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Link Posted: 12/23/2020 9:05:08 AM EDT

Today is the big day. Trump has exhausted all the legal means available to him, Donoghue takes office, the electoral votes are due, and tomorrow is the federal holiday Trump assigned through executive order that removes Congressional immunity.

Winning the Election

The election disaster is primarily a political conflict, and it is better resolved by a political warfare solution. It is important to understand that resolving the election fraud is a separate matter from winning the election, but key fraud elements are required to be put in play to win it. This requires political maneuvering and pressure on the DNC leadership structure.

The First Path

The easiest path to victory is to pressure Biden to admit fraud and to have him concede. He is protected from doing this by:

a.- A subverted legal system
b.- The created media illusion
c.- Outright Media censorship
d.- The threat of a civilian confrontation
e.- His electoral votes


The declassification of the Russia Hoax was authorized by executive order and Mr. Cohen Watnick is now heading the commission in charge of that affair. This seems to point to high-profile arrests or to severe blackmail occuring in the Clinton-Podesta-Barry Hussein camp. The most logical thing would be to arrest some or all of the top guys to cause a media disaster.

a.- Their arrest would be technically unrelated to the election, as they have no official influence.
b.- It sends a very compelling message to the entire DNC.
c.- It knocks out their entire leadership structure.
d.- It removes the narrative makers from the equation and puts the media into panic mode.

Arguably, the arrests would be “unrelated” to the election, since Mr. Biden is supposed to be the “the big guy”, he doesn’t take orders from a senior leadership. With their bosses in jail and the threat of further arrests, Biden and the rogue elements in the contested states could be pressured to concede.

The Second Path

Trump can overturn the electors and the results in the contested states by pressuring the Governors, Secretaries of State and the legislatures through blackmail and treason deals. Proving fraud in an actual criminal case would involve a cooperative court, subpoenas for the dominion machines and explaining a highly complex electronic event to a jury, resulting in long a drawn-out drama. Such a case would require a functioning court system, a cooperative FBI and it would be delayed until after the 6th of January. The only other way to compel the rouge actors is with direct blackmail pressure or the threat of military tribunal. The recent release of the Chinese entrapment agent information was a warning to all parties involved. Acting upon this information at a state level is crucial.

The Third Path

This is the hard way, and it requires arranging a repeat of the 1876 election. Trump needs the willing cooperation of the RINO’s in Congress, State legislatures and the subverted actors within the contested states to create a situation that leads to election by the house. The best pressure that can compel all of these actors to get with the program is:

a.- The freezing of funds and asset seizure for high crimes and treason.


b.- Blackmail, with the threat or actual military tribunals for election fraud and other crimes.

To accomplish any type of political action, Trump needs to consolidate the power of the DOJ or the threat of a military tribunal. Donoghue has been running the show since zero hours this morning, and the initial findings of the Radcliffe report are on his desk.

If Trump’s Holiday EO signals anything, it is the suspension of Congressional immunity on the 24th. The goal is to cut deals with the RINOS, the turncoats, and the Democrats. Then quiet conversations are had to motivate these people to get with the program and everyone’s faith in Jesus is restored.  

The Fourth Path

At this stage, the only two avenues to deal with the fraud before January 6th are Military Tribunals or a Congressional Inquiry. Congress is the only power that can issue Subpoenas to seize the Dominion machines and actually host an inquiry before the sixth. They didn’t get their relief bill signed, so there is pressure to reconvene on the 29th. Again, the rebellious elements in Congress have to be brought in line as per the above description, and if Trump has any real dirt on these boys, now is the time to use it. A congressional inquiry would then be established, CSPAN broadcasts the fraud findings and the electoral votes are thrown out or reversed.  


Trump’s revised Pennsylvania Lawsuit has pinned down the Supreme Court, because it’s basically asking them to take a side. The window is shrinking, and after this, things start going kinetic. If they rule against the case, or postpone it, they are looking at treason and a firing squad, if they actually do their job, trump gets Pennsylvania. This isn’t as much a part of the strategy, as it is a message to the court.

The Fuck it We’ll do it live Scenario

If all of the above avenues fail, and an impending loss is on the horizon, then the military has to step in and conduct tribunals. After that it’s walls, rifles, canoed liberals and the fresh smell of spent M855 in the morning.

About Martial Law

Since everyone is calling for Martial Law, and the liberal media has freaked out about the possibility, it is necessary that people understand what a state of Martial Law actually implies, and certain clarifications need to be made.

There is no precise definition for Martial Law in the United States Constitution, and the term does not refer to an existing legal mechanism described in any body of US law. Martial Law is a term in common use that the public and the media use to incorrectly describe different degrees of military intervention. In the Anglo-Saxon Legal Tradition, the concept of Martial Law is rooted in English common law. It does not refer to military law, but to a military action that arises naturally, during the defense of a state when there is “a war within the realm.”

Two theories of martial law exist in Supreme Court decisions. The first definition is rooted to the Petition of Right of 1628, that argues that Common Law does not recognize martial law, as it is not an established mechanism. Martial Law arises as a product of a particular situation, “it being a law of paramount necessity”, and it designates civil courts as the authorities that determine the validity of this necessity. The second theory, describes martial law as a state of military rule that can be constitutionally established by a supreme political authority (Congress or the President) during wartime, as was the case in the Civil War.

State of Exception

Technically, the temporary suspension of constitutional rights and the use of military force to quell a domestic insurrection falls into the definition of a “state of exception”, and this is how legal systems in the rest of the world refer to these events. States of Exception occur when a sovereign suspends civil liberties and uses extraordinary powers to restore order. These powers are taken or given on a temporary and exceptional basis, and they may apply to specific geographic regions or to the entire realm. Certain requirements must be met and military force is usually used to complete a specific purpose. (This concept comes from the German theory of Ausnahmezustand, and yes, it had to be the Germans).

When people use the term “Martial Law” to describe a domestic military intervention, the following concepts are confused, since military intervention can refer to any of the following conditions:

1.- Military Assistance
2.- Military Enforcement
3.- A State of Exception
4.- Temporary Military Rule
5.- A Military Take Over

Military Assistance

Military assistance refers to the use of military forces to assisting a state’s civilian institutions in time of peace. This commonly happens during natural disasters and as the military is simply assisting the existing government and is not administrating, or enforcing state rule, this assistance does not constitute a condition of Martial Law. Individual US States may use their national guard or request military assistance from the federal government, so long as their actions abide by the guarantees set by the Constitution, subject to a review in a federal court. In these instances the military is employed in a supporting role only.


