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Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:26:35 PM EDT
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Butch & Sundance thought it was a good idea
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Their last meal was a can of sardines, local bread and a bolivian beer.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:27:13 PM EDT
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If you could post your first and second major replies in the riot thread, that would be fantastic as well.

Those are little different, and slightly more concise.
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Ok, thats Response 1

This is 4 generation warfare. Their real goal is ideological subversion and regime change. They also have to protect their clients, i.e. no one is talking about freezing assets or a war with China anymore. The system is in peril, and thats why they reacted like they did.

Our govt ran this shit on us back in Nov. after committing election fraud. we rebelled and these assholes threw rioters into our neighborhoods to attack our homes. These kinetic actions were always amplified with a psyop component in complicit media. They used bots, trolls, twitter feeds, Facebook and edited videos to amplify our racial tensions to turn the passive population against us.

We were subjected to an all out terror campaign. They wanted us to accept illegitimate leadership. Rioters burned down houses belonging to leadership and journalists. Their goal was to set off an all out confrontation between the urban middle classes and the native population in a race war. They wanted us to shit our pants and be willing to give up our basic freedoms, by making things so ugly that we would welcome a military intervention.

The nastiest psyop was on the 9th of Nov. They wanted to cut the flow of anti-government university kids coming to riot to the capital from other cities. At this point we were trying to burn down the presidential palace with our rioters and their rioters were trying to kill us in the street. Our boys bussed in more than 10,000 people to level the odds.

The govt noticed that the most active protesters were girls. So they gave orders to stop a bus load of uni kids from Sucre at a roadblock in Vila Vila, where their supporters dragged all the guys off the bus, beat them to a pulp and raped the girls. They then televised the accounts to discourage kids from bussing it to the capital, since nothing causes terror in women quite like that. We wanted to light them up reaal bad after that, because for the communists, this was just a means to an end.

The real war you are fighting is not on the ground, its the information war being waged to sway the passive population. Thats the one y'all need to focus on. And if things get stupid in your streets, here are some lessons from the Bolivian resistance:

We had no central leadership.
Everyone defended their hoods. We had a sticks and stones ROE because the gov't WANTED us to light up the rioters, since they were looking for an excuse to militarize the city.

We kept them out by setting up road blocks on strategic streets, and bridges. Think of it as medieval warfare with cellphones.

Our Mayor actually sent us dump trucks full of rocks to build barricades and to use as ammo in the skirmishes. You think a pallet of bricks can cause trouble, our kids got a dump truck full of rocks. The Karens at the 29th street bridge freaked out when they saw their rock pile and ordered their husbands to toss it into the river so it would not fall to the enemy. Those dudes were NOT happy about that.

Roadblocks were supported by QRFs, motorcycle cavalry and "the other one" that was straight out of the book of boogalations, so we don't talk about it. Girls and older ladies rang doorbells for bottle and gasoline donations. And if a bunch of women in your hood are making molotov's, its usually an indicator that the big eskimo party is no linger an internet meme.

Comercial dynamite was being used by the miners, (its traditional) partitioned a into 4 parts primed with No.- 8 caps and short fuzes. They'd tape a match, light the fucker and toss them at us or the cops. the shockwave travels at  17,000 fps, and in a suburban street, it scared the crap out of everyone. We had our miners and they had theirs. Few of them lost hands and fingers doing this shit.

The day after the police mutiny, the goblins torched 44 police stations in 12 hrs. Thats when the cops told the civies to pepper their anguses, because they were overwhelmed. They trucked documents out to schools and other locations and got ready to defend the Alamo.

In the end, a crew of spartans with good logistics held off the goblin army. We would have won had the military not stepped in, because these were OUR streets and we were defending OUR homes.

Remember, you have home field advantage. Your opposition does not. All you have to do is fight smart and keep your use of force proportional. Dead guys only create nasty headlines and more rioters. Set up your own ROE's and talk to your cops.

Everyone chipped in with food and donations. Businessmen paid for busses and bought shields for their local roadblock boys. Some old lady came out of her building one day and gave a 3m masks to the kids from her hood, telling them to go to the palace and tear shit up like she did in the 70's.

We had friendlies in the unfriendly neighborhoods that would call us up when the goblins were getting ready to roll. we had motorbike scouts, old couples in tall buildings acting as look outs and good comms network.

But the real war we had to fight was in the media, their most powerful weapon. It's about disinformation, control of the narrative and the spreading fear.

We discredited their shit with our feeds. You need to post pictures, images, memes EVERYTHING, otherwise they run the show. Since they owned the media, we started our OWN media with wattsapp groups and telegram undergrounds.

