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Link Posted: 7/22/2020 9:55:43 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AZNetEng:
Another Soros DA?
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Yeah he is, and he's not very popular with the entirety of the Philly PD for his far left views...which is saying something since the Philly PD brass isn't exactly a conclave of Constitutionalists.

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 9:56:14 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:


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The thing is even if that were real both the spelling and the marksmanship are too good for your typical Chicago gangbangers, those guys typically make Imperial Stormtroopers look like Carlos Hathcock.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 9:59:31 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mike_nds:
Alright, last one for a while.

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Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:00:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By FALFOX:
Guys, I'm calling it.
I have wargamed in my mind every conceivable course of action for federal law enforcement dealing with the insurrection in Portland. If things continue as they are, there will inevitably be a lethal force incident and it will be used against Trump with PROFOUND effect, and build a groundswell for a marxist movement in the united states heretofore undreamt of. The only chance we have is to SURRENDER PORTLAND. Pull out all federal authorities. Let them have this small victory. If we do not do this, this shit is going to go sideways in an unpredictable fashion like none of us have ever seen in our lives, leading to widespread lawlessness around the election nationwide, up to and including martial law, military deployment inside the united states, disruption of good and services, and opportunistic attacks on infrastructure by domestic and foreign terrorists. Hell, this may happen regardless!

I have very little influence on the world other than to make a few of you laugh occasionally. I don't know if anyone in any place of power is reading this thread, but for God's sake, for the sake of the nation, DON'T give them a martyr for their filthy marxist revolution! Portland is NOT worth it!
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I understand where you're coming from but as I'm thinking antifa is dead-set on getting their very own Horst Wessel, even if they have to do a false-flag fratricide hit to get him, or more likely, her. Their desire to have a martyr is apparent and even if the Feds won't play that game, they'll get one.

Where that leaves us, hell if I know.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:05:09 PM EDT
I'm fucking tired of it.
Nothing good will come from this. We are setting up to be balkanized like you read about.

I hope you all have ammo and a team.

The Cranberries - Zombie (Official Music Video)
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:23:41 PM EDT
Salty Cracker is live streaming, his comments are golden.

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:27:00 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Cecenrse] [#7]

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:27:02 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By SurfAnimal:
I'm fucking tired of it.
Nothing good will come from this. We are setting up to be balkanized like you read about.

I hope you all have ammo and a team.

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I always liked that song.

And yeah, plenty of ammo and some people I've known for 20+ years who bring an interesting mix of skills to the table. Not that we ever wanted to wind up in a Mad Max world, but that doesn't mean we haven't been thinking about it (and how to mitigate it) for a long while.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:30:31 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:
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Yeah, "peaceful."

As it's been mentioned I was still up late enough to check out the morning news and while they were showing video of the Feds putting the wood to the commies none of them showed any video of the lead-up to the Feds going hands on and non-lethal hot. So someone who hasn't really been following it could be under the impression that DHS just flipped a switch or something...which is precisely what the media intend for them to think.

The Fourth Estate is actually a Fifth Column.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:33:09 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:37:24 PM EDT
[Last Edit: stoner63a] [#11]
Remember, November 3rd, they don't have to subvert every city to effect the election.

Where are the votes counted?  State Capitols.

And how many of the state capitols even in Right leaning states are administrated by liberal progressives?  At least 40.

These DNC brown shirts can prevent votes getting in or make votes disappear while injecting their own counterfeit ballots.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:37:30 PM EDT
Ooh dey mad

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Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:41:36 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Stillnothere] [#13]
Apparently the mayor of Portland is telling people the federal police might use “live” ammunition on them. This guy is a damn idiot.

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:43:50 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By GreasyEasy:
GOT HIM....enjoy prison motherfucker, especially the white bois

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Gen Pop is gonna love that purty young man tenderly and often I hope.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:49:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:50:19 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Cecenrse] [#16]

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:52:35 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By airmandaniel:
Apparently the mayor of Portland is telling people the federal police might use “live” ammunition on them. This guy is a damn idiot.