Military Enforcement refers to use of military force to assist law enforcement functions in a time of emergency to restore social order. This just implies that the military is assisting a policing operation under civilian law under the jurisdiction of civilian state authorities. It is not martial law as long as the enforcement operation is conducted under the jurisdiction of the civilian government, and the state does not suspend constitutional guarantees or take on exceptional powers. The US Military may assist state and local law enforcement authorities to restore order in an enforcement capacity, like they did in the LA riots. Properly constituted State governments still hold power, and the military operates under their authority as an extension of police power. If a curfew is enacted, it is done so by the police, and not the military. If someone is arrested, they are transferred to police custody to be tried in a local court. Again, the state must abide by the guarantees set by the Constitution, and these actions are subject to a review in a federal court.

State of Exception

A state of exception implies that a military intervention will be used to restore order during a declared state of emergency, war, or insurrection. The administration activities of the civilian government then are suspended, civil liberties are restricted, and these conditions are applied to a specific area on a temporary basis. This qualifies as martial law under the English common law definition. The US constitution does not make any provision for this legal condition.

Military Rule

Temporary military rule is an entirely different matter. This is when the civilian government in a region is suspended due to war or insurrection and the military administrates and performs government and judicial functions. This is also martial law. This happened in Hawaii in 1942 and throughout the Civil War. It is not a military takeover, as the military is still under the command of the legitimately constituted government, and it is technically operating under a state of exception. This is true martial law.

Military Take over

A military overthrow is when the existing government of a state is removed by its military leadership by a revolution or coup, using military force. The military unseats the legally constituted government and assumes complete control of the state apparatus. This implies the complete suspension of the entire constitutional order. This military government may use “martial law” as a mechanism to govern, but martial law does not describe the overthrow, or the resulting legal condition it creates, which is a completely different animal.


It is important to make the distinctions between these definitions, because if military force is to be used to resolve the existing election controversy, the media will abuse the Term “Martial Law” to no end, and you may have to explain these concepts to the effeminate Democrats who will freak out.  

Military Power

The Founding Fathers had always been very careful in authorizing the use of military power. This is why they divided the powers to wage war between Congress and the President, and they specifically stipulated that the commander in chief must always be a civilian.

After the Revolutionary War, the United States did not enact Martial Law until the War of 1812. Jackson led an army to defend New Orleans against a British invasion, and he used the military to impose Martial Law in the full extent of the English tradition. He censored the press, set up curfews, and detained civilians without charge. Jackson actually arrested a Louisiana Senator. This state of exception continued for two months after the Battle of New Orleans was concluded, and Jackson was eventually taken to the Supreme Court (United States v. Andrew Jackson, 1815) for violating the constitution. He was fined $1000, which were reimbursed to him later with interest.

When civil order cannot be maintained in a time of crisis it can be resolved with the domestic use of military power. There were 68 instances of states of exception throughout US history when this was done, and it always resulted in civil liberties being temporarily suspended. The Constitution does not provide any mechanism to the president to enact these powers and the only provision it does provide, is the suspension of Habeas Corpus. All the other instances of martial law that occurred were during actual wars. These were all challenged in the Supreme Court, and these rulings form the legal basis for its future applications.

One of the things the Supreme Court did rule on in Ex-Parte Milligan, was that a Military Tribunals cannot apply to civilians whilst a civilian court are still operating. Technically it is unconstitutional to do so, and it would be the biggest defense the democrats would cite, to contest a military tribunal.  

The Insurrection act of 1807:

Here is a fun fact: under the Insurrection act, any State in the Union can request federal aid to quell an internal rebellion.

10 U.S. Code § 251 to 254b - Renumbered §§ 240a to 240f] [and] Federal aid for State governments

“Federal aid for State governments Whenever there is an insurrection in any State against its government, the President may, upon the request of its legislature or of its governor if the legislature cannot be convened, call into Federal service such of the militia of the other States, in the number requested by that State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to suppress the insurrection.”

To avoid the negative optics and the full political implications of Trump going “full dictatorship”, this particular legal technicality could influence how military power could be deployed. Since the State Legislatures have the full power to declare an insurrection inside their territory, states have a way to resolve serious unrest, treason, and god forbid, they could use these powers to contest a Biden presidency. Trump could delegate the responsibility to the States and coordinate an overall strategy to quell unrest or to deal with treasonous actors.

Example: If the State of Texas were handed a hit list by the President, Texas could declare war on their resident traitors. Soros judges and dirty democrats get rounded up and tried under Texas law, then they are taken out back and shot. And as doc Holiday would say: “Its legal.”

Any state legislature can call for a military intervention under the Insurrection Act. They can round up their own communists, convene military tribunals and then it’s a matter of setting their electric chairs to well done or extra crispy. Legally, if you want to resolve the election controversy by force, this is a great way to do it and after the Supreme Court debacle, the states are fully justified, and they would relieve the president from the full burden of the dictatorship narrative. The red states could pre-emptively request troops to preserve order and round up BLM/ANTIFA folks in coordination with the Federal Government and deal with the infiltrators in their ranks.

Regarding CA, OR, MI, WA and NY, Trump could throw the insurrection act at them at a federal level.

10 U.S. Code § 252 - Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

Trump can militarize these states quite easily and bring them under federal control. And to deal with the Soros Judges, mayors and particularly Governors Cuomo, Newsom, Brown and co., all he need do is apply the following:

10 U.S. Code § 253 - Interference with State and Federal law

The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—

(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or

(2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.
In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

Here is a fun one:

10 U.S. Code § 254 - Proclamation to disperse

“Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.”

If you see the level of restraint that trump has exerted, it is rooted in the necessity of having to give warnings. This conflict is quiet, because it is being fought behind closed doors in a series of blackmail and political actions.


Things could get visibly kinetic after the 6th of January with possible riot violence by the color revolution lot or by real organic democrat demonstrations. By the 6th, the electoral college debacle will be concluded and a winner will be declared. If we follow their pattern, they would probably build up the violence in the period from New Year to the 6th, culminating in a major event on the 20th, when everything is set to really kick off. From the 20th forward, there is a major possibility of mass rioting at a national scale. Given what is at stake, pre-emptive militarization action could occur any time after January 6th.


The 2018 EO’s do not officially take effect until February 1st, when the Second EO report is due. (45 days after the 18th) The period between February and March 1st is when the EO findings are made formal and seizures are enacted (30 days after the Feb 1st report). These orders have global consequences and we may see US action abroad. This also points to a non-military resolution as the original plan.

When Trump and Flynn refer to “we the people” fighting back, the best interpretation of their statements would be to let the individual states declare a state of internal rebellion and allow them to enact the insurrection act. Interestingly the Texas law suit has drawn the battle lines and if this conflict were to hypothetically escalate to a real civil war, this would be the division between the union and the confederacy. And in the unlikely event that the blue boys retain the loyalty of their guardsmen, it would be an interesting show. Whatever is in the works, it is going to be fucking biblical.

Food For Thought

It is in the best interests of the people who are pushing the United States into a civilian confrontation that they be taken into military custody, because in a real civilian conflict, the population will not be as merciful or forgiving a military court. If they thought doxxing people is bad, they have another thing coming if things were to go kinetic.


