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Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:38:54 PM EDT
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The kicker is this is not at the federal level. State level activity is plausible to me.
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Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:39:08 PM EDT
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We have everything. Patriots in control. Watch the water.
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I do miss MissleCopterSub tho.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:39:12 PM EDT
OP's post is an eye catching read.

That said, don't believe it's true, don't believe it's false.

It's got extraordinary claims.

Therefore, in order to believe it's true, extraordinary receipts have to be produced, and in a way that ... if it is true ... wouldn't set back any supposed efforts in line with it.

What I would like to know is - why post the OP?

What good does it do to tell us? Sure, we all want to know, that's a given, but at this point, until its "they're in jail with no chance of parole ever and have been for years" ...
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:43:30 PM EDT
3. The above leads to this point: fraud happened in every state. No exceptions. This growing group of legislators already knows, beyond any doubt, that the election was fraudulent. It's old news to them now. Specific races were targeted in every state.
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I could believe this based on my experience in helping Anna Paulina Luna run for Congress against Charlie Crist. Historically, this District is pretty evenly split between D and R votes.  A Republican held the seat for a while until Charlie Crist beat him 4? years ago.

Anna Paulina Luna's campaign had street-corner rallies, MANY signs out for weeks and weeks, lots of energy and positive response.   Charlie Crist had almost no presence until his campaign finally put out a few large signs a week before the election.

He trounced her 2 to 1.  I simply DO NOT see how he beat her, much less defeated her 2 to 1.  So I could believe there was fraud here.

As for "Trump won California!" I'd need to see a lot of strong proof before I could believe that.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:45:53 PM EDT
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I have a hard time believing the rest of California can outvote San Fran, LA, and Silicon Valley.
They are true believers there.
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It's possible the Bernouts and the real Marxist types stayed home because they couldn't bring themselves to vote for a goofy old white guy. Trump supporters came out in droves, though. Also, a lot more Hispanics were voting for Trump than was widely reported. If Trump won CA, it was likely just barely. But, fraud would have been thru the roof out there to get to the vote totals we saw for Pedo Joe and the Hoe.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:46:58 PM EDT
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Edit: The “hopium” others have referred to, and what Q, Powell, Lindell, et al have promised is either an out and out swindle, our carefully calibrated to keep us from doing what we need to do - arming up, training up, meeting up, forming up, and acting like the Ultimate Warrior Caste that White Christian Males always have been. They don’t want us organizing For our own benefit.
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No one is stopping you from doing this as well.

Hell, if you're not doing this anyway, regardless of the outcome in this situation, you're simply preparing to fail.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:47:57 PM EDT
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What we need is another secret group of good guys that have all the Intel and never share it and never do anything with it.

If that's your that shtick, I'll drive to TN and kick your ass.

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I'll cover your expenses.

Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:49:41 PM EDT
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I believe that at this point, if we don't have state power in our corner, then it's not possible to win.

I believe that we need to start talking very seriously about secession. Otherwise we will just be picked off one-by-one.

I understand that my thinking like this and my living in Texas is not a coincidence. Someone living in, say, Illinois or New York probably isn't going to remotely have this on their radar and will think it's a complete pipe dream. I get that.

But there are an awful lot of people in my corner of the country who support it, and that number is getting bigger every day. And it'll keep getting bigger the more draconian things get. There's an organized movement here backing it that's probably bigger than many imagine.

At some point, a critical mass will be reached. I believe that Texas leaving would be a tipping point, and other dominoes would fall as well. And I think that is really the only chance we have at preserving any semblance of individual liberty at this point.
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Finally, someone that gets it! If we want to be free, we'll have to start over with our own country.

I tell you this: if there is a serious effort to start a country based on individual liberty,  I will pack my bags and move there.

If it's Texas, so be it. It won't be the first time Georgia volunteers came to her aid.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:49:51 PM EDT
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I could believe this based on my experience in helping Anna Paulina Luna run for Congress against Charlie Crist. Historically, this District is pretty evenly split between D and R votes.  A Republican held the seat for a while until Charlie Crist beat him 4? years ago.

Anna Paulina Luna's campaign had street-corner rallies, MANY signs out for weeks and weeks, lots of energy and positive response.   Charlie Crist had almost no presence until his campaign finally put out a few large signs a week before the election.

He trounced her 2 to 1.  I simply DO NOT see how he beat her, much less defeated her 2 to 1.  So I could believe there was fraud here.

As for "Trump won California!" I'd need to see a lot of strong proof before I could believe that.
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3. The above leads to this point: fraud happened in every state. No exceptions. This growing group of legislators already knows, beyond any doubt, that the election was fraudulent. It's old news to them now. Specific races were targeted in every state.

I could believe this based on my experience in helping Anna Paulina Luna run for Congress against Charlie Crist. Historically, this District is pretty evenly split between D and R votes.  A Republican held the seat for a while until Charlie Crist beat him 4? years ago.

Anna Paulina Luna's campaign had street-corner rallies, MANY signs out for weeks and weeks, lots of energy and positive response.   Charlie Crist had almost no presence until his campaign finally put out a few large signs a week before the election.