We had middle schoolers trolling and their trolls. In our videos, and reports the narrator was required to state time, date and place to counter the psyop videos the bad guys were throwing at us.

Everyone from a bunch of eighth graders to little old ladies were part of our boogaloo, and it was glorious. You don't have to physically fight to help. Everyone contributes in the fields they know Its about stopping the fear and panic they want to create. And when people get involved, they don't feel helpless.

Remember, they are not waging a war for hearts and minds. This is a war for short and curlies. They will keep this shit running for weeks until you are mentally exhausted and burnt out. You have to break the cycle, otherwise this entire planet is fucked, because the shining city on the hill cannot fall to the fucking communists.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:27:56 PM EDT
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If you could post your first and second major replies in the riot thread, that would be fantastic as well.

Those are little different, and slightly more concise.
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Thats response 2

When we took to the streets, we had no idea our protest would escalate and lead to an overthrow. This is the danger with mass rioting. Once it takes off, it takes on a life if its own.

When people protest, they have an outlet. They go from losing their minds watching the world burn on tv, to becoming empowered. You go with your buddies and at first you're singing, then you're screaming and all of a sudden you're part of an angry mob destroying shit. You get gassed, people are injured, and you scatter into side streets. You look for your riot buddy and you make sure they're ok.

Then you avoid the undercovers who are taking pictures of the uni kids and you find a secluded place to throw up, because the Brazilian CS you inhaled when your half mask was knocked loose is really nasty stuff. You take the long way home because the fucking CHICOMS "donated" cctv cameras to the communists so they could repress us. Its one hell of a rush and it seduces people, because this common experience gives everyone a sense of belonging. this is why street violence is contagious.

When our protests grew, the govt sent their rioters to fight us. When we didn't back down, they attacked our neighborhoods. They always build up the violence  gradually to "normalize" it. Then they start the psychological shit. They rake you with violence on tv, and social media, repeating their stupid fucking narrative non stop. it's all around you, because everyone you know is under the same pressure, and you can't get away from it, because rioters are breaking shit 8 blocks from your house.

This is Social Terrorism and its goal is to break the will of a population and bring it to submission using fear and blackmail in a "Do what we say, and you wont get hurt." context.

People respond to manufactured fear in different ways. Some join the communists out of Stockholm Syndrome, others keep their heads in the sand. And then you had us, and we said: Fuck you, i wont do what you tell me.

The media tries to instill a sense of helplessness in the population by editing videos to portray small mobs like huge crowds, exaggerating the violence.
The footage of kids with bleeding skulls, coupled with ambulance sirens going by your house will freak everybody out. And since they took away everyones guns, people felt totally powerless.

They seek to create a state of permanent stress to burn you out in a war of emotional attrition. We dealt with it by being proactive and by drinking. its so powerful, that at some point everyone loses their shit.


A buddy went to a bbq and ended up arguing politics with everyone. His business was fucked, and people were breaking shit 3 blocks from his house.

After they lifted the roadblocks, i took him to a strip club that was open during the boogaloo. I needed a fucking drink, because there had been troop movements indicating that the army might be used against us, and if that happened, we were all going to jail.

The strip club was "holy ground" like in Highlander. No one starts shit, if you leave politics at the door. Even the stippers were cool. Some of them were socialists, others were protesting on our side. There were also off duty gov't types hanging out there because, hey, they were stressed out too.

Everyone was merry, but on edge. I was happily tucked away chatting to a pretty Paraguayan girl until my buddy went to the fucking zoo over a watered down drink. He went apeshit on the barman, and then against government. I had to ditch the busty chick to keep him from getting killed, because he was starting to pissing everybody off. I paid the bill, grabbed him and hauled ass.

The psyops are intended to make people snap. After that, some will choose submission, and get brainwashed. Everyone else is so freaked out that they start fighting each other and they cease functioning like a community.

What they don't expect is for you to push back, because nice suburban folks are polite and non violent. their goal is to own the street. So they don't send the cops to the incidents and they let you have at it with their trained riot boys.

They also wear you out with time, because they know you have jobs and businesses which can't hold out forever. And in the middle of this, they keep bombarding you with the psyops.

When shit got really stupid, I ended up in a pickup truck in a QRF. We'd drive around at night, get a call, go pick up some kids with bats and take them over to the neighborhood with the drama to beat the shit out of the badguys.

When they turned up the volume on the kinetic shit and the psyops at the same time, we started getting some really stupid phone calls from distressed housewives everywhere.