No plan survives first contact. And the response that the Subversive Actors are capable of can be overwhelming. Much like conventional warfare, Trump will try to keep the hostilities bellow the confines of an open armed conflict, but if things were to escalate, an armed confrontation with a hostile near-peer nation state is not a distant possibility. Therefore, any pre-emptive action that the United States takes to preserve its sovereignty against domestic actors and civilians, is completely justified.  


Trump has called on patriots to come to DC on the 6th of January. Such an announcement would not be made if the ANTIFA/BLM folks were not neutralized. However, the possibility of a confrontation remains high, because if he wins there will be a lot of pissed off democrats taking to the streets. The dead line for the elector votes is the 23rd. Once those are submitted, the treason is fully consummated and everyone involved is fair game in a military tribunal scenario. Since Congressional immunity has been suspended on the 24th, everything indicates that tomorrow is the day for the actual strike on Congress, and that this is the likely path. The Russia Hoax material has been authorized for declassification, and if any high-profile arrests are to be made to the senior DNC leadership, this would best to have these happen on the same day, so the DNC chain of command would be thrown into panic.
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 9:05:51 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Fantomas:
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Link Posted: 12/23/2020 9:23:42 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By pcsutton:
So when did you guys turn this thread into a music video thread?

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Just in the wee hours. It's the transitional period.
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 9:59:37 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By tads:

Today is the big day. Trump has exhausted all the legal means available to him, Donoghue takes office, the electoral votes are due, and tomorrow is the federal holiday Trump assigned through executive order that removes Congressional immunity.

Winning the Election

The election disaster is primarily a political conflict, and it is better resolved by a political warfare solution. It is important to understand that resolving the election fraud is a separate matter from winning the election, but key fraud elements are required to be put in play to win it. This requires political maneuvering and pressure on the DNC leadership structure.

The First Path

The easiest path to victory is to pressure Biden to admit fraud and to have him concede. He is protected from doing this by:

a.- A subverted legal system
b.- The created media illusion
c.- Outright Media censorship
d.- The threat of a civilian confrontation
e.- His electoral votes


The declassification of the Russia Hoax was authorized by executive order and Mr. Cohen Watnick is now heading the commission in charge of that affair. This seems to point to high-profile arrests or to severe blackmail occuring in the Clinton-Podesta-Barry Hussein camp. The most logical thing would be to arrest some or all of the top guys to cause a media disaster.

a.- Their arrest would be technically unrelated to the election, as they have no official influence.
b.- It sends a very compelling message to the entire DNC.
c.- It knocks out their entire leadership structure.
d.- It removes the narrative makers from the equation and puts the media into panic mode.

Arguably, the arrests would be “unrelated” to the election, since Mr. Biden is supposed to be the “the big guy”, he doesn’t take orders from a senior leadership. With their bosses in jail and the threat of further arrests, Biden and the rogue elements in the contested states could be pressured to concede.

The Second Path

Trump can overturn the electors and the results in the contested states by pressuring the Governors, Secretaries of State and the legislatures through blackmail and treason deals. Proving fraud in an actual criminal case would involve a cooperative court, subpoenas for the dominion machines and explaining a highly complex electronic event to a jury, resulting in long a drawn-out drama. Such a case would require a functioning court system, a cooperative FBI and it would be delayed until after the 6th of January. The only other way to compel the rouge actors is with direct blackmail pressure or the threat of military tribunal. The recent release of the Chinese entrapment agent information was a warning to all parties involved. Acting upon this information at a state level is crucial.

The Third Path

This is the hard way, and it requires arranging a repeat of the 1876 election. Trump needs the willing cooperation of the RINO’s in Congress, State legislatures and the subverted actors within the contested states to create a situation that leads to election by the house. The best pressure that can compel all of these actors to get with the program is:

a.- The freezing of funds and asset seizure for high crimes and treason.


b.- Blackmail, with the threat or actual military tribunals for election fraud and other crimes.

To accomplish any type of political action, Trump needs to consolidate the power of the DOJ or the threat of a military tribunal. Donoghue has been running the show since zero hours this morning, and the initial findings of the Radcliffe report are on his desk.

If Trump’s Holiday EO signals anything, it is the suspension of Congressional immunity on the 24th. The goal is to cut deals with the RINOS, the turncoats, and the Democrats. Then quiet conversations are had to motivate these people to get with the program and everyone’s faith in Jesus is restored.  

The Fourth Path

At this stage, the only two avenues to deal with the fraud before January 6th are Military Tribunals or a Congressional Inquiry. Congress is the only power that can issue Subpoenas to seize the Dominion machines and actually host an inquiry before the sixth. They didn’t get their relief bill signed, so there is pressure to reconvene on the 29th. Again, the rebellious elements in Congress have to be brought in line as per the above description, and if Trump has any real dirt on these boys, now is the time to use it. A congressional inquiry would then be established, CSPAN broadcasts the fraud findings and the electoral votes are thrown out or reversed.  


Trump’s revised Pennsylvania Lawsuit has pinned down the Supreme Court, because it’s basically asking them to take a side. The window is shrinking, and after this, things start going kinetic. If they rule against the case, or postpone it, they are looking at treason and a firing squad, if they actually do their job, trump gets Pennsylvania. This isn’t as much a part of the strategy, as it is a message to the court.

The Fuck it We’ll do it live Scenario

If all of the above avenues fail, and an impending loss is on the horizon, then the military has to step in and conduct tribunals. After that it’s walls, rifles, canoed liberals and the fresh smell of spent M855 in the morning.

About Martial Law

Since everyone is calling for Martial Law, and the liberal media has freaked out about the possibility, it is necessary that people understand what a state of Martial Law actually implies, and certain clarifications need to be made.

There is no precise definition for Martial Law in the United States Constitution, and the term does not refer to an existing legal mechanism described in any body of US law. Martial Law is a term in common use that the public and the media use to incorrectly describe different degrees of military intervention. In the Anglo-Saxon Legal Tradition, the concept of Martial Law is rooted in English common law. It does not refer to military law, but to a military action that arises naturally, during the defense of a state when there is “a war within the realm.”

Two theories of martial law exist in Supreme Court decisions. The first definition is rooted to the Petition of Right of 1628, that argues that Common Law does not recognize martial law, as it is not an established mechanism. Martial Law arises as a product of a particular situation, “it being a law of paramount necessity”, and it designates civil courts as the authorities that determine the validity of this necessity. The second theory, describes martial law as a state of military rule that can be constitutionally established by a supreme political authority (Congress or the President) during wartime, as was the case in the Civil War.