He trounced her 2 to 1.  I simply DO NOT see how he beat her, much less defeated her 2 to 1.  So I could believe there was fraud here.

As for "Trump won California!" I'd need to see a lot of strong proof before I could believe that.

How long has the "margin of fraud" been a known barrier that not-democrat pols have to break through in order to get elected? The difference in 2020 is that the margin was effectively infinite.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:51:33 PM EDT
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I want to believe you, but the absolute statement of #4 on your list would have to be shown to me.

I am a Wisconsin Municipal Clerk, and we use a Dominion voting machine. It is impossible to connect to any outside communications, as our Town Hall is in a cellular dead-zone.

I 100% believe fraud occured, but blanket statements like this make me suspicious of people relaying improperly interpreted information. I believe the most likely method of fraud was through use of central count systems and fraudulent ballots, but I have yet to see evidence that makes me distrust our (my municipality's) results.

Good luck OP!
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Yesterday, I met with three state legislators; one from Kentucky, one from North Dakota, and one from Tennessee. Also present was a legislator on the federal level and a cyber security expert who is directly involved in examining the election. For clarity, I will refer to them herein as the "attendees".

First, the preface info:

I cannot and will not reveal any names. That would get messy fast.

I am just a dirty farmer who looks like a bum these days but I have been fortunate, if that's the correct word, to encounter a wide range of politicians and industry giants throughout the last 25 years or so. The attendees and hundreds like them are meeting & planning regularly now, as schedules and geography permits. In this particular instance, I was merely providing a highly secured meeting place, so by default I was invited.

No NDAs are violated and no information is shared here that I am not supposed to share. I have been debating for a long time whether to even put the words out there but this seems to be the correct timing. Frankly, it's not all secret squirrel stuff but I don't know every single detail and probably never will. I don't think anyone does. If you get angry with me over that, know that I understand and apologize.

Why put it on here? Well, I can't think of anywhere else and I know a few of you IRL, so here we are. Besides, the message will start being put out now by others, as you will see. More on that later.

This is part one. Part two will be about why things are moving faster now, what the actual goals are of "people in power", and more or less where this is headed. You won't like it.

Now on with the show, presented in numerical bullet points.


1. There are hundreds of legislators at the state level, from all over the country, who are organizing, sharing information and very actively fighting to correct the election fraud and our election system. They have been at this for a while but it has continuously gained momentum. You aren't hearing about anything close to the extent of it, but it's happening. A war is going on behind the scenes. There is an army of bad guys on watch for any sign of which direction the good guys are heading, and they rapidly counter-attack those efforts with as much force as they can bring to bear.

2. The opposition from the bad guys is turning up in some unexpected places. For just one example, Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett has asked some of the attendees to stop talking about election fraud. He was very clear (per their account) that he didn't approve and didn't want people claiming there was election fraud. At all. His public statements are designed to give you the opposite impression but he is not among the good guys. This probably sounds familiar to Georgians.

3. The above leads to this point: fraud happened in every state. No exceptions. This growing group of legislators already knows, beyond any doubt, that the election was fraudulent. It's old news to them now. Specific races were targeted in every state. Some were relinquished in the hope it would add plausibility to the results. It is well beyond speculation at this point and deep into factual territory, with mountains of supporting evidence, the majority of which hasn't been heard outside of secured rooms.  

4. Nearly every single voting machine has the same optical scanner and modem. Every scanned ballot on one of these systems goes through GEMS. The GEMS application is owned and controlled by Dominion, so most non-Dominion machines still route every vote through Dominion servers. Some of the other voting machine brands are also owned by Dominion, through an intentionally deceptive web of companies. Tracing that ownership was difficult, since it led back and forth across international borders, looped back on itself a few times, and so on but enough of those traces have been completed to give the overall picture.

5. Dominion was frequently referred to by the attendees as "stage magicians". Diebold was referenced briefly as the same. I could tell this term was familiar and had become part of their regular vernacular in these conversations. When I asked why they were using the term stage magicians, they explained that basically everything the participants in the fraud do is "slight of hand" from the very beginning, designed to obfuscate and allow them to tell lies that are half truths. An example was given: some of the election officials have made statements to cyber security experts that "we have never connected these machines to the internet!"   That's technically true... but in that particular case, the modem connected to the cell tower, which connected to GEMS, which is on the internet. So the machine hasn't been plugged in with a CAT cable by an election worker but it was most certainly connected to the internet because normal operation requires it to make the connection itself. The liars knew this and they were instructed by unknown parties on how to answer questions.

6. Some high profile election officials in another state (i.e, not TN, ND, or KY) are making claims that there is a paper trail that was used in a prior recount. Upon further digging, which was fiercely resisted, it turned out that the paper trail was actually "virtual ballot impressions" or something to that effect - I cannot remember the exact term. When it was finally discovered that they didn't count a single paper ballot, instead just downloading digital vote totals from Dominion for their recount, the response was essentially: "Oh, what we meant by paper ballots was digital ballots that actually aren't ballots at all, just a vote total... how did you not understand that when we said 'actual paper ballots'?" There is not a single news outlet that has covered this, and several of the legislators today have tried to get them to. One of today's attendees told the story of how they physically went to the news station and asked in person for an interview on the subject, only to be blown off.

