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Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:21:35 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SheltiePimp:

I agree, but I do think it's going to be a very challenging few weeks coming up.
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Originally Posted By SheltiePimp:
Originally Posted By RolandofGilead:

Disarmament is a non starter. At the point Russia gives up that requirement it's probably time to seriously consider making an agreement.
They've got to keep fighting at least until that point though. They absolutely cannot afford to be disarmed.

I agree, but I do think it's going to be a very challenging few weeks coming up.

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:22:27 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By DetroitSounds:

I never stated Russia was the good guy, nor is it nearly that simple. The rest of my comment is what the majority are doing.
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Originally Posted By DetroitSounds:
Originally Posted By Ayada:

Think this was a good idea to post with zero thought - Check

But go ahead, do try to tell the class how Russia is the good guy. We are all ears for what is no doubt going to be the most intelligent thing to come out of this forum in decades.

I never stated Russia was the good guy, nor is it nearly that simple. The rest of my comment is what the majority are doing.

If you think that's what people are doing then you're not paying attention. There's literally people on the ground there sending info.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:22:29 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By thesilvercord:
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Supplies. Has to be. Logistics win wars and Russia has failed in stunning fashion for all the world to see.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:22:48 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By x248716x:
you should post that on DU.  cause a Chernobyl-scale meltdown.  the entertainment would be epic.  but no more mean tweets, yeah.
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They ban people immediately for any sort of wrong think.

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:23:50 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cav-Gunner:

Might as well,. Slow Joe wouldn't stop them + they hold enough US $$$'s to manipulate and cripple our economy at any time they choose.
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Originally Posted By Cav-Gunner:
Originally Posted By stone-age:
Originally Posted By SheltiePimp:

China is getting ready to go to war over Taiwan. They are preparing.

Might as well,. Slow Joe wouldn't stop them + they hold enough US $$$'s to manipulate and cripple our economy at any time they choose.

They could cripple our economy by shutting off all exports to us. Problem is, their economy is entirely dependent on ours.  Cripple ours, theirs dies completely.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:24:06 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Finslayer83:

I’m sure they can buy it from Poland or Romania.

That’s less than 500 crates of 7n6/equal for anyone of them. My guess is Poland gets the 5.56 and they give the 5.45x39.
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Originally Posted By Finslayer83:
Originally Posted By x248716x:
Originally Posted By ETNSBK:

For the simpletons here...

1,000,000 rounds is merely 20 1000rd cases per US state (50x20x1000). If I found a deal online and posted it here. There are far more than 20 of you from each state that would buy that out in 2 minutes. It's probably a days worth of production for them. It's not some conspiracy.

didn't know they made steel-cased 5.45x39.  not that i ever looked...

I’m sure they can buy it from Poland or Romania.

That’s less than 500 crates of 7n6/equal for anyone of them. My guess is Poland gets the 5.56 and they give the 5.45x39.

Polish 5.45???
Is AimSurplus going to get any???  J/K
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:25:09 AM EDT
"Whatever it is, it was not for the better"

For whom for the dense among us?
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:25:42 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Obo2:

They ban people immediately for any sort of wrong think.

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Yep. Post removed and immediate ban.
(3 times if necessary)
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:25:44 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By odiedodi:
Many of them don't want to fight this war either. Some truly wicked ones have committed atrocities already, and should be judged according to their deeds, but many have also refused to fight too. Many civilians have taken to the streets in protest and have been arrested for it. Putin had to ban facebook in an effort to stop domestic dissent. I don't wish ill on any of those people. They're now in just as shitty of a situation as Ukraine is. Their money's worthless. starvation is coming. They can't protest without being shipped off to a camp god knows where, for god knows how long (maybe permanently), and they have limited options to run, as much of the world's banned Russian travel now. Putin should very well be lynched, but I wouldn't extend that to the entirety of their populace.
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Originally Posted By odiedodi:
Originally Posted By mancow:
Huh, I want to see Russia ground to a paste then reconstitutied to something palatable. But hey, you do you.
Many of them don't want to fight this war either. Some truly wicked ones have committed atrocities already, and should be judged according to their deeds, but many have also refused to fight too. Many civilians have taken to the streets in protest and have been arrested for it. Putin had to ban facebook in an effort to stop domestic dissent. I don't wish ill on any of those people. They're now in just as shitty of a situation as Ukraine is. Their money's worthless. starvation is coming. They can't protest without being shipped off to a camp god knows where, for god knows how long (maybe permanently), and they have limited options to run, as much of the world's banned Russian travel now. Putin should very well be lynched, but I wouldn't extend that to the entirety of their populace.