State of Exception

Technically, the temporary suspension of constitutional rights and the use of military force to quell a domestic insurrection falls into the definition of a “state of exception”, and this is how legal systems in the rest of the world refer to these events. States of Exception occur when a sovereign suspends civil liberties and uses extraordinary powers to restore order. These powers are taken or given on a temporary and exceptional basis, and they may apply to specific geographic regions or to the entire realm. Certain requirements must be met and military force is usually used to complete a specific purpose. (This concept comes from the German theory of Ausnahmezustand, and yes, it had to be the Germans).

When people use the term “Martial Law” to describe a domestic military intervention, the following concepts are confused, since military intervention can refer to any of the following conditions:

1.- Military Assistance
2.- Military Enforcement
3.- A State of Exception
4.- Temporary Military Rule
5.- A Military Take Over

Military Assistance

Military assistance refers to the use of military forces to assisting a state’s civilian institutions in time of peace. This commonly happens during natural disasters and as the military is simply assisting the existing government and is not administrating, or enforcing state rule, this assistance does not constitute a condition of Martial Law. Individual US States may use their national guard or request military assistance from the federal government, so long as their actions abide by the guarantees set by the Constitution, subject to a review in a federal court. In these instances the military is employed in a supporting role only.


Military Enforcement refers to use of military force to assist law enforcement functions in a time of emergency to restore social order. This just implies that the military is assisting a policing operation under civilian law under the jurisdiction of civilian state authorities. It is not martial law as long as the enforcement operation is conducted under the jurisdiction of the civilian government, and the state does not suspend constitutional guarantees or take on exceptional powers. The US Military may assist state and local law enforcement authorities to restore order in an enforcement capacity, like they did in the LA riots. Properly constituted State governments still hold power, and the military operates under their authority as an extension of police power. If a curfew is enacted, it is done so by the police, and not the military. If someone is arrested, they are transferred to police custody to be tried in a local court. Again, the state must abide by the guarantees set by the Constitution, and these actions are subject to a review in a federal court.

State of Exception

A state of exception implies that a military intervention will be used to restore order during a declared state of emergency, war, or insurrection. The administration activities of the civilian government then are suspended, civil liberties are restricted, and these conditions are applied to a specific area on a temporary basis. This qualifies as martial law under the English common law definition. The US constitution does not make any provision for this legal condition.

Military Rule

Temporary military rule is an entirely different matter. This is when the civilian government in a region is suspended due to war or insurrection and the military administrates and performs government and judicial functions. This is also martial law. This happened in Hawaii in 1942 and throughout the Civil War. It is not a military takeover, as the military is still under the command of the legitimately constituted government, and it is technically operating under a state of exception. This is true martial law.

Military Take over

A military overthrow is when the existing government of a state is removed by its military leadership by a revolution or coup, using military force. The military unseats the legally constituted government and assumes complete control of the state apparatus. This implies the complete suspension of the entire constitutional order. This military government may use “martial law” as a mechanism to govern, but martial law does not describe the overthrow, or the resulting legal condition it creates, which is a completely different animal.


It is important to make the distinctions between these definitions, because if military force is to be used to resolve the existing election controversy, the media will abuse the Term “Martial Law” to no end, and you may have to explain these concepts to the effeminate Democrats who will freak out.  

Military Power

The Founding Fathers had always been very careful in authorizing the use of military power. This is why they divided the powers to wage war between Congress and the President, and they specifically stipulated that the commander in chief must always be a civilian.

After the Revolutionary War, the United States did not enact Martial Law until the War of 1812. Jackson led an army to defend New Orleans against a British invasion, and he used the military to impose Martial Law in the full extent of the English tradition. He censored the press, set up curfews, and detained civilians without charge. Jackson actually arrested a Louisiana Senator. This state of exception continued for two months after the Battle of New Orleans was concluded, and Jackson was eventually taken to the Supreme Court (United States v. Andrew Jackson, 1815) for violating the constitution. He was fined $1000, which were reimbursed to him later with interest.

When civil order cannot be maintained in a time of crisis it can be resolved with the domestic use of military power. There were 68 instances of states of exception throughout US history when this was done, and it always resulted in civil liberties being temporarily suspended. The Constitution does not provide any mechanism to the president to enact these powers and the only provision it does provide, is the suspension of Habeas Corpus. All the other instances of martial law that occurred were during actual wars. These were all challenged in the Supreme Court, and these rulings form the legal basis for its future applications.

One of the things the Supreme Court did rule on in Ex-Parte Milligan, was that a Military Tribunals cannot apply to civilians whilst a civilian court are still operating. Technically it is unconstitutional to do so, and it would be the biggest defense the democrats would cite, to contest a military tribunal.  

The Insurrection act of 1807:

Here is a fun fact: under the Insurrection act, any State in the Union can request federal aid to quell an internal rebellion.

10 U.S. Code § 251 to 254b - Renumbered §§ 240a to 240f] [and] Federal aid for State governments

“Federal aid for State governments Whenever there is an insurrection in any State against its government, the President may, upon the request of its legislature or of its governor if the legislature cannot be convened, call into Federal service such of the militia of the other States, in the number requested by that State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to suppress the insurrection.”

To avoid the negative optics and the full political implications of Trump going “full dictatorship”, this particular legal technicality could influence how military power could be deployed. Since the State Legislatures have the full power to declare an insurrection inside their territory, states have a way to resolve serious unrest, treason, and god forbid, they could use these powers to contest a Biden presidency. Trump could delegate the responsibility to the States and coordinate an overall strategy to quell unrest or to deal with treasonous actors.

Example: If the State of Texas were handed a hit list by the President, Texas could declare war on their resident traitors. Soros judges and dirty democrats get rounded up and tried under Texas law, then they are taken out back and shot. And as doc Holiday would say: “Its legal.”

Any state legislature can call for a military intervention under the Insurrection Act. They can round up their own communists, convene military tribunals and then it’s a matter of setting their electric chairs to well done or extra crispy. Legally, if you want to resolve the election controversy by force, this is a great way to do it and after the Supreme Court debacle, the states are fully justified, and they would relieve the president from the full burden of the dictatorship narrative. The red states could pre-emptively request troops to preserve order and round up BLM/ANTIFA folks in coordination with the Federal Government and deal with the infiltrators in their ranks.

Regarding CA, OR, MI, WA and NY, Trump could throw the insurrection act at them at a federal level.

10 U.S. Code § 252 - Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

Trump can militarize these states quite easily and bring them under federal control. And to deal with the Soros Judges, mayors and particularly Governors Cuomo, Newsom, Brown and co., all he need do is apply the following:

10 U.S. Code § 253 - Interference with State and Federal law

The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—

(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or

(2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.
In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

Here is a fun one:

10 U.S. Code § 254 - Proclamation to disperse

“Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.”

If you see the level of restraint that trump has exerted, it is rooted in the necessity of having to give warnings. This conflict is quiet, because it is being fought behind closed doors in a series of blackmail and political actions.