7. Chinese money is buying politicians, reporters, and key figures in ways that even surprised me. I'm talking very blatant stuff. Let's say a completely fictional (*cough*) state legislator owns part of a company that makes a product sold to the coal and oil industry. A Chinese female walks up to that politician in the middle of a crowded GOP district meeting on an election integrity bill, with over 100 people present and milling about. She loudly tells him, "If you vote against this bill, my employer will order one million dollars worth of your product", and then she abruptly walks away with her little red folder under her arm. China's attitude has changed. They now believe they outright own the United States, which is arguably true.

8. When I asked why people aren't being arrested, I was taken down a long path of Q&A, to help explain it to me. It all started with "Who arrests someone?" but the short version is that judges cannot be relied upon at all now. There are some good guys on the bench but not enough to fight this battle and win. People will probably get arrested but it won't be meaningful in most cases. I knew ahead of time that Abbot does intend to issue arrest warrants, while people were saying 'nothing will happen'. It's more of an effort to preserve the fight and move the ball. The good guys are most likely not going to win in the traditional manner and they know that now. The type of battle fought to-date is more traditional, within the confines of a normal society. As certain realizations have crept in, which are now largely regarded as foregone conclusions, it's looking more like the Battle of Stalingrad. That's metaphorical, for now.

9. Trump won California. If you stop reading here, that's fine.

10. A form of psychological warfare is being used on the ground level participants in the fraud. Positive reinforcement techniques are used to ensure the loyalty of around five hundred election workers across the country. They are being told they are part of something very important, instilling a sense of grandeur and purpose in people who generally lack those attributes. "All you have to do is hold fast and keep your mouth shut because [insert high profile political name here] has got your back, we're all in this to win, and with your help, we will win! By the way, how is your mom? Are you guys getting by ok right now? Do you need any money?"   What they do not know is that they basically have a manager now, who keeps a comprehensive profile on them, on their families, where they go, and what they say. All the time.

11. While the number of state legislators fighting this currently numbers at around 150-250 (estimated), and it's definitely their job before anyone else's, the number of federal Senators and Congressmen who are authentically lifting even a pinky to fight this is 2.

12. Watch and you will notice some of the good guys begin using different, stronger language going forward. There are some realizations setting in on what can and cannot be achieved, or rather how certain goals must be achieved. Just call it my wild assed guess but I think you will soon hear some high-profile politicians switch from "Here's what we are demanding access to (i.e., routers)" to "We will not yield, we know the evil people behind this will try to destroy us, but this will not stand. Do your worst and we will do ours."   Yes, that is paraphrased but it's the general idea and there are some early examples of it already.

13. There were coded ballots. Unfortunately, they were coded by the bad guys to do bad things.

14. I was asked to run for office in TN. This isn't a small thing coming from the person who asked me. In fact, I had to pause a moment because it was a real gut punch. There's roughly a zero-point-zero percent chance of that happening because I am a tainted hellraiser that curses like a sailor with Tourette's, posts crazy shit online, and who thinks politics should be full contact, which is exactly what I told him. With my luck, bullets would fall through a hole in my pocket during session, people would lose their shit, and I would say something stupid like, "Don't worry, that's not even the caliber I'm carrying!". Running for office now is a massive sacrifice unless you're a narcissistic asshole who wants to get rich through corruption, but I could point to three dainty little female legislators from different states who are fighting like... well, what I can only describe as "Warriors of God" on this one, and I have tremendous respect for them. You most likely wouldn't even know their names but their entire life has been set aside to fight this battle. Their families suffer because of it. There is nobility arising from these trials and it's powerful, moving stuff when you get close to it, even for a short while. Heroes are being born.

That's about all I have for part one. Some of it may be knowledge that you already had, conceptually or directly. If you want to ridicule anything herein or just tell me I'm a lying fruitloop, I'm ok with that. Enjoy the opportunity because if you don't like part one, part two is definitely far worse.

I want to believe you, but the absolute statement of #4 on your list would have to be shown to me.

I am a Wisconsin Municipal Clerk, and we use a Dominion voting machine. It is impossible to connect to any outside communications, as our Town Hall is in a cellular dead-zone.

I 100% believe fraud occured, but blanket statements like this make me suspicious of people relaying improperly interpreted information. I believe the most likely method of fraud was through use of central count systems and fraudulent ballots, but I have yet to see evidence that makes me distrust our (my municipality's) results.

Good luck OP!

Unless your Town Hall is a Faraday cage, it's ALWAYS possible to connect to outside communications. It just may be more difficult in your particular circumstance. But, remember that money is no object when trying to steal an election, particularly when the money is coming from a hostile foreign nation.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:52:56 PM EDT
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There is no reason for them not to conduct widespread fraud or whatever the hell they want to anymore. They can do whatever they want and not face any consequences.
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We'll vote them all out in 2022!
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:54:03 PM EDT
safe thread
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:54:05 PM EDT
part 2 when?
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 9:57:42 PM EDT
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@bullyforyou gets it.

To those of you saying or thinking we need a revolution - I have news for you. We just went thru a revolution, and only one side fought.

