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Link Posted: 3/12/2019 3:46:07 PM EDT
ugh, I feel so bad for "right-minded" brits, those poor bastards.  They need a revolution, bad.
Link Posted: 3/12/2019 4:08:54 PM EDT
UK: Proof that banning guns doesn't reduce violent crimes - it just redirects it into a new format.
Link Posted: 3/12/2019 4:58:07 PM EDT
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UK: Proof that banning guns doesn't reduce violent crimes - it just redirects it into a new format.
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When someone tells me we should emulate the UK's gun laws, I ask if they anticipate the US seeing the tripling of murder rates England saw after their gun control laws. Then I show a pre 1967 chart with 0.6/100,000 murder rate and the 2002 rate with 1.79/100,000.

Here's a fun link

ETA: when you look at a lot of these murder rate charts, it is striking how many countries saw a spike in murder starting in the late 1960s, and climbing dramatically in the 1970s. It's also interesting how many gun control laws were passed in the late 1960s. I'm not saying cause and effect, but more about how small the world became around that time.
Link Posted: 3/12/2019 6:36:54 PM EDT
Mothers send sons to Somalia to avoid knife crime

When I first saw it I swore it was The Onion.

British teenagers are being sent by their parents to Somalia, itself recovering from a series of terror attacks, because of concern that the police cannot protect them from knife crime.

Representatives from north London’s Somali community say hundreds of children have been flown to Somalia, Somaliland and Kenya because of rising concerns over drug gangs and county lines, the criminal networks that use children to transport drugs from cities to the provinces.

In a series of interviews, Somali mothers who arrived in London after fleeing their country during its 1990s civil war told the Observer that many of their sons had asked to leave the UK because of drug gangs and the threat of violence.
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Link Posted: 3/13/2019 7:45:52 AM EDT
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Mothers send sons to Somalia to avoid knife crime

When I first saw it I swore it was The Onion.

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Mothers send sons to Somalia to avoid knife crime

When I first saw it I swore it was The Onion.

British teenagers are being sent by their parents to Somalia, itself recovering from a series of terror attacks, because of concern that the police cannot protect them from knife crime.

Representatives from north London’s Somali community say hundreds of children have been flown to Somalia, Somaliland and Kenya because of rising concerns over drug gangs and county lines, the criminal networks that use children to transport drugs from cities to the provinces.

In a series of interviews, Somali mothers who arrived in London after fleeing their country during its 1990s civil war told the Observer that many of their sons had asked to leave the UK because of drug gangs and the threat of violence.
Goes to show every cloud has a silver lining.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 7:52:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 8:26:47 AM EDT
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This is nothing new.  They had gun bans before WWII.  US citizens sent personal weapons to the Brits for them to defend their country in case Germany invaded.  The government returned the favor by rounding them up and destroying them.

Fuck them.
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The 1920 and 1937 anti-gun bills were a classic regime protection move, certainly not public safety.  In 1919/1920 Boat loads of disgruntled soldiers came back from WWI pissed off at the government after being used as cannon fodder for 4 years, lots were PTSD'd to the hilt, many radicalized by the Bolsheviks, and the continent was awash with surplus weapons.  Governments fell all over Europe, and the British Government no longer trusted their people.  Self-defense was eliminated as a valid reason for firearm ownership in 1937 during the next great wave of political upset, when fascism and communism were gaining tons of ground during the depression.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 8:28:21 AM EDT
They gonna use a targeted approach to specifically go after the offending demographic?...
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 8:32:18 AM EDT
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Goes to show every cloud has a silver lining.
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Mothers send sons to Somalia to avoid knife crime

When I first saw it I swore it was The Onion.

British teenagers are being sent by their parents to Somalia, itself recovering from a series of terror attacks, because of concern that the police cannot protect them from knife crime.

Representatives from north London’s Somali community say hundreds of children have been flown to Somalia, Somaliland and Kenya because of rising concerns over drug gangs and county lines, the criminal networks that use children to transport drugs from cities to the provinces.

In a series of interviews, Somali mothers who arrived in London after fleeing their country during its 1990s civil war told the Observer that many of their sons had asked to leave the UK because of drug gangs and the threat of violence.
Goes to show every cloud has a silver lining.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 8:34:33 AM EDT
Is the military going to use guns?
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 8:34:58 AM EDT
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Iceland could conquer England in 2 days.
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Open for invasion in 3...2...1...
Iceland could conquer England in 2 days.
If they could stay sober for that long and not commit suicide.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 8:36:28 AM EDT
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I'm so happy to spend my last years in retardo world.
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Feel like I'm in the same boat. I'm  just starting to ignore it and play my guitar more.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 8:54:12 AM EDT
I am frequently thanking God my ancestors left that shithole country early in the 18th Century.

The brave men and women of the UK fought and died in WW2 only to find it later taken over by lazy, cowardly, freedom-hating scum.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 9:18:21 AM EDT
hey he has a butter knife fire for effect
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talk about using a 10 ton press to kill a fly
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 9:23:10 AM EDT
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Goes to show every cloud has a silver lining.
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Mothers send sons to Somalia to avoid knife crime

When I first saw it I swore it was The Onion.

British teenagers are being sent by their parents to Somalia, itself recovering from a series of terror attacks, because of concern that the police cannot protect them from knife crime.