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Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:53:45 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By FALFOX:
Guys, I'm calling it.
I have wargamed in my mind every conceivable course of action for federal law enforcement dealing with the insurrection in Portland. If things continue as they are, there will inevitably be a lethal force incident and it will be used against Trump with PROFOUND effect, and build a groundswell for a marxist movement in the united states heretofore undreamt of. The only chance we have is to SURRENDER PORTLAND. Pull out all federal authorities. Let them have this small victory. If we do not do this, this shit is going to go sideways in an unpredictable fashion like none of us have ever seen in our lives, leading to widespread lawlessness around the election nationwide, up to and including martial law, military deployment inside the united states, disruption of good and services, and opportunistic attacks on infrastructure by domestic and foreign terrorists. Hell, this may happen regardless!

I have very little influence on the world other than to make a few of you laugh occasionally. I don't know if anyone in any place of power is reading this thread, but for God's sake, for the sake of the nation, DON'T give them a martyr for their filthy marxist revolution! Portland is NOT worth it!
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You make some good points, but to keep things in perspective, take a look at history.

The Nazi Germany SS formed up in the 20 year span from WWI to WWII. These were the fanatics. They were the elite fighters (waffen SS), death squads and ran the concentration camps. Again, they coalesced in about a 20 year span. Because they were so radicalized, allied troops, after the war, looked for their blood group tattoos, segregated them and machine gunned them. They were beyond rehabilitation, and the allies didn't want to deal with them. The SS LOVED Germany!

Now look at the radicals in this country. They have coalesced over a 50 to 60 year span dating back to the early 60's. You have 2, 3 and 4 generations of them now. And they HATE and despise America. So how do we deal with them? I think you know the answer. And it won't be by giving in to any of their demands. What needs to happen has to happen - unless you are willing to turn your life over to people who are potentially even more radical and fanatical than the Nazi SS. People who will blind you with a laser, burn you alive in a building or kneel on a babies neck are building up to monstrous atrocities. Do you really want to surrender Portland to them? Do you really want to share the USA with them?
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:57:33 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Doodles:

A fence moat with maligators.

That would be epic, murder hole opens, boom fur and fangs.

Then again they are soy bois so, battle bunnies. Run away, run away....

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Originally Posted By Doodles:
Originally Posted By GreasyEasy:
Originally Posted By kbi:

Throw some hyenas or ghetto ass breeds if piece inside the fence

MURDER HOLE DOGGIES...……..stop my penis can only get so erect

A fence moat with maligators.

That would be epic, murder hole opens, boom fur and fangs.

Then again they are soy bois so, battle bunnies. Run away, run away....


I remember a bunny swam out and attacked Jimmy Carter while he was in a boat (canoe?) so maybe they are natural enemies of lefties.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:57:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 10:58:58 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:

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That's a water heater drain pan.

These people are stupid.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:02:23 PM EDT
If you are going to march in protest, fine. Organize, march, demand change, vote for people you think will give you that change. (Newsflash Portland and Seattle retards, you already have them)

If you are going to riot, then riot. Understand the penalty for committing crimes against property and people could lead to injury or death.

Choose wisely.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:09:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:


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I'm ready. Who else?
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:12:39 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Consigli:

You make some good points, but to keep things in perspective, take a look at history.

The Nazi Germany SS formed up in the 20 year span from WWI to WWII. These were the fanatics. They were the elite fighters (waffen SS), death squads and ran the concentration camps. Again, they coalesced in about a 20 year span. Because they were so radicalized, allied troops, after the war, looked for their blood group tattoos, segregated them and machine gunned them. They were beyond rehabilitation, and the allies didn't want to deal with them. The SS LOVED Germany!