You're now a counter-revolutionary.
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In cast you have missed it, our military is being taught CRT, and leftist militant groups are free to commit violence with impunity.

The people using "1776 levels" are leftists.

@bullyforyou gets it.

To those of you saying or thinking we need a revolution - I have news for you. We just went thru a revolution, and only one side fought.

You're now a counter-revolutionary.

Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:01:12 PM EDT
In for the thread slide.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:10:27 PM EDT
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that I believe, not so sure about CA
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I believe Trump won Virginia as well.

that I believe, not so sure about CA

I'm also quite certain there has been rampant fraud in Virginia for longer than just the last 4 years.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:16:29 PM EDT
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People really just believe what they want to believe in 2021, huh?

Trump did not win California... You are fucking deluded if you think that. It's flat-Earth tier nonsense.
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There is a 0% chance Trump won California. 0%.

That is pure cope fantasy.

You're deluded

People really just believe what they want to believe in 2021, huh?

Trump did not win California... You are fucking deluded if you think that. It's flat-Earth tier nonsense.

Actually, it's not that far-fetched. The statistics from other blue areas indicated that Xiden underperformed Hitlery in all but the 5 major areas that gave him a supposed "win". Similarly, T$ outperformed his 2016 numbers fairly substantially. If the turnout in the usually blue areas, particularly among young people, was way down (which it appeared to have been) then it's *possible* for Trump to have eked out a win but for the fraud endemic in CA.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:19:19 PM EDT
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California has consistently been one of the most D-leaning states for a long time.

You guys need to talk to people outside of your little echo bubbles. Trump was massively polarizing, and a lot of people straight-up hated him.
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How much time have you spent there? I have 38 years experience that says you are wrong.

California has consistently been one of the most D-leaning states for a long time.

You guys need to talk to people outside of your little echo bubbles. Trump was massively polarizing, and a lot of people straight-up hated him.

Apparently not among Republicans (94% approval rating) or independents (60-70% depending on whose polls you believe). T$ support among Hispanics was MUCH higher in 2020 than in 2016 and somewhat higher among Blacks. The only "polarizing" Trump did was to unmask the America haters in the media, tech, and .gov.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:21:33 PM EDT
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We cant win if we can't properly assess reality.

90% of this thread is Q-tard "trust the plan" "I want to believe" tier cope shit.

If our battle plan is formulated around a reality that doesn't exist we are going to lose again.
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Funny how you seem to be the only one here that is deluded. I think our plan will work just fine without you, thanks.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:22:48 PM EDT
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Are you seriously arguing that people didnt hate Trump?

TDS was everywhere.

He was extremely polarizing
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You are in denial of the obvious.

Are you seriously arguing that people didnt hate Trump?

TDS was everywhere.

He was extremely polarizing

TDS was only in the minds of leftists and America haters. Which one are you?
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:24:57 PM EDT
Late but in
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:27:59 PM EDT
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There is a 0% chance Trump won California. 0%.

That is pure cope fantasy.
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I agree.  There have not been enough people in California who remembered what they did a day ago since the advent of drugs in the early 1970's.  There is no way they would remember who they voted for in the last election.

[EDIT] y si vas a escribir sobre personas en California, debes hacerlo en espaol. Ms gente te entender en espaol.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:29:12 PM EDT
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As much as I enjoyed the SAP threads I really don't think a repeat is wanted by pretty much anyone here.

I say put up or shut up.

If there is proof the poll workers, politicians or others did illegal stuff during the election POST IT ONLINE!!

Create a torrent with all the proof and release it to the world and let the chips fall where they may.

No more "secret plans" "two more weeks" "trust the plan"  NONE OF THAT SHIT!!


I am a believer not that a repeat of 1776 but a repeat of 1789 needs to happen.

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You mean like SoSs, Governors, and judges changing the voting rules in violation of the US Constitution kind of illegal or some other kind of illegal? You mean the pull cases of ballots out from under draped tables and counting them in the middle of the night kind of illegal or some other kind of illegal? You mean like bogus ballots being found that magically elected Al Franken to the Senate illegal or some other kind of illegal?
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:30:25 PM EDT
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I seriously doubt that. This has been in the works for half a century at least and we still have not really started on any of those things. Hell, 2/3rds or more of Americans still have no idea what is happening. As long as Facefuck is online, beer is in the cooler and football is on the boob tube, life is fine. People who I thought were smart and in tune Conservatives are still talking about Trump or some other savior winning in 2024. Normalcy Bias is strong in this land.

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I do not believe that this Globalist/Communist takeover, which is much broader in scope than election fraud, will ever be rectified politically.
It will require fearless Men to physically fight for our Country and Freedom. The longer it takes to kickoff the more prepared the other side will be.
We are heading into a physical fight, it's now just a matter of when.
I have a feeling part 2 will support my opinion.

On the contrary, the longer it takes, the more time we'll have to develop a parallel economy and some semblance of networking, leadership, and logistics to have a fighting chance.

I seriously doubt that. This has been in the works for half a century at least and we still have not really started on any of those things. Hell, 2/3rds or more of Americans still have no idea what is happening. As long as Facefuck is online, beer is in the cooler and football is on the boob tube, life is fine. People who I thought were smart and in tune Conservatives are still talking about Trump or some other savior winning in 2024. Normalcy Bias is strong in this land.