Absolutely, but the scale has to land somewehere. They bought it. They own it.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:25:59 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By odiedodi:
Many of them don't want to fight this war either. Some truly wicked ones have committed atrocities already, and should be judged according to their deeds, but many have also refused to fight too. Many civilians have taken to the streets in protest and have been arrested for it. Putin had to ban facebook in an effort to stop domestic dissent. I don't wish ill on any of those people. They're now in just as shitty of a situation as Ukraine is. Their money's worthless. starvation is coming. They can't protest without being shipped off to a camp god knows where, for god knows how long (maybe permanently), and they have limited options to run, as much of the world's banned Russian travel now. Putin should very well be lynched, but I wouldn't extend that to the entirety of their populace.
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Originally Posted By odiedodi:
Originally Posted By mancow:
Huh, I want to see Russia ground to a paste then reconstitutied to something palatable. But hey, you do you.
Many of them don't want to fight this war either. Some truly wicked ones have committed atrocities already, and should be judged according to their deeds, but many have also refused to fight too. Many civilians have taken to the streets in protest and have been arrested for it. Putin had to ban facebook in an effort to stop domestic dissent. I don't wish ill on any of those people. They're now in just as shitty of a situation as Ukraine is. Their money's worthless. starvation is coming. They can't protest without being shipped off to a camp god knows where, for god knows how long (maybe permanently), and they have limited options to run, as much of the world's banned Russian travel now. Putin should very well be lynched, but I wouldn't extend that to the entirety of their populace.

Many of them hate this war. And those that do are heartbroken at watching their country go down the toilet after it actually made some progress over the last decade. The ones that got out. Don't know when they'll be able to go back if ever and don't know what's going to happen to their families that didn't get out.

Obviously this is nothing compared to what the Ukrainians are going through.

The average Russian person is suffering already and it's only going to get worse.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not arguing against the sanctions. This is 100% Putin's fault and nobody else's.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:26:29 AM EDT
[Last Edit: racer765] [#11]
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Originally Posted By Cav-Gunner:

Might as well,. Slow Joe wouldn't stop them + they hold enough US $$$'s to manipulate and cripple our economy at any time they choose.
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Originally Posted By Cav-Gunner:
Originally Posted By stone-age:
Originally Posted By SheltiePimp:

China is getting ready to go to war over Taiwan. They are preparing.

Might as well,. Slow Joe wouldn't stop them + they hold enough US $$$'s to manipulate and cripple our economy at any time they choose.

and sniff's woke secdef is getting a $715 billion funding request next year, up from $703 billion last year.  

they are probably watching vlad's folly and realizing their crappy aircraft carrier they bought from vlad with crappy aircraft they bought from vlad and all the crappy aircraft they derived from vlad's crappy aircraft are not going to be able to take Taiwan.  might be starting to realize that a conscript army might not be a good idea and might be figuring that to pay a professional volunteer army is very very expensive if you want one big enough to take an island defended with really motivated well equipped people backed by the US Navy.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:26:36 AM EDT
[Last Edit: jal777] [#12]
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Originally Posted By thesilvercord:
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As much as I want RU to fail rubio seems far fetched on this one, if anything they will ramp up attacks/pressure.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:27:04 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By mancow:

Absolutely, but the scale has to land somewehere. They bought it. They own it.
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Originally Posted By mancow:
Originally Posted By odiedodi:
Originally Posted By mancow:
Huh, I want to see Russia ground to a paste then reconstitutied to something palatable. But hey, you do you.
Many of them don't want to fight this war either. Some truly wicked ones have committed atrocities already, and should be judged according to their deeds, but many have also refused to fight too. Many civilians have taken to the streets in protest and have been arrested for it. Putin had to ban facebook in an effort to stop domestic dissent. I don't wish ill on any of those people. They're now in just as shitty of a situation as Ukraine is. Their money's worthless. starvation is coming. They can't protest without being shipped off to a camp god knows where, for god knows how long (maybe permanently), and they have limited options to run, as much of the world's banned Russian travel now. Putin should very well be lynched, but I wouldn't extend that to the entirety of their populace.