Now look at the radicals in this country. They have coalesced over a 50 to 60 year span dating back to the early 60's. You have 2, 3 and 4 generations of them now. And they HATE and despise America. So how do we deal with them? I think you know the answer. And it won't be by giving in to any of their demands. What needs to happen has to happen - unless you are willing to turn your life over to people who are potentially even more radical and fanatical than the Nazi SS. People who will blind you with a laser, burn you alive in a building or kneel on a babies neck are building up to monstrous atrocities. Do you really want to surrender Portland to them? Do you really want to share the USA with them?
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Originally Posted By Consigli:
Originally Posted By FALFOX:
Guys, I'm calling it.
I have wargamed in my mind every conceivable course of action for federal law enforcement dealing with the insurrection in Portland. If things continue as they are, there will inevitably be a lethal force incident and it will be used against Trump with PROFOUND effect, and build a groundswell for a marxist movement in the united states heretofore undreamt of. The only chance we have is to SURRENDER PORTLAND. Pull out all federal authorities. Let them have this small victory. If we do not do this, this shit is going to go sideways in an unpredictable fashion like none of us have ever seen in our lives, leading to widespread lawlessness around the election nationwide, up to and including martial law, military deployment inside the united states, disruption of good and services, and opportunistic attacks on infrastructure by domestic and foreign terrorists. Hell, this may happen regardless!

I have very little influence on the world other than to make a few of you laugh occasionally. I don't know if anyone in any place of power is reading this thread, but for God's sake, for the sake of the nation, DON'T give them a martyr for their filthy marxist revolution! Portland is NOT worth it!

You make some good points, but to keep things in perspective, take a look at history.

The Nazi Germany SS formed up in the 20 year span from WWI to WWII. These were the fanatics. They were the elite fighters (waffen SS), death squads and ran the concentration camps. Again, they coalesced in about a 20 year span. Because they were so radicalized, allied troops, after the war, looked for their blood group tattoos, segregated them and machine gunned them. They were beyond rehabilitation, and the allies didn't want to deal with them. The SS LOVED Germany!

Now look at the radicals in this country. They have coalesced over a 50 to 60 year span dating back to the early 60's. You have 2, 3 and 4 generations of them now. And they HATE and despise America. So how do we deal with them? I think you know the answer. And it won't be by giving in to any of their demands. What needs to happen has to happen - unless you are willing to turn your life over to people who are potentially even more radical and fanatical than the Nazi SS. People who will blind you with a laser, burn you alive in a building or kneel on a babies neck are building up to monstrous atrocities. Do you really want to surrender Portland to them? Do you really want to share the USA with them?


I don't think, "With malice towards none; with charity for all," is going to work this time around.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:15:28 PM EDT
Navy shirt asshat.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:17:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:17:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:18:11 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Consigli:
Now look at the radicals in this country. They have coalesced over a 50 to 60 year span dating back to the early 60's. You have 2, 3 and 4 generations of them now. And they HATE and despise America. So how do we deal with them? I think you know the answer. And it won't be by giving in to any of their demands. What needs to happen has to happen - unless you are willing to turn your life over to people who are potentially even more radical and fanatical than the Nazi SS. People who will blind you with a laser, burn you alive in a building or kneel on a babies neck are building up to monstrous atrocities. Do you really want to surrender Portland to them? Do you really want to share the USA with them?
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I'm not saying give up. I'm saying that this small, tactical retreat from this one city is the best play right now. This civil war is effectively in progress right now, I guess the alternative would be to go loud and stack bodies in the streets, and have Trump declare total martial law and call off the election - but again this would STILL shatter the country. If we want to make a final attempt to preserve the republic as it is now, we can't give them a martyr.