It sure looks an awful lot like to me as well.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:34:29 PM EDT
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We cant win if we can't properly assess reality.

90% of this thread is Q-tard "trust the plan" "I want to believe" tier cope shit.

If our battle plan is formulated around a reality that doesn't exist we are going to lose again.
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Dude, there is exactly two sides to this and you are definitely in the enemy's camp.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:35:20 PM EDT
Is part 2 even coming? The OP (as thought possible a few pages back) may have had a change of heart..

Where are you?

Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:35:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:41:25 PM EDT
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Is part 2 even coming? The OP (as thought possible a few pages back) may have had a change of heart..

Where are you?


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We're getting blue balls waiting
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:42:13 PM EDT
I am guessing there is nothing in part 2 that will surprise me. I've got a pretty good idea just how bad things are. Will there be a part 3 where Military Intelligence jails everyone and saves the Republic?
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:42:36 PM EDT
IN and.  OST
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:49:22 PM EDT
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@bullyforyou gets it.

To those of you saying or thinking we need a revolution - I have news for you. We just went thru a revolution, and only one side fought.

You're now a counter-revolutionary.
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In cast you have missed it, our military is being taught CRT, and leftist militant groups are free to commit violence with impunity.

The people using "1776 levels" are leftists.

@bullyforyou gets it.

To those of you saying or thinking we need a revolution - I have news for you. We just went thru a revolution, and only one side fought.

You're now a counter-revolutionary.

Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:51:05 PM EDT
Safe thread
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:52:39 PM EDT
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California has consistently been one of the most D-leaning states for a long time.

You guys need to talk to people outside of your little echo bubbles. Trump was massively polarizing, and a lot of people straight-up hated him.
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How much time have you spent there? I have 38 years experience that says you are wrong.

California has consistently been one of the most D-leaning states for a long time.

You guys need to talk to people outside of your little echo bubbles. Trump was massively polarizing, and a lot of people straight-up hated him.

So that is why Newsom is up for recall to because he is a Democrat right?

I admit they have a shit ton of Left voters in major cities but have a majority of R voters from the rest of the state.  Territory wise I think 95% of the state is red (pure guess).  CA has almost double the Reps in the House as any other state.  Trump motivated people to the polls like never before because they believed he might have a chance unlike voting for Shitstain or Mittens.  They saw him defeat Killary, they had hope now even though it was a SLAM dunk for her in 2016.  Just go watch the "young retards" video on how that went.

I would not bet my life either way but just saying here is more to it than saying it has been blue for so long it couldn't have gone red.

On that note I am skeptical of anything these days.  It was Q tards spouting stuff that makes people look like idiots so now everything gets questioned.  I am going to sit down and watch what happens in the 4th quarter and see where this is headed before give up my bets a the table.  In the mean time the totalitarian dictatorship wants to FORCE people to do things against their health or will.  Keep your eye on the ball.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:54:41 PM EDT
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I might reup my membership just to tag this one
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Link Posted: 8/11/2021 10:56:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 11:06:50 PM EDT
Oh shit, they got him

Link Posted: 8/11/2021 11:27:59 PM EDT
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Are you seriously arguing that people didnt hate Trump?

TDS was everywhere.

He was extremely polarizing
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You are in denial of the obvious.

Are you seriously arguing that people didnt hate Trump?

TDS was everywhere.

He was extremely polarizing

Let me guess:  You consider CNN a credible source of news and political analyses.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 11:29:15 PM EDT
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Legislation, and legal action isn't going to stop a political party that flaunts the law because there is zero accountability for that political party.

Everyone knows what has to happen to fix this, and it isn't making voter fraud extra illegal.
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I'm in 100% agreement.
Until their are executions, not a single swamp dweller will ever fear consequences.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 11:29:25 PM EDT
I'm some fuck hanging out on my porch smoking cigarettes due to boredom. I'm not special, and not connected socially or professionally. I'm not particularly intelligent, either. I'll place myself as average, and then assume I'm overestimating myself, and choose a peg or two down. I run into people throughout the day that seem dumb as dogshit, and again assume I'm overestimating myself. So I'm not capable of saying whether OP is full of shit. I don't even know the guy.

But I'm bored and have more smokes left, so I suppose I'll read the next part should it pop up. Fuck it.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 11:35:34 PM EDT
OP has RELEASED THE KRAKEN!  Trump will be reinstated as POTUS any day now (probably 2 weeks) and Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer will be hanging from gallows on the lawn of the White House!

Thank you Jesus, we are SAVED!

Link Posted: 8/11/2021 11:44:00 PM EDT
Good read but don’t blame me for being skeptical.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 11:44:27 PM EDT
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That's great information, OP, but anyone who has been paying attention knows every single point you presented. Well, except the California thing. Not that I doubt it, but it's just a huge leap without presenting one piece of evidence.