Things could get visibly kinetic after the 6th of January with possible riot violence by the color revolution lot or by real organic democrat demonstrations. By the 6th, the electoral college debacle will be concluded and a winner will be declared. If we follow their pattern, they would probably build up the violence in the period from New Year to the 6th, culminating in a major event on the 20th, when everything is set to really kick off. From the 20th forward, there is a major possibility of mass rioting at a national scale. Given what is at stake, pre-emptive militarization action could occur any time after January 6th.


The 2018 EO’s do not officially take effect until February 1st, when the Second EO report is due. (45 days after the 18th) The period between February and March 1st is when the EO findings are made formal and seizures are enacted (30 days after the Feb 1st report). These orders have global consequences and we may see US action abroad. This also points to a non-military resolution as the original plan.

When Trump and Flynn refer to “we the people” fighting back, the best interpretation of their statements would be to let the individual states declare a state of internal rebellion and allow them to enact the insurrection act. Interestingly the Texas law suit has drawn the battle lines and if this conflict were to hypothetically escalate to a real civil war, this would be the division between the union and the confederacy. And in the unlikely event that the blue boys retain the loyalty of their guardsmen, it would be an interesting show. Whatever is in the works, it is going to be fucking biblical.

Food For Thought

It is in the best interests of the people who are pushing the United States into a civilian confrontation that they be taken into military custody, because in a real civilian conflict, the population will not be as merciful or forgiving a military court. If they thought doxxing people is bad, they have another thing coming if things were to go kinetic.


No plan survives first contact. And the response that the Subversive Actors are capable of can be overwhelming. Much like conventional warfare, Trump will try to keep the hostilities bellow the confines of an open armed conflict, but if things were to escalate, an armed confrontation with a hostile near-peer nation state is not a distant possibility. Therefore, any pre-emptive action that the United States takes to preserve its sovereignty against domestic actors and civilians, is completely justified.  


Trump has called on patriots to come to DC on the 6th of January. Such an announcement would not be made if the ANTIFA/BLM folks were not neutralized. However, the possibility of a confrontation remains high, because if he wins there will be a lot of pissed off democrats taking to the streets. The dead line for the elector votes is the 23rd. Once those are submitted, the treason is fully consummated and everyone involved is fair game in a military tribunal scenario. Since Congressional immunity has been suspended on the 24th, everything indicates that tomorrow is the day for the actual strike on Congress, and that this is the likely path. The Russia Hoax material has been authorized for declassification, and if any high-profile arrests are to be made to the senior DNC leadership, this would best to have these happen on the same day, so the DNC chain of command would be thrown into panic.
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Thank you, as always.

Interesting times.
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 10:03:43 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By tads:

Today is the big day. Trump has exhausted all the legal means available to him, Donoghue takes office, the electoral votes are due, and tomorrow is the federal holiday Trump assigned through executive order that removes Congressional immunity.

Winning the Election

The election disaster is primarily a political conflict, and it is better resolved by a political warfare solution. It is important to understand that resolving the election fraud is a separate matter from winning the election, but key fraud elements are required to be put in play to win it. This requires political maneuvering and pressure on the DNC leadership structure.

The First Path

The easiest path to victory is to pressure Biden to admit fraud and to have him concede. He is protected from doing this by:

a.- A subverted legal system
b.- The created media illusion
c.- Outright Media censorship
d.- The threat of a civilian confrontation
e.- His electoral votes


The declassification of the Russia Hoax was authorized by executive order and Mr. Cohen Watnick is now heading the commission in charge of that affair. This seems to point to high-profile arrests or to severe blackmail occuring in the Clinton-Podesta-Barry Hussein camp. The most logical thing would be to arrest some or all of the top guys to cause a media disaster.

a.- Their arrest would be technically unrelated to the election, as they have no official influence.
b.- It sends a very compelling message to the entire DNC.
c.- It knocks out their entire leadership structure.
d.- It removes the narrative makers from the equation and puts the media into panic mode.

Arguably, the arrests would be “unrelated” to the election, since Mr. Biden is supposed to be the “the big guy”, he doesn’t take orders from a senior leadership. With their bosses in jail and the threat of further arrests, Biden and the rogue elements in the contested states could be pressured to concede.

The Second Path

Trump can overturn the electors and the results in the contested states by pressuring the Governors, Secretaries of State and the legislatures through blackmail and treason deals. Proving fraud in an actual criminal case would involve a cooperative court, subpoenas for the dominion machines and explaining a highly complex electronic event to a jury, resulting in long a drawn-out drama. Such a case would require a functioning court system, a cooperative FBI and it would be delayed until after the 6th of January. The only other way to compel the rouge actors is with direct blackmail pressure or the threat of military tribunal. The recent release of the Chinese entrapment agent information was a warning to all parties involved. Acting upon this information at a state level is crucial.

The Third Path

This is the hard way, and it requires arranging a repeat of the 1876 election. Trump needs the willing cooperation of the RINO’s in Congress, State legislatures and the subverted actors within the contested states to create a situation that leads to election by the house. The best pressure that can compel all of these actors to get with the program is:

a.- The freezing of funds and asset seizure for high crimes and treason.


b.- Blackmail, with the threat or actual military tribunals for election fraud and other crimes.

To accomplish any type of political action, Trump needs to consolidate the power of the DOJ or the threat of a military tribunal. Donoghue has been running the show since zero hours this morning, and the initial findings of the Radcliffe report are on his desk.

If Trump’s Holiday EO signals anything, it is the suspension of Congressional immunity on the 24th. The goal is to cut deals with the RINOS, the turncoats, and the Democrats. Then quiet conversations are had to motivate these people to get with the program and everyone’s faith in Jesus is restored.  

The Fourth Path

At this stage, the only two avenues to deal with the fraud before January 6th are Military Tribunals or a Congressional Inquiry. Congress is the only power that can issue Subpoenas to seize the Dominion machines and actually host an inquiry before the sixth. They didn’t get their relief bill signed, so there is pressure to reconvene on the 29th. Again, the rebellious elements in Congress have to be brought in line as per the above description, and if Trump has any real dirt on these boys, now is the time to use it. A congressional inquiry would then be established, CSPAN broadcasts the fraud findings and the electoral votes are thrown out or reversed.  


Trump’s revised Pennsylvania Lawsuit has pinned down the Supreme Court, because it’s basically asking them to take a side. The window is shrinking, and after this, things start going kinetic. If they rule against the case, or postpone it, they are looking at treason and a firing squad, if they actually do their job, trump gets Pennsylvania. This isn’t as much a part of the strategy, as it is a message to the court.

The Fuck it We’ll do it live Scenario

If all of the above avenues fail, and an impending loss is on the horizon, then the military has to step in and conduct tribunals. After that it’s walls, rifles, canoed liberals and the fresh smell of spent M855 in the morning.

About Martial Law

Since everyone is calling for Martial Law, and the liberal media has freaked out about the possibility, it is necessary that people understand what a state of Martial Law actually implies, and certain clarifications need to be made.