Absolutely, but the scale has to land somewehere. They bought it. They own it.

They bought it how by being born there?

Yeah it has to land somewhere but most of these people didn't want or ask for this war any more than anyone else.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:27:50 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By DetroitSounds:
Watch TV news - Check

Believe what you're seeing on TV - Check

Regurgitate what the TV tells you - Check

Form opinions solely based on what the TV tells you - Check

Waste hours on end discussing what the TV has conditioned you to discuss - Check

Russia bad, America good - Check

Have no semblance of critical thinking, intuition or actual knowledge of events you saw on TV - Check.

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I have not watched TV news or on air programing one bit during this conflict.  I certainly don't need it to tell me Putin and Russia is bad. Gtfo with your bullshit.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:29:02 AM EDT
Hypothetically, If the mad man loses it, will the East coast or West coast get hit first?
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:29:24 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By cpermd:
"Whatever it is, it was not for the better"

For whom for the dense among us?
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They possibly suffered a big defeat or logistics and supply lines were cut. Ukrainian special forces are operating in small units with drones and attacking at night and according to reports on twitter they have been extremely effective. One unit has killed 60 Russians for 2 kias, but we have to take all that with a huge grain of salt.

There is so much bullshit and misinformation on both sides, and fake news, fake video, and fake everything it's very hard to really know what is going on.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:29:43 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FrankyRay:

So, yeah... Russia is becoming North-North Korea.
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Originally Posted By FrankyRay:
Originally Posted By stone-age:
"Fighting back in the information war, Russia's parliament passed a law on Friday imposing a prison term of up to 15 years for spreading intentionally "fake" news about the military.

"This law will force punishment - and very tough punishment - on those who lied and made statements which discredited our armed forces," said Vyacheslav Volodin, the chairman of the Duma, Russia's lower house of parliament."


So, yeah... Russia is becoming North-North Korea.

I wonder if they can pull that off.

NK is pretty small, it's well secured, its people haven't ever had technology or free access to information, and they're backed by a large power preserving them as a buffer state.

Russia doesn't have any of those advantages. Trying to Norkify their population at this point might cause some serious -uhm- civil unrest.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:29:50 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SheltiePimp:

Fox News clip. Many will disagree with his statements.
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Where does Faux News find all of these "shit their pants - defeatist" Retired Lt. Colonels?
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:32:54 AM EDT
[Last Edit: elcope] [#19]
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:33:26 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By mancow:
Absolutely, but the scale has to land somewehere. They bought it. They own it.
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Putin's a crypto fascist, or rather I guess at this point an outright one, but he was one prior. Russia never had free and fair elections. By the time this is over, they still probably won't. A coup is likely coming, and it will likely be bankrolled by oligarchs, and they will likely retain power at the end of the day. This is fine for us, but for the average Russian common man, it isn't great. I guess it'd now be a step up from Putin at this point, but it's still not great.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:33:58 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SheltiePimp:

Ambush I posted earlier.
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Videos like this are always interesting to me.

"It's totally OK to show what it's like to be under direct fire, but let's bleep out all the curse words in case the kids are watching"

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:34:47 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By elcope:

And therein lies the difference between Russian (Soviet) logistics doctrine and U.S. (western).

By doctrine, Soviet logistics doctrine is to push forward packages of "expected" logistics. i.e. 3 trucks of fuel, 2 trucks of ammo, 1 truck of rations. (as an example, and whether you need them or not). Western "pull" logistics requires a more up-to-date view of a units logistics situation so that only what is required by the using unit so as to make less stress on the logistics system as a whole and provide a more effective use of your resources.

Also, what is being used can be tailored by logistics units to better anticipate based on that demand further up the supply chain to more quickly adapt to that need.
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So basically they made the maneuver units more flexible but forgot to tell the loggies. Nice work.

If they'd fought this more like they trained to do I think it would have gone a lot better for them...
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:36:35 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By planemaker:

Only because he's completely FOS.
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Originally Posted By planemaker:
Originally Posted By SheltiePimp:

Fox News clip. Many will disagree with his statements.