Here's the real mindfuck, and something many of you need to start, in the very least, considering: Donald Trump is also a piece of shit. He did a lot of good during his term. A lot. He fulfilled many promises he said he would do, which is uber rare in the US. However, it is his fucking fault that these gene therapies were unleashed on the population. (my response to this is in bold)

I don't give a fuck what his reasons were, to be magnanimous, to be the saver of all mankind, whatever, doesn't matter.  The fact remains that he moved all of the red tape, initiated Operation Warp Speed, and allowed Bill fucking Gates to dictate what citizens will have in their bodies.

Oh yeah, let us not forget, Trump should have fired Fraudci onto the White House front fucking lawn on day one, but he didn't.  Shit, he didn't even do it on day 360, which still would have been better than him not canning the little tyrant fuck. In fact, he let that lying, deceitful, big pharma fuck stick, skive his way through the entire last year of his presidency.  

And here we are, still stuck with the dizzy fuck.

And yes, I voted for him, both times, and regret the fuck out of it. The two party system is so beyond broken that there isn't a damn thing anyone can do.  Secret meetings in barns ain't gonna fucking cut it.

Lastly, "nothing will happen."
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This is my opinion about Trump.  He has been the best President in a long time.  He faced more adversity in a year than Xiden will in 4 or even 8 years with Xiden having 87 times as many scandal's in his back pocket.  Trump took bad advice and he put questionable people in high positions (some of which the swamp might not have given him a choice as it would have to pass the Senate).  The Republican party hated him at the start but I think because he helped many get elected later they said fuck it and took all the campaign funds and were happy.  They still don't support him but it kept some of the swamp critters happy.

In my opinion he royally fucked up and didn't do something besides get an "insurrection" held against him Jan 6th.  Then the fiasco of Q, Rudy and crew didn't help any of this.  I think he expected to win, he did the vaccine to get business back to normal. The economy was his baby but I don't think he would have mandated the shot though (I could be wrong).  I also don't believe Trump is the only one that can "Make America Great Again."  The problem is getting a person that can pass the "sniff" test for what is left of the Republican party and get endorsed and highly popular without "mean tweets."  

The other option is fuck the Republican party and make your own, at this point I think it might be feasible but still a long shot.  Many D's think Xiden is a creep.  Many R's have been duped too many times to believe the party has their best interest.  I mean hell look at the 18 fuckwads that voted for this infrastructure bill.  Your going to have to be squeeky clean and give off a personality like I have lived in America and what the Gov has become is a bunch of fucking clowns that never lived a day of a normal person working in America.  I won't pass the sqeeky clean test because I post my opinions here.  Regardless, the Feds have become too big.  They need a significant "trim job."  The states should have more power, if you don't like the state move to a different one.  Its hard for me not to like this country because I put my life on the line for it, I might have to again even though not how I expected.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 11:47:29 PM EDT
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So you write fiction novels?
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I am writing part 2 as fast as possible.

So you write fiction novels?

The irony of your user name.

Link Posted: 8/11/2021 11:49:33 PM EDT
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Is part 2 even coming? The OP (as thought possible a few pages back) may have had a change of heart..

Where are you?


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He posted last night in the AZ thread that this was coming. He delivered. He says there’ll be a part 2…I believe that. High post count long time member. No reason to doubt his honesty at the moment.
Link Posted: 8/11/2021 11:59:12 PM EDT
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Organize? WTF for?

Any bit of organizing will end up with 30% FBI agents and about 60% FBI informants.

Fuck organizing, now having 10,000 lone wolfs with similar goals wreaking havoc now that would be something.
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The left has already organized.

They started organizing for the 2020 overthrow right after Trumps 2016 win. The social media companies started talking to each other, lots of F500 and other international company leadership started talking to each other, and the state and fed swamps started talking and organizing. And you can clearly see that BLM and Antifa out-organized us (and still do).

In contrast, the right's social groups are dismembered and in total disarray, and what's left of it is still foolishly trying to use Facebook, Twitter, and Fox News to get out their messages.

If the only options are we organize first and divine intervention then we have lost.

I don't think organizing first is a per-requisite to change, but I do think that organizing using our own tools and platforms instead of their tools and platforms is definitely a per-requisite.

Organize? WTF for?

Any bit of organizing will end up with 30% FBI agents and about 60% FBI informants.

Fuck organizing, now having 10,000 lone wolfs with similar goals wreaking havoc now that would be something.

Over 90m voted for Trump.  3% of that?
Link Posted: 8/12/2021 12:06:27 AM EDT
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OP has RELEASED THE KRAKEN!  Trump will be reinstated as POTUS any day now (probably 2 weeks) and Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer will be hanging from gallows on the lawn of the White House!

Thank you Jesus, we are SAVED!

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I just want to state this for the record ---- NOTHING ABSOLUTILY NOTHING will put Trump back in office before another election except a physical revolution, which like others have mentioned won't happen unless facefuck, the internet, food, power, and gas get cut off.  The swamp will also not throw each other in the fire, they all have dirt on each other so everyone would burn.  

Personally I would love to see this happen, just one swamp critter get strung up and have to spill the beans.  Then let the shit throwing blow up as the fertilizer pile got too big, I will even bring the diesel fuel and a few other items to help out.  I have more faith in the leaders that were rightly elected this past Nov than 99.87% of all the others there but they still haven't proven they can be above becoming the swamp as well.