Representatives from north London’s Somali community say hundreds of children have been flown to Somalia, Somaliland and Kenya because of rising concerns over drug gangs and county lines, the criminal networks that use children to transport drugs from cities to the provinces.

In a series of interviews, Somali mothers who arrived in London after fleeing their country during its 1990s civil war told the Observer that many of their sons had asked to leave the UK because of drug gangs and the threat of violence.
Goes to show every cloud has a silver lining.
Ummmmmmm...I know everyone on here has a drawer full of Kershaws and Moras they don't use,what about boxing them up and sending them to Minneapolis to see if this would work in the US too
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 9:32:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 9:37:42 AM EDT
Epidemic.  Hell they'd quarantine the entire neighborhood for a square mile if they saw my knife collection.  I must have at least 20.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 9:39:00 AM EDT
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I used to respect the U.K.  but seems the whole country has low T these days
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This is what happens when all of your courageous breeding stock was killed off in 2 world wars.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 9:43:26 AM EDT
This country is fucked from top to bottom the politicians, civil service, police, NHS, local government is infested with people who think the government is the solution. Despite having caused all the issues.

We need a revolution, and if brexit is not delivered they may just get one.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 9:48:13 AM EDT
When people in the U.K. brag they don't have any gun crime, and insist the U.S. needs to "get rid of guns."  This is why people in the U.K. can fuck off with their preaching.

They neglect to mention their violent crime rate per capita is 4x higher than violent crime rates in the U.S.

Last year the Daily Mail published an article addressing London's frequent machete attacks..... ONE EVERY 90 MINUTES.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 9:49:45 AM EDT
This for a country going on 3 years and no Brexit. Why not turn the army on that if they're so prepared.

  1. Item 1
  2. no Brexit
  3. Item 2
  4. they kinda suck
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 9:54:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 9:55:44 AM EDT
Irony would be putting the Gurkhas on patrol with their khukris.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 9:58:56 AM EDT
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Goes to show every cloud has a silver lining.
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Link Posted: 3/13/2019 10:05:22 AM EDT
20,000 fewer (unarmed) cops in England and Wales. So:
Military to patrol the streets of their cities. Presumably with guns.

Police officials to meet with Home Secretary SAJID JAVID.

Link Posted: 3/13/2019 10:11:53 AM EDT
airstrikes on white knife owner's homes
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 10:48:14 AM EDT
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Up next: The pointy stick "epidemic".
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Link Posted: 3/13/2019 10:57:52 AM EDT
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This country is fucked from top to bottom the politicians, civil service, police, NHS, local government is infested with people who think the government is the solution. Despite having caused all the issues.

We need a revolution, and if brexit is not delivered they may just get one.
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When, in the course of human events....

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 10:58:32 AM EDT
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Can we just send all the liberals to the UK? They think the same.

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Sme fear mongering the anti gunners use.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 11:06:09 AM EDT
Importing dangerous foreigners is one way for elites to justify stripping away everyone's rights.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 11:28:03 AM EDT

Link Posted: 3/13/2019 1:59:11 PM EDT
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I hate to break up the weekly Brit bash, but they aren't that much further ahead than the US.

There's some nut job in FL trying to make it illegal to post pictures of people under the age of 18 engaged in the act of hunting.

That isn't illegal in the UK...yet.

They can still own guns in the UK, albeit restricted, like how certain types of guns are restricted here.

The reality is both the UK and the US are circling the abyss of a "Socialist Utopia".

Western civilization is on the brink everywhere.
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Fabian Socialists won.
Link Posted: 3/13/2019 2:05:34 PM EDT
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The 1920 and 1937 anti-gun bills were a classic regime protection move, certainly not public safety.  In 1919/1920 Boat loads of disgruntled soldiers came back from WWI pissed off at the government after being used as cannon fodder for 4 years, lots were PTSD'd to the hilt, many radicalized by the Bolsheviks, and the continent was awash with surplus weapons.  Governments fell all over Europe, and the British Government no longer trusted their people.  Self-defense was eliminated as a valid reason for firearm ownership in 1937 during the next great wave of political upset, when fascism and communism were gaining tons of ground during the depression.
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This is nothing new.  They had gun bans before WWII.  US citizens sent personal weapons to the Brits for them to defend their country in case Germany invaded.  The government returned the favor by rounding them up and destroying them.

Fuck them.
The 1920 and 1937 anti-gun bills were a classic regime protection move, certainly not public safety.  In 1919/1920 Boat loads of disgruntled soldiers came back from WWI pissed off at the government after being used as cannon fodder for 4 years, lots were PTSD'd to the hilt, many radicalized by the Bolsheviks, and the continent was awash with surplus weapons.  Governments fell all over Europe, and the British Government no longer trusted their people.  Self-defense was eliminated as a valid reason for firearm ownership in 1937 during the next great wave of political upset, when fascism and communism were gaining tons of ground during the depression.
Australia passed a number of ammunition restriction types laws (banning civilians from own .303 chambered rifles for example) based on the premise because they didn't want various radicals to amass an arsenal.

The Crown after the Easter Uprising were really touchy about a general Socialist uprising due to the Bolsheviks winning the Russian Civil War and the fact that the Irish had a lot of support from British Socialists. They feared the Socialists adopting the general pattern that the IRA did in 1916.
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