Only because he's completely FOS.

He's a Colonel. Nobody becomes a Colonel without being really smart.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:37:23 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By HuntingForFun:
Hypothetically, If the mad man loses it, will the East coast or West coast get hit first?
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DC nuke sites mil bases maybe infrastructure and for some added terror ny la...
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:38:52 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SheltiePimp:
Sky News team's harrowing account of their violent ambush in Ukraine this week

Crazy-sounding footage, very lucky no one got injured.
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One of thecreporters got shot...
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:39:00 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By oldbutspry:

He's a Colonel. Nobody becomes a Colonel without being really smart.
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Suckin dick and eating ass isnt smart, Im smart and I dont do any of those things.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:39:52 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cav-Gunner:

Might as well,. Slow Joe wouldn't stop them + they hold enough US $$$'s to manipulate and cripple our economy at any time they choose.
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Originally Posted By Cav-Gunner:
Originally Posted By stone-age:
Originally Posted By SheltiePimp:

China is getting ready to go to war over Taiwan. They are preparing.

Might as well,. Slow Joe wouldn't stop them + they hold enough US $$$'s to manipulate and cripple our economy at any time they choose.

and they won't until they can avoid internal revolution when all their factories selling iPhones and HP and Dell laptops (as well as Apple laptops) to us can survive selling to their internal population instead.  which is not this year.  not sure when it will happen but it will.  oh yeah, and get oil and gas from someone that's not us.  which is what all this is really about I think.

I think vlad wanted to follow through on building pipelines to pooh, pooh wants to stop getting oil from tankers the us navy can stop.  vlad's incompetence here is just slowing down pooh's game.  pooh was probably thinking vlad could pull all this off.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:41:37 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FrankyRay:

So, yeah... Russia is becoming North-North Korea.
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more like North West Korea.  It's worked out ok for the Kim family so far, what's Vlad go to lose?
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:42:19 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By racer765:

and they won't until they can avoid internal revolution when all their factories selling iPhones and HP and Dell laptops (as well as Apple laptops) to us can survive selling to their internal population instead.  which is not this year.  not sure when it will happen but it will.  oh yeah, and get oil and gas from someone that's not us.  which is what all this is really about I think.

I think vlad wanted to follow through on building pipelines to pooh, pooh wants to stop getting oil from tankers the us navy can stop.  vlad's incompetence here is just slowing down pooh's game.  pooh was probably thinking vlad could pull all this off.
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And now pooh is looking at the board to see how this can benefit him now, and in the long run.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:43:06 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By odiedodi:
Many of them don't want to fight this war either. Some truly wicked ones have committed atrocities already, and should be judged according to their deeds, but many have also refused to fight too. Many civilians have taken to the streets in protest and have been arrested for it. Putin had to ban facebook in an effort to stop domestic dissent. I don't wish ill on any of those people. They're now in just as shitty of a situation as Ukraine is. Their money's worthless. starvation is coming. They can't protest without being shipped off to a camp god knows where, for god knows how long (maybe permanently), and they have limited options to run, as much of the world's banned Russian travel now. Putin should very well be lynched, but I wouldn't extend that to the entirety of their populace.
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So the entire world is learning that giving up your guns is a bad idea?  

That would be a positive outcome.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:43:21 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By oldbutspry:

He's a Colonel. Nobody becomes a Colonel without being really smart.
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Originally Posted By oldbutspry:
Originally Posted By planemaker:
Originally Posted By SheltiePimp:

Fox News clip. Many will disagree with his statements.

Only because he's completely FOS.

He's a Colonel. Nobody becomes a Colonel without being really smart.

"Smart" just means that when you screw up, you screw up *really* bad because you are mentally deft enough to trick yourself into believing things that require amazing mental gymanstics.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:43:37 AM EDT
[Last Edit: mancow] [#32]
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Originally Posted By RolandofGilead:

They bought it how by being born there?