Link Posted: 8/12/2021 12:15:32 AM EDT
Yesterday, I met with three state legislators; one from Kentucky, one from North Dakota, and one from Tennessee. Also present was a legislator on the federal level and a cyber security expert who is directly involved in examining the election. For clarity, I will refer to them herein as the "attendees".

First, the preface info:

I cannot and will not reveal any names. That would get messy fast.

I am just a dirty farmer who looks like a bum these days but I have been fortunate, if that's the correct word, to encounter a wide range of politicians and industry giants throughout the last 25 years or so. The attendees and hundreds like them are meeting & planning regularly now, as schedules and geography permits. In this particular instance, I was merely providing a highly secured meeting place, so by default I was invited.

No NDAs are violated and no information is shared here that I am not supposed to share. I have been debating for a long time whether to even put the words out there but this seems to be the correct timing. Frankly, it's not all secret squirrel stuff but I don't know every single detail and probably never will. I don't think anyone does. If you get angry with me over that, know that I understand and apologize.

Why put it on here? Well, I can't think of anywhere else and I know a few of you IRL, so here we are. Besides, the message will start being put out now by others, as you will see. More on that later.

This is part one. Part two will be about why things are moving faster now, what the actual goals are of "people in power", and more or less where this is headed. You won't like it.

Now on with the show, presented in numerical bullet points.


1. There are hundreds of legislators at the state level, from all over the country, who are organizing, sharing information and very actively fighting to correct the election fraud and our election system. They have been at this for a while but it has continuously gained momentum. You aren't hearing about anything close to the extent of it, but it's happening. A war is going on behind the scenes. There is an army of bad guys on watch for any sign of which direction the good guys are heading, and they rapidly counter-attack those efforts with as much force as they can bring to bear.

2. The opposition from the bad guys is turning up in some unexpected places. For just one example, Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett has asked some of the attendees to stop talking about election fraud. He was very clear (per their account) that he didn't approve and didn't want people claiming there was election fraud. At all. His public statements are designed to give you the opposite impression but he is not among the good guys. This probably sounds familiar to Georgians.

3. The above leads to this point: fraud happened in every state. No exceptions. This growing group of legislators already knows, beyond any doubt, that the election was fraudulent. It's old news to them now. Specific races were targeted in every state. Some were relinquished in the hope it would add plausibility to the results. It is well beyond speculation at this point and deep into factual territory, with mountains of supporting evidence, the majority of which hasn't been heard outside of secured rooms.  

4. Nearly every single voting machine has the same optical scanner and modem. Every scanned ballot on one of these systems goes through GEMS. The GEMS application is owned and controlled by Dominion, so most non-Dominion machines still route every vote through Dominion servers. Some of the other voting machine brands are also owned by Dominion, through an intentionally deceptive web of companies. Tracing that ownership was difficult, since it led back and forth across international borders, looped back on itself a few times, and so on but enough of those traces have been completed to give the overall picture.

5. Dominion was frequently referred to by the attendees as "stage magicians". Diebold was referenced briefly as the same. I could tell this term was familiar and had become part of their regular vernacular in these conversations. When I asked why they were using the term stage magicians, they explained that basically everything the participants in the fraud do is "slight of hand" from the very beginning, designed to obfuscate and allow them to tell lies that are half truths. An example was given: some of the election officials have made statements to cyber security experts that "we have never connected these machines to the internet!"   That's technically true... but in that particular case, the modem connected to the cell tower, which connected to GEMS, which is on the internet. So the machine hasn't been plugged in with a CAT cable by an election worker but it was most certainly connected to the internet because normal operation requires it to make the connection itself. The liars knew this and they were instructed by unknown parties on how to answer questions.

6. Some high profile election officials in another state (i.e, not TN, ND, or KY) are making claims that there is a paper trail that was used in a prior recount. Upon further digging, which was fiercely resisted, it turned out that the paper trail was actually "virtual ballot impressions" or something to that effect - I cannot remember the exact term. When it was finally discovered that they didn't count a single paper ballot, instead just downloading digital vote totals from Dominion for their recount, the response was essentially: "Oh, what we meant by paper ballots was digital ballots that actually aren't ballots at all, just a vote total... how did you not understand that when we said 'actual paper ballots'?" There is not a single news outlet that has covered this, and several of the legislators today have tried to get them to. One of today's attendees told the story of how they physically went to the news station and asked in person for an interview on the subject, only to be blown off.

7. Chinese money is buying politicians, reporters, and key figures in ways that even surprised me. I'm talking very blatant stuff. Let's say a completely fictional (*cough*) state legislator owns part of a company that makes a product sold to the coal and oil industry. A Chinese female walks up to that politician in the middle of a crowded GOP district meeting on an election integrity bill, with over 100 people present and milling about. She loudly tells him, "If you vote against this bill, my employer will order one million dollars worth of your product", and then she abruptly walks away with her little red folder under her arm. China's attitude has changed. They now believe they outright own the United States, which is arguably true.