This was the moment the entire population hit TOTAL panic, and y'all got to brace your selves for that. This is an emotion you rarely see, unless you're driving around in the middle of the boogadishu and some roadblock kids mistake you for the bad guys and they start throwing rocks at you.

Meanwhile the entire municipal bus depot is on fire, and some assholes are sending a bunch of housewives a video of some masked dudes saying they're coming rape everyone in the middle if the night.
People really freak out because there are no cops on the street and when they look out side, everyones windows are broken and shits burning everywhere and their neighbors are hiding under a bed.

The insane thing about that night was that analyzing the video footage there were no more than 500 guys fucking shit up. But actions were amplified so much by the media that everyone felt it was the apocalypse.

Psyops work really well if there has been a systematic erosion of a populations perception of reality through years of exposure to fake news and disinformation campaigns.

When you cant tell if a news story is real or not, that doubt allows them to distort reality by dictating their narratives. Once they do that, they control what is perceived to be real. It works best on the dumb and the ignorant.

This psychological distress fucked up a lot of people, and when the boogalo was over, there were some crazy stories told at group therapy sessions.

If any of this sound familiar its because your lefties and your passive populations are being pushed towards this kind of a disaster. so im going to end this thing by sharing the Bolivian Boogaloo rules:

Bolivian Boogaloo Rule Number 1

Fight with your head. This is a thinking mans war brought to you by a bunch of fucking shrinks and communists with decades of experience. They have the initiative and they are willing to do really horrible shit.

Wait for them to make a mistake.

The psychological space is where this war is being fought. The kinetic shit that occurs in the meat space is complimentary. They are not capturing infrastructure directly. they are disabling peoples minds so they can take it over with out firing a shot. Thats the basic premise of 4gen warfare.

Bolivian Boogaloo Rule number 2

Don't let this shit get into your head. Go to the strip club. Find ways to keep yourself distracted. Set a calm example for those around you and never lose your sense of humor.

Bolivian Boogaloo Rule Number 3

Don't let this shit affect your kids. and families. Explain everything to the sandwichmaker and the tots. Empower them. Let them contribute and make them feel they are part of the effort.

Bolivian boogaloo rule number 4

Keep your communities together. These assholes want to divide them. A lot of your neighbors will lose their shit. Be patient. Hold town meetings. Get everyone on the same page.

Bolivian Boogaloo rule number 5

This war is being fought with telephones and computers, not with guns. Don't escalate the violence. Memes, posts, trolling, these are the weapons of the day. You need to get the real
story out there.

Bolivian Boogaloo Rule Number 6

Keep your response and ROE proportional to the threat. You have to discourage people from from using guns on these guys. When they keep the cops from doing their jobs, thats means its your first night in fight club and it rarely turns out like you planned.

I met with a dude at a wedding over drinks who took a fucking paintball gun to the 30th street battle. He and 2 buddies got ambushed and chased by 6 dudes with clubs. he ended turning them away with frozen paintballs and held the fort.

Bolivian Boogaloo Rule Number 7

Strip clubs are holy ground during the boogaloo. They must be respected under the rules of the connor mcloud chronicles.

Bolivian boogaloo rule number 8

Three weeks from now, my head will be in the bosom of a nice Paraguayan hooker. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so.

Hold the line!

And if you find yourself alone, riding a unicorn in green fields wearing a hawaian shirt with the sun on your face, and then a voice says: "welcome to the rice fields motherfucker", do not be troubled, because you are now in the big fucking wine mixer in the sky, and you're already dead.

Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:28:38 PM EDT
Sounds like we have some 4GW going on in the states right now. Will be interesting to see how this year will go for the US.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:29:33 PM EDT
I scanned it due to being on my phone.  What I read was good enough to want to go back and carefully read it when on a proper monitor.

Bring on part 2!
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:31:00 PM EDT
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Is this the longest post in arfcom history? It's gotta be in the running, IMO.
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Oh, you guys are in deep shit, there is alot more material and i like to add background.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:31:36 PM EDT
Interesting. In
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:33:50 PM EDT
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Wow, good read. I’ve worked in Buenos Aires for a few years and spent time in other countries in the region - South Americans know how to fucking protest. They hate to work, so I think that drives their protest desire.
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What ever do you mean? the socialists made a profession out of it around here. The going rate is $7.18 per day of protest.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:35:33 PM EDT
Thanks tads for adding the riot replies!

Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:35:47 PM EDT
Awesome thread @tads thank you for the great info
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:36:13 PM EDT
Excellent post. Thank you.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:36:14 PM EDT
Looking forward to part 2!