There is no precise definition for Martial Law in the United States Constitution, and the term does not refer to an existing legal mechanism described in any body of US law. Martial Law is a term in common use that the public and the media use to incorrectly describe different degrees of military intervention. In the Anglo-Saxon Legal Tradition, the concept of Martial Law is rooted in English common law. It does not refer to military law, but to a military action that arises naturally, during the defense of a state when there is “a war within the realm.”

Two theories of martial law exist in Supreme Court decisions. The first definition is rooted to the Petition of Right of 1628, that argues that Common Law does not recognize martial law, as it is not an established mechanism. Martial Law arises as a product of a particular situation, “it being a law of paramount necessity”, and it designates civil courts as the authorities that determine the validity of this necessity. The second theory, describes martial law as a state of military rule that can be constitutionally established by a supreme political authority (Congress or the President) during wartime, as was the case in the Civil War.

State of Exception

Technically, the temporary suspension of constitutional rights and the use of military force to quell a domestic insurrection falls into the definition of a “state of exception”, and this is how legal systems in the rest of the world refer to these events. States of Exception occur when a sovereign suspends civil liberties and uses extraordinary powers to restore order. These powers are taken or given on a temporary and exceptional basis, and they may apply to specific geographic regions or to the entire realm. Certain requirements must be met and military force is usually used to complete a specific purpose. (This concept comes from the German theory of Ausnahmezustand, and yes, it had to be the Germans).

When people use the term “Martial Law” to describe a domestic military intervention, the following concepts are confused, since military intervention can refer to any of the following conditions:

1.- Military Assistance
2.- Military Enforcement
3.- A State of Exception
4.- Temporary Military Rule
5.- A Military Take Over

Military Assistance

Military assistance refers to the use of military forces to assisting a state’s civilian institutions in time of peace. This commonly happens during natural disasters and as the military is simply assisting the existing government and is not administrating, or enforcing state rule, this assistance does not constitute a condition of Martial Law. Individual US States may use their national guard or request military assistance from the federal government, so long as their actions abide by the guarantees set by the Constitution, subject to a review in a federal court. In these instances the military is employed in a supporting role only.


Military Enforcement refers to use of military force to assist law enforcement functions in a time of emergency to restore social order. This just implies that the military is assisting a policing operation under civilian law under the jurisdiction of civilian state authorities. It is not martial law as long as the enforcement operation is conducted under the jurisdiction of the civilian government, and the state does not suspend constitutional guarantees or take on exceptional powers. The US Military may assist state and local law enforcement authorities to restore order in an enforcement capacity, like they did in the LA riots. Properly constituted State governments still hold power, and the military operates under their authority as an extension of police power. If a curfew is enacted, it is done so by the police, and not the military. If someone is arrested, they are transferred to police custody to be tried in a local court. Again, the state must abide by the guarantees set by the Constitution, and these actions are subject to a review in a federal court.

State of Exception

A state of exception implies that a military intervention will be used to restore order during a declared state of emergency, war, or insurrection. The administration activities of the civilian government then are suspended, civil liberties are restricted, and these conditions are applied to a specific area on a temporary basis. This qualifies as martial law under the English common law definition. The US constitution does not make any provision for this legal condition.

Military Rule

Temporary military rule is an entirely different matter. This is when the civilian government in a region is suspended due to war or insurrection and the military administrates and performs government and judicial functions. This is also martial law. This happened in Hawaii in 1942 and throughout the Civil War. It is not a military takeover, as the military is still under the command of the legitimately constituted government, and it is technically operating under a state of exception. This is true martial law.

Military Take over

A military overthrow is when the existing government of a state is removed by its military leadership by a revolution or coup, using military force. The military unseats the legally constituted government and assumes complete control of the state apparatus. This implies the complete suspension of the entire constitutional order. This military government may use “martial law” as a mechanism to govern, but martial law does not describe the overthrow, or the resulting legal condition it creates, which is a completely different animal.


It is important to make the distinctions between these definitions, because if military force is to be used to resolve the existing election controversy, the media will abuse the Term “Martial Law” to no end, and you may have to explain these concepts to the effeminate Democrats who will freak out.  

Military Power

The Founding Fathers had always been very careful in authorizing the use of military power. This is why they divided the powers to wage war between Congress and the President, and they specifically stipulated that the commander in chief must always be a civilian.

After the Revolutionary War, the United States did not enact Martial Law until the War of 1812. Jackson led an army to defend New Orleans against a British invasion, and he used the military to impose Martial Law in the full extent of the English tradition. He censored the press, set up curfews, and detained civilians without charge. Jackson actually arrested a Louisiana Senator. This state of exception continued for two months after the Battle of New Orleans was concluded, and Jackson was eventually taken to the Supreme Court (United States v. Andrew Jackson, 1815) for violating the constitution. He was fined $1000, which were reimbursed to him later with interest.

When civil order cannot be maintained in a time of crisis it can be resolved with the domestic use of military power. There were 68 instances of states of exception throughout US history when this was done, and it always resulted in civil liberties being temporarily suspended. The Constitution does not provide any mechanism to the president to enact these powers and the only provision it does provide, is the suspension of Habeas Corpus. All the other instances of martial law that occurred were during actual wars. These were all challenged in the Supreme Court, and these rulings form the legal basis for its future applications.

One of the things the Supreme Court did rule on in Ex-Parte Milligan, was that a Military Tribunals cannot apply to civilians whilst a civilian court are still operating. Technically it is unconstitutional to do so, and it would be the biggest defense the democrats would cite, to contest a military tribunal.  

The Insurrection act of 1807:

Here is a fun fact: under the Insurrection act, any State in the Union can request federal aid to quell an internal rebellion.

10 U.S. Code § 251 to 254b - Renumbered §§ 240a to 240f] [and] Federal aid for State governments

“Federal aid for State governments Whenever there is an insurrection in any State against its government, the President may, upon the request of its legislature or of its governor if the legislature cannot be convened, call into Federal service such of the militia of the other States, in the number requested by that State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to suppress the insurrection.”

To avoid the negative optics and the full political implications of Trump going “full dictatorship”, this particular legal technicality could influence how military power could be deployed. Since the State Legislatures have the full power to declare an insurrection inside their territory, states have a way to resolve serious unrest, treason, and god forbid, they could use these powers to contest a Biden presidency. Trump could delegate the responsibility to the States and coordinate an overall strategy to quell unrest or to deal with treasonous actors.

Example: If the State of Texas were handed a hit list by the President, Texas could declare war on their resident traitors. Soros judges and dirty democrats get rounded up and tried under Texas law, then they are taken out back and shot. And as doc Holiday would say: “Its legal.”