Maybe I'm just a foolish idealist. Maybe it's pointless to fight for the middle, to fight for optics. Maybe the fix is in, and the level of cheating this election will make a Trump win impossible. Maybe we're bound for balkanization regardless (and balkanization is the GOOD scenario). But before the black flag gets finally raised, I want us to have ONE LAST SHOT at returning the nation as a whole to peace and sanity, one last attempt at rejecting communism in one united voice, one more victory to stamp out the woke left and abort this revolution before it begins.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:22:23 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By SurfAnimal:

I'm ready. Who else?
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Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:22:49 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Gopher:
Navy shirt asshat.
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when I saw the video of this that went out, I thought 2 things.... it was a setup, and that he has some kind of bulky armor or something underneath the sweatshirt and his pants

considering how hard he was hit, and the only injury I heard was he had some injury to his hand, which wasn't protected, it seems to be likely
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:29:35 PM EDT
Pushing that line.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:31:03 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FistPeso] [#32]
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Originally Posted By tnriverluver:
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Please clap.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:33:04 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By cm:

when I saw the video of this that went out, I thought 2 things.... it was a setup, and that he has some kind of bulky armor or something underneath the sweatshirt and his pants

considering how hard he was hit, and the only injury I heard was he had some injury to his hand, which wasn't protected, it seems to be likely
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Don't you realize how tough Navy Reservists are?
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:34:29 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FistPeso] [#34]
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Originally Posted By mike_nds:
They are going to do Marxist shit regardless of that. Pulling out will embolden them further.

We need to hold the line in EVERY city.

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I think he will do well if he suppresses this insurrection.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:36:23 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Doodles] [#35]
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:

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Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:38:29 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By FALFOX:

I'm not saying give up. I'm saying that this small, tactical retreat from this one city is the best play right now. This civil war is effectively in progress right now, I guess the alternative would be to go loud and stack bodies in the streets, and have Trump declare total martial law and call off the election - but again this would STILL shatter the country. If we want to make a final attempt to preserve the republic as it is now, we can't give them a martyr.

Maybe I'm just a foolish idealist. Maybe it's pointless to fight for the middle, to fight for optics. Maybe the fix is in, and the level of cheating this election will make a Trump win impossible. Maybe we're bound for balkanization regardless (and balkanization is the GOOD scenario). But before the black flag gets finally raised, I want us to have ONE LAST SHOT at returning the nation as a whole to peace and sanity, one last attempt at rejecting communism in one united voice, one more victory to stamp out the woke left and abort this revolution before it begins.
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Originally Posted By FALFOX:
Originally Posted By Consigli:
Now look at the radicals in this country. They have coalesced over a 50 to 60 year span dating back to the early 60's. You have 2, 3 and 4 generations of them now. And they HATE and despise America. So how do we deal with them? I think you know the answer. And it won't be by giving in to any of their demands. What needs to happen has to happen - unless you are willing to turn your life over to people who are potentially even more radical and fanatical than the Nazi SS. People who will blind you with a laser, burn you alive in a building or kneel on a babies neck are building up to monstrous atrocities. Do you really want to surrender Portland to them? Do you really want to share the USA with them?

I'm not saying give up. I'm saying that this small, tactical retreat from this one city is the best play right now. This civil war is effectively in progress right now, I guess the alternative would be to go loud and stack bodies in the streets, and have Trump declare total martial law and call off the election - but again this would STILL shatter the country. If we want to make a final attempt to preserve the republic as it is now, we can't give them a martyr.

Maybe I'm just a foolish idealist. Maybe it's pointless to fight for the middle, to fight for optics. Maybe the fix is in, and the level of cheating this election will make a Trump win impossible. Maybe we're bound for balkanization regardless (and balkanization is the GOOD scenario). But before the black flag gets finally raised, I want us to have ONE LAST SHOT at returning the nation as a whole to peace and sanity, one last attempt at rejecting communism in one united voice, one more victory to stamp out the woke left and abort this revolution before it begins.

There is nothing wrong with being an idealist. But ever since I saw Pelosi rip up Trumps beautiful SOTU speech, I have become a hard realist. I don't think these people want any sort of compromise. What they want is genocide.