Yeah it has to land somewhere but most of these people didn't want or ask for this war any more than anyone else.
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Originally Posted By RolandofGilead:
Originally Posted By mancow:
Originally Posted By odiedodi:
Originally Posted By mancow:
Huh, I want to see Russia ground to a paste then reconstitutied to something palatable. But hey, you do you.
Many of them don't want to fight this war either. Some truly wicked ones have committed atrocities already, and should be judged according to their deeds, but many have also refused to fight too. Many civilians have taken to the streets in protest and have been arrested for it. Putin had to ban facebook in an effort to stop domestic dissent. I don't wish ill on any of those people. They're now in just as shitty of a situation as Ukraine is. Their money's worthless. starvation is coming. They can't protest without being shipped off to a camp god knows where, for god knows how long (maybe permanently), and they have limited options to run, as much of the world's banned Russian travel now. Putin should very well be lynched, but I wouldn't extend that to the entirety of their populace.

Absolutely, but the scale has to land somewehere. They bought it. They own it.

They bought it how by being born there?

Yeah it has to land somewhere but most of these people didn't want or ask for this war any more than anyone else.

It's their nation. If they really wanted this fuck gone they would have risen up. Yea I get it, it's diffcult, if not outright impossible, but they didn't even try. Fuck them. Now their lack of fortitude is manifested in the rest of the world having to take the trash out for them. Time is up, clock ran out, time to pay.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:43:53 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By CyberSEAL:
One of thecreporters got shot...
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2 hit in their vests I think. Fucking lucky.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:44:07 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By oldbutspry:

He's a Colonel. Nobody becomes a Colonel without being really smart.
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Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:44:47 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By oldbutspry:

He's a Colonel. Nobody becomes a Colonel without being really smart.
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You are either a Colonel, or have never been in a room with more than one Colonel.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:45:29 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By HuntingForFun:
Hypothetically, If the mad man loses it, will the East coast or West coast get hit first?
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On the level, I don't think most of the key turners will follow orders. Obviously, it is a valid fear, but they all know what the practical result of their actions would be. This isn't even a new hypothesis, but I think it's even more relevant now in 2022 when Putin doesn't even have that much popular support based on his recent actions. A first strike nuclear scenario relies on you having people dedicated enough to willingly end the world as we know it, based the expectation that your country's resolve and nationalistic pride can overcome the ensuing hardship after the fact.

I doubt Putin's keyturners have that mindset.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:45:46 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Cobradriver] [#37]
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Originally Posted By Cav-Gunner:

Might as well,. Slow Joe wouldn't stop them + they hold enough US $$$'s to manipulate and cripple our economy at any time they choose.
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Originally Posted By Cav-Gunner:
Originally Posted By stone-age:
Originally Posted By SheltiePimp:

China is getting ready to go to war over Taiwan. They are preparing.

Might as well,. Slow Joe wouldn't stop them + they hold enough US $$$'s to manipulate and cripple our economy at any time they choose.

So lets think about this....China holds US Notes/Bonds. They dump them on the open market.
The Fed has previously supported purchases via the primary dealers(aka...printing). So the Fed
has the primary dealers purchase those bonds on the open market with more
printed dollars. What does China gain? Well now they hold a bunch of dollars. They have a choice
now. Purchase dollar denominated assets which will cause some inflation or hold the

One crazy side effect of them selling bonds is it could actually cause the Yuan to
appreciate which crushes their exports...Oh the joy of international currency flows....

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:47:11 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Theodoric:
You are either a Colonel, or have never been in a room with more than one Colonel.
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Originally Posted By Theodoric:
Originally Posted By oldbutspry:

He's a Colonel. Nobody becomes a Colonel without being really smart.
You are either a Colonel, or have never been in a room with more than one Colonel.

Attachment Attached File


Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:48:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By jal777:

As much as I want RU to fail rubio seems far fetched on this one, if anything they will ramp up attacks/pressure.
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Originally Posted By jal777:
Originally Posted By thesilvercord:

As much as I want RU to fail rubio seems far fetched on this one, if anything they will ramp up attacks/pressure.

with what phantom army?  heard today they had 90% committed everything they staged near Ukraine.  

heard last night that trains started moving more vlad henchmen from somewhere near Siberia to somewhere?  3000 miles from Ukraine?  down rail lines?  

you think those trains are going to get anywhere fast?  