Any state legislature can call for a military intervention under the Insurrection Act. They can round up their own communists, convene military tribunals and then it’s a matter of setting their electric chairs to well done or extra crispy. Legally, if you want to resolve the election controversy by force, this is a great way to do it and after the Supreme Court debacle, the states are fully justified, and they would relieve the president from the full burden of the dictatorship narrative. The red states could pre-emptively request troops to preserve order and round up BLM/ANTIFA folks in coordination with the Federal Government and deal with the infiltrators in their ranks.

Regarding CA, OR, MI, WA and NY, Trump could throw the insurrection act at them at a federal level.

10 U.S. Code § 252 - Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

Trump can militarize these states quite easily and bring them under federal control. And to deal with the Soros Judges, mayors and particularly Governors Cuomo, Newsom, Brown and co., all he need do is apply the following:

10 U.S. Code § 253 - Interference with State and Federal law

The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—

(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or

(2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.
In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

Here is a fun one:

10 U.S. Code § 254 - Proclamation to disperse

“Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.”

If you see the level of restraint that trump has exerted, it is rooted in the necessity of having to give warnings. This conflict is quiet, because it is being fought behind closed doors in a series of blackmail and political actions.


Things could get visibly kinetic after the 6th of January with possible riot violence by the color revolution lot or by real organic democrat demonstrations. By the 6th, the electoral college debacle will be concluded and a winner will be declared. If we follow their pattern, they would probably build up the violence in the period from New Year to the 6th, culminating in a major event on the 20th, when everything is set to really kick off. From the 20th forward, there is a major possibility of mass rioting at a national scale. Given what is at stake, pre-emptive militarization action could occur any time after January 6th.


The 2018 EO’s do not officially take effect until February 1st, when the Second EO report is due. (45 days after the 18th) The period between February and March 1st is when the EO findings are made formal and seizures are enacted (30 days after the Feb 1st report). These orders have global consequences and we may see US action abroad. This also points to a non-military resolution as the original plan.

When Trump and Flynn refer to “we the people” fighting back, the best interpretation of their statements would be to let the individual states declare a state of internal rebellion and allow them to enact the insurrection act. Interestingly the Texas law suit has drawn the battle lines and if this conflict were to hypothetically escalate to a real civil war, this would be the division between the union and the confederacy. And in the unlikely event that the blue boys retain the loyalty of their guardsmen, it would be an interesting show. Whatever is in the works, it is going to be fucking biblical.

Food For Thought

It is in the best interests of the people who are pushing the United States into a civilian confrontation that they be taken into military custody, because in a real civilian conflict, the population will not be as merciful or forgiving a military court. If they thought doxxing people is bad, they have another thing coming if things were to go kinetic.


No plan survives first contact. And the response that the Subversive Actors are capable of can be overwhelming. Much like conventional warfare, Trump will try to keep the hostilities bellow the confines of an open armed conflict, but if things were to escalate, an armed confrontation with a hostile near-peer nation state is not a distant possibility. Therefore, any pre-emptive action that the United States takes to preserve its sovereignty against domestic actors and civilians, is completely justified.  


Trump has called on patriots to come to DC on the 6th of January. Such an announcement would not be made if the ANTIFA/BLM folks were not neutralized. However, the possibility of a confrontation remains high, because if he wins there will be a lot of pissed off democrats taking to the streets. The dead line for the elector votes is the 23rd. Once those are submitted, the treason is fully consummated and everyone involved is fair game in a military tribunal scenario. Since Congressional immunity has been suspended on the 24th, everything indicates that tomorrow is the day for the actual strike on Congress, and that this is the likely path. The Russia Hoax material has been authorized for declassification, and if any high-profile arrests are to be made to the senior DNC leadership, this would best to have these happen on the same day, so the DNC chain of command would be thrown into panic.

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Thanks again

Link Posted: 12/23/2020 10:22:12 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FCSD2162:

Besides, elcope already called dibs, depending on what's left of her allotment.
EDIT: Bad meme too choose, because someone will interpret it as me wanting to fuck all that, instead of fuck all that. Ah, isn't fuck such a useful word?
View Quote

Plenty to go around there.

shit she probably will make you some cookies afterwards and give you a extra box of 9mm
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 10:24:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 10:29:07 AM EDT
????? — ??????? // AIGEL — Tatarin [Official Music Video | English, Russian, Tatar subtitles]
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 10:32:35 AM EDT
[Last Edit: ecgRN] [#9]
??????? - ??????? ?? ?????? (ft. ????) / Zhr video production / ???? clip 2021 2022
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 10:37:14 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Doodles] [#10]
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Originally Posted By pcsutton:
So when did you guys turn this thread into a music video thread?

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It's sorta like in the old days of TV when the main broadcasts ended the local stations would play odd stuff like workout videos.

Link Posted: 12/23/2020 10:38:30 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Mariner82:
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No question about it.

Link Posted: 12/23/2020 10:46:43 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Doodles:

It's sorta like in the old days of TV when the main broadcasts ended the local stations would play odd stuff like workout videos.

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Originally Posted By Doodles:
Originally Posted By pcsutton:
So when did you guys turn this thread into a music video thread?

It's sorta like in the old days of TV when the main broadcasts ended the local stations would play odd stuff like workout videos.

Exactly. It's the infomercial segment of time for this thread.
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 10:53:57 AM EDT
Click To View Spoiler

@tads excellent summary.

Man you must like to write. You're cranking it out.
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 11:26:50 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Scoobysmak:

You realize that dibs were called over 87 pages ago....that was like asking to buy two cases of 9mm at TS USA....
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Originally Posted By Scoobysmak:
Originally Posted By kbi:


shure he's not having a stroke?

dibs on ammo

dibs on the ammo

You realize that dibs were called over 87 pages ago....that was like asking to buy two cases of 9mm at TS USA....


I take the can of beans on the top shelf

everybody kows chili needs beans
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 11:29:17 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:

Too late dude. I called dibs a couple of days ago on everything, including wife, kids, all firearms, ammo, reloading supplies, preps, and that handsome dog Dutch.  Add in the fishing supplies too.  If there's anything left after that, have at it.

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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:
Originally Posted By kbi:


shure he's not having a stroke?

dibs on ammo

dibs on the ammo

Too late dude. I called dibs a couple of days ago on everything, including wife, kids, all firearms, ammo, reloading supplies, preps, and that handsome dog Dutch.  Add in the fishing supplies too.  If there's anything left after that, have at it.


i miss out on all the good shit ( goes to play in busy road again )
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 11:51:00 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By evo7011:

always has been.
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Originally Posted By evo7011:
Originally Posted By kbi:


Riot squad is a retirement community

always has been.


I knew i smelled aspercreame and bengay

So if we up armor those with rascal scooter wopuld that be considered a mechanized division?
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 11:53:19 AM EDT
Awesome information,
Thanks tads
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 11:59:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 12:06:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:

Lots of us take naps. Mine are multiple cat naps, 10 min here or 15 min there kind of naps.  But I'm old and decrepit, therein the reason for my rules of chaos. Wakes me up early.  
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:
Originally Posted By FCSD2162:
Originally Posted By kbi:
Originally Posted By FCSD2162:
Originally Posted By kbi:

I heard if you piss outside in California after 5 on a weekend you get the chair

Originally Posted By kbi:

None now after doodles woke up from his nap and played bingo with her

I thought Cody was the one who took naps, though. You know, because he's old, and eats dinner at 1400.