They are terrorists masquerading as USA citizens. They are US citizens only because they were born here and have the papers. They hate America with a fanatical zeal, and behave like enemy combatants, and should be treated as such. There is more of them than any of us every imagined. And there will be no peaceful co-existence with them. Not because we don't want it - they don't want it. Their actions over the last 4 years proves it.

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:41:44 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Maine_11B_to_Nurse:

I remember a bunny swam out and attacked Jimmy Carter while he was in a boat (canoe?) so maybe they are natural enemies of lefties.
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I remember that to now that you mention it.

New elite fighting force for freedom...

Battle Bunnies

I finally found a reason to use that emoji
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:43:46 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:

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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:
Originally Posted By SurfAnimal:

I'm ready. Who else?

If the cops cant stop it, if the feds wont stop it, it wont stop.
Unless WE stop it.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:43:52 PM EDT
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The irony of them rioting over a police action in Minneapolis isn't lost on me.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:44:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:46:42 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By FistPeso:

I think he will so well if he suppresses this insurrection.
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Originally Posted By FistPeso:
Originally Posted By mike_nds:
They are going to do Marxist shit regardless of that. Pulling out will embolden them further.
We need to hold the line in EVERY city.

I think he will so well if he suppresses this insurrection.

Maybe. But the most effective way to squash a riot is with overwhelming force, less lethal, kettling and mass arrests. The feds don't have the means. They're stuck fighting a defensive battle, and the "further emboldening" is already happening - rioter numbers are growing every night, and they have the support of local politicians! This is a no-win scenario.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:51:27 PM EDT
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the replies

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:52:19 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:

This pisses me off and I'm done playing nice, so have at it boys.

Cedar Grove High School
2360 River Road,
Ellenwood, Georgia 30294
Dekalb County, GA

Mr. Clifton Spears
(678) 874-4003 Office
(404) 603-6292 Cell
[email protected]

Ms. Sharon Evans
Assistant Principal
(678) 874-4160
[email protected]

Mr. Overton Wright
Assistant Principal
(678)-874-4016 Office
(678) 206-3565 Cell
[email protected]

Mrs. Thelesia Wright
Assistant Principal
[email protected]


School Board   https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/

Dr. Michael A. Erwin
District 3 School Board Member
[email protected]
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:

This pisses me off and I'm done playing nice, so have at it boys.

Cedar Grove High School
2360 River Road,
Ellenwood, Georgia 30294
Dekalb County, GA

Mr. Clifton Spears
(678) 874-4003 Office
(404) 603-6292 Cell
[email protected]

Ms. Sharon Evans
Assistant Principal
(678) 874-4160
[email protected]

Mr. Overton Wright
Assistant Principal
(678)-874-4016 Office
(678) 206-3565 Cell
[email protected]

Mrs. Thelesia Wright
Assistant Principal
[email protected]


School Board   https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/

Dr. Michael A. Erwin
District 3 School Board Member
[email protected]

And hit. Fuck that POS for such a perverted suggestion.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:53:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:57:28 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By SurfAnimal:

If the cops cant stop it, if the feds wont stop it, it wont stop.
Unless WE stop it.
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Then someone tell the cops and feds to get out of the way! If they would just bow out...
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 11:59:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/23/2020 12:01:03 AM EDT
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The man pointed a replica firearm at LE and he's not dead? So I guess I can glue a blue LED inside the flash hider of my real rifle and be good to go? Unreal.
Link Posted: 7/23/2020 12:02:42 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FCSD2162:

The man pointed a replica firearm at LE and he's not dead? So I guess I can glue a blue LED inside the flash hider of my real rifle and be good to go? Unreal.
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They get away with this then next they'll be putting lasers into the barrels of their "replicas" to make aiming them easier.
Link Posted: 7/23/2020 12:09:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/23/2020 12:14:46 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Fantomas:
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