8. When I asked why people aren't being arrested, I was taken down a long path of Q&A, to help explain it to me. It all started with "Who arrests someone?" but the short version is that judges cannot be relied upon at all now. There are some good guys on the bench but not enough to fight this battle and win. People will probably get arrested but it won't be meaningful in most cases. I knew ahead of time that Abbot does intend to issue arrest warrants, while people were saying 'nothing will happen'. It's more of an effort to preserve the fight and move the ball. The good guys are most likely not going to win in the traditional manner and they know that now. The type of battle fought to-date is more traditional, within the confines of a normal society. As certain realizations have crept in, which are now largely regarded as foregone conclusions, it's looking more like the Battle of Stalingrad. That's metaphorical, for now.

9. Trump won California. If you stop reading here, that's fine.

10. A form of psychological warfare is being used on the ground level participants in the fraud. Positive reinforcement techniques are used to ensure the loyalty of around five hundred election workers across the country. They are being told they are part of something very important, instilling a sense of grandeur and purpose in people who generally lack those attributes. "All you have to do is hold fast and keep your mouth shut because [insert high profile political name here] has got your back, we're all in this to win, and with your help, we will win! By the way, how is your mom? Are you guys getting by ok right now? Do you need any money?"   What they do not know is that they basically have a manager now, who keeps a comprehensive profile on them, on their families, where they go, and what they say. All the time.

11. While the number of state legislators fighting this currently numbers at around 150-250 (estimated), and it's definitely their job before anyone else's, the number of federal Senators and Congressmen who are authentically lifting even a pinky to fight this is 2.

12. Watch and you will notice some of the good guys begin using different, stronger language going forward. There are some realizations setting in on what can and cannot be achieved, or rather how certain goals must be achieved. Just call it my wild assed guess but I think you will soon hear some high-profile politicians switch from "Here's what we are demanding access to (i.e., routers)" to "We will not yield, we know the evil people behind this will try to destroy us, but this will not stand. Do your worst and we will do ours."   Yes, that is paraphrased but it's the general idea and there are some early examples of it already.

13. There were coded ballots. Unfortunately, they were coded by the bad guys to do bad things.

14. I was asked to run for office in TN. This isn't a small thing coming from the person who asked me. In fact, I had to pause a moment because it was a real gut punch. There's roughly a zero-point-zero percent chance of that happening because I am a tainted hellraiser that curses like a sailor with Tourette's, posts crazy shit online, and who thinks politics should be full contact, which is exactly what I told him. With my luck, bullets would fall through a hole in my pocket during session, people would lose their shit, and I would say something stupid like, "Don't worry, that's not even the caliber I'm carrying!". Running for office now is a massive sacrifice unless you're a narcissistic asshole who wants to get rich through corruption, but I could point to three dainty little female legislators from different states who are fighting like... well, what I can only describe as "Warriors of God" on this one, and I have tremendous respect for them. You most likely wouldn't even know their names but their entire life has been set aside to fight this battle. Their families suffer because of it. There is nobility arising from these trials and it's powerful, moving stuff when you get close to it, even for a short while. Heroes are being born.

That's about all I have for part one. Some of it may be knowledge that you already had, conceptually or directly. If you want to ridicule anything herein or just tell me I'm a lying fruitloop, I'm ok with that. Enjoy the opportunity because if you don't like part one, part two is definitely far worse.
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Maybe running for office isn't a bad idea.  Just be the asshole you are.  Sometimes that is what is required.
Link Posted: 8/12/2021 12:16:19 AM EDT
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It’s going to end in either everyone joining team democrat, and embracing their shit show, or violence.

No other choices.
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I cannot comply with evil.
Link Posted: 8/12/2021 12:17:12 AM EDT
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Agreed, but people today don't have the stomach for it.
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Maybe.  It's true for most people.  But it was probably true for most people in 1776.
Link Posted: 8/12/2021 12:18:04 AM EDT
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I'm not sure how much attention it got outside of Florida but there were major anomalies here and one country supervise of elections was removed from office.
DeSantis probably won by 3 or 4 time his official margin of victory.
2016 was very much a trial run, and what they learned caused the tactics shift for 2020.
People have allowed themselves to be gaslighted but I save everything.......like the below screen shot from the moment they stopped counting on election night.
It shows Trump over the statistical margin in every contested swing state. The moment they realized the data was trending Trump and was unrecoverable, they stoped and found more votes.
It's not a conspiracy, we all saw it.

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Question: if what this guys says is true, how did trump beat out crooked hillary? Wouldnt they have been doing this then in 2016? (Im not doubting it, just thinking about that...)

I believe they did do it in 2016, but way underestimated how many votes Trump would get.


I'm not sure how much attention it got outside of Florida but there were major anomalies here and one country supervise of elections was removed from office.
DeSantis probably won by 3 or 4 time his official margin of victory.
2016 was very much a trial run, and what they learned caused the tactics shift for 2020.
People have allowed themselves to be gaslighted but I save everything.......like the below screen shot from the moment they stopped counting on election night.
It shows Trump over the statistical margin in every contested swing state. The moment they realized the data was trending Trump and was unrecoverable, they stoped and found more votes.
It's not a conspiracy, we all saw it.



That's why that shrill of a demon whore Hillary conceded immediately.  She cheated and still lost.  They spent four years learning to cheat harder.

That pedophile usurper in office, that criminal trash pit of a decrepit human, is a fraud.
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