EDIT: Mine, because of CeCe's Revised Rules of Order.

you know doodles takes naps

just watch his gaps between post

ceces rules of chaos?

Good point.
I think Scoobs takes naps, too.

Lots of us take naps. Mine are multiple cat naps, 10 min here or 15 min there kind of naps.  But I'm old and decrepit, therein the reason for my rules of chaos. Wakes me up early.  

Naps put me in danger

Wether at work or home

I need to stay awake

Hence I just drank this

Link Posted: 12/23/2020 12:16:52 PM EDT
Tads, you are the man. Serious question - What possesses you to write so much? Do you write as a full time job or is this just a hobby/passion?
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 12:22:16 PM EDT
Some people might hate this, but the catturd is right. Ben Shapiro talks to stay relevant. Yes he's smart and yes he can formulate good arguments. But that doesn't make him a solid conservative.
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 12:27:31 PM EDT
[Last Edit: JPN] [#22]
Quick scan of headlines last night, indicated that the story was Trump was calling for higher COVID relief payments for individuals, and democrats were responding that maybe Trump could get the republicans to agree, since the democrats had been arguing for higher payments all along (completely ignoring Trumps call to take the wasteful foreign payments out of the bill).

This morning, it's 'Deadline Looming as Trump throws a wrench into the process'.
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 12:34:47 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 30calTBLkid:

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Originally Posted By 30calTBLkid:
Originally Posted By kbi:
Originally Posted By Scoobysmak:
Originally Posted By kbi:


shure he's not having a stroke?

dibs on ammo

dibs on the ammo

You realize that dibs were called over 87 pages ago....that was like asking to buy two cases of 9mm at TS USA....


I take the can of beans on the top shelf

everybody kows chili needs beans



Yes everyone knows FCSD is le GGGAAAAAAAY
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 12:36:18 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By evo7011:

Fact. And in Ukraine, they had lots of bricks.
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Originally Posted By evo7011:
Originally Posted By 36trap:

I know we've been all about the "hawk" recently but let me tell ya an 8oz ball peen hammer gets shit done, conceals well, and doesn't require much effort to swing it.

Fact. And in Ukraine, they had lots of bricks.

Brick hammers too.
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 12:45:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 12:52:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 12:55:35 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By zach_:

July 4, 197.....? Market Square in Indy. Aerosmith did not play this song. I was pissed off.
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I was at an Aerosmith show, some douche threw a bottle, hit Tyler.  This pre-dates plastic bottles.  Perry walked up to the mic, said "fuck you, Philly"...and they walked off.   The entire spectrum starts chanting, "Who's the dick?   Who's the dick?"   I think they came back out after like half-an-hour.
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 12:57:08 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By pcsutton:
So when did you guys turn this thread into a music video thread?

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music is life.  riot is life.  music is riot.
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 12:57:47 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By flynlr:

Covid is where i discovered mac and cheese is like eating eyeballs if yah cant taste or smell it
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Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:04:28 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Doodles:
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@tads excellent summary.

Man you must like to write. You're cranking it out.
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it's not the writing that blows me away, it's all the connecting-the-dots in the big picture.
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:05:05 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By kbi:
So if we up armor those with rascal scooter wopuld that be considered a mechanized division?
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Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:08:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:12:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:15:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:16:31 PM EDT
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Hookers and guns.
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:16:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:17:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:17:42 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By MRTsHaircut:

Dirty sanchez....
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Originally Posted By MRTsHaircut:
Originally Posted By 36trap:

I know we've been all about the "hawk" recently but let me tell ya an 8oz ball peen hammer gets shit done, conceals well, and doesn't require much effort to swing it.

Dirty sanchez....


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Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:25:18 PM EDT
new gun owner
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Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:29:36 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Scoobysmak:
Well thinking about it I just had an epiphany.  

This is a long shot and I am going to stretch the tinfoil hat to the max.  Based on a few other comments here what if Trump on purposely put "swam creatures" in place once Flynn and company got the fucked up rodeo they were put on.  He then put people that seemed to be on our side in office to see if they were bought out and would only cover for the swamp which they were a part of.  Trump has all the information the whole time and then exposes it, it takes a shit ton of people down.  Not only the ones you expect but the "oh shit di NAZI that coming" people either....

Now back to your regularly scheduled shit posting....
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According to Al Uminium, Pizzagate involved more high chief mucky mucks than a stick could be shook at. If the Grape Sunset Great Reset CHUDs are that prevalent... (and DJT's (aka DJ) sunshine makes this appear so), then yes to taking a shit ton or two of CHUDs down across the globe starting with THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLLLLLD! AMERICA!
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:37:37 PM EDT

what in the fuckin kino?
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:38:30 PM EDT

Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:39:12 PM EDT
From the election thread, needs more eyes on this. Last tweet links to official state website.

Originally Posted By Third_Rail:
Originally Posted By DarkStar:

Full thread at date link:


And nothing will be done.

Here's just a taste:

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Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:39:24 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By EvoXGunner:

What do you mean I don't believe in God, talk to to him everyday!
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Originally Posted By EvoXGunner:
Originally Posted By Atomic_Ferret:
Sounds like Trump is a NO on this.
Good. I was kinda hoping for unfiltered Trump, with the use of "this is bullshit" a time or two.

Anyway, my musical contribution for this evening.


What do you mean I don't believe in God, talk to to him everyday!

If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line, but it better work this time...
Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:42:57 PM EDT
sorry, gals.  avert your eyes.

Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:43:43 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:44:30 PM EDT
Lindsey Stirling - Crystallize (from Home For The Holidays)

Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:45:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Socalmopar:

If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line, but it better work this time...
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Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:48:03 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Scoobysmak:

For the time being a substitute would be Metallica ...the black album....
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Originally Posted By Scoobysmak:
Originally Posted By AZNetEng:
I do need to get a playlist together for when this kicks off.

Maybe Ill just use the one that Jessica Biehl used in Blade 3...

For the time being a substitute would be Metallica ...the black album....

Jesus built my Hotrod.. or Black Sunshine... or Closer

Ministry - Jesus Built My Hotrod (Official Music Video) | Warner Vault

White Zombie - Black Sunshine ft. Iggy Pop

Link Posted: 12/23/2020 1:50:04 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Hollywood_Shooter:

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Originally Posted By Hollywood_Shooter:
Originally Posted By Socalmopar:

If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line, but it better work this time...


Suck! Just got to the part where I'm late! Kudos on your fine choice of literary quotation! Attachment Attached File
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