in Medford. We hit an area of heavy snow in the southern Cascades around 2:00 a.m. It took 45 minutes or so to get down the mountain. We had, of course been drinking coffee to stay alert.

About 25 miles west of the pass it became obvious that the last few quarts of coffee had to be drained. We stopped at a wide spot in the road near a summer tourist haunt,deserted in winter. There is a gas station and ice cream joint on the west side of the road,closed this time of year,and no town or settlement within 30 miles. This is tall timber country, and unsettled.Across the road is a small parking area for the ice cream joint. It is paved and about 200 ft.wide and 80 ft.deep. I pulled in and as I stepped out with .45 on hip, it occurred to me in a flash that grabbing the 590 Mossy would be good.

As we walked to the far end of the area to be well off the road, the hair on my arms and the back of my neck stood on end. The area directly to our front was open with a depth of 50 yards and a width of 100 yards. The night was clear and cold, 8-10 inches of snow on the ground, and with a moon almost full, so we could see quite well. While standing and taking a leak, with son about 15 ft.to my right I saw, as if springing from the earth in front of us across the open area 10 or 12 creatures moving RAPIDLY back and forth in sort of a Thatch weave pattern. These things, not human men, were close to 7 ft.tall, thin, bipedal with long arms, medium length gray fur, and damned fast on their feet. I brought the shotgun up and slid the safety off, as son was drawing his .45.

I don't know if I can adequately explain the overwhelming feeling of menace,but here goes. I had been operating on pure instinct since I had stepped from the pickup,the rotten feeling hit me a split second before the things arrived, the feeling?, instinct?, was that we were prey, and subject to a very bad death, and to be slaughtered and eaten, not a logical process, gut feeling and massively overwhelming.

As they were moving about in front of us,more appeared and mixed among them,all the while running about fast in front of us. Son and I were backing toward the truck, I WOULD NOT present my back to them, and some of them peeled off right and left in an encirclement movement. They were rolling in fast from the sides now, I could smell and feel their presence. We got to the truck loaded on adrenaline and ready to kill, as we both knew we were in grave danger. We piled into the truck,locked doors. I had keys out and ready, as my butt neared the seat, I had the engine lit and trans. in gear and gas pedal mashed in one motion. Adrenaline is great stuff! As we fled, yes fled, something VERY close by let out a ululating scream of rage, and pain. I believe one or more of the group had gotten really close to us in their pursuit and I ran over the foot of one of them, yeah they were that close. We rolled onto the highway and I told son to watch the bed of the pickup as well as the trailer, he already was indexed to the rear with the shotgun. We hauled ass for at least 20 miles before the feeling of grave danger started to abate. The feeling that nailed both of us, as we discussed soon afterward, was one of being prey, and soon to be slaughtered and eaten. I am not easily led, and neither believe or disbelieve all the bigfoot, ghost and werewolf stuff, in fact I am skeptical. Son was speaking with a coworker about 6 months later who had grown up in Prospect, Oregon, about 30 miles south of Union Creek where the incident took place. He asked Jake if he had ever heard of any strange goings-on in the area. Jake went ashy white and pretty much retold the above tale. He says to avoid the place at night. A family friend, a 25 yr. retired cop not given to flights of fancy and an excellent observer, had a tale very similar from a year before. I told my wife of this event of course, she looked at me at the beginning as though I had developed a 3rd eyeball in the center of my forehead. That was from shock, she did believe me, but did not wish to hear any details. She said the tale gave her chills. Me too, as I write this, hair on back of neck and forearms is sticking up.

I have NOT gone back to explore, and would not without a large group of shotgun and flamethrower equipped men with me.

Son and I are both sane, sober persons, and not taken to hysteria. We were wide, VERY wide awake as things transpired. We saw and smelled what was there. As a sidebar neither of us heard footfalls from the creatures. They were silent until i hurt one as we were getting the Hell out of there.

To my knowledge, and I have researched, there is nothing that matches these creatures, unless one considers old legends and folk tales of were creatures. To conclude, I have to fall back on Elmer Keith's famous line, "Hell,I was there."

Best regards, Ryan B.
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