Edit: looks like my phone didn't load all the posts.

Thanks for putting this out there!
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:36:26 PM EDT
Excellent post. Thank you.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:37:16 PM EDT
Thanks for adding the riot thread replies brother!

The first one is an easier read for the Cliffs Notes crowd
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:38:33 PM EDT
What sort of comms did you use?  Was their any penalty for being found with a radio?  

Funniest moment of the revolution?
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:39:50 PM EDT
That was an amazingly valuable and timely read.

Please post the rest.

And disregard the tldr types.  Lots of people on this board are proud of their limited intellect.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:39:52 PM EDT
Thanks for this and yeah, everyone should sit and read it. It’s not too long to read about how we’re being subverted.  There’s not even NFL to distract now
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:40:56 PM EDT

that was a great read

can't wait for more

thank you
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:41:04 PM EDT
I was hoping you would expand. Thanks and looking forward to more.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:41:13 PM EDT
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Sounds like we have some 4GW going on in the states right now. Will be interesting to see how this year will go for the US.
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Hey, you guys are lucky. We had no idea what this thing was back in 03 and we learned the hard way. The folks in Chile, Nicaragua and Colombia saw this thing and learned the same way we did. The venezuelans were ahead of the curve and  filled everybody in. Y'all got to reach out to those guys. They seen it.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:41:33 PM EDT
Much appreciated.  I did not realize there had been so many changes in government.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:45:25 PM EDT
Your report is from the city-town point of view. How did those in the countryside deal with the situation?
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:45:39 PM EDT
I want part 2.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:52:34 PM EDT
Great info OP. What's the best way to identify and remove the communist players? Top down or bottom up?
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:56:57 PM EDT
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What sort of comms did you use?  Was their any penalty for being found with a radio?  

Funniest moment of the revolution?
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We used normal phones because it was a peaceful prrotest and every day folks went.
Its hard to get normal folks to understand these things because they think your paranoid.

Radios attract the wrong kind of attention in a protest, but we used them in some of the other things.

The bad guys used the taxi radios since all the cabs around here have 2 meter transmiters for work.

About coms,

It was funny, most of the chats were in watsapp and when some resistance boys  threatened minister montaño, who we nicknamed the "unfuckable one" because shes a really ugly broad, they threw down.

She picked up on the threat and went on national tv calling out the guys that ran the chat, threatening to arrest them. I was on that chat and, man, everybody wanted to bail.

The funny thing was that I explained to these dumbasses that it was too late beause they already had everyones number. I then told them that if we didnt win this thing we were ALL going to jail. so i started insulting the bitch, sending memes and all kinds of crap much to everyones horror.

After that, people started using telegram and signal.

Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:57:32 PM EDT
MOAR. Seriously, thanks for posting this bro.

How did you guys do IFF, i.e., armbands or what? It sounds like you had a lot of blue on blue type incidents.

And in the states, I am assuming most arfcommers could easily be mistaken for cops, based on dress etc
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 9:59:38 PM EDT
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Your report is from the city-town point of view. How did those in the countryside deal with the situation?
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The country side is owned and run by the indigenous population. Most of them were govt supporters. They blocked all the roads leading to our city to cut off supplies.

Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:00:54 PM EDT
Good content OP
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:07:09 PM EDT
Taggage for later!
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:09:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:11:13 PM EDT
Outstanding OP, and very pertinent to right now here in the USA.

I'd recommend Dr. Jordan Peterson's Biblical Series "Order and Chaos" lecture Season 3 episode 2 to help understand too.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:14:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:14:46 PM EDT
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Great info OP. What's the best way to identify and remove the communist players? Top down or bottom up?
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Sadly you cant do that shit anymore. The human rights folks go apeshit and get you nasty editorials in the guardian.

In the 70's our military guys used the national soccer stadium as a detention facility, rounded up the socialists and arranged for them to have fatal soccer injuries. As much as we would like to revive Don Augusto's free helicopter rides, it aint gonna happen.

Listen this is a real pain in ass to deal with
you gotta find the guys with the money, the agitator fuckers, and then find their bosses
and their bosses. Our guys did it and caught tons of people in riots with bags of money.

They went through their phones rounded alot of the higher ups and let them go when they cut a deal with their bosses to end the violence. Its government level shit that all governments are afraid to do.

All you guys have to focus on explaining this 4GW shit to your people so the bad guys lose credibility and so your communities dont freak out. Fight the meme war and point people in the right direction.

Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:18:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:19:29 PM EDT
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MOAR. Seriously, thanks for posting this bro.