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:48:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:49:50 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By stone-age:

And now pooh is looking at the board to see how this can benefit him now, and in the long run.
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Originally Posted By stone-age:
Originally Posted By racer765:

and they won't until they can avoid internal revolution when all their factories selling iPhones and HP and Dell laptops (as well as Apple laptops) to us can survive selling to their internal population instead.  which is not this year.  not sure when it will happen but it will.  oh yeah, and get oil and gas from someone that's not us.  which is what all this is really about I think.

I think vlad wanted to follow through on building pipelines to pooh, pooh wants to stop getting oil from tankers the us navy can stop.  vlad's incompetence here is just slowing down pooh's game.  pooh was probably thinking vlad could pull all this off.

And now pooh is looking at the board to see how this can benefit him now, and in the long run.

Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:51:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:53:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RolandofGilead:

They bought it how by being born there?

Yeah it has to land somewhere but most of these people didn't want or ask for this war any more than anyone else.
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Originally Posted By RolandofGilead:
Originally Posted By mancow:
Originally Posted By odiedodi:
Originally Posted By mancow:
Huh, I want to see Russia ground to a paste then reconstitutied to something palatable. But hey, you do you.
Many of them don't want to fight this war either. Some truly wicked ones have committed atrocities already, and should be judged according to their deeds, but many have also refused to fight too. Many civilians have taken to the streets in protest and have been arrested for it. Putin had to ban facebook in an effort to stop domestic dissent. I don't wish ill on any of those people. They're now in just as shitty of a situation as Ukraine is. Their money's worthless. starvation is coming. They can't protest without being shipped off to a camp god knows where, for god knows how long (maybe permanently), and they have limited options to run, as much of the world's banned Russian travel now. Putin should very well be lynched, but I wouldn't extend that to the entirety of their populace.

Absolutely, but the scale has to land somewehere. They bought it. They own it.

They bought it how by being born there?

Yeah it has to land somewhere but most of these people didn't want or ask for this war any more than anyone else.

at some point even unarmed masses will take back their country because there aren't enough bullets to kill them all and even if there were, there aren't enough of vlad's henchmen to do the deed.  eventually they figure this all out and then Russia might have a chance again.

so given this possibility, the disarmed oppressed masses do actually have a choice in the matter.  we're just helping their decision making.  wouldn't be so aggressive about it if vlad hadn't invaded a nearby country, committed war crimes at every turn, and is currently trying to take control of nuclear power plants for some purpose.  

doing nothing is a choice and you're responsible for your choices.  letting a criminal thug run your country this long didn't have to happen.  deal with it.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:53:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:54:56 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Theodoric:
You are either a Colonel, or have never been in a room with more than one Colonel.
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Originally Posted By Theodoric:
Originally Posted By oldbutspry:

He's a Colonel. Nobody becomes a Colonel without being really smart.
You are either a Colonel, or have never been in a room with more than one Colonel.

99.999% pure sarcasm
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:57:13 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By DetroitSounds:
Watch TV news - Check

Believe what you're seeing on TV - Check

Regurgitate what the TV tells you - Check

Form opinions solely based on what the TV tells you - Check

Waste hours on end discussing what the TV has conditioned you to discuss - Check

Russia bad, America good - Check

Have no semblance of critical thinking, intuition or actual knowledge of events you saw on TV - Check.

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Blatherings of a moron? Check!
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:57:18 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By DetroitSounds:
Watch TV news - Check

Believe what you're seeing on TV - Check

Regurgitate what the TV tells you - Check

Form opinions solely based on what the TV tells you - Check

Waste hours on end discussing what the TV has conditioned you to discuss - Check

Russia bad, America good - Check

Have no semblance of critical thinking, intuition or actual knowledge of events you saw on TV - Check.

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huh? good description of yourself?
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:57:39 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By CenterMass762:

Found the video. Check it out at about 20 seconds in. What a shot!

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Originally Posted By CenterMass762:
Originally Posted By CenterMass762:
Originally Posted By MattyCR:

He talking about a large size soft stick RC airplane.  Would need a decent motor and prop and youd want more than a 1/4lbs of C4 to do anything more than kill a soldier or two.

Id be working on heavy lift octocopters that can drop multiple mortar rounds.

Apparently the Ukranians got pretty good at the dropped mortar thing in the past. I saw a video yesterday of them dropping a mortar on a guy and it landed DIRECTLY on his head. Popped his fuckin head right off.

Found the video. Check it out at about 20 seconds in. What a shot!


Yeah, that looks fake as hell. Even I could whip up something similar looking in Blender in a couple of days. Maybe they have this capability (I hope they do) but that video clip looks like CGI.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 2:59:27 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By elcope:


By doctrine, they have POL pipeline units that by now should have laid 200km of POL pipeline from Belarus that would negate the need for POL truck deliveries of that length.

Zero evidence of that happening so far.

Russian pipeline troops


The pipelines can be used to transport fuel or water.  They have been used extensively in recent years with fighting massive forest fires in Russia and for water distribution in Crimea.  They were also used to transport supplies in response to other natural disasters like 1988 earthquake in Armenia.

With their pipelaying truck they can lay 60-80 km of pipe a day.
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Originally Posted By elcope:
Originally Posted By HIMARS13A:

So basically they made the maneuver units more flexible but forgot to tell the loggies. Nice work.

If they'd fought this more like they trained to do I think it would have gone a lot better for them...


By doctrine, they have POL pipeline units that by now should have laid 200km of POL pipeline from Belarus that would negate the need for POL truck deliveries of that length.

Zero evidence of that happening so far.

Russian pipeline troops


As part of the Armed Forces of Russia, there are Pipeline Troops designed to deploy and operate field main pipelines and supply fuel to troops (forces) through them over long distances in difficult terrain, including high mountains, and in other hard-to-reach places.

The creation of field main pipelines for military purposes was caused by an objective reality, due to scientific and technological progress in military affairs, namely, the massive use of aviation, the powerful energy intensity of ground equipment of the Ground Forces and Navy ships and the increase in their need for fuel, the planning of military operations to a greater depth.

Back in the years of the Great Patriotic War, the beginning of the use of pipeline transport to supply fuel to the troops was laid. Field pipelines have found their application in a number of operations, mainly for transporting fuel through large water barriers (through Lake Ladoga in 1942-1943, through the Danube River in 1944, in the direction of Ploiesti - Reni in 1944, through river Dnieper 1944). For uninterrupted fuel supply to the besieged Leningrad, a unique welded pipeline was laid along the bottom of Lake Ladoga, through which various types of fuel with a total volume of more than 47 thousand tons were sequentially pumped under water for a distance of 27 km.

The generalization of the experience of using pipelines during the Great Patriotic War necessitated the creation of special pipeline military units, and was also used in the development of modern field main pipelines.

In accordance with the directive of the Minister of War of the USSR dated January 14, 1952 (70 years ago), the first separate battalion for pumping fuel through the pipeline was formed.

The pipelines can be used to transport fuel or water.  They have been used extensively in recent years with fighting massive forest fires in Russia and for water distribution in Crimea.  They were also used to transport supplies in response to other natural disasters like 1988 earthquake in Armenia.

With their pipelaying truck they can lay 60-80 km of pipe a day.

But do they have the ground forces to protect the 60-80km of pipeline they're laying each day? Fighting forest fires and providing water distribution isn't the same as sending a convoy into a hostile, well-armed populace. It seems like a poorly baked idea from the start in 2022 from my uneducated seat. It really looks like a well planned disaster in logistics that we'll get to read about in the future.
Link Posted: 3/5/2022 3:01:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By jal777:

As much as I want RU to fail rubio seems far fetched on this one, if anything they will ramp up attacks/pressure.
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Originally Posted By jal777:
Originally Posted By thesilvercord:

As much as I want RU to fail rubio seems far fetched on this one, if anything they will ramp up attacks/pressure.

How is his statement far fetched?

Russia’s already weak currency lost 40% of its value in a week.

Russia’s stock market was closed mid crash on Monday morning and hasn’t re-opened since.

Most of Russia’s international trade has vanished suddenly eliminating a shitload of cash flow and supply of critical goods.

All of those things happening in a week would be an existential crisis for any nation, and that’s before you consider the whole invasion turned catastrophic goat rodeo thing.

Once you consider that a major part of Russia’s military is scattered around Ukraine and bogged down with losses mounting rapidly, the picture gets much worse.
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