How did you guys do IFF, i.e., armbands or what? It sounds like you had a lot of blue on blue type incidents.

And in the states, I am assuming most arfcommers could easily be mistaken for cops, based on dress etc
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Not really, the blue on blue shit happens in the riots occasionally when they find a "buzo" or a suspected one. "buzo" means diver, and thats the name for the infiltrated dudes.

In the street battles, everyone defended their neighborhoods so we all knew each other. We all carried national flags, and our opposition was easy to tell apart given their backgrounds.

The one blue on blue i did have was when a bunch if our kids mistook us for a supply truck full of venezuelan assholes. We almost lost the windshield and had to come out of the truck hands in the air.

Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:23:28 PM EDT
thank you.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:27:09 PM EDT
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Sadly you cant do that shit anymore. The human rights folks go apeshit and get you nasty editorials in the guardian.

In the 70's our military guys used the national soccer stadium as a detention facility, rounded up the socialists and arranged for them to have fatal soccer injuries. As much as we would like to revive Don Augusto's free helicopter rides, it aint gonna happen.

Listen this is a real pain in ass to deal with
you gotta find the guys with the money, the agitator fuckers, and then find their bosses
and their bosses. Our guys did it and caught tons of people in riots with bags of money.

They went through their phones rounded alot of the higher ups and let them go when they cut a deal with their bosses to end the violence. Its government level shit that all governments are afraid to do.

All you guys have to focus on explaining this 4GW shit to your people so the bad guys lose credibility and so your communities dont freak out. Fight the meme war and point people in the right direction.

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I had pure blood lust until I read your first post in the middle of the 7 day riot thread.

Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:31:10 PM EDT
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Did anybody read this?
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Does it come in paperback?
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:31:50 PM EDT
I'm sadly oblivious to strife such as this.  Thank you, tads, for sharing your story.  I have a lot to learn from your hard-earned experiences.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:38:33 PM EDT
tag for later
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:39:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:45:47 PM EDT
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I'm sadly oblivious to strife such as this.  Thank you, tads, for sharing your story.  I have a lot to learn from your hard-earned experiences.
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You know. everyone in the country got dragged into this and it was like fight club, if this is your first night, you have to fight and a bunch if lawyers engineers, architects, accountants, and fucking highschool kids went out to fight rioters and their bit.

Im going to ask a friend to do a write up. She was one of the neighborhood leaders and she actually got roughed up one night by the govt folks.

And if you ask anyone around here, they're just glad that all the bullshit we went through can actually help someone because for most of the normal
folks it was a bit traumatic.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:46:18 PM EDT
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Does it come in paperback?
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Working on it.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:49:40 PM EDT
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Working on it.
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I'd buy it.

Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:51:16 PM EDT
Thanks for posting.

Going to come back to this a few times to make sure I'm getting it all.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:55:10 PM EDT
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I'm sadly oblivious to strife such as this.  Thank you, tads, for sharing your story.  I have a lot to learn from your hard-earned experiences.
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Remind me, did you used to have an avatar that said Orange is the new black and fly an F117? Or am I thinking of someone else?

And I have dishonored this thread with a lack of a personal contribution.

Sorry if the language is a little lofty. I'm just realizing how bloody much I don't know.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 10:56:21 PM EDT
While reading part 1, I couldn't help, but feel uneasy at the shocking parallels we're seeing right now in the US to what you experienced in Bolivia.

I look forward to part 2 and I'm trying to find articles online about "Social Terrorism", but not finding much in English or Spanish for that matter to share on my personal FB. Regardless, that is exactly what we're seeing here and I'm most definitely taking note of your rules and advice. Telling people on a gun forum to not use their gun during the boomanji But it makes perfect sense... we need to up our non-lethal game folks!

What do you think of American ANTIFA? Are they more or less dangerous from what you've been able to gather when compared to Bolivian groups?
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 11:01:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 11:01:51 PM EDT
Thanks OP.
Link Posted: 6/9/2020 11:08:55 PM EDT
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Hey, you guys are lucky. We had no idea what this thing was back in 03 and we learned the hard way. The folks in Chile, Nicaragua and Colombia saw this thing and learned the same way we did. The venezuelans were ahead of the curve and  filled everybody in. Y'all got to reach out to those guys. They seen it.
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My family was friends with some Venezuelans who had the money and sense to get the hell out of Dodge when Chavez began his rise.  I knew to damn that Commie bastard before most anyone had heard of him here.  Things got bad pretty quick once he started to move, it just took years of building before things really kicked off.
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